Newspaper Page Text
'f. Washburn Leader. PUBLISHED KVISltY SSATl' KM A V. BI'I'IHN S.VTTHBI/.ISn. Tilis v:r Is.Kiitere.l .v« S-komiI *."!.t -s .M.,tii'i. tlu IVist-illle :s at ,'.V ish'.mru. .S-.Kt.i H.iU.ita fV.-'Sl Oi" Oil UB«: T."I'tOV ,I»KI('K. 51 I'i.l VI I Fiuley Grant one of the best. k:r wn etl- B'-tt.iolJ. I urn— The Commonwealth. Etlgt-ley Mall 111 Korth Dakota IntlcpeLdeiit. 'J'l 3 Suite press are sayirg many trood wortls for the departed editor who has !ain do\v:i Ins pen for ever. T!ii Greek and Turkish wn continues to excite interest throughout Europe, but nothing of great moment has happened since the defeat of the Greek army at Larissa. Peace rumors are rife, and it may he that the Greeks—virtually fighting all of Furope—will lay down ri'KSKII 111 OOII, Tn recent, interview with Mr*. Miry Ellen Lease, concerning the recent, disas ter in (Htlahoma. where so main settlers !. st t^f ir lives n) their k*The pfp1e Look a». Jehovah is in these things? If he bed been pleased with these people would he have wash"d away their homes with ai: pi flood whe t.hev asked for a shower to save their crops?" Wife of Nanson. Plillatlt-ln'iia 'rim-s. Of TV. N nnsons's wife not much information has fonnd its way into print. Shf* seems to h"v' a very C'^P rl*-v devel op''ti tf»Ffe for nnhlicitv. liufc what, is Viiown of her is inter esting and indicates t.h rt. she. is an uncommon woman hotli in talent and cnira'^r. Tt is r« cord"(l by Dr XiiTson's l»!o jrranhers. Bfo?rr»r ni-| tl at his first meetinsr w*ih his future wi'e was in the wnmls about Froofner Septur, where observing,* the soles of t.wo f'-"*t 81,ickinsr UP out of the festivals natural curiosity, in time 1o head of Eva, Sars married in most concerned about him were the seasons of his greatest peril. That implies a telegaph ic communication born of in' tense sympathy and solicitude, the* possibility of which science seems no longer disposed to deny $ «, 'y it rs in lli« Slate. dud nt Fiiiuo. S-'utidin. 1 uith wits i.«fnl i-y typhoid ft-vi aflt -i,,,,! to any oiliee. if it does not suit their ownjl'i'i'iuiiinis 111 course of collcctlon several weeks illness, tie i-tiited— 1:1 .,,.,1 ri--.tioiiUsltni never see any "ood I 1 continent. Bnt. the (jrend of tha whit.« ui ht to be tiio greut aim of all Indian man prompted him to possess it for his 11 ^ents. It is not necessary lor a in ui own nse mid the Indian was force-,] to jro. ledum t.o I lie Ind.'ans on the SilO^'*. hf approached them Willi jtion when lie for tt brief time tiirows emerge frevi 88 v]' f(Sr h* Ji, ftt I iOJ, don't take it to a tailor's shop, onr Uncle is a practical farmer, linder stands the management of stock to per fiction ar.d the raising of every kind of I crop that (lie fertile slopes and dales of !!nr'oij comit\\e:ui'prouueu. No tttr he iiitiuds to iny before the Indians as mottoes: irJn rn b.-.!i s:.--t.-.h.".wi!c*i iv'iot,, Nn tnkin ua nekaiieiisik otist Na lalui nn iiekanenesuiia hu liasi.