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SH ii '-'.v•. Washburn Leader. PUBLI9HBD.EVKUY HATUltDAY Be IDBR BAmnnxD. gowMnrox Pmvie Oxi Doi.lah a Ykau OPFWIAL PAPER OK Mrl.EAN COUNTY Russian Ciueity. A well known prtist of War saw, Poland has excited deep indignatisn toward the autho rities by his.vivid description of an innocent Polish lady per forming the mot arduous labor as an exile in Siberia. She was Mme. Gudzinska. The hard ships to which she was subject ed soon exhausted her physical powers when she died miser ably among the convicts. Mme. Gudzinaska's task amid the snow fog o/the severest Siberia weathe-rwas to wash out salt sacks in a hole cut through the thich ice of the river Aug ara. She was surrounded at her task by ordinary convicts. She was guarded by a Moham medan criminal who had been promoted to the position be cause he would not be likely to be lenient toward christian prisoners. Why 'had this angelic looking, lady been con demned Jd the Sibeian mines? Simply because a traitor to the Polish was stabbed before her house in Warsaw, though there was not the slightest.*jjroof of her complicity in this assas ination or even of her know ledge of it. The commandant who assigned the convicts t'o the various mines struck by the youth and beauty of Mine. Gudzinaska made her an offer of entering his domestic serv ice, where she Would live com fortable. She rejected his proposal with indignation pre ferring martyrdoom to my advantages at the hands'ot her tormentors. Badly clothed., badly fed and exposed to all the rigors of the terribV Siberia climate, this brave Polish lady endured all her tortures witli a noble patience and the £reat',,-J firmness until her physical powers gave way and she died in flower of her age."—Appeal to Reason. A Study in Boer Tactics. General C. H. T. Collis of New York formerly a commis sioner of public works there and a veteran of the civil war has made'a study of Boer tatv tips.- His theory is that by a concentration of"forces now'the Boers could easily compel the capitulation Ladvsmith, but that it would folly to d, this.:: ,• "While General White's army retrains tied up in Ladv smith,says General Colji's, "the relief of thatplarc .must continue to be the objective point of the British nriitv. General White is the toasted cheese with which the Boers have baited the t"apf and at every appr6ach to it there is cat." General Collis' opinion is fhn Geiieral Buller'slOPmy ought to move atound somewhere, in 'ct anywhere, so that the Boers would be in doubt of his purposes, and where they might .. have to come out and light to protect themselves. This viras the plan of operations adapted by General Grant in the VVilderness campaign! "'The Boers," continues Gen eral Collis,':are adepts in both grand and. minor strategy, and their tactics ore. unequiai*»d in the history of, warfare.' They thiew down the panritlet to Great Brition and then boldly moved into her territory and fortified themselves in impreg nable positions. That is what I call grand strategy.' They made "England believe 'that they had and no army rtr moder'n appliances of war, and their cannon, rifles, powder and general equippment are Su perior to anything on record. That Ts what I' call minor .strategy. They" have ambus caded every column which has Attacked them. That is tactics." General Collis' opinion is that the Britisti cannot out manduver the Boers in the mountains tint "that -latter a or so of fighting the con fdrceo will hav^ to to terms or theifte will be intervention by some other -for humanity's sake: This long distance opinioi may not be Worth anythlugt tfltt it is interesting.