Newspaper Page Text
!*2S?5! a:-. Vtfi I i 1 V- 1 N orth Dakota ubbins & A A big band is assured for Grandln. Seed wheat is in demand at Saw* yer. Balfour business inen favor incorpo ratlAi. Napoleon is a popular place for duck nunters. Walhalla bas an epidemic of the mumps. A Berthold boy was shot through the heel. The Granville bottling works are in operation. Sandoun in Ransom county has a dew paper. Starkweather is to have a $6,500 school house. The Towner ball team is to be all home talent. The Minot telephone exchange hat been improved. Ward county people killed thous ands of gophers. Wyndmere is to have a fast ball team this spring. Ward county will pay out about $2,00(Kin gfljWeV botmtles. There waa.'Bot an opposing vote to incorporation at Westhope. Jamestownites are after the N. P. for the long promised depot. The first payment has been made on the McHenry county jail. A thirteen-year-old Des Lacs girl killed thirty gophers in two days. Many cattle died arouni Fort Berth old from some mysterious disease. Some of the nurses at the asylum have resigned to go to tlieir claims. The Stanley grocery stock in Casael ton is said to have been sold—again. Nineteen packages Q,f 'oooze were confiscated at Lansford by the offi cials. An effort is being made to establish a vegetable canning factory at James town. The present staff of teachers at Wal halla is popular and may be re-en gaged. The prior of St. Mary's at Richard ton will be raised to the dignity of an abbot. '. Fargo's Baptists, hajre raised $11,000 of the $16,000 desired for a new church edifice. The shipment of quails to be turned /loose in Stutsman county arrived in good shape. ^Atmospheric electricity is causing a lot of trouble with the telephone lines i at Bismarck. A Sunday school was organized at Norwich by J. B. Clapp, the Presby *?•«•. terian worker. :v 's? The gopher hunt at Norwich result ed in the destruction of about 4,000 of .the little pests. W. H. Mann sold $530 worth of regetables off eleven acres at Minot during last season. Havana bas signed a fast ball tearin and is going after the state champion $ ship in great shape. German Evangelicals have jUst dedi, Seated the. first church edifice to be ^'erected at Balfour. 'j' Independent electric light and tele Tit phone men meet at Grand Forks this fft'week to reorganise. linoters are working to secure the ^sbyterian college that seeins to be o o i n e a u i y Some of the Williams county publi cations are so sore at each other that they do not exchange. Capt. Heerman, a Devils Lake pio- (fleer, predicts a good season as a re sult of the late spring. A forthcoming directory of Fargo .is ^expected considerable increase in the city's population. Local improvement leagues are se- curing substantial improvements in -many towns of the state. A summer carnival will be held In Fargo again this season, the dates'hav ing been set for July 11 to 16. Mew portofBces have been establish ed at Gravely, Bottineau 'county, and Mars ton Moor, Stutsman county. High school Kthfttet of the .. state, Mid a meeting^«, the unlrertity grounds at Grand Hrerks Saturday. •, A Ward county U«n upset fiotn a wagon Into four teet water and lost a podketbook containing o'vter $600. A Grafton'man is building his own automobile, and will have two engines, lit one goes bump he can- still get "home. (Great efforts are being made in Wil liains county to Improve the horses 'by the importation pf fine thorough breds. Mayor Connolly of Mandan will 'regulate" the resorts hi ^landau. In other tpwnf the mayora liave to chase A Residence destroyed" last' week by at Abercrop^bie^ was the last re ining relic (of ing old Fort Abertrombie. The itructure was valued at only $300, but loss, upon historic grounds, is g«n ly deplored. illpl.'C. A, Lounsbtfrrjj 6f Fargo e h^r trunk cfhftck to' a nan whom supposed was the baggagemaster eapoli*, and the tranlc, tori valuable property, has not been A Pcgftfu ahawi was tbe property stolan, and, the ts ef the'trunk were valued at HAM Km Havana has an active base ball as sociation. Some cases of glanders are reported at St. Thomas. Burglars at Fargo are being roasted for clumsy work. Farmers at Penn will build a co operative creamery. A new Presbyterian parsonage at Mandan cost $2,100. Osnabrock's new national bank is ready for business. New Rockford and Cathay will be con nected by telephone. Many towns are getting new rural mail routes this spring. A Masonic Temple will be erected at Edgeley this season. Church people in Souris are support ing a missionary