Newspaper Page Text
|0t D' 2 ..-1 f» k*i\\ i? THE WASHBURN LEADER Published every Saturday at Wash burn, N. D. Official paper of Mc Lean County Subscription price, one dollar a year. TOHN SATTERLUND, PUBLISHER. Entered at the postofflce at Wash burn, N D., as second class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER. SATURDAY .JL'NE 20 1903 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION UfpartiiK-nt of tin* Iu!»rior. a n a I i s i n i i k N u n e i w i a Notice is hereby .ulven that the following naineil settler has llleil notiee of his intention to make linal |uoof in snu|iort ol his eiaim, ami that said proof will le made before K. A. Kami). County .ludjie, Mel.ean Co. N. JJuk, at Wash bui'ti, in] July 25th. I'.MI }, vi/: Arlo L. Newton, for the nwl, seetioii :w. township n* ran«:e S4. lie* 1 names the following witnesses to piove his eontinuous residenei* lipon and cultivation of said land, vi/.: I or«*n 1 iloyd, Alfred Olson, Ole Kin^heim and 1', Muiiny ail of Co t) Ihirhor, N. Oak. A. C. MeOiliivray, june'-M) Ke.uister. Contest Notice. ant Is not due to his employment in the U. S. army or navy In time of war said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond ami offer evidence touching said allegation at lo o'clock a. ill. on August X, 1903, before Rose A. War.l, n notary public at Washburn, N. Dak., ami that final hearing will be held at in o'clock a. in. on August 13,1903. before the Register and Re ceiver at the United states Land Oflice in Mi not. N. Dak. The said contestant having, in a proper davit, filed June li, l!w.i, set forth NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dopartment of the Interior, Laud Office at Bismarck, N. Dak. June 2, t'.HM. Notice is hereby given that the followhig liameil settler has notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will he made before E. A, Lamb, County Judge, McLean Co., N. Dak., at Wash buru on July it. iyo3,viz. E. W. lUlls. J. J. Vick. (iottlieb Holthusen and H. A. I'ersey all of Coal Harbor, N. I). 4. c. McCillivrav, June (i Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, f.aml Otlice Minot N. ak., unelst. 1H03. Notice is hereby given' that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof n support of his claim and that said proof will he made before -C. A. Lamb. County Judge. McLean Co. N. Dak., at Wash burn on July 'Nth, l'.MiS, viz: Ole I*. Holm, 11.1!. 13033 for the sjnse'4 section and w1, ne'.i section 20, tmvrsliip inn. ran e S7. He names tiie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: N'els Traill, Ed Roseau. W. (1. Me'Viam, of Coal llitrlior, N. Dak., and A. I. Marshall, of Washburn, Si. Dak. Ne|s peter t'iraillu, il. E. No. E.W.Bills It. L. Beattie, A. H. Persey and H. A. Persey. all of Coal Harber, N, D. A. C. McGillivrav. ltegister. Contest Notice Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Bismarck, N. D., M.\y 27. 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed til this office by Henry Currier of Washburn, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 13876 made Feb. 21,1900, for seK of section c, town ship 14C n. range 82w. by Erhard Roth eontestee In which it Is alleged that Erhard Both has wholly abandoned said tract that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry, that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as require! by law. and said default now exists: and the absence of said Erhard Roth is not due to employment in U. S. army or navy in time of war, said parties are hereby notlSed to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation, at to o'clock a. m. on August 11. 1908, before Rose A. Ward, a notary public at Washburn. N. D., and that final hearing will be lield at 2 o'clock p. m. on August 18,1908, before the Register and Keceiverat the United States Land Office In Bismarck. N. D. That said contestant having, in a proper af fidavit, .filed May 27 1903, set forth facts which show that after due ailligence personal service of this notice can notue made It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice er be given bjr due and Department of the l'lterior, United Slates l.and Office. Minot. N. D. June I.'i. t'.mx A sullicieut content aliidavit having been tiled in this otlice by Paul Mirkelson of Coal liarhor, I N. D.. contestant, against iiomestad entry No. 1 .st111. made Sept. I. 1902. tor northeast ipiarter i section township Mil range s."i by .lolin Ale Govern contestee, which It is alleged thai the said claimant has wholly abandoned the said tract that he lias changed his residence!. therefrom for more than six months since »i making said entry, that sad tract is not settled against Homestead entry No. made De upon and cullivated by said party as required i ceniher the liU lor the sp.4 s\v by law: ami that the absence of tiie said ciaini- and jot 4, see.,, twp. l.,o, range by George 1 It. C. Sanborn. June 20 Register. which show that after due diligence, personal me hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at service of this notice cannot be made. It is here by ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Kda Holtan. for the se-i nw'4 & lots 3 & 4 of section o, town ship 147 n. range now. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous upon, ami cultivation of said land viz: A. T. DAiiielson, Henry HoItAii of WAsliburn. N. I)., ii. T. iiAiiielson. A. T. Anderson of Turtle LAke, N. I). I A. C. MeCiilivrAy, Julie 0 Regisler. I NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I Land Office at Klsmarck, N. I)., May 27, 1003.! Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make I final commuted proof in support of Ids claim, and that said proof will be made before Aug. E.Johnsoii, a U.S. Commissioner for the District of North Dakota,at ills office at Washburn, N. l).,on July II, 1WI3, viz August H. i'ersey, II. K. No. Ki'.UC. for the southeast ipiarter of section n. township 147, n. of range sii, w. of nth p. in. 1 1 He names the following witnesses to prove his eontinuous residence upon and cultivation of I said land, viz i i R. C. Sanborn, June I.I Register. NUriCli FOR PUBLICATION Laud Oflice at Bismarck, N. Dak. Mav 2U. miM. Notice is hereby given that the followlug nanieil settler ims tiled notiee of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wiiI lie in-do before Aug. K. .lohnson. a U. S. Commissioner for the Dis -trict of North Dakota, at his otlice at Wash burn, N D.. on July 11. I nun. viz: 111322 for t! e souti e,usl ipiarter of seeiion 18, town ship NT. II. lailge S2 w. 5tll P. SI. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivatior of sat.i laud, viz: haiies -|. I ns.ui "f Wel'er. N. D.. and Par Botierip i^t. sepli Mann and Ole (iradin, of Wiislihiirn, D, A. C. McCillivrav, may .-in fiegister. Notice is hereby uiven that the named settler has tiled notice of Ins Intention to make final commuted proor in support of his NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION during the war with Spain or during any other Land i mice at Bismarck. N. 11.. Mav 19. I9i« Notice of Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given i certain mortgage executed awl delivered by Iulin It. Ai instiling, mortgagor. to the Mortgage Bunk ami Invest ment Company. nun trance, dated the 15th day of May, 18x9. and tiled for record in tlx office of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean and State of North Dakota on the IStli day of May. lssi). and recorded in book A of mortga ges at page 324. anil assigned by said mortgagee to E. B. Hart by an assignment dated June nth. isiil. and llled for record In the oflice of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean and state of North Dakota on the '-".'nil day of April, 1893, and recorded In book of mortgages on paw 251, rind thereafter assigned by the said K. B. Hart to I!. S. Brynjolfson by an assignment date March 2ii. Hum. and tiled for record in the olllce of the Register of Deeds of the comity of McLean and State of North Da kota on the 24 th day of Apiil, IWM, and record ed In nook II of assignments at page 225 a thereafter assigned by the said 1$. S. Brynjolf soii to George Uoblnson and Mary E. Roliiii siui. executors of the last Will and testament of John .1 iioliiiison. deceased, by an assignment dated April 22, 1903. and llleil for record ill the olllce of the Register of Deeds of the County of Mel.can ami State of North Dakota on the 21th .lay of April, I'.nci. and record'-d in Hook II of assignments at page 22ii. will I) foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage anil here Inafterdesci ibeil at the front door of the urt House in tiie Countyof .Mel,can and State of North Dakota, at Hie hour of two o'clock p. 111. on (he'jTtli day of June. A. •.. 1903, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. Tile premises described ill such moit gam- and which wifl be sold to satisfy the same ale described as follows, to-wit: I lie Southeast quarter 'sei of section Two i'ji iu Township One Hundred loiiy-six iltiii Norl li, of Range Kiglily-Kour isi i west, situated in the countv of Mcl.ean and state of North Dakota. Tiler.i will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty and si.5211.301 dollars. waV 8attertund, Receiver. •pris George (.. if..11instill and Mary 10. Robinson, executors of tiie last Will and testament of John .1. Rotiinson, deceased, assign ees ol mm tgage. V 11. Skula-on, «:rami Forks. n attorney I! Kvi utnrs. May U-iitf for Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Devils Lake. N. I)., April 13, A suliicicnt contest aliidavit having been filed this otlice by Nick lohnson contestant Westburg. eontestee. In which it is alleged that said Ceorge Westburg lias wholly abandoned said tract that said tract has not been settled upon and cultivated by said party accordiu to law iind that said entryinnn lias never es tablished actual residence thereon, and that s ild alleged absence from the land was not due to his employment ill the army, navy or marine corps ol'the United states as a private soldier officer, seaman or marine during the war with alfi- Spain or duringany o her war iu which" the facts United States may !e engaged and saiil parties 10 o'clock a. in. tin June20. 1303, before Uranz Itnitzmann a notary public at Ills office at Anamoose, X. ami that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. ill. on June 27. l'.Kl.l, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Devils Lake, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit tiled May 4th, 1«03, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is here by ordered and directed that such notice he given by due ami proper publication. Ole Serumgard. may 1C Register. Record address of eontestee, Anamoose. N. D. Notice of final Proof Land Oflice at Bismarck. N. I.. April 25 1903 Notice is hereby given that tiie. following named settler has filed notice of her intention tc make final proof in support of her claim. ana that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb. County fudge, a eLean county, N. Dak., at Washburn, N. Dak., on the 20th day of July 1903, viz: Minnie Kicliie for the eli sw'i sy. nw^ sec 31, twp. 148. ran"e 81. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz- Ursula coleinan. T. L. Hritton. George Tetro. of Turtle Lake, N. Uak.,. ml Joseph .Mann, of Washburn. N. Dak. A. C. MeGlllivrav, may 2 Register. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior, Lulled States Land Olfice, Minot: N. llak. June (i, 1903. A siilflcient contest aliidavit having been llled In this office by Ralph A. Berg, contestant, against homestead entry No. 104C5, made June 2.s. 1902. for seKi section 22, township 14l, range sn. by Fred C. Miller eontestee, iu which it is alleged that FredC Miller Iihs wholly abandoned said tract and changed his residence therefrom tor more than six months since making said entry and next prior to date hereof that lie s not established residence thereon that said tract remains in Its natural state wholly abau doned and unimproved, except a small shack and a lew furrows of breaking thereon and that said alleged absence fr jin said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States during the I war with Spain or during any other war In which the U. S. may have been pngaged either as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine aid parties are hereby'notified to appear, res pond and oiler evlde' ce touching suid allega ttou at 10 o'. lock a. m. on Aug loth, 1903, before the Itegistcr and Receiver at the United States I Land Office it) Minot. N. It. The said contestant having, i i a proper affi davit, tiled June", 1903, set forth facts which I show that after due diligence ersonal service of this notice cannot be made, it is heieby i 'i dered and directed that sveh notice be given/bv due and proper publication. II. 0. Sanborn, J, J. Coyle, Register. I Atty. for Clainia :t. Minot, N. D. june 13 CONTEST NQTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Minot, N. Dak. June 4,19.13. A sullicieut contest aliidavit having been filed in this office by Ross Kversoii. contestant, against Homestead entry No. 17917 maue Aug. 27, iwttvfor sivii section 24. township H9, nge O. by etter Staie eontestee, in which it is al leged that Petter staie has neither established or maintained a residence on said land fo the past six months and that said default still con tinues and that said alleged absence from said land was noi due to employment in the army, navy er marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer., seaman or marine, i" hlch the United States may be engaged, following- !,,ul sill, 1 il,u ru?lH,n,'a"fl 1 hereby uotl i.ed to appear, *°«ehing Slid alle- il* claim, and that said proof will he made before Itegister aiid lteceiv'-ir at the unlteil Aug. E. .lohnson a U, S. Commissioner for the office In Minot N. llak. District of North Dakota 'if iiiv \v-,l, 1 he saitl contestant having, in a proper uftl burn. N. D.. oil^July f!iii3. viz: 1 Gottlieb Holthusen, H. K. No. n 94."i. for the southwest quarter of section 5, town ship 147, n. of range mi w, of 5th p. m. lie names the following witnesses to prove due ami proper publication, his continuous residence upon and cultivation of R, C. Sanborn, land, viz V1.', rt tlavlt filed Jiuie 4,, 1903, set forth /acts which show that after due dilligonce, personal service of this notice can not liu made, it is hereby or dered'and directed that such notice he given by J, J. Coyle. Register. Attorney for Claimant, Minot, N. D. june 13 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck N. Dak. May 15, 1903. Notice is' hereby given that the following named settler lias llled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb, County Judge, McLean Co, N. Wash burn, N. Dak, on ,iune 30,1903, viz, Rasmus Nielson, for thes/i nw4 and lots3and4, sec.2 twp. 145, range 82. He names the following witnesses te prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. NelsC. Peterson, Oscar Gustafson, Martin Holtan and L, M. Vyallln all of Washburn, N. V?* .- n- A A. C. McGilUvray, m»y2S -.Z-iJ?, •. Register. FOR SALE—Two 4-year-old geldings, broke to work. Apply to Aug. E. Johnson Those who have laundry at. the Merchants fiotel are requested to* call for it as it will be sold if not called for by the 20 inst. vvS Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Laud Otlice, Bismarck, N. D. May 13, 1003. "35 A sufficient contest aliidavit having been liied lu this olfice by Norman N'elson. contestant, against Home steal entry No. l"!ioo, made July 24, 1902, for the southwest quarter of section 5, township 14t\ range 84. by Cornel1us C. Vogt eontestee, in which It Is alleged that tiie said Cornelius C. Vogt has wholly abandoned said land that said party lifts never settled upon said land: that said party has never established his resi dence thereon or cultivated said lantL as re quired by law, that the absence of sahi"party is not due to his employment in the military or naval service of the United States in time of was: said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said alle gation at lo o'clock a. m. on August 3, KK)3. be fore Pete A, Schmidt, clerk of the District Court of Mci^eiri Co., at his olllce at Washburn N. I),, and that final hearing will ho at 2 o'clock p. in. on August II, 1903, before the Register and Receiver ai the United States Laud Olllce in Bismarck. N. I». The said contestant having, In a proper affida vit tiled .May 13, li)i3, set forth facts which show that after due dilllgence personal service of this notice cannot he made. It is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by ducai tl proper publication. A. c, McGilUvray, June li Regis er. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, I'nlted states Land office, Bismarck, North Dakota. June 13. 1903. A sullicieut contest affidavit having been llled In this oflice by Halvor Knutson of Washburn. .McLean county, contestant a 'ainst Homestead entry No. ls7:)u, made September 19, 1902, for sVj nw'.i & w'j ne1.! section 11, township 148 n raii'e so-iv by Pea lie Bangs eontestee, in which It is alleged that said claimant lias wholly aban poned said tract that she lias changed her residence there from for more than six months since makingsnld entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as re quired by law and that said default now exists, that said alleged absence from the said land is not due to employment 111 the U. S, army or navy In time of war: said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching saitl allegation, 10 o'clock a. m., on Septembers. 