Newspaper Page Text
I I' ,•1 •Jte afc w*4 »»ASHBURN LEADER. Published every Saturday at Washburn, N. D. Official paper of McLean County. Subscrip tion price, one dollar a year. JOHN SATTEBLUND, PUBLISHER. Entered at the post office at Washburn. N. D. as second class mail matter. INSURANCE STATEMENT. QTATEMKNT for the year ending December O 81. A. 11.18!Kl. of the condition ami affairs of the Hartford Kire Insurance Co. of Hartford, organized under tin- laws of the State of Con necticut, made to the Commissioner of Insur ance of the State of North Dakota, in pursuance •of tilt* law* of said Suite. President (Jooiye I,. Chjise, Vice President Jonathan I). Buiice. Secretary I*. liuyei .' Principal Otlioe Hartford. Conn. Attorney for service in the State of North Dakota: JJaiwMIeo. W. lirrrison. Location Hismarek. X. 1). Organized or Incorporated May 1810. Commenced business August islu. A I I A I Amount of capital stock paid up in full $ 1,250,000 00 ASS UTS. Val»e of real estate owiied by the company $ Loans on bonds and mortgages Kailroad bonds and stocks State, city, county and other bonds Hunk stocks Hher corporation stocks Loans on collateral security "ash on hand and In bank interest due and accrued Premiums In course of collection and transmission lients due and accrued All other sums due the Company, K'.'-insiirance due on losses paid rinting plant By T. J. Harris, Deputy. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, I Oilice of Commissioner of insurance. Company's Certificate of Authority. Whereas, The Hartf'oi Fire insurance Com pany of Hartford. Connecticut, a corporation organized under the laws of Connectici t. has tiled in this office a sworn statement exhibiting Its couuitiou mid business for tuc yi*«ir MKUIIU December 31. 1899, conformable to the require ments of.the laws of this State regulating the business of Insurance, and, VVI'.eieas. The said companj has filed in fills office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organization in compliance with the requirement oi the insurance laws aior snd Ntjw, therefore, 1. Geo. W. Harrison, coni nilH.sloner of lusiir.iuce of tli State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Comp any is fully empowered, through its authorizes agents to transact its appropriate business of lire insurance In this stale according to laws P^*1900 i-'^wnher. A. In testtmonyl whereof, 1 have hereunto set niy hand ami seal at Bismarck, tiiis 1st day ox March A. D., 1900. GEO. W. HARRISON, 18KA|J Comniisslouer ot insuracne. Iy T. J. Harris, Deputy. INSURANCE STATEMENT. STATEMENT for the vear ending December 31, A. D. 1899, of the condition and affairs oi the Germau American Insurance Company ol £ew York organized under the laws of the htateol New York, made to the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, in pt'.rsuuuee of the laws of said State, president—William N. Krenier. lee i'resklent—IxmisE. Dommerlch. Secretory—Charles G. Smith. rincipal Oilice -Liberty Si Nassau New York. Attorney tor service in the Dakota: in cash ,... Interest and dividends iccelved duringthe year KeiUs received during the year Total disbursements 811,000 00 oo 5,74S,7iiU .Ki 42?,-iiw ar i-T!i.7rii ~n 33,7.10 00 14,MK) (10 OM.C'JT :«,lt'0 4« 1,255.024 8S 1,271 7(i 23,288 ».» 24,175 15 Total assets $ n,08fl,08S 02 LIABILITIES. Cross claims for losses, adjusted ami unpaid $ 251,829 II Cross claims for losses, in process of adjust ment 349,810 78 Losses resisted by the company 54,438 01 Total gross amount of claims for losses $ 055.583 SO— $055,583 90 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstan- ing risks $ 5,280,799 02 pile tor coiimilssidi.s and broker age 82,500 00 Total Liabilities $ 0,024,883 52 RECEIPTS. Premiums received during the '-ear In cash $ 0,224,178 52 Interest and dividends received during the year 405,102 81 lients received during the year.... 14 082 73 Amount received from ail other sources 47,591 85 Total receipts $ 0,090.955 91 DISBURSEMENTS, Losses pniil diirlngthe year $ 4,113,095 42 Dividends paid during the year.... 400.000 00 Paid for commissions and broker age 1.049,458 81 Paid for salaries, fees and other "charges 470,205 70 raid for taxes 107.090 3:: Amounts of all other disbui senients 033,095 50 Total disbursements..