Newspaper Page Text
•V' ffip •\v* §M^m WASHBURN $# tv \A 11 "5 $f~2 *jff «ts '-|U r* 1 frn'-'u'Wd every Saturday lit AVnslilwrn, N D. for.. MiM*.# «4_* *_i i_ Qllfcifll Pl^dt of McLean County. Mm |iilc»?onc dollar a year. Sabscrip JOHK SATTBHLtJNB, Publisher. Kfltered al the post office at Washburn, N D. t* second dan mail matter. .... ADDITIONAL LOCALS. For sale—tdri head of cows nnl calves. Appljr office. 8*m Fairman was up from Frtfgo Itist wetik Vjsitiflg with his folks at Falconer, He has f-esigned his position with the Northern Pacific railroad. John Staley was down from liis ranch on the Douglas this week. John says the ranges never looked better at this time ihe year and the prospects lire cood for plenty of hay tins falli HtlMeigh Watct of I^ismarck passed through the city the fore part of the week en route to Douglas cfeek where he will ftpend his summer vacation on his brother's ranch at that place. Stop Farmer! Don't, waste your money on cheap mutual hail insurance. Pay your prem ium in a first class company find get a policy in the St. Paul Fire & Marine. They pay loss es—cash. S. Pye & Co., Agents, .McLeaft County Bank. K. S. Neal caine down to the county capital froln Douglass river Saturday. He says the flowing spring above the beaver dam on the middle branch, and the,big spring at the head of the left branch have both been filed on afld occupied by settle! s, the latter by a"land hoomer,'which we suppose will mean that the land hunter will soon know all about that heretofore out-of the way part of McLean county Bismarck Tribune—J.B. Taylor ireut through the city this, morn imc with three cars of horses en foute from Montana where he pur chased them, to Winnipeg where he will market them. There was also on the train a representative of a St. Louis horse concern With several cars of horses. They report that horses are being rapid ly bought up in Montana and that two train loads will be going- east in a few days, the result of a big sale at Forsyth. Palladium, Bismarck—Tn a fe cent canvass pipck of the country tributary to the Missouri river on the west side in Oliver and Mer cer counties, Traffic Manager Walker, of the Bisttiarck, Wash burn & Great Falls railroad, in formti the Palladium that there Wte W,235 acres of wheat, 4,6(52 acres of oats, 2,250 acres of flax, 1,462 acres of corn, 1,191 acres of millet and 869 acres of rye that, his road expects to haul out after threshing this fall by putting in their boat to connect with the rail load at Washourn. There are also 1,500 head of cattle for the Chicago Inarket that the company expect to land if A fair rate and courteous treatment is any inducement— and |t always is. Mandan Pioner: The case of the state of North Dakota vs John VanSchraVndyk for shoot ing Nickols Von Voorst was tried in Oliver county last Week. E. Rice prosecuting And E Campbell the defen dant'fr attorney. The shooting 'occurred last September' and readers of the Pioneer are well acquainted with. the circum fctancea. The case excited con siderable interest in Oliver Co. fta Van Voorst and Van Schrav endyk are brothers in law and the Shooting arose over more of a family quarel thaii any thing el»e, After a careful re view ol the testimony of a hutn tier of- witnesses the jury found the defendant guilty