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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
PLOWS WALKING & RIDING SINGLE & GANG There is nothing that delays work in the Fail like a poor Plow. Many of our farmers are doing all their plowing in the Fall. Do you want your horses fresh for the spring Work. Get a good plow and save horse feed. We are proud of our plow line. Let show them to you, as they are the Best. "Mow \VoUld You Like a W« Have IwaiM $20,000.00 Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a -.cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the tegular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cest stomp cov ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate Is recorded. You can send as many estl mates as desired. grand First Prize tf 5,000.00 Si! will be awarded to the one who la nearest correct on both our World's Balr and Presi dential Vote Contests. W« alio offer 15,000.00 Special Caih Prizes to Grocers' Clerks. (Particulars In each case of Lion Coffee.) SSflSEf *2.* LION WOQL80N 8PICE CO., (CONTEST PEP'T.) THE PALL CAMPAIGN 8 The Merchant, like the Politician, has his campaigns and {the fnale shows victory or defeat, according to his platform, i 8 OUR PLATFORM is Solid and remains unchanged. It brought us success and we will continue to stand on it. FANNING MILLS CLEAN S E E CLEAN PROFIT Some are tired of rais ing Mustard and Cockle at Dollar a Bushel. Does your dockage show it? If so, now is time to break away. Get one of our mills to improve your seed .and have your screenings to save for feed. THE PETERSON MACHINE COMPANY YWYSHBURN end JINDERWOOD NORTH DAKOTA. $50,000.00 GASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of LION COFFEE In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums iSUL JTU, Cuitst jU SECOND NATIONAL BANK OHIO. Check like This '.90'/ IYo.ZSm 2139 people get checks, 2139 more will get them in the Presidential Vote Contest £1 VEHICLES WAGONS BUGGIES SURRIES & CARTS Our Line of Vehicles- from the heavy doable-box Wagon to the Light Road Cart, is very Complete and we are amply able to suit the most discriminating buyer. Our Warerooms used for displaying Our Line is the largest and easiest of access of any in this section and our sales men most ohlging. What will be the total popular vote cast for President (votes (or. all can didates combined) at the election November 8,1904 In 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted for President. For nearest correct esti mates received in Woolson Spice Com pany's office, Toledo, O., on or before November 5, 1904, we will give first prize for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 first Prise 1 Second Prlsa a PrtsM—S600.00 Met 6 PrisM— aoo.oo 10 MUM— IOO.OO 20 Frizes— 60.00 60 PrlZM— 20-00 250 Prises— 10.00 1800 MM- BJOO 2139 FXIZE. How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks? Kit ofus-yoi. os welt wc-w,n j.t a brant WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZE8 Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of at TOTAL, 20,000.00 Heacc for yoar il.u :j ...S2.SOO.OO .... 1,000.00 1,000.00 ...1,000.00 ...1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2.600.00 .... 9,000.00 ifcul. TOLEDO. OHIO. MR. FAIRBANKS'8 LETTER A Clear trail Effective Statement of It. pi.bllcan I'rinclples. Senator l-'airbanUs's letter of accept ance is :i Fees document which appeals ili- rectiy to the business that the regulation of the great combinations of capital by law is pes sible, is neecssaiy, and lie shows the consistent course of the Republican party in this regard. As to our foreign policy Senator Fairbanks rightly considers that we have much to be proud of in the firm, conservative and thoroughly broad and CtKistian policy which has been adhered to during the years of Repub licaii administration. The tremendous expansion in our trade, our foreign in terests and influence has been'accom plished by peaceful methods, and no remote sign of war has appeared upon our horizon' In the years following the establishment of new national rela tions or our acquisition ot a vast ter ritory in the far east. In his enunciation of the Republican idea of the desirability of closer trade relations with our great neighbor, Canada, the candidate for the vice presidency is peculiarly happy. He is plainly for a liberal movement for reci procity between this country and the people just over the line to the north. He also emphasizes tlsvi value of the "open dww"' secured for us in China, and promises a continuance of the benefits of that ruMilt of our recent foreigi.i policy. As whole, the letter of the vice prewS^ntial candidate is a strong •pajMsr, one which commands respect an4 vonlidencix Senator Fairbanks is meeting the American people face to from one end of the country to the other, hi his very lively campaign, it 5s well, however, to have ill hand his written opinions and aspirations as a public nijvn on the great questions at •issue at this moment. if "We do not have to guess at our convictions and then correct th guess if it seems unpopular. 