Newspaper Page Text
r- ji&-. Washburn Leader. Ii Jim BAtmnrro. """pCHLMltfiD EVERY SATURDAY. itlrfrWIAI. mMt OK llrl.KAN OOlTNTY. M!H "TIOK PHIPKO^ttDfll.HII I YKA* "Some think that only professional per !...* itc !j a w!l«x« education. If yon are clbf to b® a 'n blacksmith or fanner, go w^iie^e. 1 find that none In the elHs* in- fi .U firiv wert (uitiK to hi*. If 1 had Mv buy* Who *»b»-r- oioir le fnrwre I wii&t all vu tv hruur c»l e. If '.til fmYa tn-re v*t farinx and work litem thi t-XHYnpla *111 be a guvdaaud to the .ultiic*i-buU. 1'b. salvation of the coining Veurtation in faith in the respect for man teal labor, the farm and ita derelopement, and tbe meebaiiioal puriaiU."—Bishop Tinoent. 'I'ne teamed Bishop nigh*. Iiafe gone fur ther and reminded his bearers that farm :u{ is now becoming an application of ^nany scieocea and as snob presents most deitrali.e opportunities for educated men. Ue wight have recalled the fact that the purity of Ufa on the farm produce* the men, strong of mind, morals nud muscles, «n whom the world depeudt in ita crbes, «t« well, as in timer of pieoe and nurnil ed priMptrii 'o do and to dare in the pro motion of the progresa oi tbe raoe. -Globe Democrat. _____ THK AUTOMOBILE. The Iron Age sees in the automobile vomethiug more than a fad sud preiiote tMt soon as a really practical vehiole of [im class ,.is brought oat horse-drawn crucktfeipiMs wagofkt an deliv wa^ous viu gw to the wail buesose ot tbe greater louo that a mecbanioally propelled wagoj -could cHrry and the oouee^neut ecouotny. dt Hioo sees an extensive territory added to the wide dominion King Irou. Mot ou 1/ will mere be heavy demand for material or the aoiomobilea themMlve.4 but, sup plies ot luacbiuery and appliaucpe for their. •coustrucuon to say nothiug of the proba bir qut[ uieut of numerous stations for with electricity or compressed an. Am iu 5' the case of the railroad and the, lor every man who may be tiiu»iiuutof emp oyweut aa driver and liurne lent-er or wagou waktr, fonr or five Vil: ultimately bud tmtiiomeut as skilled wt. kuieii, are higher wa^es, at. moiormeu ur iiiHcliiuiets. it will be a repetition of :u«!«i.ul/ie temporary outplacement and iuaiala increase iu emji.oyuiant tl at io.MW ue introduction of uluiust every lu .iM.-uviiig device. Ah a practical auto lui.i.i.e truck is nlready ao much more lUuu a dream that captalists witn son 'j ..iirtlluii for shrowui.cixa have staked -ii»vi on ita aaccess. ILe Victims uf the Fourth. I'lonei!!- Press. Yesterday a hoy died in St. Paul from the effectf of an accidental self-inflicti 'imd lij a pistol shot on the Fourth ol jui. »«. v,. iMfn,*.!.!. kii» .tumid i« irUd if' thereto entered In cause pending between »o be iKtSitTs nw 1 i-wwirt u« »u A complete list would probably *well the-ie uiigregata.'* from five to tenfold, 'i'he killttd aid wounded even in the uompar at.ively uarrow deld ex plot ed by the Tri 1','iiiti out number the loasee of a docen baitled uitli the Filipinos, and over the wh(.le United States probably the list of «l**ad nud iujured by fireworka and fire ni 3 in the celebration of Independence iy would probably nearly eqaal if it did :inf exceed, all the Iosdm in battle if ml|d Emds there is leason to liniuve that the parting of tbe wuys i* ut ln.nd. A number of others were severely iiijuiad and narrowly esoap-'U death or '•'ii mniminu. A complete oata* Ik.i^c at similiar cnn««lties hII over th '.riiuutry, if it could be ancaratelt made, would show au appalling total. A partial lit-1 compiled by the Chicago l'' from only 260 cities and to*us elioweJ lt foi iowitiu reouitn. Di nd, 86t Injured, 1,851 fire losses, f422 £tO In jnrud tiy cauuon craokern, 848 by powdef ez tlosions, 248 by toy cannon* 269 iit by at.rity bullet*. 