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Marshaffcown, w If waniing an Auctioneer, Call on Claus Larson, Underwood, N. D. On Sec. 26,T.I46, R. 84. V GOOD DRY COAL READY TO LOAD ..J. M. PATTERSON.. CAN DO ANYTHING IN THE LINE of IRON or WOODWORK.: Horse Shoeing a Specialty. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. I AM STILL AT WHAT? I Will Tell You. House Painting Paper Hanging Calsomining & *r Graining I H. 3V GO VE N STAR RESTAURANT WILLIAM ROST, Proprietor. New and First-Class in Every Respect. ...MEALS AT ALL HOURS... How are YOU going to St*. Louis? If your ticket reads via the CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN tSEU PAIIWAY You can 'go by way of either Des Kansas cit*y( Chicago* Wdterlo©, Moines, St*. Joseph or without extra charge. Four da9y trains making connections with the best trains to St. Louis. For information a* to special rate* and routes, apply to any agent or J. P. ELMER, Gttural PaJienger Agtnt, lit Adami St., Chicago. sw*** ..TUB SMART 8CT.. :A MAGAZINE OP CLEVBRNE88= ..Magazines should have a well defined purpose.. ..Genuine Entertainment, Amusement and Mental Recreation are the motives of The Smart Set, the ...MOST SUCCESSFUL!. OF MAGAZINES ... Its Novels, a complete one in each number, are by the most brilliant authors of both hemispheres. Its Short Stories are matchless, clean and full of human interest. Its poetry covers the entire field of verse pathos, love of humor, tenderness—is by the most popular poets, men and women of the day. Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are most mirth provoking. 360 PAGES: DELIGHTFUL READING SAMPLE COPIES FREE OW APPLICATION No pages are wasted on cheap Illustrations, editorial vaporings,wearing essaying or idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm and refresh you. Subscribe now—$2.50 per year. Remit in checque, P. O. or Ex press order, or registered letter to THE SMART SET, 452 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK V'h John P. Pask. GOAL HARBOR ..AMD ELB0W00DS STAGE LINE Stages leaves Coal Harbor for Washburn and Elbowoods at 7 a.m. No. 1 arrives atWashburn 11:30 a.m. and leaves 1 K)5. No. 2 will not leave Coal Harbor until arrival of No. 1. Stages Nos. 1 and 2 arrive at Coal Harbor 7:00 p. m. No. 3 arrives at Elbowoods at 7 KX) p. m. Stages No. 2 and 3 go by way of Garrison BARNEY McGINLEY, fkM Republican State Convention To the Republican Electors of the State of North Dakota: In accordance with the Instructions of the Republican State Central committee, state con ventions of delegated representatives of the re publican party of this state will be held this year as follows: DELEGATUS TO NATIONAL CONVEN TION. .convention will be held at tlie opera house in the City of Fargo, on Wednesday, May 18. 19W. for the purp *se of choosing eight delega tes and eight alternates to represent the state of North Dakota In the National Convention of Republicans, called to- meet In the City of Chicago, on the 21st, of June, 130*, to nominate a president and vice-president of the United States. STATE OFFICERS A convention will be held 'at the opera house In the city of Grand Forks, on Wednesday, July 20, loot, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, for the purpose of nominating candidates to be supported at the next general election and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before It. The candidates to be there nominated are: Three presidential electors,two inambers of congress, governor, lieutenant goverror, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, superintendent of pub lit InotniArtAn .. lie Instruction, attorney general, commissioner of Insurance, commissioner of agriculture and labor, three commissioners of railroads and one Judge oftne supreme court. Tne basis of representation In each of said conventions is the average number of vottfs cast for the two republican candidates- receiv ing respectively the highest and lowest vote