Newspaper Page Text
|s' VOLUME X. v*. *. t? W' psf" r) ft ft1 LOCAL ITEMS- New barber shop in town. Republican primaries to-day. Lecture in the court house to night. Arbor clay was generally ob H-iVefl by the schools of McLean couuty. How about the new butcher shopman, Has anybody seen him? Rev. A Diesen, preach at Nettle Creek school house on Sunday,'the 13th M.ay at 10:30 ,am. Floods on the Yftllhwstone liave given the Missouri' waters a two foot raise down this way. Wild fruit bushes have put forth their blossoms two weeks •earlier than usual, this season Will Tack Frost gel in his bad work. Rev Hughes will make his regular trip to Turtle lake on Sunday May the 6th. to Coal Habor on Sunday May the 13th preachiug at the regular hour at the different places.-• Rauce Jones rode ove'- from the Dog Den Tuesday. lie says Russian settlers now occupy every desirable bit of ground between the cofceaus and Mouse viver. Uucle Andv Peterson has pur chased the famous garden-farm of K. W. Adams, of. Fainted woods Landing. The old gen tleman vv ill go with his son to his'sheep and stock ranch near TobaccoGarderis. .* Geo. E. Wentworth, former I ranchman of the Douglass, but! now a Duluth wheat buyer, was?' a Washburn visitor Tuesday. Notwithstanding Mr. Went worth's long absence and his change of vocation, he contin ues to hold down some equine interests on the Douglass. Senator Dickej', of Gordahue County Miunnesota, with a party of gentlemen from the .same State were Wasr.burn vis itors this week. They veiewed the country in wistful mein and seemed pleased \yith the lay of the laud, and had good words for its possibilities. 3ol. Tom%Winston, the veter an old timer an ex-Indian tra der of the Slope will have the management and overseeing .jjpt|ie grading of the new rail road entering McLean county from the south. This is as it should be. Tom has host of friends up here who will be glad to see him ride a "camel back" into Washburn, October 15th, or thereabout. Laying the Rails. Editor Jewell "of thej' Bis marck Tribune and Receiver Satterlnnd of the Bismarck Land office were Leader callers Fiiday, Both gentlemen said the laving of the rails north of the Wilton branch would com mence Monday, 'and the tele phone line was already extend ed, ten miles this way. This is Editor Jewell's first trip to McLcan's metropolis in elfeven years. Mrs. O'Connor Dead. Surprising vfard came to Coal Harbdr, Tuesday that Mrs Patrick O'Connors, of Wolf Creek was dead, She died on Monday afternon after a sick ness of only one week in fact but few of her neighbors knew that she was sick- at alh She was buried Wednesday. Mrs. O'Connors and husband have lived .for^itifltiy years at the present residence of the family and raisecf a family of five chil-l loss of his wife will fall heavily uon Hr. O'Connors as'most ofJ The Rev Mr. Pinny of Oliver County spent last Sunday in Washburn'He preached in the evening instead of tha regular preacher Wells county, became one of the Leader's new subscribers, this weej*. He has now located a stock ranch on Prophet's Mountain, where he wiH here after "reside. There will be a lecture given under the auspiees of the M.E Church at the Washburn court house Saturday evening Mav 5th by Prof. Elsie Cassell Smith representative, of the American Health'Propaganda. The sub ject of the lecture will be:"The living Temple and Jhow to oc cupy It" Admission 25 cents for adults, 10 cents for children. Miss Smith comes with high recomendations.and' a good .at tendance is to be exoected Postmaster Wjttmayer Dead. Parties coming over from the Pony Gulsh way inforu the Leader the surprising inform ation that Postmaster Wltt mayer, of Wittmayer, is dead. He was over at the county seat last week as interpreter for a. partv^of Russian land locators but before leaving complained that he was not feeling well having caught a cold. Our information is that he