60. attain ed by our troop* during the entire camp Ai,'ii in Liuson from February laat to the pic»ent lime. This horrible saciittce of !il« and lim for no purpose in the world evcept to make the day hideous with noise aoinetbiiig ...oimlrous to tbiuk of. Aud I It it- I he leant of the horrors of our modern Fourth of July celebration. Think «n the iutan-ie aud prolonged agony, of the* Ufrture inflicted lor tweuty-oar mortal bourn oil MM sick and the nervoo*. and of the unrecorded deaths resulting from thia AA the celebration of Independence day baft degenerated into a rag* for mere noi*e in ita loudest and aeateat forma, with everv sum feeding tecorrenee of the dav btcome* more uoi«y •very Another horror ia added to the Ameri' can ass torn of eeleb rating the Foarth of Jnlv, by the development of namerow MiM.of lockjaw reenlting from alight in Jorlee received from exploeivea on our i, national day. A considerable oanefeMga .of there casae have proved fatal, and many sithera are proving aeriooa. ThaKew York ^jfan o' l«te data aaya: "Foar mo of loeVJnW developed yaeterday amc" ohildrad who wonnded thamaelvea on it and ita armament dangerous and ear-splitting mora extensive of exirfosivee and more formidable, and reeurrenoe it is followed moorafnl by and the the same indignant oommenta upon long and increasing, oatalon* of ita victims. Jf urth of Inly, and two more dsathe fr« (he a were reported. A' dn^or in on of *he hoaoital. «ava lookiaw is become llCv -'.•"*• VV» Northern Pacific Railway Company. NOTICE OF SALES OP LANDS IN NORTH DAKOTA. EAST OF THE MISSOURI RIVER. Notice la hereby given, that pursuant to a decree entered by the Circuit Court -of tbe T'nlted States for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, on May 2rth. 189ft, in a certain cause in equity. non'M"* in siM Court, wherein the Fanrv rs' Loan a-d Truat Com parv is complainant, and the Northern Par'# railroad Co-npany and others are defendants, and a certain decree ancillary parties in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of North Dakota. I. Alfred L. Cary. as Special Master, •hall sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, at the timea and places hereinafter stated All the lands granted by the Conrrers rf the United States to aid in the constructs and equipment of the railroads of p• Northern Pacific Railroad Company, ard all rights of said compnny under the cev eral grants made to It by Congress In a*~y aueh lands lying within the state of "orth Dakota, east of the Missouri river. Schedules of said lands within raid S^te of North Dakota, will be found on and after June 16th. lf«n», at the office of the clerk Of the United States Circuit Court, at Fargo, North Dakota, and at the pa seneer stations of the Northern Pacific Uallway Company at Bismarck and Farjco In North Dakota. And schedule" of said land* within each of the counties In mid State of North Dakota, In which sales thereof a*e to be made a* her'lnpftfr rta'erf, w'"l he 'ni-d in the offices of the clerks of the District Courts for said counties respectively, or and after June lftth, 189!i but alt the lanis and rights in respect of the lands of sM railroad oompany within each of said coun ties, whether epeclO«sl in said schedules or not, will he Included In snch rale*. Such sales will be made as follows: la) All of said lands for which T^etten Pateht have Issued to said Railroad Com pany. and the light to receive lands fnr which Tetter* Patent have not Issued, hut which have been selected by and certified to said company, wl'l he sold in single sec tions. or subdivisions thereof. (b) All lands for which patent* have not issued, and which have not been se lected by and certified to TM'rnaH Company, but to which aald Railroad Com pany is entitled under said grants of Con greas, and all rlrhts of said Railroad Com- ary to reclve from the United States any which have not been certified er patented to said Railroad Company, whether under the grant, expressed