Newspaper Page Text
Kv. Vt-^ WASHBURN LEADER. Published every Saturday at Washburn, N. D. Official paper of McLean County. Subscrip tion price, one dollar a year. Entered at the post office at Washburn. N. D. second class mail matter. Republican .State Convention. To the Republican Electors o* the State of North Dakota: In accordance with the Instructions of the r»- Jlons tiibllcan'state central committee, state conven of delegated representatives of the lemib Ucan party of this state will be held this year us follows: Delegates to National Convention. A convention will be held at the opera hons" In the city of Kiiruo.on Wednesday, May to, 1900. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, for the purpose of choosing six delegates and tlx alternates to rep resent the state of North Dakota In the National Convention of Itepnhllcans, called to meet In the city of Philadelphia on the 19th of .nine to nominate a president and vice president of the United States. State Officers. A convention will be held at the opera house in the city of Grand Forks, on Wednesday, .July 11,190ft. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, for the purpose of nominating candidates to be sup ported at the next general elec lou and for the no tr:( ransaetlon of such other business as may he brought before it. The candidates to, be there nominated are: Member of congress, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, superintendent of pub lic instruction, attorney general, commissioner •of insurance, commissioner of agriculture and labor, three commissioners of railroads and one Ju'lge of the supreme court. The basis of representation of each of said conventions is the average of votes csst for con gressman and governor in the respective enmi ties at the general election in 189s, giving two delegates at large to eacli organized county and one delegate for each fifty republican votes, or major fraction of fifty votes, cast for the above •officers in said election. The option is given each county to hold either one or two county conventions to elect delegates to the two state conventions. Attention of county committees is called to the new law governing the holding of caucuses jCliap. as, l.awa of 18t»J and it is recommended that the organization In each county, when mak ing calls for caucuses, designate for each pre cincta mcsseuger whose duty it shall be tube present at the various caucus ooiling places at the hour named in the call, provided with record book, paper and othf materials neces sary for keeping the records of the caucus and lint of persons voting thereat, in accordance with section 7 of said law. The different counties in the state will, under the apportionment herein provided, lie entitled to representation as follows: Barnes 25 Nelson Benson lfi Oliver ttll lings 4 ltottlneau 12 Burleigh 17 t'ass 54 Cavalier 21 Plckev 10 Eddy 10 KnmionH Io Foster 8 Grand Forks 38 Griggs io Kidder 6 JjiMmire 14 I.ogan 5 WcHenry 8 ^lc lo tosh 14 JVicLean S Mercer 6 Morton 19 l'emhina Pierce Kamscy liiiusom Kichiand ltolettc Sargent Stark Steele Stutsman Towner Traill Walsh Ward Wells Williams Total..,.. C30 The state committee will pass upon the rights of those entitled to participate in the prelimi nary organization, and will meet for that pur pose at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the day pre vious to the dates of the respective conventions —in Kargo at the Hotel Metropole— in Clrand Forks at the Hotel akota to bear all contests. The credentials of all delegates and ail notices of contests must be liicd with the chairman of this comniltiee on or before the hour designated herein for the meeting of the committee to pass upon the hour designated herein for the meet ing of the committee to pass upon the rights of delegates, and notices of contest must be ac companied by a written statement of the ground for contest. Preference in the order of hearing and determining contests will lie given by the committee in accordance with the dates of filing of such notices and statements with the chair man. By order of the ItepuMican State Central com mittee at a meeting held in the city of Ciraud Fork*, Tuesday, Feb. 20,1900. M. H. JEWELL, W. 11, Row NOON, Chairman. Secretary. BEPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Pursuant to instructions of the Republican County Central committee of McLean county. North Dakota, a convention of delegate repre sentatives of the republican party of said county will be held at the court room in the court house, in the town of Washburn, N. D., on SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1900, for the purpose of selecting three delegates to the Judicial Convention of the Sixth judicial District, whiclimeets at Bismarck, N. D., May 14,1900. Also eight delegates to the Republican State Convention which meets at Fargo, N. D„ Hay 1#, 1900, for the purpose of selecting stnto delegate to the National Republican conven tion. Also eipht delegates to the Republican State convention which