in China. A couple of telephone lines in Traill county have consolidated. Children at Devils Lake gave a flower carnival May 6 and 7. Park River will issue $2,000 for an addition to the school house. Additional drainage is being planned for Walsh countv this season. German Lutherans will hold serv ices at Litchville this summer. Several local bands have reorgan ized for the summer's oampaign. Gov. White's proclamation calls for Afbor day celebration 6n°'Miiy 13.. Senator McCumber will deliver the Decoration day address at Lakota. A four-horse runaway created con sternation in the streets of Fargo. Jewish people at Grand Forks will build a large new school this year. William McMaster, a well-known res ident of JtfcKinney, was browned last week. A number of local gun clubs are getting ready for a good summer's sport. An electro-plating plant is one of the new industries being installed at Hillsboro. At York two ladies narrowly es caped serious injuries in a runaway accident. e A pair of Japs near Sti&gR tackled a bob cat and laid him out a la war In the Orient. Crary people look {or better tibikgs as a result of the recent incorporation of their village. Work on the state papitol extension wijl be pushed "without interruption until completed. Rev. J. C. B. Peck, a clergyman of Wilton, was recently wedded at Em erson, Manitoba^ Democrats are said to be considering M. F. Hegge of Hatton 'as a guberna torial possibility. A Glenburn lumber man was stuck for payment on a bond which he Bigned ten years ago. George H. Stevens of Towner has placed 4,500 head of cattle on Wil liams county ranges. D. K. Brightbill of Towner county is being groomed for a place on the Republican state ticket. A school book case from Norwich has been occupying the attention of the state supreme court. Editor Crary of Edmore announces himself as a candidate for represen tative from Ramsey county. Legal business'is so quiet in Sargent, county that the May term of court will be convened without a jury. Ex-Fire Chief Runge of Minneapolis will be made acting chief of the fire department at -Grand Forks The flooded districts are said to have, had one advantage. The -high water drowned out the gophers. Rev. Thomas Dougan, a popular Langdon divine, has been called to the pastorate of a church in Chicago. Lincoln township in Ward county has had an Increase of 200 per cent in taxable property since one year ago. The Beaver ranch, valued at $76, 000, near Montpeller, is the subject of somi late litigation in Stutsman' county. ... Senator Hansbrough was named to head ttie Ramsey county delegation to the Republican state convention at Fargo. Some Williams county stockmen are said to have run their stock into Mon tana till the North Dakota assessors got through. Two deaths resulted from' scarlet l^Ver at WilUston last. week, and the disease is rgpprted -prevalent' In sev eral other localities. Hie candidacy of H. T. Hegetaon of l|llton for governor is said to. have precipitated an unlooked-for factor into the1 politics of the state. A Norwich party forged a check on the local bank, but, when .the money was not forthcoming he failed to wait to be apprehended. It is expected that the Devils. Lake reservation will be thrown open to set tlement some time Jnt,August%. The lands will be sold^t $4.50 per acre. A number of peripatetic venders^ about the state seem to be coming in conflict with the peddlers' llc%pse law, to the disadvantage) of the venders^ A the buildings cdristf- section .foreman,at Sawyer step ped off the railroad bridge to tief a pile driver A pass and was nearly drown ed before, he could be rescued from £hf river. There will be one. advanta&a'tabout tl^e crops—the ground will beTsd" warm when the seed is put ,ln there will be no'lost iimd and the drop by June 1 may be as tar advanced fia- uvual nt that season. Authorities at Sawyer will he Jfune 1 before the river wiU be within huilm &t -that 'point, iiiA two: weeks more btfore dooe en the 'flats.