Newspaper Page Text
E-y Hi f'liblinhi'il every Saturday jrt Wash mini N I OfflclaJ paper of M pan County Subscription prtc* rlo!l a y«ii. N -SATTICHLUND. PCTBUSHWH I'lnterid at the poatofllo* at Wanh hum. N n.. as second clua matter. OFFICIAL PAPER. SATURDAY, JAN .17. 1903. OLE AXVlCi WINS LAURELS. Bisnrirck, N. D., Jan. 9—Quit* a sensation WHS •WHS jtl Ihtl pliK' ....SiA-i 4 v-^#r ^'j^A ... £.1 sprung her* yes terliiv when Alexander McKetizie formed a co nhine. resulting in the electi n LI- m. Ole Axvit of Milton to-t squatter governor-1 ship of North Dakota. The deal hatelie I up in the lobby »t the Northwest hotel while the in.'inb-rs of t.n li.uise and lubyists •»'ere .it tiie e ipilol lirstilium building. iili 1 u 1 ly h.ilf seen 1.1 Hie ii uruia aroiin I gng.-d n. a i [jHMitl v tro state. .n in in pie p/ vi mi!.. I.. WHS a e.111 ii.iai ..I i i i/ti 110111111 i I The iiiuii of whiit to happ MI e I thai. .1 tl'.e man tin I 'ow feeling ltlK t-h'o il 1 t-" allot it is gift since xi.y Ay Iuuk Ay lven/.ic In- is n gud fi'lhtr. dot know fel'UM'S. Ai.'X Mc- Alex, lake aver juisagooii leliar, A} have ju. Av ti.iv alwas Iuked jn voru fur ju ven u vas Secksluui so many jeans ngo, 011 the railroiitl. iiiy eleeshuti'" as sqvaier governor of Nord Dakota ,bJUouiu oe far the best interests of dee peobles in this de grandes1 state ui ue union. Ai am glad si atn to be it. Ai skal give at the boys gad yobs and Ai skel see det ail niai frens is tooken care ou. .Ai am mu«h pleased to see det bafmouy and piece is now prevail ing and all uose det vas not friends a few uaya ago haf now kissed and made op. V en Ai first come down hdr a few days ago Ai vas not van dug ilea man Oharley to get any pass on the Great Nordeu nor de Norden Pasifik, meu now ven every thing is fixed ojp and ve all feeling better Ay viL write, to Yiui Hill to take ca^e pf .QEarlie. Mai friends ve is living in d38 great and glorious nordvest—de laud of plenta—plenta to eating and plenta to drinting—ve ar feeling the affects of prosperity. Prices is going op—the price of wheat is going op—de price of coal is also going op. De price pf coal makes me tink of dese trusts. Dey ar too expensiv. But niai friends Ai am in favor of reciprocity vid Canada and ai aui also in favor of a vigorous foreign policy. Ai am not in favor of des tariff as she now stands. Ai am tinkiuc (let it vould be a grand ting if Mr. "Se grim" should come over liere vid out any duty. Maister shairmans and yentle- men's ai should tank ju a^aiu for des honor jn haf me. I' The Hou. Deuuy Haiaiijfiu lias been squatter governor for tlie past fifteen years.—Wahpcton Glooe. says amen to the result ot the state iu the Union that has al four horse teanv like Hans-1 brough, Marshall, ^IcCumber iand Spalding." H'.rsi ruhll' -itlo i Doe, 27 Contest Notice. D-j»rtniMt of the Interior, Unite I S ates utn I office, Bismarck, N. D. I Hx-emiier is, 190-.'. A Mifficleui contest attidivlt having been tiled n tills I!I-I' ll) -IHi.tni H. prlnger. ntest !'t. against imcjtead en rv *«. 10657. made Be|lt VI 1898 for Mi*' sratloi) 14. township 147. ran^e "4 by rv ivester Klrtlil) contest** In whlcli It I* aliened that Sylvester Klrthly has wli lly ^haiidmied the said taact: thai he has not .set tle 'upon. uliivated or improved Haiti tract Ciat he nevr establishe residence pon said tract ami ahs'-nce lit nut due! t- Ms employment u tii« a. .ii. .ii- ii.ivv uj the U. 8. Ill time »l war 1. Id parties are hereby notified to appear, rex Lull I an offer eviilein-e tou-liiug said allegation S in o'clock a. in. oh February nth. I9IM. before Fred iirewster, notary |u die In an 1 for tli» Comity of Welisat Harvey I» ami that final pearlng will In- held at 2 o'clock p. m., on Febru ary :utn, hi 3, li 'f ire i .,e. lstor and Receiver it tin1 U lilted States band office In lllsliiarck. S. I. e said cmite taut, having in a proper art 4'ivlt tiled December i:, 1 Mr. A.eiviMi/.ie in Cavalier county 1 hundred or so [»eo 11i 11 t.! hi i li tiiat. he 1 •e for .He]n,.1 iter gov- ^vig was 1 111 i 11 ati•(I ie. Noble, tif Hoili who liinde a very jiaymg a very hainl the statesman and cwliiil ri I ill i BOIMi Murphy of Mi- isoiiiin-'tLioa. siiy- irreat pleasure in ui whose a Ivice it by Alex Me. LaMi.nire. ('j).n v r. Axvigsaid: an i Venileiii.'ii. I'll/. ./ lit aei'e L: 114 I ,n oiii a istM' 11 1,1 MI,!11 Is e,i :i 1 it e i'i IIHI set lortli fac s ft lilch show that after due dilli i'iice personal vervl.