—Kimjea ^Jburnal. ,,",r •. y.. :,v. AN II'TtOF THE PLAINS Out on the plains the night la still—' And now there comes a muffled roar— Lomte'r It ^clios from hill to hill Till. Kalloidng like a wounded boar, A lior»e comes bounding o'er the grass, Swift to tome and swifter to pass. A rider sways In his swinging seat As on they dash through wind and rain The trumplm: noise of the flying feet. Kesouuds like thunder's loud refrain The rider turns nnd halls the crew ••Has any o- you tellers got a chew?" —Arthur 8. Rlggs. [cblt..KSI*0NIKNCE.1 Conoordia College, And What They Do There. JfiD. Lkadku:— As there lire qmte a number of ntndent* here from McLean Cuonty unit tkeir par ents an relatfes may be interested in learning how matters nre moving along tiere Ht t-chool. I shall with the perinistoi' of the editor of Kim paper from time time nend few items which ma be of interest. The winter term of the 9th year of C'on oordU College opened on January 2u' with more student* in aUeudnnce thai' ever before. The enrollment in now »nm over 2C0 student*. being distrihiuted ii 'he department* an follows: Twelve nn taking dressmaking and art needlework, fourteen flo.llnid ntid lypewrihrjr twenty are ill Iho Parochical course, thirty-live in the flprwtmeiit of mnsic nine'y in the commeioiHl course and tho hnlatice are tnkin,' tiie Normal or Cla« siccal ooursf The largest class iu echo Prof. Kngniie's cIhss iu penmanship which nutnliers over lit). Ten teachers are Ht work thin term. Their names nre A'iker. Busby, Rugstad, llogulie, and Rev. Liiion and the Misst.f t'etersnn, Killiouru, Tiegeu, Haraldsoi 'iiid Mrs MooJy. The Literary nociety was organized the lirst of the term by electing Mi*r Anettt Peterson, president and Ethel Kilbourue •ecret,iry. 'I he society renders program^ veefcl.v on Mondny evenings. The tw nogramii already rendered have beer very good, mid snenk well for the activity •if the mem hers. The debating secl ion: neet. reguUr on Sat urday evenigs and th* Luther Lenifiie meet* weekly on Sundays. The Brass Hand meets for practise every oilier evening.. Prof. Rn».'nlie is th" teacher. Three pianos and four organs ire In nse to accomodate the mn*i students and three t,vpewriiera acummo Jiite those tukiug typewriting. :'n«iflc STUDENT. Tiie Nome Gold Fields. The first map'fold«*r »r circular respect iig the Klomlvke gold strike of 1898 wb i»ined by tho, Northern Pacific Railway It is more Mian a coincid .nee that the firm map folder or |amplilet of the Nome Mining district, comes from the sam.' seouicu. 1 iie prest ut. folder not. only con tains ,arood map-iff the Nome district ba it embellished with several cuts of view at Nome city and on the bench where th inHtlmd or miuirigfirt clearly shown. AK information obtainable regarding nailioK dates from Seattle and Tncotnn, throuifl' rite«, etc. is sfiven in this book and the public cautious to to the a (rents oi the N. P. Kv afd who nre supplied witl. diagrams of the Alaska Steamers, ant? arrange iu advance for t.heir ade'ommoda .tion rather limn to put off thm very im portatit liusiness until they reach Puge'' Hound. There is no doubt but what ther .will be a very considerable passan|ei business from the- middle and ensten tates and a very heavy business from th States to the Nome district CflMst 1 For folder* rates, etc., cnll on Wash .iubn Leaksu or send a two o»»it. stamp t. Ohiis 8. Pee. General Pnsseti^er Ajfen •tt. Pnul, Minn., and he will mall you th. Some folder. 