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3 i-i V* HiS- & ,\.'w 'V' I "',r?* I i-'-Vi •m®. '. ... sfapi iill J5.»..' »Ci tm&i ?W& LOCAL ITEMS. Miss Byrdyna Lambert, of Bismarck, is in the city at tending teachers' institute. !Sheriff McDonald and family were in the city Tuesday, at tending the social at the Park. Miss Ella Stout of Fargo, ar rived in the city last Saturday, to conduct the teachers' insti tute.. Deviae and .communion ser vices will be held in Sverdrup school house No.l July 1st., at 10S30 a. m. Landlord Charleboise re turned from a trip to Bismarejt this week, where he was in search of help. Persons desiring to contri bute to. the 4th of July fund, can do so by calling at C. G. Forbes drug store, ^Enumerator J. P. Peterson, is canvassing Washburn. J. P. has an eye for business, mak ing Washburn. Institute week. J. D. Wakeman: of Wilton, passed through the city Tues day en route for Coal Harbor, where he will meet a party of land hunters. Col.K. S. Craw is erecting a residence on his claim north of town. The Col. will also put in an additional five acres of potatoes this spring. A party of business men gathered at the park Wednes day evening, and cleared off several acres of underbrush, making a fine picnic grounds. Attorney McCulloch has purchased an interest in the Washburn flour mill, and is having some improvements made, before resuming oper ations. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dillon, of Bismarck, were in ttte city this week. Mr. Dillan, who is Deputy State Bank Examiner, examined th£ books of the local 3 anks-which were, of course o. k. 1 t«so ..V E. F. L^ach of Helena, Mont., who has the contract, for ft|r nishing 1500 head .of cattle for the Ft Berthold reservation, was in the city this week. Mr. Leach: will drive the cattle overland from Bismarck. The various committees cn arrangements for the 4th of July celebration, will meet to riighfc ^t the office of E. A Lamb, A general plan for the celebratiQp will be decided on and all committees are re quested to be present, t:: *&< •••y w. re The band will meet for hearsal this evening. Several fine showers fell this vicinity, this week.. in JRev. J. A. Diesen and son, have returned frot^i Minneap Mrs. James Anderson, of Weller, took atrip to.Bismarck this week. Attorney Latnb, returned from a business trip to Bis marck, this week."" Rancher Pace was in .the city this week, from his ranch on Painted' Woods creek. Wanted at the* Merchants Hotel: A good cook and girl to work in dinning room. "Wk Among' the prominent ar rivals in the city this, week were, Geo. W. Merrick of Austin, Minn., and son, C. L. Merrick, of the N. D. Land Dep't at Bismarck. The two gentlemen took a drive through the surrounding country, be fore returning to the capital city, and speak in high terms of our beautiful country. Attorney Lamb will go to Kansas City this week or the first part of next week, where he will take in the National Democratic 'Convention, hav ing received some appoint ment. Mr. Otto Peterbon and Miss Minnie Musselmen, two pop ular young people of Coal Har bor, were united in marriage at, that plaee last Thursday. The many friends of the young couple, wish to extend their congratulations. Rev. G. M. Hughes of this city, officiated. Rev. A. J. Swelander will hold tent meetings at Coal Harbor, on Laftgballe's farm the 13,14 and 15 of July com mencing on the 13th, at 10 a. ci. Saturday the 14th, there will be services in the American language at 2 SOCIAL. ipu .. \i Byidyna B. Lambert, Dora Ci den* McKiuley for a well mer ii 4L The social and dance given at the park Tuesday evening, for the benefit of the park, was verry suc cessful financially as well associaly. An unsual large crowd w&s in at tendance. Ice cream, cake and lemonad was Berved through the evening, and upon arrival of the orchestra, dancing was participated in by a large crowd. All who at tended report most enjoyable time-,Hr -•'.'is "''jfo! TEACHERS The most Successful institute ever held county, how convenes in this city. The pisses Vida Herred, Alice frarUnj^ton, 'Anna D.JConnolly, India Tarkingtpn, Emma N. John* son, Myrtle Collis, Adeline Falk, ence ftedi MCrnd Wrm and the nom- Mrs. M. J. Handy and the Meter* matum ..f New YdrkV famous Overnor Roosevelt, ice Presidency is Regarded Hughes. by all parties here as the safest 1 and merit popular, ticket that! Stoult^ of Faig0, the National Republican pajrty VOLtTME XI W ASHBURN, McLEAN COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA, JUNE 30 1900. p. m. and 8 p. m. Also Sunday the 15th at 2 p. m. All are