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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
A'Ss i-t I «5* «f 5 ?V "~4 I -V" /s wpr less :y.(S tm»- $ In order to for a The New Ceritviry The Yost mkr m. Iy 'Mil Remember these are 3 fe. Sr. '.. fe- •.&: 'vf&jjhF'Vv'rl 1^ 1 fjv i.»* T&b oi beauti prints d'.eotly irom face of typfe. f. '0J The No.'9 writeis a line 21 inches -,lo ng,, ^of^tai qjng.,^52:c]^ar^t^ra. 4 fobd bAttains In Ptafinei Dress goods^ Trimmings. maybe 4 little «jrfy to buy ywr winter gppd^, bat you wllj Oeypr havftSl^h# chance^ifito secM*| ^^|fs 4^#* ^*lg ihls Ch-and pjearanceSale. THOS. THOMPSON & SONS, Washburn N. Dak. u, a. t.: u v •?i *V j\j4a 4 i "Ball" Bearing Densniore. Strong, Swift* and o ne of the of the potml&r ^shiffe 1_ ii'Ti.?':"*""' ^7. T. V Ll G-- .: '-.-la -f .w .::.:•• V«*«7 .' «?r i' ^,i11 1 ti f*'' ,'v .' '(\Va^ •ntili 4H y^-*6 r*!« /c •n^ v V gaping, ^tl6n#? Bte. n i -'5- *3 PDITIONAL LOCAL School will begin Monday. Rev. J. A. Dieseh will preach at S^ndhjiU school house, 9ep, 1^, af!0:30 a. m. Mrs. h. M. Wallin returned on ^jedne^day's.train,' after a week at the Minnesota !$tate Fair. More mgil was handled Friday in the poetofflce here than at any time in the history V ^VW^v- -i fV^KH .•J£'£» *»5W.'--.!.1 -SMfVi- •, 'E .^ -••a .,«- .. 'TT.V^....»,„ ..:jy & n.iirC* the office. ct We are now sending out each we,ek 1,000 copies of the Leader no, bepter pedium cap be found for advertisers. Try it and see. ."V i ^Another nice assortment of m^is'' and ladife's and childrens' i.*'i.}*"-'" "V iS litfs. Gall in and try a pair. •k.y- i/ir« tx '!v-» .* f. .».*•' &&*•"»B 'V fnu^^rie^^vit^gtieft^ Wed lhho1ibi^W fK th|• y^ ts, Mid, Jbraids. *e tjSyed.tibe iSc:®" Did fa# wind blow Sunday? m% m^rmm itm some-Vtittb. "f i'!*•(& rfXtH -••. .. iti--.. it Monday' theyfc»*&t$ gf$K toma toes betoi^ tiu frwt did it J. G. WlbittQic^ Br^p. '"'"im 61 wheat jper acre, And speliz t|MFt^.' Mr. Bissell and Mt. Paren of .niia, Iowa, vibiteil Mf. Fdf/it'i 'j^us' wieek.-'':Mr.' ^t«^U j^at 9P ».house P»j!»W )^W*^^VM*S here. Sho^s for babies, girls, boys, ladies And mert at Wtlllin'i. NjpTICK OF QALE.OF SpifOOL P&OP Biitt*. /or Wdlbtta^ltQl 9. lit*, Hoomjr, "lbe upenaa. 1 check equal lat.accompao (y ortJr of tu lated at WasHtiUrA. N. i. A4U. 28, p. m. Motiaky, s^wwisdz. ai'wnlcH time oiak will be opeuaq." tims ^n be cash and a certi fied check equal to 8 per cent of the amount bid must, accompany eacu bid. The board reserves -ie right tp reject any and aU, By orter of the board Of ten Dated at WashbiifO. N. !.' Vtllage Ordinance of the Village of Wash burn, McLean county, North Dakota: Ordinance No. 6. Seetloii I, T^iat no person slial] drive or Jus#t6bedriven'orfliKfeu wUhl7Ttlft II itt or the village of Washburn, any horse or Hi ii at any greater speed,Uian seven mllesper hour Provided, that.tup vlUi&e ouncil may from time tb tlnke' designate a certain street or sti eetk whereon persons may speed their animals. Section 1 .' Any person violating any Son rovlSloUs of this orula ce sliiiil upon convict-tin-of thereof. In any court having J.urisillctlon. he fined in the sum not exceeding ten $iu.00i, i default of such line, shall be committed to ie cbmmotl jall of the county for a term not ex iedlng ten ioj days, or.ifutil such fine is' paid. Section 111. Tills Ordinance shall take ellect «nd he In force ftofa ahd aft^r its publication. Passed Sept. 5. lOfti. ...... AUG. Hi?:WAgih'i r,vr- PresidentBoaruofTrustees fidfCharlebols. 