R.D.Ward Alfred Staiey,
—r' St
Published every Saturday at Wash
N. D. Official paper of Mc
Lean County Subscription price,
one dollar a year.
Entered at the postofflce at Wash
burn, N D., as second class matter.
King Alexander, Queen Dra
ga. her sister, four of the king's
ministers, several aides and the
queen's brother have
murdered in Servia and
Kara Georgeovitch is
king of Servia.
This oflice has just added
ten extra large fonts of new ad
typo besides a number of n?\v
borders and we are now in po
sition to get. up the most artib
tio ad going and at the same
time give you the best value
for your money. Trv it and
see and we
will be satisfied.
The Leader acknowledges an
invitation to attend the com-1
tntn.'einent exercises of the
s a e n o a s o o a a y -j
w i
ill take I
14-15) President
We st'll conti
Sue names tin- lole.whm
her coiitinmiiis ii| on mil
lam! vi/:
-uiarek. \. D., May :!7. I'.iaa.
Not ice Is hereby givee til the followlng-iiameil
settli has nied noticenf iiis lylentiou to make
Ii 11
a: commute: prom iu support of hi-claim
iilnl hat said pr iof wi!' lie made before Aug.
K.Jobuson. a
Com "issiouer for the District
of N'..rtli Dakn'a.at ois nil,c at SV.ishliuru. N.
|)..o:i July 11. p.iiis. i j/:
AliliUst II. I'ersey. II. \,i. |c,:Hi!.
for the southaast quarfet' ot se- lion wnshlp
147. n. of range .sc., «. of [h p. m.
lie names fjt idlnwiiu. i!nesses to prove his
continuous resid'n.-e npua an! eiiliivauon of
said land, yta,- V
IC. r.ill .1. .1 Vvk, Ootllieb lloithusen
and Ji. A. I'er-ey ail of Coal II triior. N: H.
\. c. Alci lillivrav.
Juaei: i e: i-ter.
Noi'icK for PUitivK'.' r.[(ix"
lor the s}£ se",i section :ci, ami,. ni'i.t V
2i.l, tnwpSlHp'1','iii. ryfii.'.i 8. ...
lie names li.o foflowiie.' witnesses to
upon and
may 30 Register.
land Ofllce at Itisniarek. N. D.. May lii. iikih.
Notice is hereby given that the folimviiig
vatneil settler lias tiled nofi.-e of ii iuten'ion to i
make linal commuted proot in support of Ills I
idaim. and tliat said proof will be made' before
Aug. 12. .lohnson a U. s. 'miuls|oner for the
District of North Dakota, at his ollice at Wash
burn, N. 1)., on July i:nu, viz:
Oottlleb lloithusen. !!. K. No. Ki94j. I
fur the southwest quarter of section town
siiip 147, n. of range si ,v, of r.tli p. in.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of
tand. vi/
K. W Bills it. L. lleattle, A. H. Persev and
II. A. Pcrsey.all of t'oal llarher. N. D.
A. C. McOillivrav.
V^WSS i"*?'*
Notice of Mortgage Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that a certain mortgage
executed and delivered by John It. Aim.strong,
mortgagor, to the Mortgage Hank ami Invest
ment Company, mortgagee, dated the 1
.ith day
of May, 1880. and tlleu (or record In tne office of
the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean
and State of North Dakota on the 18th day of
May. 1881). and recorded In book A of mortga
ges at page 324, and assigned by said mortgagee
to K. B. Hart by an assignment
dated June nth. 1801. ami tiled for record in the
office of the Register of Deeds of the County of
McLean and State of North Dakota on the 22 nl
day of April, 1803, and recorded in bookC of
mortgages on paue ail, and thereafter assigned
by the said K. It. Hart to IS. S. Itrynjolfson by an
assignment dated March 2ii. 1900, and tiled for
record in the otllce of the Register of Deeds of
the rounty of McLean and Stute of North Da
kota on the '.'4th day of April, 1003, and record
:er asslgi
to be
cd in nook II of assignments at page
thereafter assigned by the said R. S.
,.:u „,i, :..t 4..I... Lamb, county Judge, McLean county. N". nak..
at UtlC
I I. Worst of
the agricultural college makes
the baccalaureate address and
tSiipt. W. L. Stock well ak es
the address to the graduating
i line
and don't have to make
fuss over it, either.
I lopartmeut of the nferior.
Laud office at. ISismarek. N. Dak.
lie l!)ll.|.
Noii -e is hereby ••iven tha' the followlm
uanu settler lias notice of her intention
make final proof in upporluf her claim, ami
that ai
I !i'ivri'ir,
ak'. unv 1st. puia.
i'U' tu'al tie1 foHowi'ig
Deparrme it.of ill
i.anil mice Minot •v..
Notions liereby -giv
naiu-d settler has Iileil"'ii71ii'e' j,]s inteurioii
to make Una
1 proof n' -si-.of Jiis /.iaj'i|i' unl
that said proof" will ho niailo.l.{e'fore .A'. Lamb.
Coumv .Im.igni McLean Co. .l rk.j at- WasJi
IKirn Oii-J'uly.. stli.'.p.ifviz: .:
Oju I'.'lloiiii. II.. I-:.. i.*:ii:t:j
M.i i'eejion
Ills e.oiitiinious'i'esideil
of said land, viz.
Nels Train, I'M Ros-enii. W. (I. .Moi'riarji'. of
Coal lliirbor. N. Halt .and l!.j.M'aislii})!!, of
R. C: Sil'llborji. r.
june la
iic IUUJS «!«?)IC I"U«iJl'CA 1 lOlN,
''lii'inlf^'fllce-iit Bisjnar,cU. N„ Dak.
,\iyy -V), lima. •.
Notice is hereby ^i.ye !-tliat the following
lianioil settler litis fjlei'i Hjiiiye of hisiilitelitlon to
wake final proof Ji( supoorl of Jus-, claim, and nut d'iic~to tVisc
that said prool wh be ile before Aug. rii.o cn|i.,tii
U. .lohnsoii. a C. s i omiiiissionei for tiie. li s- wa'r with Pain
trict of North Dakota, at his .mice at Wash
burn, N D.. on Jul)-ii. inns, viz:1
Nels I'eter (j.railin, il. No. 10H22
tor t' e southeast quarter of sec ion is. town
14'J II.
range Sj w. .itli
He nanies the following wilnesses t.i prove
his continuous residence upon and ciiltivatloi
of said laud, viz.:
Charles Johiison U el cr. N. !).. and I'ar
Bodeiqi i-t, Joseph Maim and Ole (iradir. o!
