Newspaper Page Text
4 s\ i at, A if »A,' m, i {y i ••ra C. B. LITTLE, President. Foreign 1 sra •rf- SOME BARGAINS Hoods, Fascinatois, Tam O' •banters, Boy's Sweaters, La ties Felt Slippers, regardless of test, Felt Shoes, Men's Felt (hoes, Ladies Jackets and Children's Coats, regardless of «ost. Boy's Caps for a song, Walking Skirts, A big reduc Hon inFlannels. floltan & Sons. Senator Johnson went to Bis marek Sotnrday to eater upon his at the capttoL ?B99mmQQ9999Vm&M999Q99®S<? "THE OLD RELIABLE STAND-BY" Axel Nelson THE CHEAP CASH STORE Ha* just received a jiew and complete stock of Groceries, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots and THE BMCUS HOI- Ha viE Shoes, eic. A FULL. LIMGOP HAICI\VALTIC ALWAYS ON HAND. Also Aj^etvt few the Deermg Fanning Implements, Numerous Makes of Wagons and Bob* leds, Aermoter Windmills. tour Inspection and Patronage Respectfully Solicited. 0 AXEL NELSON. O K V. am prepared to patch, any and vu: ruly horses, ma:es to either norse or sliour, A mil and com plete line of Iron. Wood ^ook. Horse Shoes, Never Slips and Caiks on liana at all timefc. i ll W li J. M. PATTERSON. D. KEKDRICK. S. M. PYE, Vice President. A GENERAL Banking Business Transacted. and Domestic Exchange. County and School Warrants Bought. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. YOUK ACCOUNT AND OTHER BUSINESS SOLICITED. INSURANCE WRITTEN UNION BOARD COMPANIES ONLY. Agent for Foreign Steamship Lines. Merchants Hotel Ed. Charlebois. Proprietor G-ood Meals Clean Rooms Best Accommodations Washburn. No. Dak. 1 n. j. "h o 0 KS IN6V\L0 RGV16, Auist. Cashier. Cashier, McLean County State BanK MONEY IN BANK Money in a strong hank is a shelter from the storms of ad versity. The First National Bank ac cepts deposits in any amount and pays 4 per cent, compound* ed semi-annually. You can do your banking by mail The First Nations Bank of Washburn, Capital $25,000. Surplus 92,500. WAOHBUBN M. D. Hones for Sale—Young, broke Petchioa work horses. Cash or oa time. B. D. Ward, Coal Ha^or, N D. W 4 & 14 Vj?* (hi* coun- home wiieri mes ead. Uikc'i W« IS Ml IIS iiiitu k Thursday, accompanied by ihe relatives. Th remains were laid to rest in the Catho lic emelery {it that place Fri i ny. Mr. Ki'iier had been ii resident ii' the county tor a number il years and was higli Iv respected, iiin det'.th came as a shock as no one knew that lie was seriously ill. A subscription list has been started here tor the unfortunate puor iii the ^Northern part ot Sweden. I he list is uiuler the auspices of "Svenska Forcmngcn J.saiiis 'leaner'' ol Bismarck. Those who wish to subscribe will liud tlie list at the postoffice in Washburn. Contest Notice. I) |:ni'luii ill ul l.. lnl.nor. 1 liiK-d SUiti-A i.ium Ouii't.', BisMi i:ck, N. I). I n ci mlier 'Si. liiitt. A Mili'li ii nl coiiluM .Iiiin.ix il n iviiig liiu'ii HN.'il in oiil I- i Lewis L. Mi.illi (onlestiint. .i^iiiiisi TiiuUi'i- I'uiuiio t-iilry No. :i4.d maile jiiircli 12111, !«..(, lur ihnltu-asL quarti-i' or m i.o i_, i.n.usjiiji ii i n. s- w. uy John l. Smitn ™iiioti n. in wli.c.i a is alle^i thai tliu ai.I .linn. 15. Smith Int.. luiaily ila IIIIIUMI sain iiiu-l ol liniii aiin tiiiil lie nab not lor tile la^l e.jinl )«usinii at any lime tiled to gri.w tires a.~ ri (|ii.ifil hy i iinUi oultiiru law: and thai ilior a (imi crrns mi said ti'.t.'L at the jui'sunt tiino and thai said [ivivt is all grown to wild r.iss and inai naid ih-iault now e.\is's,saiil par ties ar liert'liy mil],.0.1 tu apical', respond and oll'c, evidenuo toueliini said alienation at lu o iock a, in. on i iiuu.ii'y L'li, I!)./,. Iii-foie Kose A. \i aid a notary milnl. at Wasiiuurii, N. It,. anil mat linal^ will lie litilil at 10 OVIOCK a. in. on Maritii i. 1:11 .. oel'orc llie Kegister and limivor ol thu Ihiili'il ntaics l.and ollicc in i itisiiiaiCh, .N. D. hat saiil ronti'stant iiavin^ in a proper all'i davit tiled in* -i, l.w., sot lorth lacts wliicn i s.n.wfiiHt after iliic (Illigi'iK'O personal service II above die stocks i i tTl PI Tl rl n 1S"3 llomesa'ad entry No. liTlW liunie Sept 7, I8WI, ii _,c.l. M.iA^o U..IO ,nr soiitii'.vest nfiarler of sei-.tion 34, towusliip ,,,'/!