Newspaper Page Text
t1 MAN AND THE HORSE. Animal C'niiqnpiit Mnrked One of the K|»»-IIN In I'lvilltnlluu. The coii|tk'st of tin horse liy man and its li iiii I utilization for all'pur poses which arc discharged by steam and electricity today marked one of 1lic sreal turning points in the history of civilization. In the groat earth and sand preglacial deposits of Kurope tlie Iruo wild horse is as widespread, though not as varied, as in America. It Is not at this stage associated with 1l)e remains of man. because no pro vincial man except the pithecanthro pus or t.rinil man of Java has been found. In the interglacial or postgla cial period the remains of man and the horse arc first found together. The first association occurs in the middle of the paleolithic or rough implement period. The discovery of all the possi ble uses of the horse came very gradu ally, however, for there is abundant proof that man first: hunted and ate, then drove and finally rode the ani mal. The prevailing drawings of the pu ieolithic horse represent him as hog mailed, with no forelock to conceal the low bred ltoinan nose. A second type in the Monthe cave, a bearded horse with long, bristling mane, long ears and convex forehead, is regarded by M. Kiviere as another species. Hut it is not clear to my mind that these lira wings represent more than the Bummer and winter coats of the same animal. Besides these ltoinan nosed typos, to which Kwart traces the mod ern cart horse, there are others with small heads anil flat noses, which ttvrnrt associates with the Celtic pony and possibly with the origin of the thoroughbred. Other cave drawings, reproduced by M. Capitan, leave little doubt that the ass was known in Eu rope. It is also certain from abundant evidence in the eaves of France that there was a larger horse toward the south perhaps, while the smaller breeds may have frequented the colder northern regions.—Century. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Forgiveness is a very poor foundation for friendship. Going visiting is like borrowing from tlie neighbors— you have to pay back. Which would iie wiser for a man past fifty to d" inarry a trained nurse or a good cook": Titer.' Is need of a liever-tind-fault with-.vour-nie.-ils club. Ingestion would be better and the family happier. If a secret is kept a secret this is one •sign thai it was not considered im portant enough to tell. One thing about an idle woman— she does not stand on the street and Doro people with her "views," as an Idle in,in does. Speaking of superfluous words, is it necessary say In telling that a wom an has gone visiting thai she is visit ing "frieiids?"--Atchisoii Globe. To till' Point. The late Oiioral liussell Hastings served with distinction in the civil war, and his wartime reminiscences were auiusiiiu-. He was describing one day a time when the soldiers' pay had been in ar rears. "A vomit: westerner, full of bragga docio," lie said, "walked up to liis cap tain during the temporary trouble, sn lUtcd and said sternly: 'Three words with you. cap.' "'Well,- said the captain, 'what are they?' 'Money or discharge.' "The captain smiled grimly. '"Four with you.' he said. 'Well V •"Neither one nor t'other.'"—New York Tribune. Old Time Controversies. Old time controversies were often vigorous in language. In a controversy with Milton concerning the divine right of kings Salniasius called his op ponent a puny piece of a man, a ho munculus, a dwarf not having a hu man figure, a bloodless being, a crea turc of skin and bones, a contemptible pedagogue fit only to flog boys, a rhi noceros, a hangdog looking fellow. The great English poet not only answered in kind, but entered Into an extensive correspondence with people in Holland to obtain petty gossip and scandalous anecdotes concerning his opponent. Married Men Live I.oa*er. Mortality among bachelors from the age of thirty to forty-five is 27 per cent, irhlle among married men of the same age It is 18 per cent. For forty-one .bachelors who attain the age of forty Tears there are seventy-eight married men who attain the Name age. The dlf jWrence is still more striking iu persons -of advanced age. At sixty years of ace there remain but twenty-two bach Mors for forty-eight married men, at •eveuty eleven bachelors for twenty HTcn married men and at eighty three bachelors for nine married men.. Save Coaaiel. "lou want a piece er edvlce fer yo' lifetime?" "I 8(10' does." "Well, den, don't ever try ter whip 4* devil roun' de stump. Yo' close la Itoun' ter ketch fire, en you'll burn up feefo' yo' time!"