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•.wi ''.iM- .W •-V Ringing Noises Troubled for Years With Catarrh, but Now Entirely Cured. "I waB troubled for years with catarrh, which caused ringing noises in my ears and painB in the back ot my head. I was advised to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did •o and a few bottles entirely cured me." Henbt McKibryheb, Laporte, Iowa. Hood's Sarsaparilla IB the best—in facttheOne True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure indigestion, biliousness. SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you wantacoat that wi'.l keep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If not for sale In your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston, Mass. S E O mm mm All ELSE FAILS. I Beat Cuu,?h byrup. Taetes Good. Uee| in ilme. Sold by ilrurgjyts. CURES RHEUMATISM. ETC. A. Recent Discovery That Is Working Wonders. The most prevailing afflictions that for a century have been engaging the most scientific skill of the medical world are rheumatism, neuralgia, ca tarrh, asthma, la' grippe and their kin dred ailments. The country is full of sufferers from these complaints. Al though the most learned experts of the medical profession have labored for a century to produce a curative, until quite recently no positive results were effected. To the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 167-69 Dearborn street, Chi cago, belongs the credit for having produced the new remedy. It is being extensively advertised under the trade mark of "Five Drops." The trade mar's is self-explantory. Five drops make a dose. The effect is mag ical. In days gone by other alleged cures have been marketed with the promise to take effect in thirty days or more. Five Drops begins to cure at once. Immediate relief is felt. In order to more effectively advertise its merits the company will for the next thirty days send out 100,000 of their sample bottles of this positive cure for 25 cents a bottle by mail pre paid. Large bottle, 300 doses, $1 (for thirty days 3 bottles ?2.50.) Those suf fering should take immediate advant age of this generous offer and write them to-day. Men sometimes think they understand women, but men are sometimes very fool ish. Educate Your Bowel* Wltli Cnscarcta Candy Cathartic. Cure constipation forever. 10c, 2Sc. If C. C. C. fall, drureists refund money. Everybody loves a lover—with the pos sible exception ot the old man and the dog. Dr. J. H. RINDIJAUB, Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Fargo. N. Dak. The young wife has her first doubts of her husband's love, when he begins to read the newspaper at breakfast. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT/ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, tto When a woman finds that her new dress doesn't match her complexion, it Is al ways an easy matter to change her com plexion. Star Tobacco is the leading brand of the world, because it is the best. BleBsed be the inventor who succeeds In perfecting a device that will compel a man to stout up when he has said enough. No Wonder. "What?" asked the British official, "shall we «lo to the Ahkoond?" "Swat him!" said the higher official. "Do you think we khan?" "Certainly. Ameer trifle." Ami then the tribesmen ordered an other evolution.—Town Topics. Not Worry!*®. Dun—I should like to know liow many times I have got to call for this money before I get it. Debtor—Well, some people are curi ous about such things but, frankly, it's a think that doesn't interest me I? the least.—Boston Tranent. But Tobacco Spit aai 8«ok» low IJrt AWSJ. TV quit tobacco easily and forever, be mae netlo. tall of lite, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, Mo or II. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Ca, Chicago or New York. It is the man who has always been ac customed 'to corn bread and bacon at home who does the most kicking at a fljfst-class hotel. Awarded Highest Honors—World** Pair. Ootd Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR fH© A* CREAM RANN6 V-.V vma A Pin drape Creaa of Tartar Pwto 40 YEARS TOE STANDARDS HUNG AX INNOCEXT MAN. Judge Corliss Malcea a. Startling Statement Regarding the Hanging of Coudot. Grand Forks, N. D., Special, Nov. 15. "An Innocent man was hung by lynchers at Williaiflsport Saturday night," was the startling statement of Chief Justice Corliss, of the state supreme court, to night referring to lynching of the Indian murderers of the Splcer family. Justice Corliss said that he had ample documen tary evidence to prove his statement anil continued: "The supreme court ordered a new trial in Coudot's case because it appeared that he was convicted on the uncorroborated evidence of Paul Holy Track and Phillip Ireland, both of whom confessed that they took part in the murder of the Splcer family, and their testimony was refuted in a strong alibi in the testimony of Dr. Ross, resident agency physician at