-it, Mu tilcu mi iickaneiiesitan I am not, familiar with the langua bnt ihiuk I can make out. sufficient i,n1 a. snow bunk. Dr. .Nanson was .. after his return from his successful expedition across Greenland. When he pfarted out 'n the From, in 1893, his wife. at hoii.e at Lysa ker. n"-ir ''bristia.nia, with one. child, tnrnetl for occupation to the development and u«e of her jarifts as a, singer, and with nota ble success. scar. of Sweden, is one of 1 "(In irers. and especially likes her singing, which he has often heard, and since she has been in England the compliment has been paid her of asking her to sing before the Queen. She is a staunch backer of her ad venturous husbaud, whose de parture on his perilous errand cost her anxieties and misgiv ings as to which she said little at the time. Since her hus band's return she has. some times spoken in conversation of her fears, and has said that care ful comparison^ Dr. Hansen's diary with with her record or $• rsmerhbrance of her own seusa tions bears her out in the belief that the times when she was the Thinlre "V^7"pll f\"f* "WT»TI :CJ AII.MEN |W the v-iu- inline 1 K'Oi.'iiiliei" v/ t!ll LJ. xu.ij.ll. 'Q 3lst, A. BISMAUCK. N. I).. May •!. 18^7. VDITOI: litjiiw:: hears tin.' in the man appointed 1 tint njffiit". in every sense of (ho word- If'" su(!h e.-itiniale of'hi.s abilities as an a^rici'iltura 1 nartmeiit ,. 1 1 1 .1 Ail ether liabilities list. 11111.1 'veneral n:ai:a'rer can be hud than by taking a look over.his lar^re farm at Mc.Keiiiiie, v.-hich is a model of perft ction. clean find well cultivated, and PRODUCING HE-nus by every year N crop that docs credit, to 1 flcrods Hi cyclones, she saitl: owner and the district,. Therefore, (he of Kl Kfiio, who prnvd (iliin^ \.i new position, ho is (ha riyhti dn ily tcr rnni. or^ht to huve l,efii liuikl- ninu in thu light place, and with Inud. That WHS the last, spot of jjronnd jthe, lie-* principal of husbandry, and us, '"aid for taxes .... Il4,S4)lii left, for »lie Icdians. Th had been in a measure teach them to become more driven there from every qnnrtei of the independent mid self sup[ortiiig, which Then God frowned on the Territory. ingredients nf he soil such as aciil. nitro-Total am'.'init of losses paid thu' in1 the year 8.305 54 STATU OF ORT3I DAKOTA. i. ted in Oklahoma look nt, the drouth: humus and nil the different mum hinentsjori-'ic'r. OK COMMISSIONKII »I-' LSSMTAJFFU 1. V. P.. t'anchei'. eoiinnissiou.'-r of insurance 'of tiie state of North Dakota, do le-reliy certify the delnpe at Gnthrie, El Tieno and else- lecjuired is to till the soil well and the tint the foregoing is a true idistract of the where. Do yon doubt. t'i«t. the h"n 1 of fertile prairie will do the rest Ihe crime hut. has iieen coirmit-.-i en, i-iiice. iime. potnsh and veto. laii" ted in Ol'.Iahom.i look nt, the drouth: hnmi look at the disaster at. f'hi'"t|t«r: look nt. I to produce a b'ad-^ of yrass—all that is Now Uucie is possessed of ail t!:i.-: knowledge and he will insist, tin cailii:^ a spade a spade, and will practice what he preaches. Of cou:se-the major may find the ways and costumes of the liuiiaus so.,.e\v!iat t,lie above thai the mottoes are excellent.