Newspaper Page Text
t- ,.4 I IffifjfS te |"Np V1: M8 f$*VV!«7 Lf3 .* v^ ""!'vfM\ 4 S1*,^ «. £iV? fe A'" V*V 0 r* I* Volume 9." Hew aboot b'iniit) on ground* bog*. Forty-four below aero in Wndhborn, Wednenda) morning. Rpv. J. A. Dlwtin will prsofih nt his retldeiioe Wednesday Feb. 16i.ii nt 2, Waahburn nilil cliMed down Monday nn HI tbeie ia a let up iu the 40 below sero !,/. b«Mna*«. f&Si I 1A I Clerk of Court Fulconer. '"of Filcutipr wai at (h'e eonrt house this week transact- Bk buaiuess in eounectitui'with his oiflou.. The Agricultural Iinptt-rae^ut and Farm further notice. Machinery Co.—Wabl a Mann him (itwdv ed. Mr. Jlaun will eouduot the buiinesH here In the future. Wbati the thermometer drop* below the Mra mark, it ia a cruel or thoughtless person who ties hi* home up to a hitching poet auj lengrb of time wibhont blaukeL •k- Jndg" Ranard left bis home in Wash burn to-day for l'urtle Lake where be will commence au 8 months term of school. The Judge, will hold court ho usual when ease* eoiue before him. Thoma* Winaton the railroad contractor acoomp.niied by £x-Oommidsiouer Mnun came d»wn From Uautwok, Tuefduv. Mr. WiuscoD, we ouder*taiid has toid »onie of hia intimwte friende tnut he expects to ran np a railroad grade through the auun ty thu KUUiiner. St. Paul fr«M says the North Dakota editorial ouilfi left that uily for the south Sunday night, it gave the names .of tip entire list of editors with names of their papers. Among them we note the names of Aug. E. Johnson and Angusl H. Wahl, of the "Washington Leader." We learn thronifh the New ftoehford Transcript that Miss Martha Casper... was married in that town on Jan. 25th to Mr. W. A. Bi«hop. Martha was a Turtle Lake raiseo girl, and is well and favorably known hr« at.'hn ooanty oaptal. and all •f as wi«h her well. Tw» P^scrali.' Batntdiv af'ernofiu at two o'oloek* a the Wa«hhnrn school house th* la«t rites vera Md swr the reaain* of Philip Kil tian WkOAoeideotly n&at his det'h on the |ij|AI{tt' Kfgbway "so«*»r-«f Wn)ikb(irir-««lr' ilnfed^ Jan 80th. Kev. Hi Q.: bardent brookeondoctsd the serrieea and deiir •red an appropriate disnourse in an im pressive manner. Mr. Killian had been •triokan down in the prime of life being forty-eight year*, old Around his bie r* however, were hia aons and daughter to tean and womanhood growp. and well atarted in Ufa. Aii far as paternal dutiee waa concerned hia work had been done— hia children being creditable members of the communities in which they resiil*.' His tamnton* had baan unexpected and sud den oarrylng with it a, certain sense of P^iawa which impresses one as the shock of I the unlooked for calamity lingers. On Monday afternoon amidst -Aercr wind with fncraasing cofd the little bcfely of Oarret, the four aar old son of Mr. and Mra. Lake Eskes, was borne from their home on the levee to the school bouaajwhere the good offices of Rev. Hnr danbrook were again called. Notwith atanding the Inclemency of the, weather a large number of frienda of tbe family had MMaibled at the obseqaiee. 4V- Ltrd Healed Bcavera. g|Tla Laadar'acriba has long been a be llavar in tha beaver as weatlier prophets, and believee they have premonition or warning or foraknowladge that the hu mana of tbia earth do hot have not even ita Hicks and Foeters. With the latter it M-.kit ana m^M, or miss and hit just as Toaohooiia to viaw it.. With the beaver it laMM»nnlwayar tiia ia the Miibe'a con alaMon after over 80 yaara tuition in ob eerving their habits and taking note of Information gained. For -the last four •eaaoaa We have been in the habit ol via -Itiag the- beaver