—Atlanta Constitution. Fatal Blander. "He is gone!" she walled. "He ia gone forever!" "Don't be downcast." her friend arged. "He may come back." "No, no I shall never see him again. I gave up tbe letters he had written to me."—Chicago Record-Herald. Had Her Appetite. Harry—Molly, you look good enough to eat. Molly—All you hare to do is ask me to dine. I'll do the eating all Boston Transcript UNDERWEAR GROCERIES CANNED GOODS DRY GOODS CLOTHING VW'.!* CENT A WORD COLUMN. Money to loan on real estate at Klein's Land Agency. Suits mended, cleaned and pressed at the Enterprise, near postoffice. When you want that farm loan call on F. E. Funk. First National Bank, Washburn, N. D. FOB SALE:—A 2-year old Dnr ham bull. Enquire at the LEAIJ£B OFFICE. Boots and Shoes repaired at the new Enterprise Shoe Shop, near postoffice. The Mandan Merc. Co. have just received a fine line of LIGHT ANI HE^VY HARNESSand harness extras For Sale at a Bargain:—Walking Corn Cultivator, one Gang Plow, some Stubble Plows, cheap at Hol tan's store. Just arrived! The latest styles and fashions in Ladies' Hats. Caps Jackets, Shirt Waists and Wink ing skirts at Wallins.' The New Enterprise farm have added to their establishment a mending, cleaning and pressing bureau. You can, with little ex pense, now have your clothes made to look like new. Wallin & Co.. has in stock the finest assortment of Ladies'. Miss es' and Childrens' 1904 Jackets in McLean county. SALESMEN WANTED to canvas the farming, threshing and milling trade for Lubricating Oils and Greases. We pay salary or com mission. Address THE HARVEY OIL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Special Homeseekers' Excursions to Points in the Southeast. The Chicago Great Western Ry. will on Nov. 15th, sell tickets to points in Alabama, Florida, Geor gia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississ ippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia at greatly reduced rates for the round trip. For further information apply to H. L. WYAND, Are You Going Home This Winter? If so, take advantage of the low excursion rates that will be in effect from your station to Chicago, Kan sas City, Omaha, Sioux City, and points in Iowa and Missouri daily November first to December 31st,. 1904, for tickets via Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway from St. Paul and Minneapolis, good until April 15th, 1905, and return. Five daily trains to Chi cago including the Government Fast Mail and the Pioneer limited. Good service to Iowa and Missouri. Ask your agent to ticket you via this line. For particulars address R. D. ROVIG, W. B. DIXON, Trav. Pass.Agt. __ Nw. Pass. Ant. 365 Robert st„ St. Paul, Minn. Place Where to Find What You Want Is at THE CERMAN STORE. WE WILL SELL ALL OUR SHOES -AT A- TAKEN UP.—Came TAKEN T. p. .. Discount of 10 Per Cent.. Our Underwear Quality is always satisfactory. Our prices satisfactory to the posted buyer. If not posted, then compare. "Thou shouldest eat to live, not live to eat."—Cicero. Our stock of eatables is most appetizing ev rything kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Whether it be vegetables, fruit or fish, you will find ours the best. They represent the perfection of canner's art. Buying here is spending to save, because we sell goods that will make it worth your while to buy here always. The sea son's smartest and best styles, no old timers masquerading as up-to-date. That's why we have a rapidly increasing trade. Take a look at the suit you call your best and see if it don't look shabby and out-of-date. Better call and look over our stock. We can please you. If we have not a suit for you in stock, we will have onre made by the Royal Tailors, Chicago. We will sell Goods so Cheap that you will save1 money on everything you buy hero. Just gfwe us a Call German Store. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. Tornado and Cyclone Insurance §5 for $1,000 for three years old line companies only. F. E. FUNK, 1st Nat. Bank, Waslibura, N. D. Parties intending to make final proof shoulcl'write Cochrane & Tay lor, land attorneys, Bismarck, I¥. D. They can save- yon time and money and the expense of a trio to !is marck. proved farm loans, about §500 F- E. FUNK, 1 st Nati Don't forget, to let the Farmer*-'" & Merchants' Lumber Co. of Wash burn figure on that lumber bill. Largest stock in the county. Don't wait tii't the fire occurs^!' Insure now see F. E. Funk, First National Bank, Washburn, N. IX Low rates and good companies. 1 to my plaee,. Sec. 13, R. 85, Twp. 148, one bl£tck bull calf, no brands. Owner pliease call, prove property and pay chasges. MIKE WEBER, Garrison, N. D. To any party wishing to winter stock we will sell 150 tons fine hay and give free use of large feed sheds, horse barn and furnished house. Good water supply. Spring Valley Ranch, UP A., 364 Robert st, St. Paul, Mian. ^—Black hone oranoea on left suouiaer, pipe over one buckskin horse branded JOE on left flank, star on right shoulder. Write to LOUIS BAKER, Elbowoods, N D. Came to my pasture about June 1st, dark bay horse, trimmed mane, trimmed tail white right hind foot about six years old weight about 850 lbs. Branded on left shoulder lazy joined to U. AXEL NELSON, Washburn, N. D. We have three Registered Here Cord Bulls coming three years old this spring, for sale. SCOFIELD BROS., Oliver Co. .Hensler, N. D. WANTED:—(Quickly, few persons to represent long established whole sale house among retail merchants and agents. Local territory of few counties. $18 salary and expenses paid weekly. Expense money ad vanced. Commission extra. Pres ent engagement, Business success ful. Previous experience not essen tial. Enclose self addressed envel ope. Address Superintendent Trav elers, 825 Dearborn St., Chicago. Xntirenf Mortgage- Foredosrert wile l»y advertisement Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Itenerv Mather a lid Maggie MuBUer, his wife, mortga gors to John A Lindsey mortgagee, dated June 28th, A. D. 11)02, :i ud tiled for record in tlie of fice of the Register of needs in and for McLean county North Dakota on the 17ih. dav of Julv, A. I). 1302, AMI recorded in]3ook "F-I"'of Mort gugp-rccord-t.n page 125. which mortgage was giv «u to secure the payment oS ono ihousawl twen ty dollars-ami interest aiul whioli default was i«ade In time said iiiort.'ngor»aiid !otl ot them liave wliwlly (atleu and iif^'-feetcd pay one of the-mortgage said inontoage in the sum ($r4 which was due aud payable on June '-islii. llMM'.aeeoriliiu a-v the tcssr.* and coudit.on* of said inortgage .sMid tlie mortga gee now elects lo declare the whole amount se cured by said mortgage due according to the A i i u n v i i i i i i i u u can use a couple or good jail- terms of. saitlnwrtgage, and Notice is hereby given thatuiuder anck by vir tue aft the power of sale contained iu said mort gage doed, said mortgage dead will be fore closed by a sale- of the conveyed in said mortgage deed and hereinafter described, tt public sale to Cue highest bidder for casn, at the front door of the court liowsn in the Ylliage of Washburn i& tbe county of McLean and :i Stale-of, North, Dakota, at'the- hour of two o'clock in the aCteruoon on the- l7tli. day or neceiabor i l!MH, or so lauoh thergof as may B:»nk,\Yji*llllli,li,X..rA. Ihs Taken up:—Dark gray yearling colt, nearly black, star in forehead? -ml' no brand. R.D.WARD,. Rbbinson. N-. D.. Our best offer:—Two barrels ofri gun material for eleven dollars. ThoS. Thompson & Soa Taken Up—One grey mare brand}- eel on right nip, about eighx years old and weighs about 1,000 pounds. A. N. Muzzy, 10-1 