- v(uki pen aside the red tape of formalins of his with the dusky maidens I of tlie fort-sf, and trips the li^ht fantastic in an Irish ji^. or smys witii ins ac- customed gusto the march of the men O'Hnrlecl and then sittiny with the fam ous Wolf Chi:-f and Son of the Stars, soine other son, smofeint: the pipe of peace and anon giving them one of hi-* hearty ha ha's which make the welkin r:n^. and some noblo red mtm seek the woods. My iiaiid to yon major. I wish you health peace and sweet Content in your new undertaking. POLAKIS, BL iOZSMITHING-, AND GENERAL REPAIRING, At the old stand,all work will, begiveu my prompt attention. CllABIiEB GBIFKITH. Pro BLACKSMITH AND Wagon Shop. E. E, Morris the shoe man three doors east ol the Tribune, receiv ed another large con signment of Ladies Fine Shoes in Black and Ox Bloods- G-iv® him a call and exam ine goods and prices. I).. IMM. The ireat tree wliic'i North aktita, In pursutmccof the law., .Hi "-fi lit St it tr golden fruit, nt. tlic ti.Mt i'Hinli 'J'!'y \V. r»ni:^,lu: liul lit: lei-nlt. tuiti hecn the falling of 1 lit nut itnl SJi'ii pippin fc-r Burleigh county in tii- siiapu the appointment point: incut nf the Htm. Tt'i'miis liichimls (tuater known as ''Uncle Indian agent nt, Tommy") art There are 11 few churlish individual* who Vi,s'! 11 selfish mind:!, and I have heard a few: due aeerr.ed croakers astir in Hismarek over t'10 up pointmi^nt, but ilten npoii the whole it consider that a f.iI-ITI-• 1- in the best man to:l.-iss".'. resisted bv tlic It ought to be the a position. aim of the covernmenfc to teach Indian* iiow (o farm thoroughly, and 1:01111 but Dtcluct re-iiisui':m--e of the coacllilon unit «M mlrs til t'ie I.IWVOMII ,• 1/ LIDOI) & luiie li 1 1 i- 4 I l.n- of till" TCinwlom :f Gloat l.iltalll, m:ic to tile 't-.iiiiih sitm-l' of luunIi'!' of till' r-tin. (•vpml In:* natl such ft »Min.*- AU«»riie for ^I'vi.-c in the State of/North Un it'." uuit it siln.u. tlif» main 111 Mi'imcer. I'l'iui'lpai tifti:-? .15 Wlllam Stii-t !. Now York, Aiini'.'. Commissioner of Insurance, l.ticatinii. isisni'artk, N. 1). Organized in1 in.-til |tiratcil is "6. iiiumem-ed lmsin ss in (Jiilteil .States, lM'J. C. PITATi. Nut applli'alile in U. S. statement. ASSETS. Fort Value of rnal estate owned by the company $1.7:10.(10000 Loans on ln'mils and mortgases 3.",7fi.l4i S7 United states slacks ami iiimds 1,S43.2!M) Od ••itatf. Citv. ('onntv and otlier bonds PKI9.474 00 sj( ,ioi 52 iM"' bank (Interest due anil art-rued Ail other sums due the company a a lias niven satisfaetion t.o the majority. There is 10 doubt whatever but Uncle (iro-'c t-labus for losses Tommy will make a very able anil t-llici Ti.tal liabilities RECEIPTS. IM-emiuins received (hiring the year j,, I-FISLI t-H^ ill) mi nrk. 1 iielicve iu prayer, but, wli-it. knowledge of the ciiinatc ai.d Hut most I.--:se:-. pai-l tiurin the year $ 2,8'2.317 54 -M a a r niockery snch prayer is in Oklahoma. advautn}j eoii.s system of cropping the ... ... :!7i c,'i The curse of the Almiahtv rests upon thai Miil will be able to lay before the Irdians^'ai'1 f"i' salaries, fees aetl all other 1 I /lllI'lDir unioue at first,, but, tilts will wear off ii. a e.oip. rii'.iou oryrinizetl under the !nv: .- a I a tune. Ayain. he will not, laid much difi- ••—roru statement exhibiting Its cully in }:('Uirin^ 'Ave initKimgt*. wns horu in VVaU iitti, 1-nou-ledire tf lh-»l"ll1'1 l)-'8.702 43 111,11011 00 48 cmfonu.thle to ie requirements of the iliiwsnf this st ttu refill.iti':i« tin: im-iness ol' in- snt'.'inil the Welsh lai!