dam* of Donglaaa river •i«ke, awe of their wbrk' and interpret 'W' motive aneh work,and coma babk and pnbiiati anch impreaaions in the nest iaane of Lender thereafter^ We •II remamiier how the wintara' wera wh*-n paat^-end onr Leader fllea WUl show how "Ika beaver prediction waa and how wall lAaT hittha^nailon the head." This laet September after awaking the nana! t^ we made repord of our obeervatiop* in (he Lan4er or tjep. 17. We quote ttw to| lowing from that repotM, "A cotdanap in (fee IM helf of Qctobfir. freeaing ioe on cr«i»ka Tltete nul be nn oecaeiooal Mgkt fall .of «|iuiw np to bnt ®o bMTjr'fatriwfoM MMI''. ifiXi ^Mferi.'/'vTliiek. iM •kowtag NWf* freenlngeiMile-^-Hbdwhat betweaatlM vested Mj|a wly ppnii teMUgMrttooi -^KV**. ^jv^rv $ 14 LOCAL ITEMS .' v1 rv*. „, Mr*. Nygaard, wife of oar oonniy tren enrer, with her little boy wns viRitinR in Washburn this week. J. O. Stoynll arrived in Washburn from Bismnrofe on Fridays etftge. He had a Very cold ride of it'. 1' The boys have been in readiness for the p.ast ten days iu cave the insurgents should get it into their heads,Vto take the city, but I don't think they are as foolish as to'' undertake it. Capt Moffet was "touch ed" up by soma robbers, w*iil6 ha wns a sleep ia hia quarters at Mvlatey I don't know what was'seoured. We.expeot to be sent home aom time next'apring. We have font Amerioan newspapers and one magaziue here, so we are well supplied with news in Manila, but don't hear much of the outside world. I read of the brutal murder, of Mfo iledstro ui in the last' mail, atjtfi lio^e: they, will natch end punish the mnrderB^ As to the future of these islands haven't any iddea, but the oonutry is over-run with cheap labor.- j,Some say there ia a great deal of minerals in the inouutaiua, mcluding gold, but we oan't believe half we hear, but neyerthelem, I have got ci eyes jpen and will have a good opinion by ftie time we go home. CABD OF THANK8. Through the medium of the Luon Mr. and Mr*. Luke Eskes deire« to thank the kind friends, in thiia community who w|tb kind hear|ta and willing hanis a»aiated tlMim in their aifflction. V- '••v.- .- •, •. _• 'Z_. &0LL0F HONOB. Aona BllWCeiie Connelly, Albert ?ii»h er, Hugh Fisher and Loui* Cdohelly w^re nejther absent nor taird^ for the. month TABKH'OTQH, 'V^I^Mober Benaler, (OliTer Co.) echool. ?r^B.fW. .ffjHPB^' 'P(isjWgey Tmtfio ^|(4i^~'«lM^pii9M ftpAi Poi^^am'p* to sff l" '1 Ttiere will be.a grand masquerade ball in VVaehhurn jjVb. 22nd'— Wtm'iii-gtou'd birthday—aiid a grand good time ex p»!Ctiid.j .'-•••••'iV O Hiere will be noftmore service* at Coal Harbor ijWetler or Turtle Late until H. O. Habdxmbboox -te The Washburn Sohool will give an entertainment ft id *ocial Feb. 21. lor the beueflc of the Y. L. L. ui ent«r:ainment will consist of songs, recitations, dialouges aud a Washington exercise.' All are cordially invited. Admicsion 25 cent#. Letter From Manilla. Receiver Satterlnnd has received a lat er from John P»tarn'iu—Mm. Tatlsy's oldert son—who is a member of Captain Moffit's company. The letter was printed in Wednesdny's Tribune and dated Man illa, P. I., Dei 22nd. Here ix,th«j letter: Th« weather here seems to be getting warmer every day, which is bad for the sick. We onlyjhave a few cases of sick ness how, and thev will be well before long. At one time Company A had twenty fbnr on ,the sick report, they have about ttii at the present time. •yWboy* reoived their Christmas boxes last Wiiek and they were tickled to get fruit cacke moet all the boxes contained 'tablets, pencils, roap, towels. Iirnshes. etc.. they were as nsefnl tor