In the act of Congress of July 2, 18"4. or un-Vr anv sub sequent grant by way of indemnity or otherwise to said company, together with all the ri"ht, title. l*W""'t und flalm in nr to any such land*, and all Its rights to re ceive from the United States, patents there for. and also, all right, title. Interest and eonlty In and to any other lands to which said Railroad Company may he entitled and which mav have accrued or shall here after accrue to it. under any of aa.1d land grants, and also all right, title, enultv and Interest In and to any I*n4s covered by or Included In any of si Id |r«nd gra-t« and not hereinbefore specified will be aold In one parcel as to all sti^h lands and rights In respect of lands wlth'n each of the coun ties In which a aale thereof shall be made as hereinafter stated. DlfKJSY rnd'NTY. Such sile of lands and of lights In respect of lands situ ated In the Coontv of Dickey, In said fl*a.te of North Dakota, w'll be made at the court house of said cuntv. at We" dale. In said co»nty. on the 22nd day of July, 1P0!». at nine o'clock a. m. RICHI.AKD COT'KTY. Sue* ra'e o' tends and of rights In respect of lands «lt'at*d In the Countv of RI'MThd, In said S'lt' of North Dakota, vlll majle at the court house of aald county a' wahpeton. In said county, on the 24th day of Ju'y, IfW. at eleven o'clock «. m. TRAILL. COUNTY. S'"-h sale of lands and of rights In resre-t of lands s'tu-. ated in the County o' "rrn.HI. In aald 8tite of North Dakota, will he made at the court house of said orntv at Hl'laHoro. In said county, on the *Mth day of July. 1«X), at four o'clock n. m. CASS COUNTY. Snch sale of lands and of lights In resneot of inn*. sltu^t~l i the Ctouirty of Caas. in said 8tate of of 1890, at two ,anf? ^litl t'y'ffey. person llidni to vortli Dakota, will he »a^« at the co'-rt h"u-e of said county, at Fargo. In *aid cuntv. on the 25th day of July, 18W», at nine o'clock a. m. RANSOM COTTNTY. SnC ail"* of l-n"s and of rights In respect of l-nds ^lt"at"d In the Countv of Ranwn, In said Sta'e of North Dakota- wl'l he mad» at th" court house of said oo'in'v. at T.isnon, I" said coimty. on t*e 26th day of July, 18TO a LAMOTtrk coT*NTY. S""h -a'» cf Inn and of rights In rcgnoct of In the i.nda r'0'nty »lti'^t"d In the rtiunty of La Moure, In said St»te of North Dakota, will he made at »he court house of pa'd ^oun*v. i*t LpMfl"p, In said countv, on the 2'th day of July, 1SJW, a thr»e o'clock p. r*. STRRLW COTTNTY. Snch M'e of land and of rights in respect Of lands situated of ^t»ele, i" said Of vorth Dakota, will be made at the court hoi«e of aald at Sh»r«ir-ok V~ sald co'-nf". o- the 27th day of July, 1890. at tvTr o'clock m. B4BNT"S roi'vifv Rnc1" sale o' nnn and of rlehts In r-snect of lmd. s'tuate1 In tt» Countv of Ra'ne". in slid St*t® of North Dako'a. will he mad» a* *h court house of said county, nt Valley "1tv. In said county. o- the ?*!th day of Ji'lv. 18P0, at nl"e o'c'"ck a. m. GTTOO«J rftT'NTT, Such sate o' land' and of rlsht" In r»snrot Mt"»t^' )r the, Ponivty cf Irlires. i" ra'd State of North Dakota, *il' he made at the eou-t house of said cou"tv, at foqn»rstow". I" said county, on the Wth day of July. 1WI. at two o'clock m. STUTSMAN CTV'V'TY. B»ch sale o' lands and of rights In re*p°ot of lands situated In the County of Sti'*«mai». 