Wnshburn, .s 1,
A. .Mc(lillivrav,
Contest Notice
Department of tiie Interior.
United States Land Office, liismarck, N. i).
27, 1903.
A sufficient contest affidavit liavimr been Iiled
In this office by Henry Currier' of Washburn,
contestant, against Homestead entry No. 13870
made Feb. 21,1900. for seH of section o, town
ship 140 n. range 82w. by Erliard Iloth contestee
In which it is alleged that Krhard Roth lias
wholly abandoned said tract that lie' has
changed bis residence therefrom for more than
six months since making said entry, that said
tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said
party as require by law and said default now
exists: and the absence of said Krhard ltotli Is
not due to employment in U. S. army or navy in
time of war, said parties are lierebv notilied to
".j.'SsVfr appear, respond anil offer evidence touching
said allegation, at to o'clock a. m. on August 11.
1903, before Rose A. Ward, a notary .public at
\VjMhburn. N. !., and that final hearing will he
held at 2o'clock p. m. on August 18, 1903, before
the Register and Receiver at the United States
Land Office In Bismarck. N.
That said contestant having. In a proper af
.Jidavlt,: ttled May 27 1903, set forth facts
which show tliat after due dllligence personal
'service of this notice can not be made it is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
f'i ktreby ordered and directed that such n
k,, given by due and proper publication,
N John satterlimd.
18 ,v 't&> Eecelver,
sun toGcnrge C. Robinson and Mary K. liobin-
son. executors of the last Will and testament of
•mini .1 Robinson, deceased, by an assignment
dated \pril '."J, ]!K)3, and tiled for record In the
olllee of the Register of Deeds of the County of
Mi-Lean and State of North Dakota on the 24th
day of April. IWM. and recorded in Hook of
assignments at page will foreclosed by a
sale of the premises In such mortgage and here
inafterdesciibed at the frontdoor of the _!• urt
House in the County of Mcl.ean and State of
North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. in.
mi flic 27th day of June. A. •., 19IW. to siitlsfy
1 the amount due upon said mortgage on the day
of sale. The premises described ill such inoit
I gam- and which will he sold to satisfy the same
aie described as follows', to-wit:
i I lie southeast quarter '.soli) of section Two
in Township One Hundred l-'orty-six 14
North, of liauge Highty-Four (84) west, situated
i in tin- county or' McLean and State of North
Ther.i will be due on such mortgage at the
i date of,sale the sum of One Thousand I'Tye
Hundred Twenty and ad-mo ~"t. ilollurs.
George L. Kohinsonaiiil M-iy 10 Riibin«ii
ii. C. Skill.i-on, I rami
for K.xeiutors.
of John J. Kolmisou. ileeeaseu. assign
ees of mortgage,
U Kit VOtl
For. i it: lenev
Land Office At Bismarck,
April 24, l'.HW.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final nroof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will lie made before 11. A.
it. Washburn, N. Dak., on lath day of .June,
10U3, viz:
for the seVi nw'.i and lot
proof will he made hefoie IC. A. i.anili.
Count .'11-Iue, McLean Co., N. Dak., at Wash
burn on .fills II. l:io.i.\lx.
Kila llolfaii.
for the si'i., :iw', Jfc lots i it of section i), town
ship 117 n. rai.g" -o w.
witnesses to. prove
ullivati oi of said
ioii of Turtle
T. l'.Miie|.«on. Henry II
N. I)., n. 'I'. iiAiiieisiin. A. T. Amler
L.vke. N. II.
Mi CifliM
julieil Ri-gisier.
Land oniceat
!, ii, s and 11, sec. a',
township 148, range sti.
lie names the following witnesses to prove ids
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Alfred Staiey. It. I. Ward. J. It. Mann ai.d F.
L. Mii'-kev, all of coal Hai l• N. nak.
A. C. McGillivray,
may 2 Register.
Notice of final Proof
Land Office at ISismarek, N. i April 25 i:HM.
Notice is liereby given that tne, following
naineil settler lias filed notice of her intention tc
make final proof iu support ot her claim, ami
that sahl proof will be made before K. A. Lamb.
County fudge, l\ cl.ean county, N. Dal ., at
Washburn, N. Dak., on the 20th day of illy
HUM, vi/.:
Minnie liichic
fur the eJiswKi sJ-S iiw'^ sec 3i, twp. I4». rairre
She names the following witnesses to prove
her (Mint i ii
lions residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Ursula colcmaii, T. L. liritton. -orge Tetro.
of Turtle Lake, N. Dak., nil Jose,ill Mann, of
Washburn. N. Dak.
A ('. Mcfiilllvrav.
may 2
Contest Notice.
I cpartineiit of the Interior.
I'liiteil Slates Land office.
Devils Lake, N. I)., April 1:1, fliu.i.
A sullicient contest affidavit having been filed
ill this ollice by .Nick lohlisnii contestant.
against Homestead entry No. 23139, made De
eeinlier tile 'lit, Wild, for the w'j si i4 se'.t sw1.
and lot I, si'c. 7, twp. I ."in. range 7.". ny lieorge
Westburg. contestee. iu which it is alleged that
I said i ieorge Westburg has wholly abandoned
said tract, that said tract has not been settled
upon and cultivated by saiu pally ai i liiing'
.1. law and that said entrynuiii has never es
i tal lishi'd'Bi'tuai re-idence thereon, and that
I s lid alleged absence from the land was not due
i to hi-* employment in the army, uavy or mari e
corpsof the Cniied States as a private soldier
olVicer. seaman or marine during the war ith
Spain or during any o her war in which the
United States may be engaged and said parties
ai'" nereby notilied to appear, respond and idler
eudence touching said allegation .it 10 o'clock
a. la. on .]uiie 20. laaa. before l-'v.anz lireilzinann
i a notary public at his ntln e at Anamoose. s.
and that final hearing will be hold at 10 o'clock
i a. in. on .lime 27. I'.iai, before the Register! and
Receiver at Hie i'nifrii States l.and Oll'lee ill
Devils Lake. N. 1).