our purpose as anything conld be. The cheif a port here among^jthe boys is base and foot bid', 'hey have a game daostvery day. Every evening there is an open air concert Oil the Lunneta, by the different bands here, and they draw very large crowds of people, mostly Uncle Sam's boys, but there are a few Spaniards that enjoy our "national airs." *. Thomas Peterson of MoLean whom you are interested in is as good soldier as there ia in the \oom pany. Toin^hasstood tho trip flue and a in excellent, health at present .he was in the scrap on Ang. 18, and heard the music ^Ttoe-tMaeaes*-.-?--w Two boys and iir yself at over and visited the Paco cem'oi«ry last-week, and were well^ rwarded for onr visit. The Spaniards never hnry their dead in the gjound, bnt bury them within the two large walls snrroaading the cemetery they are obliged £to pay five ye ar's rent, as soon as one is bnried, and at the ex, piration! of Ave years, if the rent isn forthcoming, the corpse is drawn out'of the wall and thrown iu the. bone pile. We al»o visited the bone pile and it was enough to give a person the horrors. While there we looked over th° graves, we haven't any bnried there yet and hope w* never will. Our regiment hits five bnried thlefe there is a slab erected over almost every:grave. There was a burial of one of the 14th Infty. while we were there, and it was very sad. iV M'' 5 Be loth to sever frplndshlp'b ties. iUreat, Indeed should be the cause. Though the iwlsoned tounj of envy. May have pictured many flaws In some freiml considered worthy, Still forbear thy friend to slight, Wliatbeem mountains raised between tliec— Truth may banisli with Its lU ht. How oft, wiien lives are dmwn apart. Icy colduoss isomes between And where sweet flowers of friendship flowed Naught but barrenness is seen We should be slow to take offence, Di:t deeds of kindness render The kludost ways are always best— Be tender, t, be tender. Perfection, we may never And. In thlf life, In any breast, Tet some are noble, good and kind. And with er.erous nature blest ltut few posess suffielent trace To obey the great eemmaud, '•Go, love thy neighbor as tlivself," Give to him a willing hand. In judgine, be not to severe ,~ Mark the path the Master trod, The sinner ana tiie sulnt all:te Are aeenuntable toUml Then show forbeiirauce and forgive If thou woulds't be forgiven For only such ean walk with Chrlbti Or roach tho^ilghctt heaven. After a few more fleeting years, I'alns and pleasures here will end. The body shall return to earth, And with kindred dust shall blend. Oh, soul of patience »nd forbearance, Ulnst with pure, swent charity, With love ti» God and love to man. Thou nacd'st not fear Eternity —Adam Scholes. Grand Forks Plaindealer: The Indians out went say that. John Satterlnnd ia their friend. Another case of pure "ccn." After copying the above the Bottineau Courant say": Yes, .and the "pure con*' will not be misplaced either. There is no trner or firmer friend, nor harder fighter, any where than John Satterljnd, and his friendship is worth having at'any turn of the game. The- Indiaus of Fort Berthnld —the Maudans, Arickarets and Mios Ven troH of whom we know something—did right in piaoing their confidence in Mr Satterlnnd—he wilt not betray them Long life to him. Beaumont Daily Enterprise We trust that our readers v?ill not get expansion and imperial ism mixed up. The Unitec States has been continually expanding since the firi teen states formed a union ant ''ffiere-''' hat'afars^ beeorS opposed to expansion fop dif ferent reasons but whose ideas never prevailed. As long as there