Hancock, N. Da necessary to pay the amount diu: on said data togetheu with costs and. expenses of said s le. The- premises described in. said mortgage deed and which will bo-sold as. afore said to satisfy said iudebtedue^s are described as follwos,. to-wit The Northeast yuirter of se'jtlou Seven. (7), Township One JbLundaed Forty-'.tilve 145L. range Uiglity-Uiree [£»], West Fifth .tMiuipal. Meri dian, AUiLuan County, North Dakota. There will be tU.e tm said mortgage at the date of salb tlie sum of £699.94. John,A. Lindsey, Mortgagee* •lames T. MeCuVoeh, attorney l'ta: Mortgagee, 11 la. Washburn, .N„.D. Xwtic",,tsto^ert^e!"trie I_I. L- I_ I tin hcbuaci.euoerg and Emma Scliackeuberg, Notice is hereby given that under and by vlfr tae of the power of sale said, iuortr gag» deed, said mortgage dead will be fon- eiosed by a sale ot the premises convayed. In. said mortgage deed and hereinafter described at the front door of the court. house In. the. Xllx iate ot Washburn In the County of McLean, and State ot North Dakota, at the hour of two. o'clock In the afternoon on the 17th. dav ot December A. D. ISM. or so. much thereof The Northwest quarter, of section. Seven. [?],. Township One-hundred bcty-llTe, [M5L range Eighty-three [83 J. west ot the Fifth. Principal Meridian. McLean County, North Dakota.. There will be due en said mortgage- 011 the date of sale the-sum of S5M^3. Dated at Washburn,.N. 1). Nov. 2.1901 John.A. lAndsev. Mortgagee-. James T. McCulloch attorney tor Mortgagee-, u-12 Washburn* N. IX. NOtlCE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Bismarck, N. Duk. Sept28,190*. Notice Is hereby iriven that the following named settler has Sled notice of hle intention to make final proof In support of his elaim and that said proof will be made before B. A. Lamb, County .rndge at Washburn. N. Dak., on Nov. IS,1904, viz: Daniel D.Monroe, H. E No. 25778 for the ettnwit and lots land 2,i ction JO. town ship 147, range 81. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz Jacob J.Gergeu, James Malloy, ohnGergen and John ReuterJr. all of Turtle lake. I 10-1 M. H.Jewell Register. ..Swan Nealander.. Contractor and Builder, Plans drawn and estimates fur nished. Let ine figure on your building. Besidence fourth house east of the new school house WASHBURN. N.D. :iwm by Notice is hei.-«by given that default liaving been made in the conditions of. tlia: vertain mortgage deed executed and delivered by Mar- I his wite,.mortgagors to John A. Lindsey uiort- Kagee, dated .June aitu, l!W-', and. tiled tor rec ord lu the olllito ot the Kegister of Deeds, in and tor McLean County, North Dakota, on the 15th. day ot July A-i.19iri, and recorded iu ISook "K-4" of mortgages on vage 124, which mort gage was given to secure the payment »t $1,020 aud interest, and which default was made in that said mortgagors and both of tliern lutve wholly failed ami neglected to pay one of the mortgage notes secured by said uiortgage in the sum. ot $34u, excepting the sum.ef suuJjo, which was due and iyable June 28tiw l'JOi. according to the terms-and conditions of said mortgage, and. said mortgagee now elects-, to declare thfc whole amount secured by said mortgage due aCr cording to the terms of said mortgage, and SUMMONS. rS8 ti'th Judicial Dist. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, In District Court COUNTY OK MCLEAN. Julia Trautmau, Plaintiff, vs. 1'eterTrautman, Defendant. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendant:— You are hereby summoned to answer tbe com' plaint in the above entitled action, and to serve a copy of vour answer to the said complaint on tlie subscriber ai his office in the village of Wash burn In said county and state,within thirty days after the service or this snmmons upon you, ex clusive of the day of such service: and incase of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against yon by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated June 24th, 1904. MCCULXOOH, Plaintiff's Attornev, Washburn, N. D. To tlie above named defendant:— Take notice, that ti e Complaint in this ac tion was tiled in the ofilce of the Clerk of the Ulstrict Court within and for the county of McLean on tlie 23rd day of August, 1901. JAS. T. MCCULLOCH, Plaintiff's Attorne Washburn D. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Matter of the Estate of Pearl Keys, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Geoige M. Kleiner, administrator of the Estate of Pearl Keys, late of the County of n and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of tills notice, to said ad ministrator at the otllce of J. E. Burke in the Village of velva, in McHeury County, North Dakota. Dated at Velva, N.D., this 13t!i day of Sep tember. A. u. 1904. (KO. M. KltEJTKK. By J. E. Itnrke, J. Jfi. Burke, Administrator. Attorney for Adu Suistrator, Velva. N.D First publication on the'-Mth, day of September A. U. 1904. To FR\ K FELTNEK:— Snt:—You will ulease take notice I bat default has occurred in tiie terms aod eomliliunsoi' that certain contract of sale and agreement to con vey the following described real estate »Muated iu the comity of McLean. aswt State of North Dakota, to-wit:—Tiie-south one-half (S',A)of sec tion-thirty-three .*13). i ownshi|»one hundred ar.d fortv-slx (14t), range sevevty-seven (.77). which said contract bears date of October aotli, l!Xia, made by the Great Nortnerw Land & Stock Company, party of the first part, and Frank Fettner, party of tlie second part, and which xaitf default consists in the non-payment of the sum of eight hundred dollars ($800) due and payable on March lsrrIdu*.aud interest on eight hundred (sswo) at the rate oi per cent \,tr annum from* Marclr 1st, 190lr according to tlie terms of saht contract. Said contract will be terminated ami canceled November 28,1904. cited October 6,1904. Great Northern Land fcSlock Co By Henry Austin. President. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Daparftuent of the Interior, Land GIHoenslIismari-k, North iflafcota, October 8.19 4. Notice is hereby itiveu that the following named settler has-filed notice of heir intention to make final proof iu support of her claim and yiat said proof wiil be made before tfc'e liegister and Receivers U. LaniJ Office at iJtemarck, N. D.. 011 November. Hi. J«M. viz: Florence SutSerltuid, 11.1C. 24879 fertile N!4 SEH. NEH and lot r-( Wee. 0 Township l-s» n. raiiKe Ssi w. 5th u. She names-the fol&twing witnesses to iMt»ve hercoiitiouous resid«Bce upon and cultivation ofsaid land, vix: Henry Heltau, Harry Carnahaa A. S. Itepserand lr^iiik TlKiu|son of Wlislibiirn, N.D, M'. H. Jewell, Keglsgtar. CON-TEST NOTICE I»partmenitof the Interior, ifaited States Laud- rtlce. I'.lsmarcU, N. I„ Sept 2C, 1904. A sufficient contest affidavit having Bsen fded in this oHice by-Klizaoeth Knudtson, contestant against homestead entry No. 7262, made Mar 23, law. for lot aud sJ4.seH swH sw^ sectfon 17 township 148 range M, by Charles Batterson '!»nt*stee, in wititl is HUMCVU that wud claim- has changed fllt rwioioce herefrom iar nsoTe liun-nu uioiubs HUM maiuuif wu ««uv: uiat said traes ia *k Mttiad wtil cstntKea br said party as reqiureu oy law ana snat there aie soimprovoniants !Hon said laud'.at thia timet and that said default now exists iibsence not lweto employment in C. S. army orrnavy in time of war, said-parties are hereby notilied to appear, respond, and offer evidenco touoh&ig said allegation at 10 o'eloek a. m. on Nov. 23, 190s, before James T. McCulloch U. S- Oomuils onet'^Washburn,,N. D., and that liua^ hearing wili.ue-.ield at 2:0.clock y. m. on November 30. 