OCR Interpretation

The Washburn leader. [volume] (Washburn, McLean County, N.D.) 1890-1986, May 23, 1903, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85000631/1903-05-23/ed-1/seq-7/

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egational Church.
.ervlce Sunday. 8:00 p. in
a:.. *.
.id Hlbl'/jtmly. Wednesday.. 8:00 p.
,H3KKAY, Pastor.
ist Episcopal Church.
Preaching Service Simdty morning 10:30
lunday SchCol Immediately (ollowiug
enlngServlde at...."" 8 00p.m
ilor teagut, -8iu day 3:00 p. n
Ep^eith League Tuesday 8:00 p.
Prayer Meetlng Thursday 8:00 p.
All are-coratilly invited to these services.
A complete line of hardware at
McGray's Coal Harbor.
William Richards is building a
residence on Williams Avenue
I. Rovig was down from Coal
Harbor Thursday.
Call at Forties' Drug Store and
learn all about the free chocolates.
Louis Baardson was transacting
business in the city the first of the
Seed corn, McGray4g Coal Har
5§ WANTED—Girl for general
II housework. Mrs. A. E. Johnson.
The best chocolate candy in the
SK world at Forbes' Drug Store. You
tt can get one pound of them for
If- you are fond of chocolates
call'at Forbes' Drug Store and get
1 a one pound box free.
Major ..Richards of Elbow oods
1 was^transacting "business in the
city Thursday and Friday,
jf For homestead' tilings, final
j|f proofs and contests see Aug. E.
Johnson. Opposite National BanU.
Attractive, cool, cl an an"! cheap
\P%_iron beds at the Casey-Mar
's shall's store.
A. A. Brundage \vts in the city
Monday looking after lie interests
oft the Bisma.ck Tribune.
"ilCounty Auditor Whig is having
ii barn built ou his lots adjoining
the'court house. Contractor Reed
is doing the work.
Anumber of new legals
week. It will psiy ,you to
understand that the new
for thft^Tif.rtle Lake Wave
'was taken out to-
jo"lin Harold has been busy the
platting the cemetery
1, also laying out lots for H. C.
il&pn. John is always kept
usy while in Washburn.
G. P. E~ickson, of Coal Harbor,
drove down Thursday and just
got into town when the heavy rain
•came up and he was thoroughly
soaked before he got nis team put
raway in the barn.
Dr. Jos. Koshaba gave MI illur
trated lecture the Congregation
al church on Persia. A large num
ber were present and the lecture
.was an interesting one. He also
jrave i, lalk to'the school children
"Jfe-dU: school house in the after
noon. y
Mr Bigler has resigned the
"poBtoilice at Colliding. and Mrs.
Furst has been lecounnendod. This
will move the site about two miles
'i—more into the center of the set
tlement—all of which will suit a
great majority of the patrons of
the office. V
The gaspline boat Bismarck
took a load of lumber from here to
Coal Harbor Thursday. .There
was some difficult betwnen the
two line of boats 'regarding tb e
^--IwuliaiK-cl 'b^lumber, but it was
-soon settled and the Bismarck
went ou up the.river.
Wilton didn't do a thing tp Bis
•i marek last Sunday in the ball
and' #8) expected that it
iwoiild be,that Way., Now Wtish
drain is to do up Wilton
fv-'fcjuiiday and will take a fall out of
Bfei|&rck on Decoration Day. A
J^serietfjpf games are being arranged
forand the baseball season prom
^^$0 be an interesting one.
^lilzer, of Fargo, has ac
ssition with Holtan and
I commenced work last
tito^lzer was for a num
jresrs %|th the Sttfcy Fruit
3&ny ofF|rgo. She has ,a
m|in Oliver5 county and will
^^e tniprovemeht on it the com-
vt'C 15 A Wit' AHFINirV Are youJodking fpr & cheap k
N L*Al^llr ^/VvJCfl iw Y have six different tracts with)
Another nice rain Thursday and
Friday morning. Guess we are
not short any moisture on the an
nual raiiif a11.
Just received our third car of
machinery and also a car of fur
niture at McGray's Coal Harbor.
H. A. Goss, contractor and
builder of Denhoff, transacted
business in the city this week.
E. Ashley Mears, known to
many of the older residents of the
slope, transacted business in
Washburn this week.
Miss Mary Andrew, of Glen
wood, Minn., arrived Wednesday
and will visit her sister, Mrs. P.
M. Ferguson.
Presiding Elder Burns of the
Fargo District will preach in the
M. E. church at Washburn, Sun
day evening May 24th.
