Newspaper Page Text
WANT w. u. ..J. ALL WORK Wasburn. "VJS ID PROVE BP? Money to Prove up With? .IF SO, CALL ON OR WRITE ME. ..U. S. COMMISSIONER.. ...WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA... STAR RESTAURANT WILLIAM ROST, Proprietor. New and First=CIass in Every .Respect. ...MEALS AT ALL HOURS... M. PATTERSON.. CAN DO ANYTHING IN THE HUE of IRON or WOODWORK. Horse Shoeing a Specialty.? G-UARANTEED. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. Oliver County Harness Shop MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ..Light and Heavy Harness.. A Full Line of Harness'Supplies and Harness Oil. .. ORDER WORK, A 8PBGIALTY.. ...Harness and Shoe Work neatly and promptly done... Carriage Trimming and Upholstering done on short notice. —G IVE US A TBIft L.— J. GREEtNSHIELDS & D. ATZ, At the Ranch. How are YOU going to St. If your ticket reads via the CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN i&KU Railway You can go by way of either Chicago, Waterloo, MarshdUtown, Des Moines, St*. Joseph or Kansas CiLy, without extra charge. Four daily trains making connections with the best trains to St. Louis. For information as to special rates and routes, apply to any agent or J. P. ELMER, General Passenger AgtHt, IIJ Adams St., Chicago. Washburn Mills ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE GOES WITH OUR FLOUR. Seal, Fancy and Bakers' Flours, Graham and Wheat Grita, Bran and Shorts and Feed. Feed Grinding done at all times. Our Wh-t Grits are an excellent substitute for oat Meal. Wc have recently put in a Corn Siiw'ler bring ia your corn and gel it sliellea tad ground. We want your fifes trade. N. D. THEODOREJROOSEVELT A Alan of Action, \Y li Can Itu lulled ou in Eiiiergi-nclrft. Theodore itoo.-ove II occupies' a unique position in t:c estimation of the American people. It is not tliat other men in public life are not hon est, or earnest or incorruptible—those qualities are not rare. It is that Mr. Rooseveit combines tlieni in an un usual way. lie is possessed of great physical vitality and mental energy ho has of his own taste and his own motion entered into vaiious occupa tions that have put linn in touch and sympathy with all classes of men, high and low. When lie was a ranch man he ninde the cowboys iiis friends so that when he became a soldier ROOSEVELT AND FAIRBANKS. they clamored to be of his regiment. He became police commissioner in New York, r.ot for ''the money there was in it," as was the custom in New York, but to see that certain abuses were remedied. They were remedied in spite of the opposition of other members of the board. He became as sistant secretary of the lwivy in order to carry out certain plans of naval pro gress. He enlisted in the Spanish war from patriotic motives and made a rec ord. He was elected governor of New York on: account of his public services and was nominated for vice-president against his own wishes for the same reason. In all these positions and as president of the United States he has done his duty fearlessly and honestly. The people have learned to regard him as a jiii'.n of action as a mai.i who does things and who can be relied on in an emergency. In common phrase he is regarded as n man "'who will do to tie to." Against such a record as this the negative record of a man who has dono nothing but. write legal opinions and indorse Democratic platforms amounts to nothing. As a man of executive ability and of action .Tudge Parker is "not in it." Words of Cheer for the Democracy* It has been given out to the forlorn and drooping Democracy that '"Willie Hearst is loosening up": that lie has been induced to put in a few thousands to open headquarters for the National Democratic clubs. The hungry know well that this means that llearst as pires to be a candidate again, but they are not worrying about 190S now. Four years ago Hearst was presi dent and footer of bills for the Na tional Democratic clubs. The mem beis1 met, if memory serves aright, at Indianapolis, expecting to greet their president. But lie sent one of his hired men to receive the greetings of his admirers. This dampened the ardor of the crowd, despite the fact that their fare back home was paid. The November election settled the whole concern, but it seems that the N. D. C. is to be resurrected, what little there is left