Newspaper Page Text
OKMi:ur, I)H:ISJ:TOKY. Covernor Lieutenant-! .'overner.. Krcretury of Stalo Auditor Judges clerk Reporter I'irst District iSecoud District •i :1• a: 'tarn UoRer Allin ...John 11. Worst ?,I. l:ii-.! ..frank A. Hiitr Tronsurci (icorjre K. Nichols, Commissioner of Insurance 1'rcil B. Fnnstier Commissioner or Agriculture A. 11. iu ili!iii Attorney Oner.'il John F. Cowan Supt, I'liltU1.! Instructiou Kniiiia !•'. Hales sni'KK.MK i:ot nr. filler Justice Alfrnl Willliil 1 1 J,- Bartholomew (iuy !, II. Corlls It. 1). Moskitis I. M. coohniue rarr-T. C. F. Templeton 1). 1C. M(i' .:ari ...W. li. McComK't! .RUCKS MKTRH'l W. S. i, iii(ier iiutlpriek Hose lUrd District Fourth District. Fifth District Sixth District l!,Ul.l(OAI commission. J. \V. Currie, (leo. 11. Kejcs. John J. Wauiher Secretary ,.\V. 11, Winchester LNrTKl) STATICS SKNATOltS. Ilerrv C. llansltrou^h Gram! 1'orks Vvr. N*. Uirlmore llei.resentallve M. N. Jolmson. I'etershm- I'NITKl) STATICS IliSTllK'T ('OriST. A, D. Thomas, i-'aryo Attorney Tracy Hailfts. (irand l'oi Us iSIarslial veils. Coroner .urveyor (inlfto" ClPrk r, A. Montgomery, l"art J'KI»KItAl« Surveyor Ceneral ..A, lSlewett, Jamestown COUNTY OKI' Il KltS. Sherift Treasurer Auditor "... Judge Clerk i!' inns Hultber Joseph Mann I.auri nee Casselman .1. r. Peterson A. lianartl Court.... Register or I.nUe Kskes 'litis. I'.rady lolm Necklln cCJM.ViissioN wis. O I W 1.1!. Mann coin rv Virst District Second District Third Distric Swan llanson Local !»I- News Remember Arbor day, May 101 h. /"Farmer Litidell, of Waller, dinod at, the Merchants, Friday. Attend tho Gun Club organization, in W.isYUiU No prospect of a steamboat from down river, yot. the auction sate at Otto Wall ill's nc^t Tiiepday. Dry woit'uer at nis time is not diseour ua''t0 tllJ 8'» »'o:n crop prospects. Nlpetcr Grnuir. of Elm Point, dined at the Mere ai ts/Frlciny. A heavy frast Thursday night around Washburn. Postmaster Hohrer, of Coal Harbor, reached W.-^hburn Friday noon, oil his way to the capital city. John L. Ssveatalooh, the faithful helper, at the Merchants, took a lay-off last week iind made a trip to Bismarck, returning Wednesday. Frfcd Maline, one of Turtle Lake's most trifty 'farmers and stockmen, made the Lkadhi:office, a pleasant, practical and profitable call, Tuesday. Oiear Sahlberg and' Nelse Anderson, two industrious fanners of the Coal Har bor neighborhood, were doing business at the county seat, Monday J. 0. Staley has received the eppoint ment from Washington, as postmaster of Staley, the new1 postofficelately established on Snake creek. This point is also a sta tion for the Washburn & Ft. Berthold stage line. Farmer Slielden returned Tuesday from a trip to Bismarck with a load of goods for Nelson & Wahl's store. Mr. Sheldon wan accompanied from Bismerck, by Col. Paterick Burleigh, who- came over from -Lisbon to rusticate for a few weeks among 'old time friends in McLean County. Col. J. C. Dwyer, of this place, and John Nichols, of Snake creek left Wash burn Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, for Mmot, and reashed there at 8 o'clock the same evening. Distance. 90 miles. On their return left Minot at S o'clock, p. m. and reached Washburn at midnight. A relay each way at Nichol's Snake creek :ranch. On Tuesday afternoon both eqes ,.torenes again mounted their chafing char gers and lned tor Bismarck, whore they expected to board a train and attend court rat Dickinson. Editor Wodds came up from Kidtfer county on last Saturday's stage. He found everything lovely up this way. He was much disappointed to ttnd Mr. Sat »-j.vluud at tive hotel and Joe Taylor at the printers' case, instead of in the far-away •a*, :dungeons of Minot, as anticipated possi '.rna hoped tor. This is the first visit of tt Editor up. this wajr since last October when cjj.vfthis bioad smiles and pursuasive w{tys .ikjooked a bi^ hole in the personal! of the Populist County committee, and ruined .guttle pohit":i Mro3pcct8 of mauy or most of », for years if not for over. Sd- Mrs. S. \Y. Hall, h:is been appointed postmaster it Fort Bcrtliold. Ex-commi88iouer Allin and John Nick lin, of Colliding, were doin^f business at ,. county seat, Monday. Bei Wins- the sage of Nottle