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Slffi LOCAL K. "iSlWW ,r -''t' f. NEWS NOTICE. All egnl Notices Must Be Paid for on Delivery of AlHcluvits. No deviation from tili ltulc. Halvor Peterson was clown from his claim Saturday. Theo. Taylor was a county seat visitor Wednesday. Miss Hilda Satterlund came up on Wednesday's train. Oapt. Blunt's daughter is visit ing with Kuth French. Ladies' Goods are to be sent east soon by the Pantorium. Oapt. Blunt- returned Monday from a visit to Bismarck. Co. Commissioner Jahr returned home Tuesday afternoon. The young folks enjoyed a picnic Sunday down at Painted Woods. FOB SALE:—A good second hand buggy. Enquire of E. A. Lamb. FOR SALE:—Fresh milch cows N. W. Solenberger, Hancock, N. D. Mrs. Grant Marsh returned on Tuesday from a trip to the capital city. Jasper Hanson spent a few days in Minneapolis and St. Paul this week. Mr. and Mrs. Root and Harriet were guests at the Sutton ranch Sunday. J. M. Patterson spent Sunday in the capital city, returning home on Monday. There comes over the face of the farmer these days when we speak of crops?— Miss Annabel Klaus and Miss MaeWallace visited friends inWash burn this week. For fresh new groceries go to the ''Come Again Store." New goods arriving daily. Jos. Mann, can make you a loan on your real estate, and can let you have the loan at 10%. Messrs. Adolph Wacker and G. A. Raugust returned Tuesday from a shoft visit to Bismarck. Dr. and Mrs. Eastman, of Mann haven, have removed to New Mex ico, where they will reside. Dr. Bras tad wont to Underwood on Tuesday's train, and from there drove to Malcolm to see a patient. Mr. E. A. Myers, of Colorado, father of Paul Meyers, of this place, is spending a few days in Washburn County Commissioners were in session Monday and Tuesday. The proceedings will appear next week. Mr. and Mrs. John Young re turned Monday from a visit with friends and relatives at Fort Ber thold. T. W. Allshouse returned from Steele Wednesday, and the putting Hip of the local phone began imme dfctely. G. L. Robinson came up from Bismarck Sunday on the special, and went home to Coal Harbor on Monday. Attorney Olgierson, of Under wood, passed through Washburn Monday on his way to the Portland Exposition. I- Two extra trains passed through 'here Wednesday night. One was heavily laden with ties and rails $:,_for the extension. Jos. Mann has a number of choice 'W -farm tracts which he will dispose of y-*£at $10 per acre. See him when you want to buy land. Mrs. A. P. Lenhart and daughter came up from Bismarck Tuesday for a short .visit with friends and relatives in Washburn. Mesdames McCulloch and Aug. Johnson arrived home Saturday from the Grand Lodge. Mrs. Mc Culloch was re-elected Supreme Representative. Geo. Boden was down from the Ft. Stevenson country Wednesday He reports crops up his way look ing fine and that the haying sea son is on in full blast. Mrs. Fred Koth returned to Bis marck Monday. The baby is re ported as getting along all right, but still requires medical attention. Mrs. Solenberger visited in the city the first of the week, while Commissioner .Solenberger was at tending the meeting of the Coiinty Board. ^•J'Mrs. James Anderson, accompa nied by her two daughters, Benda and Esther, left Monday/for Bis marck. Mrs. Anderson is having some trouble with her arm. number, of our citizens went to Jm&ted Woods Tuesday afternoon }h a fishing expedition. BythewajrV were rushing round hunt up "bait" and life preservers." jca1tch was an unusual large one. 85 »n^4 for •."* LATE NEW IMPROVEMENTS.! A DASTARDLY DEED. The Benton Transportation Co., with headquarters at this place, during the last few weeks have made many new and important ad ditions to the dock facilities here. In order that there be no delay in the loading and unloading of the boats during the night,, an electric light plant has been installed, and the docks at night will be made as light as day, the entire dock being lighted by electricity—several arc lights being installed. A new lumber chute has been built in order that two boa ts can be loaded at Once. The two new barges being built here this season are completed and will be ready for the fall trade. Washburn can boast of the finest dock facilities of any place along the Missouri river.. I Dr. Forbes is having his former store building entirely overhauled and painted. His new home is rap idly nearing completion. Griffith & Bnrgdorf, the black smiths, are building a new shop just west of Dr. Forbes' drugstore building. They will have a neat shop when completed. Send THE LEADER to a friend. Wanted:—A bright boy to learn the barber trade. Apply at Carna han & Clark's shop. Hail insurance! Protect your crop No money necessary. See or write! F. E. Funk, First Nat. Bank. Special rates on Steamship tick ets from Europe. See Frank E. Funk, 1st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn. Do not forget to insure your crop! Hail insurance. No cash required. Old line, cash capital, no mutuals. Frank E. Funk, 1st National Bank. T. J. Woodmansee shipped ten of stock Sunday by special train to the twin city markets. The cattle were in fine shape. cars There will be German Lutheran service nexti Sunday evening, July 