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x4 *fi* •nV,1 i 'v I?- IHE WASH JB URN LEADER Published every Saturday at Wash burn, McLean county, N. D. Sub scription price one dollar a year. JOHN SATTEItLOND, Proprietor. Entered at the Postofllco at Washburn, N. I. aw second class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OP MCLEAN CO. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1904, August Wahl received the sad news Monday announcing the death of his father living iQ Wis consin. Mr. Wahl left Wednesday morning to be present at the fu neral. A BARGAIN! Two Imported Peroheron Stal lions. For sale, or will exchange for horses or cattle. Call or address COAL HARBOR STOCK FARM, Coal Harbor, N. D, ContiniHMl from tin Klrnl Pag«*. had no opposition in the second, and Judge Winchester in the sixth. Returns from Kidder county state that the candidates on the Republican county ticket have been elected with two exceptions. The fight down there was a close one and the majorities are small. Stark county elected the Repub lican ticket, and the Republican legislative candidate's there had no opposition Morton county is also in line with a large republican ma jority. Barnes County. Valley City, Nov. 10.—The re publican legislative tickets in both the fifteenth and thirty-eighth dis tricts an elected by safe majorities, .fudge Burke 1ms 240 majority in the county with six small precincts to hear from which will not change the result, and his election is claimed by about four hundred ma jority in I lie district. The entire republican ticket lias been elected with the exception of sherill'. "Speaking of clocks," said ILic travel er, "Kdinlinr^li, Scotland, has tin most intorostiiiji time marking fiirviee I over saw. Tlic city lies between two liills. Oil one of tLicse, known as Carlton hill, there is an observatory tower, in the top of which a large black ball is sus pended. Across the valley, probably a mile away, is Castle hill, surmounted by the historic Edinburgh castle. One of the large guns in this fortress, point ing toward Carlton hill, is electrically •connected with the ball in the tower u mile away. Every evening at o'clock tlie gun is fired, and at the same mo ment the ball falls. The device sots the official time for nil Scotland. "It is interesting to stand on Carlton hill at the appointed hour to see the simultaneous flash of the gun on Castle bill and the fall of the ball close at hand, while the roar of the gun is of course some moments in crossing the valley. On the other band, it is equal ly interesting to stand beside the big gun at dusk to watch the ball at Carl ton hill fall just as the shot is fired. I recall once standing in the courtyard of the castle, watch in hand, waiting for the cannon Just overhead to be fired. It occurred to me it would be more exciting to watch the crowds of passing people, especially Since not one was apparently thinking of the •hot from the cannon. When the roar took place, absolutely without warning, hardly a yard above the heads of the crowd, the scene well repaid my wait ing. Everybody dodged. Children •creamed, and men and women jumped to the side of the wall. Of course it was all over in a second, but in that moment it seemed that an electric •hock had passed through the crowd." —Birmingham News. Notice ofChattel Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in (lie conditions of a Chattel Mortgage bearing date the 16th, day of January 1904, executed and delivered by Christ Hertel (is Mortgageor toKadbonrn & Garner Mortgagees, and tiled inltbe office of the Iteglster of Deeds of the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, and demand of the performance of said condition* have been duly made of tlu Mortgaueor, which was refused, viz pavroent of certain promissory note bear ing said date, for SSW 00 due October 1st, 1901, have taken )ossesslon of the peraonal property described therein, to-wlt: One black gelding weight about 1300 lbs, branded "C on left shoulder, white star In forehead One chunky brown geldlug weight about l,30o lbs. white strip la fane branded V" on left thigh. fine wide tire low Stoughton wagon with double box complete. 