and re commended the prisoner to the mercy oftliecotut. Tbejudge after deliueritig a soloinn lec ture to the boy and' ri nu tuber of yontbs who were present 'iTOfira -malmr"' •VMflMI SpRPWfc mm LEA DP 11• PROFESSIONAL CARDS. !. J. A.DIM.ON. 1 rilYSK.l AN ANfl PKNTtST Ofllces Qver llaugehcrgs store •TAMES X. MCCULLOCH ATTOIINKY AT l.AW Ofllces with K. A. Lamb. OTTO GKETIIEN l.AWVKIt AMI) «J. 8. COMMIKSIOKKIt washburn, N. D, LaQds Lands Improved and unimproved lands Ranches, Farms, Town Lots and plenty of vacant homesteads. Knrl Klein. Wnshbnrn. Itcpiiiilng if iill kinds neatlv and oiomitiy done. I' lnc watch anil cine worx a specialty. Sewing machine needles and extra*. Talen Up—Olio (trey ninrp, weight about 1200 pounds, branded with limine li on l«f|i iaiv and il eoinbluatlon biarid ra l! sKnirtder. also branded om «&•? M. D. flood cbeap watches and clocks. At prices time will compete with east ern dealers nt Persey's :u',"r"aU" VVASHUIKIN, N. D, E. D. ANDERSON. M^onry and Plastering Satisfaction Guaranteed WASHBURN, NO. DAK O. D. Hoc Blacksmith Shop 1 am prepaired to do all kind of general blacksmith and wagon work. Horse shoeing a specialty. Washburn. N. Dak NOTICES. Strayed or stolon—Tliroe .head of unclo' steers branded I on lert hip. Any liiforiuittloii leading to their recovery please notify A. 1). l^itlirop. Wtiiililxirn. liojiicl of Equalization. Notice is lioreby niven tlmt the lioaid of cotnity coininJsKioiK'i's wllll Nit as hoard of (Mliiaif/atioii, July 1. and 3. Tliriso a rurrived on account of their assessments should no present and outer complaints. A ii^t. I". .lohnsnn. County Auditor. right slioiddcr wit!i '•ombin- ution diamond S brand .S inside if diamond. W. II. Allen, Coal Harbor. Sealed'bids will be received by the soltool hoard of Turtle I-aku school district. McLean county up to a o'clock p. in. on Monday. .Inly 1. 1!01. for the erection of one school house ac cording to the plans and sp"cl(ioations on file In the ofliee of the district cl"rk at JlVashlmrn "r at the residence of H. liartles. Turtle l.ake. Hoar'l reserves the right to reject any uml all bids. lly order of the board. II. C". Xygnarri. Clerk. LEG-AL TQOTIQES. I'lrst I'ubllcntlon June IB idol. Notice of final Notice Is lierohv irlven tliHt Kdwurd R. Shafer has Hied llotice of inteiitlou tonuike flnal proof before clerK nt 1)ist. conrk for Oliver county at his onioe in Hentley. N. i. oil Weduewlay the of .lime. lflOt. on timber culture ap plication No. 4soi, for the of NW nnd W% of section 80, )n Twp. 142, N, h»li(, rof88vK*4 W. He names .is witnesses: i. I.. Van Voorst. Yucca: J. F. Meihoff, Jr.. New Salem: Wm.Klehert,Sanger .John Ander son, lieAtfolii, N. i. A.C. MeGILr ivKAY.*:^ 1-0 lteiiister. First Publication,-June IS 1001. NOTICE OP FINAL PROOF.. "sssa United States Ijind Office it Bismarck, X. D. June 12,1301. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has (lied notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claintMind that said proof made before K. A. Lamb, 17. S. Commissioner, for District of North Dakota, at Washburn, N. D.. on July 27,1901. vis: VVIUJAM H. AI.LKX for the JfW!4 of Sec. 80,'Twp. 147 N, of Kange 83 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his coiitinuouH residence upon aiid cultivation of sidd bind, viz: David arlson, Bide Holalngton of Coal Har bor and Joseph Mann and Henry Kolirer of Wasnbnn. A.C. MpOii.r.ivitAY, 38-44 liegister (Ftot Publication, May 25,1801.) ^NOTICE OF FINAL PROOFlo United States I^and OfHce at Blsmarak, N. D. May, 18th, urn. Igoflce is hereby given that tlwr.Mhwln((-• named settler lias tiled notice of ulHliAentlon to make final pr«of|n sii|iimrt of liis claim, and that salil" proof will be made before tjie elerk ofthe dlstHot court^of Oliver county at (ley N.U„ on .Ttllr 1st lOOl. viz: PKTKW MO'tTENHON. of Satiger, N. I». for the NWU. of Sec. 10. Twn. MU,- Njof Kan» 82 W. of nth Principal! Meridian,, He liam^s tlie folldwiPK witnesses, to prove. his continuous residence- upon: aiid eiiltijnitliMi ofsnid iand. v|z: •Henry Johnson. Cbrlrt Anderson wr H^ Miller and H^rren K. Tleflenson all of BUtte^ North-Dakota. A.C. McGlf.|.l\"lt AY, ReiHster. .. ^an* NOTICE OF FINAL FHQO m&m lrst ruhllention May 25, liWJ. NOTICE! OF MORTGAGE 8A!jB. Notlcc is hereby gl vi th it that certain mort- gage, executed and utntured by Kruk Aml rew Ijirsoii. mortgauors, to Bank of Miuut-, iiiortgai(o'. dated the 4th day of May, A it. 1888, said ofl\ee of the Kofrinter of Deeds on the 14th day of Aiuniot, a. i. iMiH.utd recorded In book "A" on lMge Ha. and tnermfter Mwigiwd by admitilMtratrlx of said HMlgnee'i estate, by an lustroineot tn writing to Jaiiien B.- Katou, dated the vttlt day oi Aorll, a. b.isB. and tiled for rec«rd in raid otnee of tlie Bettlkter tf Deed* on tiie l4fli day of June. a. d.liNlu, abd recorded lu l.uok "t' '*of Diilscullauuoui Mort gage liecord, on imge lat: and tliereufter ax •igned by mild .i antes II. KBton by an InstriV inent in wrltln) to doseph Winillu, dated the uth day or August, a. i.J. and Hied for record in »ald niilce rthe Kegister of Deeds on the 1st iii.v of Noveinlier, a. i. follows: KiOO, and re corded in i.oiiU or Miscellaneous .Moit gages on iKit^o 2'JO, \v|ll be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and herein after de.icriliei:. at the front door or the court house in the town of Washburn. In the County of Mcl-ean and state or North Dakota at the hour of a o'clock hi the afternoon, on the sixth day of July. a. i. liioi. to satisfy the aimmiit due upon said mortgage on the day of sale, ihe prenii: rs described in said-mortirage and wiilcli will lie .sold to ssitisfv the same art.' described as The Nortnwest quarter ti\W)4) rtnd i^it iiiimbei' two (2) of Hei tlou iiuinher two (2! in Towiishlti mimber One Hundred I'orty-four 11441 North of uaiwe number Kigiity-tliree (83) West or lentil (r) I'iincipal Merluiau, contain ing one hundred thirty acres more or less ac cording to the United States Government sur vey thereof. There will be due on such mort gage at the date of sale the sum of klglitHuu dretl three and 80-100 dollars. Dated May 1C, Htul. S.«S» Josici'H J: Wl.VDLE, Assignee of Assignee of Assignee of Mortgagee A. '1'. l'ATTisirsON. Attorney, ltismarck. In. D. 1-5 tjrst Publication Mav 25,1901. NOTICE OF MORTGA.GE SAIiE. Notice is liereby given that that certain movt rage executed and delivered by1Andrew a.u. 1888, I'.ilcU-. Min, mortgagor, lo'llank of Miuut. mortgagee, tinted tne 4tiiday of May, a. i. 1888 ana hied for record in the ollicu in lie kegister of Deeds of tne County «t Aichean. -.territory of Da kota (now state of orth Dakota), on tlio aoth dav of May, and recorded in book "A" or Mortgage Deeds, at page 27, and assi gned by saht mortgagee by an Instrument in writing to .'iawbrklge, dated the 28th of Juue, a.Diiniel i). 