„ $ 7,133,005 82 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS. Total risks taken during the year$ 2,128,330 00 Total premiums received during the year 47,991 95 Total losses incurred during the y«»r 31,709 24 Totafaruount of Jonses paid during the year.. 33.03G 31 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, I Oilice of Commissioner of Insuruiice. I, (ieo. W. Harrison, Commissioner of In surance of the State of North Lakota, do here by certify that ilie foregoing Is true abstract of. the original statement now on Hie in this olflcc. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set mv hand and aflixed the Seal of this cHice al islsiiiaieli tills 1st day of .March A. D„ 1900. GEO W. HARRISON, Comniisslouer ol insurance. streets, State ot North Name—james B.Eaton. Location—i-'argo, N. it. Organized or incorporated, March 1872-. tommeuced business. Aiarcli 7th. 1872. CAPITAL. iton 'i,T',ra, st,M'k P»W up In oo ASSETS. V^mp^::iriite ,,wnei by the Rallroatl bondsaud stocks... «ate, city, county and other bonds. Hank stocks... Other corporation stacks'. ash on hand UUMI in bank Interest due and aecrued. n!i of eollection and transmission.. Total Assets ross claims for losses, adjusted and unpaid 115,458 oo tros» claims for losses, unon which no actfuu has been taken 295,410 o» liOkses resisted by the company 28,797 4U Total giDu amonnt tf cMuns for losses.. 4asui(s 40 Deduct reinsurance aud salvage claims thereon 100,647 00 Ket amount of unpaid losses $ Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks jnurar'Miniulsgloiui ami broker- AU Q||f Uftbtflttes tr1 N It 1SM0 00 B.,UUU'VU 1,293,350 00 3.854,982 00 1,742,10-4-08 250,201 00 270,400 00 209,109 25 tMti 00 S27.840 41 .$ 8^28,953 94 I.!AB1MT1IS. 83»«18 40 &74»yU5(M 103,113 El' 8482,601 80 Mrtltbaliciea ju8a,877 15 EnnsiPTs.. ftM»ltH(iftt««eWc4dU£Un the "'V n~ $ '2,ur,G37 10 334,977 29 642 00 Total receipts $ 3,023,256 45 DISBURSEMENTS. osses pal'l during the year $ 1.801.900 34 Dividends paid during the yenr.... 00 Paid for commissions and broker age 413.584 20 Paid for sauries, lees an I other charges 213,278 99 Paid fir taxes '.iii.l.W 44 Allium.! of all other disbursements 333,7U5 85 $ 3,188,087 88 MOUTH DAKOTA BUSIXESS. Total risks taken during the year$ 1,214,258 41 Kitol premiumsreceived during tile year 2«.«19 00 lal losses incurred during the year .24,020 35 i.tal aiuount of losses paid during the year .• 25,192.21 STATE OK XOKTII DAKOTA. I Oilice of Commissioner of insurance. I. (ieo. \V, Harrison, Commissioner of in surance of the State ol North l.nMUa, do here by certify that tlie foie^oiug is a true abstract of the original statement now tin Hie in tills ollioe. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and allixco the Seal of tiiis oilice at iSiMiiarciv tills Is ilay of March, A, 1., liK/U. (JHO. \V. IIAHU1SON, SKAi.J o.iijiii.oioiicr ol insurance, lly T. .1. Harris, Depmy. STATIC OK NOHTIl' DAKOTA, I Olio-col Commissioner of insurance Company's Certificate of Authority. Whereas, The (ierman American I nsiirance Co. of New York, a corporation organized under the laws of New York, has liled in this oilice a swum statement exhibiting Us condition and biilucsh lor the year ending iicceinbt-r :ilsl, (899. cniiluriii,title to tne reilllreinei.ts ol un laws ot tills State regulating Uie business or Insurance, aim, SWiereas, Tnc said company lias filed in this oilice a duly cei tilied copy ol ils charter wltn certificate of organization in, compliance with the requirement ol the insurance laws afore said: Now, Therefore, I. Ceo. \V. Harrison, Com missioner or Insurance of the Stale ol North Dakota, pursuant to tne provisions of said laws, do hereby certily that the above named Comp any is luil.v empowered, through its authorize,, agents to transact its anfirnpiUuc business o: 1' Ire & Tornado Insurance this stale accord ing to iatts thereof, until tliu 31st. day oi Dec einner. A. H., llioo. In tesliniony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand aim seal at Hisinaro this 1st day ot March, A. 1J„ 1900. isKAl.J GEO. AV. IlAItltlSON, (.oniniissiuiicr oi lusuran.