I lie said coiilc.stant having, in a proper ali'i
davit I:led .May Ith, laii.l, set forth facts
which show thai after due dill once, personal
sei viceof this notice iniiot be made, it is here
i by ordered and directed that such' notice lie
giyeu by due ami proper publication.
:'i. Ole Serunigard.
•ir rii iy liis Register •.
Rei'otil ylilre.ss of contestee, Anaiuoose. N. D.
COA' iilS lMO't'lCiS
Department of the Interior. •. i
I ni.eil States Lan.l Otiii e,Minot.:•. Jlitk.
.luue.ii, f'.KM.
A sufficient co test aii'idavit having been
filed in t,bisollice by Ralph ctintestiuit,
'against liiinil'stea'd entry
uii.Kl.j, Jjine
2.s. 11H.I2, loi se1, section 2'2, t.)« lusliijI 149,. ramie
85, Ii) Fred ('.'.Milter ciintestee,.[ji.-\vhicii ^it. Is
alleged that I''rcd1 "Alillei 'i.i.s wholly al'iandoiied
['saiu tract anil ehain-'i.'ii ni* '"esaience. iherefroin
tor more than six iiionU\s since making sai,d
entry and in xt prior to date uert ol.: unit ue
Ii s
not estalili-heil lesldcndt.''t,h I'fpu .liutt said
tract remains iu Its natural's'tafV 'wnolly aiiau
ilomd and iiniinpioveu, e.vCcpt .'i •sn'i |{l shack
and a lew icrrows ot lireai.ing 'thereon .nyd
tiiat said alleged absence fr uu said land Ras
ciuployuii nt in tee aioi)', oav or
oftoe United States dicing \i.c
paiu or ouring any'ottii a
i which tne S. may have been •'iigngeo eitnei
as a private sm. ier, oliin'i, seaman nnu o.e:
i said parties ale liereby notilied to Hp|ie..r, res
pond an i oner evide' ce toiiclnug sin ullega/
i tioii at iii o" lock a. iu. on Aug loi n, iu «, before
iue Rivisterand Receiver at ihe Uuued States
Land Ollice in Minot. N. n.
Tue saiil cmitestant having, i a proper all'i
davii, tiled June7,100J, sel loitli facts which
snow thai after due diligence ersonal service
oi ibis imiice cannot lie iuaile, It Is he eby i r
iiorcii and direcied that svcli notice he given by
due and proper publication.
R. C. Sanborn.
J.J.Coyle, Register.
Atty. fort'laiiua t. Miuot, N. D. June 13
Department or the Interior,
nitcd States Land Ollice, Minot, N. Ditk.
June 4,1903.
A sullicient contest affidavit having been Iiled
iu this ollice by Loss Kversou, contestant,
against Homestead eutry No. 17917 inaoe Aug.
27,1902, for swKi section 24, township 1-19, range
83, by l'elter Stale contestee, iu which it is al
leged that Fetter stale has neither established
or maintained a residence on said laud fo the
past six months ami that said default still con
tinues and that said alleged absence from said
laud was not due to employment iu tiie army,
navy or marine corps of the Unifed States as a
private soldier, officer, seaman or mariue,
(luring the war with Spain or ouiliig any other
war iu which the United States may be engaged,
and said parties are hereby notilied to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching said alle
gatlouatio o'clock a. 111. ou August 10, 1903,
before the Register and Receiver at the United
States l.and office in Minot. N. Dak.
Tiie said contestant having, in a proper affi
davit Iiled June 4,19J3, set forth facts which
show that after due dllligence, personal service
of this notice cau not be made. It Is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be given by
due an I proper publication.
It. C. Sanborn, y
J, J.C'oyle. Register. ,'S*
Attorney for Claimant, Minot, N. 1). june 13
Department of the Interior,
l.aud Ottlce at Bismarck N. Dak. May 15, 1903.
Notice is liereby given that tiie followlug
nanied settler has tiled notice of his intention to
nlake linal proof iu support of lils claim, aud
that said proof will be made before K. A. I.amb,
County Judge, McLean Co, N. Dak.at AVasli
btiru, N. nak, on .nine 30,1903, viz,
Rasmus Nielson,
for thes'/inwj* andIota 3and 4, sec.2 twp. 14s,
range 82.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence: upon and cultivation'of
said land, viz,
Niels C. Peterson. Oscar Oustufson, Martin
Holtan and L. M. WalUn all Of Washburn, N.
may 28
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Ottlce, Bismarck, N. D.
May 13, 1903.
A sufficient contest atfldavlt having been
tiled In this otllce by
Norman Nelson, contestant, against Home
steal entry No. 17906, made .luly 24, 1002, for
the southwest quarter of section 5. township
I4C. range 84. »y Cornelius C. Vogt contestee. in
which it is alleged that the saiu Cornelius C.
Vogt has wholly abandoned said land that
said party has never settled upon said laud:
that said party has ilever established his resi
lience thereon or cultivated said land as re
quired by law, that the absence of said party is
not due to his employment in the military or
naval service of tne United States In time of
was: saio laities are hereby notified to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching said alle
gation at lo o'clock a, m. on August 3, 1003. be
fore Pete A, Schmidt, t'lerk of the District
Court of Mcue-ui Co., at tats office at Washburn
N. D., and that final hearing will be at 2 o'clock
p. m. on August II, 19U3, before the Register
and Receiver at the United States Laud Ollice
iu Bismarck, N. •».
Tile said contestant having, In a proper atflda
vlt filed May 13, 1903, set forth facts which
show that after due dllligence personal service
of tills notice cannot be made, it is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be given
by due ai. proper publication.
A. c, McGillivray,
June Reiils er. e-
The saiu contestant, having in a proper affi
davit, filed April 27,1003.
set forth facts which
show that after due dllligence personal service
of this notice cannot lie made, it Is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be iven in
line and proper publication.
A. c. Met iillivray,
Department of the Interior,
I'lilted States Lantl ollice. Bismarck,
Norl.i Dakota. April 27. HliW.
A sullicient contest aimlavit bavin been iiled
ill this nflicH by (4eorge Dimick, eoiitestant
against Homestead entry No. 13271 made Sep
tember is, l'.ioo, for the s'i swJi sw 4 se,l4 See.
