Newspaper Page Text
l-i :s K t'f ir st* 1 ONE ON THE PROFESSOR. Prank of College Students That Really Was Funny. In a college town two students were passing by a "painless" dentist's office shortly after nightfall, when one of them, as if he had thought of some thing remarkably funny, suddenly ran and took down the sign about a yard long that was hanging from two nails. The next morning, when the Latin class was assembling, every student as he took his seat and looked toward the teacher's platform seemed to be un able to keep back a burst of laughter. The professor of Latin belonged to a type of which a specimen can be found In many a college faculty. He had no idea how to keep order in his class, and would fly into a rage at the small est interruption and launch forth Into a tirade of abuse, forgetting all about the lesson. In this way he had won for himself the nickname of "Gasbag Tommy." This morning the laughter of so many of the class seemed to in furiate him, and he began to apply all kinds of epithets to the offenders, with out diminishing the merriment, how ever. At last he noticed that every body was looking over his head turn ing around, he discovered, with con tinually increasing rage, the cause of the mirth. It was a dentist's sign, and the words on it were: "Gas Administered." WAS NOT A GREAT KING. Few Things to Praise in Life of Wil liam IV. A biography of King William IV. of Great Britain, uncle of Queen Vic toria, was published recently. He spent most of his life at sea, being in his sixty-fifth year when he became king in 1830. Rolbert Burns, years before, had dubbed him "Prince Tar ry Breeks." His biographer thus describes him: "Small in stature, burly, with florid, sanguine counte nance and head shaped like a pine apple, his majesty was rough, garrul ous and diffuse in speech, bustling in his movements, undetermined in character, without much intelligence, but with great good nature and well disposed toward all men." He want ed to call himself King Henry IX., but finally it was decided that he should be known as William IV., this resolutin being mainly due to the superstition of the English bishops, who remembered an old prophecy to the effect that as "Henry VIII. had pulled down monks and cells, so Henry IX. would pull down bishops and bells." One Rooster Per Passenger. It takes Havana railroad compan ies for fine discrimination and regard for the comfort of passengers. Some of the rules and regulations govern ing these roads are tnus laid down, for the benefit of the ignorant, in the .•sjuide to Havana—a little, red-covered toook, printed in Spanish and the quaintest possible English. "If trains are delayed and the pas senger desists from going, the ticket Is redimed but if otherwise, the train is on time and he desists, only half fare is returned. If the passen ger loses the train on his own fault no return whatever is tnade. "The company prohibits the carry ing of more than one rooster in a first-class car, if carried in a basket, and in the other cars dogs with mussgle and doz. chickens, but no ice is allowed in the cars nor fish or any other article injurious to the comfort of Passengers."—Brooklyn Eagle. Arithmetical Puzzle. She jilted me and scorned my suit, A maid of sumraois twonty, A fair coquette with roguish eyes. Who had of lovers plenty. I turned my steps and rushed "Vi j" w i V v £•. away, And vowed that I'd forget her, And once again as happy be, As if I'd never met her, Though years and years have since then, passed Though I've had sweethearts plenty. My earliest ideal love To me still seems but twenty. And strange to say. when yesterday I met this maid and told her My foolish fancy, she but frowned And claimed to be no older. Zangwill's Caustic Wit. Israel Zanzwiil, report says, is about to visit New York again. He may give public readings from his latest works. "Authors have to stand almost any thing," he said recently to an Ameri can l'riend. "An actor asked me to make a play out ot' a string of short stories describing the submerged tenth. I objected. I hadn't time to read them carefully. "He handed mo the slorios, reply ing: 'Why read IIKMII I arelully and spoil the play!' "I glanced it them. Pretty good ad vice,' I replied. "They are scrne early ones of my own under a noin de plume.' "—New York Times. Why Should He Think So? The man was gazing idly out of a trolley car window, reading the signs. The car passed a laundry, "Chin Song," read rhe man. "Now I Relieve that man must bo some rela tive of my wife," lie muttered absent f.?- Vienna's Suicide Record. Vienna almost always holds a world's record for suicide. In the first u,ine months of last year 250 mec and 98 women succeeded in killing themselves, arul another 367 made un successful attempts. Dominion's Artillery Poor. Lord Dundonald. lr 1 I of the Cana dian militia forces. the artillery of the Dominion is tit only for scrap Iron. Contest Notice. Department of the Interiot. United States Lfind Office. Bismarck, N. D., May 29,1903. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed in this office by Ed win Stearns,of W'ashburii, McLean Co.,N.D., contestant, against home stead entry No. I821f, made Aug. 14th, 1902, for E. S.E. Section iiO, Township 146, Range 82, by Peter J. Aarsby, contestee, in which it is alleged that said Claimant has wholly abandoned said tract: that lie has changed his residence there from for more than six months since making entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law and thut default still exists and that said said alleged absence from said land is not due to employment in the U. S. Army or Navy in the time of war said parties are hereby noti fied to appear, respond and offer ev idence touching such allegation, at 10o'clock a. m., on August 22,1903, before Rose A. Ward, Notary Pub lic in and for McLean Co., N D„ ai Washburn, and that final mbe held at two O clock, p. 111., on Audiet 9!() 140:-? bt»fnr tlw- h'l'o- Oil August IJUO, Dtiorc tile ill g- .ur A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, june 20 Register. U.T: Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Bismarck,N. D., June 11th, 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed in this office by Jer iniiah Conway. McLean Co., N. D., con testa nt, against homestead entry No. 10154, made June 4th, ltKK), for S.W.^. Section 24,Township 14(5 N. Range H3 W., by Andrew G. Long biilla. contestee, in which it is al leged that thesaid Andrew G. Long balla claimant herein has totally a bamloncd the above describedtra t: further, that claimant has not in any way improved said tract since liis entry therefor, viz: that he has not built it house or dug a well or or plowed any of said tract, and that said default exists at this time and that Claimant's absence from said land is not nor was not occas soned by said'Claimant being en gaged in the military or navy ser vice of the United States in time of war, and said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation, on August 12th. at 10 orlock a. 111. I4.i0.5. before Rose A. Ward, a No- That said contestant, having, in s proper afficavit filed June 13th, 1SK)3, set forth facts that after due diligence, personal service of this notiee cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such no tice be given by due and proper publication. JOHN SATTERLUND. june 20 Receiver. How He Declined. Lady—Doctor, I wish you would call around to see my husband some «venirg when he is at home. Do not let him know that I asked you, cause he declares lie is not sick but I know he has consumption or some ihing. He is gcinir into a decline. Hoctor—I am astorished, but I call. What are his symptoms? 1 ady—He hasn't any except •iess. He used to hold by the hour, and now tires him.—West Record. •, ister and Receiver at the United Mci.tau .ount. North ),t. .ia States Laud Office in Bismark,N.D. That said contestant, having, in a proper affidavit filed June 11,1903, set forth facts which show that af ter due diligence, personal service of tliis notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. be* even the baby Uiyon (W. Va.) Where Courtirg Is Forbidden. Courting botwe?n members of the Ftaff of the metropolitan asylums board of London lias boon Rrbidden. A res olution has been passed under which "members of the staff when off duty are not permitted hold any com munication with officers of the oppo site sex." "We do not want our homes to be matrimonial bureaus," said W. Crooks. M. About Lost Bankbooks. "Lost bankbooks are frequently advertised for," said the President of a prominent savings bank, "any they are generally fonnd by some means or another. In most instances the Some of them have common -sense enough to telephone the bank and have payment stopped, but most of them don't. They wait for the finder to bring the book to the name and address written inside it, and receive a dollar or two reward. If the finder is well off he sends the book to the bank ara we notify the depositor. Lc '-s are often sent to us from de stores, from branch post oflu from telegraph offices,, where i. ey have been carelessly left Lecture the losers? No. If we did we should have" t6 introduce a pro fessional scolder for careless de* positors." V wm mm State o( North l'akota In District Court, County of McLean. Sixth .Judicial District. Clmuiicy L. Baxter. Plaintiff \\S Morris h. Howard, lacoli D. Hitynle, Mary E. Unvote. Alonzo F. Scott, i SUM Kubecca .J.Scott :uid (.'assarta Miller MOSS, also ail other persons or parties un- i known claiming any estate or inter-1 est 111 the real estate described la the complaint on Die in said action, I Defendants, The Stale of North Dakota To The Above" Named Defendants: You and each (if you are hereby summoned answer the complaint in this action winch has been tiled In tlieoltlce of the Clerk of-said Court, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and In case of v ur failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated at Washburn, N. I).. May 19,1903. James T. McCulloch, Attorney for l'laintltf. Washburn, N, D, NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS State of North Dakota i In Distilct Court, /•ss. County of MaLean Sixth Judicial District, i haimcy I,. Baxter, Plaintiff, VS Morris L. Howard, Jacob D. Hajnie, Mary K..Haynie, Alonzo F. Scott. Re becca J. Scott and Cassada vi liter. also all other persons or i arties un known, claiming any estate in the real estate described in the complaint on iile hi said action. Defendants. Notice is hereby given. That an action has been commenced In this Court by the above named plainr.ilt' anainst the above named de fendants, the object rf which is to obtain a judgment that said plaintllt' is the owner in fee hear-! "f the followinK described real property, and i i i 1 i a s a i e e n a n s a n i e a o e a v e n o i estate or interest therein lien thereon all of ^'ction Five (r, ip One Hundred Kii"o .'hi,.une (SI) situ ted (144 Daleu .May ID. tuna. ,i«ii i s ,. ull ieh. AtioriK-y I i- ..tliiliff may 30 »...