'First Publication an. 3, inoo.J NOTICE OP MORTGAGE SALE. Nntlce Is hereby xlven that that oertaln mort wao ex"vit"d and delivered by Charles A. ear «on ami Luttle Pearsnn his wife, mortgagors M.'i asre ank and Investment Ownipary a cor t»- iti"ii. nt«ai ne, dated the 15th day of May ami tiled recnril Iu the office (of the ulsier lit cuds, in and for McLean county Territory of Da'iiita. (now State of North l)a!«i !:D. on the lnth day of Slay. 1S89, at r» o'clock p. in. in Rook "A', of mortgages on page 818, an' usKlmicd by ssil.l mortgagee to Miss 8. rny.on the tl.l day of fi iu the office of tne Register of Deeds In and to V^cl.ean Comity. Territory or Dak, (now 8tat "f'North Dakota.) In Book "f'ol 1'*BC 347. and assigned by Miss II. 8. tOOle 1!. Iloltun. on the lstli day of January, 19Q0,.and recorded in the office of the Reglstei of Deeds In and for the county of Mclean, State of North l)a' itM.nn ie «»d diiy of .lanuary toot), in houK "j •. of MUcelaneous Hecords. pa^e •144. Will iii» foreclosed by sale of the preinisei in such rtioittjiifo. and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House In the comity McLean an: State of North Dakota, at thi iioiir of two o'clock, p.m. on the loth dayol March. lfNio. to satisfy the aiiiountdue ii|mi tlie day of sale, the pre- wlll be sold to satisfy the follows: The North West Quarter (X WX), o' twenty-four (24). •Ive (140), North of] ere will be of sate the BBCD BPBLTZ- iOB dALE BY W'M sap, A E, A. LAMB, Aim rue v-itt-, Convevnucrr tuid Notary Putillc. VTA8HBIJKN, /i. NORTIIUAKOTA Practice before the United 8tates In terior Department' a specialty. I also liave on liand a complete copy of the United States Land Office Hats and Records for McLean Oliver/and .Mercer. Counties, .i ... For Sal* or Lease. Panles de-lrlngto purchase otlcHMNiirlhurn Paeltto Knil roiut tiiiiila can dn^ by »I»t«ly ing tu JOHN SATTKKLUND. Sale Sollclto-, [First PuliUeiitlon Nov.:25,» 1800.] NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION LAND OKFICE, at lllsniarck, N. D. Nov. sad, 18»9. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tilcu notice of his intention tu nake final proof in support of his claim, and '.lisit said proof will be maue before S. A. Falc oner, Clerk of Court at Waliburu N. I„ on r'eli. 15,1UCX), Z: nils«:.pi tekso.\v 'or the SIC'» of N W Vi, and lots t-4 and f. Sec. ., Townshiji 145. Itangc «l. tie naines.ilic lollowliig wlttn-s i's to prove lis continuous residence upon aud cultivation of aid land, viz.: Leonard M. Wnllln, Kent 'ohnson, Charlli-s Shelituia aiiu ^.u&iuus .Yiisou,'ail of Washburn, a. i^. r*' tl" A. C. Mi?(Jn.i.ivnAV, Kctitttr, [First rnbllcatfon Jan. 18,11)00.] SUMMON^. iTATK Or N()lt'i II DAKOTA, I Ol'NTY OK ,MI:1.KA.V. I III District Court, Slxlli .iudlchil District.^ Llic Hismarck, Washburn anil KuVt llailuay Coiiipaiiy, a corjMiuitlou, I'Uliitl?, vs. Frederick llayard, II. .1. Ducll. .loseiih Katz, Kurnet Israel, .luincs Kassou. (leorge S. Dudley, .lanct C. Kohlnsou, Air re: I A. Ilcad (iiilst (icorge I,. Kllss. K. S. Urynjtilfson, Daniel Steele, John Wlialen. 1'iiul I'lcrce, Andrew W. lihude, Ii. H. Aiulfiird, Virginia Comer. AnnaUei'Uman, Anna lfiiek, lliomas l"..leiinings, l'aul Sniltli.Smith D. try, tolin Merry. I,. .VI. Wallin. B. Ii etersou. 1$. N. Peterson, I.. M. IVter^on, Louis I'cteiSrtn, Thomas K. Statcler. Ijturenee 'jissriniilu. Luke Eskes. Loiilsv .lutes, Maggie l-lyttn, McLean otiiity, Matilda- '-urlsiMi, .