2 and 11W4 neJ-4 section tl. township 14/, range
78 w. by Alvalf S'anderhoof contestee. in wliicli
il is alleged that said contestee has wholly aban
doned said tract tor oioretlian six months Mncc
makiii" said entry, that said tract is not se tied
upon and cultivated b) said party as retp.iret!
by law that lie never at any lime since limiting
sftiil entr) established a re-i.leiice on said lund
or lived or resided tuercon to tais dare: and
that the absence ot tne said contesfee is not due
to his emplovinei.t i.i the mdhai-.v or navn ser
vice of the I'liiied .-t.ili s iu iiaieoi' war: said
parlies ar hereby noli.ied to appear re pond
and oiler evidem e toii' ii.'iig said ajifgatkm, at
10 o'clock a. in. on .lune li\ nun before .I. II.
IChlcrsa notary public, a! Iiisolm e at Harvey.
.\. D., and lliat liual bea: ing will be lodil at 2
p. m. on .lune 2t. I'.ioa. lasoieihe Register and
Ri ceiver at I ue United States Lanil Office in
I ii: luarck No. til nakoin.
I lie saiu contestant Ii iving Iu a proper aii'i
davit tlteI Api il 27 liiiw. sel lol'th (acts ivl.ich
sin.w that after due diligence personal service
o! Ibisiwti.'e cannot be ai id- it !irei., ir
dei'ed anil directed that seed n-.liuo Oe gi..-n by
due and proper publicaiioo.
A. AlcOioivray.
May 0 Regisier.
Contest Notice.
epartmuient of the Interior.
Ci.itnl Slates Land Ollice. Minot, N. Dak
a y I i
A sullicient content affidavit having been Iiled
in lliis ollice by Oeorge WoodiuiV, conlestanf.
against Homestead entry No. 1874.-1. made lie!.,
liili, HIII2, for unrtiiwi.'St one quarter [invVij
section i township 149. range s.",. by Charles
.Marsh, contestee, in which it is allege I that
saio out ynian has wholly abandoned said tract
aim changed his residence tlieicfroin for nune
than six mouths since making sai.l eutrynnd
ne\t prior to tile date hereof, that he bus not
escah.isned a residence thereon Hint said tract
remains in its natural state, wholly abandoned
and iiiiimproved, and that said alleged absence
from tin'said laud was not due to lils' employ
ment in the army, navy or marine corps of the
Ciutcil States as a private soldier, ofiicer, sea
man or marine during the
First Publication Jan 17
Department of the Interior, United States Laud
Ollice, lilsmarek, N. D., April 27. 1S08.
sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled
in tills office oy Kugene A DeUemee contestant,
against Homestead entry No. 17033 made June
18th. t'.io2 for the swH of section 27, township
I4s, range 87. by Pauline Ker/.man contestee,
.. .. In which it is alleged that said claimant lias
.... ,i i ii iiV .. i ..V "holly abandoned said tract: that he has cliang-
eil his residence therefrom for more than six
months since making said entry, that said tract
is not settled upon and cultivated by said party
as required by law aim ti e absence of said
claimant is not due ei i nent in the U. S.
r.uy or ua\y ill time of mi 'said patties' are
iie.e.i/ uoti e to p'-er. respond and offer
evhleii. i: urn •!.in." s ii.i al. i'. .lion at 10 o'clock
a. 111. oil.lime In. :t e Rose A. Ward. A
notary public in an i. i.ean CO. N. Dak.,
and tliat llnai hearing n\d oe held at 2 o'clock
p. m. on June 23. Ilin3, iiefoie the Register and
Receiver at the United States Land Ollice in
Bismarck, N. Dak.
witli S'pain or
•luring any other war in which the United States
may lie engaged: said parties are hi.1reby notified
lo appear. |espomUuid offer evidence touchlii
:aldalleatioH.. it |u o'ulock a. 111. oil julyl.
)i'!fo.re liii-,l iigjsler.and Receivwr at the United
•States l..amt.OTlice J11 .Minor. X111 tlx Dak.
•'l'heVaid t:oiitetsfant having, in.a.-proper atll
davit "iiled 'May. titu. .. new, set nortiK-ifacts
whii1!'. shwihtit alter due diljigt'iiee personal
service" pi t.iTis notii iff!'aii»ot lw' inady it is here
by ordi,reil''anil (llrect^d. that such notice :be
iCivpii'bVihife'itud lu'dlVer.p.ulilletitlyn,
K. C. 'Sanborn.- .•
mav It! Register.
W. N. Crilne, Aftornev lor Contestant. ..
i i i o
Contest Notice*
Defiiirtirttiiit'df thfliitefior "ttv
United States Land Office, llis.ni.ii,r.ck,.J». 1.
April"21-st. iub3.'•
A sullicient contest atlidavit, having been llteik
iii this ollice by Herman E. Crowl, bf 'Wa'shburn
Dak., contestant, against: Honiesti ad Kntry
No. 14291. made April 30,
n'/2 swU^e'i
,iw*4 section 20 ''ne&se& section 27, towushl'p
148, range 83. by victor H. .lotiuson, contestee,
in which it Is alleged that the said claimant has
wholly abandoned said tract, tliat he has cliaiig-:
ed ills residence therefrom for more than six
months since making said entry: that said tract
is not settled upon an 1 cultivated by said party
as required by law and llie absence of claimant
W not due to employment in the U.S. army'or
navv iii time of war, said parties are hereby
notilied to appear, respond aud offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. ill. ou
June 2.1nl, i!K)3, before Rose A. Ward. a notary
public iu aud for McLean Co., N. Dak., and that
final bearing will be lieNI at 2 o'eloek p. 111. on
June 3oth. 1903, before the Register and Ke
ceiver at the United States Laud Office in Bis
inaick, N. Dak.
The said contestant having. In a proper affida
vit filed May 7,1903 set forth facts which show
tlmt after due dilllgeuce, personal service of this
can not be made, it Is hereby ordered an.i dl
rected that such notice be given by due and
proper publication.
