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PLOWS WALKING & RIDING SINGLE & GANG There is nothing that delays -work in the Fall like a poor Plow. Many of our farmers are doing all their plowing in the Fall. Do you want your horses fresh for the spring Work. Get a good plow and save horse feed. We are proud of our plow line. Let show them to you, as they are the Best. ..BENTON PACKET CO.. ..MISSOURI RIVER STEAMERS.. Operating between STANTON, NIANNHAVEN, COAL HARBOR, EXPAN8ION, FT. 8TEVENSON ...The Boat Washburn" will leave Washburn weekly, beginning Saturday, June 11, for Coal Harbor and Mannhaven returning, will leave Coal Harbor and Mannhaven Monday morning for Washburn and all points East. ...For Freight and Passage, apply to ISAAC P. BAKER, Manager, BISMARCK, N. D. READ READ If Looking for Bargains in Real Estate and Want to Own our Own ram# ....Come and give me a call, 1 have just what you iwant, over 100 improved farms, 50,000 acres of unimproved fanning, grazing and coal lands. My prices are of the very lowest terms easy. I am atone in the land business and will look after your wants with the greatest dispatch. P. N. LANGBELL, Underwood, N. D. ....TURTLE LAKE LAND S LOAN CO.... THE The Merchant, like the Politician, has his campaigns and the fnale shows victory or defeat, according to his platform. OUR PLATFORM is Solid and remains unchanged. It brought us success and we will continue to stand on it. FANNING MILLS CLEAN S E E CLEAN PROFIT Some are tired of rais ing Mustard and Cockle at Dollar a Bushel. Does your dockage show it? If so, now is time to break away. Get one of our mills to improve your seed and have your screenings to save for feed. THE PETERSON MACHINE COMPANY W^HBURN and JNDERYVOOD NORTH DAKOTA. CHAS. W. BLUNT, Agent, WASHBURN, N. D. THE HOMESEEKERS GUIDE. Are You Looking For a HOME? If So, We Have Some of the BEST Bargains in Farm Grazing and Coal Lands ever offered in Mc Lean County. Tell us What you Want and. and the Price you can Afford to pay and we| will find you a choice location, Easy Terms, Low rate of interest. Wild and Improved Land S6 to 915 per Acre Turtle L»ake, •M CAMPAIGN READ READ in IN. D. ,. itA'W'rtsAV, Aiv ~1 .-tkiu VEHICLES WAGONS BUGGIES SURRIES & CARTS Our Line of Vehicles— from the heavy double-box Wagon to the Light Road Cart, is very Complete and we are amply able to suit the most discriminating buyer. Our Warerooms used for displaying Our Line is the largest and easiest of access of any in this section and our sales men most oblging. Citation Hearing for Appolnfment of Ad* nlnistrator. State of North Dakota In Couuty Court, ss Before Honorable County of McLean I Kdwiw A.. Lamb, Probate Judge. In The Matter of The Estate of James Madi son Face, Deceased: Stella M. Robinson, Petitioner, vs Mrs. James Madison Pace, Frank Pace, William M. Pace, Quin Pace and all other persons interested in the aforesaid estate. Respondents. Citation Hearing Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of North Dakota to The Above Named Respondents and all Fersons Interested In The Estate of James Madison Pace, Deceased You and each of you are hereby notiiied that Stella M. Robinson, the petitioner herein, has iiled in tills Court lier petition, praying that let ters of administration upon the estate of James Madison Pace, deceased, late of the Town of Washburn, Countv of McLean. State it North Dakota, be granted to Georue Robinson, ant] that the said peti ion will be heard and duly considered by this court the 7th, day of Novem ber, A. d. 1904, at 10 o'clock in the- forenoon of that dav, at the Court rooms of ttis Court in the couuty court louse in the city of Washburn. county of Mc Lean, and State of North Dakota, and you and each of you. are hereby cited to be and appear before this court at said time aud {flace,there and answer said petition, and show cause any be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated this 28. dayof September, A. D. 1904. By The Court: E- A. LAMB, J. E. Burke, Esq, Judge of the County Court. Attorney for Petitioner, Velva, ix. D. lo-l CONTEST NOTICE. Department oi tne interior, United States Land Office. Bismarck, North Da kota. Sept. 23, 1904. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Wilhelm Wagner of Washburn, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 23628, made June 6tn, 1908, tor sw!4 section 4, town ship 148, range 84, by Anton Haberman contev tee, in which it Is alleged that said claimant kaa wholly ataadoavd aaMtraeti that b« baa il* •ixmBUMmeematsacMHi mry: Uu MM traetie not cental uvouiuiaeiuuvaMa ay said Mu«f a»cwi«1ninlM:aMUKt«s» hum does now exist, antnac sucli anauu is not aue to claimant's service u & private or offi cer, In the army, navy or marine ot the United States in time of war, said parties are hereby noHllled to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Nov. 11.1004, before Karl Klein a notar at hi* office In Wasbburn, North Dakoi_, that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p.m on Nov. 18,1904. before the Register and Re wu MVTi ioi uvivio iuo ncKiBicr uiu (iv celver at tne United Slates Land Office In Bis marck. North Dakota, The said contestant having In a proper affi »vlt filed Sept. 23,1904, set forth tacts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made It Is hereb} order ed and directed that such notice be given by doe and proper publication. 10-1 H. H. Jewell, Register. J. A Hylaad, Attjr. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, N.D. Sept. 26, 1904. sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Elizabeth Knudtson, contestant against homestead entry No. 188840, made July 19,1902 for ne!4 section IB, township 148, range 80, by Jacob Mathews, contestee, in wbieh It Is alleged that said claimant has wholly aban doned said tract that he has changed nis resi dence therefrom for more thai six montas since that absence Is not due to employment In' U. 8. arm^or navy In time of war said parties are hereby ni respond and offer to appear. evidence touching sala allegation at 10 t'clock a.m. on Nov. 28,1904, before James T. McCuI locb,U.S.Commissioner,Washburn.N.D. and that final bearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. before the Register and Receiver at the united States Liind Office In Bismarck. N. D. The said contestant having In a proper affi davit filed Sept, 26,1904, set rorth facts which show that after due diligence perspnal servioe of this notice cannot be made it Is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by dueand proper publication. 10-1 John Hatterlnnd. Receiver. & Th WILL EXTEND THE ROAD. A train load of material for the extension of the Soo road from Underwood north passed through the city last week. The officers of the Soo line say that if it had not been for wet weather and delays on the Winnipeg branch, they would have built twenty-five miles of the addition north of Underwood this season. They now have two sur veying parties in the field and are preparing to build early in the spring and begin upon the exten sion of the road. There will be considerable railroad building next year in McLean county according to present indications and no one knows yet just where the great rail way center of the county will be.— Wilton News. NEW YORK FOR ROOSEVELT. Senator W. D. Washburn has re turned from a trip east, visiting New York, Washington and other large cities, and is very enthusias tic over what he believes will be a landslide for the Republican party at the coming election. "The president, himself," said Mr. Washburn' is confident as to the outcome, and I don't think there can be any doubt of it. I anticipate President Roosevelt's election will be in the nature of a landslide. I make this assertion," contin ued Mr. Washburn, "after having talked with people in the east, and they all seem to be of the same opinion. New York and all the doubtful states will be for Presi dent Roosevelt." The cat is out of the bag. In the last issue of the Underwood Miner, Farmer Budd states that Gen. Washburn will not be called upon to either give or sell a site for tbe court house should the county seat be removed to Underwood. Now General Washburn owns the entire portion of section 21, the present townsite beine upon the northwest quarter. .North of this is section 16, a school section, and the* only inference that can be drawn from Farmer Budd's article is that the court house would be located upon section 20, west of the town. So now the county seat removal deal has developed into a plain proposition to boom a really addition, we will all be able to vote intelligently. Sorry, but we have gone out of real estate kiting down this way. The Mandan Times congratulates editor Harris on the fact that he is not the parent of twins. At the same rate for two, his future would certainly have been rather strenuous.-The Wilton News. FARMERS BUY LAND. Jim Wakeman has been sojourn ing for a week with some of the McLean county farmers to whom he bad sold land four years ago when in the employ of thg Wash burn Land company. To these same people he made sales of three quarter sections of land at good prices—200 to 300 per cent on what the nam* Lapd Deen uouku* -oar jfiwrt fie iwpansaootc wi uig toots of these farmers naa mis year. Jjevi Miller, who lives on section 21-147-82, had 38£ bushels of tfo. 1 hard wheat to the acre. Bush brothers on section 11-146-82, had 28 bushels wheat and 26 bushels of flax to the acre. These results were had on land that four years that cost the present owners $4.50 per /acre Lars Peterson, a new oomer to McLean county, has 80 bushels of oats to the acre. John Renter, on section 13-148-82, had 23 bushels of wheat to the acre. Allowing these farmers $5.00 per acre for labor and seed, from which alone they can make a living, and figuring wheat at $1.00 per bushel, which is approximately the price that has obtained in this section this year, and it is no wonder they are land hungry.—Bismarck Trib une. If wanting an Auctioneer, (n Claus Larson, Underwood, N. D. "Wvt v If not, you should give us a call and s e e w a bargains we offer. We carry a full line of... ...PRE-HOLIDAY SALE... ro RBES DRUG STORE ....To make room for our.... Christmans Stock of Toys and Fancy Goods ...We will, for the next THIRTY DAYS, sell the balance of our Stock of Wall Paper at.. Half Price 12c. 14c. 20c. 24c. 34c. Papers Papers Papers Papers Papers at at at at at 6c. 7c. lOc. 12c. 14c. Come Early while the Assortment Lasts. Good during OCTOBER. rORBES' DRUG STORE WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. BARGAINS! BARGAINS I We have just received ou." new and complete line of men's, boys' and chil dren's Winter Suits, O'Coats, Pur and Sheep lined coats, caps, shoes and fur nishing goods, and offer the same to the people of McLean Co. at bed-rock prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED HOOVER & EPPINGERl Bismarck, North Dakota. DO YOU TRADE WITH US I] DRY GOODS, II Etc.. Etc. GEO. b. ROBINSON, Goal Harbor, North Dakota. IF YOU WISH TO BUY or SILLL ... OOMt 4!ND occ U9... ..We have for sale a number of choice.. QUARTER, HALF AND FULL SECTIONS of Prairie Land in McLear Co., and a few Improved Farms. Also fine Rancn prop erties in Oliver and Mercer Counties. SOLEM & SELTZ, Washburn, N. D. We'll be glad to see you and quote you our prices, which you will find are right and e u a i y likewise. .NEW ENTERPRISE.. 9 PANTORIUM 2 ..MEN'S CLOTHING.. Cleaned,1 Repaired, Pressed and Busheled. A Good Chance to Make an OLD SUIT Look Like NEW. ORDERS TAKEN FOR HIGH GRADE SUITS. Shoe Shop in Connection. Repairing Done. E. A. SWAIN, Proprietor. One Ooer West ef Pofetofflce. LUND LAND AGENCY BLDG. I I •we