is a chance for expansion of American ideas and business enterprises the masses of the people will favor it. In princi ple it is as wrong to deprive a few thousand Ksquimeaux ol' self government as it is a few million Filipinos. No true American wants to depreive cithereof them of any of the liberties we prize and there is no danger of such a result, but we would be foolish to cast- a side any of the commercial ad vantages, that have resulted from our victory over Spain and the consequent opportunity to spread the true doctrine of liberty throughout tho world. If we do this Bartlioldis grand statue in New York harbor is a misnomer as weli as the motto on the old liberty bell which proclaimed our independence. To leave the Philippines nov would mean their acquisition by some other nation, which does not understand the mean* ing of liberty, or else an^ a bortive native government which would retard civilisation. We hope to' discuss this ques tion more fully in the future. "V Send 25-centa in postage or onrreney to W. B. Wrenn, Passenger Trafiie Mannger. Plaut Bvstem, Savannah, Oa. for deok of huudsome Playing Cards. Nutioe la Taxpayer*.•- A penalty of 5 per cent will be Hddedon all on paid personal property taxex fur 1898 March 1.181W, aud if unpaid April 15 1889, will be placed in hand* of sheriff for diatresa oolectiun. Also a farther penalty of 8 peroeut Will be atta bed to all nnpaid real eft*** taxee for 1898 March 1,1899. Washburn, M. D., Jiib. 80,1899. My 0, KtOA4*T. lit'i'd Hotlein of Homestead Final Proof. U. S. LAVI). Blsinarck, X. I. peb.j.a,im.^ tJoX|CE |s hereby riven ihat the /^ilnw|n« named settler Iiaa filed notice of htalntenthw to make jlnal preof in support of hnrelalm, and thattMldmdllnal proof wiirne maae iwore Peter MIUes, ]ud«e and ex-nfflc(o dark, of (the county eourt of HcLe&n County. N. at Wa^urn,^ l^onMa^h^h,vU, or the N W li, Mactton X, Township 1« n.Jt. IV'tthp, He names the foDowins witnesses to prqro bls coni •nuon«: restfenee upon aod enltlnttlon ef ot flanow*, KX»k, Jones and Hwry Carter, of C^al of wTellPr fW" 5Wf^ JX 1 ., v--.V-./:^:'\\V il -f\'rVW '.-, iv£* Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota, Saturday, February 11, 1899. *s?rv 1^$ SHERIFF'S SALE. Sttte Vif North Dakota. I In Dlssrlct Court. County of Cass. Third .fudlcial L)lst. Welli?& Dickey Company, Plaintiff. vs. John Chesworth, (Sara Cliesworth. Hahk of Miuiit, A. H. (iuptill, as Re ceiver of the Hank of Mlnot. North Dakota Title Insurance and Trust Oohl|)any, it. S. Krynjolfsun, and Frank 1'. Mawklus, Defendants. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a Judtenict of foreclosure aud sale in the above entitled action entered on January 31.1S99, and a special execution issued upon said Judgment, the. Klibscrilwr, Allan Macdonald Sheriff of McLean Cioiinty. State of North Dakota, for the purpose appointed will sell at public auction at the front door of the. Court House In Washburn. County of Mckean, State of North Dakota, on March l8t, i8». at 10 o'elock In the forenoon of tlutf *tk]r. the East one-half of the Northwest quarterand the Northeast quarter of the South east quarter of Section twenty. Township one hundred fwty-ifoiir, Bange eighty-three In said Merman (^ninty being the mortgaged premises dlrected ih said Judgnitent and execution to he soldi or nmch tliereof as may be suiticlent to satisfy thilt said Judgement and costs, amounting In all to 9851.86 with Interest thereon fromtiie date of M)id judgment and all accruing costs of sale. Dated February Gth, 1899. ALI.AN MACDONALD, Sheriff of McLean County. ilAii, WATSON & MAC-LAY. riali^lffs' Att'ys, Fargo, I. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is Hereby Given, That by virtue of a Judgnienf and decree In foreclosure, rendered aiid tfven by the District Court of the Sixth Jadlclal DUtrtci and for the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, and entered and doc'. eted lu the ofllce of he Clerk of s:ild Court in ahd ier said County, on the 10th day of February is«.i, in action wherein William H. brown lM'Ulutiff, and Anna Danielson. Bank of XlinotikicoriKnatioa, C-. H. Mears, North Da kota Title lusurance & Trust Company, a cor poritlorii friink r. Hawkins, B. 8. Brynjolfson ilowani K. Moore. E. V. Hoffman are defend utits. lh fuvor of the said Plnintiff and against thefald deren4ants for the sum of Seven hund direda^ forty-two dollars and nluety-lx cents, Judgment and decree amoni utt^E tilnTi directed the sale uy me of the real «^£&&!fo'CfnAfter described, to satisfy the a noWR#f Mid judgment, with interest thereon ijjgpfHHMta aitd exiienses of such sale, or ^ijy^Jiiereor as the proceeds of such sale a)ir will sutlsfv. And by virtue of a writlo me issued out of tbe office of the Clerk of sald.}li|kt Iu and far said County of McLean and Wiethe seal or said I ourt, directing me to sell gatd feal property pursuant te said judgment aftddeeree, I, Allan McDonald, Sheriff of sal Cwiniyt'end person appointed by said ourt to qfekefeld tale, will sell the hereinafter descrili ed teail estate to the highest bidder, for cash, at piiMie auctlou, at the frontdoor of the court lioutrtUil the Village of Washburn iu the County if )le& and State of North Dakota, on the Itarcii A 1, 18%), at 8 o'clock V.H., "of•^dcat-^dayr'iSis7 Jfiagmemt -with interest,thereon, aiid^fhe costs and expenses of such sale-,'or so much thereof as the proceeds of s. :cli sale applicable thereto will satisfy. The premises to be sold as aforesaid pursuant to said judgment and decree, and to said writ, and to this notice, are described In said jmltciuent. decree and writ, as follows to-wlt: The seutlieastquiirter of section Twenty (MO) in Township One hundred-and forty-flve U-tfijuortli of Bange eighty-three (83) west, McLean Counry N. 1). Dated February lOtli 1899. ALLAN MCDONALD, «•''*$ Bherlff of McLean County, North Dakota. K. A. MAOI.ONK, Attorney for l'lalntiff, Devils Lake N. D. NO TIC 12 OF SALE. Notice Is Hereby Given, That by virtue of a Judgemeut and decree in foreclosure, remlerad and given by the District Court of the Sixth judicial District, in and for, the County ol Lean and state of North DaUota, and entered and docketed Iu the oiBce of the Clerk of salil Court In anil for satd Comity, on the 10th day or February 1899, In aetion wherein William H. Brown Is Plalntlfl anil Ole Anderson. Hank of Mlnot, a corporation, C. II. Mears, North Da kota Title InMuranae ft Trust Company a corpor ation, Frank P. Hawkins, B. S. Brynjolfson, Howard K. Moore and K.V. lloffinau are de fendants, In favor of the said Plaintiff and against the said Defendants for the sum of Nine hundred forty-one dollars and fifty Ave ceuts. (CHI 88) which Judgement and decree among other things directed the sale by me of the real estate Vereluafter nesrrllitttl1.1 to Mitisfy the.a moant of said ]ndi$ement. with Interest thereon and costs and expenses of sueh sale, or so much thereofastbe proceeds of such sale applleable thento wUl satisfy. And by Ivlrtue of a wrlt tn me Isaued out of the office of the Clerk of saM Court to and for said county of McLean and under flie iteai of said Court. dli*etlng me to sell «dd reid profierty pursuant