creek, drove through Washburn, Tuesday, on a, business trip to tha Dry Lakes settlement. Walter LeRoy, of Fort Stevenson passed, up t.hvaugh Washburn. Saturday last from a trip to the capital city. John Olifjney, of Falconer, was up from that lively little burp and took in county capital sights, Monday. r- .. Edtstop-V'ood of the Steele oifiiie"cTe-' parted for Elliowoods Indian Agency on Tuesday's stage. Mr". Jos. A. Hur^um, has been appoint postmisstress of Conkling. Mr. Eliiatt the late postmaster resigning in the lady's favor. The appointment is a fjood one. (X -v-y- Kev. J. A. Diosen will NOT preach at Sverdrup, Sunday, April 28th, but Sun day, May 5th, at 10:30, a. m. He will hold services at Sverdrup sehool house No. 2. John Hammock, of Towner, and Audi tor C.-.ssolman drove down to the capital city Wednesday msrning and from that, plaae will take tho train f«r Dickinson where some court matters, await thom. Kenry Cajapbell, of War.Uburn and James Var.derpole, of Towner, departed for the latter place, Wednesday morning. Mr. Cnmbnll g'oes over to take a position in Johnson & Bro.. livery stable. ^Charley Bellows and Printer Gaylovd of this town left Wodnesday afternoon for an overland trip to Duluth. They started out gaily frem McLean's capital, with three in hand, and a woll greased m,o rif 4 $ J, Vp buggy Contractor M.i'jiuloy, his purchased two more thoroughbreds from Auditor Casselnian, them beinj* tho famed Dannie C!., aiul tho stage manager is now enabled to laud his passengers or expiess within 8 hours from starting iuint to end of his line—55 miles. T. J. Dwyer formerly of the Hudson Bay fur company, came up on Tuesday's, Bismarck stage, from his homo in 800, Michigan. Mr. Dwyer was interested ia ex perimental beavor funning, and ceme up to ioe the much advertised beaver farms of McLean County and get information concerning the possibility of that bus iness. Waving to other business matters^ which take considerable of hi time, and some time call him away from home, Auditor Casselnian has appointed A. H. Wahl, of ho (ir.n o: NjUj 1 A 'V i'i'„ ir. 1 .dep tuty auditor, during the Auditor's absence from his post of duty. Merchant Wahi is eminently qualiliod for tha position tendered. Mrs. Wells, and Mrs. George M. Bob inson, of Coal Harbor, reached Washburn Monday evening. Mrs. Robinson con tinued on her way to the capital city. On her return from Bismarck, Wednesday, a lady teacher of Hall's Indian mission ai Fort Berthold, accompanied her to Coal Harbor. Mrs. Wells remains a few days. H)\ 0 and Mrs. Holtan, of Sverdrup lost their little daughter May, by death from sickness, last Saturday morning. The child was six mouths old. She was bur ied Tuesday. The funeral service was preachpd by Rev. J. A. Deisen. A large coneourse assembled at the house of the bericvud parents, and fully thirty carri ages and teams followed the little one to its last resting place. Jtnl Accident, fc ear Painted Woods. Charley Hoover returned from Bis marck, Tuesday and brought word of a terrible accident near Painted Woods store, in which P. A. Holmes, an old and respscted farmer of that neighborhood lost his life. Frbik what Mr. Hoover could lsatn, Mr. lli-'m returned to his home from Bismarck Monday evening, und in getting from his wa^na to unhitch his team in soma way fell near heels and was kicked to uemh by the animals. Oscar Johnson, who w.-h sv nfir tha ouly person at home, and although says he found Mr. Holm shortly after the accident uuconscious, did not report the matter until after the man's death, th6 next morning. The Bismarck coroner, Webb, entirely satisfied, came up to the not Holm homestead. Wednesday, t» investi gate. Mrs. Holm has been for some time at the Bismarck hospital, and is not ex pected to live long. Their daughter little £'olly il lm, that was, now Mrs C/oorge Rob/i.. .... and resides in Bismarcft. One son of :,Jt. H./I111 li7as uaar or in ECL!