in each county in the state at the last general election In 1902 (excluding superintendent ot public Instruction, railroad commissioners and judge of the supreme court), giving two dele gates at large to eaoh. organized county and one delegate for each seventy-live republican votes, or major fraction of seventy-five votes cast for the above officers in said election. Tne option is given each county to hold either one or two county conventions to elect delegates to the two state conventions. Attention or county committees is milled to the law governing the holding of clicuses, and it Is recommended that the organization In each county, when making calls for caucus, designate for each precinct a messenger whose whose duty it shall be to be present at the various caucus polling places at the hour named in the call, provided with record book, paper and other materials necessary for keeping the records of the caucus and list of persons voting thereat, in accordance with section 497c of the Revised Codes of 1899. The dillerent counties In the state will, un der the apportionment herein provldod. be en titled to representation as follows: Morton 14 Barnes 19 Benson 18 Billings 4 Bottineau 17 Burleigh 12 Cass ao Cavalier 20 Dickey 12 Eddy 8 Emmons 7 Foster 8 Grand Forks 36 Griggs 8 Kidder 5 LaMoure 10 Logan 0 McHenry 18 Mclntosli 9 McLean Mercer Nelson ... Oliver .... Pembina Pierce .... Ramsey .. Ransom .. Kichland Rolette... Sargent-.. Stark.. 14 8 21 9 15 14 23 10 11 9 Steele $ Stutsman i& Towner 12 Traill 14 Walsh 21 Ward 26 Wells 14 Williams 5 Total 611 Any new county fully organized according to law prior to holding of state conventions will be allowed two delegates, at large. ZTtte state committee will pass upon the rights of those'entltled to participate In the prelimi nary organization, and will meet for that pur pose at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the day previous to the dates of the respective conven iens—In Fargo at rooms of Commercial Club In Grand Forks at Hotel Dalcotah—to hear all contests. The credentials of all delegates and all notices of contest must be filed with the chairman ef tills committee on or before the hour designated herein for the meetlng*of the oinmlttee to pass upon tlie rights of delegates, xncl notlces o contest must be accompanied b^ id detei »mmltti notices and statements with the cnairman written statement of the grounds for contest ot he i v e n y In accurdanee with the date* of -filing I'iererenoe In the order of "hearing and deter mining contests will be given by tne committee of such By order of the Republican State Central Committee at a meeting held in the city of Far go. Tncsday, March IS, i904. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, N. D.. April as* 19M. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof, in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before Peter A. Schmidt, Clerk of Court. McLean Co., If. D., at Washburn, N. D.t on June 20,1904, viz Margaretha Hummel, for the swM section 14 townsiiln 148, range 84. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation, of said land, viz: Jakob Flath, Lorenze Neher, Louisa Arlt and Jakob Hummel allot Coal Harbor, N. D. 5-7 M. 11. .leweU, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. l). S. Land Oflice, Blsmarck.N. D..April 28,1904. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Theodore Johnson, of McLean county, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 18855, made Sept. 12,1902, for sff nwii aud lots 3 and 4, section 4, township 146 n. range 81 'w„ by Napoleon B. Porter, Contcstee, in which it is alleged that the said claimant has wholl since making said entry: that said said tract not settled upon and cultivated bv said party as required by law. and that said default now ex ists and the absence of said claim Ant Is not due to his employment in the U. rs. army or navy in time war: said paitles are hereby not! lied to appear, respond and