-uburn. N. D, Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, N. Dak, May fi, 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Andrew P. Olein, of Washburn, McLean Co., N. Dak,, contestant against homestead entry No. 10619 made Oct. 24th, 1898, for se{ of section 34, township 147, n. range 81 w., by William Dunz, contestee in which it is alleged that said William Dunz has been holding and'residing upon said tract fo speculative purposes alone, and that he has sold said tract of land as can be shown by a bill of sale given April 17th, 1903, for $500, which said sale is to be closed within thirty days from said flate of sfiid bill of sale, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation ut 10 o'clock a. m. on July 20, 1903, before Rose A. Ward, a notary public in and for McLean Oo., N. Dak., and that final hearing will be held at 2 I o'elock'p. in. on July 27,1903 before I the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Bis marck, N. D. That siiid contestant having, in a I proper affidavit filed May 22, 1903, set forth facts which show that, after due diligence, personal ser vice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notjC(J tary ublic 111 and tor McLean Co., i publication N. D., at Washburn, and that said final hearing will be held at at hvo o'lock, p. 111., on August 19th 15)03, before the Register and Re ceiver at the United States Land Office in Bismarck, N. D. be yiven by due and proper John Satterlund, may 80 Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of The Interior. Land Office at Bismarck, N. Dak. May 22.11)03. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final commuted proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before 10. A. l.atnli. County Judge, McLean i o, N, !., at Washburn, N. Dak., on .inly (itli, 1!)03. viz: Louis A. Hanson for the sey swVi and lot 7,, section (J. township 118, range si, and e',4 sej£ section 1, township 148. range 87. He names the followimr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz.: Clara Olson, (1.1*. Erickson B. Merrlam and Amanda A. .lohnson, all of Coal Harbor, N. D. A.McGillivray, may Register. Contest No tli e. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, N. D.. April 15,190 i. A sufficient contest affidavit 'wjjj having been filed in this office by Hen (jr. Olson, contestant, against weak- Homestead entry No. 166(58, made me on his lap April 15. llK)2, for e^ ne£ & ei se^ section 22, township 148 n. range i Si w. by Evan L. Morgan contes- I tee, in which it is alleged that said I Evan L. Morgan has never estab l'shed a residence on said 'and and I lias in no manner improved the I same and has been absent there from for more than six months and that said alleged absence was not due to employment in the U, S. army navy or marine corps hi time of war sa'd p.irties are hereby no I tified to appear, respond and offer I evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 10,1908 i before the Register and Receiver at the United States Laim Office in Bismarck, N. D. T1,e victims are working women or girls proper^affidavit filed May 16, l.'O.J, who lose them through carelessness. that set forth facts which show after due diligence personal ser vice of this uotice cannot be made it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. i John Satterlund, f, Receiver.' Wm. P. Cochrane, Contestant. Attorney for may 30 Agen- Singer Sewing Machines. cy at W. A. Persey's. Kitchen-cabinets, McGray's Coal Harbor^' r&rs& Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Offic Bismarck, N. D., May 13,1903. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed in thifc office by Daniel K. Nelson contestant, against Homestead entry No. 17641 made June 19, 1902, for the south-, west quarter of section 8, township 148, range 84 by John C. Fan kratz contestee, in which it is al leged that the said John C. Pan kratz has wholly abandoned said land: that said party has never established his residence thereon or cultivated said land as required by law and that the absence of said party is not due to his em ployment in the United States naval or military service in« time of war said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Au gust 3, 1903, before Peter A. Schmidt, Clerk of the District Court of McLean Co.,Hat his office at Washburn, N. D., and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on August 10, 1903, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land office at Bismarck, N. D. That said contestant having, in proper affidavit filed May 13th, 1903, set forth facts which show that after due dilli gence personal' service of this no