41 bushels and 20 pounds of wheat, 377 bush els and 4 pounds of flax, 02 bushels and 1 paund rye. crops raised en ney se& section 11, stt awji.nwjt sw4 section 12, township 118, range 77. during the year 1901, part of the a'jove des cribed projierty being subject to prior mortga ges and liens. The debt secured by said mortgage Is $903.50 with interest at 12 per cent per annum from the Mth day of January, 1904, of which amount the sum of 1(332.98 Is claimed to be due at the date of this notice, by reason of default having been made in payment of the debt as stipulated flu and by said mortgage. Notice is hereby given, that by. virtue of the werta snkl chattel mortgvge contained. s»nu pursuance or the statute In sucu case made and pro?ideu,and by order of said Had bourne ana Garner I will sel: at the front door oi tne p. i". aipuuuc auction, to (lie nign bidder for'cash, tne said peritonai property, *o much thareof as may be necessary to" pay the debt secured by said mortgage, and interest Mid reasonable expenses, unless Hie same Is sooner redeemed. as provided bv law. Duteil at Aiiainoose this Stii day of November. '1^04. If. 8. Kline, D. O. Bruce, 4K«nt. ^Attorney for inortgiitee. V *r iHj. i i .vf-j'rv BLOODSHED AT POLLS TWO DEMOCRATIC JUDGES SHOT AND KILLED BY DEPUTY AT CRIPPLE CREEK, COLO. WILD TIME IN MINING DISTRICT ONE OF SHERIFF BELL'S MEN MORTALLY WOUNDED IN BATTLE AT MIDWAY. Cripple Creek, Colo., Nov. 9.—Two Democratic election judges were killed in this district Tuesday, a Peabody deputy sheriff was mortally wounded and a number of Democratic judges weie beaten and thrown into jail. Ike Idelbolt and Chris Miller, judges at Goldfield, were shot down by one ol Sheriff Bell's deputies. They had or dered the deputy out of the polling place. He refused to go and, turning upon the judges, shot and killed them. At. Midway Ed Doyle, a deputy sher iff, assaulted Mrs. Kennedy, a Demo cratic jiuleie. and in a struggle that ensued tore her dress and slapped her. Ed O'Learv, a Democratic watcher, interfered and shot Doyle, fatally wounding him. O'Leary was arrested. James Warford, the deputy who killed the two election officers in Gold field, was a secret service mail during ing the military rule in the district. Miller and Liepold were union men. CHARGED WITH INTIMIDATION. Three Louisville Policemen Placed Under Arrest. Louisville, Nov. 9.—Three members of the Louisville police force, .lames Tierney, Thomas ConncM and Daniel Sexton, were arrested during the day by United States Marshal Blades on warrants sworn out in the terleral court charging them with conspimcy to in timidate negro voters. The prisoners were arrested while in uni.urm and on duty near a polling booth ar Eighth and Grayson streets, where it is charged the acts complained of were committed. Clut.^es and counter rhaigca of fraud :ifc being freely made by both sides a id more arrests are expei-led. The De...-ocrats claim that the iteijt-o lieaiis have been using negro repeal-, ers to vol .' under the names rcgisieu .i by while citizens. GIVEN TWO MONTI-IS IN JAiL. Boston OfficinIs impersonate Others at i.xamination. Boston, No*. !i.—Stale Representa tives Thomas J'. Cmlcy and Alderman James M. Gurlev have been sentenced in iho United Stales circuit court to serve two months in jail for having impelsonatod others at a civil service exaniiniii ion. In passing sentence Judge Lowell said that the Curleys had not shown realization of their crime. Thomas Curley. is a candidate for re-election to the legislature, having been nomi nated after the first sentence was im posed and the judge lemarked that those who voted for him shared his shame. DIED TO SAVE FRIEND. Watchman Receives Bullet Intended for Fellow Workman. Philadelphia, Nov. 9—John Kerr, aged forty-two years, watchman for the Pennsylvania Sweep and Smelting company, was killed by a robber while attempting to save a fellow workman from being murdered. David Rikle, engineer for the company, came upon two young men robbing freight cars. He attempted to catch them when one of the robbers drew a revolver and, just as he pulled the trigger, Kerr jumped between the burglar and Rikle. The ball entered Kerr's breast, killing him. The robbers escaped. BANKER IS INDICTED. Financier of New Providence, la., Charged With Fraud. Des Moines, Nov. 9.—Ed Miller, a member of the firm of O. E. Miller & Son, private bankers at New Provi dence, la., which failed last March, has been indicted by the Hardin coun ty grant jury on a charge of fraud ulent banking and is now under arrest. It is claimed that Miller received de posits when he knew that his bank was insolvent. The indictment is the result of an investigation set on foot by stockholders. ATTEMPT TO BLOW SAFE. Citizens Discover Men at Work and Drive Them Away. Des Moines. Nov. 9.