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p:'. If, It •.. V' H55r-.. PY i Z i: I I j. -H KSjPV I V v V HERE WE ARE Hotel and Restaurant Washburn and McLean County, Expert Workmen. THEURER & MEIGS, Expert Painters, Deco rators, Paper Hangers, Washburn, N. D. Call in an examine the sample stock of wall paper. We sell by sample and feel sure that we can please you. Let us paint a sign for you. If you are in need of any painting let us figure on the job. We are here and going to stay. Prices Right. Get Our Prices Office Merchant'* Motel. Strictly First-Class. Everything New] Board by Day or Week. "The Washburn" A. Sutton, Proprietor, Washburn, N. Dak. Washburn Mills ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE GOES WITH OUR FLOUR. Seal, Fancy and Baleen' Flour*, Graham and Wheat Grits, Bran and short* and Feed. Feed Grinding done at all time*. Our Wh.-at Grits are an excellent substitute for oat •teal. W# have recently put in a Corn Shelter bring in your corn and get it shelled and ground. We want your trade. Wasburn. N. D. i. I. CASE. Implement Co's Goods Triumph Plows, Hoosier Drills, Mitchell Wagons, Climax Spring These goods are of long Standing in the Country and tre fully Guaranteed i -HVlandan Mercantile Co., Carry a Full Line of Building material, Heavy work harness, Light Drivng Hart ess,Stock Saddles Have on hand a full line of repairs for all their machines, •ad are in a position to sup ply the Farmers of Shingles, Lath, Plaster* Cement, In tact every thing that goes to make a com plete lumber yard. The best service for the Money. We are also Agents for i\ i-. fW-rw- .•' Goods P. AI% Ferguson, Mgr., Washburn \v-I Is*-- 4 Buy Your LUMBER a Building 3Iatcrial of The FARMERS and MERCHANTS $ OJMItKIl We carry a Complete Stock of Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Plaster, Cement, Monldings, Etc. Favor us with your trade. Prices and grades guaranteed F. A. LENHART, Mgr. 33". Restaurant syyffiiirMetib' Served- at all Aran.'! VY. C. Washburn, •STIBER, $ 4 I ir 5 W vJ •--W^ 'f'C-''.' 'KW 1 V Xf ia .?j ID, & N. D. 4 State of North l'akot.i Iu District Court, County of McLean. fSixth .Imllrlal District. Clmiiiicy L. liaxter. I'laliitiff 1 i vs I Morris L. Howard. Jacob D. Haynle, Mary K. Haynle, Alonzo F. Scott, Rclx'eca .I.Scott aiuH'assailii Miller I 11 also all otlier persons or parties mi- I known claiming any estate or inter-1 -st in the real estate described In I the complaint on lile In said action, I SUM MONS. Jefeniants. I The State of North Dakota To The Above Named Defendants: You and each of you are hereby summoned answer t'ie complaint In this a'tfon winch has been illed in theolllee of the Clerk of said Court, ami to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of tills summons upon you. exclusive of the day of service and in case of y ur failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for tile icllef deniHiuled in the com plaint. Dated at Washburn, N. I)., May 19, 19(13. .laines T. McC'uiloch, Attorney for 1'laintiir. i Washburn, N. D. I NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS State of North Dakota In Distiict Court, I y SS. County of M.iI.ean 1 i liauncy i Sixth Judicial nistrict. Ij. Daxter, I'laintill, 1 VS Morris f,. Howard, Jacob D. Mai Die, I Mary K..llayuie. Aloiizo F. Scott. He- I becca J. Scott and Oassada Ailiter, also all other pqj'suns or i artles un-1 known, claiming any estate In the real i I estate described In the complaint on I (lie In saiil action. Defendants. I Notice is hereby given. Thai an action has been commenced in tills Court by the above named pls,in .ltf against the above named de i fendants, the object which is to obtain a judgment that said plaintiff is the owner in fee of the following described real property, ami i that said defendants and each of thein have no estate or interest therein or lien thereon all of Motion Five (!', township One Hundred i Forty four ,141' Jiange Eightv-one (Sl)situ ted In Mcl.ean County, North Da.tota. Dated May 19, llKis. •lames T. Mcculloch. Attorney lor 1'laluliif may 30 Washburn, X. I). Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, N. Dak, May 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Andrew P. Olein, of Washburn, McLean Co., N. Dak,, contestant against homestead entry No. 10619 made Oct. 24th, 1898, for se| of section 34, township 147, n. range 81 w., by William Dunz, contestee in which it is alleged that said William Dunz has been holding and residing upon said tract for speculative purposes alone, and that he has sold said tract of land as can be shown by a bill of sale given April 17th, 1903, for $500, which said sale is to be closed within thirty days from said elate of said bill of sale, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation ut 10 o'clock a. m. on July 20, 1903, before Rose A. Ward, a notary public in and for McLean Oo., N. Dak., and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clockjp. m. on July 27,1903 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Bis marck, N. D. That said contestant having, in a proper affidavit filed May 22, 1903, set forth facts which show that, after due diligence, persona^ ser vice cannot bey made, it is hereby ordered and 'directed that such notice be given by due find proper publication. John Satterlund, may 30 Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dep»rtmen of The Interior, Land Office «t.Bismarck, N. Daic, May 22.1908. Notice la hereby given that the following •awed aettier bas tted notice of hi* intention to make final commuted proof In support of hU ^claiiti.aBd that saUl proof wlil be made before E. A. Lamb, County Judjce, McLean co, N, 1)., at Washburn, N. Dak.,«n July-«tb iM3. viz: LoultiuHaoiwi, •»r5i and 16(7, HKtton 6. township Me names tjie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said tukdiVtz Ciara Olstm, G. P. Erickson B. Merrlam aud Amanda A. Johnson, all of Coal Harbor. N. D. A.C. McGIUlvTay, may ao Register. Contest Noti'e. k Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, N. D.. April 15,1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Ben 6. Olson, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 16668, made April 15, iy02, for nej & ej se£ section 22, township 148 n. range 81 w. by Evan L. Morgan conteB- tee, in which it is alleged that said Evan L. Morgan has never estab lished a residence on said land and has in no manner improved the same and has been absent there from for more than six months and that said alleged absence was not due to employment in the U, S. army navy or marine corps in time of war sa'd parties are hereby no tified to appear, respond qnd offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 10,1903 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Bismarck, N. D. The said contestant, having, in proper affidavit filed May 16,1903, set forth facts whiph show that after due diligence personal ser vice of this notice cannot be made it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. John Satterlund, Receiver. Wm. F. Cochrane, Attorney for Contestant. may 30 Singer Sewing Machines. Agen cy at W. A. Persey's. Kitchen cabinets^ Coal Harbor. Mi Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Offic Bismarck, N. D., May 13, 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed in this office by Daniel K. Nelson contestant, against Homestead entry No. 17641 made June 19, 1902, for the south west quarter of section 8, township 148, range 84 by John C. Pan kratz contestee, in which it is al leged tkat the said John C. Pan kratz has wholly abandoned said land:.that said party has never established his residence thereon or cultivated said land as required by law anil that the absence of said party is not du6 to his em ployment in the United States naval or military service in time of war said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Au gust 3, 1903, before Peter A. Schmidt. Clerk of the District Court of McLean Co..flat his office at Washburn, N. D., and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on August 10, 1903, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land office at Bismarck, N. D. That said contestant having, in proper affidavit filed May 13th, 1903, set forth facts which show that after due dilli gence personal service of this no tice cannot be made it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. A. C. McGillivray, may 30 Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. United States Land fliee, Bismarck, N. I).. May 13.1903 A sufficient contest affidavit having been died In tills office by Alfred Ne^on, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 18210, made Aug. 14.1902, for the northwest qua ter section 8, township 148, range 84, by Andrew Pankratz contestee. ill which It is alleged that the said Andrew