1903. before i o e A. Ward a liotarv public in and for Mci can county, N. Dak. at Washburn, and that tliiAl heAiing will he held At 2 o'clock p, m, on Sept. 15. 1903, before the Reglsterand Receiver at the United States Laud Olfice iu BisniArck, N.DAk, Tiie said contestant having in a proper affi davit tiled lime 13 1903, set forth facts which show that after due diligence persoua! service of this notice cannot be mail? It hereby or dered and directed that such uotice be given by due and proper publication. John Satterlund. june 20 Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. Land Office at Bismarck, N. nak. June 10,1903. Notice is hereby given that the foilowing uamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before I'eter A. Schmidt, clerk of the District Court, McLean County, N tak at Washburn on July 25th, 1903, viz: Jacol) R. Musselman. for the se54 of section 4. towns'iip 146, range 83, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Martin Hanson, Ansel Colby, of Coal Harbor, N" Dak, L. M. Waliin and Louis Hanson, of Washburn, N oak, A Mc :lllivr«y, june 20 Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, I.anti Office at Bismarck, N Dak, June 13,1903 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of Ids intention to make final proof in support of Ills claim, and that said proof will be made before E A Lamb, County Judge, McLean county, N Dak, at Washburn, N. Dak,, on July 25th, 1903. viz: bmmitt nutty for the swy seci ion 12, township 146, n. range 82 w. 5th p.m. He names the followine witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz- Geo. Bush, Samuel H. Pfaff and Koliand Bush of Washburn. N. uafc,, and Charles Ho gan of lugersoll, N. Dak. A. C. McGilUvray. june 20 Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck. N. Dak.. Jur.e 13,1903. Notice is hereby given that the following named sc-ttler lias tiled notice of her intention to make HUM I proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb. Co. Judge, McLean Co. N. l)ak., at Washburn, on July 25th. 190.3. viz: Elizabeth Waggoner for the lots 5.0, and 11, section 2, lots 5 6 and 7, section 1, township 147, n. rangso w. 5th p. m. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. S Neal, F. L. Mackey, K Ward and Al fred Staiey Coal Harbor, N. Dak. A. C. McGilUvray, june 20 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Intelior Land Office at Bismarck. Dak. June 13th, 1903. Notice is hereby given Jliat the following named settler has.tiled not%e of his intention to make final proof' iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before li. A. Lamb, Co. Judge, McLean Co. X. llak., at Washburn, on July 23.1903, viz: .lohn ®. Johnson. for the ny, swht ami n^se,4 of sec. 4, township 147 n. range S4 w. 5th.p. m. Me names the following witnesses to prove liis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ole Iilnglieim, Alfred Oleson, L. D. Boyd of Coal Harbor. "V. d., and James Callahan of Denholf, N. Dak. A. C. McCllllvray, june 20 Register. NOTICE FOltPUBLICATION Department of the Interior. Land Office At Bismarck, K. Dak. .nine pi, I9i3. Notice is hereby given that tiie following named settler lias filed notice of her Intention to •make filial nroof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before 15. A. Lamb, county Judge, McLean countv, N. nak., at Washburn, N\ Dak., on 25th day of July, 1903, viz: Maria Waggoner. for the lots 7, S. 9 and 10. section 2, township 147. n. range .su p. in. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: K. 8. Neal, F. L. Mackey, It.. D. Ward and Alfred Staiey all of coal Harbor. N. Dak. A. C. McGilUvray,• .june 20 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office at Bismarck, N. Dak. June 13, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed uotice of his intention to make final proof in support iff Ills claim and that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb, county judge McLean county N. Dak.,at Wash burn, on JlllV 25, 1903, viz: Loren D, Boyd for the se!4 section 5, nwfe nw!4 section 9, and lot section 8. township 147, n range 84 w. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ole Rlnglieim, Alfred Olson, Arlo L. Newton and O. F.McGray all of Coal Harbor, N. Dak. A. C. McGilUvray, june 20 Register. NOTICE FoR PUBLICATION. 1, Department of the Interior, Land Oflice at Bifcmarck, N. Dak„ June 18th, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to snake final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made before E. A, Lamb, County Judge, McLean Co. N. Dak., at Wash burn, on July 27th, 1908. viz: Leo F. Mahowald, for the neS4 section 21, township 148 n. range 85 w.6th p.m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said Ivnd viz: Wm. Ryan Nick Mahowald, J. P. Helnzuien and M. A. aeinzmen all of coal Harbor, N. Dak A. C. McGilUvray, June 20 Register.. v SUMMONS. State ol North Dakota I In District Court I ounty of McLean Otli Judicial District. Will am ll. Brown ai.u William G. Nixon, trustee, Plaintiffs against Erlck 0. Ulamler, Defendant. The" tate of North Dakota to the above nam refendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the com plaint hi this action,which complaint win be filed with the Clerk of the District Court in ami for McLean County, Statu of North Dakota, at his office In the Town of Washburn, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within .lilrtv days after the service of tnls summons upon you exclusive of the day of service, and In case of your failure to appear and answer judge ment will be takeu against you for the relief de manded in the complaint. Dated at Maudac, Notth Dakota, tills 15th day April 1903. II. G. VOSS, Plaintiff's Attorney l'ost Office address: Mandan, N. D. To the above named defendant: You are hereby notified thut the complaint in the above entitled action was lllod with the clerk of the District iourt in and four the corntyof Mc Lean and Stute of North Dakota, the2lst dAy of Mav, 1903 Dated June 1st, 1!'03. II. G. VOSS, Plaintiff's Attorney, Post Office address: Mandau, N. D. juueo-utf. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Oflice it Bismarck, N. Dak, May 19. 1903. Notice is herein- given that the following named settler has filed notice of Ids Intention to make final propf in support of his claim, and that said proof will be umdu before James T. McCuiloch. U. S. Comm. Idst. N. Dak., at Wash burn on the 27th day of June, 1903, viz Job B. Taylor, for the neM sec. to, twp. 142 n. range Si w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: August K. Nelson, Cliay E. Holm. Nels E. Erickson and Edwin W. Frankluud all of Paint ed »Vootls, N. Dak. A. C. McGillivrav, may 23 Register. SHERIFF'S SALiE. /. State'of North Dakota I County of McLean SS Henry Radburn and James Garner, Co-part ners as ltadbonrn & Garner, Plaintiffs. VS Albert Harris antl W. T. Harris, Defendants. .Notice is lieieby given that by virtue of an ex ecution to me directed autl delivered and now iu my hands, issued out o' the Clerk's oflice of the Fifth Judicial District ouit State of North Dakota, in and for the County of Wells, upon a judgment rendered in said District 'ourt on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1903, duly docketed in the office of said clerk court on the 6th day of February A. D.1903,1levied upon the following described real property of said defendant W. T. Hards, to-wit All of' section Eleven (ll), township One hundred forty-six |140). north of Range Seventy-four (74) w„ situ ated in McLean countv, North Dakota., and that I shall on the.29th day of June A. D. 1908, at the hour of 2o'clock of said day at the front door of the court house in the village of Wash burn in the County of McLean and State of North Dakota proceed to sell all the right, title and Interest of the said W- T. uaJT\ u- Harris hi and to the above described real property to satisry said judgment and the costs amounting to Six hundred Seventy and 60100 ($670.60) dollars, together with all accrued costs of sale and in terest on the same from the 27th day of Jan- I903 at Public auction to the high est bidder for cash. Ole Gradln, Sheriff of McLean County, North Dakota. By Robert Marty, Deputv, Hanchett and Wartner. Attorneys for tiffs, Harvey. N. D. may 16 Description of land Northwest quarter [nwtil of section Fourteen 114] in township one hun dred forty live (145) north, range Eighty-two (82) west of nth principal meridian iu AIcLean county North Dakota. Amount assigned for ©4 97 Amount required to redeem $94 97 And yon ami each of you are hereby notified that unless you redeeir saitl land fn in said sale before the expiration of the time for redemption by payment of tiie amount abova stated and the taxes, costs, interest and penalty accruing, in cluding the cost of tlds notice, the estate herein expressed will pass to the holuer of the tax sale certificate. Witness inv hand at Washburn, N. D„ this 12th tiny of .May, 1903. J. M. Anderson, Assignee of McLean County, N. D. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Laud Office. Bismarck, N. D. April 2lst, l!H)3. A sufficient contest aliidavit having been filed in this office by Herman 'li. clowl, of Wash burn, X. Dak contestant, against Homestead entry No. 14292. made Audi autli, 1902, for w'.s nw!4 section III. n'i ney section 9, township 14S..range ,s.f. by Elof \V Johnson, eontestee, in which it is alleged that the sajd cluimapt lias wholly abandoned said', tiact that he lias changed his residence vtherefrom fos more than six months since malting snid entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by saitl oarty as required by law and the absence of said claimant is not due to employment in the U. S. army or navvln time of war. said par ties are hereby notified to appear, respond and olfci' GVitlenca toiiching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m, 011 June 23,1903, before Rose. A. Ward, a notary public in and for McLean. Co., N. Dak., and that liual healing will be held at 2 o'clock p. 111., on June sotli, 1903, before the Register ami Receiver of tiie United states Land oflice in Bismarck, N. Dak. The said contestant having, iu a proper affi davit filled May 7,1903. set forth facts which show that nfter'due dilllgence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it Is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. John Satterlund, may 16 Receiver. State of North Dakota 1 In District Court. County of McLean riiath udicial District Charles E. Gibson, Plaintiff, VS. David Goldstoue, .Mary Goldstone. A. B. Gnptili, as receiver or tiie Bank or Minot, C. H. Mears, 1), S, Brynjolfson Norman T. Mears and A. B. Guptill as ltecciver of the Mortgage Bank and In vestment Compauy, Defendant's. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S $U.E. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue o' the udginent of foreclosure and sale lu the above entitled action, entered on May 21.1908, in said action, in the oflice of the clerk of said courtr. and a special execution Issued upon said judg ment, the subscriber, Ole Gradln. Sheriff of said county for the puryose appointed, will sell at loor of the court pose appoint 1ke front do 'n. North {louse mblic auction at tit at Washburn 24.1903, at 10 o'clock in the day, the Southeast quarter Thirty (30), township One Hundred and Forty- Dakota,: on .Tune forenoon of that uarter (seyi of Section n o y- four (144 of range Eighty-one (St). In said county, being the mortgaged premises directed in said execution and judgment to be sold, or so much thereof as may be sufficient' to. satisfy such judgmentand costs, amounting In all to $994.60, with interest thereon from the date of said ludument, and all accruing costs of sale. Dated May 21,1903. OLE GRADIN.Sheriff „'of McLean County. North Dakota. BalLWatson & Maclay, Attorneys for Plaintiff Fargo, North pakota. may28-5t. Insure your property in a re liable-company. Oall on E. A. Lamb. A W v n 1'laln- First Publication May 16 NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF RE DEMPL'ION. State of North Dakota, county of McLean SS. J.M.Anderson: To all persons, companies or corporations who have or claim any estate, right, title or interest in, or claim or lien upon the piece or parcel of land hereinafter described: You and each of you will please take notice that the tract of land hereinafter desc ibed, and which was assessed for taxation for the years 1892, 1893, and 1894 in the name of Anna L. .Johnson was on the 5th day of August. 