Newspaper Page Text
Y^f^rA'i 1 V-- 4j I 1 it- I i'W\ ~\sj i^i 3a. .,. ........................ ........ ., A1 1 HOME -rv/i* 3W-. ..PRINT.. f", s&\ iA~~T~ 0 I* VOL. XVI, NO. 26. The following table shows the census returns of North Dakota in 1890, 1900 and 1905, hy counties. In some of the counties the growth in the last five yearsi has been little short of pheriominal and in the state the in crease in that period has almost equalled1 that of the previous ten years. There is much of interest In the table to those who are interested in the development of the state. City. 1 f" .$r /f .i •. & Rijpj ||4|| ||4|| ipMi •ii*' Sl§£^ Fargo 12,512 Grand Forks 10,127 Jamestown 5,093 Bismarck 4,913 Minot 4,125 Valley City 4,059 Dickinson^ .,........ 3,188 Wahpeton 2,741 Mandan 2,714 Orafton 2,423 Devils Lake 2,367 Larimore 1,635 Langdon 1,544 Park River 1,435 Lisbon 1,362 Cando 1,328 •Oakes 1,303 Casselton 1,269 Hillsboro 1,251 Bottineau 1,227 Mayville 1,212 Williston 1,125 Harrington 1,106 Enderlin. 1,104 Ellendale 1,099 Rugby 1,072 Hankinson 1,047 Lenmare 1,011 Cooperstown 1,002 Pembina 918 Lakota.. 900 Washburn 898 Harvey 803 New Rockford.... 800 Feseenden 781 Hope.............. 775 Lidgerwood 749 Cavalier.... 744 Northwood 709 St. Thomas.....i... ..i.. 708 LaMoure.... 707 Willbw City...... 676 Aneta 643 Westhope. 626 Neche 613 Portal 606 Drayton ... 601 Kulm 587 Bathgate 561 ANOTHER LAW POINT IN LIQUOR SALES. In view of the large amount of •consignment business done by the liquor dealers, a ruling of the treas ury department just received at the St. Paul revenue office is of much importance. Table of Census Returns in 1890,1900 and 4905 Showing Increase in County 1890 1900 1905 Barnes .. 7,045 13,159 15,726 Benson .. 2,460 8,320 9,363 Billings 170 975 2,685 Bottineau .. 2,893 7,532 15,174 Burleigh .... 4,247 6,081 9,875 Cass 19,613 28,625 31,955 Cavalier .... 6,471 12,580 15,761 Dickey ..' 5,573 6,061 7,412 Eddy ... ... 1,377 3,330 3,906 Emmons ... 1,871 4,349 6,418 Foster 1,210 3,770 4,743 Grandi Forks. 18,357 24,459 26,494 Griggs 2,817 4,744 5,993 Kidder 1,211 1,754 2,307 THE POPULATION BY TOWNS. 1905 1 Commissioner John W. Yerkes has ruled,'in response to a letter of inquiry from Frederick Von Bum baoh, deputy collector in St. Paul, that wholesale liquor dealers when consigning liquor to themselves at out-of-town pointy and forwarding the bill of lading- together with a eight draft upon tlie purchaser to local banks for collection, must take out federal licensee in each town in which they do'Buoh a bus iness. S 1890 1900 1905 LaMoure .. 3,187 6,048 7,715 Logan 597 1,625 4,116 McHenry .. 1,584 5,253 15,231 Mcintosh .. 3,184 4,818 6,088 McKenzie .. 1,368 McLean 960 4,791 15,2-'5 Mercer 428 1,778 2,191 Morton .... 4,728 8,069 13,363 Nelson .... 4,293 7,316 9,501 Oliver 464 990 2,445 Pembina ... 14,334 17,869 16,412 Pierce .. 905 4,765 7,643 Ramsey 4,418 9,198 11,979 Ransom 5,393 6,919 8,634 Richland' .. 10,751 17,387 19,379 Rolette.. .. 2,427 7,995' 6,842 Sargent 5,076 6,039 7,414 Stark 2,304 7,621 11,335 Steele .. 3,777 5,888 6,893 Stutsman 5,266 9,143 14,580 Towner 1,450 6,491 7,905 Traill 10,217 13,107 12,812 Walsh .. .. 16,587 20,288 20,265 Ward .. 1,681 7,961 33,468 Wells 1,212 8,310 9,482 Williams .. 1,530 6,952 Total ... 180,538 316,938 437,070 Rolla 561 Hatton 550 Bowbells 547 Glen Ullin 545 Towner 535 Esmond 531 Michigan 539 New Salem............... 527 Balfour 522 Walhalla 520 Leeds 520 Velva 505 Omemee 504 Granville 500 Page 493 Ashley 474 Tower City 461 Courtney 459 Wimbledon 450 Minnewaukan 445 Milnor 437 Inkster 432 McHenry 417 Edgeley 415 Mohall 409 Crystal ...- 400 Merricourt 399 Osnabrook 397 Hunter 390 Church's Ferry 376 Fairmount 368 Bisbee 360 Abercrombie 357 Souris 352 Edmore ... 348 Sheldon... 338 Denhoff 318 Finley. '.. 317 Forman 304 Wilton.... 902 Sanborn... 300 Sheyenne 291 Wyndmerp 287 Craiv,...... 285 Lltchville 285 Donnybrook 281 Lansford '272 Conway '... 256 Forest River .,... 2 Dazey. 