-e. By T. .1. Harris, Deputy. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, is known as the Evergreen State because of its vast forests. Outside of Ilia limited areas of "bi^ trees" in California, there are no such forests of pine, fir, hemlock spruce, cedar, etc. as are found here. The irees are lm,g and straight, and the mas taiva 'io,l.t I.-, and tine shingles made from hem uie shipped all over tile world. Wahii.gton fruit is a produce of great value, its flavor and color are unsnr passed. East of the Cascade Mountains, the climate is dry and warm and irriga tion is necessary. This makes the farmer independent of rain. West of the moun tains irrigation is unnecessary and Ih rainfall is ample for ali purposes. CU-J. neries and fruit dryipg establishment, can be operated profitable in Mtis state. Grain, hops and alfalfa are very profit able crops, and beet sugar is rapidly making headway. Washington is a coining empire. Brains ire in demand in all professions, and labor is wanted and is paid renumerative prices. Fuel, coal as well as wood,' is aboudeut and cheap. Schools and churchs abound, tke state is weil supplied with railways. Varied nltitoces npd climates render this country a desirable place of residence and all can be suited. For farther information, rates etc., ad dress Chas. 8. Fee. Geu. Pass. Agent, N. P. R, K. Co., St. Pani, tin. NORTHWESTERN TRAVELERS AR? as NOliTH WK8TK1M ADVEllTtMEllS because THE.NORHWESTERN LINE la the Shortest and Best Routh to Cliicago and the East VIA Minneapolis and St. Paul And also, the equipment of its trains is the most modern of the car builder's art embodying all the luxuries, comforts and n-ceasaries of travel. "THE NORTH-WESTERN LIMITED" 20thCdutury Train is electric lighted both inside and out, and equipped with handsome buffetr sin ok Ing-library car, compartment and stand ard sleepers, free chair oar and modern day coach and on which no Extra Fare is charged. It makes connections at Min neapolis and St. Paul with Northern, Great Northern, and ,lSoo-Pacitio'' trains and leaves daily Minneapolis 7:30 p. tn. St. Pan! 8.10 p. in kud arrives Chic ago 9:30 a.m. For berth reservations, rates, folders and illustrated booklet tree of the "Fin est Train in the wi.rld," call at or address i'icket Offices -11 il Nicollat Avenue. Min neapolis: 39 Robert St.Sr. Paul. 405 Wesi aperior St. Dulath, ot address T. W. Teasdale, General Pass. Agent. St. Panl Minn. Jas. T. McCuHoch Attorney at Law. Wasbburn No. Dak. E. A. A AttorBev-at-Law, CfDTevumr an Kttiqr Pablle. 1 WASBBURN, NOKTH'DAKOTA PtacUce i^fore tbe. United States In terior Department a specialty. I also liave out Uand complete copy of the United 8tate» I^knd Office l'lats and Records for McLeaii Oliver MMI Mtrcer. Cbunties. Ftr Salt OK UHH. .4 Vawieii dwliliitii iurc%aM or lease Northern Pacific KaiV rond land, can do sa by apply r6. „.. "i tlOHN 8ATTEKLITND, *4 ftsft Zy# »&3> 'a hjKII jhJl NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF RE DEMPTION. State of North Dakota, County of MeLean-ss. Louis Anderson: To all persons, companys OT corporations who have or claim any estate "right, title or enterest In, or claim or lien upon, the piecu or parcel of lund hereinafter described. You and each of you will please take no tice that the tract of land Hereinafter de scribed, and wnich wa» assessed for taxa tion for t:ie y-ars 1892, 1893 and 1894. In the nam, oi M. Iloone, was on the Stii'day of August, 189S. didy sold by the sheriff of McLean county to Louis An,lemon, at the sale of lands pursuant to a real estate tax judgment entered in tne district court of McL' :iu county ou tlieOt.i day of July, l.suo, In proceedings to Inforce the payment of taxes delinquent upon sail real estate in sal.I county, and the period ot redemption from said sale will expire on the 51 day or August. 