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R. O.WARD \n\n t, -. $ •X mi 1 ••ALL««i HOME ..PRINT.. VOL. XV. NO. 23. RAILROAD TIME CARD (Dally except Sunday,) No. 1. Miles. Stations. No. 2 8:30 a. m. 0..LV.. Bismarck Ar.5:00p.m. 9:10 a. m, 10..Lv ..Arnold hv.4:30p.m. 9:35 a. m. 18..Lv ..Baldwin Lv.4:00p. m. 10:80 a. m. 27..Lv. ..Wilton Lv. 3:35o.m. n 30 a. ra. 45..Lv.Washburn Lv. 2:15p. m. 32:20p. in. 58..Ar.Underwood ..Lv. 1:15p.m. COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff Treasurer Auditor OLE GRADIN .*• F. IRWIN ROOT O, B. WING Clerk of Court Peter A. Schmidt -States Attorney J. T. McCullicb County Judge E. A. Lamb Superintendent of Schools ....Henry Register of Deeds OLSON HANSNYGAARD Physician Of. UILLON County Commissioners—N. W. Solenberger. Frank Puts and SIMON JAHR. VILLAGE OFFICERS. •President Frank Thompson Alderman:::: ::^E-.^uaR SSrk F- M. Clark Assessor .1V. Dr. Dillon lii«Hce EdCharlebols Marshall.... .... L.N. Thompson PROFESSIONAL CARDS. F«ter A. Schmidt. Clark of District Court. McLean Ctt.. Win. r, A, Gierke Attnrney-at Law, Notary Public McLEAN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Official Boided Abstractor! for McLean County, N.Dak. Abstracts furnished on short notice. Titles examined and perfected. ,. Tax matters attended to for non-residents. Honey to Loan on Real Estate. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. Dr. J. A. DILLON... PHYSICIAN AND DENTIST. OFFICE OVKB HOLT AN k SONS. Dr. J. P. BRASTAD, PIIRSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE OVEB FOBBES1 DBUG SIOBE. W. L. NUESSLE, Attorney-At-Law, U. S. Commissioner, WASHBUBN, NORTH DAKOTA GEORGE P. GIBSON... ATTORNEY AT LAW, SEAL ESTATE AND LOANS. OFFICE POST OFFICE BIIOCK. WASHBURN, N. A. J. HEDRIX... ATTORNEY AT LAW. General Practitioner in State and Federal ftnnrta Registered Attorney before U. a. Lana OFFLWF'onSewlthJ. P. HoaRjand, 606 Main street, Telephone 188. Bismarck, N. D. j. A. HYLAND... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Uoney to Loan on Real Estate and Homesteads. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. E. A. LAMB... ..ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Practice before the United StatM In terior Department a specialty. I also have on hand a complete copy of the United States Land Offloe ruts and Records for McLean, Oliver and Mercer Counties. Dr. J. W. ROBINSON.. ft" ..VETERINARIAN.. ..ATUNDKRWOOD SATURDAYS.. GOAL HARBOR, NORTH DAKOTA. J. T. McCULLOCH... ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflloe: Opposite the Court House. AUG. E. JOHNSON 17.8. Commissioner Washbara, Narth Dakata .MONEY TO LOAN.. On Improved Farm Property- Ottee Opposite Leader Office. ..FIRE AND HAIL.. ..WE.. Insure,Everything Insurable. ..OLD LINE COMPANIES.. F. E. FUNK, FIRST'NATIONAL BANK, WASHBURN,N. p. -i As you enter by the large folding front doors, you find yourself in a spacious hall, seven feet wide and 30 feet long. On the right is the winding stairway leading to the second story, and oit? the left is a small room, 7^x9J, calculated for the sheriff's offioe. As you pass down the haU, the,first door on the right leads into what is intended for the clerk of the court's office. It is a room 12$xl5$, lighted by three lazge two light windows, one looking south, and the other look ing east. Further down the hall, and to the ell, you will find the office of the register of deeds and county olerk. This room is a little larger than the other, being 12|x 17 feet. It is also lighted by three large two light windows, the same as in the clerk of court's office. In connection with this room ie a double brick wall fire proof vault, for the safe keeping of the register of deeds and county clerk's records and books. At the end of the hall with the door facing the front en trance, is the treasurer's office, a light and pleasant room, with win dows facing north. In size it is 13$xl6$, and is also filled up with a vault of the same size and descrip tion as the one in conneotion with the register's office. This will ren der the treasurer's books, papers and vouchers safe from fire, and for 'i The proposition before the voters is to move the County Seat from Washburn to Underwood—thirteen miles northwest. If this proposition carries and the County Seat is moved to Underwood it will necessitate the building of a new court house and jail. Do you want to put the county to this expense at this time? If not, be on hand on election day and vote on the county seat proposition. Your ballot on the proposition will be substantially as indicated below. When you vote mark an in the square opposite the word Washburn. Then your ballot will appear as below: For Location of County Seat at Washburn For Location of Gounty Seat at Underwood .TWErNTY YEARS AGO, The Finishing Stroke Given The Neatest, Nicest Court in the Territory for the ...Happenings of Twenty Long Years Ago Chronicled by The Washburn Times, the First Paper in Washburn and McLean Co. Items of Interest Then and Now. $( NEW COURT HOUSE Money. An Ornament to the County lor the Next 20 Years—A Fire Proof Vault—Suffi cient in Size. From the WASHBURN TIMES, October 31st, 1884. McLean county's court house is fast nearing completion, and within a few days the finishing touches of ornamentation will have been given. It is one of the most complete structures in the territory, for the money. The work does credit to the contractors, and will stand for years as a monument of their skill as mechanics. The building 44 ft. long and 34 ft. wide, with a projec tion of five feet on each side, 18 ft. wide. It is two stories high, eleven feet each in the clear, with a hip and valley roof, and a tower 44 ft. high. The front is ornamented with a nicely finished porch, giving it a neat and tasty appearance. The outside is painted a French grey color, with trimmings of a little darker shade, The superstructure is built upon a good,, solid stone foundation, and is of .the latest style of architecture. The interior is divided into four rooms on the first floor, besides halls, vaults and stairways, and three rooms on the second floor. that reason is indispensable. This completes a brief description of the first floor, except a narrow hall, running at right angles from the north end of the main hall to the back door. The second story is divided into a court room, 22x33 ft. lighted by a large triple window at each end, and a large spacious hall a jury room 12x12, and a judge's chamber 12x12. If space would permit, we would enter into a more detailed descrip tion ef the building and its fine finish, but for the present we invite everybody to come and inspect for themselves, and we feel confident that they will be unanimously of the opinion that it is perfect in every respect, equal to all the wants of the county for several years, cheap for the money, a credit to the workmen engaged in its construc tion, an ornament to the county, and a public building to which our citizens can point with pride and say "That is our court house." A COMMUNICATION. EDITOR TIMES:—Permit me a small space in your valuable paper valuable, I say, because it informs the inhabitants of McLean county of the business of the county and all other business that interests the people. Mr. Editor, I thirst that the proprietors of THE TIM^S de serye great praise from the feople of the county for going to, such trouble and pains in getting up such a paper as THE TIMES, to inform the people of the times that are to come. Now, Mr. Editor, I find through the columns of your paper and from private sources that there is or has been of late, a contention arising among some of the residents of McLean county as touching the county seat, where it should be. Or, if we were allowed the expres sion, kicking like a mule, which an imal we all luiow is very treacher ous in his way. Well, a mule is a mule, if they have only the ears. They kick at everything and every body if they have not their own way. But I. for one, believe that all the sensible people of McLean county will look well to their own interests and keep the county seat where it is, and where it belongs, and keep down heavy taxes for a few years to come. The people at this time are not able to pay heavy taxes, which is certain to coma if there is any change made. It is a shame for such mules to keep up such kicking, although they are not very dangerous at present, if they are large. If suck things are allowed by the people, it is a sealed fact that immigration must cease, for people will not come into a country where taxation is high. If the county seat is changed to the town of Weller, it follows that there must be a place secured to build public buildings on, and the people WASHBURN LEADER. E Let the voters of McLean county on the 4th day of November next, cast their vote in the right direc tion, and that is for the countyseat where it now is, and for the men that have done the most for the county, the men that have spent their money and time freely in do ing good for the county, and let the mules kick all they like. They cannot harm anyone only them selves.— WASHBURN TIMES October 31,1884. MR. EDITOR :—Being one of the old residents of McLean county, I would like to say a few words in your paper in regard to the past and present. I was in the county long before it was organized, and camped on the preseDt townsite of Washburn long before it was ever thought of as a townsite. I have no interest in the townsite, and therefore feel perfectly free to ex press my opinion in regard to the couuty seat question. I will say, to begin with, that I favor Wash burn for vaiious reasons. The first is that the proprietors are the most liberal townsite men in the country and have done more for the devel opment of the county than anyother person in it. By their energy, they have given us a good mill, and laid the foundation of a good town and market for our produce, The nat ural location of the town is suck as to make it desirable for manufacto ries, and a good shipping point. When the elevator is built, it will furnish the only convenient place for the sale of wheat and the pur chase of supplies. When we are doing that, we can transact our county business without any fur ther expense or inconvenience. Therefore, I announce myself in favor of Washburn as the county seat.—WASHBURN TIMES, October 3d, 1884. THE "S00" EXTENSION. Engineer and Hight-of-Way Agent George M. Huss of the Soo Line, with headquarters at Birch Wood, Wis., passed through town east-bound on Tuesday's train, be ing enroute to Minneapolis to make his final report to the head Soo officials in connection with his in vestigation of the Underwood ex tension of the Soo and of the coun try tributary to that line. Engi neer Huss has spent several weeks in the Stevenson country and re turns well armed with information for his employes. A year ago the Bismarck, Washburn & Great Falls people run a survey some 27 miles northwest from Underwood and this survey was gone over by En- fineer n0^ Huss in company with Chief Ingineer Whitman of the late Washburn company, and Engineer Huss reports that this line of sur vey was found feasible and that his company would probably vary but little from this in their exten sion next spring. He also exam ined some of the Missouri river crossings and found one that im pressed him very favorable, and was of the opinion that that one would probably be accepted by his' company in crossing the river for its Pacific coast line. Engineer Huss is favorable impressed with the Stevenson country and says that it is sufficiently settled so that there will be traffic enough to make the road paying from the start. The Minot cut-off was also exam ined into and will be reported on also. In railroad circles it is accepted as a fact that the "Soo" has de cided on the Underwood extension and also that the Northern Pa cific will build its Denhoff branch west to the river, work on both ex tensions commencing as soon as the weather will permit next spring. From the fact that material is be ing moved and unloaded at Under wood as rapidly as cars can be spared for that purpose, it is evi dent that the "Soo" means busi ness and that the homestead coun try north and northwest of Coal Harbor will be afforded good rail road facilities. The country is well settled and a considerable acreage already under cultivation and settle by thrifty people. The land is fertile and a greater partof it susceptible to cultivation and with railroad accommodations this part of McLean county will make rapid advancements in the next few years. The building of the Northern Pacific west-from Den hoff will also give railroad accom modations to a great country and a large number of people who are at a will have to pay dearly for them. of the distance from railroad. disadvantage*on account & 'j-twaa WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA, OCTOBER 29, 1904. $1.00 PER YEAR. FIRST and ONLY National Bank... McLF 4N COl TY Capital $25,000 Surplus $7,500 W. T. ROBINSON I. ROVIO ..First National Bank.. Franklin E. Funk, Cashier. WASHBURN, N. D. TMI© MATTER —OF— Smoke We feel sure our view of the cigar business is unusual. Most druggists and all cigar dealers sell cigars to make money. We sell them to make friends—and money too in the long run. We want to get smokers into the store and let them judge what grade of business there is conducted on the Missouri Slope by the kind of a cigar they get. In^cigars as in drugs we get the BEST. A. P. LENHART CO. AMERICAN SINGERS ...The average woman cannot discriminate justly between Sewing Machines, so far as mechanical construction is con cerned but she can wisely judge their work. Singer Work Is Good Work' This is why Singer Machines maintain their supremacy all over the world, making the Singer trade mark a reliable stand aid of highest excellence. Sold on Time. Old machines taken in exchange. ..THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CAPITAL, W. A. PERSEY, Agt. Washburn, N. D. W. ROBINSON, Pres.. D. P. ROBINSON, Cashier. W. A. STALKY, V. Pres. CITIZENS STATE BANK, COAL HARBOR, NORTH DAKOTA. DIRECTORS F. L. MACKKY I ..BEST.. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WE CAREFULLY GUARD Customers' Interest in every Legitimate Way ALL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS with the Bank regarded Strictly Confidential Years of Experience. Soundness of Principle. Liberality of Treatment. Security of Funds. Safety of Investment. Economy of Manafcmcat. Before Insuring Your Property Against Fire, Mail or Cyclone Call on Us to Get Gloee Rates. Safety Deposit Doxee for Rent, You have the Only keys $2 Yearly Implements, Hardware, Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Wagons and Buggies. ..AGENTS FOR.. Acme Harvesting Co. Binders, LaCrosse Plows,Fish Bros. Wagons, and a Full Line of the Tiger Implements. AXEL NELSON: DEPARTMENT STORE A new line of Mens' and Ladies' Fancy Summer Hats Just received. Call and see them. We carry a full and complete line and it will pay to see our stock. ...NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS... COIPAIfY.. $10,000.00. High Rates of Interest Paid on Time Certificates. Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. Fire and Hail Insurance written in First-class Companies. W. A. STALKY v,'j, OS&te 2si *L. 35 -.4v r. 1 "CI