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4 HALL'S Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Beautifies and restores Gray Hair to its original color and vitality prevents baldness cures itching and dandruff. A fine hair dressing. B. P. Hall & Co., Props., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Druggists. LDDD POISON A SPECIALTIES BLOOD, roiSON JIT.T.DU permanently jRurcdlnl6to86dav!!.Tiucanbotrcatcilu no mo for lame price under same guaraa* ty It you prefer to come here we tflllcott* noehai cury.lodid® potash,, and (till have aches and Bains, Mucous ratchet In mouth, Sore Throat. Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part or thebody, Bair or Eyebrows fuliinr out, it Is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the moBt obsti nate cases and challenge the world for case we cannot cure. "TBls disease has always teffltd the sklllof th6 most 6niiD6&t phvii* Clans* #500,000 capital behind our uncondk* tlonal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY COZ |0H Maionio Temple, CHICAGO, w-i- "Oldest and Besf'-Ooifiiters in the Northwest Established 1867. GUNS, AMMUNITION. SPORTING* GOODS, Boats, Tents, Camp Outfits. Fishing Takle, Kodaks. Lowest prices on all Qoods. Send for Catalogue. M. F. KENNEDY & BKOS, Cor. Kobert and Third Sts., St. Paul, Minn. CURE YOURSELF! & dtjn.^ Use Big for unnatural I discharges, iotiamjuationt, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. conufioa. Painless, and not astrln- ftTHEEvN8 OHEMIMtCo. ««»t or poisonous. I Mold fcy DraRlats, or sent In plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for, or 3 bottles, f2.7?». Circular sent on request. npn QfiV NEW DISCOVERY: sins VlmWI^O I quick relief and cures worst cases, fiend for book of testimonials and 10 _. _" days* treatment Free. Dr. ••is.aiiBurssoRfc U'ut*. fca. ROOFING -.1 The best Red Rope Roolw fw le. per so. ft„ caps and nails ln« nrt*4- 8nb»t'tntes for Plaster Samples free. ths FAY •MILU -"""•"'T fsiiu.n r. GFTRICII Quickly.Sendfor"3M Invention* wanted." niUII Edgar Tata ftCo.,2ti Broadway,New York. Sympathy. At a wedding ceremony several wo men present were moved to tears by the address of the' clergyman. "Papa," whispered a little girl to her father, "what are those ladies crying for?" "No doubt they are married them selves," was the reply.—Boston Trav eler. A. Vegetarian King. King Humbert of Italy is a vegetar ian. He lives almost entirely on bread, vegetables, and fruits. He is forbidden to drink coffee, and his only beverage le a little wine and plenty of water. Tangled Pedigrees. Crawford—Did you hear what drove him insane? Crabshaw—He went to Chicago and tried to compile a social register. The succcss of an educational institution is indicated in no small degree by the numbers who givo it their patronage from year to year. A consultation of tho record books of the New England Conservatory of Music. Boston. Mass., reveals a student membership of somethtsg like 0,000 sinco its foundinr. with a present at tendance of from 1,600 to 3 000 annually. This evidence, when taken in connection with the careful work done at the Conservatory, is con vincing proof of the efficiency of the school and makes it little wonder that its reputation is world-wide. Philadelphia makes its own gas at a cost of 77 cents a thousand feet, and It Is sold to consumers for $1.25. Educate Your Bowels with Casesttts, Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, 10c. If C. C. C. fall druggists refund money. The" consumption of wine In Nlmes, France, averages a bottle p. day for every man, woman and child in the city. ALASKA I Miner's Guide to the Gold Fields! nnd latest authorised map, showing different ro'iies. All about Placer Mining, Outfits, Rstes, Etc., by mall 20o. Taylor Publishing Co., Box 2814. St. Paul, Minn. People who are troubled with sleepless ness should drink cocoa, Instead of tea or coffee, at the evening meal. Dr. J. RINDLAUB, Specialist, Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Fargo, N. Dale. Recruits for the Chinese army will not be accepted unless they can leap a ditch six feet wide. Ne-To-Bso tor Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit nun, makes weak nisn strong, blood pur*. Sue, tl. All druggist*. There are 147 Indian reservations In the United States. Coe'a Cough Balsam Is the oldest and best. It wiU brsak np than anytblnjSlse. a eeld qnloksr It is always nllabte. Try It. Chicago gaming houses are now euphon iously designated as "speculation par Ion. »»r«»MMSEftsffiingIs5t!B»M£g«n£fa'£^£iiiiiaia. pride dat I kin never forgive. antton^Uayspain,eon*wlados&o. Masataabottla Weary Walker—Wot QOiUO VI. "ID v* dies are so large that they devour small /birds.. Awsnfed Highest Honors—World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Pair. ••Hii m'' ft CREAM BAKING j.A av. iV Aft fi t1 A Pin wV.tfW 'hv^V. NWB Cresaef Tartar! 