1900. Description of Land-The northwest quarter SWH oi section eleven ll in township o. lun.lied an I irty six li ncrfii. ran nty-tiiree west of ,e I. 11 pri c'i'a men i.iaiu In Si' I.- Ml in y, itli 1 akui.. AlllO(|iit solo lor—$04.43. AmoiuU reipihed to redeem, Including subM quint taxes paid-$tG0.50. And you and each of you are hereby notl lied ti.ut, unless you redeem said land from said sale before the expiration of the tine for ltd. mption by payment of the amount above stated and the taxes, costs, interests and penalty accruing Including t:.e costs of this notice, the estate herein expressed will pass to the holder of tile tax sale certifi cate. Witness my hand at Washburn JJ. P. this 2nd day of July, 1900. ska I. LOUIS ANDEliSON, Holder and owner of Slieitlfs Certificate of Tax Sale. NOTICE OF EXPIKATIOE OF RE I1EJIPT40N. Sta'e of North Dakota, County of McLean-ss. Louis Ainlersoir: To all persons, companys or corporations who have or claim any estate, light, title or Interest in, or claim or lien upon, the piece or parcel of land hereinafter described. You and each of von will please take no tice that the tract of land hereinafter de scribed and which was assessed for taxa tion lor the years 1892, 189S and 1894 in the name of M. Doone, was on the. rth day of Amnist, 189S, duly sold by lie aheiiir nf'Mc Lean county to Louis Andl-rson, Ht the sale of IHIVIS pursuant to a real estate tax judgment entered in the district court of McLean county on the Gth day of- July. mofi. In pio eeeulngs to inforce the payment on taxes delln i|Ui nt upon said real estate I11 said county, and tli- period of redemption from said sale will expire on the 5th day of August. 1900. Description of Laild-Tlie southwest quarter SW *4 of section eleven 11 in township, one hundred and forty-six 14G north, range eielitv three 83 west of the fifth prin -ipal-nieridlau, in McLean county, North Dakota. Amount for—$64.43 Amount required to redeem, including subsequent taxes paid-$l(j0.50. And you and each of you are lierebv noti fied that, unless you redeem said land from said sale before the expiration of the time for redemption, by payment of the amount above stated and the taxes, costs, interests and penalty accruing Including the costs of this notice, the estate herein expressed will pass to tiie holder of the tax sale cer llente. Witness my hand at Washburn, N. D. this 2nd day of July, 1900. LOUIS ANDERSON, Holier and owner of Sheriffs' certiiicate of Tax Sale. NOTICE OE GXi'I RATION OF RE DEMPTION. State of North Dakota: C-mnty of McLean -ss. Olof Nelson, Sr: To|ali persons, companies or corpora!I'11s who have or claim any es tate. right, title or interest in. or claim or Hey upon, the piece or parcel of Tail hereinafter describe,! Yon and each of- you will please take no tice that the tract of land hereinafter de scribed, mid which was assessed for tax ation for t!ie year 1S90, 1891, 18!W, 1898 and 189+ In the name of Charles Andrew, was on the nth day of August, 1898, duly sold by the slierllT of McLean county, ro Olof Nelson :. at the sale of lands pursuant to a real estate tax judgment entered in t'ie district court of McLean county on the .'th day of .Tulv. 1898, in proceeding* to hiforce the payment cf 'axes delinquent upon said real estate In said eoiiatv. and the perintl of redemption from sai sale will expire on the 5th day of Auirust. 