'l'*ie principles which we profess are those in which we believu 4 with heart and soul and strength. -'Men may differ from us but they cannot accuse us of shifti ness."—Roosevelt's letter of ac ceptanee. A CRAZY COMMENT another part of tIn ii- same foolish book they are proti-stin against our i -improvement of the Philippines. What -is K.oiiiy on in Xew Zealand \v*' will piliflke in the Philippines. We have -taken up the burden of the while man aud of Christianity, and it is lining taken up by the Itepublican pari.v. 'That is all there is to it. Why an? the leaders of the Demo cratic party so foolish as to whimper and cry so over what is a manifest duty of a part of the Anglo-Saxon race. The Amorijsan nation has made it s way to Asia, and is going to do what good it win there. This is part ot the blunt programme of the Itepub lican narty. It will rest upon the is sue. i men ami work- ers generally. It stales clearly some of the most importanl. hut perhaps not sufficiently understood, tenets of the i Republican parly in its conflict with I Democracy. In calling attention to the service i doi:e to the entire country by the es fciblishineut of the billeau of colli-j liierce and labor with a special de partment to deal with corporations, i the senator points out the lirst real attempt by the jjovernmeliL to deal with the trust problem, lie dcaiiy The Democratic text book has this "extraordinary comment: The Republicans have spent ?600,000, 000 on the Philippine Islands and are plunging forward with their dream of military empire at extravagant cost. Think what $600,000,000 ivould have done for arid America? The work of recla mation, now actually Ijegun in a few localities, might have been inaugurated in every state and territory west the ene hundredth meridian. Other coun•of tries find useful ways of expending their surplus capital f.r the benefit of their own peonle. Fr»r instance, New Zealand advances money to worthy settlers at a very reasonable interest S-° that they may SO forward with the improvement of their land and the buildins jf their homes without embarrassment. And these oraz.v Democrats quote Now Zealand, as a specimen ol: wIkiI ij'Great i ritain is doinff, wliile in All for Roosevelt* WSHJniu F. Creraiul, publisher of the Textile Trade Journal at 372 Broad way, New York, has just completed a canvass of the trade publications to learn their attitude toward the na tional tickets. These publications are non-partisan and as a rule do not al low political discussions to appear in their columns. Mr. Crerand's canvass shows that out of 803 of these publi cations 70S are for Roosevelt aud Fairbanks. Judge Parker's frantic demand that nothing further be said aliout Roose velt's personality is fresh evidence that Democrats have become alarmed over the effect of their assertion that Rooseveitism is the chief issue of the campaign. The more Roosevelt's per sonality is exploited the more popular he becomes. Democrats have been making Republican votes by the score In '1 iioling the president's utterances. There is an army of over 1,300.000 railway employes in the United States who are not dependent on any system of campaign statistics to toll "them they are better off in these years of Republican fatness than during the lean years that followed President Cleveland's second inauguration. It is denied that Judge Parker was seen trying to set fire to the Hudson river at Ksopus with a sulphur match without taking the preliminary pre caution to smear its surface with a pint of kerosene. If not, you should give us a call and s e e w a bargains we offer. We carry a full line of... ...PRE-HOLIDAY SALE... rORBES DRUG STORE ....To make room for our.... Christmans Stock of Toys and Fancy Goods ...We will, for the next THIRTY DAYS, sell the balance of our Stock of Wall Paper at.. Half Price 12c. 14c. 20c. 24c. 34c. Papers at 6c. Papers at 7c. Papers at lOc. Papers at 12c. Papers at 14c. Come Early while the Assortment Lasts. Good during OCTOBER. FORBES' DRUG STORE WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. HERE YOU ARE!! ...A New and Complete Stock of Fall and Winte Goods, consisting of Clothing, Caps, Shoes, Overcoats, Fur and Sheep Lined Coats, MEN'S and CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS Never in our business experience have we been able buyers such a varied and well selected stock and at such astonishing Low Prices as Now. w HOOVER & EPPINGER Bismarck, North Dakota. DO YOU TRADE WITH US DRY GOODS, Etc., Etc. IQEO. U ROBINSON,* Goal Harbor, North Dakota. IFYOU WISH TO BUY or SE,LL ... GOMB AND SEE US... We have for QUICK SALE the West Half and Soutnwest Quarter of Sec. 13, 145, 83,480 acres at the low price of $6 per acre, $500 cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser at 6 per cent interest Sclem & Seltz, Washburn, N. D. ..NEW ENTERPRISE.. PAN TORI U ..MEN'S CLOTHING.. Cleaned, Repaired, Pressed and Busheled. A Cood Chance to Make an OLD SUIT Look Like NEW. ORDERS TAKEN FOR HICM GRADE SUITS. Shoe Shop in Connection. Repairing Done. E. A. SWAIN, Proprietor. One Door West of Postofflce. LUND LAND ACENCY 8LDC. j| We'll be glad to see you and quote you our prices, which you will find are right and the Quality likewise. i i V 9