-.! n»hrriVon nr 11ri V LC'lO 111.' IJi UjlCill UX U.I1 i which it is alleged mat the si'id claimant lias i loiallyananoohed said tract oi land lor more iC "''Vi Vv lXllO Uli Ciclllgei than six iiiomnspaM, and tiiat elalinant's aii senee ironikud nact is not, nor was not caused h'viv A i n I I i ri n i.y viaiuiiiiit Iwlng fu^agoi in the military this li.ill -e eau..ot I): mads it !iel'ely or ilen and din eten loat sticn notice be given hy due anil propei piiliiieaiiou. .liiiin Saiterlnnd, jan 10 Kcci-iver. NOTICJfi Ui'COM'liS t'. Department of the Interior. mted Stales l.ainl O.llee, Uismarek. N. n. Uee.'inb.'r, aitli, IliO^. A snllieienl iiiiuesiauida\it navni! lieei. liletl .in litis oiiiee oy K. A. I.ainn eontestant against H.I n. ran^e w, o Mary Craw, eoute.steo, ill The said eoiiLcatant having, ill a proper af iitl ivit .ileil I. .MIII ier .ti L'.HL', set fortn facts which show that alter due diliig. uce personal service of this notice can not lie inatle, it is uei cuy ordered and directed that such notice bp uiven by due and proper publication A. C, .Mctilllivray. jan l(i lteglster, First Publication Jan 17 CONTEST NOIIUE. Department of the Interior, United States Laud Ollice, ItLsmarek, N. u., lec 1-'. liKtt. A sullli'lent contest anidavit having been flieii in ollice nv Jonas E. Oberg contestant, against Homestead entry No. 1^171 made Dee. 28th. IKOu for the eH of section 12, township 43, ranee 83, by Russell M. Kimball contestce, in which it Is allogeu that said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract for more than out: year last past, and .that said alleged absence from the said laud was not due to his employ ment In the army, navy or marine corps of the Uniteu States as a piivate soldier, otticer, sea man or marine during the wur with Spain or during any other war in wliieh the United States may be engaged, said parties are hereby noti Bed to appear respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at to o'clock a. m. on Pen uurv'21, 1903, before itose A. Ward, a notary public at Washburn, N. and that hear ing wlli be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on Keby. 28, I103, before the Register and Receiver of the United States LandOllice in Bismarck, N. I. The said contestant, having in a proper affl- davit, tiled nec, 15.1U02. set fortn facts which show that after iiuo dilligeuee personal service of this notice cannot lie made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice lie iven by due and proper publication. JolinSatierlund, Receiver. i Kirst Pub. uec. 20. .J.. i ,C0N.l'f»T- NOTICE •&£ *iepai'tnieiit of the. Interior, United States Land Ollice. Bismarck. X. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affida vit tiled December 12,1002 set forth facts which 'show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby order ed and directed that such notice be elven by due and proper publication. John Satterlund, Receiver. First pub. »sc 20, NOTICE OF COMEBT Department of the Interior, United States Land Office Devils Lake, N, I)., December 1,1902 A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by -lens Knudsen contestant, against Homestead entry No. 2066S. made April Kith. 1900 for seii nwii and lot 2& w% neHof section 32. township iso. range 76 by (ieorge Newman contestee in whlc |t is alleged that (ieorge K. Newman lias wholly abandoned said tract and has never lived or resided thereon to this date that ald tract Is not cultivated, set tled upon or otherwise Improved as required by law, that such default continues to date ana that sail alleged absence fri the said land was not due to his employment in the army, navv or marine corps ol the united States in time of VMi said parties are hereby notified to appear, nd and offer evidence touching said alle- 10 o,ckcka.m. January 17 IMS, before BTB. falls, a Nptanr Public at his office