Newspaper Page Text
:l v. Washburn Leader, -8* lorn* HKjrnnyxm. PUBLISHED EVKKY HATUKDAY. OFFICIAL PAPER OF, MD.EAN ROL'NTY. fCMSCRjmo* PKICE OKU DOtXAR A YBAKI The great transportation companies are largely respon sible for the Klondike craze. Even »with an intercinal cut rate war in the interim, these transportation lines will dig up more gold than one in ten thousand of these deluded mining pilgrims wili ever see. Then with the delusive spell broken, amidst the distress that follows, armies of wretched men will march from the coast towns on the Pacific to the far east with such numbers than the former Coxey army will be a mere skermish line in •comparison. A good editorial in the St. Psul Pioneer Press of last week describing the Zola trial am), its attendant effect, the whole of which is well worth reprint ing, but we can only make room for the following closing paragraphs: Great activity continues at all the American navy yards andf every move seems to mean war with Spain. Minneapolis Tribune: That ''Trnth is etranger than fiotiou" may be trite bat •very day gives new evidence of its art aeHty.Itbas been disaovered that the bier to an Austrian fortana of half million dollars died a maniac in a Chi Mgo poor house after a oheokered oareed in this oountry. His mind had becoma on settled by the faithlessness of his wife who wa* reputed to ba'brie of the most beau tiful women in Awtro Aon^iry, ant! n» drifted over hers in the hota to trouble and bogia a new lif&. forgat hi* (First Publication March#, IMS.) NOTCEOF HOMESTKD FINX PROOF. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. !fot!ee'li hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his Intention to Bike flnal proof lu sumidrt'of Ills olalia, and that said proof will be made., before tite Cierk of tne dlMrltt court of Oliver County, N. 1).. atBenUey, on May 2nd, iSM. rlz: GEOBGEGAX8LB, ef Hsiiilerposto*ee, N. O., fo^heWjisEX If EXSEliof^E ji KEM.ISeKas, Twp. 1M, •What the Monsy Power. Mlantii Cons'i'-itlon. WV .vo sion in an other art. v: ft-- to the ex posure by the Revi: ?,r of Re views of the Iw^us •riii.'i.i-iT':! fcrcd the Cuiuiu. a-1 inrds. In the saKK,-»*:»-••«. thia 1 jV::rt'vl i'u. But the sentiment which con victed Zola finds its chief su port in the serried ranks of the. official classes, which the Pan ama and other scandals^ show are permeatsd like the-Parisian journals, With venality and corruption. It is said that one fourth of the adult males of Paris are officials of one grade or another. The interests of •civil and military officialism are bound^up together. They sway the multitude. They control the "elections. Ths vast horde of petty functionarics are as venal as their leaders. There is no vigorous, indepen dent, critical public outaide of this consuming army of mer cenaries to pour the burning light of its scrutiny into the unwholesome recesses of offi cial life and to hold its func tionaries' to a strict responsibil ity. And so the moral sense of France is dead, or, at least, tor pid. It is one of the strange contrarieties of French charac ter that Emile Zola, who lias done more, with his repulsive realism, to degrade the literture •of France than any other man •of his time, should be the one man in France to stand up for what remains of the conscience •of France—for those uiiJcrJ) ing principals of justice am. right on which alone repubJi- jQ~n can liberty can be safely an-' chorrd—for wholesome public sentiment which no longer ex ists, or exists only as an acad emic tradition or an eccentric ity of isolated individuals. .2 .o®i that able pcr V'^i' .,1. we liad a ro.v'^ni'ior. 0. ..V: fvrce and in- fluonce if the :tey power. The ConutiUiJau has ex plained on many