'n aald State of North Dakota, will he mad» at the court house of said connty.n. Jamestown. In "aid county.. on the viwti dav of July. 1«*» at rl«e o'c'fck «. FOSTER COTTNTY. S"Cb sale of 'and* and of rlghta in i^sne^t of lands a'tuata-' In tbe County of Foster, In said State "f North Dakota, will he made at the court house of said county, at Csrrlnsjon. said county, on the 20th day or July, o'clock p. m. WRIXiS COUNTY. Such *ale of lands and of rights In reapeot of land« *|t»«ate^ In the Connty of Wells. I- aMd 'tate "f North Dakota, will be mad- at th» r0n«t house of said countv. st Fessenden. «n •aid county, on the 31st day of July. 18B0 at nine o'clock a* m. EDDY COT'NTY. Such aale of land* and of right" in rejffiST1 of lards rl'»a»e' In the County of Eddy, In said State of North Dakota, will be mad* at the,court house of aald countv. at New hi said count*, on the Slst day of July, 1W0, at four o'c'ock p. KIDDFR COTTNTY. Such sale of Ian** and of rlghta InMiwpt of landa situated In the County of K|di»er, 'n said jlta'a Mi "f North Dakota. wiH he mad- at-tN» ooor* house of aald countv. at Steele. In wM county, on the lit day of Auguat, 1M at nine o'clock a. m. .. BURTjrinHCOUNTY. 8"ch In the County of McT^an. |n said state of North Dakota, will be made at the csu-t house of aald oounty. at WaShbum, in add oounty, on the 2nd day of Auguat, law, at tour o'clock p. m. •AROKNT COUNTY. Such sale lands rights In resnect of land" situated of Sargent, In said .Bute of wlll he made at the omirt of aald county, at Forman, In Mid ity, on the 7th day of Auguat, 1W», at «ma ordoA ft. IB. lOOAN COUNTY. Such sale of land* moSf rlghta in respect of landa aituated to the County of Lonrn. M'd State rf North Dakota, will b* made at the court nouae of aald ccmnty. at King, In said comity, on the 7 th day of Augiwt, lflM, at f^r o-clpek p. bouaa af aaM -^niity, on tha tan tfaMk a. wi. TNTT Mr'VTOSH.OOT ill of rlghta In le the County of Norfti tual ot t' it 4 •?, rl" o'lsnd^ and of rlghta ln reanect of bnds 'Jtua'ed In the county of Burfelirh. In said State of North Dakota., win be made at the court bouse of aald county, at ^l"nar~k In aald county, on the lat day of August, lWfl, at three o'clock p. m. McLKAN COUNTY. Such aale Of land and of rlghta In respect of landa situated One Uit Nbr onep.'il Master, of. tan d^Hara^tor aeatioa of such lands, for wblch »»cb 1 I 'jheV&jA In money oc, by certi fied chock on any National Bank or. Trust Company In the City of Now York, or In tbe City of 8L Paul, allnhaaota^ Upon tbe acceptance of any bid for any of aald pat anted landa, or for any selected and certified, but not patented, the bidder, to whom the same ahall hava .bean struck off. ahall deposit with the Special Master, a aum equal to teh per centum of the total amount of his bid for aueh landa, either In cash or In a certified check upon any National Bank or Truat Company in the City of New York, orln the Cltyof S'. Paul, lflnneaota. The Special Master wl 1 receive no bid from anyone offering to bid for said unpatented lands and rights, who shall not flr deroslt with him, as a pledgd that he ahall make good his hid In case ot acceptance, a sum equal to live percentum of the amount of his bid in ntoney or in a certified check upon a National Bank or Truat Company In the Gity of New York or In the City of St. Paul, Mlnneaota. Upon the acceptance of any bid for aald unpatented landa and rights, the bidder to whom the same ahall have bean struck off. ahall forthwith deposit with,-said Special Master, a sum equal to ten per centum rf the amount of his bid In money or in a certified check on any National Bank or Trust Company in the City of New York or In the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Any cash which any auccessful bidder may have deposited aa a pledge that he would make good his bid, will be receive 1 on account of the amount required to he paid by blm on the acceptance of h!s bid. The depoelt received from any unsuc cessful bidder will be returned to Mm when the propfrty ahall he struck *own. In case any bidder shall 1 tt make i^e deposit by said decree, required upon accep tance of his bid, the Specldl. A&ster wit then and there again offer the landa or rights atruck off to him for sal* without further notice or advertisement.