offer evidence touching saldallegatlon at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 14,1904, before Rose A. Ward, a notary public at her office in Caderwood. N. It., and that final hearing will beheld at 2 o'clock jp. m. on June 21, 1904, before the Register and Recei ver at the United States .Land Office in Bis marck, N. D. The said contestant, having, in a proper af fidavit filed Apr.28.l90t,setforth facts which show that after due dllllgence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it it hereby ordered aud directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 5-7 John Satterluad, Receiver." E. A. Lamb, Attorney. CONTEST NOTICE ,• Departmentof the Interior, i1 -V United States Laud Office. Bismarck, N. D., Feb. 29. 1904. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Oscar O. Olson, contestant, against homestead entry No. 24204, made Jnne 26,1908. for sev section 20, township 148, range 84 by Edward Holt, contestee, in which it is al leged that said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than ux months last past and that he has not cultivated or Improved said laud In any manner as law and tiixt said default now exists, turther that the ab sence from said tract was not due to his employment in the u. 8, army or navy in tiras of war said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, respond aud offer evidence touching said alligation at 10 o'clock a, m. on June is, 1904,be fore Rose A, W$rd. a notary publlcat her of fice in Underwood, N. D., ano-tliat final hear lug will be held at 2 o'clock o. m. on June 28, IUU4, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In Bismarck, N. D. Tlmt satd contestant having, in a proper af fidavit. filed April 28, 1904, set forth facts which show that alter .due dllllgence personal service of this notice can notlw made it Is hereby ordered and directed that such' notice be given by due and proper publication. 'V\\ L. B. HANKA. M. II...IEWELL, Chaliman. Secretary John SMtertond, Receiver. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department ef the Interior, United States Land Office at Hlnot, ». D. April 8,1904. Notice is hereby .given thst the following na tied settler has filed notlceof her Intention inaLeilnal proof in support of her claim, aim that said proof will beinaUe before £. A.Lamu, County Judge, at Washburn, N. D. 1904. VIZ: 84 We Proprietor. She* names the following witnesses Jo prove her coi.tlnuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz: otto A. Petor Fliginger and Oavld Me del of Garrison, N. I„ and riavid Wollman ••ft «t'liirlHn'. X. i». 4 .0 It. C. Sanborn, Register. 9 Miles N.W. Coal Harbor. SbPSHVI TO BE GIVEN AWAY •octeMk. SBrtMrtta (foe collar). S Autwu Leans sad S Conventional Designs for sUit-valst onan KXAjJorra raxxxw OiNEWIDrA Woman's Ma|acln« jkwMmiteKett!on,theSaestS*ceatu It Is an authority 00 ill mattets peita contains the latest and nxxt tncaal strim to be found anywhm In the magastoe world. If]ro aeanydesatecitpense. the Naw zihbIs wtahtodnssMU Idea Woman's Maga- a positive necessity. Each Issue contains niuttra '"V alio of iub)ccti Interesting to »e»en to their hwnellfc. 6«k1aH yournanie to3ay«rtS and we will enter ytxjT subKriptioa far oo. year, sad man also the EmbrofcWy Outfit sbOTrnabora. •.•Ullia ttis lapsr wSmjwwHU. M»W nirtmumoo..S8Sfc«sdwsy.llWrtwfc NOTICE To H.Kasiar:— .... ... Take nuticc that default has occurred in the terms and conditions of that certain contract made'and entered Into by and between yourself and Karl Klein, dated. September lutti, iwn, wherein and whereby you agreed to purchase from the satd Karl KWI11 for tlife consideration of Three Thousand and Forty (f9.040.Mt) Dollars, the tract of land descilbed as follows, to-wit: quarter ... ... west qu»rter (swV)of sectiou thirty-four. (84). townsiilp one hundred furty-seveu (147), noitb of raiige eighty-four (M), west uf the iifth frlii clpal Merldiiin |n McLean County, state of North Djtfc