occasions what thr rp.ou*y. power is, but there are, 110 iJoubt, many per sons who regard the phraise askance, and take it for granted that it is merely a convenient term v/i%h which to round out a sentence or a paragraph on the money que :ion. But the money power is a very real thing, and is very rapidly as suming control cr the govern ments of the earth. The Re The Review of Revieve calls attention to the fact that it is this huge, mysterious money power that plays the nations against each other like pawns 011 a chess board that enables one or the other of these na tions to place Japanese or Chi nese loans that deeided the issues of the recent Turko Greek war, gaining a better hold on the revenues both of Tnrkey and Greese, and clear ing million? of profit out of the hideous conflict between Mos lem and Christian that caused the slaughter of the Armeni ans to goon undisturbed and that has constantly shown its hand in the affairs of. Spain and Cuba. Its influence has been seen seen in the attitude of both Cleveland and McKinley to ward the Cuban patriots, an attitude of real enmity in spite of the fact that the people of this country are all but unani mous in favor of Cuban inde pendence, The people are for gotten and even the interests cii" party are risked by the Re publican leaders sr. keen are they to do the bidding of the power. It is iais power that controlled Cleveland and caused him to open the treasury to the raid ers so that the Austrian gold might be comfortably made by the foreign bankers, It is this power that compelled Cleveland to issue bpnds which were" really bought with green backs. And it is this money power which the people of this coun try will have to vanquish at the polls or lose tiieir own liberties. h'L ICKtMITHING AND SENEGAL REPAIRING At the oid stand, all work will be given my prompt attention. OPTFFITH. O imffm »«rie— L9UIS liiicl combination a3 "the bankers who are nei'.ht.r ii-rlisli, French nor Gentr:-. ii heir real alle "ianre, but '. be regarded a law :'iemselves and fi Ht-ppruie pc-vvV gradually but steadily strengthening their grip upon the destiny of 11a- LARSON, DEALER IN Boots ie-nwUila his father a leading banker iti Budup^t had died and the eftort to traw tha tnisf) ing soti1fed up to-thrdisobvery abov^i men tioned. Here is theme enough for auy no velist-. hdndrt-.d.' I Helena Butte Spokane Seattle Tacoma Portland Shoes, 81 And ail Kinds ef Foot Wear. IMih St Bismarck Down! Dojrn!! Down!!!' Iri'" at $10 per 1000 feet. Ahn 8 Jvet jnxe logs at $26 per iSow ii our ohanee. PETKB.HON. HL'I.TBEKG PFISTER, Kfondyke Milts. NOTICE. Tbf trnetemhip of the HMglud lam bet yard baa ceas -d, and from afcd after this diitei will have charge of the Ituai sess. All bills due the firm will be col ]*lectedv Uir me. I have reaamod entire jhar^e the busineea. J.eiur P. Houuip. luLuJj-jiLXL •muni i^iiimi NOTICE TO TEA.OHEKS. TRII will be 11 teachers' exmni'.i'H"!. in the Washburn court 1898.- HKHIII HOLTAN, Comity Superintendent A United State* Map. Mounted ou rollers, forty by forty-eight inches, suitable for home or office,—wili be Aent by mail to uny addre*a,uu receipt of fifteeu cents, by e». i, -il house. Mnrott OK".' p. LTMAN, (Jen. Pwteenger Agt. ('. & N. A St.. Punl. Minn. CALL OF COUNTY WAR.ft'KTS. All warrants drawn on the General Fund of MeLean Coonty.aud pryor to And inolndiug Jahaury 5th,-1892. 'and and now parable at my ofiho. interest ceasing after date of this notice. ^Vaahbnrn, N. D.. January, liiirli, MORTGAGE SATJF. [First 1'iihlicutlon Kcli -nary C. Notice Is hereby nlvi'ii t:n\t tliaf certain inort sajje executed and dulivvrt'd by I-'i-jm-i siou Josic M. Kvrurison, ids wife, moil- uagors, to tile Hank of Misict, nuM'tg.