died two hours after reaching home. Mr. Wittyinayer had good com mand of the English lauguage and his death, besides his im= mediate family, his loss will be a severe one to his neighbor hood, who are mostly .Russian emigrants, ignorant of th^ lan guage of tiiis country. Judge Laoey Dead, Word through the columns of the New Richmond (Ind.] Record that Judge William La cey, formerly of this- county, died at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Henry Long,' of New Richmond, Mr, Lacey was a former judge of McLean 'coun ty, and an upright citizen at all times. He resided on his farm near Coal Harbor for about 12 years, l»iit left here three years ago for h'.sold home in the hope of benefiting his wife's declin ii health. She, however, d'ed over one year ago. Of Judge Lhcey's several sons who once resided near him on adjoining farms near Coal Harbor, but one remains—William Lacey, jr.—the others having moved over to Miuot, a fiew years ago. Tisiting a Prosperous County Captain C. L. Baxter, of Fer gus Falls, Attorney McCulloch and Rev. L. A. Sahlstrom. of1 Pellican Rapids, and all of the North Star State, were visitors in McLean's capital, this week. Captain Baxter as the senior of the Washburn FlQurmg mill property* is PS well known as any old resident here, while At torney McCuIlough "leaped in to fame" as the Fourth of July orator in the- celebration in Washburn two years ago—and is well remembered, bv our citi zens. Rev. L. A. Sail Is torn is pastor ofCongregatiojial church Pelican Rapids, a gentleman of high'scholarly attainments, and, who—we understand is about to accept a chair with the Fargo college faculty as,professor of Greek He speaks Englisji, Ger man, French and Scandinavian, fluently, but his hobby—if such it might be called—is'in his mastery of the Greek classics.. Mr. Sahlstrom went down to Fargo, Thursday but may re turn one of, these days to take up an investigation of Mandan and GrosVantre Indian mythol ogy, of which he takes consid erable interest. CHALLENGE. dren besldbs gathering t^geth-i '"hellenge any base ball nine er a tine herd of catth -n g0«d iin McLean or northern Bur? farm .and considerable other' enmities to a game of ball propertyv Mrs. JO'Corinoi was1 to be played at any time agreeb a.kind neighbor and respeoted ^5' ^lie two .clubs, the win* by all her:acquintances The] "'"P the children are small and vet ^)arred Deed mother's care. We, the undersigned, do here- side ta^e the? need 1104 «8SL.V*i few* t, t,... Tocoma, 12:20 a. m., and arrives ffrertest Frank Filley, an old timer of at Portland at 7:00 a. m., on and after April 29. FrOm Duluth to Paris & Return. A 35 day trip leaving Du'uth evening of June 14th Arrive Montreal June lCth,8:C0 A. Sail ou Allan Line steamer Parisin 6:00 a.m.same day join ing party managed by Thos. Cook & Son. Five days each in'Lonbon and Paris. Fare in-i dudes all'traveling expences. First class ocean passage. Car riage drivers forsight seeing, ect. ect. An Indian View of Fourth of July Celebration As the Indians are ad vane ing toward civiliztion, and they have already given up their war paint, and have taken up the amies of peace. Who then shall start them in the right way of civilization. It is true, the white man has taught the Indians bad habits. What we gtrt to the point -in both sides, we all say, that the Indians are generally innocent, so the civilized men have more to answer for ihe wrong. We if'T .. .. ^wo-^ifds of re"«»pt8- Amitures accePt Pacers not RAYLQK'S SAW MILL CREW Falconer. N. D, iiliM WASHBURN, M'LEAN COUNTY, M)RTH DAKOTA, MAY 5, 1900. NOWTII COAST LIMITED. I WRITB-OR CALL ON On Northern Pacific west ^ny Northern Pacific Agent bound leaves St. Paul at 8:55 a -Concerning our daily double m. uritte, 9:10 p. m. Spokane train service in effect April 29. 