-e ol' this notice cannot Ii made it is liere Si: onleicd and dii et-'d tout -icli notice be lveu by dun and proner publication. John saile. iiind, lticelv r. First Puhli •ati'in I I 1. was about ., when it was learn- big Seoteli- n 111 cunterenee for our, Tuey were bliy of tin hotel with each other and en. ,eart to heart talk. 17 C(»N l'K-,1 NuTll'E licparlincnt of Int. lior. United Stati-s 1,111 O li ills narck, N. 1. lec niiior 12. 1902. Millici nt iMinte.t a ll Inic iiaviiK b.-en llled i 111 this .v lice, .y I'. H. rh.iinpMiu, of Waslilinrii, .M Lean Co., .111 si ti.l a ::iiii-t Homestead en try No. l.".HS made line l.'.in. I'.KiO for sw'ii, sci't on I' .wiishi I ii:i-s,4, 'iy 1 hristliin II. Christians..11 11 c-tci*. in which It i- al ii 111:1 -aid claimant .ills Intillly aliailllolie I sain I ra. 1, ..I 1 mil: Inilhi i n-nt thai lie has not um.11? sclilcii-cnt up n said tract at anv time I sine, eiilr.i llicicl, I, that a ll hitahi" dw.-11111 limise was ever put upon aid land .111-1 1 it l.ii a 'it's a from said laud is, inn was li .'caiis.'il h\ claimant ln-inn en :i..'ed in the military or natal M'rvi1-- of the li, St.ile~ in tih.e .11 w ir said paries are i.t'icui 1... ulcil tn :p| itspi.iiii and oiler evi.len e I -neai 1 %,i i'l i.ll.-cal mil rtt In o'clnc a 111. ..11 I'ebuaiy 2 1. Iim i hrl. re use. A. Ward, notary pm ll Washliuin, N. l.,and that liuall llCMliilu will lie he| 1 at o'.-loc,, p. 111 on Kehl'll 11 lie!, hefoiethe la'fi'Mer and ltcceiver ol I e i i i e i a e s i n i u n- 0 i i i s n i a n k N n "l'lial --ii.l .•oldest,ml. havin in a proper alli rtavil ill. .1 i.ert'inin r_\ 1'nii, si" foitli fa.'ls will.-li show tniiral'lel' due iiil.i^iMK e. persona 1 -c iiin it ie Ilia |... it IS here »y ordered ami dirolcd I nl .-eeh noiice l. Biii'ti diiu and iro|.er piihli-.-ation. .lo in ^a: '.a mil, ei".c |m ali. p": my meai o! 'ii*.- real iii.iior ii ujion iiie idag. Uecr.vcr. N') ri F, OF CON I ICS .1 rl ni'-iil of the Inlcrior, Culled Stall's I a 1 I li, ice, i:i-ma i': I N. •. lice. I. 1'iuj. A suil'ii-ien! ciillirst nlTid .\'il ivin^l.''. ii lih'd in thi- lii -e o\- a 1!.ert. I'onni-on ol W islilnirn, .. Contest.Ill1. avaiii-l' Iloiueste.ol entry curry No I_'.irs mad I'.'iiiHary |. in, 1 in j, lor !"is I. .nd in-', nl sif'., S nw11 ol e'.i scetion lu'.tov.-iislip. Iraiuc sn. Iiv -ioli II niiMon 'oiliest, c. In which 11 is all' I tlial -aid ei im.-iiit lias total: al'alidi lieu sai.' lia. ol i :'e| I'oi' in '1 e am "lie y.eir I si pa-I. an I lull 'li li I Jl inijHV\, iiiMllS i| •. :ui'l 111 .iI s.ii'P i .1 i iii'I wms Mil il tf 1 |,is ciii n :v.v t»r m.iri:i«» rorps m' iii iv tlc jIIhn r. !ttl'il»V, tin1 \VJ| ,• jj ii ~j) »iu ill' 1 JfJhWlU i i I I' I Isit.'M S1 i ni 1)1 i I ,i s.ii.i n-n» A I.mhI 'iSflM'." I'V »i Mi'-hi lli.- I 11 ill iriil 1 v i i u n i I 2 i a i y I I- i I -i a i I t- i n i i i i n i n 'i i n o n 1 i n i i y i i i 4 y i s I i i n U n i n i i n w i i.I'm li -it u' He- r.f U p. in. on !'V!»i :»,•* y 1:J. Jliil.5. In- istf nor. i\ i v il 111'- I'iilt' ii ••'i.'.'