1888, and tlleu tor record in said ollice ol' (lie of bet as on the Htli day of August, a.KcgUter u. 18S8. and rccordod in book "Ar' on pii'^c no and thereafter assigned by the ad ministratrix ot said assignee estate by an In strument iu wrltliu to Jauit's Ji. hatou, dated the 28tii day of April, A. 1. 1809, and filed for recoul in said oOii'e ot the of Deeds o'i the 18th day ot May, a^ i.liegister ltiol, and recorded in book -H" of Assignment:, of .Viortmiges, oil iiitge and thereafter assigned by James 11. Katoi. by an Instrument in writing to Joseph .1. Wiudle, dated the 1 uth day or AugusC a. i. HWO, and tiled for record in said oillc6 of tile Kegister I-teds on the 1st day of a.i.HKW,ofand iecoriled 1iiforeclosedNovember .1)()ok""F" of Mort gages on page 211), will be .by sale of tlie pichiises in such mortgage aim herclji after u'escribed, at the front door of the courtr lioii lp the Ttiwn of Washmirii. in the Coiuiiy of Slcliiiii and .State of North Dakota. »t the hour of three o'clock In the afternoon, on tile six tn day of duly, a. j. 1901, to satisfy the amouiir due upon said mortgage on tliedav of yale. The premises tie: crlbed iu nid liioit gage and which will be sold to satlsfay the s'jHiie are described .s fi lBjw. The Soul iiwest (iilaiv ter (.SW!4) of Section number thirty i30 lit Township number im». n,Assignee Attorney, A. T. I*A-ri KKH Bismarck. N. D. ffpA Klrst Publication May 23, luol. ... NOTIOlfi OF MOtt'I-OAG^ '.BAi.E^r Notice Is hereby given that that certain morN gage, executed and delivered by liiirles Nir den, mortgagor, to Itank of Miuot, mortgagee, dated the -joili day of April, A. i-. ISS!», iuifi liled for record Hi the ollice of the Kegister of Ueeds of the ouiitv of McLean, Territory of Dakota, inow state of Nortn i^akoiai, ou the aotti day of lu hook A of assigned by in writing hi A. (now State or .Nortn i^aKoiai, ou tne aum April a.i.1e,etls,andpagu lSS'J, recWSfed lu hook* Mortgage at 290 tlie iwtli- day »i 1 In saldi pnpop. United States I .and Office at Dismarck N. D. .nine. 11 l!Kll and assign said mortgagee by an luftrumeii, in will H. tlroser dtitefl the loth day of April of Mav, a. i». 1K88, at and llle^ for record In aald-ottice of tlie of Deeds oil the 22nd day a. i.Kegister lHUt^.-Hnd recorded May, In iKMik "F .of Mortgages, op page 101 and thereafter assigned, by said lalnesB. Eaton by an instruinent lu wrltlug tu Josepir vv indie, dated the i«th day of August a. i.J. filed foi-recoid iu said ollice of t,be Kegister of Deeds on the •ind.ihiy of Novejuber,'A., i». liKW. and lecorded in book "K" of Mlscejlaneuiui IVIortgages oil page 221,- will he foreclosed by u' sale ot tlie premises In sucii" mortgage and liere iinifter described, at the front door of tne court house in the owu-of Washburn. In-the County of McJ.ean and State of North the hour of three o'clock tu the afternoon, on t..e sixth day of July, a. u. iowito satisfy the amount due- uimiii said lrtoitgage on the day.of sale. The premises described iu said mortgage -and which will be sold to sjitlsfy the same are described, lis follows: The Southwest quarter of Klfili (Ovi rtuclpal Meiiul.iii. contidningone hundred sixty acres more or leis accordli.g to the ITtdtOd. Btates Government survey: thereof. *i There wiH'be due on 0f sale tlie siitu add 40-00 dollars, inch mortgage at the day: died Sixty-throe, Dated May to, 1901. ^If lSKl-H J. IN'PI.K, Assignee of Assigiiee of Assigiietj.of Mortgagee. *-A. Ti PAT-KKKSitJif Attomey., Bismarcck. N.