7:50 a'm. Seattle, 10:40 p. rn\ North Coast Limited will be ling ever seen in are looking with Indians re tOA.1.1 tne greatest coming of Fourih of julv. as a day of birth of our country, and we are proud to know that our country is the only country who knows its birth day and iliat "The real history of man, ration?','rrtmorta man,is the his tory ol a struggle to be free the theme is one the free of all climes and nations are them one people. Let us resolve that our children shall have cause to bless the memory of their fathers as we have cause to bless the memorv of ours/? There are a good many of the white men iivour country, .hough considering themselves civilized and yet their donduct and therr example to the Indian is often bad. A white man or a citizen who spends ..his time on Fourth of July ii/drinking liquor and then become dead drunk, has to be kick be in the way, such a man is honoring his coun'ry in the yery poorest way. How can a man eujoy himself or his fain tly or the company of others when he is in .«uch a state of dullness. Such example is dan gerous to a man who is learning ways of the whites. A citizen who takes strong drink on that Day, and to be knocked round, such a person should ouly be regarded as rotten potatoes, good for nothing, but to be kicked about in the road. A true citizen, will Avant to be watchful, cheerful, "and useful orf the Fourth of July. Norm west in the train line. write our agents for North Coast Limited. E. A. LAMB,. Attornrv-Hf-l-iw, C'onvevHi.«•«•!• m:d N'otar* i'seiits hive not .sown. Jiwii nor planted to U.K„rfl rh-» seeds, nuts or cuttings, any part of said jea.SU tract, for the last six years past and that he has ncc tried to ro\v trees for a period of eight yems and the same is all crown up to prairie itrass and that Mien default still exists, said parties are h"ivhy nntilied to appear, respond an.I (.ffer evidence toucljin^ sajd allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June is. l!l(.0. before S. A. Fal e6ner, clei A of eoiti at Washburn, X. Dak. (and that final in arinj will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. Juno a), 1000, before the register and receiver at the United Slates land oiiice in lsm irek, li. '1 hi- saM contestant having, in a proper af fidavit, tiled June JO of May, 19. S S toCKt securities, claims, etc know, it is getting so common the wrong that is existing among the whites, but we hear not so often from the Indian. and if one Indian does wrong or drinks, then the cry goes out from the whites "hang him" or "all the Indians are had.'' I would rather see an Indian with his blanket by himself, than to see him going wit'r a drunken white man, who is j-e^dv lead'r'°',oU'm"lys,vc',rtl,ilt Total 3 white man feel that his dutv is I to help the Indian to I ecome a good seta Igood ex ample. he Indians need good' moral whie men who will lead them to a higher civilization, and then th« Fourth of JJuly will be brighter, and free from disgrace. C. VV. H:. Shell Creek.—School No. 4. ,4^ --K-y" l'nMic. WASHITUISN, NOIM'LL O.AKOTA I'riietire before the Cnited Stntes in terior ll!'|iurtnieii! speoiiiltV. I illso iui've on li ui(i :i coin|jl(!te eojiv of the Vnit-ii stnti'S i.iiiui oiiice nuts uml ltecorls for .Mel.eiiii Oliver and '.\Iereer. Counties. For S iie or I,eftsi». Pur'ieH l«-ii-iIIJJ t" pe 4 "rleiiHe Norilici-n I'Hrifli ltnil- li (IN iiiilidusu ly ..iiilly- 1. t.» JOHN SATTKHMJM), Salo Snlicller. First publication May 5,1000. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. U. S. LAND Ol'F ('K iit ltlsinatck, N. Dab., April It, 1000. A Hullicieiit contest affidavit Imviug been filed lit this office by Sakaria* Markluis, contestant, against timber culture entry No. 4383. made October 21,188*. for of »4 of h\\% and ay, ot si-ii uml ncJ4 of se% of section io, toivuship 14», range 80, by Israel Siiank, contestee, in wlilcli it is alleged that the said Israel Shank or 1:1 1300, set forth factsrchich show that aft er due diligence personal seniei' of ll ls notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due anil proper Jpublication. SATTKKLU.ND. OHN Resources. Loans and diseomits, $ 's,250 11 Storks, securities, elaims, etc. SG'OO Haiikiuk house, furniture and flx tures, 1,234 22 Current expenses anil taxes paid, over undivided profits, Total. 