1900. Description of Laud--The south ouarrer SW section tlil:ty-oue ,31 in township nei hundred and forty-seven 147 nnrth-vuranee, eighty-three 83 of the nth principal morfdiiiu, in M-Lean county. North Dakota,,,, A mount sold for—S99.a). Amount required to' redeem, Jnt!lufllni' suhseqticqf ta\es paid—$.')I1.03. And you aud each of you are hereby noti fied that, unless yon redeem said tared from said sale before the expiration ot the time for redemption, by payaitnt of the amount ind penalty acerulni Including the cost of tills tiro, the estate herein expressed will pass to tiie holder, of the tax sale-cer tificate. Witness my hand at Washburn this 2nd day of July, A. O. 1900. SKA 1, OLOF NELSON. HoIdiM' and owner of Slieielf,s Cutlficate of Tux Sale. N'OTICK OF EXPIRATION OF RE DEMPTION. Staseof North Dakota. County of McLean—ss, Erlck Johnson: To all persons, companies or corporatkms who have or claim any estate, right, title or interest In, or claim or lien upon, the piece or parcel of land hereiuafter described. You and eacli of you will please tdke no tlc that tiie tract of laud .hereinafter de scribed, and which was assessed for taxa tion for the years 1891, 1892, 1893 and 1894 in the name of Chatles Lucas was ou the 5th day of August. 1898 duly sold by the sherill of McLean county at the sale of lauds pur suant to a real estate tax Judgment en tered in the district court of MeLean county on the 5th day of July 1898, in proceedings to enforce .the payment of taxes delinquent upon said real estate in said county and the period of |redeinptlon from said sale will expire 011 the5th-day of August 1900. Description of Land—Southeast quarter SE ii of sectilon thirty-four 34 in township one hun dred and forty-six 146 north, range eighty one 81 west of of the fifth principal-meridian, in McLean eounty. North Dakota. Amount sold for—$95.54. Amount required to redeem, including subseqnent taxes* paid—$211.10. And you and each of you arc' hereby noti fied that unless you redeem said land-from said sale before the expiration of the time for redemption, by payment of the amount, olmve stated, and the taxes, costs, interests and pfiialty accruing. Including the cost of fhls notice, tiie estate herein expressed will pass to Hie holder of the tax sale cer tificate. Witness my hand at Washburn, N. I. this 2nd dav of July, 1900. SICAI.: EUICK JOHNSON, Holder and owner of Sheriff's Certificate of Tax Sale. NOTICE OF EXPIRATON OF .RE DEMPTIQN. StatA of North Dikca. County of McLerrr—sa. Ijnils Anderson To all persons:, companys or corporations, who have or cl,mm any estate, right, title or interest fu, or claim or lien upow, the piece or parcel of land hereinafter described. Vou and each of yon wfll please- take no tice that the tract of land hereinafter de scribed, and wlifrlt was assessed. ,for taxa tion for the wars 1892. 1893 and 189*-In- the name of M. Doone.- was on '.'lie nth day- of Aogut, 1808. duly sotd by the sberiff McReau'Co. toLonlbAiidersou. at the sale" of lands pur suant to a rial estate tax judtmeBtien lered bi the district court of McLi-an connty on the 5th day of .MUyr 1MW. iu proceedings to Inforce the payment of taxes delinquent upou said real est'ite hi Mild i«untv, and tbe nerfMl of redemption from WaM sale wiU expire on the 5th (lay of Aogast, 1900. Descrlitlnn of I^aiyl—The. ndrtlieast quarter NE of section eteTen ll ln township one- tbvee 88 west, of theflfMi prlaeipa) me:ld6tn, it: ^cLe county. Nxirtn Dakota.' Amount.soLl for—$04.43. Amount required to redeem, inclndmg subsequent taxes paW-H«oj"X. And yeu and each ol you are her by noti fied, that, tiniest you redeept safd laud from said sale before the expiration. e( tne tlmo 1 or cedempclon. liy payine of tlie -nmo int above stilted and the taxes, costs,' interests and -liciiiiUy. accruing including tbe costs-' of this notice, the est«t« herein expressed ivlil jfHss t« the Holder of the tax sale cer- Witness hand at WaMiburn N. 