30th, at 8 o'clock, in the school house H. H. Fiertag, Pastor. A full line of Gloves just received at J. I. Brown's Reindeer and buck I HAVE ON SALE AT MY PLACE ONE MILE WEST OF WASHBURN 30 Head Work Mares 30 Head 2-yr. old Colts 10 Head of Drivers. Terms:—CIIHI) or Knnknble Paper. AUGUST E. JOHNSON. Corralled Sutunlays mill Sumlayrt You cau buy your drafts cheaper at the First National Bank of Washburn than at any post office. Frank E.Funk, Cashier Mr. Louis Kesselring informs us that he has barley that will be ready for the binder by next week. He says that it is well filled and the quality is good. His wheat is fill ing in fine shape. It may not be known to every body but it is a fact nevertheless, that more grain was shipped out of Washburn last summer and fall than any other town in the state. Those who do not believe this, can easily look up the statistics. T. J. Woodinansee, purchased eleven cars of stock around Wash burn, and was to load last Friday. Those from whom he purchased the cattle, brought them to Washburn for shipment as above. Some trouble arose over money matters and Mr. Woodmansee was not able to ship on the day intended and so had the stock, some two hundred head, placed in the stockyards and secured a lock and key from the agent, and to make things safe, he hired a man to look after the stock yards during the night. On going to the yards next morning, he found that the gate had been opened and the cattle scattered over the prairie —the man he found at home in bed. A search was at once instituted for the missing stock, and by Sunday noon, all but six head had been re covered. The loss was a serious one, and will fall very heavily on Mr. Woodmansee. It is not known who the parties were who opened up the gates, but a thorough investigation will be made, and we hope the party or parties will be brought to justice and be made to pay dearly for such' a dastardly act. A long term in the penitentiary would fit just such a case. A nice rain Wednesday night. Rev. Snow and wife are holding down the claim in Oliver. The electric light plant at the docks was started up Wednesday night. Another section crew has been located at this point—the foreman arriving Tuesday evening. Gackle", Koth and Company, of the German Store, are putting in new Howe scale sit their place of business. driving"gloves' and work gloves of I house and barn: special rate cash all kinds from 25?' to $1.65. When capital companies See or write F. in need of gloves, go to the "Come E. Funk, 1st Nat. Bank,Washburn. Again Store." Mr. Robert Marty returned Parties wishing to borrow money Tuesday from Hunters Springs, on lands or chattels should see C. F*! Montana, where he took his son Benedict, representing the Savings John for treatment for the rlieu Bank of Minneapolis, who has op-! matism. ened a temporary office at Garrison,1 McLean county. Rev. and Mrs. Wright returned Wednesday from a visit to Oliver comity. They went on down to Bismarck the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Klein left oil ijtlist, will be at Persey's Jewelry Monday for a visit to the Lewis again, Friday and Saturday, Aug. and Clark Exposition. They will 4th and 5th, prepared to examine be-absent about six weeks and will defective eyes and fit. glasses when visit many other places of note be fore they return. Many who read in the Tribune Monday of the fire at Glen wood,. Minn., will regret tp know that the photographer who was a loser by $3,000 Was H. G. Andrews, brother of Mrs. P. M. Ferguson, wlio visited here two years ago. J. A. Wagstrom, of Wilton, was a pleasant caller on THE LEADER Tuesday Mr. Wagstrom came up to bid on the Court House. He re ports crops down his way looking tilie and everything very prosperous. Mr. Frank Lenhart, who is now Assistant Manager of the Mandan Merc. Co. along the Soo Line, was a city visitor the .first of the week. Frank just got back from the Fair, and said that he enjoyed the trip very much. Rev. Hjermstad, who was mar ried recently, returned last week accompanied by his wife. They will make Washburn their home. THE LEADER joins in wishing them a long and happy life, and may their stay among us be a pleasant one. Mrs* John Satterlund came up from Bismarck the firotof the week, returning home the same day. She leaves Wednesday for a trip to the Portland Exposition and will be absent nearly three months. Floyd fccoompanied heron the trip. Prosperity is liere! Insure your Contractor Reed will soon have the barn he is erecting for Chas Sheldon ready for occupancy. The barn is one of the best in tluj county. All odds and ends are being closed out a greatly reduced prices at Browns, the "'Come Again Store" Shoes, Hats, Shirts and Piece goods at special prices. LOST:—Somewhere between J. Peterson's place and Washburn, large, black, double, woolen shawl. Finder please return to the LEADER office and receive $5.00 reward. F. W. Soule. the eye-sight spec- needed. Don't miss this chance. D. D. Sullivan, Optical Special ist of Fargo, will be in Washburn from Saturday noon until Mon day noon, July 29 to 31, examin ing eyes and fitting glasses. Of fice at the hotel. Consultation Free. Before starting but on your trip to the coast, provide