at AnamousciN, D., andtbat final torlM wll^be imora iuo n State* Land VMIV. Hi. |W WIIIIWIJ vit.fll«dDecember $ J. JSC m/ y 34, 1001. before the Bolster and Receiver at the United dOfflee in Devils Lake North Dakoa, 1, iscsset show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice, cannot be aid*. It is hereby ordered and directed that soch aotlee be ^vea hir dae and prefer puMEatkM. e "V- "v *Sf W manr* ^n*_A 4\ -f. -J An Interesting L?1-" 5 i TheCreamsry S oject From New Salem. New SSHIKUI, N. L)., 'iiUt 5,'J-{. Ed. Leader: The first cream -I'V in tliis vicinity was ustiiiiisn (l 1895, at Ne.v Salrfin, mi I skim milk and biUtiTiini*. ..r naval ssrvu e of the Vnuled States dining tile ring lime oi war: that default still exists: said par lies ate hereby noiined lo a, pear, respond and ull'er eviuenee touching »aid allejiU'loii at It) o'clock a. III.on on eliruary -JI. l!i.a, before Kose A, Ward a'notary public at lier ollice in Wasiiuurii, N. i.. ami that linal hearing will be helu at o'clock p. m. mi l'"eby 28. l!Hi:t, before a: Jie^ister ami licceivi a! ti:e United States l.and ollice in ltistn u£K, N. 1. vVe have six saccesaful ones sliip- pinfjj tlieir natter fro n iiere. J'lie patrons received nearly ijoJ,- UUu, for their -iiuiK tlnniu after ail operaiin.u expenses wi re paid and it looks tis lliongu 'I'e i.iinieib lieiievtd there is money in dairy farming for the,... They receive from lim iy t» loriy dollars duriny the year lroin eaeti cou i'or tlie iat an-: «r? rais ing jj ood calves and pijis on the We find a ready narkei lor our butter in .Montana, i UI and VVashii'fiton, recei viii»' n. re, gin prices. This j^ives ine cream ery patron a p.iy d,i/ ev .'ry .11 moll of about $3.50 per cow during tier milking period. This ainoant will vary of course, in cows and during the period of lactation" vVnere a few years ayo our patrons raised only wheat and oats, we now tind them diversifying. us is Oiie of the good features of dairying, as it calls for different forage crops, some of which are sure to be a suc cess. At first our native hay and grasses were depended upon tor feed exclusively. Now we are raising millet, brome grass, fodder corn, barley, rye and speltz. A grass crop was never known to fail, even in our poorest seasons, and therefore, a cow is always sure of feed which makes the milch cow the surest bread winner for this section. Too many creameries are built by newspapers anil enthusiastic business men without considering whether.there is a prospect of getting milk enough to operate successfully. It cannot be a suc cess jiiiless there are cows enough within a suitable radius, which when the milk or cream is deliv ered will make butter enough to pay operating expenses without too much cost per pound of butter. None of our creameries have been forced to shut down for lack of patronage though the first year is often a very trying one. A good butter maker and good busi ness management go a long way towards making success sure. Our creameries are a success in every way. Both stockholder and patron are well pleased and the better, more substantial farm buildings and geueral improvements of the co nmunity gives an uudisputable argument in favor of dairy farm ing in western North Dakota. R. F. Flint, Butter maker, New Salem, B. Mfg., Co. 4 October 2". 1902..- A sufficient contest allidavlt having been liletl in this onice by Otto Alfeiil contestant,' agaiust 11. li. No. 1-1808, made August 17th. 1801, for v'A of swM and lots 3 and 4 of section 18. twp. 147. n, of Ifange 80 w fitli p, m. by li. ,r. (Joveu con lessee, ill wliieh it is alleged that the said claimant hie- abiiniloned said trait for more than six months last past^aud that said alleged aiisence was not due to his employment in the I ..riny, navv or marine C'.rps of the United 8l ites as a private soldier, otllcer, seaman or marine i during the war with Spain or during any etb«r war in which the United Slates mav be en gaged, said parties nre hereby notilieil to ap pcar, respond and olfer evidence touchlni said allegation "t 10 o'clock u. m. on Kebruaiy 12th, 1003 before James T. McC'ullocli, U. S. Comm. at Washburn, N. D.and that ttfial hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on February 18th, 1903, before the Register und Receiver of the United •States Land Ollice at Bismarck, N. i. The I. O. O.