10(M,. before tlia Kegister and Kerelver at the United States Land O&ue in Blsmarek.JN. D. Thesald contestant having, in a proper aSiUa vit ftted Sept. 25.1904, set forth facts wnich show that after due diligenee personal rei-v.iee of this notieenotice cannot lie-made it is hereby osder eu asd directedithat suoh notice begivenby due ond proper picblicatloov 30-1. John 3attcrlundh ileo6i»8r„ CONTEST NOTICE, D*£artmeDfcof tli«- Interior, U niieil States Iiand Ofllce.Hismarekt.N.. Aok. October s, 19M. A sufflclenti contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Homer Spohn- of Mc ileary. N.Dak., contestant, against, liomesteai' entry No. 1SR9S,.made-Sept. 20,1902 for se'/j sw?4 au(l:-.lots 4, ft aud «•, section V. township 144, range 80 by Charles, !i. Fcx, contestee, in- whieta it te-alleged tiiat tlv slid claimant has- wholly abandoned said Uavc. tiiat 11s has changed his rosUlence tJleiiff 11.1J11. for more than, sis. months since making saUlen rj'. wtid. tract is not sirttled.upen.aadeul-lih'ated y said piuty as re tjfiiredbyhuv. autl'iii absen -rsaid cla iaant is no2 due to QUU»ptoy.i eu: l-i li.S. a*my bitiuae of war: said parties are liereby notljled to ap pear,.resnona ant! lfer evideiwe toiuilling said allegation at o'clock a. nuon N««eiaber 17, IWM. befM» Ji.T.MD uUoci',/S.I..uiuniisstoner District of N. i., anp that liual heaving will be -held at 2. o'clock p. m. on Naveraliee 26, MM, be fore the- Register and Receiver at the United 'Statualand OMe» In Bismarck. TJe said coatestant, having ina proper affida vlt. tilediOet. 8, 1904, set forth faets waieh that after dus diligence, personal service of this no tlce citonot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed tbat sueh notice be gbrea by due and proper publication. 9-HS. jolm ttetterUml, Receive^ NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior XMdOAeeat Bismarck, AM lay be necessary to pay the amount due on •aid mortgage on said date together wlth.eosts. and expenses of said sale. The premises des» crlbed In said mortgage doed and which, \aillt be sold as af are said to satisfy said Indebtedness, are described as follows, towit: N..1X. KMT. S, 1904, Motiee is hereby given tkat tbe followlng tUMMd settler has lied npttee of hto Intention to North Dakota, oa Deceiubei 13, MM, viz: Saaford L. Smith, McGlltsky, K. D.. H. E. No. lMW. for the e^neu aeotioo 29 ami wl4 section 28, township H7 n. range 7# w, 5th p.. m, He names tbafDllo«lw witnesses to prove his continuous- resldenea upon and cultivation of said land, vis: james R.ttowell.B. A. Yandercook and F. D. Bchmltt ol McCluskX. N. D., and ChaK Wise of Turtle Lake, worth Dakota. 11-5 M.H. Jewell, SogMer. Natkc of 9UrtXN» Sale ky AdvcflHscneat. Notice Is hereby given, that that certain Mortgage, executed and delivered Ivy William Merry aad Caroline B. Merry. Ill* w&e. Mort gagors. to John W. Hhelby Mortgage-'. date4 the of August a. o. nineteen hundred and two and flted for record in thp-otUoe of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean andt Biate of North Bakota, on'the lQth. day ofSep temjME. A., n. 1902, and reoorded. in Book Fof Mortgages, at page 100. will be foreclosed by. a sale of the premises in such Mortgage and. hereinafter described at the front door of the Court House In the Village or Wasfrburn in the bounty of Mclean and titatoof North Dakota, at the bour of 2 o.clock p. m., on the 19th. day of December, A. D. 1904, to satisfy the amount due upon said Mortgage oathe day of sale. Tne premlsss described In said Mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the samet ate those certain premises situated in the County of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota, and des cribed as follows, to-wit The Northeast Quarter (NEK) of Section Twenty-Eight (28) In Township One Hundred Forty .-seven (147) of range Seventy-nine (70), containing One Hundred and Sixty acres, more or less, according toU. S. Government survey. There will be due on such mortgage at tbe date of sale the sum of Two Hundred Four Dollars and Pifteen|cents(9304.16), besides the coats and expenses of sale and statutory attor- PB|jated at Fessenden,North Dakota, this 2Sth. day of October, A. D.19W. JOHN W, SHKLBY, K. A. falmeter, Attorney for Mort Feuemlen, 1 Mortgagee. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the interior. United States Land Office Bismarck, N. D. Sept. 8th, 1904. A sufficient contest atlldavlt having been filed in this office by Fred Brown,contestant, against homestead entry No. 22698, made April 22nd, 1903, for se!4nwJ4 ne!4 sw& and lots 6 and 6 section c, township 146, range 79. by Andrew T. Birke contestee. in which it Is alleged that said claimant has wholly abandoned said tnct of land. that he has changed his place of resi dence therefrom for more than six months last past, and that there are no improvements upon said land excepting a single board shack about 10x13 feet which is not habitable and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment iu the U. S. army or navy In time of war said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching salt! allegation at 10 a. m. on Oct. 29, 1904, be fore Hose A. Ward, notary public, at her ofliee in Underwood. N. I)., and that ilnal hearing will be hel i at 2 o clock p. m. on November 5, 1904, before the Register and Receiver at tbe United States Land Office in Bismarck, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affida vit filed September 8.1904. set forth faets which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice notice cannot be made, it is here by ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 8-17 M. H. Jewell, Register. E. A, Lamb, Attorney. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior. United States J.and Olllce, Bismarck, N. D., October 4. la()4. A sufllcient contest aliiflavic having been tiled in this olfiee liy Lydia L,. Pratt contestant, against homestead entry .No, 17890 made July 23,1U0-.', for lot 7, section 4 aud ne£ of ne% and lot a seetiou 8, and nwJ4 of IIWH cf section 9, township 148, range 80 by Andrew T. MoLelsh coutestoe, in wliieu ic is alleged that said claim ant has wholly abandoned said tract that He has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry, that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law, aud that sucl: absence is not due to his service as a private or olt'leer in either the annyor navy or marine of the IIuitedStates. said uarties are hereby notified to appear, res pond aud oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'eloek a. m. on Nov. 22, 1904, before Karl Klein,- a notary public, at his olllce in Washburn, N 1)., aud that final hearing -will be held at W o'clock a, in. on Nov. 30:1304, before the lteguster and lieceivtrr ut the Uuited States Laud oftioe iu Bismarck, N. D. The said contdstant having in a proper- affi davit filed Oct. 4, 1901, set forth facte which show that alt«r due diligence personal' service of this notice cauno) bemad.:, i is hemby or dered and directed that such.netice be gtoen by due and proper publication. 10-15 1. M. Jewell,-ltegister. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Olllce Bismarck, N.D.Oct. 4, 1904. A sufficient, contest aflidavit having been filed in this odiee by Minnie L. Busch contestant, against homestead eulry A'o. 23281, made May 20.1902, for uJiseK swfc aeh JfcseM. nw4. sec tion 23. township 148. range- 84, by William Cbaney contestee, in which it is alleged tnat claimant has wholly abandoned said tract lhat he lias cliaug^d his residence therefrom- lor more than six months since makixg. said'entry, tAat said tract is Dot settled upon aud cultivated by said party as-required by law and teat such default uow exists and that claimant's absence from said land was not due to employment In army or navy ia. time of war. said parties are hereby u tilled to appear, respond and offer evidence touching s'lid allegation at 10 o'ciock a. m. on November 18, 19W, before- James T. McCulloch notary public at Washburn, N. D. and that final hearing will be hsld at 2 o'clock p, n». on November 23,1904, before the Kegister and Receiver at the United Stases- Laud Oilice in Bismarck, N. 1». That said contestant having, in a propenaf fidavit, filed Oot. 4, 1904, set forth facts which show tha&after due diligence personal service of this uotice cannot be made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be giveu by due-and proper implication. 