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I a S V- I !&'•? -A::: .'J. f-itl uflBKSi.1.... OFFICIAL ESTRAY PAPER. THE WASHUUHN LEADER is tho official estray paper of the State of North Dakota, haviatc beon so designated by the Govornor of the state. Under section 1573 of the Revised codes, it is th£ duty of any newspaper publishing an ostray notice to transmit (if tho property advortised is uncalled for whilo boin^ published in tho local iwper) tho third advertisement to the official estray paper of the state, in which papor the advertisement shall be published. From North Dakota Magnet. Cumo onto my premises one-half mile south of Laurent postoffiee, in Rolette county on April 12,1905 one iron grey mare, 14 years old, weight 1300 pounds, scar on one front foot and no other marks. Owner will please prove property, pay costs and take animal away, Frank Glougie, Laurent, N. D. From Ray Pioneer. Taken up, Saturday evening, April 15, two driving hors^q, one is cream color mare, indistinct brand on both front shoulders, both hind feet white, star in face the other is a bay mare, left hind foot white. J. L. Reeser, Sec. 8. Twp. 157, Rge 96, Ray P. O., N. D, From Mouse River Journal. Taken up: One bay mare, white spot in forehead, weight about 1150, branded on left shoul der, looks like Q. Owner can have same by proving property and pay ing costs. Sec. 13-161-86. Or lander Johnson, McKinney, N. D. From Rolette County Herald. Came to my place sec. 4, twp. 159, range 71, on Friday, April 15, 1905, one sorrel mare with leather halter on, white strip in face, branded on shoulder or one bay mare, star in forehead, several indistinct brands one bay colt one year old. Owner may have same by proving property and paying costs. J. T. Tvedten, Elisa, N. D. SITTING BULL. Some History Relating to The Surrender of Sitting Bull As Told by Cap. Grant Marsh. EDITOR LEADER:— In a conversation with a party of friends about the capture of Sitting Bull, I thought it would not be amiss to relate what I know about the matter. Sitting Bull was never captured but surrendered to the military authorities at Fort Buford in the fall of 1881, and he, with his band, was taken to Fort Randall, near Yankton, South Da kota, and kept prisoners during the winter of 1881 and 1882. In the spring my boat, the W. J. Be han, which was at Sioux City, was chartered to take them to Standing Rock to locate them on the agency. There were 171 prisoners, includ ing women and children. Sitting Bull had two wives and a number of children. Among the latter was a boy about 14 years old who was captured from the Ree Indians. During the winter the soldiers had taught Sitting Bull how to write his name, and he spelled it "Seitting Bull," and he had also been taught the value of money and would charge a dollar for his autograph and he did a big busi ness. The prisoners were in charge of Lieut. Davis, of the 15th infantry. Davis had an escort of soldiers, and everywhere we landed on our way up, the young people would flock on board to get Sitting Bull to write his name in their albums. At Chamberlain and Pierce they met us by the train load. He would charge one dollar for every signature and he had lots of money. At Cheyenne agency there was a half breed by the name of Frank Chadron, who had made me a pres ent of a very fine pipe stem I showed it to Sitting Bull and he wanted to buy it, but tie it was a present I did not care to part with it finally I told the interpreter, Charley Pecot, in a joke, to tell Bull that I would take fifty dollars "for it, Bull answered, in his own 'language, that it was too much 'money. I told Cnarley to tell him that he had kept me scared for twenty years along the river watch ing for him and that he ought to allow me something for that. His reply was to tell me that he did not come on my land to scare me and if I had not come on his land I would ndt ha«e been scared. I afterward^aye the pipe stem to my friend B. B. Brownlee of Grand Tower, Illinois. He and I were working for Mr. Hitchcock, who is now Secretary of the Interior. After landing the Indians at Standing Rock we came on to Bis marck, where I sold the boat to Mr. H. R. Lyon of Mandan, and Mr. Satterlund, of Washburn. She was a good boat and they made good money with her. The boat was afterwards sunk by the ice at Bismarck. The Sioux nation is composed of different tribes. When oi band gets too big there is a certain portion of them will get together and give themselves a name and go off to themselves, as in the case of the Minneconjeaus, they succeeded from the Ui.cap^a, which was the name of Sitting Bull's band. Min neconjeaus means "the Ones that Gardens by the Rivers." The Sioux nation is composed of the following bands of Indians: Ponca, Brulle, Santee, Yanktons, Yanton nais, Uncappa, Two Kettles, Black feet, Sonzares, Minneconjeaus and Ogalla. An Ordinance Granting the Right-of- Way along and through the streets and alleys of the Village of Washburn, North Dakota, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a Telephone line throughout the said Vil lage. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees df the Village of Washburn, N. D.,: That, Whereas, August E. John son, who is a resident of the State of North Dakota, has made application to the Board of Trustees of this Village for a grant of the right-of-way along the streets and alleys of said village, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a telephone line thereat, and Whereas, this board, after due consideration, deems it to the best interests of said Village that said proposition be ac cepted, subject to the restric tions hereinafter set forth: Now, therefore, the said propo sition of the said August E. Johnson is hereby accepted' and the said August E. John son is hereby granted the right-of-way, for the purpose aforesaid, along the several streets and alleys of this vil lage, subject, however, to the restrictions and conditions fol lowing: 1. Along all principal streets sufficient space for sidewalks shall be left between telephone poles and abutting lots, and along all alleys sufficient space shall be left between such poles and the lots for travel by team. The construction of such 2. ,vr. corn- telephone line shall be menced prior to September 1, 1905, and as far as constructed shall be kept in repair contin ually thereafter by said grantee or his successor in interest. 3. The location and the change of such line shall at all times be subject to the control of the President and Board of Trus tees of this Village. 4. All telephone wires shall be strung at least twenty feet above the surface of the ground, except where connec tions with buildings are made. 5. This grant shall be and re main in full force and effect for and during the period of twenty-five years from and af ter the passage and approval hereof, and no longer, subject to all the foregoing restric tions and conditions. 6. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its publi cation.. Introduced at a regular meeting of the village council, April 14,1905. Passed May 2,1905 at a regular meeting of the village council. (SEAL)) KARL KLEIN, PRES. BOARD OF TBUSTBBS. Attest: 'ip F. M. OLABK, VILLAGE OLBBX. Published May 12, 1905, in WASHBDBN LBADXB. OUR GATTLB LOST COLUMN. LOST:—Left my place 11 miles southeast of Velva, on the night of April 6t.h, '05, one bay mare weight 1050 lbs., brand over DV on left shoulder one gray mare, weight 1100 lbs., brand 79 on left shoulder. Both had halters on when they left, gray mare, rope halter, bay mare leather halter. Reward will be paid for information. Notify J. E. BURRESON, t51. Velva, N. D. Strayed from Frank McDonald's ranch, Wednesday, April 5th., one dark brown mare, 7 years old weight about 1,000, with a gra brand blotch on left hip and sma wire cut on right front leg has a rat tail, and in good condition when last seen was in neighbor hood of Douglas ranch going north wast. A Reward of $15 will be paid for information leading to her recovery. Herbert C. Hanson, Washburn, N. D. 47t. LOST:—One black gelding colt, white star in forehead, one white hind foot, mane has been roached. Lost from James Lockes' place in Oliver county and last seen in Jan uary. Reward of $10. Send word to THE LEADER. $300 REWARD $300. $200.00 Reward will be paid for the recovery of one team of mares and evidence for the conviction of the thief or thieves. DESCRIPTION OP THE STOCK. One dun or gray colored mare, 5 years old, weight 1,400 lbs., branded circle C, that is surrounded with a circle, on left shoulder, had crack in right front hoof. Galled on right shoulder. One gray or blue mare' five years old, branded circle on left shoul der, weight 1,400 lbs, galled on both shoulders, heavy with foal. Above mares were stolen from my barn on the night of March 4,1905. F. C. McDONALD, Turtle Lake, N. Dak. $200 REWARD. $200 $200 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of anyone steal ing any of my horses. My brand is 101 on the right shoulder. R. D. WARD, Robinson, N. D. FOR SALE! Seven head of Shorthorn Bulls, from seven months to four years old. Pedigrees furnished with our bulls. Prices reasonable cash or time call and see them. F. W. MACOMBER, 41-2m. mile east of AVasliburn, N.D For Sale. Two or three good work horses. J. ROBERT MANN, 48-3tf. Hancock, N. D. HEREFORD BULL FOR SALE. Fifteen head of