invited to attend these meetings. Hon. W. D. Washburn, Hon. John Satterlund and Chief Engineer- J. M. Dixon of the Washburn road, arrived in the city' Sunday afternoon. The party left for the north, return ing in tile evening, after view ing the surrounding crops'. It is understood Mr. Washburn will soon errect a large ele vator at this place, and extend the telephone ^lihe, |o Wash burn. It is' generally under stood that the Washburn road wjill not^get beyond Wilt'on this fall, as it is difficult to get steel and supplies. There has been some grading done between Wilton and Washburn, and it is possible the road may be extended to this place the coming winter or spting. WASHBURN WILL CELEBRATE. At a meeting held by the citizens, of Washburn last, Monday evening, at E. A. Lambs offiice. it was unan imously decided to 'celebrate the coming 4th of July at Washburn. An invitation is extended to the .people of the entire slope, and the attractions will be the best, Among the numerous events to take place wdllbS: A base ball game, horse races, and all out door sports will be represented a picnic dinner in the park, speaking by prominent business men, Concerts by the Washburn band and the day will close with a grand ball in Wahl.s new store. The following committees were appointed Monday night: Arrangements—C. GL Forbes, E. A. Lamb and John Oligney. Music—Fred Peterson, Martini Holtan and A. Extrom,' Auxiliary—A. C. Ranard, Wm. Harris and H. C. Wilson. Sports—Wm. Richards, H. Hol tan and Walter LeRoy. Speakers—Anton.(Peterson, Jno. Merry and Axel Nelson. Decorations—Thos. Peterson, D. s', Tto- .ttendmoe vtoHm W. old teachers, as well as the young, take great interest in their work. The attending teachers are with out exception, bright and good looking, and their general appear ance and ability as conveftionalisto, shqw their qualifications as able instructors. Those in attendance are as follows: ,-f, Ktrtland.' ?hebe A: dates, Banard, oonduotin? put ft^ld. I by Countjr Supt. HoHan. 1 institute, assisted i,' due Jan. 1, 1930. Of the bonds, $600,000 are issuable on the* fortyfll&i six miles from Bismaitck to Wash bum, now under construction,"-' which twenty-six miles will be? completed in July and the balanc about October next, and the rife mainder at the rate of §12,000 pe mile for additional mileage co: structed. The authorized stockjS $500,000 of which $200,000 is lid] outstanding. The president is Washburn secretary and trea sure, C. C. Crane, Minneapol DURRANT WAS INNOCEN|. One of the saddest rid ni||t atrocious legal murders so for corded is that of Theodore: l?nr rant, who was hanged in California a few years since, for the miirde^of Blanche Lamont and Minnie.Wil liams a most, diabolical double crime, its, verry fiendishpess hazily having a parallel in the animoJs of. vice, and its prepetrator mm sought and low for sevgrgl days» thid^hole world hopin^ for his capture afid punishment^ meantime the sb-called detectives and police tttitho^ties and after fastening their cl on young: Durrant proceed* collect what they tended eyii the whole mass of stnff in-all) ability .being manufactured f| purpose of (^nvibtioh, add circumstantial- nature,' stoutly mantained from his up to the moment of .his e: that he was inhoqent. of rible charge, but forsooth he could not explain every of his presence fet certain was convicted and. ha once more the majesty /*$** V$. •-fttlj I Gt. M. Digen and H. Richards. Lunch—The Ladies of Wash burn. Marshall o£ the day—Jos. Mann.' ON TO GREAT FALLS. New York, June 25.—The Bis marck, Washburn & Great Falls, which proposes to build a road ex: ^McLean county realizing the kind tending from Bismarck, N. D. to. Great Falls, Mont., has filed mortgage to the Central Trus' company of New York as trustee, to secure $7,000,000 thirty-year 5 per cent .gold bonds ($1,000 each, £4 |i$iTherefor8:v 1930. Of the eB l" of of these police wiseacres,, vindicated. Now the tnif A fW dfiys ago, on hi^ dte Rev. Gibson who .at the~ pastor of Emanuel churcl Qne of the murders was ck^ cciifeBQedithat he killed tim^. Qe was an active Ifiil im-^^ Uel: WASHBURN LEADER. portant witness at the trial of poor Duiiirant, the reason of which is now quite plain, and also in view of the fact that suspicion was strohgly directed to. him at the time.