.'v 5 in* in u- k. D'.k. 1 ac s.'iai i-oiiN'-.tiiut li.Tv'iim i i a proper ,j!iiti i vil. lii" 1 I it*'*. i'J. -IM Jnilh I' ft s wliicli show i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i e s o n a s i N •aai e Ay I'litiei i nn I,..t i.m• iikidi* it. is hei'i'iiy ordered |. and |iro|ier ]itI1 itiin. .mini S.itti'i'liind, Ui-eeiver. Notice of Pinal Proof. l.and 0,llireat 1'lsuiartk, N. I). Dee., ai, 11)112. NnMce is hereby tiiveu that the following named selller lias lileii notiee of ner lnteii|iou to i.iake ilnut in'oof In siiii|i.iit oilier claim, ami thai said proof will lie made before 15. A Laml.. II. S. Coniiiir. hist N, 1J. at Washburn on Jan nary :tl. Ilttw. viz: Kmilia Kloin (formerly (Bibelhelmer) for the se' i sw!4 svv!4 se(4.n'/, sc^ section 30, twp. 14G, raiiKe »r She names the following witnesses to prove her eoiitiiiuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Phillip Walker, William A. Persey, Gottlieb Klelnnd lolin Klein all of Washburn, N.D. A. 0. McUillivrav, dec 27 Register. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF~ I And OIHee at Bismarck, N. l. Uec. 31, Itttt. Nntlea is hereby given that the following named settler has Died notice of hislntentlou tn commute and make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb, C. 8. Cominr, IJJstofN. I)., at Washburn on Feb, 18, .1(03, viz: Oscar Kydell, for the e% ne!i nwy ne!4 ne!i nwi of sec ss.'townshlp 148, n ranise gc w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation or said land viz, Alfred Marshall. B. Merriman, Ernest Sroren son, p. O. Erlckson. of coal Horbor, N D. A. V. McUlltivrav' jan to. Iteglster. OOSTESt NOTICE. Department Of Tlie^Interior. United States Land Ofltce. BlMfi'arcV, Pf: D. December im. A sufticient contest affidavit having been filed lu this office by E.~ A. Lamb contestant 'ScaUtn Homestead«ntry No. 11767 made Sept. 7. 1899. foi'wiuttieHstrquaiter Kection-M.tnwiishtp itf n. range 82 w. by Vlbla Craw crtntttetee, In which It Ualleged that the said, claimant has totally abandoned hald traet of land for more thannlx months past, and that claimant's lUuencej from said tract is not nor was not caused uy claimant being engaged, Incite military, or naval service of the United states'! n tjme of:rar*aid parties are hereby dQtliied to appear, irespond and offer evidence touching sotdaUegation^ at 10 o'clock, a. m, on Feb'y 21,1903, before Rose1 A. Ward, a notaiy public at her office in Washburn, N. I) and tuat flnal hearing will be held at 2 o'clock U. m. on Fcby. 28, lflus before the Kegister and Receiver at the United States L'ind Office In Bismarck North nakota. The said contestant having, in a proper affi* davit, tiled nee. HI, IHOl', set forth facts whiah show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not bo made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. ^Ttiia Osnfihi'tielt 111 Ipiieiulenf'' Schmidt, clfti'k of district coritt McLean t-'*!.. ine usnauiiiu Anuele"aL,nc N. „1 j.1 1 «r. nw1* of section2a,'townRlilp 14g u. fiinii'Vfci"'/ senatorial battle anq adds, Wt. ie names the foiiowfnt witnesses't6°"pi ove don't know where 'the're'is .a 5f^u^S0"ter"Mmc0 "l,on A. C. MeUHIivray. Jan to Register. i NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. I, \nd Olliee at Bismarck, N. Dak. Jan. 6 1U03 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias lilod notice of his intention to make llniil proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie inade before William' L. Nuessle, l\ S. Conimr.. at bis office in Wash, iV, U. im February 21. Ifttw, at 2 o'clock p. m. viz: .lonus Tliompsoii 1 for tlie mv!4 of see, twp 147.11. range #2 w. "itli p. 111. i He nauies the following witnesses' proveT ills continuous residence upon" and cultivation of said land viz: Hans Kecshagen, (iergeu and Nick conierred. linon Renter of Xurlle Lake, N. 1). and Hans Nv- 1 I gaard of Washburn, N O, jan tn A. McGUlivYay,_ epaitmment of the Interior. United States Land Office, BUiaarck, V. I December is, itttt A sufficient contest allldavlt having been tied In till* office by Charles O. OkeSon contestant against Homestead entry No. 1S297 mad** Nov. 8th. 1901, for n'/i oeSi and!nv nw or wctmu 27, tow .ship 14.4, raige K2 by tlpu Hole o n teste '. In which It IK alleged tha the said italpli Holt has who! y abandoned said tract tuat ne has chainted Ills residence therefnim for.jnorx than six montus since making said entry that said tract ls not settle up mi and cul Ivated. bv. said party as requited by law, and the aosence of said Kalp i Holt Is not due bulls employment n the U. s. \r uy or mvv li time of war. said parties are hereby notliled to. appear.-, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation, at luo'clo k a. m. on February 21, 19U8, before Rose Ward, a notary puhllcat Washbu n. N. i and tbatttnal hearing will be held at 2 clock m.,on February twth, I9IKI before the Keidst *r and Itecelver at the United .States I-and Office innl«marek l.ll i lial said couiestant having, lu a. proper affi davit llled pci-ciuher 15 1902, set fortu facts whlcli show that after e dill enee. iers iml service of this notice ctnuot be made, it Is lieie by ordered and directed that sin-li noilce be Kiven by due and proiier iiubllcatioii, •lofin atlerlund. II 17 Rec ner. NO TICK COMMUTATION FINAL PKOOF. I.MIKI otttee at llls narc't, Vov. 21!. 1902. Notice is hereby tjiven that tne followiug ininied settler lias tiled notice of hcriutemlou to make Unal proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made before E. A. i^tai.i, 1 S. commissioner, a Washburn. N, I)., on •lanuary 12.19u», viz: Carrie Westmiller for the sw!4 of sw of sec 2,11 w'4 of nw'4 sec. II. lie'4of ne!4 of see. 111. ge^ of so 14 sec. 3 wp. 148. rani:e so. names the f'dl.nvius witnesses to prove her continuous residenu upn. an 1 of said laud, viz M. Westmiller of Washhurn X, l. 'ohu Renter, II. .lames and Nick ueuier of Turtle l.aUe, N. O. am iifi ii'd Iliat siK'H niti'*i! !..e xneii by due Tli.-said eonteslant hii\liin. it A. C. Mwiillivrtty, Nov 9-tit lii-xis er -'(•'irst I'll dicatton nee 20 I'.W.'. NO ICE FOK Cl'BI.IC v I ION. OMMU I A'l ION PliOOl''. I.mihI Oltiee in'itistiiarel .' x". I»! V. '. Reulster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, "Land Olflw At Bismarck. N. l„.inn. s, imii). Notiee is hereby given iliat tlie ^following named sdttlei has Hied, notice of Ids intention to make commuted IIn^l proof in support of- his'. 1 claim, and said proof will be made before Petfer VVasliburn, J^ebruaiy its. i!oa, vjzi .'.lfeiuricii Ficctitner, for the !'"d CH,tlv,ltl0U Freldnch.' Befts, Priedricli Hedrloh. .Jacob I jan 17^^^^^ ltbgister v n r'.'r VMY. Otlico at Hisrtmrok N. n.. iw-%: Notift is in ri'l«y i iv»-n* tii «t t-i»* n.uiM'd settler has tiler! nt.fu'e ot his Intention to make tnial pro in suppoit of nis iim, aix! that said proof will he made bet' ne K. i. uini U. S. roinnrr• i»t ot p.. ai Washhurn. on January -Jtth, viz: (ieory .* La.VC M'ls. I'm* tl:e noiihwe-l ipiarter. s *f. -j,*. township 1-16. rao^fSi. •I! lU'iny He names the }o|io\vi*:tf wltnes s to prov his f« Umic upon a*j«l euUivaUon of sai i 11 i 1. »'i/.: •'. A. IV'! s in, .1. Km" fin .»•» in NeN'Hi and I'reil joiin.^-ai, all oj \V n. A, .de(iillivray, ..em^ter. Mrt i'Mhlieanon jan 17 f.HJNII'EM XUt I'Mi 1 )epa I tHi«*ll! "t the 1'nte! !*!!'. I'nHed SlMfc-'l n«ii"e. P.i pi coHihi-r l1:»»ij. A snilj -ieit! itesf l:: vit" liavjn/h-M-n filed in t!ds olliee hy Airs. Ppoiitv.', a-'ain-t Mom.-st a,I i nlry \'o, I117 nnide Oitfo er.'ilh., for p"1., ol' se ti--u :tnarcK. I). v*. t«i\vns!iip 1j7. i!i'iil "'J. hy I'j-.ank K. Swiff c-»ntestee, in whi-'h it i allege.| foat said •].»imant Iims aiian i dou' il said't raft for more han-i^ in-Mitiis last I l»a^r( and that aa.d allf.ed ahsen-c from said land was no! |ue to his empl \iui--it in the anm navy nr uiaiiiie i-orps tsfih'-l'iuto!| -^-ates as a private soMi.-r. oJli •i»r. seaman a ni:«r ne (hiring th"w:irvith Sp-dn or tiuii an\ "tla-r war in uhi-ii Mie I'nit".! States av iM*".'ii: a::e 1. said parties ai le-re iy tMti.iel to appear. restiond and otter t*\ id«*mte sai I alh1 |.national 10 o'-Im-k a. on I'eli. ~\s\. 