'IK tlito 2nd doyof.lulv, 1000. (L.KAL) WVIH iUViyEKSOX. Holder and owuei of Mbeclfft Ceitlftcate of Tax nt •p llliW »—11 tflrst Publication une 1C. 1900 NOTICE OP FINAL PROOF. Land Office at Bismarck, N. D. June 12,1900. Notice is her«"by given that the following named settler lias Hied notice of ids lutentlor to make final proof in support of ids claim, am that said proof wilt he made before tiie Clerk 01 Court of McLean county at Washburn N. D., on July 21st looo. viz. lMUU.II' WAN8LEY for tiie !i of se and of sw !4 of Sec. 2' TWp. 143 of itange 81 w. •He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ole Wing, August Oberg, Carl L. Oranntrom of Washburn and Nels Erlckson.of fttlconei N. I. 4. C. McGilllvray 1-0 ltegslter. First Publication June 9 1RO. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Ofllceat Hismarek, N. I). May 31 st. 190«. Notice is hereby given tluit the following named settler lias filed notice of ills Intention to make linal In support of Ills claim, ant) tiiat said proof will be made before Clerk of Court of McLean county at Washburn N.D., 011 July 14th. 1900, viz: L. H.JOHNSON, for the N, W. of Section 2S, Township 140, N. of 'ltange 8t W. lie names the following witnesses to provi his continuous resideuce. upou and cultlvatioi of said land, viz: Louis Bergquist. Robert Kcrgqulst. Frank S wan sou, and Frank Nordquist, allof lngersoll.N. 1)". A. V, McGillivrav. Register. First Publication .nine 1900 NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. United States Land Office at ltisiuarck N. .nine 11th., 1900. otice Is hereby given that William Llndel has filed notice of iifteniion to make final prool before l'eter Miller county Judge at Ids onic In Washburn. 911 Tuesday the 3lst. day of July 1900, on timber cnlture application No. 4274, lo the N\v a of section 20, in Tw' p. I4f, linnet He names as witnesses: John D. Carlson, Chas. Carlson, A. Roseberg, and Ole Gradiu, all^of Weiler N. I. A. C. McGILIJvRAY, 1-G Register. First Publication June 391900. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. United States Land Oilice at Bismarck, X. June 19.fl900. Notice is hereby given that John Chesworth has liled notice of intention to make tinal proof before Peter Miller, county Judge, at his olliice in Washburn, 011 Saturday the 4th day of Aug ust, l'.KM.on timber culture application No. 4942, forthe 8. !J ot'SK. Y. Nw.Y of SK. !4 and s-.v. '-.i of Ni-:. of section No. 28, in Twp. No. 148 •, Itange No. 81 w. lie names as witnesses: Win. lteuter, Fred Melin. T. L. Biitton and Chas. F. Huston, allof Turtle l^ake, N. li. •A: C. MOGIM.IVUAV, 3-9 Register. 1 First Publication Jime 30,1900.] SUMMONS. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, I C!UTY OK Mel.KAN. I In District Court, Sixth Judicial District. Henry Wiilard, plaintiff, V.8. McLean county, North Dakota, N. C. Nygaard County Treasure ana Ueorge.B. Forgy.'de fenda.its. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants You and each of you are hereby summoned to answer tiie complaint hi this action, and to serve a copy t.f your answer upon the subscribers at their off ce 111 the city of Hismarek, In the county of Burl Mgh. aud Stale 1.foresaid, within thirty davsater the service of tills sunuiums upon you, exclnsi -e ol' the day of ervice and in ease ol your fa art to appear or answer Judgement will lie takt... against you by default for the relief de manded In tiie complaint. ... Stevens-& Allen,Plaintiff's Attorneys, Bismarck,N.D. Dated 011 June 30 A. D. 1900, 3-l(i We hereby certify that the summons and com plaint in the above entitled action was lllediu the otiiee of he. clerk of the District Court in' and for said McLean county, N. D.on June 28. A.D. 1900. Stevens & Allen, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication June 10,1900. SUMMONST -88. STATB OF NOIITH DAKOTA, 1 CKUNTY OF MCLKAN. 