Edward Haulin, of Louisiana,
is visiting relatives at the How
ell ranch. He was in the 2ity the
nTst of-the week.
The cemetery association has
had the ground platted and those
who desire to secure the choice of
the family lots should make ar
rangements early with the secre
tary and Treasurer, F. E. Funk.
The Wool Growers' Association
has fixed upon July 3 and 18 as
wool days for Bismarck. Repre
sentatives of eastern buyers at
tend these sales.
Bismarck citizens have subscri
ed $1,220 and will use the. money
in fencing base ball grounds, erect
ing stands, etc. This will make
the sport more popular in the cap
ital city.
Miss Anna Curtius, sister of
Mrs. Fred Harris arrived in the
city Wednesday, She was met in
Bismarck Tuesday by Mr. Harris
and wifand they all returned
home Wednesday.
Deputy Sheriff Morris, of Bur
leigh county was in the city Mon
day rounding up witnesses in the
Rolling hearing. Mrs. Marty and
Mr. Sutton was subpoenaed to ap
pear in district court. They went
down Wednesday.
There is considerable com
plaint coming from Strawberry
Lake over the wanton destruction
of lish-there and at other likes i
the northern part of the state. It
seems that seins, nets and oilier
unlawful devices are being ured
very freely and iisli fa great num|
ber? are being caught d-'ily
left on the banks to die. It
be well for the offenders in tj
cases to l:ok up the law and ai
tain what their rights are.
much cheaper. Mr. Jones,
local coal dealer to be
ulifted on receiving the contract.—
Minot Optic.
Quite a wind storm visited this
section last Sunday night. Wag
ons. bheds and windmills were
overturned. The wind was accom
panied by a.tine rain yhich did a
lot of good to this section of the
country, many of the farmers, par
ticula,-ly new settlers, were be
coming discouraged, but who are
now busy at work putting,in more
crops. We have all the prospects
now for another -bumper year for
North Dakota.
Mrs. Fredreka Sayler is the new
postmistress at WeMer. The
Weller postoffice was discontinued
on account of no one of the near
by people being willi .g to assume
the office after Mr. Force's- resig
nation. The new 1 cation is at the
old Weller homestead on seemm
12—where the. original Weller
postoffice was located twenty-tlire3
years ago, and where Mr. Weller
held forth way back in the seven
ties when government freight and
the U. S. mail was car ied over
land via Weller ay up to Fort
Benton, Montana. Mr. W eller and
his family are now living on a
ranch in the northVestern part of
McLean county and are prosper-
kindly with them.
ing-tome and tale havmg dealt please1
fpw Vf
Mr. Ben Johnson Wednesday,
brought in the report that he hiad
seen two men killing prairie
chickens over in his neighborhood
the other day. Mr. Johnson said
that he was out in the field when
two men came along in a buggy,
and seeing a covey of chickens
got out their gun and proceeded to
exterminate them. They fired
once and Mr. Johnson started over
to where they were and when the
two men saw him coming they
jumped into the buggy and whip
ping up their horses, they soon
got out of reach. Mr. Johnson
went over to where^hey had fired
the shot and on t-he ground he
found the head amjl feathers pf a
prairie chicken wt ich was Effi
cient proof. Mr.kJohnson. $fys
that the next one
any game out of
neighborhood willfc
dearly for their fun.
H, C. Wilson, who was a leading
spirit in the Victoria towusite—
now Coal Harbor—back in 1S83,
having an addition platted to
Washburn on the east side. When
such old and experienced war
horse in the townsite business as
Mr. Wilson is, interests themselves
in this line it is an evidence of the
future of the town.
Nels Nelson and his son have
gone to Canada permanently—
having sold their Satterlmul town
ship farm to Dan Tjeir t.rom.
Mrs. Granstrom and family will.,
leave in a short time also,. Mr.
Granstrom having preeeeding
them early last spring.
Axel Johnson and Jack Sheldon
have taken a sub-contract on the
lljirpad and wi.l spend the fore
J. R. Jones has the ontract of
furnishing the Great Northern
with lignite which they intend to1 0='ts ard millet, McGray's Co
run their engines with in the fu-1 rbor.
ture. It is chimed by the official! Miss Lenora Graepp spent Sun
that it has a.bettej' heating eapae-1 day on her claim in Turtle Lake.
ity than Sand Collie coa'. and is|
Ispf the season railroading,
e both old timers at the
is—having worked on the
In Pacific and Great North
pau'roads when they were be
ing-constructed to the coast.