1898. cMv sold by the sheriff of McLean county to McLean county at the sale of la ids pursuant a il est ite tax judgment entered lu the district court of Mc Lean county ou tiie 5th day of July, 1898, in pro ceedings to enforce the payment of taxes delin quent upon said real estate lu said county and afterwards, to-wit: on the 4th day of August. 1902, tiie whole right, title and interest in and to saitl land acquired by McLean county at said sale was duly assigned to J. Anderson and the-peiiod of redemption from said sale will ex pire 90 days from and after the 16th day of Mav, 1903. •*W'\® Contest Notice iJL'partment of the Interior. United States Land Olllce, Bismarck, N. Dak., April 30,1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Michael Sheeran, of Coal Har bor. N, Dak., contestant against Homestead entry No, 19273. made September 20th 1902, for e'/£ iiwK and lots 1 and 2, section 19, township 148, range 87. by Ed Grubrir, eontestee, in which it is alleged that the said claimant has wholly abandoned the sa'd tract that lie has changed Ills residonce therefrom for more than six months since making said entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated bv said party as required by law: and the absence of said claimant Is not due to employment lu the U. S. army or navy in time of war: said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. 111. on July 16. 1903, before Rose A, Ward a notary public In ana for McLean Co., N. Dak., and that final hearlug will be held at 2 o'clock i). m. on July 23. 1903, before the Register and Receiver of tiie United States Land Office at Bismarck, N. 1 'ak. The said contestant, having, lu a proper affi davit filed May 12,1903, set forth facts which show that after due dilllgence, personal service of this notice cannot oe made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. A. C. McGilUvray, may 23 Register. First Pub. Apr 18. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Bismarck. N. D. May 10th, 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in tills otlice by Lizze B. Olson, contestant, against Homestead entr No. 1(1(107, made April 15, 1902, for swH section 23. township 148. n. range st w. by ,1 ulius Wilke eontestee, ill which it is alleged that said ulius Wilke has not es tablished a resilience 011 said hind and lias in no manlier improved the same and has been absent therefrom for more that: six months and that said alleged absence was not caused by employment hi the U. S. army, navy or marine corps 111 time of war said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 11 o'clock a. 111. on J'iy 10. 1903, before the Register and Receiver at tiie United States Land Office in Bismarck, N, Dakota. The saitl contestant having, in a proper affida vit filed May 16, 1903 set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby order ed and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. A. C. McGillivrav, Register. Win. F. Cochrane, Attorney for Contestant. may 3p CONTENT NOTICE Department of the Interior, United States Land Oflice, Bismarck, N. D. March 31st 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Cliarlet Bell, of Washburn, N Dak., contestant against homestead entry No 15855 made Jan. 22d 1901. for seH sectiin 13, township 148 n. range 82 w by Carl O. Andreson eontestee, in which It is alleged that the said claimant lias wholly abandoned said tract that he lias changed Ills residence therefrom for more than six months since making said en try that said tract Is not settled upon and cul tivated by SBitl party as required by law: and the absence of saitl party is'not due to employ ment in the U. S. army or navy In time of war said pa ties are hereby notified to appear, res pond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a in. on May 23d, tons, before J. f. McCutlooh a U. S. Com n. Dlst of N. Dak. and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clo k p. ni.on June 1st. 1903, bef.«re the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Oflice in Bismarck, N. pan. That said contestant having, in a proper affida vit, filed April 10th 1903. set forth facts which show that after due dilllgence personal service of this cannot be made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such uotice be given by due and prope. publication. John Satterlund, Receiver. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior United States Land Office Bismarck N. D. Marclv 30th. 1903. Asufficlent contest affidavit having been in this oflice by Homer E. Spohn, of McHeury. N Dak. (ontestant, against homestead entrv No 19595 made Sept. 28th, 1902. for seji sw4 and lots 4. 