1 In District Court, Sitxtt Judicial District. H. S. Bratlen, pluiutlfi, vs, Andrew N. Larson, A.B, GuptllT, as receiver of the Mortgage uank'& Investment Company, a corporation, and tt. S. Brynjolfson, defend ants. The State of North Dakota to tiie' afiote named Defendants: You, and each of you. are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this actiou, and to serve a copy of yotu answer u-pon the subscriber within thirty days after tiie service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgement will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded In the complaint. E. A. Magloue, Attorney for Plaintiff, Devils ljike, N, D. Dated April 28,1900t To Andrew N.Larsoiv Defendant above named: Please take notice. That tiie comvlatat In the above entitled actiou was filed iu the office of the Clerk of District Court it and for McLean county, I) on tiie 30th day of May, 1900. E. A. Magloue, Attorney for Piaiutlff. Devils Lake, N. D. Dated .nine 9, 1900. [First Publication June oth 1900.1 NOTICE OB' FORtSOiiOSUHK BALE. Notice Is hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and daiivered by^ Malllna Deller mortgageor, to the1 Mortgage Bank & Investment Company, (Intel the 24th, day of July I8iu and liled for record in the office of ltegister of Deeds of the County of McLean and the Stateof North- Dakota* on the aoth. day of July 1S89 aud recorded In book "A" of Mort-: gages upon page 417 and atsslgned by the Mort gage liank &' Investment company to T-- R. Dawley and assigned by T. It. Duwiay to Wm. H. Brown, which assignnvtnts have been duly1 recorded, and whereas, no action' at law or other proceedings has hadi to collect said debt or any part thereof, will bA'foreelosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage, and herein after described, at the front-door of the «ourt house in the town of Washburn, in /the county if McLetui aiid State of North Dak' ta, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on the- »Ilk. day ot July 1900,. to satiny the amouut due on such ni rtgage on the day of sai»- Tiie premises described In such mnrtsage1 wiiiclr- sliuil be sold to satisfy the same, are described us follows:. The north west quarter Uiw of section two (2) township one hundrad fourty three (143) of range eighty '80) the samf being and lying In the county of McLean and State of North Dakota, There will be due on such mortgage on fli* day ol sale, the sum at nine hundred, nlnty (999) dollars. _iated at "Devils Lake, N. D, June 4th. 1900. ^Vm. H. Biowuy X-1 Assignee. Just Auk DM Abo»t the Snmnr-w Tripo. Aloux the. 8ontli 8uor« ot Lnk« irtr Superior, offered by the iJnlath. feiirath Shore 4 Atlantic Ry, Terry low fwre toora by tyftail and Lake" to all Knatern puin'-rf, tifrbujfh a territory Ifoimios for beautiful Moenery an4 historic tntprest-r Far rateg amHqll p»rtiaularn apply to IOOKI agentH or **. H. Lhtfea« Agentt Datuth. ih a* BOOTS SHOES HATS Grood Accomodation^ Reasonable Prices Washburn, W:': A W A E CEO. L. ROBINSON, O A A O N McLEAN COUNTY IMPLEMENT CO. LEWIS HA3IS0N Manager. raRM maghsmbry. JcCormack Binders and Mowers. Seal, Fancy and Bakers Flours, Graham and Wheat Grits, Bran and Shorts and Feed. Grinding done at all times. Otir. Wheat Grits are an xcxceirt^nlt substitute for.Oat Meal. We have recently put in a Corn Sheller, bring in your corn atrd "get it shelled and ground. We are in tbe market for 5/JW bush els of oats. We want your trade. CAPS, John Deere Plows and Cultivators. Moline and Banner Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Threshing Machines, Hay Rackes, Binder Twine. Also a large stock of machine repairs. Washburn, No. Dak." "THE OLD RELIABLE STAND-BY" AXCI NCLSON Has contracted for a large new UP-TO-DATE stock of 'DEERING" BINDERS, MOWERS and HAY RAKES. The celebrated J. I CASE. GANG and BREAKING plows, "MITCHELL" and "BURG" WAGONS, open and covered BUGGIES, SPRING WAG0NS, ROAD CARTS Etc. Also barb wire, binding twine and the famous storm and cyclone defying*"AERMOTER" WIND MILLS, pumps* and complete stock of machine repairs, besides mjr usual modern, and full line of groceries, clothing, boots and shoes and farming imp! mewts- Your inspection and patronage respectfullv solicited- Axel Nelson. WASHBURN ROLLER MILLS Washburn, North Dakota^ Ed. Charlebois, Proprietor. Good Meals BENTON TRANSPORTATION CO. ih mmms -J Clean Beds. fio„ Dak.