- ,' .. .. In case any bidder rt purchaser shall fall to make good his bid i|pon Ita acceptance: by the Special Maater or after nwh accept ance shall fall to comply wJibthe. ord»r of the Court relating to the payment there of or the consummation'- rtt (he purchase then the deposit made by such purchaser or purchasers will be forfaited as a penalty for aueh failure, and wl'l be applied toward? the oxpensea of a re-s^le, and towarda making good anv d*fl'c!e"cy or lo's !n c'H the property shall be sold at a price leas than that bid at the prior sale. If the Tourt shall not confirm the sale far which the deaoslt ahall have bee'1 mad", euch de posit will bo returned to the bidder. Upon confirmation of any sale Wy the Court, tbe purchaser ahall make such fur ther payment or payments in cash on ac count of hla bid. aa the Court may from time to time direct. Any such purchaser may satisfy and make good any -part pf his bid. not required to be made in cash, by. executing and delivering to the SP?c'al Maater, an assignment of any claim against said Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany. which shall have been, at the time of such assignment, finally allowed by the Court In this suit, and of which aueh pur chaser ahall then be the owner, and such -purchaser shall be credited therefor on ac count of his bid, with aueh sums a« would be payable on snch claims out of the nur chase price of all the lands. If the whol' amount thereof had been paid In cash. If the credit to which the owner of any claim so assigned, would h» entitled by reason thereof, ahall exceed the amount due from htm upon such bid In exoeas of the amount r-"ilred to be nald In oa*h, then aueh aaslgnment to the Special Maater may b* of such amount out of the total of the said claim as may be necessary to make up the amount so due On such bid or bids ana the right of such purchaser In respect of the balance due on aueh claim will not be ar*cted therebv. The Court reserves the right to re-sell any aueh landa or rights upon aueh notice as the Court shall direct. In "ase the purchaser thereof shall fall or omit to make any payment on account of any unnaid' balance of the purchase price within thirty days after the entry of an order requiring aueh payment. For further particulars, reference la be'e hv mnde to the above mentioned deereea of i'd Courts. Dated June «th. JkLFRRD t* CAP-v. As Special Master. Jo®. Mann —Dealer in— Lumber and Farm Machin*ry I handle the celebrated Piano Jones' Lever' Binder, Piano Headers, Mowers and Rakes. Alsua 'complete line of: Canton Plows, Olcl Hickory and Flint W a Wind Mills, Pumps and! everything pertaining t» the farm. If j'ou want lumber I, want j'ou to call on me before buying—I want to show you what I can do for you in the Way,...:, of building material, -p will keep on adding toicL. my line ot lumber any thtng desired can be had in my 1 A. A. Maaatin Weller M. lak TAKEN DP. Thrm bead of hpraaa. Una brown taare liranrtedll k. left aiUe. Obe tuaia ahile (ae* branded U. K, ou laft •an tfcree year* old. wMta batf i^rcle on: r%bt hip. Bi t^ii» yii«u»»r. N. D. otIUted. Proanaaek, N. O, ilsmt inly In^.ow dark bmwn ^inrae alNtat 8 yeara old, abua* 1"W nttwda, brai»4ad with MM'loakt thr a laft ahoalder. iifanaaik« li:..uiU|| to Ma reroratjr nine Ttli, i»W. 1 TAKEN UP, One 'dark bay yearling enl* amaU. apiit in faev ri^ht^iad (wit *M^. bmnda.'. .... .:V V,' HanMfjMb K. B.: Mil llif I TAKEN WR i". One bay mare weight aboqt llOO poon'da' branded »n left at-ifle a eirele tMpy it MHpa indistiuei brand* beneath tlt« abvta braud. Wtll ba Ubarally rawardad. H. P. ORaMN. M.O W Oa jim «to« |ti V'tt^ W ltrmArd iaai.lfaBtljr uaabay botaa Mtt«ia yaar 0M mm E. A. LAMB, Attorn •, rnavcvai'rvr and Notary Pnblle. MMMIttl MM, NOKTH ItAKOTA. Practice before the United (Hates In teriar Pi'pnrtment a specialty. I ahui have on hand a complete oop\ of the United Sttat a I* Offl. Kecnrd* Plats and for McLean. Oliver Uountieft. and Mere*r Northern Pacific Lands For able or Lease. Portlra doir'ngt" pnrrhaee or lease Northern Pacific il road lands eando so by upply liitu JOHN SATTKKt,l' O, Hale St-llcltor. Washburn, N. I». Apply to Washburn Ileal Estate Company for tnf'rni!tlo»i. FIN ST TK AI N S ON Jb A Rl ST PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS TO St Louis, AND ALL Southern Cities, Electric Lighted and Steam Heated. 