—Two men wear ing yellow sweaters attempted to blow up the safe of the Savings bank at Walford, la., near Iowa City. They were driven off by citizens and made their escape in a buggy, leaving behind them a complete set of burglar tools. MinneapoMa Woman Suicides. Minneapolis, Nov. 9.—Because she was angry with her husband, her eld est son and herself Mary Clancy, wife of John Clancy, drank carbolic acid and ended her life. This was the end of an afternoon's carousal and the cli max of a series of squabbles in which Mrs. Clancy had engaged. 8afe Crackers Get 49 Cents. Mora, Minn., Nov. 8.—The Great Northern depot was burglarised dur ing the night. The safe was blown, but fortunately there was no money to speak of in the safe. Only forty-nine cents was secured in cash, by the bur glars and two express packages, value unknown. Customs Employe Suspended San Francisco, Nov. 9.—Cress lin ger, seizure clerk in the office ui collector of the port, has been .sus pended. The charge made against him, it is said, Is that he received the deposits made on valuable parcels and. kept the money. '"'•"JJWW 1 i9 Tfg«^». i »1V?1 TEXAS HOTEL BURNED FOUR PEOPLE PER1SM IN FLAMES AND TWO OTHERS PROBABLY FATALLY INJURED. ORIGIN OF THE FIRE IS UNKKOWH BUILDING FILLED WITH GUESTS AT THE TIME BUT M08T OF THEM ESCAPE. Houston, Tex., Nov. 9.—The Silver Queen hotel in the Sour Lake oil field was destroyed by Are during the day and four people burned to death. The dead are: C. E. Lewis, Spindletop, Tex. Lee Hamilton, Spindletop, Tex. Jack Smith and wife, New Hanover, Tex. Jack Sullivan, Sour Lake, and Benjamin Tucker, Sour Lake, were probably fatally injured. The hotel was filled with guests. The origin of the fire is unknown. TWO HUNTERS DROWN. Overcome by Cold and Exposure While Wading Ashore. Detroit, Nov. 9.—James H. Footc and Alfred Gaines, electricians, were drowned while duck hunting at the St. Clair flats and their bodies were recovered in the north channel in shallow water about 150 feet from shore. They, with Alex Lempke, were in shallow water when their boat began to leak and filled. They started to wac'.e ashore, Lempke sticking to the boat and the other two setting out on a different, course. All three were overcome by cold and exposure, but Lempke had reached the shore before he fell unconscious. TROLLEY CAR COLLISION. One Man Killed and Several Injured at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Nov. 9.—One man was killed and several injured in a trolley car collision on Gilbert avenue. Th-j trouble began by a ear ascending Gil bert avenue' becoming unmanageable and running backward. It struck an other Gilbert avenue car, which be gan backing and struck a third cav behind it. Joseph Christian, a passen ger, was killed. Among the injured were Peter Campbell, William Storms, Mrs. Isaiioiv Ivison and Mntormari W i i i a I i s I n a s i a a n backward and struck each other. EXPLOSION IN BOILERROOM. One Man Dead and Two Seriously Scalded. Detroit, Nov. 9.—One man is dead and two others are seriously scalded as a result of an explosion in the boileiT.- om of the tug Warnick of To ledo uu she lay at the plant of the Great [.tikes engineering works in Ecorse. Clarence Corey, aged twenty three, of Toledo, is dead and Louis Varin and George Morse, also of To ledo, are seriously scalded. Corey is fireman of the tug, Varin assistant fireman and Morse a dredger man em ployed on th-.' dredge that works with the tug. MAN HURLED THROUGH WALL. Terrific Explosion in Chicago Tailor Shop Results in One Death. Chicago, Nov. 9.—An explosion of natural gas in the lailor shop of Sam uel Fisher at 76 East Twenty-fourth street caused the death of Fisher and injured five other people, none of them fatally. The explosion hurled Fisher through the side of his house and into the middle of the street. The building in which the tailor shop was located was badly damaged anil a smaller cigar store adjoining was demolished. TWO DEAD, MANY INJURED. Freight and Work Trains Collide at Clinton, Ind. Clinton, ind., Nov. 9.—In a collision between a work train and a freight train John Blot was killed, an unrec ognized body is pinned under the wreck and twenty-five other men were injured. William West will die.. Ed ward Harrington, James Kelly and John Cooley are. believed to be fatally injured. All the injured were taken to Danville. 111. The wreck occurred on the Chicago •nd Eastern Illinois railroad. HURLED TO THEIR DEATH. Three Bridge Builders Killed at Steu benville, O. Steubenville, O., Nov. 9.—Three workmen were instantly killed in a buggy used to wrap a wire cable on tho new Steubenville suspension bridge. The rope supporting the buggy broke, throwing it against a pier and hurling the men to death on the ground below. Locked in Burning 4»ar. Minneapolis, Nov. 9.—Eight passen gers and ,a conductor, imprisoned in a burning street car, were obliged, to forcc the gates and juinp^ over live electric wires in order to escape from the burning 'car. A badly damaged street car is the result of the accident, but according to the passengers the action of the motorman in leaving his post, without opening the gates might have resulted in a tragedy had the car been crowded. Workmen Fall Forty Feet. /S' Charleston, S. C., Nov. 9.—The col lapse of a scaffold used in slating a roof resulted in the instant death of a white contractor and the serious in jury, of three colored workmen, one of whom may dip. They fell forty feet, to the ground. Charged With Illegal Voting.: Kansas City, Nov. 9.—Two neferoes and a white man were arrested here during the day charged with illegal vot ing. All three were held for investi gation. 1 & i .4684 "Wpy^'in.1*- Xotiee of Chattel Sltti'tgiije Sale. Default liavin^ been made in the corriitions of a CliaUei Moiiisi^e bciii lni ditte the 'Jiltli day of March IUIM, nxccututl and delivered by Christ liertel as Morcgageor to liesche liros i o. as Mort^itceu, aim nled in tiie oiflce of tlie Ke«ister ot ue«jils of Uie County ut Mclean and Statu ot North Dakota, uud demand of the per formance of said conditions have baen uuly i made of tlitr Moitgageor, wlilcn was refused, viz payment of a certain promissory note for iSWij.oo li"iini!H ssiiil dati: and due Uctober 1st, iliftj. I Imve taken i ssessioii of tho personal property uesoiibcJ therein, to-wit: One white geldiiiK 9 years old, Wi iylit 1,400 lioiuhtof liioriKajice: One wldte gelding 10 years old, weight 1 ,, bought of luortjra.^ee, i anil crops rai»eii on siv'i oi section 12, township I H'.i, range 7V. about 4i onslieis wheat., :s"i bu sheis Max and .V-' bushels rye, part of the above desurib. il property being su jectto prior niort sages and icns. I '1 lie delit secured liy said mortgage is $.'i!)5.00 Willi lutL i st. :i ."I- ceni :er milium from the L".uh nay "i \!:iiv!i -i. oi wiiicu amount llie sum ol SO.! .-!! is i-iaim .11 be Uus at the date of this nntu f. ny reason i.f default ii ivluif been mane in tne i\m in o^ the debt as stipulated ill any by sa.ii .wiuli: lye. Notice'is hereby en. that viitue of the power of sale :n sain caailcl nmrtjiatfe contain ed,and in pfir.-uriice oi tnu stauui. iu such case made and proride i.aml byonier olsaid Uesclie Bros& (Jo. 1 will tell ai tiie front door of the post office in the vill KC of .Martin, N. D. on S::tur- Uay'flie hitli da) of November, 1UI4. at -o'clock p. in., at public iiucliou, to ti.e highest bidder lor cash, the said personal property, or so much thereof as may neces-ary to pay the debt se cured by said Aloitt'aue.aml interest and rea sonable expenses. unless the same is sooner re deemed, as provided by law. uated at Anamoose tills nth day of November. 1U04. 1). O. BliUCK, 1I.S. Kline, Agent. Attorney for Morttiagee. Xotice Ifc'iwinjr 1'etiHoii to iblisli Hi'ii'lii|i State of North Dakota, In County Court Before Hon. E. A. County ol' McLean. I Lamb. Judge. in the Matter of the Kstate of Friedricks Kggebreclit. ..eceased, Hermann Kggebrecht, Petitioner. Magdalena Erlenbusch, Christina Wall, Magda len a Bender, Fred Wall and Christian liec thold, Kesiioadents. Notice oi Hearing Petition to Establish Heir ship. Not ce Is hereby Kiveu. that Herman I- ggo brecnt has tiled iu tne County Court of said County ot McLean a duly verined uetitiou pray I iiif for a decree establishing th e right of suc cession to the estate of Fric.-nska Jiggebreeht, deceased, and that Thut suay llie lutn. day ot December, 1U0J, at o'clock p. in. of said day, being a day of a regular term of tins court, t«-wit: of the December Term A, D. 1»04. at the County Court loom In th'e town of Washburn, county of McLean and State of North Dakota, lias been set by order of this court as the time and place for hearing said petition. At which said time and place any ana all persons Inter ested may appear and show cause why the prayerot saiu petitionjshould not be granted. uated at Washburn. North Dakota this" ath day of November, A. L. 1004, li. A. Lamb, Judge of the County Court. George K. Sliaw, Attorney for Petitioner. Fessenden, N, D. Let service of the above notice be made by publication in the Washburn Leader, a newt paper published at Washburn, N, i„ and by mailing a true and correct copA of said notice to all respondents residing without the state of North uakota, and by serving notice personally on respondents residing within th« ,8tMe of North nakota all accoruinu to law. E. A. Lamb, Judge. First pub. Nov. 12,01. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Notice Is hereby given, that default has teen made in the payment of that certain mortgage executed ana delivered by Frank Merrill (.sin gle: mortgagor, to Louise Orr mortgagee, dated the 'i-.-nd. day of April 1903. and tiled for r- cord In the office of the Iteglster of Deeds ol the county ut McLean and state of North Dakota, on the lirst day of May 19(N, at 3:90 o'clock p. m. and recorded In Book "F-4" of mortgages at page 282, that said mortgage contalniag among other tilings u power ot sale and that tne debt secured thereby Is passed due and no action or proceeding having been lastltued at law to re cover the uebt then remaining secui ed by said mortgage, or any part thereof, the sala Mort gage will be lorecloscd a sale of the premi ses in itch Aiui-tgage aud hereinafter described at the front door of the court house In the County of McLean aud State ot North Dakota, at the hour of two o'cleck p. ni. on the 24th day ot December loot, to satisfy the- amount due upon such uiortiaige on the- day- of- wh Tho promises doscribtm in such Mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy the tame are dr crlbed as follows The Northwest quarter of uie Southeast quarter and the Nortucait quarter of the South west quarter of section One, iu township OM hundred and flifty. noitli ot range eighty-three westi containing eighty acres according to the government survey thereof. There will be due on such' mortgage att the date of sale the sum of One Hundred aud Eighty and 40-100 Dollars. Dated Nov. it, 1004. Louise Orr. Mortgagee. .laiqes Johnson Attorney for Mortnagee, lifts Minor, N. D. Low Colonists Rates. Via Chicago Great Western By. to points in California and Arizona. Tickets on sale daily, Sep. 15th to Oct. 15th. For further information apply to R. R. Jones, Fargo, N, D, \i DETROIT JEWELS AT THOMPSON S SONS .IT WILL PAY. YOU TO BUY YOUR HEATER FROM US. 1. We have the best Stoves we can buy. 2. If the Stove is not just as represented, your money will be refunded. 3. Thef[prices are right. There^are many imitations but only one Detroit Jewel. AT THE SIGN OF THE, RED PADLOCK MANDAN MERCANTILE CO. niOAT.KISS IX.. LUMBER Sash, Doors. Monlding, Paper, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, A Full Line 6f Farm Machinery Good (ilnuk.x nnl Dry Stock. Let us (igurc on your Lumber Hills and Special 31111 Work. ciia save you 3Iouey. P. I. FERGUS!, Mngr Washburn, N. D. iPAIMHO: ...By the average House owner is the last thing thought of. Viewing it from an economic standpoint, it should be among the first. The length of time a building is allowed to remain unpainted after the old paint has grown porous and partly disappeared thru the effects of the elements, will be more than counterbalanced by the extra expense necessary to restore it to its former condition. About three houses out of every five I know of need this attention For prices, etc., call on... J- House Painter & Decorator, Graining, Kaleomining and Paper Hanging. WASHBURN, ... NORTH DAKOTA. BISMARCK STEAM LAUNDRY CARNAHAN & CLARK, Agtsf NO TARDYNESS ABOUT US when it'comes to delivery many a man has] thought, and others have said words they'd not like to see in print, on account of the disappoint ment in delivery of their laundry. WE DO AS PR0MIGED and if we agree to deliver Tuesday you don't have to wait a day longer. Our reputation for promptness, to gether with the high excellence of our work is why our customers are so universally well pleased. OFFICE AT BAHBER SHOP. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO MCGUIRE uiiu mnuuM Minneapolis. Minn. Superlor, Wis. '22 4 ATWOOD Flour Exchange. 69 Boaitf of Trade. ..We Make a Specialty of Macaroni and Barley.. ..Write lis for Daily Market Report.. mms ?vi' JBtf 5^-. '-v::.. .v.s v if