£Un is similar t.i. Whereas, 'i'll he lice. I met the ovjor in town last wet 1 l.e said "rlow Jolin?'' just as plain asjS"^',j.lV_ t'icrrf:r. I, !. Kaneli."'. Counnis ,• I.-.. u- ... i. .. sinneL' of insii ance of the st.ite of North a row lies High coulJ iia\e spt.kf-n Dfvsi^int to the prnvisioiis of saitl laws. fiy the way he is study lay iiee handed mo,lollowint exlrnc.t. from Koran or some other Welsh Bible which te.e :iist tlay'of Dei-cniber, A. 1). L'atal assets Onnsite /lerchnnts Tint el Wnshl nrn N Due for taimnissions a.'itl lirokoiage 48,415 5d uposne /lercnants iiotet, aeiiLBrn jn. Fine Horse Shoing a Speciality and the work warranted to Kive satisfaction, also Agent for Piano Machines, and Binding Twine. LUKD EHKKB, Pro.' a11 ss LIABILITIES. itijuiled ami luipaitl Cross claims a lid losses upon whiHi no iictlan lias been taken 1,418 91 company UJ.7.V. (HI Total "i-ns-i amount of claims for losses 872.0,-1 IS practical can do so. We all bi.O'.vj ti':'r.'iei'!|,'': '"I""1 ar,5,ens 25 that when i.ur hors.-. rcfiuire shoeiiiLf wemnomif of iinpai-l losses •$ nifi.,0i 9! 'Amount of i:r:earne:l premiums oil Now} ai! "iitst.-'iKlin rl iks iDiiefoi* commissioiis aii-l broker a--e ino'.itit le b!e by iti-nired or iH-rpi lual iiiMiraii' poreies he iiiu '. r, per cent of piviaiur.i or tle o-isit ci iveti et p--''ii',!iim'!-ve an all other lialiilUics except c:ip :lunderli. siu anee or any other special t!e- 3,92.S,272 09 154.012 93 330.013 0( $ 5.370,OSU S3 nd tlivlilemls received tiiirim the year .... 25S.970 1.1 in I!euts l'eceivetl tlurln the year r7,05S 2) f,i .",'io:',71-1 1.7 Total rm-ipls LIABILITIES. I cliargiv ill .. R29 14 Total disbursements S •i.55*,!:C3 50 NtHlT'H DAKOTA BUSINESS. Total ris':* talsen (lurln-f the venr $ j,44tt.sos 00 Tola! premiums received during the veal' 27.5F7 OS ,t11't.tal losses, incurred during the vear ori 'lual statein- lit now on tile in this otli'-e. In 'lestiiuony.whereof. I have hereunto set my linml and iilli.v.'d the seel of this t-ili- at 15is mareU this '..'.Uii day of Siare'ii A. I). 1X97. ll"' \Mt iij,e in j[.s l_ i-'. 1!. FAN HE Cennr.issi-ner of Insurance. I.. It 1."... 1! STATU OF NOiil'II DAKOTA, I. OrrtfH t-' CIIMMIISSIOSKI: OK INSUCANCI-: COMPAMV. cttirmTCATT: LJV'Tpooi OF lid company lias li'e I th's olic" a -'illy ee ti'ied copy c.f its cha ter with "e'. tiii.: ite of oi'rani/.aSinn hi cnmpli:i:ic.e with tile reiir.ii'eiacat of the in.-iu.'anci' i:i\vs afore- lst7. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and seal at lUsmarck, this 2ml tlay of February A. 1: U0\ |SKAL.' I". 1. FAN(, 'II'-b. CoainilKsioner of insunince. Ily T. II. Pooi.n, Deputy. 'uatr,. riTATKMENT for the year ndlntr Decembi itS :)l*t. A. i)., IH'.W, 'f tint condition and alfal ndlnfi December alfalrs of fromis-'df |]1(. Niagara 1-ire 111 ,t:ranee C'timiiany I iVs:auiz»'d under the laws of It. will do ones heart jjood to »ee him atlwbsioiit of Insiirancee of the State of North HII'I carnivals oil the reserva- m:„ie to the Coin- Dakota, in pursuance of the laws of said htate. President, llaralti Horni"k. Secretin1ieoi'-'t' W. Dewey. N ice i'lesid' iit. (leorifo C. Horn. i'liiicipal ofln e, .o5-7, llroadway. New vork, Attoiiiey fer service in the State of North I ii,n: Name, Commissioner of Insurance. Location, jiisiiiaick, N. D. Organized or li-.eiu'pointeil .iuly._ 1S50. tiitiiiii ncod business, August 1S5S. CAPITAL. I- Amnuiit of rapital Stock paid up in 1 lull 1 ... $ 000,000 00 ASSETS. VRW, 1:!iti!tC.OWn.C1 '7 for Tire Itisks U,r $ 1182.00) 00 l.oanstin bonds and mortitage 1'^S,'-*00:.00 United Stales Stocks and liniids 1 ltiiiir.iatl lU.' and Stocks state, city, county and other bonds 1)45,730 00 bank Stocks. 