5 and 6. section 6, township 144 n. range 80 w. by Charles R. Fox eontestee, in which it is alleged that the said claimant lias wholly abandoned said tract, that he has changed hi s residence theieform for more than six mouths since making saitl entry, that said tract Is not settled upon antl cultivated by saitl party as required bj law aid the absence of saitl claimant is not due to employment in the U. S. Army or navy in time ot war, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching saitl allegation, at 10 o'clock a. 111. on May 25th, 1903 before J. T. McCuiloch a U S. Comm. Dlst. of N. Dak., at Washburn, North Dakota and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. in. on Juue 3d. 1903 before tiie Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Bismarck, N. Dak. That said contestant having in a proper affi davit llled April loth 1903 set forth facts wbich-sliow that after due diligence personal service or this uotice can not be made't is here by ordet-eu and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication, John Satterlund, ,_aprj8 Receiver, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Bismarck, N. Dak. Mav 15. 1903 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of Ids claim, and that said proof will he made before E. A. Lamb County Judge, at Washburn, N. 'J., on 27th day of June 1903, viz: G. Peter Erickson, II. E. No. 15029, for the sw!i of section 34, towusiiip 143, range 8J \v, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz .10I111 Casey. (Jie Holtan, Nels Tran and W. (i, Merriam. of Washburn, N. D. A. C. McGilUvray, May 23* Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST Deparjinenl of the Interior, United States Laud Olllce e Bismarck. North Dakota, May 12, 1993. A sufficient contest affidavit having bei-u filed in this office by Archie G. Snider, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 17552, made June 5th, 1902. for s'A ne!.j and lots 8 and 9,section 7, township 147, 11.. range sow, by George-Barrows Coutestee, in which it is alleged that said George Barrows has never established a residence on said land and has in 110 manner improved the. same anil lias been absent therefrom for more than six mouths and has who'ly abandoned the same antl that said alleged absence was not due to his employment iu the U, S. army, navy or marine corps in time of war, saitl parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer ev idence touching saitl allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. 011 August 11, 1903, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Olllce in Bismarck. N. Datcota. The said contestant having in a proper affida vit, filed May 12, 1903 set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot ho made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. .- A. C. McGilUvray. may 23 Register. CITATION—NOTICE HEARING FINAL REPORT oF ADMINISTRATRIX. State of North Dakota i In county court County of McLean ss Before I Hon. E. A. Lamb. In the Matter of the Estate of the 0/Joffn Lcssel, Deceased. Ruth Lessel, Petitioner, VS RAlph Lessel and Leonard Lessel, Respondents 'the state of North Dakota to the above named Respondents You the said Ralph Lessel and Leonard tas sel, heirs of John Lessel, Deceased, aud all other persons interested In said Estate are hereoy notified that the final account of Aure lialluPrey. Administratrix of the Estate of John Lessel, Deceased, late of Perry in the countyof Dallas, and state of Iowa, deceased, who at the time of his death owned certain pro perty in tneicountyiofiMcLean and State ot North Dakota, .has been rendered to and filed with this1 court, Monday the 27fh day of July. 1908, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon *f that day.'at the Court Booms of this Court In the village of Washburn. McLean County, North Dakota/has been duly appointed by this Court tor the set tlemeut thereof, at which time ana place any penon Interested In said estate may appear and file his exceptions In writing, to said report and accounting or any part thereof and contest the sane. Ajpdvou, the above named Respondents, and each or ytm, are hereby cited anififraidred then and there to be and appear before this Court, rnternW^. 11 Dated this 18th day of June, 1903. yT*£A.a&MB (seal) Judge ot the Oouniy Court, MpLean Uo. N. D. .line 30-st Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States I-and Office, Bismarck, N. D. April 28, 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been IllCd in this office by johnnes Bauer, of Mal colm, N. Dak., contestant, against Homestead entry No. icn09, made February 11th. 1902, for seji, section 8. township 148, range 82. by Ericle Ilennrlcks n. Contestee. in which it is alleged that the said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract, tii^t he lias changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said enti y at said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law. and the absence o said claimant is not due to employment in the U. S. army or navy In time of war, saitl parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offeir evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on July lotlu 1903, before Rose A. Ward, a notary public In and "or McLean o N. Dak. and tiiat final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m., on July 17th. 1903. before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Bismarck, i.J. Pak. Tiie said contestant having in a proper affidavit filed May 12, 1903. set forth facts which show that after due dilllgence personal service of this notice cannot lie made, it is hereby ordered antl directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. A. C. McGilUvray, may 23 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Laud Office at Bismarck N. D. May 9,1903. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof I11 support of his slaim and that said proof will be made before Aug. E. Johnson, U. S. Commissioner, District of North Dakota,at Washburn, 011 June 27,' 1903 viz: Axel Johnson, for the northeast quarter of section IS, town ship 144, range 83. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saitl land viz Jacob Luthander. and Charles Hoover, of Conkling N. D., Andrew P. Thyberg and Tojn Audersou, of Basto, N. D. A. C. McGilUvray, may 23 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tiie Interior, United States Land Oflice, at Bismarck, D. May 13,1903. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of liis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before E, A. Lamb County Judge, McLean Co., N. Dak., at Wash burn. 011 the 3d Jay of July. 1903, viz: John W. Sliop8hire, for the seM, sec. 2, twp. 146, n. range 82 w. He names the following wltnt- ses to prove his continuous residence lipon and cultivation of said land, viz: Lars Peterson. Hayes P/aff, J. W. Griffith and James Saunders, all of Washburn, N. Dak. A. c. McGilUvray, may 23 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Office at Hisinarck. N. D,. Mnv/2, 1903, Notice is hereby given that the JKllowing named settler lias filed notice of lier iptention to make final proof in support of her claim and that saitl proof will be made before E. A. Lamb County Judge, Mcl.ean Co., N. Dak., at Washburn on July 6th. 1MB, viz: Clara A. Olson for the sH sw!4 nwH sw4 section 29 & ne4 seH section 30. township 148. range 86 w. She names the following witnesses to prove' her continuous residence upoa and cultivation of said laud, viz: Amanda Johnson, P. Erickson, B. Merrl am aud L. Hanson, all of Coal Har 'or, N. D. moy 30 A. C. McGilUvray, gist Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, N. i., May 22,1903, Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of har intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that saitl proof will be made before E. A.. Lamb. County Judge, McLean Co., N. Dak., at Washburn on July 6th, 1903, viz: Amanda A. Johnson for the eV4 nw)4 sw4 ne?4 lot 1. section 30, township 148, rang e 86. She names the following witness to prove her continuous reald ence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Clara Olsou. G. P. Erickson. Alfred Marshall aud jphn Casey, all of Coal Harbor. N. Dak. A. C. McGilUvray, may 30 Register. Contest Notice. Department of the Interor, United Slates Land Office, Bismarck, N. D. April 2nd, 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Thomus M. Casey, of Coal Har bor. N. l)ak.. contestant against Hoir.esteail entry No. 17201 made May 2lst, 1902, for neJi section 18, township 148. n. range 86 w. by diar ies N. Gallant contestee, in which it is alleged that the said claimant has whollv abandoned saitl tract that lie has changed his residence therefrom frr more than six months since making said entry tha said tiact is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law, and the said alleged absence from the said laud was not due to ills eniplovmeut in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of war, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching saitl allega ion at 10 o,clock a. 111. 011 June 22. 1903, before James T. McCuiloch, a U. S. Comm. Dis't of N. Dak., at Washburn, North Dakota, and that final hearing will be held at 2o'clock p. m. ou June 29h, 1903, before the 'Jegtstel and Receiver at the United State* Land Otlice in Bismaicl N. Diik. That said contestant, having, in a proper af fidavit filed May 7. 1903, set forth facts which that after due dilllgence personal service of tills notice cannot be made, It is hereby ordered and directed thut such notice be givou 'bv due and proper publication. John Satterlund. may 16 Receiver. John Satterlund, may 16 Receiver. Contest Notice. 1 epartmment of the Interior, United States.Land Office, Minot, N. Dak —', May 6th 1903 1 A sufflclent contest affidavit having been filed In this olfice by George Woodiuff. contestAnf against Homestead entry No. 18745, made Oct' -15th, 1902, for northwest one quarter fnwu'i '-'4^ section 6, township 149, range 85, by Charles' Marsh, contestee, in which ft is allege that £SMryi,'?S,ha8 abandoned tract A and changed his residence therefrom for mora than six months since making said entrv andt next prior to the date hereof, that he has not established a residence thereon that said tract remains in its natural state, wholly and unimproved, and that said aUegedabwnce i was not due I V v Contest Notice. Department of the Intei ior, United States Laud Office. Bismarck, N April 21st, liiuu. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this olfice bv Herman D. li. Crowl, ol Wosliburu N. Dak., contestant, against HomesUad Entry No. 14291, made April 30,1901. for il1 nwJ4 section 211, ney scH section 27, ntry swHueH township' 148, range S3, by victor II. .lotmson, contestee. 111 which it is alleged that the said claimant has whollv abandoned said tract, that he lias chang ed Ills residence thererrom for more than six months since making said entry: that saitl tract is not settled upon and cultivated by saitl party as required by law and the absence of claimant Is not due to employment in the U.S. army or uavv iu time of war, said parries are hereby notified to appear, respoud and ..offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a-111 011 June23rd, 1903, before Hose A. Ward,a notarv public in and for McLean County, N. Dak at WAsliburn, North oxkotA and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. 111. on June 30th, 1903, before the Register antl lie ceiver at the United States Laud Office in Bis marck, N. Dak. ,He said contestant having, in a proper affida vit tiled May 7,1903 forth facts which show that after due dilllgence, personal service of this can not be made, it is hereby ordered au.i di rected that such notice be given bv due and1-1 proper publication. I ^'1 Stir* t'4 s a $ t° his employ- °?entlnthe army, navy or marine corps ofthe United Mates as a private soldier, officer sea. man or marine during the war witlTSneln^S? °2"|r war in which the Unltecjstates may beeugaged said parties are herebynot&ed affl- facts ^orde^W-dhf^^iSh-^SK given by due and proMr publication. nifty 10 ftfiritfm ^Mtnot N*d8T f0r CoDtesUnt i & •Qm*