registered Here ford Bull Calves for sale. Now is the time to buy your bull for next season's use. Our ranch is 5 miles from Washburn, in Oliver county. SCHOFIELD BROS., t44. Hensler P.O., N. D. HORSES FOR SALE. A few head of good young Work Horses for sale. Ranch five miles from Washburn, N. D. SCHOFIELD BROS:, t44. Hensler P.O., N. D. We have three registered Here ford Bulls, coming three years old this spring, for sale. SCHOFIELD BROS., Oliver Co. Hensler, N. D. FOR SAL.B 2 About 450 Breeding Ewes and 150 yearlings also 20 head of rams. Will sell on time. SCHRUNK BROS., t47. Andrews, N. D. For Sale. 160 Acres of Timber Land in lots of ten or twenty acres, on section 32, township 146, rangfe 84. Some heavy saw timber on same. W SOLENBERGER, 48tf. Hancock, N. D. 480 acres of good land near town loraale addies* A.' J. MILLER, ,tv 4L lip fV?S •f""" vtL,'yv'" 1 '"i-1,11^ STRAYED! Strayed from the premises of the North western Cuttle Co., Melville, N, D„ a March 26,1905, the following described Stock: One gray mare with halter on and rope around neck, weight 1,200 lb. Ono dark gray gelding 3 years old, has some white in face. One bay Alley with white strip in face, two years old. One gray or roan Alley with dark mane and tail, two years old. A suitable reward will be paid for return of or information leading to recovery of above stock. Northwestern Cattle Company, Carrington, N. D. 51 Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, 7 11 U. S. Land Office, Minot, N. D., March 20, 1905. A.sufflcient.contest affidavit having been filed m, Com sufli in this office by Theodor Abraham, Contestant against H. E., Nazal Osadchi, entry No. 23951, made July 13,1903, for the se54 section 32, town' ship 150, range 82, by Nazai Osadchi, contestee, in which it is alleged that the said entryman, for a period of over six months prior to the commencement of this contest case, has wholly ahnrnloiifd said land. In fact he has never es tablished ins residence thereon at any time. There has never been a foot of breaking done thereon, nor there has never been a house or shack built thereon, the same being wild and unbroken prairie. That the absence of the en tryman therefrom is not due to his employment in the military, marine corps in the U. S. in time .of war or at any other time Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 15, 1905, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Minot, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit filed March 18.1905, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and grower publication. 4-8 Sanborn, Register. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Minot, N. D., March 20,1605. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Herman Narr, Contestant, against Reinhart A. Ziebarth entry No. 22234, made May 6th, 1903, for SWH section 31, town ship 150 range 82, by Reinhart A. Ziebarth Con testee, in which it is alleged that the said en tryman for a period of over six months prior to the commencement of this contest, has wholly abandoned said land in fact he has never es tablished his residence thereon at any time and never built a house or shack thereon: there has never been a foot of breaking done thereon, the same being wild and unbroken prairie.That the absence of the entryman is not due to his employment in the Military or Marine Corps in the U. S. in time of war, nor at any other time said parties are hereby notified to appear, res pond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 15, 1905, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office in Minot, North Dakota. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, filed March 18,1905, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. SUMMONS (First Publication April 15, last May 20, 1905.) State of North Dakota,) In District Court. Sixth Judicial Dis- County of McLean, trict. T. L. Beiseker and Chas. H. Davidson, Jr., Plaintiffs. VS & Trust Co., (a corporation), and A. S. Drake, Trustee. Defendants. The State of North Dakota to the above Named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty doys after the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer judg ment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated this 24th. day of March, 1905. R. A. PALMETER, Attorney for Plaintiffs, Fessenden, North Dakota. To the Above Named Defendants: You will please take notice that a verified Complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for the County of McLean Bnd State of North Dakota on the 10th. day of April 1905, and that the same is now on file therein. R. A. PALMETER, Attorney for Plaintiffs, Fessenden, North Dakota. CONTEST NOTICE.I Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, N. D. May 4, 1905. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by William E. Collis, contestant, against homestead entry No. 25457, mude Aug. 12,1903. for EH SWfi lot 4, section 19, township 148 n. range 86 w. by Albert E. Kennedy con testee. in which it is alleged that the said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law and that he nas never actually established his residence thereon his leave of absence was therefore fraudulently obtained and affords him no protection further, that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to nis employment in the U. S. army, navy or marine corps in time of war said parties are nereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 3, 1905. before James T. McCulloch, U. B. Com., at his office in Washbnrn. N. D., and that final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on August 10,190.% before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Bismarck. N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit filed May 4, 1905, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is here by ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 5-12 John Satterlund. Receiver. Alias Contest Notice. Department of .the Interior United States Land Office, Minot, N. D., April 10,1905. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Frank Ulrich contestant, against homestead entry No. 18840, made Octo ber 18,l'J02, for SW% section 23 township 149, range 83, by C'ecillius 6. Hendrickson contestee, in which it is alleged that said entryman has not at any time established a residence there on that lie has not at any tiiYie cultivated the same or any part thereof that he has not at any time mude any improvements thereon of any kind that he nas wholly abandoned the same for more than six months last past and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the arniy, navy or marine corps of tno United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine dur ing the war with Spam or during any other war in which the United States was engaged said parties are hereby notified to appear, res pond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. ni. on June 7,1905, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Minot, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit filed March 23,1905, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot bo made, it is hereby or dered'and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. R. C. Sanborn, Register. C. Aurland, Atty. Minot, N. D. 4-15 Read our advertisements. CAN DO 1 R. C. Sanborn, Register. J. L. Lee, Atty for Plaintiff, Velva, N. 4-8 V. Tree and Lawn Work promptly executed by skilled workmen. See me for best material at low prices. jV. M. Merry, Washburn, N. D. tha pJQBrwn tf thu concert to w' ut $19.50 BUYS THE FOLLOWING OUTFIT OF THE Thompson Hdw. Co. 1 Hay Sling Garrier, 1 Set Sling Pulliee, 50 ft. of Track. 13 Rafter Brackets, 13 Hanging hooks, 3 Knot Passing Pulleys, 3 Sling bocks. ..These goods are made by the Myers Hay Tool Co. Ashland, O., are Standard Goods and Fully Warranted three-quarter to half-Inch rope used In this outfit. 8lx feet of three-quarter inch Manila rope weighs I lb. The Haying Season is coming. PREPARE for It NOW. W THE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. At the Sign of the Red Padlock «s»s«e»ss»s»s»s» NAAV ..J. M. PATTERSON. AMIILG IN THE LINE of IRON or WOODWORK*' Horse Shoeing a Specialty. WORK GUARANTEED. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. COAUCOAL The Satterlund Coal Mine is now re-opened. Farmers and city people can have all the coal they want. Mine will run all winter. Leave or ders at HAUGEBERC'S STORE, F. PFISTER, Manager. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! We have just received our new and complete line of men's, boys' and chil dren's Winter Suits, O'Coats, F*ur and Sheep lined coats, caps, shoes and fur nishing goods, and offer the same to the people of McLean Co. at bed-rock prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED HOOVER & EPPINGERl Bismarck, North Dakota. JAMES C. SIMPSON. ...LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction Guaranteed. COAL HARBOR, Write for Dates at I D0N7 PASS THIS CUM IT! The Best Chance You Ever Had of Getting a First-Class Tailor Made Suit or Overcoat ata, Holiday Trade iaover and we make Sweeping Reductions on all Goods ordered In January and February. I oan Sell You a Suit of New Heavy Weight* Goods at a Great Reduction. See Samples and Prices at the... Sft^THE PAflTOIUUM i. A. SWAINf:MHfiaf*r. ..l» WASHBURN, N. 0. 't NORTH DAKOTA. PRICE v2£ PfP ,u & V- I '-I .• ll-.'v'. i?! j-- --i' fl' |i vS 4