John Satterlund,
may ltl Kecelvei
Notice is liereby given tliat default exists in
the conditions of tliat certain chattel mortgage
dated October 6th. 1902, made by James Thomas
mortgagor, to the First National Bank of YVashA
burn, a aorporatlon, mortgagee, to secure the
payment of one hundred twenty-five dollars
($125) due April Otli, 1903, '.tearing 12 per cent
interest from maturity, and which said mort
gage was ou the uth day of October. A. D. 1902,
filed In the office of the Register of deeds In and
for the county of McLean and8tate of North
Dakota »nd default consists in the nonpay
ment of the sum of $80 now past due and owing
on said mortgage. Now therefore the under
signed will offer at sale at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash tiie foilowlug described
persoual property One sorrel mare, 4 years
old, star fn forehead, weight about 1,300, named
May': one hay mare, 4 years out, white face,
named Mag", weight about 1.300, one J. I.
Case buggy and one red and white cow s years
old. Said sale will take place'at the front door
of the post office In the village of Wilton, Mc
Lean county. North Dakota, on .the 20th day ot
June A. D. 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.- m,
of said day.
Dated tills 11th day of June, A. D, 1903.
First National Bank of Washburn, N. D.
James T. McCulloch, Attorney for Mortgagee.
FOR SALE—T|wo 4-yeur-o?d
geldings, broke to work. Apply
to Aug. E. Johnson,
State 01 North Dakota In District Court
tounty of McLean 6th Judicial District.
Wlll.am 11. Krown ai.u
William 6. Nixon, trustee, Plaintiffs
Krlck O. Ulander, Defendant.
The -Hate of North Dakota to the above nam"
You are hereby summoned to answer the com
plaint in this actfpn,which complaint win lie tiled
with the Clerk of the District Court in and for
McLean County, State of Kortb Dakota, at Ills
otllce in the Town of Washburn, North Dakota,
and to serve a copy of your answer upon the
subscriber within ililrtv days after the service
of this summons upou you
exclusive of the day of service, and in
case of your failure to appear and answer judge
ment will be taken against you for the retief de
manded in the complaint.
Dakota, this 15th
Dated at Mandar, N'oith
day April 1903.
Plaintiff's Attorney
Post Office address: Mamlaii, N. D.
To the above named defendant: Yon are
hereby notified that the complaint in the above
entitled action was Iiled with the clerk of'the
District 3ourt in and foiir tne county of Mc
Lean and State of North Dakota. thc21st iUy of
MAV. 1903
Dated June 1st, 1903.
H. (1. YOSS,
Plaintiff's Attorney,
Post Office address: Mandan, N. D.
june G-titf.
Land Office at Bismarck, N. Dak,
May 19. 1903.
Notice is hereby giveu that the followlng
mimed settler lias filed notice of his Intention
to make linal proof in support of iiis.ciaim anil
that said proof will be made before James T.
McCulloch. U. S. Comm. Dist. N. Dak., at Wash
burn on the 27th day of'Jime, 1903, viz
Job 15. Taylor,
for the sec. 10, twp. 142 11. range 81 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
ills contl.iuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
August l«'. Nelson, Chap I£. Holm, sels H.
Krlckson and Edwin W. Pranklii'id all of Paint
ed iVoods, N. Dak.
A. C. McCillivray,
may 23 Register.
State of North Dakota 1
County of .McLean SS
Henry Radlmrn and James Oaruer. Co-part
ners as Radbourn & (in ner, Plaintiffs.
Albert Harris and W. T. Harris. Defendants.
.Notice is iieieby given that by virtue of an ex
ecution to me directed aud delivered and now
iu my hands, issued out of tiie Clerk's oflice of
the Fifch Judicial District ourt State of
North Dakota, 111 and for the rounty of Wells,
upon a judgment rendered In said District
I'ourt on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1903.
duly doe.keted in the ollice of said clerk court on
the Glii day of February
A. IU 1IKI3,1
levied upon
the fnllmvintf described leal property of said
defendant W. T. Har.iis, to-wit All of section
Kleven (11), township One hundred forty-six
114(1). north of Range Seveuty-four (74) w„ situ
ated in McLean county. North Dakota., anil
flint 1 shall on tiie 29th day of .lune
A. 0. 1903,
at the hour of 2o'clock of said day at the front
door of tiie court house in the village of Wash
burn in the County of McLean and State of
Nort 1 Dakota proceed to sell all the right, title
ami interest or the said W- T. Harris in and to
the above described real 1 roperty to satisfy
said judgment and the costs amounting to Six
hundred Seventy and (id too ($070.00)'dollars,
t' gether witli all accrued costs of sale and in
teret 1111 the same from the 27th day of Jan
at public auction to'the high
est bidder lor cash.
Ole Oradin.
Sheriff of Alel.e County. North Dakota.
]!y iiuhcrt Malty, Deputv.
llancliett and Wartner. Attorneys for Plain
tills, Harvey. N. D. may Hi
First Publication .nay 10
State of North Dakota, county of McLean: SS,
.I. M. Anderson: To all persons, companies
or corporations who have or claim any estate,
right, title or interest, in, or claim or li«n /upon
tiie piece or parcel of land berelnaftei'described:
Yiui and each of you will piease take notice
that the tract of land hereinafter desc ilied,
and which was assessed for taxation for the
)ears 18H2. I8li:i, and 1894 in the name nf Anna
L. Johnson tvas 011 the 5th day of August. i89S.
duly sold by the sheriff of McLean county
to McLean county. at die sale
of la 1 1 o.i.'i'i 1 1 ci a r.ul mt ne tax
judgment entered in the district court of Mc
Lean county 011 tin: rth day of July. 1898, iu pro.
ceedingsto enforce the payment, of taxes delin
quent upon said real estate 111 said county and
afterwards, Co- wit: 011 the 4tii day of August.
1902, tiie whole right, title and interest ill and to
said land acquired by .McLean unty at said
sale was iluiy assigned to J. Anderson and
tiie period uf redemption from said sale will em
pire 90 days from and after the loth day of .Mav,
Description of land Northwest quarter [iiw?:il
of section Fourteen 14] in township one flun
died forty live U lai. north.,.- ramie Eighty-two
(82) west.or.~th principal meridian ill .McLean
county North Dakota.
Amoiiut assigned for
Amoimr required to redeem
$94 *97
494 -07
iVnd you ami each of you are iierenv uoti lied
tliat unless ynit're'dije said lan'd fr 40.said sale
before Ihe expiration of the time for.redemption
by payment-ortlie amount' aiiovj stated and the
taxes, costs, fntei-yst and'penalty ..accruing, in
cluding the cost of tlils notice, file estate herein
expressed will-pass to the liol er of the tax sale
Witness m\ hand at 'Washburn N. D., this
12th d«y of May W113.