-i» v. 1-5 iNSUItANCP SjTATEME^fT. oTATKMENTfor the year emilpg December" O* at. A. I). IW10, of the cotiditloii aiid affairs or the Comiuefeial Unlou Asstu'aucci^*OmpauViif I.ondon organized uiider the ol' tlis Kln iltiim (ii ea Britain, ^Jie CdWRilfr sioner of Itisurance of'tlie Htale of Noitiv Dakota, insursuiiiice of tliu lftwsol said Stall). Managei. A. H. Wray. 1 Vluel'rtisldnnt. hecretiip, 1'rlncipal Office, Attorney lor scyice In the State ofNoitli. -. Dakota: .. ... .r iv •—j Name I iisunt nw1 Commissioner. 1 location. Bismarck, N. 1). Oruanlzed or In or|ioratei. 8e|tember, I8OI4 Coniiueuced biislneiw Ovtolicr. •mount of. capital stock rafd up Value of reiiertate owned by th? -f1 cOHi|iaiiy...v...... ... 9:v.iBS.IM.1 IdSm rtn ivnds iuid^ poj UnttjMl States iuicks Anill»nc»» ,. .f aig. .... i'rtiuli'ms In „.ii0iivtran8i|il^ Alt other liabilities...,...... 1M.900 11 Total liabilities..:i rrcinlums Yecfivcd war In/cash Interest and a. j. 1888, alia iHed for record in the ollitu of the register or .deeds of the Coiintv of Mclean. Territory of I takot'i. (now htatc of Noitli l)ak.) on tne aotii day of May, a. i. 1888, an.i recorded 4n book "A" of Mortgage Deeds at page 2&,aud assigned by said mortgagee, by aD lnstniiueiit in writing iq Daniel fowlirldge, dated the -jjth day of J|IIIN aud Hied 'for record in :....... $2,448,817 42 ..i. Receipts. J, during -tne. $2577^89 80 and divKiends iweived during tli« ear S itents roce(ved during the year .-. .vtW-Ofil 80 Ainouiiti received from*all others- ,: source*. S/K4 Total receipts. .1 DUtarMBuati VwiieRpaid duiing the year,.... Iwd for conimlMhina iind. brok erage ... ..... Tiki for aater ^tlievcfearpM, "aidfor tiKes.. Amount of all other dlsbursetnents K, mii.cks a,p. 1890, and tiled ftr record In said office of tlie liegister of Deeds on the 27th day of April, a. i. lttuo, and recorded iu book "C" Mortgitges im page and thersarter ttsslgned -by. the otf rniiilsti-ator of skid ftssigi^feVeitete byanlkk strumeut Ui 'writ lug to Jumes B. Eaton, dated: aim iami Ihuius.. -JM.JWO hand an-. Total gross amount of cktiniMfor loesoi.....1001.180 l'4 Deduct relnsinauee and salvage claim thereouft!SS.'JB «i Net' iimount of unpaid losses.. Amount ot luieamefi premiums 011 I90t),iuid j$P& 1^01,475 08 #C,S8eM ifcun a nHSkf* iHUiirtea, femT'and »U m,m 2W^HH OS Total(Usbursements... ......12,784,295 4t 4 Narth Dakala B«sImh. im Total risks taken during the year $1,0^4 ,811 00 Tiitul prt-mitvns received dnnug the year 23,840 87 Total losses incurred during the year..., .