yourself with an accident policy in the "Travel ers." Largest accident Insurance Co., in the world. $5,000 policy $5.00. Do it now. Talk with G. O. Ragust, District Agent. Sunday, July 30th, 10:30 A. M., there will be services together with laying the corner stone of the Nor wegian Lutheran church of Sver drup by Rev. E. T. Quaui, Shey enne, N. D. At 4 o'clock P. M. there will be service in English language. Mr. W. A. Persey has secured the agency for the Domestic and the Wheeler & Wilson sewing ma chines, made and sold for the past forty and fifty years. They sell on their merits as a standard of first class, up-to-date sewing machines of the .world, and guaranteed. There was a ball game Sunday between the Snaketown Sluggers and the Underwood Juniors on the Washburn grounds. The game at the end of the fifth innings stood 33 to in favor of the Snaketown Sluggers, and the Underwood Jun iors gave up the game. A country nine in the afternoon defeated the Sluggers. ,tf County Surveyor Solem returned homq Monday from a trip to the east end of the county looking up some road matters. He says that crops are looking fine out that way but the best piece, of sprain in toe county is near Turtle Lake. It is nearly five feet high and -Just *.s level on top as if it had been planed down by a carpenter. •5? How about Clothes HATS SHIRTS SHOES NOTICE. The Board of Strawberry Lake School District No. 27, will receive sealed bids up to Saturday, Aug. 19th, 1905, for the material and erection of two school houses to be completed by September loth, 1905. Bonds to the amount of the double the amount of the bid must be sent in with every bid payable to the School Board of Strawberry Lake District No. 27. Plans and speci fications can be seen at the Clerk's office on section 35, township 150, range 80, or by addressing him at. Pask, N. D. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board. FRED WILMOVSKI, Clerk. wanted—A dining room girl and a kitchen girl. Mrs. J.A. Edwards. A 640 acre Improved Farm near Weller or Coal Harbor, is wanted. See us about your farm if you want to sell.—KLEIN LAND AGENCY. Taylor, the Job Printer, is re ceiving a new stock of material and it will pay those who are in need of any thing in his line to call in and investigate. Henry Richards is now manager of the Washburn Flouring Mills and is turning out a fine grade of flour, for which the mills are noted. The mill is running full time and has plenty of orders. George Lenhart went, to Wilton last week to take charge of the Mandan Mercrntle lumber yards at that point. Mr. and Mrs. Len hart have many friends here who wish them well in their iiew home. Rev. Herrick and son were in Washburn the first of the week making preparations to move to the hoinstead in Oliver county. Mr. Herrick assisted in organizing a Congregational church at Under wood last Sunday. A number of reports have been heard recently regarding liunters who are killing prairie chickens out of season. These reports have been turned over to the deputy game warden for action, and those who are caught will be made pay the full penalty the law imposes. There is' also a heavy penalty for those caught killing song birds. Pave you been down to Erbe's? They are prepared to do first class work in the photo line and guaran tee satisfaction. All photographs finished^ight here, Car will be found.between "The Come Attain'" store and Thompson's Hardware store. rSsW ass ..CLOTHING.. We have some Nice Nobby Suits that Suit. Prices Right. Men's Golf and Negligee Shirts. TELL s^ja-iJrcf 1 that Suit Just Received !--A fine Line of Straw and Crash Hats in addition to our line of Felt Hats. See our Line of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses' and Children's Shoes. WHITE GOODS, DIMITIES, LAWNS, ETC. ..MUST BE 8EEN TO BE APPRECIATED.. The Best Only are good enough. Give Us a Call. MAINS MOUTAM 3c SOINS Washburn, North Dakota THE: City Meat flarket ...NEW MARKET, NEW GOODS... -(DEALERS UN FRESH and SAL»T MEATS Highest Prices Paid for Hides and Poultry. Pish Kept in Stock at All Seasons... WENTZ & KLEIN, Washburn, N. D. KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY. *fi TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. THREE NEW RAILWAYS BUILDING. GET REAL ESTATE BARC^INS NOW. .TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTS. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. BEST REFERENCES. .FOR INFORMATION, WRITE TO... KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY. WASHBURN ... NORTH DAKOTA. THE WATCH. ...Admiral Togo's eternal caution not only drove the Russian" Fleet from the French harbor, but demolished It at the proper time. Had his watch been one hour behind time, the result would have been entirely different. Apparently It was right to the second, being a "HAMILTON", an American high-grade watch. With the Japs, a Standard American Watch must contain a Hamilton" or Illinois movement, and the case, likewise, must bear a responsible Trade Mark, such as "CRESCENT" "BOSS" or "FAHY'S". We are Headquarters for all these Standard Goods. W. A. PERSEY, Jeweler, WASHBURN, H. DAK. FOR GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ADVERTISE IN THE WASHBURN LEADER. I is: I