.J'i'M. Andowton,
•Assignee*)!-McLaim Country, N. D.
:$t' •'Notice.':"'.",
fteiKirftnifit'of tli«f Interior. V
Uiiileit Statosilialld Office, liismarck, N. 1.
Api'ir21st, 19031
A suffiitient, (.•ont^t.atrtdaTit having Wen'filed
it! this office hy.Hei'Diuu K.. '4.rowl, of "Wash
burn, N. Da,k contestant, against. Hbmesteail
entry No. 14292. liawle Auril sotli, 1902, for w"/»
nwH section 10^ nw ne'i section 9, township
148, raiige$3,'by Elof W Johnson, contestee. In
which it is alleged tliat tiie said claimant has
wholly abandoned said tiact that he lias
changed his residence therefrom fos more
than six mouths since making said entry: that
said tract is not settled upou and cultivated by
said narty as required by.law aud the absence
of said cialKiant is not due to employment iu
tiie U. S. army or navviu time of war. said par
ties are hereby notified to appear, respond and
offer evidence touching said allegation at 10
o'clock a. 111, on June 23,1903, before Rose. A.
Ward, a notary public in and for McLean Co.,
N. Dak., and that llual hearing will be held at
2 o'clock p. m„ on June 30th, 190.1, before the
Register aud Receiver of the United States
Uintl office ill Histnarck, N. Dak.
Tiie said contestant having, iu a proper affi
davit lliled May 1903. set forth facts which
show that after^duedilligenre personal service
of tills notice cannot he made, it is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice he given
by due and proper publication.
lohn Satterlund, -v
may 10 Receiver.
State of North Dakota 1 In District Court.
County of McLean Sixth Judicial District
Charles E. (Lbson, Plaintiff,
David Goldstone, Mary Goldstoue. A.
B. Ouptlll. as receiver of the Hank ot
lUinot, C. H. Mears, B. S. BrynjoUson
Norman T. Mears and A. B. Guptlll as
ltecelver of the Mortgag': Bank and In
vestment Company, Defendants.
Notice is liereby given that by virtue
uHgment of foreclosure and sale iu the
o' the
ign ..
entitled actlpn, entered oh May 21.1003. in
action, in the office of the clerk, of said
and a special exeoutloi. issued upon said judg
ment, tne subscriber, Ole Gradtn, Sheriff or said
county for the purpose appointed, will sell at
public auction at the front door of the court
liouse at Washburn. North Dakota, on June
at 10 o'clock liu the forenoon of that
day, the Southeast quarter (se&f of Section
Tlurtv (30), township One Hundred and Forty
of range Kighty-one
in said
county, being the mortgaged premises directed
in said execution aud judgment to be soldi or so
much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy
such judgment and costs, aqiounrlur
ug in ail io
1 the date of
with Interest thereon frOrn
sitld lodgment, and all accruing costs of sale.
Dated May 21,1903,
." of McLeau County, North ^Dakota.'
Bail.'Watson ,& Maclay, Attorneys for .Plaintiff
Pargo, North uakota. may 23-fii.
Insure you? property in a re
liable company. Call on E. A.
Contest Notice
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office,
Bismarck, N. Dak., April 30,1908.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Michael Sheeran, of Coal Har
bor. N. Dak., contestant against Homestead
entry No, 19273. made September 20th. 1802, for
eVS nwH and lots 1 and 2, section lit,' township
148, range 87. by Ed Grulier, contestee, in which
it Is alleged that the said claimant lias wholly
abandoned the sa'd tract that he has changed
his residence therefrom for' more than six
months since making said entry tliat said tract
is not settled upon and cultivated bv said party
as required by law: and the absence of said
claimant is not due to employment Iu the U. S.
army or navy in time of war: said parties are
hereby notilied to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching saiil allegation at 10 o'clock
a. in. on July 1C. 1903, before Rose A, Ward a
notary public in aud for McLean Co., N. Dak.,
and that linal heariug will be held at 2 o'clock
i). m. on July 23. 1903, before the Register aud
Receiver or tiie United States Land Office at
BIsniaTck. N. 1 'ak.
The said contestant, having, In a proper affi
davit filed May 12, 1903, set forth facts which
show that after, due dilllgeuce, personal service
of tills notice cannot oe made, it is hereby
ordored and directed that such notice be given
by due aud proper publication.
.A.C. McGillivray,
may 23 Register.
First Pub. Apr 18.
Department of tlic Interior,
United States Land Oflice. liismarck. N. D.
May 10th. 1903.'
A sullicient contest affidavit having been filed
in this ollice by Lizze B. Wlson, contestant,
against Homestead entr No. lOGOT.made April
15, 1902, for swH section 23. township 148. n.
range 81 w. by Julius Wilke contestee, In which
it is alleged that said 'ulius Wilke has not es
tablished a residence on said land aud has in
no manner improved the same and has been
absent therefrom for more thai: six months and
that said alleged absence was not caused by
employment in the U, S. tinny, navy or marine
corps 111 time of.war said parties are liereby
notified to appear, respond and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 11 o'clock a. in. on
J"ly 10. 1903, before Ihe Register and Receiver
at the United States Land Oflice iu Bismarck,
N. Dakota.
The said contestant having, in a proper affida
vit tiled May 10, 1903 set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice cannot be made, it is lierebv order
ed and directed that, such notice be iilveu by
due and proper publication.
A. C. Mctyilivrav,
Will. F. Cochrane,
Attorney for Contestant. may 39
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Ollice, Bismarck,
N. D.
March 31st 1903.
A sullicient contest affidavit having been Iiled
in this oflice by Charle Bell, of Washburn, N
Dak., contestant against homestead eutry No
158a5 niHde .mil. 22d 1901. for seHi sectin 13,
township 148 11. range 82 w by Carl O. Andreson
contestee, in widen It Is alleged that tiie said
claimant has wholly abandoned said tract
thar lie has changed Ills residence therefrom
for more than six months since making
said en
try that said tract Is not settled upon and cul
tivated by stud party as required by law: and
the absence of said'parly is not due to employ
ment 111 the
S. army or n-ivy In time of war
said pa ties aie Ir re I y notilied to appear, res
pond and oiler evidence touching said allega
tion at to o'clock a. 111.011 Mav 23d, 19 w. bet'oie
J. I". Mci'tnlooli a
S. '.'0111
and that linal heariug will he held at 2 o'ulo 1
p. ai.on June 1st. 1MI3. bef a e the Register and
iiec.eiver at the United States Land Oflice in
Bismarck, X. nnK.