- F. will ins.titue! a lodge here tonight beginning at 8 o'clock. A number of mem bers of the order from Bismarck and Mandan are expected to be present and the event promises to be an interesting one- especi ally for the candidates. The wor.k will be uiyler the super vision of D. G. J). Hansen. J. B. Sturdevant, of Fargo, representing the Northern Mu tual life insurance company of that place, called on the Leader Thursday. The Northern is a North Dakota institution, with headquarters in Fargo. Wash burn seems to be the mecca of insurance agents. For the size of the place, we venture the assertion that there is more life insurance carried than any other fown of its size. T. L. Britton, of Turtle Lake, returned Thursday from a visit with friends and relatives in Illinois. Mr. Britton has been a resident of this county since '86 and is more than pleased with the country, and be says the people of the east bave the idea tbat this is the land of the blizzards atid zero weather. Mr. Britton said tbat be was glad to get back to the laud of anbshine and tbat he was sat isfied with things here, niore so since'liia"^visit eaat.' •s f, v" a -i.i •.! -i JeysSsas* KS y 7 We have nde. weal A complete line of Mens' Duck Goods, ^Covert Coats, Sheep lined Coats, Underwear, Caps, Sweaters, Quilts, Blankets, Mitts, Felt Shoes Ladies Waists, Jackets, Dress goods of all descriptions. We have a fine line of Childrens' Coats from 2 years up. We carry the best. Groceries, We have always on hand a complete line of the best the market affords. Call and be convinced Holt&n and Sons. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. Of Interest -=-To Threshers-®*- We have just receive 1 a complete liue of pipe, pipe fittings, including reducers, plugs, bushings, unions, couplings, Globe,, angle and chec.c valves, gauge glasses, gaskets, oil cups, in-, jectors, graphite, rubb. packing, Garlock spiral packing, liemp, cotton-wick. Asbestos, waste, hard oil, steam gauges. Every thing in the line of Hardware. Thos. Thompson & Sons. Washburn, NT. D. mh a»o»o»o«o»o»»»o*o»o»»o»o»»o» Bargains in Land Improved Farms, Farm and Ranch Lands For Sale In tracts from 10 acres to full townships or more. We solicit your Patronage, Solem & SeLtz, Washburn, N. D. McLean Co., Implement CO. We have received our Spring Stock of Kentucky Shoe Drills and Havana press drills which Are the best on the market. Also John Deere goods, such as plows, har rows, wagons and buggieb, with satisfaction guar anteed. Our line of Studebaker wagons and buggies need n» introduction to the public as the standing of the firm is a guaran tee of the goods. Call and SEE US. Washburn, N. D. Subscribe for THE LEADER Wasburn. Feed & Sale -STABLE-* Washburn Mills AB30LUTSI CUARANTEE GOES WITH OUR FLOUR. Seal, Fancy and ikers' Flours, Graham and Wheat Grits, Bran ana Shorts and Feed. Feed Grinding done at all times. Our Wta at Grits are an excellent substitute for oat meal. We have recently put in a Corn Shelter bring ia your corn and get it shelled find grouad. trade. Wx We have on hand good rigs, careful dri vers. A share of your patronage solicited HILL. & ANDERSON, Pro. Washburn, N. D. Seonrayour security bonds of F. E. Funk of Firat National Bank. Do not obligate your friends. -t t-*ra. V-WS w i r::y-r We want your D. F^ed Mitchell, Brick Mason, & contractor, and Builder, will be in Washburn after Mar. 15- Let me figure on your work. Slaker 0oughX3ure, cures sore throat, eold in the head, coughs and catarrh ^large size bottle, $1.00 Send 10 cents to pay sample bottle: addtefa The Slaker Remedy Co., Tftrtle Lake, K, P. Branch offioeof the Slaker Medl* eiaeCo. 4tf P"! jA fori^#