GEORGE DEFENDER, Who la Now In the Rlamurck Jail. the Standing Rock agency, near where the murder was committed. Dr. Ross' veracity is unquestioned and was sup ported by notes from his memorandum book. Another fact brought out is that Holy Track and Ireland had made two other previous confessions, In neither of which did they implicate Coudot. Holy Track and Ireland were sure to have ex piated their crime on the gallows if the law had had its course, as there was no question of their guilt, but the mob made no distinction and hung the innocent with the guilty. The murder of this innocent man is a most foul crime and hideous blot on the fair name of our state. His PHILIP IRELAND, Who Wai Lynched. murderers should not go unpunished." Judge Corliss also stated that it would have been impossible to secure a fair trial lor the Indians in Emmons county. THE TWO SURVIVORS. HOLY TRACK, Who Wai Lynched. of the three Indians Sunday morning. The message was from K. D. Flynt, a resi dent of Winona, one of the first men up on the scene of the murder after it was discovered last winter, and said: "Accept my congratulations for your success in saving Coudot." The latter was the first of the three men to be lyfiched Sunday morning. It was stated today that there had been planned a sceheme to secure all five men from jail, one party to take the three from Jail in Williamsport and another to gain access to the Jail in this city and lynch Black Hawk and Defender. It is •tated that a party even started tor Bis marck to reach here late Sunday night, and make an attempt to secure the two men here at the same time as the other was to be made at Williamsport. Why the attempt was not nade here is a mys tery. Had it beei done there is little doubt that it would have been successful. But one night guard is employed at the jail, and while It is a safe structure, no suspicion existed of an attempt of the frnii in this city fand men could have rained access to the Interior of the jail In the same manner they did In Williams port. After that eottrse of procedure could have been th« sane and they could tiave overpowered Qm Jailer and taken the keya. Precautions have. been taken now against any attempt at lynching the other two men. Sheriff Taylor last night guarded the Jail with in extra posse of men until early this morning, and the prisoners were stealthily removed from the jail by the sheriff and taken tt the state penitentiary, a mile east of the city, where they are now safely confined with in the massive walls and ponderous iron bars of that Institution and where they will remain until their cases are disposed of In court. There seems now to be but one course to pursue in the matter. The only evidence against the men upon which conviction could be hinged was that o£ Holy Track and Ireland, and both of these men :ire dead. There is therefore no evidence upon which the men can be convicted, and when their cases are called the statu will have to turn them loose. If they i!l into the hands of the people by whom the three were hanged Sunday morning there is no doubt that they will share the same fate. The authorities will therefore have a delicate matter to handle in releasine the men if it is desired to avoid another event like that of yesterday. Black Hawk and Defender are visibly nervous and frightened over the terrible vengeance that was meted out to their three comrades. All last night they re mained awake, peering occasionally out of their cell doors, listening intently and starting at the slightest sound. Their faces did not betray any great amount of emotion when they were informed of the lynching, but they are Indians and have been trained to betray no feeling, no mat ter what the provocation for emotion. But in their wakefulness and apparent nervousness traces of anxiety could be traced and It was with great relief that they saw the heavy gates of the peni tentiary clang after them and felt them selves secure behind its walls. Reports from the Indian reservation at Standing Rock, where the friends and relatives of the men reside, are that there is no great excitement and that many of the Indians are relieved at the death of the men, although regretting the manner of it. All of them were discordant ele ments and It has been feared by some of the Indians that trouble might ensue if they should return. A formal inquiry was begun to-day by the coroner into the cause of the death of the three men. Their bodies lay in the jail at Williamsport, where they were viewed by a few residents of the hamlet. The faces of none of them were much discolored or disfigured. There were gashes in their throats where the ropes had cut through the flesh in dragging and long suspension in air, but other than this there was not much disfiguration. Sheriff Shier arrived at Williamsport this afternoon and is assisting in the work. Reports from the inquest are meager as yet. All communications have to be brought forty miles by messenger. Local kodak fiends secured a snap shot of the. gallows with the three men suspended and a photographer is here selling printed pictures for 25 cents each, the demand ex ceeding the supply. The gallows upon which the men were hanged is a crude frame of Cottonwood poles, two set up right and one crosswise, and the bodies of the men were so close together that they touched one another. There have been no developments as yet in the matter of the identification of any of the lynch ers, and although it Is suspected that a good share of them at least were from Winona, there is nothing definite hazard ed. Tnrrell Diachariced. Redwood Falls, Minn. Special.