Tliat said contestant having, in a proper affida
vit. filed April 10th I903. set forth facts
which show Hint after due dlili«ence personal
service of this cannot lie- made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice be given
by due and propci publication.
John Satterlund.
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior
United States D.
Land office Bismarck N.
March 30th. 19113.
A sufficient contest affidavit liavinu been
in tills ollice by Homer Ii. Spohn. of McHenry.
N Dak. ontestart, against homestead entrv
No 19395 made
Sept. 2*th, 1902. ror seU sw&
and lots 4. nand (I. section il, township 144 u.
range so w. by Charles It. i'ox contestee, in
which it is alleged that the said claimant has
wholly abandoned said tract, that be has
changed his residence thei eform for more than
six mouths since making said entrv, that said
tract Is not settled upon and cultivated by said
party as required li) law: a-id the absence of
said claimant is not due to employment in the
r. s. Army or navy in time of war, said parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching sai.l allegation, at 10 o'clock
a. lir onMay 25lh, 1903. before J. T. McCulloch
a U._S.|Ciipin', Dist. of N. Dak., ami tliat linal
hearing.will he held at 2 o'clock p. 111. on
Juiie,3d. t'.Ki:) before the Register and Receiver
at the United States l.and Office in Bismarck,
N. Dak.
That saiil contest:!' haviug ill a proper affi
davit Iiled April Kith 19113 set forth facts
which slrowlliat after due diligence personal
service of this notice cau not lie niatle 'tis here
by ordrtreo and directed That such notice be
given ly due and proper publication,
'.loiiii Satterlund,
apr 18 .. Receiver,j
Contest Notice
•, 'Departmeht of the interior-.
United States Land Oflice. liismarck N. 1J.
-A'pl'il'21st, 1903.'
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
iu .tills otllce. by Louis White, Hensler, N, Dak.,
contestant, against Homestead entry No. 19270,
niiide September 20tii'U102, for it1, ney se!i'
neJi ne, sei secrlon 1(1., township 143. range
83ii"by Iimauel Sherk contfestee, Iu which it is
alleged that the said claimant has wholly aban
doned said tracti'ihat'lfe has changed his resi
dence tlierefiom for more than six months
since making saiil entry tint said tract is 11
si tiled upon and cultivated by said paity as' re
quired by law: and the absence of saidclaimalit
is not due to employment iu the U S. army or
navy in time of war, said parties are hereby
notilied to appear, respond and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. ni. on
June loth. 1903. before Rose A. Ward, a notary
public at her office at Washburn. Dak, aud
that linal bearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m.
ou June 20th. 1903, before the Register aud Ke
ceiver at the United States Laud Office in Bis
marck N. Dak.
The said contestant, having, in a proper afll
davit tiled May 7. 1903, set forth facts which
show that after due dilllgeuce persoual service
of this noti/e canuot be made, ills hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be given by
tLe aud proper publication.
John Satterlund,
may 10 Receiver.
Land Office at Bismarck, N. Dak. May 15, 1903
Notice is hereby iriven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support .of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb
Couuty Judge, at Washburn. X. 0., ou 27th day
of June 1903, viz:
G. Peter Erlckson, H. E. No. 13029,
for thesw4 of section ai, townsnlp 148, range
8J w,
He names the foilowlug witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ojjou, aud cultivation
of said lanii. viz:
John Casey Ole Holtan, Nels Tran and W. G,
Merriam. of Washburn, N. D.
A. C. McGillivray,
May 'JJ Register
Depanmeni of the interior,
United States Laud Ollice
Bismarck. North Dakota, May 12, 1903.
A sufficleut contest affidavit haviug been filed
In this office by Archie G. Snider, contestant,
against Homestead entry No. 17552, made June
5th, 1902. for x'/i nc«.and lots 8 and 9,section 7,
tovvtishlp 147, u.. range sow, byGeorge Barrows
Contestee, in which it is alleged tliat said George
Barrows lias never established a residence on
said land and has in no manner Improved the
same aud lias beeu absent therefrom for more
than six mouths and has who'iy abandoned the
same and that sald alleged absence was not due
to hls emplovment lu the U. S. anny, uavy or
marine corps In time of war, said parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond aud offer ev
idence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a.
m. on August 11, 1903, before the Register and
Receiver at the United States Land Office in
piSinarck. N. Dakota. '1,
_Tlie said contestant having in K proper affida
Tlt, filed May 12, 19C3 setfoftb Mcts whlcli
show that after due diligence, perstnal service
of this uotlce cannot be made,- it Is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice be given
by due and proper publication.
A C. McOillivrav.
nrny 28 XIVKIVIWt
I and'Offlce at Bismarck N. Dak., April 2d 1903.
Notice is-here by given that the following
named settlor ha. filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb,
County Judge, McLean Co. N. Dak, at Wash
burn, on June 8tli. viz:
Albert N. Muzzy,
for .the e!4 sw£wHse)4 section 10 township
145, range 84.
He names the-following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: ...
J. R.Mann. N. W.Solenberger, T. M. Woga
man and John WagDer. all of Hancock, N. D.
-'•IK-.V'.'-.'A. C. McGillivray,
April v Register.
Department ot the Interior,
Land Ollice at Bismarck, N. Dak.,
April 27th, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that the followiug
uanied settler has filed notice of her Jntention
to inake linal proof in support of her claim and
that suld pi oof will be made before E. A\ Lamb,
Courlv Jtiugt. McLean Co. N. Dak., at Wash
burn. 011 tiie lath day of June, 1903. viz:
Laura Belle Ward,
for the n'/s nw4 swH nwH nwJ4 swJ4 sec. 22
township 148, range 80.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and oultlvation
of said Innil iz:
May 9 Register.
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior.
United States Land Ollice, Bismarck. N. D.