1 projier if- liilnvlt. tiled necember i-.'tn linrj. set forth ''nets wliirli slmw iliat alter due diilitn-iu'e personal service.of this notice can no' lie made it is hereby ordcr"d anil lln etcil that sueii notice be given by due and proper publication. •John Siitterlund. Contest Notice Detiarlment of the Interior. Uulteu States Land Office. Bismarck. X. O., December 20.1902. A sulficlent contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Aug. E. Johnson contestant, a alnst Timber C'nlture entrv No 4373 made October 4,1888, for south-east quarter section 4, township 145, r«n«e 88, by Calvin L. Smith (de ceased) ennt. nee. In which It Is alleged that Calvlh L. Smith tdeoease«l] or the heirs or agent of said heirs tiave not sown grown or planted any trees, seeds, cuttings or nuts on any part of said tract of land during the four-, years last past, viz: 18*6 1896.18U7 and 18»8. further that no part of said tract has been in any way cul tivated during that time: tbrtallthe aforesaid tract Is In a wild state grown to wee I* and grasc and tiiat default still exists said parties areTiere by notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at lOo'clock a. m. Feb ruary 21, 1901, before Boee A, Ward, notan public in aud for tlie county of MCLmi Washbnrn. N, l. and that ttnal hearing Will be' held at 2 o'clock p. m. on February 28. UN, be fore the Reglster.aud Receiver at the United States land office In Bismarck, N. That said rontectant having la a. proper affi davit llled oeoemer 31, 1902, set forth facts which show that after due dilllgenipe personal service of tals notice cannot be made it Is here by ordered and directed that such notiee be given by due and proper pnbUeation: A.t\ igomi my. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United State* Land oftee* Klsmarck, V. D. December^, Jew. A sufficient conteet affidavit baving been filed In tlils office, by William Jandal eootiMant Rose Ward, notary public In and for the county of McLeau ot her. office In Wash burn, N. !., and tuat liultl hear ng will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on February 28,1903,beiore the Register and Receiver of the United States Land office in Bismarck, N, D, '1 he said contestant having, in a proper affida vit tiled Heceuilier 20, 1902, set, forth facts whl -li show that after due (diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered aud directed that sul-Ii notice lie given by due ai 1 proper publication. .lolin Siitterluml, jan 17, Hecelver. Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Bismarck. N. I),. Dec. 20, 1902, Notice is hereby given that tlie following iiamfed settjer lias filed notice of Ills intention iti make linai proof in support i Ills claim and that said moot will be niade before K. A. l.anU) U. S. eoiQ'mr. Dist-'N.-lak., at Wus-iiburn fin February 7.1H03, viz: Peter O.' Anderson' for tlio-soufh-eftiit iiuartw sectinn's, toAvushlp 146 n, range 81 w v-' Herman •ll.uison. Aliiel Peterson, i .Fiaihk VVestn^Hierand Erick, Johnson, of Ingersoll, jan.'3 Department of tbe Interloi, land OIBre at Bismarck, R, Dak '•ec. 1 i»Ki Notice Is hereby dven that the followintt uameil settler has llled notice for the HW* A.C. (U' iillivrar.Meglfter. Nj I ICa Of CO4*Ui4U0N fK«iUF. :t I A. v Mftiillivruy, uec 16 Ke, i&ier. :sOi lJti OF i f. i^ilKl .llc a lli-S'U.l. OK, l)AtC. C. G, IV vz N-aice is lit rt'ii\ Kiven tlie iollo*iii. nauieii seiile u.i,-. lii -tl n.itire I ln.^ irit«iit»o p, mane .inai pro i in supp ntof .is laini. aim ilmi*aiu i'.«)of will miie hefoi i a. i.anis U. S. o.iiuiissi »u«r at iniiru. N. »itu. 20, t.nJJ. si/.: Aarirtit i. liiitiiro.K for ihe e 2 iiw»4 oi wft »ie -ioi s^otiuu •., t*vp. 144, ran^i' li minion nit! foil »wing witucsst's to prove liis eontiiiiiuus lesideuce upon una ciiluv tlon oi sal huiu Iz: li. K. nnies» Kane Jone» Ii au and Kd wai b. all of 'odkioi j, A sulllcieiic coiimisc having been Uled in this office by liai'.y t'ariiiiiiiin contestant against it.mi stead entry Xo. llitiii. made Sep lumber 7.1 -:l:l loi lots 1. 