Newspaper Page Text
if -f- CI: w. n'A Com* »ad 3mm Wasburn, C. B. LITTLE, President. I i $ i-': "THE OLD RELIABLE STAND-BY Axel Nelson THE CHEAP CASH STORE Hu just received a new and complete stock of ?-M Groceries, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, etc. A FDLIi LINE OF HARDWARE ALWAYS ON HAND. Also Agent for the Deering Farming Implements, ••*. Numerous Makes of Wagoas and Bob- '-sV'-' sleds, Aermoter Windmills. Your Inspection and Patronage Respectfully Solicited. AXEL NELSON. SPRING \TOCH Building Hardware. Barb Wire* Ma jestic Ranges, Tinware, Enameled Ware, if .. yf Get our price* before buying your Barb Wire and Nails/' Ex & Milligan Paints. A full line elusive agent for Heath spring. Also Oils and Varnishes. Dealers in. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Firearms, Ammunition, Stoves and Ranges. THOS. THOMPSON SONS D. KENDRICK, EXCELLENT VALUES IN RRUSH IS, KtC 15 S. M. RYE, Vice President. Banking Business Transacted. Foreign and Domestic Exchange. County and School Warrants Bought. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.' YOUR ACCOUNT AND OTHER BUSINESS SOLICITED. INSURANCE WRITTEN UNION BOARD COMPANIES ONLY. Agent for Foreign Steamship Lines. vrw^ w*' I y •i for Vs. Wuhbttrn, N. S. Washburn Mills ABSOLUTE CUABAHTEC COES WITH QUE FLOUR. Seal, Fancy and Bakers' Flour,, Graham and Wheat Grits, Bran and Shorts and Feed. Feed Grinding done at all times. Our Wheat Grits are an excellent substitute for oat meal. We have recently put in a Corn Sheller bring in your corn and get it shelled and ground. We want your trade. N. D. ROVIB, Cashier, Assil McLean County Stats Bank A GENERAL Cashier. CLOTHING E.E. SEMLING ft CO. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. L1NHART* CO OMMriptloM Carefully Oompaundad Oa» ar lllght Wlth tttm rraahaat an« Ohdloeat Druga on tha Markat. DRUGS NOTIONS CIGARS M' NORTH DAKOTA STATE V NEWS. Hamilton wants an opera house. Jamestown reports some burglars. A veterinarian is wanted at Hannah. Hunter has a new investment compa ny. Kenmare seems to have some merg ers. Peddlers are numerous. around Buf falo. Bowbells wants, sidewalks and cross ings. One man owns'four townaites in Ward county. Velpa people want the town incor porated. Lakota is to have a local telephone exchange. gfc! Milnor wants a building and loan'as sociation. Kenmare is proud of her postofflce fixtures. Langdon expects a new Methodise minister. Wahpeton people are proud of their orchestra. Harvey Larson of Monango had smallpox. Lewis Grant of Casselton'will remove to the coast. A number of wild geese were captured since the dtorm. Lldgerwood, will vote on the water works question. Milnor blind pigs have been closed by the authorities/ An Aneta man was arrested on a hold-up charge. Dr. W. A. Reque of Hankinson has lo cated atr Kindred. Banker Grandin is mentioned for mayor of Mayville. A few mild winters make the ranch er a trifle careless. Bad roads were the cause of many schools being closed. The artesian lake at Mrytle.isto be jvell stocked with flsh. ,v The mall carrier out of Finley will purchase an automobile. Comrade Mumford died at Grafton, aged seventy-two years. Many improvements will Ije made at Devils Lake this summer. Two former residents of Cando are members of Dowie's Zion. Granville has grown so rapidly that the depot is to be enlarged. The farmers are being warned not to patronize traveling fakirs. Osuabrofk is becoming more intevest ed in the creamery proposition. A. L. Larson of Oakes has disposed of his farm and removed to Fargo. The repository for wheels at James town is said to be crowded again. Carl Buttke, near Buffalo, captured 100 wild geese in the recent storm. •. It is said Velva will incorporate and elect Attorney John Burk mayor. Frank D. Horton, a Mapleton elevat or agent, died in a Fargo hospital. There are many real estate dealers whose only offices are in their hats. Jamestown has purchased a site from Lawyer Rose for the new standplpe. Peter Lounjer was arrested at Dun selth on a charge of stealing horses. The,blizzard couldn't freeze out the base ball enthusiasm at Lidgerwood. Wahpeton is getting an object lesson on the necessity of paving the streets. Some Valley City