L. French, the ("rooked Lake
rancher, spent last week around
the settlement gathering up cattle,
and horses for his herd. He will
run about 600 head this season
'Twa* the piirlit before Christmas ami
pniyers Unci bfeu suiil,
Willio and Mollie Hii'l sioneoft ti) beil
And scumdly tliey slept unit
•When Siiiita ci-ins caine they uevei- heard a
•*, tlllllK.
Deputy sheriff Marshall went
over to Denhoff Thursday, and it
is said that there will be something
"didding" when he gets there as
he had warrants for the arrest of
five alleged booze dispensers.
The Palladium says that owing
to a combine of the livery men of
this place many of the traveling
men are going to Mannhaveu via
New Salem. We have heard noth
ing regarding the combine, but we
notice just as many of the com
mercial men in town now as there
was before the Palladium article
iliade its appearance, and many of
them on their way to Mannhaven,
Mr. E. King, of Minneapolis,
accompanied by Mr. Thomas, of
Dawson, Minn., were pleasant
callers on the Leader Thursday.
Mr. King purchased a section of
land near here last year and was
out looking after it He was
greatly pleased with the conpitions
and the way th country is build-
ing up. They returned home
liught kiting
ison iv his
tilde 6 pay
has decided
Washburn in
town, in additi
now there. Th
upon owing tc .ut,
operating the cable fei
weather. We have a
the conclusion that
tween the two banks
should not be free, ar
steamer Washburn
vice today (May 15.1
vice will be mainta
ay the 24th of
•hich date we wij
lowing charges for
2-horgiTrig rnd dr
1-horse rig and
Saddle horse-^1^""1
Horsesi^nd cattle,
Ciiildjfert under 12
c^irfpanied by adi
.Children over 12 yes
ular rate for passe
I do not think
iave business /.v..!--
Mr. E. S. Bigler,"
was in the city S
Bigler is the owner o
of land near Conkhng^wning a
section of timber land on Arcfa#
point, wher" the: e is some of the
best timber along the river- He
has ths old Allen agd Hoover
homesteads—whjch hasfbfeen pre
served for the last twenty years
while other tracts have bee^ devas
tated. Mr. Bigler has purchased
the Oberg sawmill outfit and has
sawed about 75,000 feet this spring
which he will use principally in
improving his place—barn and
granary. He contemplates an an
ual cut of al out 100,000 feet which
he will sell at the mill. He is at
present charging §10 per thousand.
may. Mr.
two sections
reach WaslibuiTr "ironi the t,
bank would object to paying ti.
above rates inasmuch as it wili
guarantee prompt, safe and com
modions passage between tin
banks at any hour between 7 a.
and 7 p. m. every day of tin- week.
Sundays included.
Inasmuch as our friends on tin
east side of the river should re
ceive prompt notice of this change
not only as to charges, but also
the fact that-they are guaranteed
Traffic Manager.
Bismarck. May lo.
Tlie'hundred year sleep of
Van Wk kle would not have
such a marvel had Ir purchase
as t.-y—M a s a 11 spring.
Wanted a good man that is used
to (:°nn vvor" s:
ar.d good wa.ees man. In
quire at the Lr u- :v-v.
"(The contra-1 lias le been for the
erecteon of a ...i.ofel at Wil
at Wallin Co.
Sale of State Hay Permits.
Permits to cut grass on unleasedj
school find institution lands
the season-of 190H. will be solihat
public auction by the coi^pv i
treasurer'at the court Itrffise "in
Wasliburn at 10 o^'lock a.
-Contractor and Byilci
Plans drawn and-ysti\naU$
iiishcd. -Let
the 17th day oJi^MSe, 1
bid will be ftr 'ess
i than $5.00 p^r qua ru
fa.actiou tlu'rt'vf. v
'VT- k,
Done bv or\'r
versity ami i.yiiiiisr .
d. J. rviixd^N:1'-1". i'
•). ivxuM/Nv
:1 Co n\jlistener.,
!igurc\ n
building,-- Residence,!'' u'rtii|
east of the'new school II^UD
Washburn N
When you think
buying a farm or ha
a farm to sell think
this trademark.
And All That
It Stands For
It .Tri^s ureti \rou a _i(
square or right ti ring
and good M((i ties.
Lands shown free
Washburn, N.if
jir yijffjariager.'
MVh^e,moved, into the^fjfaing&r
invite ybii tQ ^ll,ahd inspject}oiljp4e
are arriving daily^Der^t
tion, west pfeGrarrib^ Bros
J. W. Pattersort,
Ispreparecl to do anythingi
of iron pr w
W ork-'Guara'

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