—The indictment against O. B. Turrell for grand larceny in the second degree was demurred to for being defective liy Tun-ell's attorneys and Judge Webber sustained the demurrer, say ing that the indictment did not state public offense. Mr. Turrell was dis charged. Lower Assets. Winona. Minn. Special.—The state ment of assets and liabilities sent out in the Manufacturing company fail ure was given by their attorney, and was the fame as furnished to credi tors. C. N. McLaughlin has made a sworn statement that the actual as sets would not exceed $75,000. A la Defender and Block Hawk Pot the Penitentiary for Safety. Bismarck, N. D„ Special, Nov. 15.—The ghastly sarcasm contained In a message received to-day by R. N. Stevens, the at torney who conducted the defense of Coudot and by whom a new trial was secured from the supreme court, illus trates how many of the people of Em mons county feel regarding the lynching Burning Marsh. Eldoria. Iowa Special.—A big fire Is burning in a marsh near Wall lake, in Wright county, north of here, that covers several hundred acres and has been burning for two weeks. The Are is located in a marsh at the head of the lake, and a big peat bed adds plenty of fuel to the fire. Barn Bnrned. Jesup, Iowa Special. A barn and two horses were burned here. The Are was discovered in the barn of Frank Dickenson, and had gained such head way before it' was discovered that nothing could be saved. Light insur ance. It is a heavy loss as Mr. Dick enson is a poor man. Diphtheria at Elma. Elma, Iowa Special.—Elma has one severe case of diphtheria. The disease is supposed to have been contracted in Dubuque, the child having been there just before taking sick. Train Backed on Him. Evansville, Minn. Special. While working in a section crew, shoveling, Gust Bostrom was run' over by a freight train and was cut. completely through the middle. Froaen Fishermen Rescued. Duluth, Minn. Special.—Capt Hec tor, of the steamer Dixon, reports res cuing two fishermen off the north shore of Lake Superior, who were frozen stiff in their sailboats, but who, It Is hoped, will recover. Dry Sixty bays. Stewsu tville, Minn. Special.—Weath er conditions cool and dry. We have had no rain for sixty days. Grain is nearly all .ihivs'vd and most of the corn husked.' work nearly all done. Pumping Oat Dime. Ishperning, Mich., Special. The work of pumping out the Oliff shaft will be started as soon as the over hauling of the boilers and pumps Is completed, and the mine will be un watered and again producing ore be* fore spring. Mnrderoaa Barber. Benton Harbor, Mich., Special.—Geo. Congdon, a barber, made a murderous attack with a knife upon his eighty year-old father. He• stabbed his father several times and injured .his mother so that she may die. He was arrested. Now National Emblem. A correspondent of a New York pa per favorB Indian corn as the national emblem. "Distinctively American, large, generous, life-giving, bene flclent, glorious in form and color, with Its crested flower pointing upward— truly a torch ot liberty held aloft." 4 W ••win--wamrc'TfflTBHg 1 Two Surprises. "It beats all how some people spend money." "Yes and It. beats all how some peo ple get money to spend."—Dei roil Free Press. Those Tcll-Tale Reporter*. "Well, dear, did you notice liiat I came home early last night?" Wife—Yes I noticed in this morn ing's paper that the apparatus for heat ing the club rooms would not lie in working order before to-nighl."—De troit Free Press. AVOID ALUM BAKING POWDERS. Their Use Is Dangerous to Health. The condemnation of nlum as an un wholesome ingredient In baking powders by the Government authorities as well as by the Iowa and Minnesota State Boards of Health and physicians generally, has not deterred manufacturers of such pow ders from foisting them on the public. Following is a partial list of the con demned alum powders found in the stores in this section. Calumet, Unrivaled, Hotel, Echo, Snow Ball, Zipp's Crystal, Palace. White Rose, Loyal. Hatchet, Columbia. Crown, Cameo, Giant's Bon Bon It is safe to reject all brands sold with a prize. All powders sold at twenty-five cents or less a pound are sure to be made of alum. Dr. Wiley, the Govern ment Chemist, in his official examination of baking powders at the World's Fair, threw out all the "alum powders," class ing them as unlit for human food. But the World's Fair could approve as well as condemn. After the most elabo rate tests, it bestowed the highest award for purity, leavening power, keeping qualities and g.