8KB!. SEE!! SEE!!! I will sell lumber very cheap for the next ten days. Come and see me. FRBI PFICTFR. TTpn'V»rk.N. I. LOUIS LARSON, DEALER IH Boots & Shoer Main St. Bismarck and all Kinds of Foct Wear. TAKEN UP. One riaik brown veHrtinif Ally, branded on le't bam. Owner ooine prove proper ty pay oliarKea nud.take iame away. 8. M. Boots. Notlw Is hetfliy iriTeu that .tanob T. LHnKbal ha* filed notice of Intention t» make ilnal proof iiefore H. A. Pali-oner clerk of Court at bis office In Waaliliurn, N. I)., on tbeistli •l-iy-if Auguat. 189!). on timber culture apitllcitlon No. 140-2. for tliu V. E. iinrtiM' of, sectlun Xo. i, la Townslilp No. t-tfi n. ltan$e No. S3 W. He nsnn-'s as witnesses: John Peterson ami liavltl Carlson ef Coal Hiirlwir, and Joseph M^pn anil Hans Nygaard uf Washburn. A. C. Mi:(ill,l.l ittri 'liTiV- Coal Barbnr. N. I. [Pint PubNitttlon .lunn I0.18W TIMBER VUIiTI'RE. FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.ft.!.AM» OKFICE. I vk a v. Heclster rFirst Publication July 8. IMW.1 Kutiee ut HoiM»»le»«« l«*l f. J^ind t'fllreat isbmart'k, •I line 'J6,1S99. Natlre Is hereby plven that- the foHowlnit nniwA urttler has filed iihIIcp of lier Intentiont» makie ilnal proof In support of he* elata. ard lhat sslil priot trill he m*ilelpfoie Peter Miller Judite a%il axonrhi clerk at WaSblmrn.nn Amtnst ttUi, l«M, tH th|!tiy |/we. formerly Ruby ft»«e. iw'lMf.HW^aii a, section 24, and bit 1. Sec* Mvfotrn^b'^Md. I»angeT9, •. Stw iuiuiif« tlie followlnR wttnsMf to prove Iwr.^tiiiniiiHi' resMenae up*fs ana.eblMration oftlsiiM|npiilvlat AlMt CaAiiln'. nrm *bi»t'l«,»MRiM»iCa^er. all a Any persrtn wbo deeiresto preteat Snalnst the alimranre or **eh proof, or who knows of any snl^j)in»lal reason, tinder the law and tlie regulations of tha Interior Departmeot, Why sorb proof shouM not be allowed, will be glten an opimrtunltv at the Above m*ntHHMd ttaieand plaee to emsves.tntliie iln witnesses of said elaliiSsnt. and to oiler erl'lenec ln rebuttal of that submitted bjrelalmant, [CI'# A. C. McGlM.IVltAT Register. [Pbst FnbllcaflMijInir is. IM.1 Motloa of Branaataad Final Prtwf, laadOSeeat Blamarek }C. D., .,." dnljr KoHaa Is bereby jrhren that the WViwia* aaaiel sMtlierlui diinllee of bis Men^an to nwltaAiml proof iaMMwt or NisftHlfn w» thatsalil pioif Willha made**f -re Rrglii and leeelvar, at BbWMfek, .uk.. pa A tin. V, tHAAC FA11jjfog'* 7 A lua«a«i,wt»t,Hii New Goods. ft*#* Arriving Every Day. SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, CAPS A W A E Groceries. CEO. L. ROBINSON, A A O N And Repairs for Same also Full Supply McCormiok's BINDING TWINE at NELSON'S Cheap Cash Store. WA.«iI 115I I It N, 1. AXEL NELSON. Proprietor -i: Orazi Pa fi HOT E L*. Kow Open lo the PubUo. New House New Furniture Steam Heat Electric Lights Baths & all Modern Improvements. Good Stabling' in (!onne^ti(ra Hata* Reasonable Headquarters of Stockmen. Farmers and Merchants. By.all niean* tha best hotel in the city. HINRY TATLLY. Froprietor (To the Bismarck Bank Building.) We have moved olir entirely New 8took of Clothing. G-ent's Furnishing Goods, 6to. to the first store west of Bismarck Bank where we will be pleased to meet our old and new cus-* Best Line of Clothing in the City Please call and inspect our stock. No. trouble to show goods. Suits made to order by the mo-t, reliable merchant tailois of Chicago- call and see samples, Henry fi Heavy and shelf & Hoover! Ov*tn»il«i ?i» afq.'waft, Barb iiJ s, », etc. tMIt BOOSE. Ik -I -IJL1J \y-