to Judsment and decree". I, Allan McDonald. Sheriff of said County, nnd penon appointed by said Court to make gald sale, will sell the hereinafter descrllied'real estate to the hlsbestj bidder, for cash, at nubile auction,at the front, door of. court house In the Villatte ofWashbnrn In tho County of Mclean nnd State of North Dakota, on theS2nddaydf March Wt. i*5 iit o'clock P. M.. of that day, to satisfy said Judgement, with Interest and costs thereon, aiid the costs and e-tienses of sueh sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of such salp applicable thereto will satisfy The premise# to be told as aforesaid purviuint to said Judiroment and decreeV aiid to said writ, and tojthls liotlee, are dencrlbwlln said Judg ment, decree and writ, as follows, twwltj—v, The Hoiitti half of the Southeast quarterand the floutb^haif of tlic 8o«tliwe|it quarter of seotion stx .in towMhip One hundred and forty-fonr (IM) nort^of Bange HfUty-one i81) w««t, McLean County N, D. Dated Febranry toth I88». ALltAH MoDON ALP, Bhtniff of McLean County, North Dako B*^(Soroeyfor Plidntllf, Deylla Kake N. p. Dend fonr oe»t* P*"*(te to B. W, Wrenn Fa Merger Traffic Manager. Plant System Savanpah, 3a for oopy of baantifol illnstrated deaeriptive book on Florl Cvb| ud Jaitaaioa, jr 1 1 1—.a 'J- four ,eenta in pueta^e to WranM. FaaajMUfep fr^a ^naRe'r,, »t -Ms tppu-ty John Oligney's THE BEST PLACE. What is the use of sending away for your harness and straps when you can get them at home tor less money. He member I use nothing but pure oak leather, and have the No. 1 Stock Saddle the jhest grade saddle, made first class in every way. price very pleasing. Call and ser ms. Washburn Hae ness Shop E. E. Morris the shoe man three doors east ol the Tribune, receiv ed another large con si0'£ment of Ladies ine Shoes in Black and Ox Bloods- Give Him a call and exam ine goods and nnces. WASHBURN MILLING COMPAQ UL10 KSMITHING- rsssssnatssBsr. Capacity 60 Barrels Daily. (To the Bismarck Batik Building.) We have moved our entirely New Stock of Olothmg, G-ejat's Furnishing Q-oods, etc to the first store west of Bismarck Bank where we will be pleased to meet our old and new cus tomers Best Line of Clothing in the City. Please call and inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods. Suits made to order by the most reliable merchant tailors of Chicago, call and see samples- Semlin& & Hoover. AND \-v GENERAL REPAIRING OHABI.BS XJniFj-iTir i1" mor?*ottib&nw^ejftM $ *yj .$. »., Mill located in the richest hard Wheat sec tion in North Dakota. Commencing with the new year we will exchange flour for wheat on a a very liberal cash basis. t4 .* v.' r, .1 'V-rV'-j'•-.' V" ATENT SS^bakbrsv'• WHEAT HEARTS and GRAHAM. Bran, Shorts, etc., Always on Hand. Winter Clothing. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,Arties, Rubbers, Leggins, Pacs, Socks or all kinds, Wollen Shirts, Drawers AT A. H. Wahl's. EMOVED! lumber for $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 -r ttUutri anr 1• ^lf-V' r'%-^ Humber 'So *A vr a 1 v. (V '(I" •HI pKf kt OK tmahMoa to ffcb paper and ttT ftfir Twice^-Tacfc -"I I -1 Sale, At Klondyke saw mill, Conk ling, N. D. I have a choice lot of lumber for sale at reasona ble prices. Will trade lumber for horses, cattle, wheat, oats, barley or pork. 8 feet houselogs on hand. Come and see me when you want to buy. FHED PFISTEK, •'A 5 Mnmiger Conklinff, N. I) LOUIS LARSON, DKALKB IN Boots & Shoes, Main St Bismarck And all Kinds of Foot Wear. 0 iitfnto Qewaulacribcn aid Jiofcb food ok mow to*»-r' r- A WiBBOwMMk )kSD wad in give yo* mdH be