-neral excellence on Dr. 1'rice's Cream Biking Powder. Too Great a Rlalc. "I wouldn't wear my hair down over my ears for anything." "Don't you admire the fashion?" "Yes: but suppose some man should propose and I shouldn't hear liiin."— Chicago lieeord. ISlOt) Reward, WIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease tl'&t science has been able to cure in all its stuges and that Is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positlve cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces 'of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best Boarders are apt to have liver complaint wh"n it is served to them seven times a week. Ko-To-Hnc for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c. SI. All druggists. Some men have many good qualities, but lack the one necessary to make use of them. My doctor said I would die, but Plso's Cure for Consumption cured me.—Amos Kelner, Cherry Valley, 111., Nov. 23. 18D5. If some men were known by the com pany thoy keep they wouldn't be able to keep It 't Y.p. MINNEAPOLIS J\T *, of Pntent* AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ey'annis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHiER'S CASTORIA," the that has borne and does now //trTT. bear the facsimile signature of wrapper, This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought y/tfa T" on the and has the signature wrap per. JYo one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. a INNIIIVI Eanish March 8, 1897 '. ./. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of. which even, he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Youi1 *H« CINTMta COMHMV. rw i,nnt Week to Xortliwt'Mtcrvi Inventor*. August W. Liiilrn. Minneapolis. Minn. Machinc for Kneading dough Fred it. Piiscler. Lester Prairie, Minn. Washing machine. Charles W. I'ollock and W. Kurth. Casselton, N. D. Lace holder and un winder. Lars I. Solem, Minneapolis, Minn. Brush bolder. Waldeninr H. Spaniel, Devil's Lake, N. D. Word register for typewriters. Me-win. Lotlirop & Johnson. Patent Attys. 910 P. P. Bldff, St. Paul. Minn. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets,Candy Cathar tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- urities from the body. Begin to-day to pimples, boils, blotches,blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 23c, 50c. Courtship is a bow-knot that matrimo ny pulls into a hard knot. Rudyard Kipling has written one of his best stories for the 1898 volume of The Youth's Companion. "The B-irning of the Sarah Sands" Is its title, and it is a stir ring tale of heroism in the ranks. Those who subscribe to The Youth's Compan ion now will receive the paper free for the rest of the year, and The Companion's twelve color calendar for 1898. The Com panions yearly calendars are recognized as among the richest and most costly examples of this form of art. Illustrated Prospectus of the volume for 1898 and sample copies of the paper sent on application. Address, THE YOUTH S COMPANION, 207 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. A man is never so easily deceived as whin trying to deceive others. A Valuable FrandilMC Secured. The franchise of easy digestion—one of the most valuable in the gift of Medical science—can be secured by any person wise enough to use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, either to suppress growing dys pepsia, or to uproot It at maturity. Bil ious, rheumatic and fever and ague suf ferers, persons troubled with nervousness and the constipated, should also secure the health franchise by the same means. Some women, like successful gamblers, have winning ways. Mrs. Wlnslow'g Soothing Syrup For children teething,uoftens the eumn.reduceB Inflam. •nation.allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cent* a bottle. The less the average man knows about a thing the more he wants to talk about It. To Cure Constipation Forever Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 26c. C. C. C. fall to cure druggists refund money. Read the Advert laemcnta. You will enjoy this publication much better if you will get into the habit of reading the advertisements they will afford a most, interesting study and wffll put you in the way of getting some excellent bargains. Our adver tisers are reliable they send what they advertise. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts. AllABinA.A.A Knockoeudt by on waut nun ««w «•.* er»». CANDY CATHARTIC CATHARTIC A CURE CONSTIPATION ATE every wrapper. J. 13. GaibraiSh, who has bi cn appointed Trade Mnnuger of the Cleveland Ter minal H"1 V.