(antes Ji lt'ithwvll, Au^iif Nelson, and ole U. Wing. N W. Sol uiierger aud l^ouls Uerquist its The Board of County Commissioners of McLeun Juunt', Defeuiiuub. Sl'MMONS. The State ot North Dakota to the Above Named Defendants. You are hereby' suirmmoned fto answer the •ouiplalnt in this action and to serve"a copy of our answer upon the subscribers within thirty lays after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day.of service, and incase your Tailure to appear or answer Judgment will be taken 'against you by defiiuit for the elief demanded In the complaint. Dated December 20, A. I. 1»99. ItOlU'HKK, 1-IUI.IiUK'K & COCHKANK, A. T. l'ATi'Kiisox, and STKVK.NS & AM.EV, Attorneys for riaintiff, Rlsmitrck, N". I). Yon wit please take notice that the suniuious md comulitint hi tlte above entitleU.'actiou has teen tiled in the office of the clerk of tiie district :ourt of Mclean county. North Dakot^. liOllCIIKlt, 1'HlLUKIfK & t'OClllSAXK A. T. l'A n'KKIKjiJi, itpd -•. STAvi^K i?y.'' Attorneys fjjr 1'lalUlff, BhmareSTN. I -t:-" First CIsss McciS, .... .'.til/ Oysters All Hoiirsi:at the Washburn Resturiiitl SEE! SEEI! SEEE!!! I have now plenty of lumber for sale at reasonable, prices. S feet housa logs alsoTon hand' and when you want to buy lumber come and see me^.vl Fked Pfistes, Hancock, M. D. M: NOTICE OP CHATTEL SALE. Gk)od Accomodations 1 Grood Meals Reasonable Price* ns 1 -ib Oligiiey's Jlurncss G-otoQlig^eys harness shop for harness saddles, collars, and whips of all kinds horse blankets, sweat pads. fancy rosette leather, cttfis, men leather shirt collars, lariats harness oil, buggy top dr^Sr smg everybody cordially in1- Vit 3d* *. Oligney's Hariisc^ Washburn. N. D. TAYLOR tl^e 1y»shbuni Job. Printerhas. nine new Job Fontoi of Type and Papers, Ail Colers* MORTGAGE WIIEl'EAH, Clarence Rt.Ceorge of Hancock, County of Mcl^au, and State of North Dakota Mortgagor, did on the 16th day of May. 1899 make his cei tain chattel morticnge to August H. Wahlof Wiishlmrn, County of McLean and Ktateof-North Dakota, Mortgagee doted the .Dth day Of May- 1890, to secure the following Indebtedness to-wlt: Sixty five dollars and seventeen emits (HS.17), and Interest according to the conditions of. ouepromlssory notes to-wlt: One note dated iay liith. 1889, for fC5.l7,due NcfV 1st. IK®, with Interest thereon at ten pi cent per anum, and which niortgagr was duly filed In the office of the Register of Deeds of McLean County. State of North Dakota, on the 13th day of .nine 1899. at 3 o'clock p. m. and WHEREAS, default has been made in the conditions contained iu .said mortgage as follows to* wit: By the failure on the part of said Mortgager to p: any part of said note. WHEHEAS, tlicro Is claimed t» he due or said mortgage at the date of tliix notice the sum of .Seventy dollars and seven ceuts for prlnHpai and Interest, and the sum of Five Do liars at torncy's tees provided In said Mortg .ge In cast of the foreclosure therc-of. NOW THEItKFOKK, notice is hereby giver that liy virtue of said mortgage anil by order of August H. Walil, the present owner tlierof, 1 will sell'for cash the fnllowlngdescrlbedchHttcb described in said mortgage at the front door or the Court House iu the town of Washburn Inthr "county of Mclean State of North I lakota. at tin hour of 2 Oichick I'. M., on Saturday, the lot day February liiou to-wlt Alt crops sown planted and cultivated oi South East Quarter ot Sec. 22, A. T.AMH, Township ,' tti'i iiey for