2, :t, and 4, section b' lo'wusbip 114, Receiver. range 82, oilie r. l)i |e against Uomastead entry No. i80M, made Feb ruary is. IM2, for south naif ne3i and lots and 2 er sectlun l, town»hlp Il7jra«ge 81 by Casper T/Netouir, eontestee. in Is alleged that satd (Jasper T. Nelson has wholly abandoned said tract that he has changed his residence therefrom tor more than tlx month*: since making said entry that said entry Is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law and that the absence of said Casper T. Nelson Is not due to his employment n the army or navy of the United States. In- time of war, said parties are hereby notified to appear, lespond aud offer evidence touching saiu alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on February 21, 1903 before B« A. C. McGIHIvrayf Reglstei' i ""S^riatdr Joh nsofi'sganle prp tectipu-bill puts deer under the same degree of protection as anteloiie—none to be killed un til 1910 -P. at his Intention to maisefli al inoofin s pnorf. «f hi*. aUUn^raad ssl.l proof will ue made before K. A. Umli, V. 8. •lumlssiuiitr.Mi .vasniwrti. N. oak.', on .lanuarv _-o, 1mm, ViS: ClauneU.Trjea r,-, -. of «ev 12. iwp. 14., (Bilge tl w. He uauws tlie foliowina witnesses (o prave Ills continuous residence upon ano cultivation of said land, vl*i. Jon iceuteiv .siek tteutvr and ^lbert Hkfek. of 1 urtle UiKe, N. 0.. an.i sepu Maau of Waeubiirn. N. t. FI W. JU: .Ionii Uoi:. fo the s-Miitieast iina.ier, tc\ 12, twp J46. R. 4ieiiiiUiea (Ue folioAing witue^ui) to prove liU voiiiiituoitA rehiUeuce upon and uiUiTatlo oi saiu Ian viz i.. 1. CMitt bi^l .i 1 ai ti«riand William ounu,au oi ^asidii.rn, u. A.C. .UeGil Ivia^. Deo j.i-di .twister. Contest Notice. DenariHseui of i..f lole. i Uiiit n 6iare.i ,um -. rii-anrcK. N. D. i e n i i i .- i i A "iniif .ent contest .u.jduv'ii .i uliijc Peon tiled In tins 1 i.t loi lain iu.nva I/. foiC«*stant, a^aiiit itoinost'Md *-*iil -o. t:»j,i nl ule Keb. 4, la' ior s -t oi i.w-^ seeti»-n u. townsnip 1 4 i i itu/•». oy Mi.stoia .Sn.i.iiae oniestee. in wni.-u ii is aia-you u at saiu conte^er n aoiaitiuiKM said uaft .^aai -,a .i is not sei tle.i upon aim ouliivafit aidp.iny as re tpn.ea law. taat eutiyii.ui u"i»v«r "e-- tanlisi.tM a edih nue on sai l.iiid and never ii\e or red.lea tuep-on lo tins nntu. an i that me aoofinv of lip* sai ie«-nteie is not thpf to ois em, I yment in tne military or naval servtee ol iIi** United in me of war eui«i parth.s a e hereby notii'p-d to appear res pono aim oner evin net- DniCi.jij sum alle^a limisat li.i oYl fk a. m. o.i I'-'or i try isiii. bt fore »Ji'mi li.i-a.leisa notar pidiliein Harwy X. i». ami ti ai nnal ia aiin^ i\ill o«- hehi at o'elofi j). ni. on KePruir* _'otn P,mm. hiifore tne Jie^ister ^imI lic.-eiver at the I nitect Stales I, uiJi' e in Bismarcn. i». Tne s.-ciu eoni !»tani tiav'nu, In a p'oper atHda \lt lilt o Ian nd'ei ::nd P-Oj, set jo.ta laets u hK'h how tiiat after one oilli^ciife pors-nial sei'M« oi t.iis i awnoL b»* in-tde, it is hereoy t'l'ii'ivtl ant tdre.-ifd mat s i*n ihiti -e i.»e .uiven by une and propei patdication. .loan .^aUerluud, jan a i»e er.vr. First lie fOi»* 1»• *se A. W a'd.a notary pai. ie. at Wash hurn. ,\. !»., and linai hearing will he eld at o'rloek p. in. on Kehruary *jsth. Ijjom horore the Ue':ist«-rand I»eeri\er at tlie VliitO'I States Jan. licp,'irtiii:nt -i .. COMK8T NUIICB ul tlio Interior. I'nllc.i States Land «Mie»*. Hismarck, X. D. Deceinlier in iMt. by Salt aw coute.-itee in lii.-li ic i» alleged iliat said clatiiia it .ia wlioliy abandoned her claim lor more thai Hvelve iiiout .s la past, ituu said allege., .