-iilfy Kiiilivmil Company with heartiiuartvrs 1 'h wlaml will alsofbe the General Aj-'inl of the H. and O. at that point. These two positions were formerly held by h. Rush Kroeketibrough who is now General Freight Agent of the B. and O. Hues west of the Ohio river, with head quarters at Pittsburg. No bicyclist can miles in a century. MENT This ALL E W S DRUGGISTS Established 1879. GRAIN COMMISSION Orders for Future Delivery Executed in All Markets* igyBonds Given Secretary of State for Protection of Grain Shippers. low Rates of Grain Storage Made in Minneapolis and Duluth. Wqte Us. make more than 100 A man's enemies never kick him when he is flown: they stand aside and let his friend't do that. Rail'* Vegetable Sicilian JjairRenewettj It is a renewer, because it makes new again. Old hair it made new the gray changed to the color of youth. FREE! FREE! FREE! A hjin«l8fmoKanko Diamond Ring or Pin gtvcfl free with each order fur the beautiful picture, ROCK OF ACES 20x28Inches. Painted by hand In IS different colors and copied from tne original {minting. Only $1.00 each delivered free. Every family should have one. Don't delay. Send order and money at our rink. Money returned If not natiafactorv. MANHATTAN PUBLISHING CO.* 61 Warren Street, New York City. Health's Complexion "Bathcnc" Is not a medieine. It Is Nature's pure antiseptics, prepared in tablet form to wj dissolved in tne bath or wash- bowl. It assists Nature in cleansing the skinand keeping it healthy and sweet. It de odorizes perspiration. Send iive^'ccnt stamps and we will tend you two dozen tablets. HOUSEHOLD NKCESSITY CO., New 1 ork 'ity. S WATCH FREE! For 88.75 we will send you 200 Choice Cigar* and include, free oi charge, a Fine SOLID GOLD Plate Hunting Case Watch, with Jew els, Stom-wlnd, American Movement, as good as any 820.00 Watch on the market. Thest# Clears have always jobbed at from $30 00 to S4O.H0 per thousand. JOHN f». KOCiifc, 367 Hubert Street, St. I»anl, Minn. Send for Price-List of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.* CLAIMANTS FOR PENSION' write to NATIIA N "V., IF BICKFOIID. Washington. D. .. thfj will receive quick replies. B. Sth N. H. ol*. Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting Claims •lace lo7»* ROOFTT tar* cheap, iitrotig. bem. WRITEFOKbAMPi.ES. FAY MANILLA ROOFING COMPAN Y,Camden,N.J. SCALES Self-Adding, pat. combination beam. No loone weights. I'. H. standard. 1 Boat and cheapwt. Semi for price*. WEEKS SCALE WORKS. BUFFALO. N. Y. nDftDCV MEWDISCOVERY: 1 quick relief anU:u ivs worwt vatH'ft. Send for book of testimonials and lO dayH* treatment Free. Or. U-iLGHKuS'SKOJiai u'uu. u*. Lumbago? It's because you don't cure it with 8T. JACOBS OIL, which pen etrates to the seat of the pain and subdues, soothes, cures. CURE YOURSELF! I'M! His for unnatural I iutlaniiK&tions, Ouarftottul \J irritations or ulcerations ,, jot to strieiurf. of mucous tue!fitran!0. i/Pr«f«DU contagion. PaiuU'ss, and not tiBtriu* tlTHEEMHSCHEKICII.CO. «lIlt ur poisonous. Mold by Dracclltot "or e'»nt in plain wrapper, by ex promt, prepaid, for |l .art. or 3 hotting, $2.75. Circular sent oa request* $|oo Tojjy Mani will paysioo for an v. oasr WILL PAY SIOO FOR ANY. CASE Of Weakness ID Hen They Treat sod Fail to Care. An Omaha Company places (or the first time before the public a MAGICAL TKEAT- for the cure of Lost Vl-tality. Nervous and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Life Force in old and young men. No worn-out French remedy contains no Phosphorous or other hanuful drugs. It is a WONDERFUL TREATMENT—magical in its effects—positive in its cure. All readers, who are suffering from a weakness that blights their life, causing that mental and physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man hood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will send you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper on those diseases, and positive proofs of their truly MAGICAL TREATMENT. Thous ands of men, who have lost all hope of a cure, are being restored by them to a per fect condition. MAGICAL TREATMENT may bo taken at home under their directions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable have no Free Prescriptions, Freo Cure, Free Sample, cr C. O. I), fake. They have 1250,000 capital, and guaraa|pe to cure every case they treat or refund every dollar or their charges may be deposited in a bank to be paid to them when a cure is affected. Write them today. LOOP POISON ASPEMIJRRSSZTSS ItlorrvLOOD POISON permanent]* [craredinUtoUdkr*. Ton can treated!* bomoforsaiM priee wider samesunraa Ity. If you prefer toeomehew tract to pay railroad faresndhottlblllMod Doebam.lf we fall to cure. If yoabaveukeaa cary, iodide potash, and still have aebes Bains,Mueous Patches in month, SoreThn temostL. CUM and challenge the world for a MM we cannot core. Tnli disease has alirays baffled the eklll of the most eminentnhyal clans. 8SOO.OOO capital behind our BconOi tlonal (nru^^AbsMiMjiMnmMel oa 1400 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, II-U" ','^p •jW* Vj ',n I i«?