3d ''apltal stock paid In Undivided pmllts, less expenses and taxes pj 11 individual utposlts subject to check $7,138 28 Demand certificates of deposit 40 line eertlilc is of deposit 1,423 CO LEADER .L. BEISKKER. day EDWIN LAMB, A. Notary Publld. Mcl.ean County N. D. T. L. BRI^KKKH, 1 Correct—Attest Directors. C. H. DAVIDNOK Jr. O. M. DIOKX, Report of the Condition of '.(The Mcl.ean County state bank at Washburn In tlie State or North Dakota at the close of bus iness, A.piil 26,11100. RESOURCES. aml "IT""?. Total ¥13,683 2 2 state of North nakota, founty of llmloluli ss rv: T.i, I've, ra.-ilile.' the above named bank. tli0 I tme to the b«st or him to destruction. Let every I S M. PVK, fe,,bk( l'ltlCKIDICXT. B. LITTLE, President. Excellent N Receiver. -^Report of the Condition of TI.e Kariners State at Waslihuro in the State or X. r:li Dakota at tlie cloie of business April as, moo. 1,104 Due from other buuiis. $l.S8'i 81 Cash. 851 07 Total. "3 2.737 05 13,!W3 01 Liabilities. Capital stoek paid in Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid, Individual deposits sub jeet to check, $1,283 71 Demuid eertilieates of deposit, 080 as Time certificates of de posit. S3 20 Rills payable, 5,000 00 fl,C30 24 2.000 00 1»,.:83 01 State of North Dakota County of MeI.eon, ss. I. 1. M. Digen. Cashier of tne above named bank, do solemnly swear that the .above state ment is tri'ie to the best of my knowledge and belief, JI. M. DIOEV, Cashier. Siibs-crlbed and sworn to before rye this JL' iny knowledge and belief, ri!e,an(1 of MAY 1MW Jv/Siil'li HAItE C3 -a O O fee® 22c 05 Hanking house, furniture and fixtures, 1.000 i4) Cash and due from banks 3.202 07 cashier. sworn before me this 3d day COCIUCANK. F. Not: Burlelyli County N. D. C. H. l.liTl.E I Correct—Attest, Directors. STRAYEITAWAY. Dark hay mare black points, rijig bone in. front feet. Hair band circle N. Was with foa) when left. Iast seen ten miles east of Washburn. Notify the I/EAD3R and get a re ward. Cu 2= S 00 u' 2 fep bo s.s a IS a 2 Z! C5 j'3 «e 5 "n2! OJ ot g' U3 O 2 8 8 $13,CtS 22 UAB1UTIE8 96,000 00 03 JS bC 8.601 78 tM Si 0 04 r3 a 3 esTS afe .S fe. CflQ llb,,ve8tate,netitls a tiCQ— «r h-, a & bfl toJJ. "SW if CHAS. H. EJAVIDSON, Pays Taxes Cor Non-Residents. FARM LOANS SPECIALTY. D. KENDRICK, Vice President. "R. Pii.VWARDEN, Assist. Cashier. •CLEAN COUNTY STATE BANK A General Banking Business transacted—Foreign and Domestic Exchange—County and School Warrants Bought Interist Paid ontime deposit*-. Your account and other business solicited.— WASHBUKN, insurance Written Union Board Companies. Only. AGENT FOR FOREIGN STEAMSHIP LINES. values in BENTON TRANSPORTATION CO. vr*'/ 7j iSja 23 s* a Vj [L §'!S"o S •tJ 3 CO 1 44 *1 & S -5 cj 00 v'V/' V&* a#-8 NUMBER 47. G. M. DIGEN, JR. VlCK l'lIF.SIUKNT. FARMERS STATE BANK. WASHBURN. N. D. 0 Transacts a General Banking Business. Receives deposits Subject to check at sight. Interest paid on time deposits, Renders Statements of current Accounts Monthly. CASH 1KB S. M. PYB, Cashier, Clothing Fine Suits for Men and Boys. Nice line of* Shirts and Underwear. Hats, spring and summer Caps. Trunks and Valises. Gloves, etc. New goods arriving duily. Call and see us. Gents Furnishing Goods. ©emling & Hoover, BISMARCK, N. D. McLean County Implement Co. LEWIS HANSON Manager. FARM MACHINERY. McCormick Binders and Mowers. John Deere Plows and Cultivators. Moline and Banner Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Threshing Machines, Hay K'akes, (Binder stock of machine repairs Twine. Also a large NORTH DAKOTA. 1 3%^