of its ashes. The Saving-Bank Test. In 1S90, when McKinley was first elected, there were 088 savings banks now there are 1,078, an increase of 10 per cent. In 1890 the number of de positors in savings banks was 5,005, 494 and the total deposits $1,907,000, 000 in 1903 the number of depositors had increased to 7,305,288, and the de posits to $2,935,000,000, an increase in round numbers of $1,028,000,000. As deposits in sit rings banks are mainly by wage-earners and persons of mod erate means, the great increase in the number of depositors and the aggre gate deposits indicates general prosper ity—the result of Republican policies and administration. The 1'oit Ought to Know. The New York Evening Tost snys of llorrici the Democratic nominee for governor of New York: He has been a common ward and county boss in Albany while sittftig on the bench as or.e of New York's high est judges. The New York Evening Tost is an eccentric newspaper, but it is re spected, and financially responsible. What it says of the Democratic nom inee for governor of New York is criminal libel, or it is not. What is tlie Democratic nominee for governor of New York going to do about it? July 1, 1892, the last year of the Harrison administration, the public debt was $12.55 per capita for the en tire population of the United States. July 1, 1897, after four years of Demo cratic administration during a time of profound peace it had increased to $13.55, an increase of $1 per head for every man, woman and child in the United States. That is a fair speci men of Democratic management of public affairs. Judge Parker, judging from his con duct and the company lie has kept, stands for Ilillism in politics, which means that any unscrupulous act is justiDable if the end be gained. He is the very opposite of President Itoose velt, for his evasiveness shows that he lacks courage and decisiveness—two requisites that should not be found wanting In aspirants for the presi dency. The Dingley tariff law, now in force, and the sound-currency act establish ing the gold standard are the two great achievements of the Republican party since the beginning of the Mc Kinley administration. As a result of these acts we have boundless industry and a sound currency with which to conduct It. The Democratic party op posed both. AS-.orti V: We 9 Miles N.W. Coal Harbor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, I.nnil Ollicoat Bismarck, N. Dak. Sept.. 22,1904. Notice is hereby given tliiit the following named settler has liletl notice of his intention to make llnal commuted proof in support of his claim,and that said proof will he made before Aug. 15. Johnson, a U. S. Commissioner for the districtof North Dakota, at his ollice at Wash burn, North Dakota.on November 1 t!HM, viz:, Christoph Ster. H. K. No. 21262, for the &y2 of nwH and iiwM of nwi of section 9, and seH of uey of section 8, townshlo 147 range 79. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon airJ cultivation of said land, viz: John Br wn, Jacob Ster, Edwin J, Copwell and Matl'.ias V, Selimitt, all of Turtle Lake, N.D 9-24 M. II. Jewell, Register. CONTEST NOTICE Deir rtinent of the Interior, United States Land Ollice, liisniarck, N. 1\, Sept. sth,1004. A sufficient contest affidavit having been iiled in this ollice by John 8. Negaard contestant, against Homestead entry No. 22498, made April Hi, 1904. for SWH section 1, township 147, range 83. by (lerland W. Paulson eontestee, in which it is alleged that said claimant has wholly aban doned said tract that he has changed his res idence therefrom for mnreth&n six months last past and that said land is not settled upon and cul ivatedbv said party as required law and that said derault now exists and that said al leged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the U. S. army or navy in time of war said parties are hereby notilied to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. ouOct. 31st, 1904, before Kose A, Ward, a notary public, at her office in Underwood, N. Dak.,and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. in. ou Nov. 7, 1904. before the Register and Receiver at the the United States Land Ollice in llisman l'. N The said contestant, having, in a proper ai 11 lavlt tiled Sept. 8,1901, set forth facts which show that after due dilligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered aud directed that such nolice be riven by duo and proper publication 8-17 John Satterlund. Register. E. A. Lamb, Attorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at liisniarck, N. K. Sept. 22, 1904. Notice is hereby given that tn&following named settler lias liied notice of his intention tc make fi nal proof in support of his claim, and that saidproofwill be made before Aug. K.John son, a U.S.commissioner for the district of North uukota, at his ollice at Washburn, N. o„ on November 1, 1904, viz: Frank Fahlgreu, H. E. So, 11348. for the north west quarter of section 12, town ship 144, range S3. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz: Fred 1'lister, Auaust S. Falilgren, Andrew Fahlgrenand Alfred Kdliind, ail of Washburn, N.D. 9 24 1. H. Jewell, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States I-and Office at Bismarck, N. D. Sept. 22,1904. xotice Is hereby given that the following named settler iias tiled notice of his Intention to make flnal proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before K. A. Lamb, County Judge, at Washburn. N. D. on Nov. 3, 1901, viz: Thomas J. Edwards, for the nwH section 32, township 147 u. range 80 w. He names the following witnesses to prove Iiis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz Fred Sleicher. C. A. Long, Ida M. Long and John Kelm all Turtle Lake, tt. D. 31 M. H. Jewell, Register. SO YEAR8* EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. An,rone sending a sketch and description ins* quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patent able. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Paten* sent free, oldest aaency for securingjmtenu. Patent* taken through Munn k. Co. receive tpecialnUict, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any aclentlllc Journal. Terms. t3 a i rear four months, $L Sold brail newsdealers. i Buy the U. SOL EM & SELTZ, Washburn, N. D. Washburn, O.kV* A.RY I N E S O O O -R A 1 N 5 NI I N CAH '. A A- A to Announce... jf ...That our Winter Line of CAPS, MITTENS, OVERSHOES, jg LEGGINGS, FLANNELS, DUCK and SHEEP LINED COATS, etc., have arrived and are on display. ...That we buy goods from the same people that the other fellows do, and can meet all competitors on a LIVING BASIS. ...That we sell "ELK" Line of Plows and Harrows, Lake City and Webber Wagons, Dowagiac Grain Drills. Look this Line over. They are all right. jjt ...We solicit a share of your Valued Patronage. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ... LUMBER ... MACHINERY]* ..THE TAYUOR-BALDWIN CO.. GamSOIl, II. S. Mil SEPARATOR HOLDS WORLDS' RECORD. EXCELLS ALL OTHERS. For Fast Work, Close and Clean Skimming Durability, Simplicty, Safety, Convenience and Strenth all Combined in One S. It has no Equal. Come and see the Machine Call or write for Free Illustrated Catalogue ...EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED... CHOOSE WISELY ... when you buy a SEWING MACHINE. You'll find all sorts and kinds at corresponding prices. But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine, then take WHITE. 27 years' experience has enabled us to bring out a HANDSOME, SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT PRODUCT, combining in its make-up all the good points found on high grade machines and others that are exclusively WHITE, which will appeal to careful buyers. All Drop Heads have Automatic Lift and beau tiful Swell Front, Golden Oak Woodwork. We sell only through our authorized dealers, who will furnish our iron-clad guarantee duly counter- JpffMP'®'*'" signed by themselves. Beware of buying a White with a defaced or altered plate number. We do not sell to or through catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Styles. OUR ELEGANT H. T. CATALOGS GIVE FULL PARTICULARS, FREE. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. For Sale by PETERSON MACHINE CO., Washburn, N. D. JimUl STEAM LAUNDRY.. Laundry Work of Every Description Neatly Done. Basket Leaves Every Tuesday, Returning Every Saturday. CARNAHAN & CLARK, Agts., OFFICE AT BARBER SHOP. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA Merchants Hotel j, t- Good Meals Clean Rooms Best Accommodations DULUTH. SOUTH SHORE & ATLANTIC RT I N. D. CREAM SEPARATOR. ft ft No. Dak, A Ottt»* ALBA ,. WW NEWV ,T.n. LARK£. ASST.GEN pa* U U I N N