Pankratz has never settled on said land or cultivated tlie same as lequlred by law, that said partv has put a shant.v thereon bi|t that there is no floor, furnitu e or cocking utensils therein, nor are there any other improvements to show habltxtion On said land and that Che absence of sail part) is net due to h:s employ ment in the Un ted Ma es irili ary or naval service in time of war said parties a e herely notified to apuer, respond and otter eviueuce touching said allegation a lit o'clock a. in. on August 3.19(13.1) fore Peter A. Schmidt Clerk of the District Court of McLcan o.. at his otiice in Washburn, .v, Lt„ and that hear ing will be he at 2 o'clock p. m. on August 11.1903, before the Register and tt ceivei: at tne United S a:es Land Office In Uismaick. N. u. The -aid on testa nt haulug, In a pr per affi davit, filed May 13, 1903, -et fortn facts which show that after doe dilligence personal service of this notice cannot be mule ft is hereby or dered and directed that such notice i.e given by due and proper publication. may 3a A. C. Mciiillivray.' Register. Bids Wanted Noticelis hereby given that bids will be received up to and includ June 30, ftt 12 o'clock, for the erection and furnishing material for the erection of a school house in Conkling school district. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the clerk and at the Leader: office. (The board reserves the right to,reject any. or all bids. By order of the Conkling school board. lings J. H. NICKLIN, Clerk, Conkling, N. D. —. Notices I^will not lM^*%njr,jbllls unless acoompanied by an order from me. 1 have a number of men working for me and .this notice is neeet »arv to protect myself. An order will be n%cessai^. iKarl Klein. {. The Steam Plew. The steam plow but in the field by the Peterson Machine Company has been turning up the sod on J. P. Peterson's farm north Qf Came to my place May 10thone red steer hrended "V" on leftside. McGray's John^Samuelson, Washburn, & D, ii tit? fei'-'a town the past few weeks, is giving good satisfaction. The plows are hitched to the engine in gangs, there being three 16-inch gang plows, making in all 8 feet of prairie sod turned over at one time or sixteen feet to the round, nearly an acre every mile. It takes an engineer, fireman water and coal hauler, and tender for plows—five men in all—to op erate the plows, The engine used is the Minneapolis make 25-horse power and moves along with the plows without any difficulty. The furrows are as straight as can .be made, and the operation of the plow is very simple. This mode of breaking does away with much of the old-time ha^d work. A farmer who now purchases a threshing out fit,.need not let it lie idle through the summer, but do his breaking and contract With' his neighbors. He pan take contracts for breaking the same as for threshing. ,v HOLTAN & SONS We have a List of Up-to-Date Goods in Every Department of Our Store and solicit a share of your patronage and we can satisfy you in Qualiuy of Goods and that our Prices are right. ...GENERAL MERCHANDISE... A Full Line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes of all descriptions. We do not misrepresent our Goods. A Dollars Worth for 100 Cents. The New Firm We have moved into the Eppinger block and invite you to call and inspect our new goods that are arriving daily. Don't forget the new loca tion, west of Grambs Bros. HOOVER & EPPINGER, 1 Bismarck, N. Dak. Connects with the Bismarck, Wash burn & Great Falls Railroad. Is reached by line of steamboats from all points up and down the river. fThe Washburn Capacity, 50,000 Bushels THOS. FTOENSKAU, itanager. Washburn, s !.!v Tour attention is invited to the special offer made in other columns of this issue. What is home with* out a paper. North Dakota. Send a year's Subscription to the old Foiks at Hom I Mils (111(1 IH I! will |M| II I U i N! b.M rifPAhl JZS71T Iil5r PiiEPARFD i-'AINT t[-M FBF.PAKLD PAINT BEST PREPARED RftlNT bESI PREPARED PAINI W I O 1 1 5 W I S A N O V 5 0 3 O O K S 0 AINJ h{.\'^ •'r Sur •J -'S O4 i1 Hi viii(\MiLLi(i\\ Mh. (o. i Air motor windmilis, McGray's Coal Harbor. See Robinson and Rovig at Coal Harbor when you wish t% insvre against that hail storm. For Sale by THOS. THOMPSON & SONS, Washburn, N. D. Contractor and Builder. Plans dra 9rn and estimates famished. See me before lettir^ yont contract.- Framing I speciality. If -K f® K"~' 6 Washburn, N. 0. mm r- 5i