• is not due to her employmi'iit ill- tlie army navy of tlie U. rs. I'camuu as a private soldier or marine iu tne war witn Spai, or any other war in whieti the United States may bo engaged, said parties are iterebv noil- lieu to appear, respond aud oiler eviden touching said allegation at 10 February 14, .rn, N. D. and that linai o'clock a. m„ on l'.HW. bef re public in and Uose A. Ward, notary for the -ouuty of McLean at was Hearing at 2 o'cloi k p. wili be held m. Feb,21190J before the Register and Receiver at tlie United States Land Office iU iii llu': {, 1 he said contestant having. In a proper af fidavit. aieil December 16 1902 set. forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot ue made, It Is here by ordered and directed that such noti. e be given by due and proper publl -ation. John Hatterlund, Receiver. NOTICE FOB PUBLIOAIIDJI -COM MUTATION PROOF. Land Offcs at Bismarck, N. Dak., v Nov.1102. Notiee Is hereby given that tlie following named settler. has.. .Bled noUce burn, oak., on January. 17th. jtm, viz: '•.'«• Edwin Ramsey for the.sH sex see. Mo. t, twp. I46,range«l w. He oamps tne following wituesses to prove upen uM. calttvatlon IS-COBtillUOUS I aaidV viz, Jchnsbi o' In •.0.KM«r4 'w-'- our k Oeprtititieiuof tlielnterl»r. i«iii i 0 'ice illi a u'Cii, V. !.. UM. 8, IW2, Nonce ».• neie.»y *{we»i .at tne pillowing O'tined uan alcd uottC'*oi uUiuteutlon to tiiaM* iiual prool In «u|i|ioii «f Ijis oUiiu an»l tuat b.ti. p.-(Mi wail ot* uiAtW* b.'ioro K. A. Laniii, U.«. co.uiiimm ot)i. at «Vaai)i»uru. N. i on •U1 Ibi'/. Business is to Sell A N at W,"' ^diitest Notice* irtment of theinteiior nltedtttates Landofflce BismarckN. D. ... i December iMb.iSOte. burn McLea.u Go.Stifte of ,jio. th lNdt.,,cbntest aQt, ati*lnst flbmestead eutiy No. lam, made ^n!. wge^^S?!KmM!^fr TOnteSteS*1^ v aUewd that the. said claimant has twRolly abandoned said tract of land for mbfe ban six mouths last past: and that there ara no rovements uboh Said land at this time and tuat claimant* absence from said land is not unr was not caused by claimant oelng engaged in the military or naval set vice of the united tttates lu Mint of war, said part|».i are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence oueulugsaid allegation, at lOo'clock a. m. on tebruary 2lst, 1903, before Rose A. Ward, a notary public at Washburn, N. 11., and that linai bearing will be held at 2 o'oclock p. m„ on Febjuary 2«h. 1908 before the Register ami Re ceiver at tne uuited Suites I .and office' in Bis marck N. o. Tlie said COD testa-1 having in a proper affi davit llled December isth 190- set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this uotice can not be made't Is here by ordereu and directed that such notice be gfglven by due and proper publication. John Satierlund, J|l|i Receiver, 't: Contest Notice. JUg.-: Dcjiiirtment df the Interior. l.miWU 8tates Land O.tice, Bismarck, N. D. Dec. 80, iiW2 A sufficient contest affidavit having been (lied in 'tlfls office by Azu p, Zetler coiitesiaut 'gainst Hortr-stead entry N'o. U449. made oist, 8, J90i», for- the n of se.K section 3ii, towiisrdp 1411, range si. uy l'eter Peters, contestee in which it- t."at 1 .-e •11-e names the following''^ithess6$ to prove-,"saidpast,aud his continuous residence upoa aud cultivation of sale land, viz: V the said' mailt has abandoned tractofland for jnore thin six months 'last tiiat there are no. Improvements upon said laud at. this time and il&t' claimant's absence from said land Is not and was not cwued by claimant being enitaged In tbte nill itaryor na^al ietviceof the ifnlted Btatps in" time of waiysald.partles aire hereby notified to "W4w*v i»vw A.' naiu, niuvtMi-j.-iiuvui/ Washlvnrn N. D. ana tiiat fliiiti ii€arJug: will be", beloat2o'cloiek»):m.on.Marcii^, law, Security tlie FlhST G. M. \S dEBCJ I 3 i »i-illel a'i x. I A (. IK tsi $ t.hcp bi ei $ ".V I WASH U IV l^estaiiri FORKS Meals U I N E S O N A I N S Ol IN CARS A -LA C. ARTE First publication Dec. 20 NOTICE OF HOMES IE AD FINA1 PROOF. Land Olliee At Bismarck, «. D. uece.ntier in, IM, Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler bas tilednntlee «hls Intention.! make flnal oroof iu support "rhta "lalm. and tiiat said proofcwlll be made before E. A. Lamb, U. 8. Cdmmlfsluoer at Wasktara, N. ,i».. en January. 28th 1««, viz Peter J.BtasM for tbee)4n«!(*»:HWi4Msuuoii 18. township 146 range 81. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation or said land, viz: fhailcy P. Hogau, ('barley JohQwn, touts Berqulstand Kail Peterson all of Ingersoll, N. o. A.C. McOIIUvny, Register. OOTllfiir »Ot'I0^. liepartment of the interior, I}nlted State*LydQi^^'jlsmarckl *". n. A siMelep^^MMat iaiUvit harlnK bsen kled ih tldsomce by damesy. W^iih. of Mpi Die Key oountjr, N. IK, onntettanti against entry No. taws made Apra ao, moloi upon said laqd at this time, ami th^t said nl Ic|ie4 abseiice fronrthe said land was notdiie to his. employment In tlie army, navy or marine oirps of tne United States as private soldier officer,- seaman or marine, during the war with Spain or during cny other war In which tlie united Htates niav be engaged, said parties are hereby untitled to anpear. respond and offer evldbnoe touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. 00 February. 14.1908, before E. A. Lamb. U. 8, Commissioner, at Washbtrn, N. D., and that flnal hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. in. on February 21,1903. before the Register and Receiver at the United Stales Laud Office lu Bismarck. N. D.. Said contestant having In a proper allldavlt tiled December is, 1902, set forth facts which show that alter due diligence personal service of this notice cannot 4e made, It Is. hereby ordered Aud directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. .lohii .satterlmid, erklence.toucUing sauj m.'.dn February 21. iMa.: before the RegWterati(f Iteceivorjatjlie Jjnlte^ States Land Office lu Bisinitrek,: Sruc- '. 'Iliat wild wontestftnt havlutr, in a prbfter at* ftdavit tiled Dec30,1902, set«l&r wltlch. .Show'that afterilUedlUgepc«t personal- service of tillsjurtice cannot be nutde it ls hereby cu' dered s^d dlrMted tliat suce not|i« be giren try. proper ftibttaation. D^AOGIN GV, Caftliy Nllnnet«ti, N»rtH and Sifith Dnkata points. W. C. Washburn. N". D. LAND For Sale* Everywhere. Consideration. iVig'r V :t$£ ii smith 1 ion or D- •oi ill S tins BOSTON FrALO T.H.LARKE ASST. CfEN'L PASS. AGT U U I N N Fo-rent the building known as the Globe Restaurant, First Nat'[t Bank. Reduced to FIFTY A YEAR New Idea Woman's In BmlirtWwrjp,: Ini GSdltlnr, In Woman's Work and In Reading bwtitlfuliy ttlusMied In colore and lirbteir^.irMto Aboveall, TERNS, ^Itec ivei.^j ilSss- Contest Notice. Department of the interior. ..rUnlted States l.iind 01 ice BxiiiarcIc.N. lj. December 1, A'-sullteient contest aitiilavit having been Hied in this office by Joachin Welse, Washburn.- N. D, contestant, against. Timber culture'entry NO'.' 44i8 .inaue. December' 7, -':i888,- for «outh-west (|Uarter-ioectlou 20, township X,M. range" t'0? -by Apd re w. Nelson- qontPStefe in which It -Is alleged that Andrew N.eI«on lius not sowfi grown. or planted.aiiY trees, tree seed stouts or ciit'ttn cs 1. iilHin any part of gaid,land at 'iEiny tim( dlWo 'l t* 0«T I 'iWWWVWV*VYWTWTWW L\ I Ai.*'' i SH K tOc. wtooh cost only for the money It can the i-mi 4.-' -J. .'»t aacti. Sm4 Fin Ms T»4a copyof th* Nsw IdsaWomam's IS* *M great vSlae can give m. s s s aiv tsn rvuiaim K m. luilvi Iiv Tirk, V. T. Take Your Then if you com* ple*« SUt* N«wi sub* acrllb* for & .^jt**»y:si. mMt morm 4 v_ ^TJnl|e^\t^^»d^«l^e' andHtecelver at lnBls^icW'. D»-V:- .V The satd^cMtestiint havlns l|» a Mpeffi vlt Hied Decemberi902,setforth isats "er due dllllgrtifie afflil mzm I "tlT'-'" Wf' and Republican "than, sny *th*r p.* ..I n h* Sklnt'Ja oopi*s Tr««. Snbicriptioa i. 'sssir.stt fflc» or writ* foJ-urr^tPrlntiStj '*k a o o N -J