-ixef-. t»t( tin! Stlt of .nine. l,s:K, and lilad tor record in the ofllfeot thereuliitiT of dt-pdrt of (lie pivnty of McLean, annotate of North IakoU|i.o tilt, usth day of Jtine, 1890, and rccordtil in ntuk '-A" of Moitrages at |aijc «oo, and asslgntrU by A. 1*1 (iuptll!, a« receiver of tlic itank of Minot, November 19. J837, and ill.d for record in the oflflceof the reclstorof deeds of t!ie county of Mrl,eau aud »tsite of North Dakota, on tiie -lith day of .fnniiiiry. lt9S, to William H. Munn. »nl rererded In JIO«!C of M..rtwio sit fiajre RO will Iw foreclosed by a salo of thn preijiliON la Nuch mortgage, and lu-rtiuafierdescrili-(l nt tie front door of the court liousc in t!-.e er-unty of McLean ai.d stuttfof NoitU naliofii. at tlx- imur of a o'clock p. m. on l-'riday. Mar-li itfMi. l-'fts. to satisfy the amount due lijutn hiioli mo tgit^e on the day of sale. The premises described In sueli mortgage and wiiicii will lie sold to satisfy tie scnic. ai- dr scrll)i:ii as follows, to-wit: The imrth half of the southeast quarter n.of a. e. and nnrtli half of the southwest quart-r m. i^oi K. W. of seetlan twenty-two (2-j) In t»wnshi| on:* hundred aud fortv-six (HO nwrth, of ran." eluhty-one (81) west, of the fit 1 prinripiil meridian, MrLean couuty. North Dakota. There will be due ou such mo f.rnue at thn •late of sale the sum of $771.00. besides tuxc if any. Dated at Bismarck, V. Feb. 2nd, iso*. WILLIAM H. MANN. Assignee of Mortira^ee. 1 BOUCIIKR, PdlLBttlCK & CoOIRAVT'. Attorneys for said Assignee of MorttKisjee. NORTHERN PACIFC R.R. THROUGH CARS —TO— St. Paul Minneapolis Fargo G-rand Forks Dnluth and Winnipeg. TO Pullman Sleeping Care •Elegant Dining Cars TO All Through trains Northern Pacific Time Table Mountain Time ClOINf! KA3T Atlantic Mail, N 12:40* tn tioiNi WKST. Paeifie Mail, No 1.. Through tickets to Japan and China', vm Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Co, an American Line. For rates, Maris, TimeTabli'H'.orSprc!*! Information apply t.o Agent. Northern Pa cific Bismarck, N. D. Chap. S. Fee General Passenger and Tick ent.Aget Trains on Earth ro" PAUL AND MI Nag EAPO LIS CHiCA Elecric Steam Heated. s. I HTATK KOimi i! AKOTA, C.HIUI S8, or Mel.-an, in district court, Sixtli .judicial District MaryO'Nell. lilaiutill a kumrnons. Daniel Le Itoy. defendrnt The State of ortU Dakota to above named dufe!i(i«!it. Ton Daniel l.eltoy are summoned to answer the c.jiiii'laim in this action, auil to serve a cplV of your ainwer upon the subscribers at di ir ofllce in i.laitiarck. In* the County of iiurmeli and Stwl.t aforesalil, within thirty days alter the servi' of this summons upon you, exclusive iif the day of servlc and lu case of your fall urc lo appear or nu»wer jndxment will be taken Hiralnst you by default for the relief .ieinuuUed lu tne con'pliilnt. Dated''l-nruary 1st. 18!lS. H(II cin:i I'HII HIIK CoCHitAKE. Attorneys for riaiutliT. N. I». fi-'irst Publication 1'Vb. 5. tSrtS.i NOTICE (iV ON'i EST. LAXI JOSEPH MANN, County Treasurer. OFFICE AT UISMAUCK. N. 1).', .Ian.3H,'t89S Complaint having been entered at this ofilcv by AiiRiist II. Walil, itKainst Neis .John Ol son, deceasi-d, for abandonhij lie incstiait unity No. 6741, dated AUKUM all, 189J, up on the southwest (|iiartcr (s y: nf Section 12, Township H4, liangf 82, tn McLean Connty, wttli a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are summoned to appear at this office nil the aotli ilay of March, 1898. at a o'clock, p. in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said r.llejjed abandon uicnt. A. LAMB, lterister. FORECLOSURE BALE. [I"lrt rtiblli-ation Kebruary 26,1S9R.] Notice is hereby given, that a certain mo t exeeuteti and rtellvered by Andrew W. It:.ndf.a bachelor, mortgagor, to The lt«nk of Miii. t. dated the -11 day of September. 