1 otlier Corperatioii stocks i.t.iins on Collatteral Socurlty ash on iiantl and iu bank 123,430 17 Interist due and accrued 5,S78 08 rreini-iiiis course of collection anil transmission 257,517.00 Hills receivable, not matured, taken 1 IJents :lue ami accnrcd All ot'uCi sums due the company RECEIPTS. l'l^ni'iini:: rccelv 'il diiiia the year (Vsli $1,5G3„720 C1 Inter .iiid nils received (llir\!!i the yi'.ir .... 30,939 11 l!ents ret civetl iluilu tlic year 19,707 10 Ti-tal r(C"ii ts $ 1,023,360 S2 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid durlufr the year $ 779,129 99 Dlvldcntls paid dtirl*K the year 49,»!I0 00 I'aid for ''oinnitssion and isrokerajre 305,073 9U l'aitl for salaries, fees aiul otlier t!har! es 144.320 00 I'altl for taxes 37,S08 8S Amouiit of other disbmseiiieiits 127.533 0!) Total rtlshursmeiits 1.444,088 77 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS. 317,387 00 Total risks tlnri'in the year Total p-omiuiiis rec.'ived during the a Total losses lucu-ved durins the year Total a 11101 nt o.f losses paid during the year 1,479 OS .. TO 5 1)3(1 08 8,372 «0 12,022L3» LIABILITIEB. Uros claims for losses, adjusted and unpaid tiross claims fur action 1 has been taken token Losses resisted by the Company Toial hi oss amount for Losses S lt!8,510 Deduct reinsurance and salvage claims (hereon' 21,37175.,. Net amount of unpaid hissc.*,, Amouiit of uneailied preiniums on all oiitstandinir risks I) for untiaitl Dividends 1 $ 117.1S8 52 iiaMUtios, rfliisuiaiice nu- paid :i:i 3'i, reinsurance for con tingent Habiiity, $50,000 (IOh'-w .- 09 43!) 00 1,487,030 74 LOUIS LARSON,! DEALER IN K% Boots &Shoes, And all Kinds of Foot Wear. mm'. Main St Bismarck 0,037 39 •_\S04 35 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, or KICK OK COMMISSION!'.!! OK 1 XsriiANCK. I. F. 1!. Ffinclier. Commissioner of Insulale-e of the Stale of North Dakota, tlo hereby certify that tin* foreiroing is a true abstract of tlw oil [.'ill -. I statement now o-i liie in this ofllco. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand ami affixed the s"itl of this office at Ills marck, this 27thdnv March, A. 1897. F. B. FANCHFH, [SKAI.] Commissioner of lusuruncc. STATE'OF NORTH DAKOTA, OI'I-'ICK OK COMMISSI' OK INSI ItAM K. COMPANY'S CEBTICATS OP AUTHOBITY. Whereas, the Niagara Fire Irs'irance Com panyof New Yolk, a corporatl-'ii organized nil tier tile laws of the State of ew York, lias ITled in this office a sworn statement 'exhibiting its condition end lmsisiness for the year ending 1 eceiiibcr 31. 