40 0TJR BUDGET OP FUN. SOME GOOD JOKES. ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. An Increase In Heat or the Retort to the Man Who Got Fired—An Insult Kesented—Planning a Restful Time— Getting It Bight, Etc. The Candidates. TALKING 'bout en vironment And other things ez queer, And how some folks is influenced By seasons of the year Jest watch our friendly candi date, And every time you'll see Hdw jest afore elec tion He's ez good ez he kin be. He seems a sort uv average man In ordinary times— A chap ez how you seldom see A spendln' uv his dimes. He ain't egzactly famous for His broad philanthropic But jest afore election He's ez free ez he kin be. When he walks into Coffee John's The heelers near and far, To hear his idces on reform, Crowd in around the bar And where's a freer-hearted man In all the town than he, For jest afore election He's ez good ez he kin be. Since business is so sluggish like Ana summer came so late, ion,t know -what we would do .Without the festive candidate With his smile so set and stiddy, And his glad, outreach in' hand. He sheds a sort of radiance Wherever he may stand. We hev to take him ez he is— Leastwise that's my idee— And that may be the reason Why his beamin' face we see. But after he's elected— It makes me sore to say He wants not our acquaintance Till next election day. Getting: It Bight. They were riding on the rear seat of a Collamar car, and were strangers to each other. One of them was short and stout the other was a man of me dium size, to whom everything along the route seemed to be new. As they were passing along near the car barns the medium sized man looked up at the fine residence upon the bluff, and. said: "Do you know who lives in that large house up there, with the big veran da?" "That big brown house?" the other returned. "Yes." "You mean the one with the porch running clear around it?" "Yes do you know who lives there?" "The third one from the end of the row." "That's it." "I mean the third from the westerly end of the row." "Yes, that's the one I mean." "That one with the green awnings?" "Yes." "Let's see! Blar&ed if I know who lives there." The medium sized man said no more, but he looked as if he wanted to fight.— Cleveland Leader. All Twins. The tramps who "lost everything in the Mississippi floods" are now abroad in the land. One of them approached a benevolent old gentleman in Atlanta Sunday. "And you say," Baid the old gentleman, "that your children were drowned in the flood?" "Yes, sir," re plied the tramp, wiping his eyes with his coat sleeve "seventeen of 'em, sir!" "God bless me!" excldlmed the old gen tleman, "you are a young man scarcely 30, and "I know it, sir," inter rupted the weeping tramp, "but they wuz all twins."—Atlanta Constitution. Besented. Sorry Sawyer—From dis day Tired, Taggsey an* me Is mortal enemies. He offered an insult to me perfeshunal Some of the spiders of the East In- de Insult? Sorry Sawyer—I wux snnnln' mese'f on dat board pile, an' he asked me it I wuz takln' a sun-bath.—Up-to-Dat?. 73§i WUT de natUTjlV P's1"1'"! Baatfnl Time. "Well, I did as yon requested—told your wife she must go to the moun tains." 'I hope you fixed it so she won't take me with her." "Yes I told her that she ought to fin* a big mountain, and have it ail to herself.'^—Chicago Record. T"""~ Particular* Wanted. "Little Blnks is going to marry that very t*H Miss Hopkins." "Goodness! 'How did he court her— with a stepladder or a telephone Chicago Recor^. Bo.ton. of OoaiM. "Pretty polly!" said the lady. "Can Polly talk'" "Polly," replied the Boston parrot, can conTewe."-ta«an»P°J«» Annual. 'i-r: ir «r Only a Question of Time. A colored exhorter who was holding a revival meeting in a Georgia town approached by a member of ^is congregatioh, who said: "Bre'er Williams, dey didn't like yo' sarmont las' nffeht." "Dey didn't?" "No, suh—dey didn't*" "Why^-what been de matter wid it?" "Well, suh, you took an' said dey wuz folks in dat congregashun dat would be in hell fo' sunup!" "Did I say dat?" "Dat's what you did." "Well, I declar' fer goodness!" ex Claimed the parson, "my intention wuz ter 'low 'em ten ciys!"