meets at Urana Forks, July 11, 1900, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the various state officers, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly como before the con vention. The different election precincts in said county will, under the apportionment made by said county central committee, be entitled to repre sentation in said convention as follows: Elbowoodg, 5 delegate. Turtle Lake, 2 delegates. Armstrong, 6 delegates. Casselman, 3 delegates. Washburn, 8 delegates. Coal Harbor, 2 delegates. The primaries to select delegates to said convention will be held at the respective poll ing place in each precinct as the same were held at the last generbl election in 1898, on 8ATUBDAY, HAY 5, 1900. It is recommended that the polls be kept open from 4 o'clock until 6 o'clock p. m., and that the voting be by ballot. The member of the Republican County Central Committee, if present, will call the primaries to order upon a motion of some republican voter present, whereupon the republican electors there present .will select a chairman to preside and to con duct said primaries and issue the credentials to the delegates elected thereat. The County Central Committee will pass upon tbe right of those entitled to participate in the temporary organization and will meet for that purpose at the court house in Wash burn, May 12, at 11 o'clock a, m. By order of the Republican County Central Committee. Dated at Washburn, N. D„ April 4,1900. AUA. H. of WAHL, JOHN SATTKRLCND, Secretary. Chairman. JUDICIAL CONVENTION. NOTICE is hereby given that a republican judicial convention of tbe 6th judicial dirtrict of North 'Dakota will be held said 4 1 Ifr on May 14th, at 10 a. m. at the of fice of A. T. Patterson, of Bis marck, for the purpose of plac ing in nomination a republican candidate for the office 6f judge 0th judicial district, to be .voted for on November 6, lyOO, The apportionment for tiaid convention will be as lows: 'iW fol One delegate for^ each votes or major fraction ^thereof, cast for the republican candidate for governor in 1898. The various counties will F} i, under this call be represeuted as follows: Billings 1 Burleigh 8 Emmons 4 Kidder 2 McLean 3 Mercer 2 Morton .. 9 Oliver 1 Stark 5 The republican judicial com mittee of said district will meet at 9 a. in. on May 14, at the of fice of A. T. Patterson, at uis marck, to pass upon credenti als of the delegates to the con vention. J. F. PHIL BRICK Chairman ProjTem. R. M. XUTTLE, Secretary. The North Coast Limited A wide-vestibuled Steam Heated Electric Lighted train With Observation Oar, Every day in the week Between St. Paul and Portland. Will supplement'present daily train April 29tll. For particulars address your nearest ticket agent Any agent Northern Pacific Ry, or Clias. S- Fee, St. Paul, Minn. First publication April 21, 1'JOO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE, at Bismarck, N\ 1. ADl'il, 11, 1900. Notice Is hereby given thr.t the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make I'm a 1 proof in support of his claim, and that s-aid proof will be made before S. A. Fal coner Clerk of Coin at Washburn, N. 1., on the aitli day of May 1!KM, viz: FIJUDItK Iv MKLI.IN, on limber culture application Mo. 4709, for the irv 4 of section 27, township 148 north, range 81 west. fie names the following witnesses to prove hl.i continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Hans Nygaard and Alfred Kdlund, Wash burn, N. I)., S. Huston and T. 1.. Briiton. Turtle Lake, N. D, A. C. MCOII.LIVPAY, Keglster. First publication Apiil 28, 1900. F0RCL0SURE SALE. Notice is hereby given that that certain mort a^e executed and delivered by Martin D. Mur ray and Amelia Murray, his wife, of McLean county North D-ikota, mortgagors, to the Mis souri Valley ijuid Mortgage conipai.y of Bis marck, iiurleigh count' North 1 lakota, mort gagee dated the ilist day of December, 1893, and filed for rccord In the office of the register of deeds of tl.e county of Mcl.eau and slate of North Dakota on the 9tu day of April 18J4 and recorded in hook "(J" of mortgages, page and assigned on tiie 19th day of December 1899 by said Missouri Valley Land Mortgage com pany to Joseph Maun, which said i.ssigiiiuent was tiled for reeord lu the office of register of deeds for said McLean county ou the ucth day of April, tiioo,^and recorded in book "Da" of mortgages on page 482. Will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage, and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in the town of Washburn iu the couuty ot Mci.ean and state of North Dakota at the liour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the ICtb day of June, 1S00, to satisfy the amount due on sucn moitgage and woich will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: The southwi st quarter (sw&) of section twe. ty-eight (28) iu township 146 north, of range 84 west of 5tli p. m. There will be due on such mortgage on the day of sale the sum of $448.7p, principal and in terest, and $Jii. 75 taxes. ALLAN