18:-Ki, coiifoiinable to the requlrc !!:i -its of the law- of this State regulating the hii: 1'iess nf Insurance, and. Whereas. The said Company lias llletl in this t'Siee a duly ee: till tl copy of its charter with t' requirement of the insurance laws afore sl'i Now. Therefore, 1 F. 15. F.mcliei Commis si -lie of Insuraiice of theStiite of Nortli Da t-la. pursuant to the provisions of saitl laws, tin i:t- ehy certify that the above named tuu- 1.i i.907 -!R puny is fully empow red. through its aut!oriz®iI 2:9,570 0.1 ageirs to transact its appropriate business of Fire insurance ill this State, iic'ordlng to the laws thereof, uitil the 31st day Of December, oo A. i. tS97 in testiinony whereof, I he'-euiito set my hand and Sea' »t IJisniarck, this 2sth tlay January, A. I). 1SK7. FJ5. FAN'CIIFI!, K'i.| Commissioner of Insurance. T. I'ooi.i:, Deputy. -vS !/*V Mi)", 51 m'-.vjsmvx/jT" AfJTiroKiry. an'! Londoi. »nd Whereas. ...<p></p>'Tho itilobe insurance Company of Liverpool, I'-ii -., n-^-|iii:etl uildt:-!' the inws ''1 t'le in this '*onditi'-l) '•fnl'til1' J'""1' ending 1 e.-eniber 3!, Best ST PAUL A N MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO. NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. XT 3xr THROUGH CARS —TO— 4 St. Paul Minneapolis Fargo Grand Forks Duluth and' Winnipeg. TO Helena Butte Spokane Seattle Tacoma Portland Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars On All Through trains Northern Pacific Time Table i* Mountain Tim« TJOI.Vti I!A8T Atlantic, N 12:40 GOING WGHTt V}7-] '/•. 'K: Pacific Mail, No 1 1,235,074 89 292 0 Through ticbeta to Japan and Chmn, via Tacoina and Northern Pacific Steamship Co, an American Line. For rates, Maps, Time Table* or Bpecia! Information apply to Agent. Northern Pa cific Bismarck, N. D. Clias. 8. Fee, General Passenijer and Ticket Agent. I CHARLES T. STALEY AGENT FOS Geb.Adams,& BurkeCo Live Stock Gommission Chicago, 111 MEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY! SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, CAPS, A W A E GEO. L. ROBINSON, O A A O N FRANK 6. 6RAMBS, S O E S S O O IIeiii*y -W. Gi'ambs, Heavy and shelf Hardware, Barb Wire, and N A I S Ww V, V^vwiagililWii. •AISTJLGRSRIOS Windmills, Pumps, etc. C. B. LITTLE, President, 'F- D. KEKDRICK, Vice President. (OPPOSITE THE SHEKIDAN HOUSE.) Bismarck, N. D. JT®- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ——.ii— I --i To Whom it May Concern. I have this day taken charge ef the entire business of John P. Hoagland, Lnmte Dealer, as Trnatee for the purpose of collecting all accounts and notes due him and paying his indebtedrcFS ficm paid colhctiocs.' The bcsinci-B will be rvn by me a CASH Uasitt uutil all debts are paid and then be tnrned over to Mr. Hoagland. AI] parties owing him are urgently requested to make immediate settlement in order tte hb may resume and do business in his own nanae A lull line of Lumber, Building ^Material and Fuel will'kept in 11«. k' Yours Truly, C. B. LITTLE, Trustee. January 28,1696. ,- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. BISMAItCK, TV. I. Foreign Drafts Bought, and Sold. 'GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. W. A. Shortfidge & Ely, Special Attention Given to Small Shippers. Prompt-Sales.lS^^^fciM^ 1 DULUTH, MINN, CI ^Tl^It •FTOIJISE. -, BISMARCB^ IM. TD. DILLON, Cashier. SS-'M. G. GREEN, Proprietor Rates $1 per disty- Good beds- Everything neat and clean- Nearlthe Depot- Best plaod in the city for the price, PYE, Assistant Cashier. Wi mM Vr liM1'