01erkV'' T!?i::':fr .. Published Sept. 19,1902. First Publication 8ep. 8,1902. •"^.v CONTEST NOTICE. 1902' »wm.i 'ffrWfijMf 'Wf&k .• !j|)ii$p9 |h'e ladies and U02. 14-8 AugE. Jotmspn, clerk. VILLAUB OBDIN^N: EIJ. village Ordinance No. Four. The Village (.onncll of the Village of Wash burn, North Dakota,.do Ordinance as follows: Section I. No person or persons shall keep or maintain for the public use for which money Is charged a billiard, pool or pigeon hole table, ten pin or bowling alley, wltiiout first obtaining a license therefore In pursuance of this ordi nance. Section II: That such person or persons may Si'ocure($5)for Uceuse aforesaid for the sum of livt- ollars each lillllard, pool, or pigeon 'iole table, and the sum of ten dollars (tiu.) for &icli ten pin or bowling alley' per year,. section III. Any person or person* violating th,e provisions of this ordihauce. upon convict-tnaii ton thereof shall be firmed lh a sum not less teu dollars (10.00) nor mdre thaU fifteen dollafs ($15.00 and In default of the payment thereof, shall be coutlned In the common jail of the coimty Aot leg? than ten days, nor qior? than Section IV. This Ordinance shall take effect and be In fiom atid after fts publication. tore# Passed Sept. 6th. 1902* AUG. H. WAHL. President Board pf Trustees. Ed.CharleboU, Clerk. Published September 13,1902.- v ".'A sulBelent'toUtest ilBdavlt haviiig been filed In this ottice by Fred Schwurz,. contestant aroy, i •. and tntf%iil I liU.i at lO oHiUKk a. m. oli fit'i rart RfMfe, iionfestant !mvih»in Ut-«er ail S&vJt,^§45SI,'t l'J02, sef forth ritcto 4|iwBlmneiiQpe'Hoiiai:i»Willi] rM'WiTdTi4^^w8,nSfttol5i giv! -/J' ?z, h/ Ifcfiilitf •}-'.. -••.. ...tMNfe M»* s .**r' 4 '.* JlJIjlIra :TT/'5!It ?K' & i.wi|i.Uf Will i|] ijiFi Ji m. i. wiiji the ^iimarck, Wahl^burn i Great Falla '.. Is reached by ii^e o| steamboats from all- joints up and down tlie river. Capacity, 50,000 Bu«)hN9 ••ft ilf'l V II TO. PPN8KAU, Xaaag^r- ^TaB^buFp, North Dakota. Q. I. ILITTLfi 0. KENDRICK, S. II. PYE, M6VALD MVIG, Prciideot. Vice Preaident. Cashier, AMiat. Cashier. McLean County State BanK A GENERAL Banking Business Transacted. Foreign and Domestic Exchange. County and School Warrants Bought. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. YOUR ACCOUNT AND OTHER BUSINESS SOLICITED. INSUR^CE WRITTEN UNION BOARD COMPANIES ONLY. Agent for Foreign Steamship Lines. "THE OLD RELIABLE STAND-BY" THE CHEAP CASH STORE ikv&lo Has jnst received' and complete stock of Groceries, Gsnts' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots ,andShoss,stc. A FtPfiL LIME 0 Ab^Ab ON HAND. **AlN», M: tt#ta diss i—»A I** Also Afent for tile Deering Farming V'i-H'-. v a N n e o a s il*st 'V^fc MU tn-.m ,.t:iSp. Mj •T :*•. -an imm at-nimt »i ndi IT s.asc^^Mtv ••*. .i-i 1 iT'-'nf v«'• •. ST JlrtJ twit 'in V¥. /X u'wjiiiwwii" i' uriii rn'mv^ K w r-il 4k J* *K Ml 5- 3 S yltgl fc 1 V* i 1 v .. .. ... -r i A i 4 •*^b8I v':fe i+t '&*7 .nevir. locas {I S, !,!