tice cannot be made it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. A. C. McGillivray, may 30 Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land filce, Bismarck, N. D., May 13.1903 A svilicienl contest affidavit having been filed in tills ollice by Alfred Nelson, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 18210, made Aug. 14,1902, for the northwest (piatcr section 8, township H8, raiifte 84, by Andrew 1'ankratz contestee. In which It is alleged that the said Andrew Pankratz has never settled on said land «r cultivated the same a required by law, that said partv has put a shanty thereon but that there is no floor, furnitn e or conking uienslls therein, nor are there any other inipiovements to show habitation on said land and that the absence of sai't part} is n-1 due to his employ ment in the Un ted Maes n i i ary or naval service in time of war said parties a e here ly notilicd to apner, respond and otter evidence touching said allegation a lo o'clock a. in. on August 3. 1903. fore Peter A, Schmidt Clerk of the District Court of McLean o.. at Ills ollice in Washburn, N, l„ may 30 and that fluid hear ing will be iie.d at 2 o'clock p. 111. on August U, 1903, before the Kei-ister arid lt ceiver ai tne United S ares Land Office in Bismarck. N. D. The 'aid ontestant tiauiug, in a pr per affi davit. filed May 13,1903, et fortn fact-, which show that after due dilligence person il service of till- notice cannot be nade It is hereby or dered and directed tha' such notice i e given by due and proper publication. A. C. Mcuillivray, ieglsi Register. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received up to and includ-• June 80, at 12 o'clock, for the erection and furnishing material for the erection of a school house in Conkling school district. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the clerk and at the Leader office. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Conkling school board. J. H. NICKLIN, Clerk, Conkling, N. Dl Notices I will not pay any bills unless accompanied by an order from me. I have a number of men working for me and this notice is neces sary to protect myself. An order will be necessary. Karl Klein. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office,* Bismarck, N. Dak., June 18,1903. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by by Halvor Knutson, Washburn, McLean Co., N. Dak., contestant, against homestead entry No. 19848 lii.ide Oct., 9th, 1902, for e£ se^ sw| se| and se| ne^ sec: ion 11, township 148 n. range 80 w., by Fannie J. Himnann contestee, in which it is alleged that the said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract that she has changed her residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party iis required by law find that said default now exists that the ab sence of said claimant is not due to employment in the U. S. army or navy in time of war said par ties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation, at 10 o'clock a. m. on September 8, 1903, before Rose A. Ward, a notary public in and for McLean Co., N. Dak., at Washburn, and that final hearing will beheld at 2o'clock p. m. on Sept. 15, 1903 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Laud Office in Bismarck, N. Dak. That said contestant, having, in a proper affidavit filed June 13, 1903, set forth facts which show that after due diHgenoe personal service, of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and di rected that such notice be giyen by due and proper publication:)^ 5 june 20 v Receiver. HI* •^'Y^ Heath Air motor wind milis, McGray's 'Coal, Haybor .f? V.i&v •i'— See Robinson and Rovig at Coal IJarbor when you wish to insure against that hail storm. 1 John Satterlund,* A W V HOLTAN & SONS We have a List of Up-to-Date Goods in Every Department of Our Store and soJcit a share of your patronage and we can satisfy you in Qualiuy of Goods and that our Prices are right. ...GENERAL MERCHANDISE... A Full Line of Tiroceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes of all descriptions. We do not misrepresent our Goods. A Dollars Worth for 100 Cents. The New Firm We have moved into the Eppinger block and invite you to call and inspect our new goods that are arriving daily. Don't forget the new loca tion, west of Grambs Bros. HOOVER & EPPINGER, BismarcK, ». N. DaK. Connects with the Bismarck, Washburn & Great Falls Railroad. Is reached by line of steamboats from all points up and down the river. IThe Washburn Capacity, 50,000 Bushels TH0S. FIGENSKAD, Manager. Washburn, North Dakota. Send a year's Subscription to the old Folks at Home. Puzzle. Study this and you will learn soniethiiigabout paint. o.- BEST PREPARED PAINT" BE5T PREPARED PAINT BEST PREPARED PAINTI BEST PREPARED PAINT WILL NOT .. WILL NOT WILL NOT WILL NOT v $• Milligan & yv• •. '... 'V.': ivV' Your attention is invited to the special offer made in other columns of this issue /What is home with out a paper. -v. PAi'NT-v': B£5T PiilNT Mni Co. cmMo-irSA- For Sale by THOS. THOMPSON & SONS, Washburn, N. B. K. T. Olson Contractor and Builder. in 4(S t-ii Plans drawn and estimates V furnished. See me before letting your contract. Framing speciality Washburn, N. 0.. *iy ':p*r #1 i 1 I