10-15 31. H. Jewell, ltegister.. TO FRANK HiKBlS: Sllt: You win please take-twtice that de fault has occurred iu the terms aud conditions of that certain contract of sale- and agreement toconvey the following, described real estate situated in the county of Mclean and State of North Oakota,.. to-Kltx*.Tl" -ffjln'• VllUtZ one-ltalf [w^ oSSection nine ^9),Township one hundred and forty-live- (145),. range seveuty seven (77). whioHgaid contrast bears date of October twenty-third, nineteen hundred and three, made bv the-Great Northern Laud, and Stock Company party of t!» lirst part and Flank Harris,party, of the second part aud which said default consist in the, non-payment uf the sum of nine hundred and six dollars- and forty-nine ctnta($006.49) dwtand payable No vember twenty-second, nineteen hundred ana three, and iuterest on nine hundred and six dollars and foaty-niue cents- (KXKi.49) at the rat e of si per cent pfsr annum faoiu October, twentv third, nlneteec-iiuodied and three, accordion to terms of said contract. Said contract will be terminated and mceled December Mrtb, ninete n huud-ed and foiuu Dated October 12. 1904. Great Northern Land Si Stock Company^ 10-22-st By Ellsworth li. Moon, Secretary.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION LandOfllc*atBlsmarsk,N.l Oct. 2&1<NM. Notice is hereby giveciliat tn., foiiowing named settler has lUeU notice of his inteUlon to make fi nal proof in support of his- claim, and that said paoof will be made before Aug. li, JoUn A. Edluad.Jl. U. No. 119S9.. for tlie n'/a swii aud of nw.'i, section 28, Townshlpi 145. range 82. Hei names the fowling witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou aud cultivation of said laud, viz: A. «. iSdlund audi H. H. Haines of. Washburn. N. l).,aad Wm. Liadeil andjUbert Lundberg ot W0II6RF,HTL)T llvV M. H. Jewell, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DepartmeM.of the Interior Land office at Bismarck. N. Dak* Nettee is bwreby, given, that the tollowihic named settler, has Hied, notice ot hia intentlou to wake lini proof Ib^ support of hi* claim, and tbat 8alVproof,wUL be made be tote the Register and ot the United States Land Office at Blsmarck^Noith Dakota, oa December ia, lMMfc.:— SoTdiju" ^f K0((- township w.n.raniB78, wva»h,p.m. He names the foflowlnit wiltueases to prova Ills continuous, residence uuou aud cultivation of said .land, viz JamM.U. How^,.Sanfocl L. Smith, 11'r Hu,eU»°* .'v, i V w John- son, a U .S.commissloaer for the district,ol North Dakota, at his office at Washburn, n. on January 7. 1905, viz.: lit. November 8,1901. McCliisky»N. D., H. E. 'ot ««H swX «J. W.ii se)*, section 19„ F. D. Scbmlttof McClu»ky,.JM«Ui. Dakota and Ohas. Wise otkTurtie Lakei.N. D.. M- H. Jewell, Register. &GXIQK. SO & FUBLICATION.. Department of the Interior, uaited htatea Laud Office at iusmarck. N. D. November st, IWM. Notfpe l» beieby laves Utat the following uamedsetUer li as aied notice of bis lnteutionto make final proof iu support or his claim and that saldpcoof will be made before theBegiiwr ^JBecewsr.U. s. Laud office atKlsmarck. North Dakota,, oa December 13,190^ viz: McOlusky, N.D. H. E. JSUit.iSKiMi tlwwK seU. seii swH aud tots 3 and 4 of sectloa 30. towwblp 147, n. range 78, w, sth p. mv He aves the following wltnessea to prove WreenMnitousresWence upou and cultivation.. Sanford li Smith, Carl B. Vaadercook, E. A. V*nyroogkand F. D.SchmntviiUof McGlusky Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, North Dakota. November a. 1904, Notice is hereby given that the foUowlne named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make, final proof In support oi his claim, and tbat said proof. wllThe made before tbe kegls* ter and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office at Bismarck North Dakota, on Deeember 18,1901. viz: NoTa&juC*11 McC1UKky* 'orthe ne)4 se)4.?e)4 Z V tt- M. H. Jewell, Kegister. NOIIOK IOB U PVIUOATIOM. N. H, £, ne?4 section 19, to sh nwM section 20, township 147. n. range 78 w. 5th p. ml h,**® htunestiie fpjlowlng wltnetwes to prove ^d ?and vu"8 ""Idence upon and cultivation of R-Howell. Sanford i,. Smith and F. D.- Schmllt of MoClu»ky, North Dakota, aud Chafe Wlge of Turtle oe, U Dakota. LU^NORA IWKOW, IW M. H. Of-