^ •niMllnr MI be :P: LEGISLATIVE CONVENTION. To THE VOTEBS OP THE THIRTY FIFTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT:— Notice is hereby given that there will be a Republican Delegate Con vention held at Washburn, N. D., on Monday, the 16th day of May, 1904, at the Court House in said village at the hour of 4 o'clock M. for the purpose of selecting one candidate for State Senator and two members of the House of Repre sentatives for North Dakota for the .thirty-fifth legislative district. Also for the purpose of transacting such other business as may be properly brought before said conventiob. The basis of representation in said legislative convention is the average number of' votes cast for the two Rebublican legislative can didates for the said thirty-fifth leg islative district receiving respect ively the highest and lowest vote in each county in said district at the last general election, giving one delegate at large for each county, and one additional delegate for each 75 votes or 'major fraction thereof. The different counties of said district will, under the apportion ment -herein pr6vidfed 'toe entitled to r6presetittitibn as'foHbWs:— McLean County, nine delegates, Mercer County, three delegates, Oliver County, two delegates. The Legislative Central Commit tee for said district will pass upon the right of those entitled to par ticipate in tbe preliminary organi zation and will irn'et for that pur pose at the Auditor's office in the Village of Washburn at 3:80 o'clock on the day of the convention. The credentials of all delegates and all notices of contest must be filed with the. secretary of the com mittee on or before May 16th, 1904, at &30 o'clock p. m., and notices of contests must £»e accompanied by a written statment of the grounds of contest.' v? By order of the Legislative Cen tral Committee for thc-35th Legis lative District. A Republican Judicial Convention. A Republican Judicial Convention for the Sixth judicial District of North Dakota will be held at Mandan, N. I)., at 1 p. m. on Saturday, May 2i. 1001, aLtee court house In said city, for the purpose onlaeing in nomination a candi date for the office of Distrset Judge for said dis trict. The apportionment for the different cguntles has been determined by tbe Committee to be as follows Billings 1 vote, Burleigh 5 votes, •, Kmrnouss votes, Kidder 2 votes, McLean 5 votes, Mercer 2 votes. i Morton 9 votes, •—-r Oliver 1 votes. Stark 7 votes. The republican judicial committee Till meet at 10 a. m. on the date of the convention at the office of the secretary for the puepoae of pass ing upon the credentials of ..Swan Nealander.. Contractor and Builder, Plans drawn and estimates fur nished. Let me figure pn your building. Residence fourth house east of the new school house. WASHBURN, N, D. J. P. Contractor and Builder, Estimates furnished and Plans Drawn. Letjne.figureon. V'v-'l yourwdrk. HANCOCK, N. QAK. FOR On Sec. 26,T.145, R. 84. GOOD DRY COAL READY TO LOAD John P. Pask. GOAL HARBOR ELBOWOODS ..AMD STAGE LINE Stages leaves Coal Harbor for Washburn and Elbowoods at a.m. Nofl^arriVesatW alshbtixn 11:30 and leaves 1 K)5, No. 2 will not leave Coal Harbor until arfiyal of No. 1. Stages NOB. 1 and 2 arrive, at Coal Harbor 7 K)0p. m.» No. arrives at Elbowoods at ^7.-00 p. m. Stages No. 2 and 3 go way of Ga^riwm BARNEY McOINUBY, rnpilitor. •v ^%\p I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. AUG. E. JOHNSON, P. K. EXSTMAN, Chairman. Secretary. the delegates. i"y '»i£Fkance, R.M. Tuttlk. Sp-j ".hm. pro tern. $50 TO CALIFORNIA AND RETURN From St. Paul and Minneapolis, via the Chicago Great Western Ry. Tickets on sale April 23rd to May 1st, inclusive, good, to return until June 30th. For further informa tion apply to J. P. ELMER, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. THE ..BEST SEPARATOR.. ...BUIUT... MATBRlAb WORKMANSHIP ..GUARANTEED.. STRICTLY Dated April 7th, 19M. J^IRST-CLASS —b- Ask Any eenher Who Kuns One. "THE LIGHT RUNNING" .ALWAYS.. IN THE L. A K V' Keep Your Eye on th e Piano. WASHBURN and SUMMONS. State'*! North Dakota i rSS County AfMcLean I Iq District Court, Sixth judicial District. E. T. WlbStoif Plaintiff. .,VS i Elinor Benedict, F. *i. Mattoon, and all other persons I unknown claiming any estate or Inter-1 est,in or Lien, or Incumbrance upon the property, d& rib«d in the complaint and th$ir. lihluiown heirs. sum m#n«. Defendants. The State of North Daketa to the above named Defendant?: You are' hereby summoned to answer the com^Bdnt in, the above entitled action, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the sutser{ber at his office In the village of Washburn In 'said county and state, within thirty'days-afljer the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service aqct of.your failure to appear or aaswer "lB.caseV«, a v j-.-. i,VWVV JVMI IHItUt V «W wp|«VI» V. . judgment will be taken ag&lnst you by default for the relief {demanded lmthe complaint d( Jantes T. MeCultoch. Attorney fur Plaintiff, Washburn, N. D. To-the above named defendants: You will ptease take notice that the summons ana-complaint lu the above entitled action was tiled In tneottce of the Clerk of the District Ceuiteat Washburn, N. D., oh the 7th, dav of li 1904. April 1 v/ 4-9 gig .lames T. McCulloch, Attorney for Flalntlff, Washburn, N.©. CONTEST NOTICE. D^^utment of the Interior. United States Land Office, Devils I^ake.M. Di April 16,1904. 'A «uffi lent contest affidavit havlni been filed la this office bv Relhert N. Sand, Coatestant, againtt'Homestead entry No. 2629*. made No vember 16,1901, for Niiseii. awK sefc, seM swM of secHob 21, township lis, range 76 by Sanford Irwin, now deceased. Con tea tee. In which It Is alleged that Sanford Irwin died Intestate on or about November 23rd, 1902, leaving DO widow, children, inar heirs at law with the exception of a brother, whose preeent name and 'address is unknown to.deponent, nor any beneflclarles under section S91 of the Bevisea Statutes of the United »tates^whq are entitled to perfect said entry: aad that during the thirteen months that bare elapsed slaoe the death no heirs of any. class have lald any claim to said tract that no heirs of sald eatsyhuji are residing upon or cultivating said tract as required bt law, aifd that said alleged absence from-the, said land was not due to Ills'eiiipleyment In fhb army navy or marine corps itfthe United States a* a rlvate soldier, offloer, Beaman or ''marine dur the war with SMlp.^or. during any other war In which the united States may be ehtaged said parties are hereby notified tq appear, res pond and offer evidence tou6hlliK' safd allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m.onJiMie 2nd, 1904, .That said fldavHHMt' i THE PETERSON MACHINE COMPANY\ the GREAT MINNEAPOLIS LINE. PLANO If not, you should give us a call and see what bargains we offer. 'We carry a full lineof... De- fore, in enryBartz. a notary public, at his office In Anamoose, North Dakota, ahd that, final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock?a. m. on June 9th, 1904, before the Kegtater and Receiver at the U. S. Land Office inDevHs Lake, N. D. Tbe said oontestant having In a proper »fflda vlt filed April 26th, 1904 set forth' facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be inade, It is hereby or dered and directed tbatsuch notice be given by due and proper publication. 6-7 Ole Seramgard, Register. Record address of Contestee Anamoose. N. P. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tbe Interior, United States Land Office. Minot, North Dako ta, April 18,1904. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Henry Frtaiiv contestant, against Homestead entry No. l|647r made No vembwi8* 1902, for thejfex of atetlon its, town shlp M&n. of«nge8»,w„oy jo1iann Scbitmel contestee. U'whlck it la altegedJtluit. laid entry man nip/wholly Jailed to estaolltib a residence on said land 'attd that &e has abandoned the same fora period of more tliac sUc month* last paft.and that said allegM ^OMiwe from tbe saldland*as not dUety hl^«iDMminentlii.the army, navy or nuirineCocpsottBeUhltaiVJStatet as a private koldlfelr, offlo^r, ojr marine during the war with Spain or dttittft- any other war tp which the Untted Sbrtils may be engaged and said parties are respond and offer ev faamatloololMkii 4 to appear, h|ng sal/ alle- «n/'Juoe U, 1904, be "Iver at the United ottli Dakota. ptpperaf which sorvlfle heHby or- Vt Ull DUUOQ OWW n wpvi W UNW| VI- 1 *. iArt if w v 5 "... I jl\ ...luJfeSSlifeJis SUPERIORITY OF THE MINNEAPOLIS ENGINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. UINDBRWOOD ... NORTH DAKOTA. IP TOU WISH TO I BUY or SE,LL i ... GOME AND SEE US... -WE GAM 6EL.L YOU FARM, RANCH, COAL or TIMBER LANDS at Very Reasonable Price* on EITHER SIDE OF TI1E MISSOURI. Solem & Seltz, Washburn, N. D. DO YOU TRADE WITH US GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, SHOES, SHOES, UMI0P B1ID UMI0P B1ID HOUoli lUn- NISHINGS illUlIlllUUi etc., etc. GEO. U. ROBINSON, Goal Harbor, North Dakota. 1 The New Firm We have moved into the Eppinger block and dji Invite you to' call and inspect our. new goods that & 21are arriving daily. Don't forget the new [loca- & Stion, west of Grambs Bros. & Safety und Durability. Simplicity. Ease of Operation. Ease of Steaming. Strong in Pulling Loads, reliability of rated power. HARVESTING MACHINERY! HOOV^R^EPPINQER, i• BismarcK, N. DalL| EXTRAS We'll be glad to see you and quote you our prices, which you will find are right and the Quality likewise. A \A s We can Duplicate any Part of all I Machines we Sell. i ft ft $ ft A4 (w •v| ?r'• y-s. .VI 4f' I t- 1 •i -5 w tUi It