basements were flooded by back water from the river. New ties are being dumped along the Southwestern by' the Northern Pacific. McHenry, on the Cooperstown Une, was without trains for an entire wieek. The piano contest at Jamestown re sulted in a victory for the high school. Hon. J. M.'Cochrane of Grand Forks will be the Decoration Day orator at Lakota. A young Canadian on the farm of Joe Warmington of Absaraka, has the .smallpox. A Grand Forks man fell into the riv er while attempting to cross on the rot ten ice. The agent at Manvel had smallpox, and the depot was quarantined-and no tickets sold. The farmers feel that a good crop is assured, because of.the great amount of moisture. Mandan hotel people and. saloons profited by the recent sno .v and flood blockade. There is a protest at Sheyenne be-" gause young boys are permitted to visit billiard halls. Dr. Hewettson of Valley City, has re covered from an injury, in. $Khich his hip was dislocated. Shows and dances are poorly-patron ized at LaMoure, since, the revival meetings began. An experienced Iandlcrd can find an opening for a. hotel. at ?Barlow. The building is ready. ', The dedication of thV'C^thoHc cliurch at Joliette has been postponed until the roads are, better. Goodrich already \ be a coun ty Beat, of a part of Foster, "Wells and McLean counties. The papers at 'jGrand Forks seem tp be bearing, tlie voters' burden in the mayoralty contest. The storhi ls^Said to ha^e kflled*i£-lot of prairie chickens, andltwas during the closed season, tpo. A moving picture show poralysed the Grafton electrlo light system by using too gf^at a voltage, Dickey county is- s£ld to have Wff 100 land agentji. No guilty man should escape those felloes The floods at Minot are discouraging to-the new settlers, w" get on to their cUUms At Jamestown flit ready convi«5tirig hoVx« or. s rides on freight Brown three quarter-sec lyand to -acttial v £v a ,53"V S /M Cooperstown people are making great preparations for a Fourth of July cele bration, The skating 'rink at Grand Forks has been torn down, and spring may be said to be here. A Grafton boy has been raising ,a lot of hades, and will be sent to the re form school. Mail directed to Buford frequently winds up at Blnford, on the Coopers town branch. Lieut. McLean of Company C, at Grafton, has resigned, because of ab sence from the state. The' people of the flatter regions of the stute. are beginning to get out their canocB and diving: suits. Some of the settlers in Ward county •are beginning to lose' patience over the 1-erisitence of claim jumpers. The Minot papers are doing all they can to build up the country, and both editors seem to be prospering. It is said that the name of LaMoure county may be changed to Iowa, as so many Iowans are locating there, A porter at Grand Forks was reported to have attempted suicide, but claims only to have eaten some pickles. Two of the sweetest girls in Casseltor. are to be married in April and go to the Pacific coast, according to the Report er. The people of the state have quit dis cussing the storm, and are now endeav oring to figure out the depth of the mud. Lewis Pond of Churchs Ferry has purchased a flne Shorthorn, from Con tractor Kennedy's Ransom County farm. Mrs. Wallace Small of Rolette county died suddenly, and an investigation re vealed that death was caused by'heart disease. Grand F^rkers have thrown so mucl. mud in the campaign that they now complain that Fargo has more on the streets. The number of new settlers is a sur prise to every one. Even the most en thusiastic boomers underestimated the number. The suggestion that the farmers keep barometers and be governed by the in dications, seems to be a point worthy of attention. •Attorney Sure is the new chief of the Davenport lire department. If things don't go right he'll read law to the flremean. Fred Williams was arrested at Grand Forks, charged with a revolting crime. A five-year-old girl is said to have been the victim. Grand Forks business men insist thav !ie city must put up signs on the street corners, designating the names of the streets. Grafton people will get into the chick-' en show earlier next season, and are already preparing for a bigger exhibi tion than ever. Many of the