MODONAI.II, £. A. I.AMit, Sheriff of McLean county N. D. Attor-.ey for Assignee, Washburn N. D. First Publication, April 21,1900, CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. U. 8. LAND OFFICE, at liismarck, N. Dak. April 9,1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In thisoflice hy Elijah Merrill contestant against Alvln W. Moore, timber culture entry I»o. 4344, made July 17, 1888, for wj^of uwJiandw^of sw)4 section 12, township 14ft, range 84, hy Auin W. Moore,'coutestee, in widen it is alleged that said claimant has not* sown, grown nor planted to trees, seeds, nuts or cuttings any part of said tract of land, as required by law at any time since his entry therefor, neither has he culti vated any p.ut of said tract, during the last seven years past, further taat he has totally abandoned the same, and that said default now cxh.ts, said parties are hereby notified to appear respond and'offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 a. m. on May io, 1900, before S. A. Falconer clerk of court at Washhuru„N. Da... and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 26, 1900, before the registered lecelver at the United states land o'»cc iu Bis marck, N. oak. The said contestant haviug. In a proper affi davit filed April 9, 1900, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, persona) service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or d/ved and directed that such notice be given by due aod proper publication. JoHJK S^'iTjfiKLOUP, Receiver. B/V V" wiW/ & 'i"SKfe.v,-. First publication April 21,1900, FORECLOSURE SALE. Notice is hereby (jlven that that certain mort gage or trust deed executed and delivered by Samuel 1). lirl^lium, single, ffioi'tgatfor, i„ Win. Nixon, trustee, dated the 2iitli day of .September 1887, and tiled for record In the oillce of t|ie reg ister of deeds of tlie«-ounty of .M.l.ean and state of North Dakota on thuzrtii day of September and recorded iti book A "it" of mortgages upon page 473 and assigned bp the said Wm. ti. Nixon tiustee, to Alfred M. Dull and by Alfn M. Bull assigned to Win. 11. isrown which a.'i. iimeut lias been duly recorded, and whereas, nu action al law. or other proceeiliu has been hat. to col lect said debt or any part thereof, will be fore closed by a sale of I lie premises In swell mort gage or trust deed and hereinafter described, at Ine front door of the court house In the town of Washburn in the comity of McLean and i-tate of North Dakota, at'lie hour of a o'clock p. in. on the 211J day of. .Mine l'JUO, to satiny the amount due oil suc.i uui ti,M0'e or trust deed on tue uaj of sale. Tue premises in such mortgage, or trust deed, which will be sold to satisfy the same, are de scribed as follows: The swj* of section 8, town shl|i'l4t. rauge same lieing and lying lu the county of 'i.cun an.I s.ate of North Dakota. Thirowl.l ie in: o.i s.icli irtgage or trust deed at the date of s.Ue, ine sum of eleven hun dred a..d tnirty-twodollars. \\.... K. i.KOW'X, Assignee. K. A. .M.\(!1/»NK. Devils Lake, N. D. Attorney for Assignee. Ll'irst publication March 24.1000] NOTK'K OF MOliTGAOK SALE. Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage executed and delivered by .Moses Dorfinan and Laura Dorfinan, his wile, mortgagors, to the Mnrtuage Bank & Investment company [a cor pn ation,| mortgagee, dated the first day of July 1 ssy and filed for record in the olive of the reg later of deeds of the county of McLean and ter ri.o.y of Dakota (now state of North Da kota) on the sixth day of July 18S9 and recorded in Hook A of mortgages at piigeiis:t and thereaf ter duly assigned to Thomas J. liuird will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises iu such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the coui't house in the vil.age of Wash burn In thecountyof McLean and state of Noith Dakota, at tile hour of ten o'clock a. in on the ninth day of May A. 1. 191)0, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage ou the day of sali: li(' premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows, viz: The southeast quarter [••••ey! of section num bered eight [sj 111 township numbered one hun dred and forty-three [1431 north of range num bered eighty (SO) west in the county ot McLean and slate of North Dakota and containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, more or less according to the United States government sur vey thereof. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of thirteen hundred and twenty dwliars and fourteen cents $l,320.14.) THOMAS J. HAIKO, FISKD A. KKLI.KY, Assignee of Mortgagee. Atton.ey for Assignee of Mortgagee. Lakota, N. D. [First publication March 24,1900.i NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Noiice Is hereby given that that certain mort gage, executed and delivered bj Philip lielp snider and Emma lleipsnider, his wife, mortgag ors. to the nank of Minot [a corporation] mor gagee, dated the first day of May 1890 and filed for record in the office of the register of deeds of the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, on the sixth day of May IS90 and recorded In nook A of mortgages at page SSli, and thereafter duly assigned to George E. Sut ton wiil be foreclosed by a sale of the premises lu such mortgage and iiereinaft' i' described, at the front door of the court house In the village of Washburn in the county of McLeau and state of North Dakota, at the hourof ten o'clock a. in. on the 9th day of May A. D. 1900, to satisfy the amount due on such moi tgage oil the day of sale the premises described In such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are de scribed lis follows, viz: Lot one [1] and tbe southeast quarter (sc!i) of the northeast quarter (neM) and the east liar |e'j] of the southeast quarter [se!i] of section numbered two |21 in townseip numbered one hundred and forty five [145i north of range There will he due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of nine hundred and ninety $990.00) dollars. CiKOIlCK E. Si TTON". FitKt) A. KEI.LF.Y, Assignee of Mortgagee. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. Lakota, N. I). LFirst Publication Apr.'21 1900.] NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered b' Israel Gall and his wife Hannah Gall, mortgagors to The Mortgage Bank and Investment com pany, mortgagee, dated the 15th day of May, 1889, and filed for record in the ofllce of the Keglster of Deeds of the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, on the 'J8th da) of May 1889, and recorded in book "A" of mortgages, at page 337 and assigned on the 28th day of September, 1889, by said Mortgage Bank and Investment company to Wm. Wetlierbee, which assignment was tiled for record In the otllce of the register of deeds for said Mci.ean county on tiie Stli day of October, 1889 and recorded in book "A" of mortgages at page 510 and further assigned on the Gth day of December, 1896, by said William Wetherbee to Frederick li. Owen which assignment was filed for record in the ofllce of the register of deeds for said McLean county on the twenty-fourth day of March, 1900, and recorded in book "h"" of mortgages sit page 52. will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises In such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House in the town of Washburn, in the county of McLean and State of Nor til Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m, on the 9th day of June, 1900, to satisry the amount due on such mortgage on th« day ot sale. The premises described In such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are de- scribed as follows: The noith half of the north west quarter [ntf, nwfc] and the west half of the northeast quarter (w!4 of neK) of saetioa (16) in township 143, north of range so west of tha 5th principal meridian. There will be due on Mich mortgage on the day of sale, the. sum of $971.86. ALLAN Mc.Dojf*L«\ Sheriff of McLean County. N. D. 8. It. KLLSWOKTH, Jamestown, H. J)., Attorney for Frederick E. Owen, Assignee of Mortgagee. KLOJSDYKE SAW MILL*. ST'I" WLLLITS & WING, Prop. Full stock of Cottonwood lum ber'. Feed ground 1st and Saturdays of each mouth,- f$s First Publication April 14,1900. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior. U. S. LAN l) OFFICE, at Bismarck, K. Dale. April 9,1900. A sutllcieut contest affidavit having been filed In this office by William C. Carter, contestant, against homestead entry No. 7500, made March 28, l.s!i4, for ni'i-t of section 34,township 144 north of range 81 west, by Adolf W. Johnson, con testee, In which It Is alleged that the unknown heirs of said Adolph W. Johnson, deceased, or 'their agents have not cultivated any part if said tract at land for the last year pant, and that said heirs have totally abandoned said tract of land, that no improvements are on the land at tills time and that the same is grown i:i to weeds and wild grass and that said default exists at tbe present time, and that claimants absence from said land is not nor was not occasioned by said claimants being engaged In the military or naval service of the United States In time of war, said parties are licrebyiiotilied' to appear.respoud and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 19,1900 before A. Falco ner, clerk of court at Washburn, JN. D.,and that llnal hearing will be held at 10 o'i'Ioek a. ni. on May -0.1900, before the register and receiver at the United States laud office In liisinarek, N, I). The said coi stant having In proper af davit tiled April 9, 1900, set forth facts which show that afler due diligence perianal seivkeo iliis notice cannot be made, It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. JOHN SATTEKMJND, Receiver. First 1'nbllcatlon March 17, 1900.] NOTICE OF MORTOAGK BALE. Notice Is hereby given that that certain mort gage Necuted and delivered by Harney McGlnley (a single man.) mortgag. r. to the nank of Mlnot 'a corporation) mortgagee, dated the twenty-fifth day of April 1890 and iited for record in the office of the register oi deeds of