* .23,040 C2 Total amount 'of losses paid iu- Iqg the year.... $ 25.179M7 00 'STATU OK NOKTH DAKOTA, Office of Comnilssloner of Insnranee. v- I. Peril LeutK, Commissioner of insur ance of the State of North Dakota, do here by certify that the foregoing Is a true abstract of the original statement now on flic in tills office. In testimony whereof, I luvvc hereunto set my hand and affixed the Heal of this ofllce at Dismarck tills 1st day of May, A, D., lDoir M-M FKB1 I.KU Z. t-a'iV [HKAt.1 Conunissloner of Insurtnce, \V. C. (iilbreath. Deputy. STATE OF NOKTH DAKOTA. I W Ollice ot Commissioner of Insurance. 0^ Company's ertlllcate or Authority, ":i Whereas, The Commercial .Union Assurance (:o., Ltd., of lAJUdon. England.a corpoiiitlmi organized under the laws of Urcat Ih itain. lias filed in tins office a sworn statement exhibiting Its condition and business for the year ending December tl. HMO, conformable to .the require ments of the laws of this btate regulating the business or Insurance, and, Wl-.eieas, The said cAmpauy lias filed in, I his I office a duly certilied copy of its charter with I certitleate of organization In compliance with the requirement of the insurnnco laws aforesaid: \ow, Therefore. I. Iei:d l.emz, conimin-1 sinner of Insurance of tilt State of North Dakota, pursuant to tlie provisions of said law, do hereby certify that the above named Comp any Is fully empowered, through Its authorized agents to transact its appropriate business of ire & Tornado nlnsiirance In this state accord? iug to laws thermit, until tlie 81st. day of Dec ember, A. 1).. 11)01. Iu testimony wherCof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bhmdrck, tills 1st dny of May. A. D., 1901. IhkaiJ Emm I.KUTZ. Commissioner of lusuracue 1 W. 0, Ctilbreath, 1/eputj. iNStTRANCE STATKMU.N CTATEMENT for the venr endln- Dei-ember til, A D. 1900, of the condition and affairs of .the United .States branch rnm-nis Assurance Couiianv of London organized under tin- laws of the Kingdom of Gretit Krltalti, iiade to the 'ConiiiilsMouer of if tlie Htnte or North Dakota, ippurstiauce ol tlie la* Secretary. huudred l\irty-t!ve1145) North of ltaugft number liighty'tw (82)Vest of Kiftli (0) l'rlnclpal Meridian, cotAaiuing one hundred sixty ac'iesinore or less according to the United .states Government suiv. in^reor. There'will l.'o due on such mortgage at the of sale the sum of Sevi'ii^ Ninety au'u OD U0 dollars. Daleu May ic, 1801. JORKI'H J. Winih.K, Assignee of AssUtt'.ee of of .v.crtgagee, A. I. \}^ff to llaiiruiid bonus and stocks.... 4.U -.3 Sliite.ei-y comity anil rood l,Oo7,iiO ni t-iuiK fti.ciis .... Nil ,''u .-.1 in ii.uik '^^JIU0I828as ,?0 oucaud acerueil -^.,4ai iMc:iil,!iiis in cmnt-e t.-r collection llliU tiall'MUiaSloii 237.2S1 2G Bills receivable, not inatiireu, taKv en for risks Nil All otuersums duetluBcompauy... 12.408 a Total assets...... 82.9^,984 98 iiaUlitka. (jross claims for Losses aiijuiited. and tuipald. .t125,789 00 Gross .cixhnH^ffvr luities intn w.fikthj ih» aetion igw ijeea.taKsiji,. .."...488,iflo 12 UWutei reslstetP by the . xHnpany......i.^...... 22,225 00, nX gsi fltVS, 313*911 12 l,'i3tWi74 IG alioutstaudiiig rftks. imefor uaiiakl dlvlilends.......... Due for commission!) iiujl iiroKer-. use All cither liabilities....... .... I Totalllal. littles..... lacome. Premiums received during . Interest hnd tilvldends received duringtheyeaiv.: 4 Bents received during the year... Amount' received' from al! uther.f? sources.. 1 the Harness Jill 8»,tlS6 0B »14W,571 81 lw^ita e» ... 