—Atlanta Con stitution Why He Feela Better. "I see by the papers that the daugh ter of Bullion, the banker, has become engaged to an English nobleman." "The dickens you say. By George, you don't know what a load you've taken oft my mind." "I don't see how a matter of that kind can concern you." "You don't eh? Well, it's this way. I've got most of my money in Bullion's bank and for some time past I've sus pected that he was in financial straits. This engagement of his daughter to an English nobleman puts an end to all doubt concerning the old man's affairs. He must hltve. money to throw into the ocean."—Cleveland Leader. On Time. "Are the trains on this road running on time?" asked the manwho had el bowed his way to the head of the pro cession at the ticket office. "Yes," replied the man behind him. "That's just what they are doing. I understand that the receivers got an other extension from the creditors last week."—Washington Star. An Increase In Heat. 'ilojack—Does your employer treat you as warmly now as he did at first? Tomdik—More so. Hbjack—Indeed That's good. Tomdik—\es. He fired me yesterday. —Up-to-Date. Her Conclusion. "There's on$ thing, however, that I can't quite understand," said the Rev. Mr. Choker. "What's that?" Mrs.Van Scadds In quired. "Why, it is this: Every time I get back to my church after being away upon a vacation tbe members of my congregation seem to be even better than they were before I left." "Well," the thoughtless lady'sald, "I suppose it is only natural that the rest should benefit them, as*well as you."— Cleveland Leader. Where the Shell. Fell. The old man's eyes blazed as he told the story. "There we were," he said, "with the shells falling all around us." "I didn't know you were in the war," broke in a bystander. "I wasn't," replied the old man promptly. "I was at the circus and these were peanut shells." It was generally conceded that the old man had scored the first point.— Chicago Post What Is Needed. They, had been discussing the ad vancement of science. "I see it is claimed that they can get electricity direct from coal now," sug gested the lawyer. "That won't do us any good," re turned .the railroad manager. "If we cOuld get cdal direct from electricity now we wouldn't have to worry about the strike."—Chicago #bst. •M •?. Woe. of a Wanderer. Watts—You surely do have a good time nothing to do but eat and sleep. Weary Watkins—Yas thaff all I got to do, but I'd rather put In some of the Hm« drlnkln*.—Indianapolis. Journal. Too Smooth, "Why have- you quit riding the bi cycle with Miss Smoothly, Dick?" "She knows the town too well. She would pilot me to an ice cream parlor In the quietest residence district I could find-"—Detroit Free Press. .• %«ktefatt "What* makes you speak o£^is Wisely as a .diplomat?" "Because among her best friends are the men whom she has refused to mar*, ry."—Detroit Free Press. JJ ,$» How^o Assist. "Congress doesn't seem to accelerate the coming of prosperity very rapidly." "No It woup do better to adjourn and help get In the cropa."—Chicago Patent* Issued. List of patents issued last week to Northwestern Inventors: Joute L. Bouna, Wannri, S. D., horse detacher Albert W. Urnsli, Newark. S. !., elevator bucket Frank Carlson, Duluth, Minn., pan or plate Inter Cormvell P. Chase, Minneapolis, Minn., permutation padlock Henry Grey, Du luth, Minn., apparatus for rolling met allic beams, columns, srirders, etc. Thomas D. and A. S. ft/--t!all, Minne apolis, Minn., bicycle Jeris C. Nielson, Viborg, S. D., liquid sterilizer Henry E. Townsend, Gettysburg. S. I., bridge for musical Instruments Nelson Witts, Alma City, Minn., rotary engine. T. D. Merwin, Patent Lajwver, !)10 Pioneer Press Buiicling, St. Paul, Minn. The Yachtlnic Craze. "Darling is an experienced yachts man, isn't lie?" "I should say so! You ought to see his collection of champagne corks."— Chicago Journal. Confinement .and Hard Work Indoors, particularly in the sitting pos ture, are far more prejudicial to health than excessive 'muscular exertion in the open air. Hard sedentary workers are far too weary after office hours to take much needful exercise in the open air. They often need a tor.ic. Where can they seek invigoration more certainly and agreeably than from Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a renovant particularly adapted to recruit the exhausted force of nature. Use also for dyspepsia, kidney, liver and rheumatic ailments. Jn»t the Opposite. Kilduff—I hear that Tenspot is culti vating liis garden religiously this year. Mullins—The report is wrong. I heard him swear while weeding the ether day.—New York World. Bead the Advertisements. You will enjoy this publication much better if(you will get into the habit of reading the advertisements they will afford a most interesting study and will put you in the way of getting some excellent bargains. Our adver tisers are reliable they send what they advertise. Llternlly Defined. Examiner—What is meant, Mr. Fledgeling, by the term "landed es tate?" Fledgeling—It means, sir, an estate which has landed in the bands of a lawyer.