-J:I^ li,.v:ij. i:i. 1 toiitt* 7 Volume 5, Number Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota, Saturday, April 27,1895. Whole Ho. 256. Seed Corn for sale near Hancock, N. S. D. Romciii & Bnos. For Sale^—Early Ohio and Early llose I'ot'itoes. John J. I?jbin»on, Coal Harbor. Early pluckod, selected and sntoke dried seed corn for sale by K. W. Adams, of Painted Woods Laudi:. Three Arabs, names nfiknown tho reporter, passed through Washburn Thursday on their way to Minot. Teachers InSt^u^o^fini^held in Wash burn, May. 20th. W. EvHoover will duct it Alfred Staley, of Bismarck, passed up to Snake creek, after a rest at Aashburn, Sunduy. H. D. Corliss, represnnting Nuget. fc Brown, the blank book manufacturers of Duluth, Minn., was in Washburn in the interests of his firm, Saturday and Mon- Our forjier t.owrsmf C. Heffner, of tl Cathay Flouring Mill company, who was visiting in Washburn several days jsst week, departed foJ Cathay, Sunday. Miss Emoierson, ot the missionary society, came up American as far as Washburn on Tuesday's stage and after resting ill Washburn, accompanied Mrs. Robinson, as far as her journey's end. Otto Wallin, returned I Friday from a trip to the capital city. The Coroner was invetigHting the circumstanccs of the death of Hoimes, as he passed Painted Woods store. ^NOTICE OK SA1J-: OF HAY PERMITS. HAy permits for tho use of school and state lands will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder by the county trea surer at the court house in Washburn, on the 8th d'iy of May, li!)5, commencing at 10 a. m. M. D. Williams. Land Commissioner. AN INTERESTING CANE. ftlistle nt of 1,100 Different pifcas Wood, »ud Valued at !$3,o:). Willliaui E. Yale, a wealthy bach elor, has a cane that he carries with him. which undoubtedly the most costly and unique of anything of the bind in the world. The stick contains about 1,100 pieces of wood. Each pieee is cut in si curious ana artistic shape, so that the cane with tha vari ous colored and shaped woods litis a strange appearance. Mr. Yale planned and made the cane, and worlc upon it consumed weeks of labor at different linvs in the eonrsn of several years. Si\ty of tho l,l(() pieces of wood are of groat value to relic hunters. The head ot' the cane is made from a post in the house of .Shakespeare's birth-place at Stratford, England. Set-in the heart is a small lock of white hair from Martha Washington's head, the lock having been given Mr. Yale thirty years ago by Robert E. Lee, a descendant of Mrs. Washing ton. There is a piece of wood from the birth-place of Napoleon, on the island of Corsica, and one from Na poleon's writing desk at St. Helena. Other pieces of the cane came from the Charter Oak, from the home of John Adams, from a chair of Oliver Cromwell, from the home of John Hancock, from the Mayflower, Roger Williams' pew, from a desk of Abra ham Lincoln, from a penholder of Gladstone, from a ruler that Garfield used at. school, from a penholder of Longfellow, from a trunk that La lay ette used during the revolutionary war, from the bed upon which Joii :i Wesley died suid from the guillotine upon winch Louis XVI. and Marie An toinette were beheaded. Mr. Yale spent years and much car a in collecting the relics. He has been offered 82,000 for the cane, which is trulv a wonder. He will leave it to the historical department oi CornelJ university when hs dies. Import-Hit liut Not Kmanttal. At tho other night, there was a temperance lecture in the chapel of one of the churches. 'J he gentleman who was to preside did not show up Itnd a man known to have a deep in terest in tlift temperance caurc was called upon to act in his place. Mr. S. Is a very nervous man who easily g'ets rattled. He struggled to his feet and this is what he said "Ladies and gentlemen—Since Brother is not here to aplc the blessing of God to rest upon this meeting we will proceed with the business and do the best we can without it. Amen." A Uegrgar's Journal. The Paris papers are very numerous and miscellaneous in character, I know, but I was not aware until very recently that the list ingludcu one on titled La Journal des Mendicants. This is daily, each article being signed wit.h the name of its writer, who is ssppoaed to bo a professional beggarl .7 4* There will lie a term of district court May Oth at Washburn at 2 o'clock p. By order of Clerk of Court. Notice. (6834,) Imported English Shiro Horse Registered in Vol. (II) two of American Shire Horse Association Stud Bookj.No. 2(!M. Also CALDEAN (478) Imported Clyd^dale and" registered