April 2S, 1903.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
llled in this ollice by .lohunes Bailor, of Mal
colm, N. Dak., contestant, against Homestead
entry No. 10 (»9, made February utl. 1902. for
se!4, section 8. towuship 148, range 82. by ErL'k
Heiiurieks n, Contestee. in which it is alleged
that the said claimant lias witolly abandoned
said tract. tu»t lie lias changed his residence
therefrom for more than six mouths since
mailing said enti y at said tract is not settled
upon aud cultivated by said party as required by
law. and the absence o said claimant is not
due to employment iu the U. S. army or uavy
in time of war, said parties are liereby notified
to appear, respond and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. 111. ou July totli.
11IU3, before Roic A. Ward, a notary public in
and or cLeanco, N. Dak, and tliat liual
hearing will lie.held at 2 o'clock p. 111., on July
l7tli. 1903. before the Register and Receiver at
the United States Laud Ollice ill Bismarck,
The said contestant haviug in a proper affidavit
llled May lis 1903. set fortn facts which
show that alter due dllligence personal service
of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice be given
by due anil proper publication.
Dakota, at Washburn, on June 27,1903 viz:
Axel Johnson,
for the northeast quarter of section is. town
ship 144, range
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivaiicu
of saiil land viz:
Jacob Ltithander. and Charles Hoover of
Colliding. X. D., Andrew P. Thyhorg and Tqju
Andersiiii. of Basto, N. D.
A. C. McGillivray,
may 23
S. Neal and F.
L. Mackey, all of Coal Harbor. N. D.
A. C. McGillivra),
Mav 9 Ueiclster.
Department of the Interior
Land Oflice at Bismarck, N. Dak.
April 28, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
n»med rettler lias filed notice of his intention
to make linal proof In support of His claim and
that said proof will be made before b. A, Lamb,
county judge at Washburn, on June 10, 1903,
M'chael L. Markert.
for the ney sec. 14, twp. 14S n. iangess.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
.John Markert, Casper Bellies. Peter Misslin
and Jacob Schneider, of Coal Harbor, N. n.
A. C. McGillivray.
A. C. McGillivray,
may 21 Register.
Department of tiie Interior,
Land Oflice at Bismarck N. 1.
May 9, 1903.
Notice is liereby given that tiie following
named settler lias filed notice of ids intention
to make filial proof iu support of his slaiui and
that said proof will lie made before Aug. E.
Johnson, II.
Commissioner, District of North
Department of the Interior,
United States Laud Office, at Bismarck, I).
May 13, 1903.
Notice is hereby -given that the following
named settle!- has- tiled lioticeof his inti litioii
to make linal proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will lie made before li, A. lamb
County .Judge, -McLean Co.,.N Dal ., at Wash
burn. on the 3d day of July. 1903, viz:
John V. Shtipshire,
for the seij, sec. 2, twp. 140,11. range 82 w.
He names thefolh w.ipg witm ses-'-to. prove
his 1 onilnuous residence upon and cultivation
of saidlaud, viz.:
Lars Peterson, Hayes'PfalV, J.
Griffith and
James Saunders, all of Washburn, N,, -l)ak,
A. C. Mclviinvrav,
may 23 liegistei'.
Department ofttibTirterior"
Land Office at Blsina 'ck. N. l)„ Mav. 22. 1903,
Notice 1s hereby glveu that the following
named settler lias llled notice of heriptention to
make lin-tl.proof in supporfci.fif her claim and
that said proof will bo made before. 15. A..
Lamb County Judge. Mcl.eun Co., N. Dak,
at Washburn 011 July Uth, HKI3, viz:
lata A. Olson
for the sl4 9wl4 nw 4 sw)i section 29 & neM 1
section 30. townshiii.148.. range.80 \v
She names the foilowli'g witnesses to
her continuous residtnee upo.i aud cullj
of said land, viz:
Amanda .lohnson, P. Krlckson, B.JMen i_
am aud
'L. Hanson, all of Coal Hal* or/^Bi
ifV'.: A. •. McGillivra]
nioy30 Regl
Department of the Interior,
Land O.iice at liismarck, N. i., MayJ
Notice is hereby given that the..
named settler lias llled notice of liorj
make linal proof iu support of hcl
that said proof will be mai'e rt
Lauib. Couuty Judge, McLean C#
Washburn ou July 0th, 1903, v|r*
entlon to
Amanda A. JohKon
for the e'A nw!i sw!4 uel^^ot 1
township 148, range 80.
She names the followinir witness to irove her
continuous residence 111/11 and cultlvYtion of
said land, viz:
etion 30, «s
Clara OWon. 1». Erfckson, Alfred Marshall
and John Casey, all ofk'oal Harbor. N. Dak.
...'TA. C. McGillivray, vv,
may 30 v^- Register.
Go«(test Notice.
Dcpartmentj'f the. Interor. k' i
UnitW#tates ijtnd Office, Bismarck, N. 1).
April 2nd, 1903.
dent contest affidavit having been filed
office by/Thomas M. Casey, of Coal Har-
Dak., contestant against Honestead
entw,' No. 17201 made May 21st. 1902, for neji
seettou 18, township 148. n. range 80 w. byChar
le^iN. Gallard contestee, in wlilch it is alleged
tnpt the, said -claimant lias wholly abandoned
slid tract: tliat lie has changed Ills residence
tfierefroin. fcr more than six mouths since
VVaklng said entry tha'. said tract is not settled
uion and cultivated by said party as required
bv law, and the said alleged absence from the
sjjlid land was not due to his emplovment In the
army, navy or marine corps of the United states
iu time of war said parties are hereby notified
to appear, respond and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o,olock a. m. on June •&
1903, before James T. McCulloch, a U. 8. Comm.
Dis't of N. Dak.,and that llual hearlnn
held at 2 o'clock
the Hei
hearing will be
at 2o'clock p.jm, on June 29ih, JiXB, before
^eBtstei aiib Kedetver at the United State*
Land Offlce In BIsmarekv N. Dak.
That said contestant. MMtbg, in a proper af
fidavit filed May 7,1903, sSt#rth facts which
that after due dllligence personal service of this
notice cannot be nuule, it Is hereby ordered and
directed that such notice be givan'jbv due and
proper publication, V
John Satterlund. 3
Kecelver. i^
may IB
Those who baye laundry at the
Merchants Hotel are requested to
call for it as it will lie sold if nnt