—Boston Courier. Bon'tTobaceo Spit and Smok» Tonr Life Away, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vieor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. All druggists, SOc or $1. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample freo. Address Ster ling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Gibraltar to St. Petersburg. Europe will soon have an overland express, which, while not traveling quite as long a distance as some trains in America, will nevertheless cover quite a good stretch of road* The Southern express, which runs twice a week between Paris and Madrid, and, upon two other days, from Paris to Lisbon, will be made a dally train and, running through Madrid, will continue on to Gibraltar. The distance from Berlin to Gibraltar, a little over 2,000 miles, will then be covered, in seventy hours. It is now proposed to connect the so-called Northern express, which travels between Paris and St. Peters burg, with the Southern train, so that there will be an uninterrupted over land line from Gibraltar to St. Peters burg, a distance of more than 3,000 miles, which it is proposed to cover in less than four days. This would be the first attempt to rival the great American transcontinental lines in Europe.—Philadelphia Record. Would Not Refuse a. Higher Salary. Friend—That article of yours in yes terday's paper was great, old man. I read it with tbe keenest interest. Reporter—Thank you. Would you mind saying that, now, to the business manager?—Somerville Journal. Cycling War lu Chicago. "Who is the kid on the other wheel? Your golf boy?" "Golf boy, nothing! I take him along to carry my license tags."—Cleveland Leader. For lung and chest diseases Plso's Cure Is the best medicltie we have used.—Mrs. J. L. Northdott,. Windsor, Ont., Canada. A Slip Up. Ned—How did you come to lose your job? Ted—I didn't come to lose my job. 1 came ta stay.—Boston Courier. Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's Sons of Atlanta, Ga. The great est dropsy specialists in the world. Read their advertisement in'another column of this paper. Passed the Painful S^age. "Can you ride your bicycle yet?" "Oh, yes! It seems just,as easy now as it did before I began to learn."— Puck, To Car* Constlpatloa Forever. Take Caacarata Candy Cathartic. 10c or SBe. If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists rafund money. Belf-Beeommemdatlon. "Ah, Ethel, I love you to distrac tion." "That's just what Mr. Mallett has been telling me." "But I'm far more distracted than he is, you pust remember."—Judge. -V Stall's Catarrh Caro Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. Hev Hope. "Dear me!" exclaimed Maud, who 'had been reading a fashionable paper. "Last year's engagement ring has gone wholly out of style." "What has taken its place?" inquired Mamie. "I don't know.. But I hope it's a bi cycle."—Washington Star. MINNEAPOLIS An tnlneky Helmet. A curious circumstance was eouneet ed with Younghusband's death. After the battle of Cawnpore he had pur chased at auction a very smart helmet, which had been the property of Lieut. Salmond of the Gwallor cavalry, who had been killed at Cawnpore. This helmet a good deal excited my envy and admiration,'as I bad not possessed a deccnt head-dress since the muting began. I had asked a friend to buy it for me at the auction of Salniond's effects. But poor Younghusband out bid him. At his sale 1 was again out bid, and the helmet fell to the nod of Lieut. Havelock, a nephew of the gen eral. He. too, was killed while wear ing it, and rumor subsequently said a fourth officer had bought it and had been killed. It was a strange coinci dence, and as these deaths occurred quickly one after the other, I ceased to wish I had been its possessor.—(Jen. Sir .Hugh Goff, in Old Memories. Indigestible. Two Turks were once at a French banquet. Toward the conclusion of the feast a Frenchman selected a toothpick from the tray near him, and politely passed the tray on to his neighbor, who, however, peremptorily declined the offer, exclaiming: "No, thank you I have already eat en two of the accursed things, r.nd I want no more."—Washington Star. DR. 6AMUEL PITCHER, March 8, 1897 8 ft f/SH SLICKER WILL KEEP Yt)U DRY. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you want a coat that will keep you dry In the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If not for sale in your town, write for catalogue to A. ./TOWER, Boston. Mass. DES MOINES o@m's sAipmr®iL oinr BEST REACHED CHICAGO, GREAT WESTERN FROM ST. PAUL AND THE NORTHWEST Rsams CMU wuT tn Dakota. ON mm. 1? Tfl tK Can fee nude working for us. »1" 1W W Parties preferred who jui give their whole time to the ,buiiee«. Span Per WEEK^«'0'5aSs.pJS?e!Sssi Th0 was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now s/ on every bear the facsimile signature of wrapper This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/' which has been used in. the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought sy y/tfs? on tho and has the signature wrap per. JVo one has authority from me \o use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. S. Fletcher is President. st a Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more penn?e» on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF GRAIN BUYERS And Commission. We tray all kinds of Grain and Seeds on track, any station In Minnesota, North and i. Don't speculate on your eash pre'" If ton want to speculate, deal In Futures. ... telegrams and mall matter to main office a* Minneapolis. CORN EXCHANGE, Minneapolis, Minn. BRANCH OFFICES—Duluth, Chicago, Milwaukee. ACTIVE GRAIN MARKETS Established 1879. cell Wheat just as you send them. Ship us your Grain and we will sell it for prices and make prorfipt returns. We accept orders-for all quantities, 1,000 busbds and up. Daily letter sent on application. Members Chamber of Commerce. 8HEPARD A MINCKLER, GRAIN COMMISSION .. ALL GRAIN SOLD BY 8AMPL.K. Orders for Future Delivery Executed in Bond* Given Secretary ofStotefor Protection of Grain ^bippen. J? Famiiy Friend. No remedy has a better right to that title than Kickapoo Indian Oil. It is good for internal and external use, and it is pains' most powerful panacea. No one can say "I won't have neuralgia, rheumatism, carache or any other acute pain." But every one who knows there's a bottle of Kick«poo Indian Oil in the house can say: I won't have neuralgia or any other pain lorr ." The power of this oil over pain is the greatest marvel cf modern medicine. It controls pain at once. It cures the cause promptly. There's no remedy reaches so many kinds of pain as Kickapoo ImfSan Gain Raised Himself. "My child, do you think he has the force nnd perseverance to raise himself to your level?" "t am sure he lias, mamma. Why, have you forgotten the time tho ele vator was broken, how he climbed the whole eight stories?" Love laughs not alone at locksmiths especially in our throbbing civilisation there are others.—Detroit Journal. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THS EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. J, of By'ctnnis, Massachusetts, Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TH* CCNTAUFT OOMMNV. TT MURRAY STHKKT. NSW YORK CITY. $100 To Any Man. WILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASE Of Weakneas In Hen They Treat and Fall to Cure. An Omaba Company places for the first time BEIOR9 tho public a MAGICAL, TREAT MENT for the cure of LosfV itaiity, Nervous and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Life Force in old and young men. No worn-out French jc.:ir iy: contains no Phosphorous or other pa: mtul drujis.- It is a WoNDEitrt- TKEATJIFST—magical in its effects—positive in its cure. All readers, who are suffering from a wsakaons that blights their lifo, causing tc-at mental and' physical sufferi.-ig pe-riim- t,o Lost Man hood, should write to tho fc 1'AT'fc MEDICAL. COMPANY, Omaha, Neb.. t?d they will' send you absolutely FRET:, a valuable paper on twee diseases. Kud p'V5.:Ei7eproofs of their tru'17MAGICAJ. Tnr.AI»JE 5T. Couch CEO. A. MOOMAW CO., Thous ands of men, who have lost all hopo of s. cure, are being restored by them to a per fect condition. This MAGICAI, TREATMENT maybe taEear at home under their directions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel bids to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure. Free Sample, or C. O. D. fate. They havo (250,000 capital, and guarantee to euro every case they treat or refund every dollar: or their charges may be deposited in a. bank to be paid to the'm when a cure Is. effected. Write then^ today. MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS*. Ji' iliV: CURB. Book FREE. DK. J. C. 1 wrniir, inwiiini .wifMiMih druBpin*, •wo. ^4 #2 4" 'i & Sovtk JAa IN speculate on youreash product "seifon track:~Write or~.te!egraph forprtocis, afford chances formating big money. We will exe cute your orders to bn^rw Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis It* \jj, -{sf&rr '4$