farmer boys, who took advantage of the winter course at the agricultural college, are returning for the spring's work. Bob Gardner was arrested at Ellen dale on a charge of violating the pro hibition law. He was held in $500 bail, which he furnished. lffkr Jacpbson of Harvey, for s^veraV years a resident of Cooperstown, died recently. He was once a prominent res ident of Griggs county The postmaster at Westege, Barnes county, ha3 smallpox, and some of boys are having to wait a long time to hear from their best girls. At Grand Forks the campaign Is be coming so warm that the "Taxpayers'' and "Voters" who are rushing into print are being numbered. Soil that was', plowed and harrowed last fall caught little snow, and was ready for seeding earlier than adjoin ing' fields not so ^ultivated. A. Stutsman county farmer had an auction Bale, at which his stock was bid ill by parties who refuged to take tl*im. He sued and secured damages. School teaching at Dickinson is said to be a job that requires a lot of nerve. The Forman telephone service is to be improved and the lines rewired. .. It is said that a German farmer, re cently over, will plant a- few kegs of beer- in Stutsman county, to see how the'crop will yield in this country. A lot of the mall for Esmond is senv to Goa, and Angeline M. Oldham of Grand Forkt gets.a pension of $8 W. H. H. Musser, dead,"tainted Woods,1 $8 Dennis Han nifin, Bismarck, *30 Mary J. Musser, Painted Woods, $8. Banker Edwards of Mayville, who re cently returned from a trip to ,Cuba, predicts that the United States will eventually have trouble with the resi dents of that island. Business men at Langdon chipped in and paid a year's rent for a 'phone at the Great Northern depot—for their convenience, as the railroad company would not go to the expense.. Roecoe WJllson, the son of the Bath: gate editor, is now at Salina Criis, the terminus of the.Tehauntfepec railway. He receives $300 per month, buf has to pay $72 *•$ v-' & tAe: i .'remains there until some one £oes after it. The postoffice officials seem unable to straighten- out the tan« gle. Richland'county people are sorry that County Superintendent of Schools Ha gen will case his educational work—as he has been a popular and successful superintendent.1 for board, room and trashing. .Several exchanges are teUlup. a .^gotoo one" on the teachers. They claitp the schoolmarm caught the janitor, in ,«• falsehood, wheroupou shfr asked him r~Vhere lqe supposed he'd go to if he tald #ucH stories. The Janitor replied that, wherever he went, he expected hfc'd he, 'making fires for school teachers. Forman in said to have a boose dia. 'pensary according to the latefrt, up-to-: morning 5 He *as three claim. aMHwoJtaard* ble p- aljrtof snow, His bWJds g^w^enhe^»#ctted Yards at Bismarck, Wilton, Washburn. 4 1 K£&<*W3V iVJ»"ii.V. *jb A COMPLETE STOCK :OF tions. Gents' and Ladies' Furni shing's. Gloves,. Mit tens, 1 lats and Caps, DucK Goats and Heavy WorK iShlrts. We are out for business share, of your patronage H. HOLTAN Washburn, Nortli Dakota. NEW STORE i' Our Fall and Wiater Stock Is Now ia, Consisting of Duck Coats and Sheep-lined Coats, Fur Coats and Dress Overcoats. Oar Stock of Uaderwear Is tha Best, as Is Oar Stock of WINTER SUITS, GLOVES, MITTENS, BtO. Giro Us a Csli Whea l* Bismarck. n Waif red Hoover ,, Main Street, Opposite New Depot, Bismarck, Nortli Dakota. HEW GOODS New Railroad! New Prices! Oa Arrival of First Traia Ws Will Hays, Twenty-five Carloada of Lumber and Building Material AU Fresh and Now. Prices Will Be Xowered According to New Freight Traffic. No Trouble to Show Goods. Call and See Us. I Blemarek v4e\ K i Missouri Valley Buyers of Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye and Flax ^levators at Wjjsj^urn, N, D.V i 4^ T. X. B«isi8KBW JpHAS. H, DAyiDaON, J*., G, DIQHN, TnmMotaa General Banklnfl Bualnaaa subject i» Check at sight. *K\^&*~\i v*S* Arriving Every Osy.Tf.^ Groceries and Hardware DRY GOODS. Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps. CEO. L. ROBINSON, COAL HARBOR, N. O A No- i SONS Goneral Offlca, BISMARCK. Washburn Lumber Co. INCVALD ROVIC, AGENT. k VS. M. FERGUSON, Manager: fyh i A. a, *. v vf!l 3 11 k? a??* *s* a w *4 1 it?# si -V?"! mm $ paid tm