the county of McLean and state of ort!i Dakotsy on the third day of May 1890 and recorded iu Hook A. A or mortgages at page r.82 and thereafter duly as signed to Thomas J. liaird will he foreclosed by a sale of the premises In such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in the village of Washburn In the county of McLean, and state of North Dakota at the hour of 10 o'clock a. hi. on the ninth day of May D. 1900, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold-to satisfy the same are described as follows, viz: The northwest quarter (nwM) of section num bered fourteen il l) in township numbered one hundred and forty-four (144) north of range numbered eighty-two (82) west, In the county McLean and state of North Dakota and con taining one luindred and sixty (100) acres of land, more or less according to the United States government survey thereof. Theie. will bo due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of eleven hundred and seventj-eight dollars and fifty-three cents, [$l,17S.ri:)] THOMAS J. ItAIUO, FJ:KI A. Kr.I.i.r.v, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgage. Lakota, N. D. SEALED BIDS. Up to and including 3 o'clock p. in' May 7, 1900, sealed bids will be received at the county auditor of McLean county N.D. at which time the same will be opened in presence of the county commissioners of said county, for The painting, and plastering and repairing of the of the building known and occupied as the court house in the town of Washburn. Also, for the filling in and grading of the approaches of the coulee adjoining the platted town of Washburn, on the Washburn and Bismarck stage road. Also, for the purhase of all material, plank, timbers, etc. th numbered eiithty-three T83] west, In the county "llL of McLeau and state of North Dakota, and con tabling one hundred and flfty-nin» and seventy one hundredths acres 1159.71 of laud, moreor less. according to the United States government survey thereof. KrjfW anann- ing the coulee adjoining the platted town of Washburn on the Washburn and Bismarck stage line. Plans and specifiations cov ering the above work are on file in the office of the county auditor. Bach successful bidder will be required to futnish bonds for the faithful per ormanee of contracts awarded. The rights is reserved to re ject any or all bids. By order of the County Com missioners. Dated at Washburn, N. D., April 4, 1900. AUG. E. JOHNSON, Coi Aud. LANDS FOR SALE OR KENT. The following lands are for sale or can be rented by apply ing to Joseph Mann, Washburn N. Dak. E of nei, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, sec. 27, town 147, r. 84, 425 acres ei of nw£ and lots 1, 2, sec. 3-147-84, 60 acres nwi fracM sec. 19-147-83, 160 ei sec. 31-147-83, '320 acres all of 23-147-84 e£ of 25-147-84 si of nei setf. T-146-84, 480 acres. LOUIS LARSON, DEALER IN BOOTS andSHOES and all Kinds of Foot Wear. Jim' It nT Ah Main St. Bismarck. Kultn Messenger: Tbe grading for tbe new Milwaukee road from Bowdle to Bangor has been award' ed to Mclntmb Brew., of Milwau Jsee, G-ood Accomodations Reasonable Prices Yards at Bismarck, Wilton, and WASHBURN ... Compo- Board 4 Arriving Every Day. SHOES BOOTS, HATS CAPS, A W A E CEO. L. ROBINSON, O A A O N Merchants Hotel. Kit. C'liarlebolH. Proprietor. NELSONS Cheap Cash Store. Washburn, N. D. Bismarck & Washburn Lumber Co. Dealers in all kinds of building material. We invite inspection and guarantee fair treatment. We are here to stay. Officer ,and yards corner Jewell Ave. and Willow St., Wasliburn, N. a a 1 HOT Now Open to the Public. New House New Furniture Steam Heat Electric Lights Baths & all Modern Improvements. Good Stabling in Connection Rate* Reaaoni Headquarters of Stockmen, Farmers and Merchants. By All means the beet .hotel in the'city. HENRY TATLEY. Proprietor FRANK GRAMBS A. B. GRAMBS GRAMBS BROTHERS, DEALERS IN Heavy and shelf Hardware, Barb Wire, N A I S Busies «&• wag ons Windmills, Pumps, eto..^:, -." OPPOSITE THE OT COBHfcSf e:. L'fcN 8 dERlDAN HOUSE,) SOLICITED. S E S S O O II enry W Cirram TAKEN UP One dark bay mare^no brand vizible. White stripe in fore-, head and white front foot. About 12 years old. Had hal ter on weight about 12Q0. Came to my place April 11th, on Sec. 18, Twp. 145, Range 80. J. P. PKTEKSON, work te&m. good heavy JOHN J. ROBINSON, t'#l Harbpr, PV G-ood Meals Clean Beds. Richard Penwarden, Agent. WASHBURN ROLLER MILLS Washburn, North Dakota. Seal, Fancy and Bakers Flours, Graham and Wheat Grits, Bran and Shorts and Feed. Grinding dune at all times. Our Wheat Grits are an excellent substitute for Oat Meal. We have recently put in a Corn Shelter, bring in vour corn and get it shelled and ground. We are in the market for 5,000 bush els of oats. We want your trad£. STRAYED AWAY. Dark bay mare btack points/ ring bone in front feet. Hair bgnd circle N. Was with foal when left. Last seen ten miles east of Washburn'. Notify the. LEADS* and get a reward, PfM First Class Meals, Oysters All Hours at the Washburn Kestaraot ~^r\ I :.: