Newspaper Page Text
I' JtW I mi LOCAL NEWS A complete line of hardware at MeGray's Coal Harbor. Ed. Charlebois returned Satur day from a trip to "Wuihpeton. S. A. Falconer was in from the farm, Saturday. Call at Forbes' Drug Store and learn all about the ''ree chocolates. J. L. Prouty of Darling was in the city Saturday. Rev. John Orchard, of Fargo, •was in the city over Sunday. J, G. Simpson was a caller from Coal Harbor, Monday. The famous North Star shoes sold only by Wallin & Co. Seed'corn, MeGray's Coal Har "bor. WANTED-Girl for general housework. Mrs. A. E. Johnson. The best chocolate candy in the world at Forbes' Drug Store. You can get one pound of them for nothing. If you are fond of chocolates call at Forties' Drug Store and get %i one pound box free. For homestead filings, final proofs and contests see Aug. E. Johnson. Opposite National Bank. A large force of men with teams are at work on the railroad grade just west of town. Many new improvements around the court house grounds th,e past week that adds much to the beauty of the place. A bad prairie fire west of Wash burn Wednesday. Beyond burn ing over a large strip of territory no other damage was done. Just received our third car of machinery and also a car of fur niture at MeGray's Coal Harbor. A large party of land seekers were cared for by the Lund Land Agency. Saturday. Scarlet fever has broken out again: this time Clausen Rice is the victim. Miss Mary Baardson spent a few days in the city, this week, visiting friends. J. 1). Wakenian was up look ing after his business interests, here the first of the week. Mrs. Case has moved out on her claim and will spend part of the summer there. Atty. W. L. Neussle of Good rich, was transacting business in our burg, this week. Miss Florence Kirtland came in from Coal Harbor, Saturday, to do some trading. Mr. Swan Nea lander has the contract for the erection of P. M. Ferguson's new home aud has a force of carpenters hard at work on the building, and will have it ready for occupancy in a short time. Messrs Charlebois, Best. Marty aud Sutton were subpoenaed to ap pear as witness in tiie alleged ille gal voting in Bismarck at the last city. Tiiey all went down Wed nesday. the hearing to come up on Thursday.' Clerk of Court Schmidt returned Wednesday from the capital city and reported every tiling very quiet down that way. Said that he was very glad to get back to a place where he is awakened by the sound of the saw and hammer. Deputy Sheriff Marty accompa ni^il by treasurer Root, made a visit to the Denhoff country the tfirst of the week on official busi ness. They returned home Tues day. Mr. Root informed us that J.-*, the east end of the county was |vf4'1 getting to the front and that Good &Yt< rich was a busy place. He brought over some tree cuttings and pet them out around his residence in I"-'" Wf} the city Tuesday evening. '.The Su perinterulent of the Board of Health has issued orders to the i.residents of the village of Wash burn to remove all refuse from around their property. The notice appears in this issue.^-.^You cant say that you did no* see the order fer the superintendent has had a number of notices printed and has them in |^?v. A« & ilUf^PPP KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY the most conspicious places, so that he who runs may ianr1' v K' read. O? *1 i fV' The past-week has been a very busy one for Washburn—and every body is on the move trying to get to the fore. There is no town in the state to day where the people are as busy and where then.- are as many improvements going forward as right here in Washburn. The store building of the Casey-Marshall Company, is well under headway, and will be ready for occupancy in a short time and will be occupied by that firm with a full and complete line of furniture. The steamer Washburn came down from Mannhaven Monday with 100 tons of wheat and barge with 72 tons. The round trip was made in 2S hours and thirty min utes. The Expansion left here Sunday morning, the first trip of the season and arrived Monday with a load of grain. The boat is a success in every way. There is now a daily boat to all points north. River stationery with iJi feet of water in the channel. A visit to the country Sunday revealed the fact that grain is com ing up in fine shape and the fields are already beginning to lock green. We discovered that the country was not suffering from the lack of moisture, though it is get ting rather dry. for breaking. Dr. Joseph Koshaba, a native of Persia, will give an illustrated lecture at the Congregational chnrcli. Tuesday evening, May 19th. His subject will be con cerning Lis native people, their customs, manners, etc. He will wear the native Persian costume. Rev. Peterson and family ac companied by Miss Peterson, made a trip to Turtle Lake the first of the week. W. F. Chambers accompanied by his wife and daughter weve in from Douglas Creek, Tuesday. They were plea&ant^callers on the Leader force. Rev. Runions. of Coal Harbor and Rev. Hall, of Elbowoods were both in the city over Sunday, at tending the S. S. convention. We Dr. Dillon ma e professional lp to Wi'ton, Wedne day. Miss Beat^'ce Casey is visiting her mother in Minneapolis. Read our legal notices, a num ber of ew ones this week. Dr. Forbes was a Wilto: Wednesday. Miss Minnie Richie is visiting with Mrs. Jos. Mann. Miss "Mar de Umplel y was ov?r from Hensler, Monday. Henry Grochaw and brother were transacting business in the city, Saturday. Judge Lamb transacted busi ners in Wilton the first of the week. Contractor Reed's house is about finished aud is occupied by J. M. Casey and family. The hundred year sleep of Rip Van Wi kle would not have been such a marvel had In purchased a Casey-Marshall spring. Born- To Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cross, Monday, May 11, 190 }, a son. Mother and son getting along nicely, and Wm. v. e guess he will recover. Commissioner Solenberger was in from the farm Wednssdav. He brought two deer heads that he had mounted, he .being a taxider mist of the first-class and his work gives general satisfaction along that line. Former Editor Rolling, of the Miner, at the preliminery exami nation held Thursday charged with illegal'voting, was bound over to the district court.- He was im mediately re-arrested on another charge and his hearing set for Friday. J. A, Edwards was in from the ranch Thursday and reported that lie lost a good colt by its falling into a well that had lately been dug. Jim said that he came in for a pump a" said that he would, see to it that no more into the well. ^1 I •y, Zy-Hi I:-: colts tumbled j/ i y '.v: v ,• P0U im&a Terry Tariff Coinmening with May 15. 1U03, ilie following tar'ff wi'l be charged by the Wash' urn fei-y: 2-horse rig 'nd dr'v 1-horse rig and driver enditures being over their on y reeeijit §500 cofltributed The charges are very -•)C 20c ir)C 10c 10c Saddle horse md rider Pass ligers Horses and cattle, per head Children under 12 years ac companied by adult, free. Children over 12 years reg ular rate for passengers. Since installing the ferry spring it has been at the disp'sal of the general public free of charge but it has proven considerable drain on the company their e last lias by and the general opinion is that it will prove more s1 ttsfact ry than did the free ferry, as the free privilege is said to have been abused to a great extent to the detriment of .those v ho had busi ness to transact. In oder io offset this'cliarge the Licader is of the opinion that it would not be un wise for our business men to adopt some kind of a rebate scheme for a cross the river trade, so as to make transportation to those who come here for tiie purpose of trading free. For an example the plan could be worked by allowing a 5 per cent discount and the discount could be given in ferry tickets. The main shaft of the Wash burn Elevator broke and the work of unloading the boats Tuesday was brought to a stand still. It was necessary to take,the shaft to Bismarck to be repaired. The break means quite an expense/ to the company as the boats are com pelled to wait until the shaft is placed in position. Capt. Marsh: Twenty-five years Muhlback, Chas. Joh ago the 9th of May, I left Pitts burg, Pa., on the Batchellor. Capt. Marcy, who is in command of the Expansion, was the pilot. The time does not seem long. The Washburn people have two of the best low water beats on the Miss ouri river and credit must be given them for the way they have the facilities fixed up for the loading and unloading the boats—the best I ever saw. With all of its im provements and facilities. Wash burn will always be a gocd river tow n. Oats, and millet, MeGray's Coal Harbor. Johii Amundson is building a new cottage across the track. W. C. Steiber was out on his ranch this week making improve ments. The Expansion brought down 7,000 bushels of wheat the last trii Leases for hay permits will received until June l. 1903, by aathorities. It reported tlui' a paper will started over in Oliver county the near future. be lie be in Wanted a good mau that is used to f?rm worv. s'eady employment ard good wges for right man. In quire at the Le:der office. 'Twns the niirlit before (Christmas and prayers lmd been said, Willie and Motile had gonoolf to bed" And soundly they slept on u Casey-Marshall spilng When Siiata Clans came they never heard a tliiii) Rev. L. A. Breen will preach in Everson school house, Sunday, May 17tli, at 11 o'clock a. m., and at the Lidholm school house at 7 o'clock p. m., the saie day. The wardrobe of many a New York society woman costs $50. 000, a year. Buy an oak wardrobe of the Casey-Marshall Co., and save $49,989.50. It is said that the fire that gave Harvey such a close call last week started over near Goodrich and jumped the Cheyenne river. This shows that an ordina y fire break, such as is generally found around in this county, would be of.iio use in a fire of this kind, and it is generally on a day like hst Thurs day that the prvirie fires do the most damage, and the greatest loss generally is in the sprirg when every thing is relaxed and no at tention is paid to the fire breaks. Strayed—two year old bay colt, white star face, three white feet had on halter, libeeral reward. Jacob Burch, three miles west of Wilton, N. D.J illl'lltMiK 1 e i» w *ww^.j»*ri»^as«^^ Bnawn •ff*c ^TfTriV '*7^.,' yPV--***"" St-if t)«S«F have three half section tract th,at should be investigated by intending purchasers fore a selection is made. Good neighborhood. It costs you nothing Sevdfia .vlcGray's Coal Harbor A one pound box of chocolates free at Forbes' D"ng Store. [ames Hedding of Faribault. Minn., arrived Wednesday. C. A. Rust went to Bismarck, Wednesday to meet his wife and children. They relumed Thurs day. J. M. Casey and wife spent sev eral days out on their homestead the past week. Sheriff Welsh, of Ibirleigh Co.. was in the city tin' first of 1 he week on oflicial business. Misses Clara Olson, and Aman- $•'.000 and |da Johnson and Mrs. Hanson and been the two children, of Wheaton. .Minn., the town, arrived Wednesday and went out reasonable to their homesteads at Ft. Steven son. A moving picture show was in town two nights this week. Attractive, cool, an an cheap Cas 'y-Mar- Iron beds at, tli shall Store. Coming down to the serious propositions of life you will want to subscribe for the Leader. The many friends of Mrs. Olei Holtan will regret to hear that she is not much improved. Her sister Mrs. H. C. Nygaard has been with her the past wec,k. i Mr. Schulz, of the firm of uck-' le, Kotk & Schulz is building a cottage east of Miss Baardson's: cottage. The following names were drawn as jurymen for the torni of court which convenes here i U'„, H„u, H. H. Rohrer, O J. Granlin, John ... Bertel, Samuel Zingg. llenry nson, Persey, Peter Longbell. Whitloek, Ole Jo' Sir ton, F. L. Mack [.*1. Patterson. Wi ninger, Chas. Weise. George Walker. •!. .'J Joseph Swanso i. A. and Chas. Anderson. To St Paul Minneapolis Duluth Liu hei m, Blum. Wi lit A FULL LINE at Wallin & Co. Don't forget the McLean Co. Abstract Company if you want a good reliable abstract. Clothes bars, bust, big-p.-st dry nig surface, §1.00 at the Cast-y Marshall Furniture*Co. U Insure your property in a re liable company. '.Call on E. A. Lauib. Swan Nealander, ContrLctor and Builder, Plans drawn and estimates fur-! nished. Let me figirre' on your! building. Residence fourth house east of the new schcjol house. Washbtrn When you think of buying a farm or have a farm to sell think of this trademark, .r,i'y *, v .s-r-- And AH That It Stands Foi It Insures you a good square deal or tight ternji.s and gpod titles.',:?.--,. MP Lands shown frei%. LUND'S LAND AGENCY Washburn, N. D. Central Office. CANBY. MINN AM) 1'oi NTS East and South F5utte Helena Sqokane Seattle Taconia Portia I nd California Japan China •. Alaska Klondike Pullman First-Ciass and. Tourists Sleeping' Cars V Manager.., The New "v.- A nderson, P. Til yberg We have moved into the Eppinger,block and invite you to call'and inspect our new.goods that are arriving daily. Don't forget the rij^w loca tion, west of Grambs Bros. 1 HOQ^pR& EPPINGER, «Bismarck, N. Dak. j. M. Patterson, BlacbLsmitH, Isprepared to clo anythingia tli^ iron or woodwork. Horse Shoeing. £:nelsp.mikelsen, if to see our lands. Vi. i'tnr.i^ki)Tiia^ns Dim.nci Caiw Gel Permit at Ticket T" Connects with the iiisiunrrk, WafchlA\n & Great Falls Railroad. Is reached by.line of steamboats from. wii the river. Offcc ftpeoialty A All Work Guaranteed. 1 WASHBURN, N. DAK. Conducts a General Blacksmith Shop and v. V Does all kinds of Iron and Woodwork. Hbrse'shoeing a specialty. Coal Harbor, mm •mm, COAL HARm&K goods Arriving: Every E^dy S i'' Hafs-and 'pj, 'fe E CARD J-W. TRAINS. marcji Wesjt Botwd. Sfo. 1. North No.y. I'acilic K.\ir( ss.„5 East Bound,' •. iNo. Nni Mi\r,r,a.m No'.'1,^\l Inn!i:x|ivi'ss. i.. p. JL,jr W.12:22 ji Way Freight. No.ia, West iomi| No. (L'. KuM liowud.. i. 111. cup. mf for SS-S6J S. Fee, G. St. Paul, Elevator Capacity, 50,000 Bushels, •TH0S, FIGENSKAU, Washburn, North Dakota. *Jr A i 1 4 ."aLf".