in Anioiican Clydsdale Stud Book Vol (V) LEAD A.C. IlANAnn. Clerk of Court. Notice to Teachers, There will be an examination, for teaoherVcertificates, at the County Super intendent's office, Friday May 10, 1895. Ada B. Muksod, ttuperintendtmt. Strayed from our place at Hancock, N. .pun- ono yearling colt maw. durk g-rny. Has roman noso information will be suit ably, rewarded. S. I). Kouuu f. Bitot:. SEED BARLEY FOB SALE. SEVERAL 1IUNDKKD bushels good need barley for sale at our place near Hancock, McLean (.'ounty. Price 50 ce it« per bushel. Will trade fur steers. S. D. Koiniiiii Uro. II you contemplate purchasing any Household Furniture send for catalogue of American Furniture Agency, Galena. Kansas. They represent tho most exten sive furniture manufacturers 011 earth, and sell to aujbody at lowest factory prices. The American Furniture Agency retails all kinds of furniture r.t. 25 to 50 per con less than regular retail prices, and ships iL dircct to its customers from tho world's largest furniture factory in Chicago. Large illustrated catalogue for the asking, Address, American Furniture Agency, Galena, Kansas. Lucas, Beardsley & Goj Wi'ham's Old Stand. Prescriptiims enrefHlly com pounded, Night customers please ring front, door. All orders by mail promptly uikonded lo The above Horses will stand for the Season at Coal Harbor. Huniiv Roiiiif.u -a Dr. C. G. Forbes, begs to announce to the people of McLean County that he has now opened up in Washburn a full line of Drugs and Druggists Sundries comprising JUU'SHES, (hair, cloth, tooth, Ac. TAHIjETS, I'ICNS, PENCILS, INKS Lel'AGKS I.K.'l l!» CI.I E. j\ lA M'S Id' HltlCK CK.MICNT, SYRINGES, M'IIIMJKS. OLOKKi C'UAVONK, CIUAKS, SOAI'3. EX I'KESS and I,A I.' N lRY WA X, CAl'lilAiE I'AINT, \VH '.SKHKOOMS, SLATES. WRITING PAPKKS,— in fact a full supply of articles usually kept in a first class drug store. Call and looltover our stuck. AUCTION SALE. I will sell at public auction Tuesday April 30th, 1895, the follow ing: One new Piano binder one Jones mower one new Piano header one stubble plow 800 pounds of twine blacksmith tools and wagon ma terial 3 stoves, room set, dishes and other household furni ture. On all sums above $10, six months time given. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., Tuesday April 30 th,1895. OTTO WALLIN Are You ON THE Free HPiitl iisnaiiipsand ikIiIkbs of 17 List? fHrmcrK ami we will wnd von free every two iveekK (jlll ClOciny |Nt. iiiul if yon iTtiirn Tins AI) ive will also semi I ,\oii a Catalog of llaniess aQU Spsi*- to- 1 MrilNMSMlMMMMil Liu, Article. I'rice. lit GRANUl.ATiiD SUGAR $1 00 27 ROLLED OATMEAh.... .... 1 17 DRIED (5RAPES 1 l(i I)RIKD HirKRANTS 1 TO APRICOTS... I ^5 ELK SOAP 1 4 FRESH CRACK Kf.H a a* s, 'Stove W ode 11 Ware Gr s, Ammunition. 3T :9 FOR CASH AND CASH Hi And the cheapest place i:a Bismarolr to bi Feed and G-rain always on Iiancl. All Steel and X^l Nn. Can f. 7 •M (10 BEST MOCHA-) WA 1 CM •Jn Seed Oats 40 cts. -po_' bushel. s-4ee«i. 7'Tp e* /~~7^r=&&V Call on or write Bismarck, N. D. (OPPOSITE THE SHFuiiUX Jit NKI^NON W.Vfl E A E S A larger Stock Th .Y- Ill C^U A rticli. 10 PVllPUI!.' C( I:N LIMA BKA: a. incou ,J T'K.VKS... SALMONS. ajiiSTio ron J-, Vil c2»Ota.M!Ci LIGNITE RAH8L With New i'iilrm D.iplii t'iiv. 1 £•. HardT7 sopHI 1 •, rmm "vV'iixdo-.-/ III a I W ert 2 31', IE 3i .!• WASHBUEN,. N. D. we have put in And are Selling at LOWER PRICES G-oods Ever Sold for in This Countr". CAHilLi SPRING CLOTHENi Of Every Style and Description at the O S O N O I N O S Where a small amount of money will buy a finer, nicer fitting and more durable oi clothing than from and other house we^t ct the Twin cities. See sign of the Boston, coiv bed|ner Main and Second St., Bismarck. S E HO illere.i. New ||,u E E b. Vt O •yr-'r iL.. ALEXANDER FROMME, Proi? 1 I"C, 1\0 L. C. GREEN, Proprietor. Best Stabling in th& City:, il'P!ltcSt BI• jh jk ... i.irgHl.)s 111 II 12 uiid Harm's tl 1 (7 lies* $4.17. SetKl 15 Cts. :ill(l our IM0 PIIKP Supply at.'ilog, containing over. IIW/juo cuts and jirlces. ..«t express M* 'iBU ti t" tia'ii" 'fiitnr:,- PAPERS FJjOWE 8E ItoliertsSuii- ply House, .Minnea] mils. FOll2o CENTSJ'klaehZ mall 10 .\t ts. 97PAHJ ih i.u:-. i'OK0.7Cl,' j.aiu»ujLWiiau