18S8, ai'd tiled for record in theoflice of the ,re| isti'i .•! .l oiisof ttiucouuly of McLean, and state of North Dakota, on Iho 2 day of October. 18iM(, and lecorded in book A of Mort-ages. upon I'li .'e 15S. and assigned by the said The ::ank of .Minot to K. it. Mulfonl. wliicli assi^nnient has been duly recorded: and whereas no action at law. or othoi-proei edint-'S has been had 'o col lect said debt or any part thereof will bo fore closed by a sale of the premises in stieli niort gBKe and hereinafter oeseiltied, at the front door of the ei'Ui House In the town ot V.'ash burn in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota at the hour of two o'clock 1». m on the 'Jth day of April. 18 8. to sati.-fv the amount dut- ou such mortgage on tlie (lay of sale. Tho premises described in such !IVT' which will he sold to satisfy the same, ace de scribed as follows: The uorth west Dakota. 1 A. ^.AC!.O |u.ut-jr t!:e south east quarter aud the m/rta quarter of tiie south we.n quarter of ye. i. wnshtp north of rauce 82 an 1 .. The1" v.-ill be due on such mortr-ai:* •Ir-ti- of sale, the sum of Seven liut..i ",-n dollars, r!/: principal, Syw iol' •5, paid.lor taxes, S'^wi attorney -osfs. J.'.ittd l-'ehrnarv l'tth. lsns. ah. -f E. i\ Mt?Lr ini'. Assi.:ie- K. Attorney. it vlls I ke, N. T). 'iOTICE—TlMBEll CULT' KE LA Mi 1'1'MCK AT .liMIAtH .Jail.-ith, IS: t' IN havins been ntoml at ti,l. iltioe by Ilatver II. N'ygaard against .lnli:ei' Uiid for fallalc to comidy with laivus to liinbev culture Kntry No. Sltnl dated April 18th, If:-:, the of Kcctinn •-'0, Towiis&ip H7 n. :in n'8l w, in McLean .'ounty, Norti. Dakota, with a view to the cancellation of the »id entry, contestant allegi'iK that .tiie said emryman never brok.- or caused to be broken any of salo iutid only a few ploitKii furrows aud that sale -.titrymua auaiutoutHi said laud one year mt'.v niry. and t:o person knows wlu rc h: »vi r.i t far li.e c-ente?tarit can find out. Vne s:. .: parties are hirby sumnioucd to :t jcar ai Washburn. Mei.eau county, on the liMo ii.i.v of .-'ebiuaiy. !S!W at It o'clock, a, m. befurtin county judt-e to respond aud furnish ti-stiuv.ii rouctniiiiy said alleged failure. Hearing .* this olllce, .warcU 1398. at a p. m. K. A, LAMB. MORTGAGE SALE. (•First Publication Jan. 29.1S!)S.) Notice Is hereby Riven. th«t that certain mort raite, executed aud delivered bv Edmund •JMyea and Sadie E. Belyra. lite wise, wort sasois, to Augustus L. Hishop, niortKa^ci. tted the Uiii tli-th davof December, 18.S-1, and tiled for record tn the ofllce of the Register of of the County "f Mclean, and Terrli of Dakota now State of North Dakota, on the 3lst d"»y of December. 1884, and re«-orded In Hjok "A 3" of MortRai «s, at pace 60, will be foreclosed hy a sale of the premises In such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door or the courthouse In the County of McLean, and State ot North Dakota, at the hour of 2 clock, p. m. on the lftthday of March, 18U8, to satisfy the amount due ou such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortisi^e and which will bo sold to satisfy the same, are de scribed as follows: The south east quarter of section thirty, township one hundred and forty sevon, north of ranee eighty-three, west of the I ifth principal meridian, Mci.eaii county. North Dakota. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of $l.H2.S0. beMues ta\es, if »ny. AUGUSTUS L. BISHOl', Mortgagee. BOUCHER, PlIILRRrcK & COC!IRANI\ Attorneys foi said Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE. O'lrst PoMlepfi Foil I'll,-ivy S^fi.1 Noifo! io liciV'liy (riven that, that certain mort iatre exei'ifted and deUvered by tJ. c. VV. West A nua Mary West, his wife, mortwiBors, to a- HHtik of Minot, mortgiigee, tinted tlie -J'tli day of May, 1MW. and tiled for record in the oflleo of the rcirist-r of deeds of the coimtv of Mclean and State of North Dakota, on the 4th day of June, 18:«. and recorded in Book "A" of Mortgages, at page 5!W aud assigned by tlie H'iiik of Hinot to i.iiv.a ,1. l.utilow, dated .tune lS'.Nt, and tiled for record in the oflice of the register of deeds of McLean county and .r,att of North Dakota, on the 5th day of July, 18M0, and recorded in Hook "A" of Mort gages at page 611, aul by her assigned to K. P. jates. dated January S, '.896, and Hied for record In be oflice of the register of deeds of the county of Met eau. and State of North Dakota, and recorded January notli, I8!ts, in Book "C of Mortgages at page 5SS, will he foreclosed by it sale of the premises in such mortgage and here inafter described, at the front door of the court house in the county of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the nour of three o'clock, p. m.. oil. Krlnay March 18th. 18U8, to satlsfv the amount due on such mortgage on the day of sale. The promise* describe.) In such mortgage and which will be sol I to satisfy the same are de scribed as follows, to-wit: The quarter (N. K. 4) «f •''•eelion thirty-four (34), in Township one hundred aud 'forty-seven .147) north, of range eighty-one Sl) west, of the Sth priubipul meridluu of McLean countv, North Dakota. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of $U17.M', besides taxes, If any. Dated at Bismarck, N. D„ Feb. s, 1888. K. P. GAiES, Assignee of Assignee of Mortgagee. BOCCHKR, PuiLHRicK COCHRANE, Atterneya. .for Asslguee of Assignee of Mort- BHgee., Notice to TaxpaYCrH. _«'• Notlee la hereby glVen that all'unpaid'personal pro|erty taxes In McLean oouilty, Nortlj Dako ta, will be dellnqiient on the first day ot March 1888, at which -time a penalty of Ave per cen will be added, and one per cent -per month In terest thereafter will be chargcd on the original tax until Mie same Is paid. the flfteeath day of April. 1898, a list of all unpaid delinquent personal property taxes will be ma'de out'and delivered to the'sherlff of said county for collection according to law. Dated at Washburn, N. Dak., Jan. 29th, 1893. JOB (ERA MANN, I? mMmzsiL innni Address, Wanhburn, North Dakota. C. B. LI'l'TliE, President, F- D. KEM I:1CK. Vice I'tcMdent. •ma i**WBiSSti$f®ft ARRIVING EVERY DAY! SHOES, BOOTS, A W A E G*R O E I E S GEO. O A A O' R. ,N. D. FRANK G. 6RAMBS, 8 E S S O O IXein-y W, Grambst, Heavy and shelf Hardware Barb Wir^, and N A I W mdmills, Pumps, etc. (OI'POHITB THE SHERIDAN HOUSE.) Bismarck, N". D. J5R CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SATTERLUKD & JOHNSON DEALERS IN flcLean County Real Estate fi»V Hp- Lands Leased, Bought and Soffi[.-.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Bl«IAirCK, Foreign Drafts Bought and Sold. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. -John P. Hcagland has resumed con trol of his business in Bismarck, and invites ail who desires to purchase building materials to call and amiue his stock and prices. RO left rump. rnmmiim 1 i.W' HATS, CAPS L. ROBINSON, S- 'k•, '.•* —-a.,. Taxes paid for non-residents Collections made Foreclosures attended to Settlers located on government lands Investments made in safe securities Correspondence solicited* N. D.. W. DItiLOM, Cashier. 8. U. PYE, Assiktant Oashivr. ex HER E. E. Morris the shoe nian three doors east Cattlis branded tt*' out-ou oj the Tribune, m'mA -Chicago Inter Ocean aud Waeliji TDIIMKI MM ^TI for'$l.l^ eta. v'^S' ft'-: receiv aad Blopds- Owe ?mm a oall and exam-