2,180,185 00 *2,281,034:08 73,210 20 Nil Total income... ^gpeidltnrei. 48,621* (10 12,4t»,»57 Losses paid during the year........ sisqo,4u3 r4 Dlvldeiidspaidduring the year....- Nil Paid for comiulssious and brok a 4 4 0 4 4 1 9 0 Paid for.: salaries, fees ami all.--::-130331 other charges, ... '. 29 Paid f«»r taxes,....... ... ... .w iii.KC 7.1 Ainount of all other expenditures 210^231 2u Total expenditures. ..12^430,ooj 89 Nofth Dakota Basiaesi. Totalrisks: taken -iluringfitlie year 1 K^ATK (IF OHTH DAKOTA, llfllce of CommUsiouer of Insuraiice I. ,Ferd I/eiitx, Commissioner of 00 Totul premiums received, during .-G42.SC7 ^.tijpyear..9 10,331 43 Toial losses iu.curred during the ye,ir.... $ 4,609 00 Total aiiiount of losses paid dur ing *he- year 1:..... ..$ pjHS 05 luxttr-s ance of the ijtate of Nortli Dakota', do,li^re nnsMlii'Miiil- Hta' fndaiiinlnit lia'a iuin i^tkitihxit' by certify that the fonegnlnK Is a true abstnu-t of thc original statemeuf npw on llle 1^ tills JInliuid.und etestimooy whereif, I .have hereunto set my aftixed tlie Heal of tlils^oftlt'e Buiqaitk thlsiHt da^of May/A.DMlOOl. v' ofConimlmtoner of Intrumaee. SHU Cbtptiiuiys Certlflca(te of Authority ibibii^K eoudltlon' and bastaeiM fj*r ie ^c j'euiUau1'^ijetewlier si, .nna^fa 0 -Km,' retiulntnmiia, of .the lawtf: repiliUiiig ^ie W»ines» ^/insui^ (rand. ip 1 ifes SP#! M&sbAZi' MP ?t •Wm 'if •,¥® pp of said 8 Blate Manager, A. D. frvinjr, Ass't. Aianager, K. il. ('laik. 211.I Ass't. Manager. L. i'. Bayard, Principal office, in U. h. .&^9 Liberty St. N.l. A Attorney for Service' lu t!ie Slate of Norm Dakota: Name, Iiis-iiiin-e Commlssioiier.^ MK-atloii. Bismn.cli, .vo.tii Dakota Organized or hicorporiiien, .i.'uui.iry 7S2. f' Coiunicuced biiSinefS-in Ij. 8, uctoiie.-, isT'J. Capital/ Amount of cr-pltiil M/ck laii! tip iu full-not applicable in I t..t(.'ncnt, Asseu -1 Value of rer.l tstate owned by the company M. UltUeu States v.*/ Mgi Washburn, a-' BOOTS SHOES -sSAMP S- Wa^hburn^Mllls.- Alwolnto Oaii^nlt« 0«^AVitli t. Seal, Fancy und Itakers Flours, araiuuo, «nd Wheat Grits, Ktiin ,i»nd Shorts \and Feed. Feed eriodlng doup at all time*. Ouf Wheat Grits are an excellent substitute, tot oat meal. *We liave recently put In Corn Shelter, bring In-your corn and et it »li elled ncd groiuid. •We yrant your trade .•••,. .' A W A E Groceries^ GEO. L. ROBINSON, O A L-'^H A P. O "N D'« wm wm l!#® Just received several oar loads of BUG-- XHES. DRILLS, HARROWS, WAG-ON S S a a a FICAXiv GliAM BS B. GK- GRAI EALERS A I S a* Windmills, HrooRRi£SPCwr)i.Ki.E 'S(ILICITKI 8 O E S. O S 8 Dd INj INBw GOQDS Arriving Every Day. -gis IlHATS v. N I Heavy and shelf Hardware, Barb rambs. ismarck, n. WASHBTJBN ••sm. ''vtfh Robes Spurs JOHN OLIGNEY. Ekcellent Values in Clothing E E Semiin^ S: Go -V— [First Publication, ajay [18, WOf,1 nosi^sx soinuB IJenattmriitoftlMrlnlertor.7 j. TJ^iMJI^fes^Liuidpfncec Oeviis.l-itlte^i-^fi- ste«. Ifi wlik'b' it pyer.vestiol^hi ai.: mW' "*Z CAPS .3 si* mm -n-Y* *£. joseph^Man| "-1 -'AV'-:,1.' M-: ':0r: Etc* 'O Bismarck, North Dakota Gents Furnishing Cioods Jtfrst J»«bM( atlon Juneil Hf, 'mlffZ 4U1 hM ^'1 NOJKjB. I»1 nl' flW® Interlot 13ntodfiW|»w^«u0ttlcB,i l^lt A MifflcVeut cStfeit aJMav^ ntdiiud?.^- HOT., B» WIhuiy loihlua Mm, «itit( ittht '••fm ^t::s §?m