Mortgagee., ttuford 14H'. The South East Quarter (S.E.VSt. North oi Meetlou Three CD, township one hundred aiu forty-four, il«)'. north of lia ge eighty two (e2 West ot the Fifth (5), principal meridian. There' will be due on stu irioitgHgiJonthe day of .sale, the sum of J8/8.40. tutcu .U i.isiiitirck, N. 1). .la'uuary 28,1900. J. K, CfM.MINCH, Assignee of Mortgagee. '!ft?I»OI Cltvit. rilii.llKIOK il COOHRANK, .miun»!SJfir Assignee. [Flrst Eubllcatlon, Jan. 20,1900.1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Bismarck,'N Dak. Jan. U!,:i900. Notice ps hereby given thai tiie- following -uameil settler lias filed uotlceof his tntention t make final proof In support .'.of his claim, uiio that said proof will he made before' 8.- A. Fal coner Clerk of Cpuit at Wiislibuin, N. 4 di» Feb. 24th.. 1900, viz: JOHN J. NICHOLS. fi.r thfr Shlfof SWii Section' 27, A S hlf of SEM of Section 23, Towuslijp 148, of Mange 8b W. He names the following witnesses' to' proVe hia.ciiiiUnuous resideuceiupou aud cultlvatlnV of said land viz: 11. H. llolirer, and Woseph Mann, of Wash burn, Ni -Diik.,' 1*. C. O'Connor aud John Arm strong of ?6al Harbor, uV »-t A. C. MCOII.MVI!AY, Clean Beds i- $V it'i't'W'j-'' 'MA n-. I SHOES BOOTS, t: of Kanse 84 W„ tlie saine being three huiul nrty-Uvt i355) bushels of wheat. AL.UVM MCDON U. •r.. ."'' Slu-ii.:. r. [First rubllcotlon|.Ian. 2T, 1900.] NOTICE Of MORTGAGE SALE. Notice hereby given that that certain mcrt gagc. executed and delivered b" Joseph \,. Brewer, mortgagor,tol'..U. Holmes,mortgagee, dated the 13th ilayof Kehruary, 18S6,anil filed Tot record In the office of the Register of Deeds li: and for the oiiuty of McLean Dak. Ter.. nov. State ot North Dakota, on the of Miu u. 1880, and recoided Iu hook, "A3" of Mortgnfc on page 233, aud usslgned by s:ilil mortgagee J. K. Cumnitiigs," by an li.strument iu wrltlnr dated Dec. 8. I«W, anil filed for record In the otiice of the Register of Deeds of Mclean County, K.D., in Book "D2" of mlscelancou: Kcrorils on pace 414, will be foreclosed by sale of .the'premises In such mortgage. mi. hercluafter tU^scliheil, at the front doiir ot the Court House lu the county of .McLean and state of' North Dakota, at the hour of twi o'clock 1'. M. on the ilh day of March, tuot' to satisfy the amount''due on''such luort'-'iitfi on the day of sale. The premises described hi such mortgage, and which will be sola iu*tiurj th«» same, are described as follows: A W A E CEO. L. ROSINSON, O A A O N Washburn Lumber S.M.PYB & do. Proprietors., Have on hand a 'ull line of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doers, \Vindp.iv», Paper, Cement, Brick and'Plaster and Evey thing one needs to build a hen house to a mansion. Prices reasonable and good goods we are here wO stay. G-ive us a call. AT We hays .K yery fne asfort-, me nt cf tufts lor mfekii OllCk GrOOdS rtuok^MMits with s!iei psk.ii aud bUiuket AlMttuek suj^ Overcoats and Reefeer^,' inia^Tartet^J Underwear and Shirts,sweatcu and heavy wooisotkt. Gloves and Mitts, hatiaudcrps. BISMARCK BANK BUILDING. art ,E*a fi oi Now Open to tiie riiltUe. New House New Furniture Steam Heat Electric Lights Baths & all Modern Improvements. Good Stabling in Connection Bates BeaaonabU Headquarters of StoO&ineiu Farme»s#f and Merchants. By all mean* tha best hotel in the city. HENRY TAllIY. licjiktcr Z&- FRAKK 6. GRAKES, II eniy (jriaiiibs, •l-.Bl-V:.. Heavyiandlshelf flaTd^art, Eerb 181® fiWtm HATS, CAPS A .,:,Sip R. PEN WARDEN, W A S @ooable Prides -V IlT?l''"'.3-'fcu-?\ (Vii:-