—Saulte Lake Tribune. CROPS IMPROVING. Many farmers were in the city this week and report a wonderful chatige for the better in the con ditions of crops. Many patches of grain were nearly a total loss. The rains of the past week have been general and were beneficial to hay and late sown grain, which will easily yield »an average of half a crop. WASHBURN BAND. iThe musicians of Washburn as sembled at the Leader office Thure evening and decided to organize the local band. The old instru ments will be used until new ones can be secured. The following are the members with their respective instrument: A. Extrom, solo cornet, Frank Falconer, solo cornet, Fred Peter sen, clarinette, Henry Holtan, baritone, C. G. Forbes, tenor, L. Fritz, tenor, Ever Extrom, alto, Martin Holtan, tuba, L. Eskes, base drum, Patrick Burleigh, snare drum. A. Extrom, leader and Fred Peterson, dirrector. RESOLUTIONS. The following resolutions were lopted by the teachers' institute: Whereas, we the teachers of iness and interest shown 'us by our [instructors, and the citizens and «rd of education at Washburn, dg extend to them our sincere Shanks. lank^the J^ai^c^ EOTci^ for the t^e of ,^h«i touse and ^ppartus. Resolved, that the work given us by Miss Stout has been in every Way'practical and .progressive and ithat have all been greatly bene fited thereby, and would hereby express 01 siucer^ppreciation of a -o Resolve^, that the thanks of the institute be extended to our Sup erintendent for. the able and im partial manner by which he has succeeded in making this institute both pleasant and profitable to the teachers. Phebe A. Gates, India Tarking tpn and E. F. Ramsey, committee. FntbniiUitle Boy" vi. Pnbll«'8aftty. Already restarts aire coming in through the newspapers of the deetruction of buildings and other property by the hi larious smalt boy and his festive cannon cracker. TjiU is bji't the beglnin?. Af ter the 4th of July, last year, the, Minne apolis Tribune published a list of build ings destroyed in various towns by the same combination of boy and fire crack er that run np into hundreds of thou sands dollars worth. ., Iu towns or villa a a a boys •ntbusiesm to conform to public safety. Oscsr Howard, grandson of Lord How ard, of Cumberland, of the English peer age, was iu Washburn from the Fort Berthold reservation one day this week. Mir. Howard: said they had c^tious rains up that way Sunday and Monday, and that the growing corn crop particolarly, ,L. 1 TMs**(Buy bi mwm ?S5: TBANSAC'l' YODU BUSINESS, g| fijr Utaphoue between BiimKtok and MTilton. pp ?oor u»n aa4 talki with and bfn4iW j«pniwto MBda maeiM^e, law w'11 handaUKl with priTMj aitd along with the thick skull^pheory 1 .. •. Oonnecrtlon* have been mad* with the 'Riy I Wentern Dnion Telrgraph 06, and vent bed toot ftffm all pplnl* r««oh*d bjf II was gnipVor.cable linen.. itlad, C. B. LITTLK, President.* .L. W O A A N E E om or received at Wiiton, 1 ttttee ihay be had on applioatlon iit ilie ofllpe at Wilton the We«t«ra Union Tele ^rjipli' ottoe jii Bi«marok, or «ddre« .. .. Traffic Manager, th vic-A »tag HfEH. Walker, Q. F. Ry., Bi*marcksN. D.' I). eiseker. exdrick, Vice President. R. PisxWARDEN, Assist. Cashier. McLEAN COUNTY STATE BANK A General Banking Business transacted—Foreign and Domos=tic Exchange—County and School Warrants Bought Interist Paid or»time deposits. ." Your account and other business solicited.— Insurance Written Union Board Companies. Only. AGENT FOR FOREIGN STEAMSHIP LINES. Chas.H.D pn vainvVT avidson, jr WASHBURN, N. D. Transacts a General Banking Business. Receives deposits Subject to check at sight. Interest paid on time deposits, Renders Statements of current Accounts Monthly. Pays Taxes for Non-Residents. FARM LOANS SPECIALTY. WASHBTJRN ^Harness Shop- Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Colara, II M'fg'r. Of I All kinds of Hand and Machine made harness. I have the Facilities for Cotrs- peating with any Retail Firm in the jfortrwest. Excellent values in Clothing A IN p. Yards at Bismarck, Wilton, and WASHBURN Fine Suits for Men and Boys. Nice line of Shirts an{ji Underwear. Hats, spring and summer Caps. Trunks and Valises. Gloves, etc. New goods arriving daily. Call and see us. Gents Furnishing Goods. Sersiiing Sc. lilSMARCK. N. D. FRANK GRAMBS A. B. GRAMBS GRAMBS BROTHERS, DEALERS IN Heavy and shelf Hardware, Barb Wire, N A I S Bismarck & Washburn Lumber Co. Dealers in all. kinds of building! material. We invite inspection and guarantee fair treatment. Veare here to stay* Offioe and ycurds oor. Jewell Ave. and Willow St, WASHBURN, NORTH ^DAfcOTA. Oompo-Board 4 Hoover, €&• ons Windmills, urn s, etc. OPPOSITE THE 8 dERIDAN HOUSE. 1 l| ORRKSPf .\1)EK SOLICITED. mmssm NO. 3 G. M. Digen, VlCK I'HKHIDKHT. FARMERS STATE BANK. & M. Pyb, Cashier, CAsaiBB '1 fi Etc* I E S A E I t1* ,i- 4. S E S S O O I WGrainlM 's ',$ I & 1 I -vv i?»j£