aa. containing Three hundred and. Twenty (820) acres* mcre or hAs according to1 the United Ktates Government survt-y thereof. That such Ueiault consists in your failure to pay this following payment provided by said contract, to-wit: The sum of 1'wo Thousand Seven hundred and Forty (fi,743.01) dollars, due nd payable December 20, a. d.1903, and inter est on said sum from and after it became due. You are hereby notlrted tliiittlie 12CI1 day of July, a. d. 1904, Is tin: last day set for receiving said payment from you by said Karl Kielu. and' if it.ii rail to pay said sum with interest as afore said, »vi thin said time, the said contract will therc'tiion be cancelled and declared forfeited, and ail the rUht.~tit|» aw'l interest wlilcu you may ii'"'c claim theieia, oi- lu said land, shall tiioreupon terminate. X':ttc.. ~t Washburn this 2nd. day o: May, a. d. 1901. KARLKLEia. .1. A. Ti land. Attorney for Veudor, 6-7 Wasliburu, fiortli Uakoui., NOTIOE FOE PUBLU V L'LO'I. I And Office tit Bismarck, N. U., May 2,1001. Notl -eis hereby given that the following named settler nas filed notice of Ills Intention toihiake final commuted proof lu support of his claim, and thai »aid proof will be luaae before Aiik. E. Jokusoii, a U. .S. Coiumissloner for the district of orth Dakota, at his office at Wash i)urn,»orth Dakoa.on June 18,1904, viz: Swan Hwauson, U. E. No. 22tb3, folr the East half or the southwest quarter of sectlonl, township 147. range 82. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldeuce upou and cultivation of •tid Iftttd. id*.— Hans S. Osvold, ot Malcolm, N. D., Mons J. Stamnes, of Turtle Lake. N. D., Chester Prouty of IMrUng, N. D„ and Ales E. Swansoa of Un derwood. N.D. 6-7 M, H. Jewell, Register NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, [^uidOfficeatBlsinarck, N. 11 Notice is hereby given tli on May 21, Amelia A. Gering, for the ne)4 of section 20, township 149 n. range iXUceat Blsniarck, N. i„ April 14,1904. ....Jut- is hereby, given tli it tlie f»ll»wiL„ iikrimI settler has III0U uitl» Of lie inteitiiu tu1 makelUtai pi oof In "support of hor claiiu anu thftt salil proof-will im «ii* lietoie £. a. l4tnil,l.. Juiiift1 at Washburn, N. o„ 011 May v#. iwt. viz AniiaT. Larson, for uerly An ia Mlchelson for tiie of seen.,- m, -vu. bif i45, raiig* 78. h,.t iiunes the roHowinK witnesses to -ir-ive her cuiitinuous rebldc-nce uuon and cuitiv.iuou o said laud, vl/.:~ Co iradscuarer, Viu. It iswlg, H. Herman of l.»t'i. hi., .pi., aid ).xu Hlrsh .•«trn' M. .1. Jewmi Broke Loose! Look Out! I The GUN S oi GARRISON ." broke loose" scattering ••LUMBER AND FARM MACHINERY.. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, SHOES, SPRING HATS, HARNESS, HARDWARE, NAILS, etc., etc., among the Inhabitants with GOOD EFFECT. REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVING REGULARLY :Don't Miss the Fireworkers ..THE TAYLOR-BALDWIN CO.. BETTER THAN UNITED STATES BONDS ARE GOOD COWS AND U. S. CREAM SEPARATOR -FOR SALE BY- SOL-EM &SEL/TZ,Washburn, N.D WANT tfA r} VV i *,s XJ Washburn,^ 1 1 r. Garrison, N. D. They bring an owner an annual dividend of 100 per cent, on each cow. Try thg Combination and Prove It! A $40 Cow and a U.S. Separator will earii $40 in one year Our catalogues will explain viky the V. S. is the best write for one. For Western Customers, we transfer our separators from Chicago, LaCrosse, Minneapolis, Sioux City, and Omaha. Address all letters to Bellows Falls, Vt. Vermont Farm Machine Co., BELLOWS FALLS, VT. TO PROVE UP IF SO, CALL ON OR WRITE ME ..U. S. COMMISSIONER.. ...WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA... ..BISMARCK STEIN LAUBDRY.. Laundry Work of Every Description Neatly Done. Basket Leaves Every Tuesday, Returning Every Saturday. CARNAHAN St CLARK, Agts., .55?, ^:r. OFFICE AT bar«R SHOP. WASMBURN,pB»- NORTH DAKOTA 1 y Good Meals Clean Rooms Best Accommodations OULUTH. SOUTH SHORE a ATLANTIC RT BETWEEN-' GREAT NORTHWEST \JME EAST. fir ikwv k No. Dak.