231 •It has been the custom of all wholesale houses to protect custom ers in Dakota and other prohibition states by consigning shipments to themselves. The bill of lading, with a sight draft on the customer, were then forwarded to some bank at the point of destination. In this way the purchasers was able to re ceive the liquor in the dealer and escape the penalties of the pro hibition law. According to the decision just handed down, this makes the point of destination the place of sale, and the wholesaler will have to secure a federal license as a liquor dealer at that place. As the laws of North Dakota pro hibit the sale in this state, this seems to pin the wholesaler down to a violation for every sale made. .: t''r 17 V\ The Garrison Times. John L. Hanson, of Garrison and Miss Christina R. Larson of Canby, Minn., were united in marriage last week at Bismarck. Wm. Frank, who has resided with his family for the past three years on their farm four miles northwest of Garrison, died at his home Wed nesday evening of dropsy. Mr. Frank came to this section from Scotland, S. D., and had made nu merous friends. Funeral services will be held at the house Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife and sev eral children, who have the sympa thy of the community. Rev. E. S. Stickney, of Fargo, and Rev. Emil Dietrich, of Wash burn, spent several days in Garri son the first of the week, looking over the field with a view to erect inga Cong church. On Tuesday morning they decided it was best to go ahead with the building at once, and accordingly circulated a petition prnong our business men which met a liberal response from all. Daniel Fogherty was so badly in jured in a runaway Tuesday even ing about a mile northeast of Gar rison, that he died Thursday morn ing at nine o'clock withour regain ing consciousness. As he was alone no particulars are known, but it is probable that the team ran down a long hill, at the bottom of which they were found entangled in their harness so that they could not move, and the load of building ma terial was upset as they started to turn into the coulee, Mr. Fogerty going under part of the load. Here he was found by a farmer in a short time, who removed the lath, etc., from him, and then instead of tar ing for him like a man, just threw a blanket over him and went home, leaving the unfortunate fellow to lay out in a drizzling rain all night. The farmer offers the thin excuse that he thought Fogherty was drunk. Wednesday morning, he brought to town by Messrs. Wood and Cheek, and Dr. Ray, of Cole harbor, was immediately notified. After examination, the doctor at once announced that there were no grounds for hope- for his recovery as he had received internal injury. All was done' for him after the doc tor's arrival that could be done, but to no avail. JUST READ THIS. When you send your money to the cities, you Deal with strangers %&.• Pay for goods in advance Buy from printed descriptions Pay freight and express »»•SJ-.wyM!S4.WWW»Ea» ^pwr:^ #§-v':' 'i** WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA, NOVEMBER 17, 1905 charges Always pay full prices. Help some city millionaires Must always pay cash Wait for goods and fret. Bat when you spend your money at home, you Deal with people you know Get goods delivered free. Return goods if not satisfied Buy with the goods before you Build up home enterprise Don't pay till you get the goods Are given credit when neicessary. Often get special bargains. Enhance your own property. The Wadena Tribune publishes the above, which was clipped from a circular issued by a local firm in Wisconsin. No comment is neces sary. Mrs.T. J. Haugeberg, Mrs.Grout, and Irene left on Wednesday's train fpr an extended western trip. They will visit friends along the Coast during the winter months. W. A. Lautz has rented the liv ery stable of Uncle Andy Peterson and will conduct the business while Uncle Andy will devote himself to looking after hiB wood business. The hack and dray men of Bis marck refuse to pay lioense^and the case will be taken to the oourts. 1 THE GOODRICH CITIZEN. John Stuart, of ten miles south of here and who is well-known here is hauling his flax crop to this place He had 50 acres in and got 525 bu. therefrom. Deputy Sheriff Seltz, of Wash burn, was in town yesterday. He was looking after some delinquent personal property taxes in this end of the county. Sam Harding had a coat stolen from him Tuesday night. Two thefts from the same place in one week is putting it on too thick. We have enough confidence in dep uty sheriff Harding's detective abil ity to predict that the chances are decidedly against the culprit escap ing justice. John Lindstrom was building a house on his claim two miles west of the Jones Lake last week. On the night of October iJlst, someone carried off the tools lie was using and also windows, doors and nails. Similar acts have occurred in that neighborhood within the past two years. Adolph Schlenker had the mis fortune to cut the palm of his right hand with a large cheese knife last Saturday afternoon. He was in the act of removing some butter from jar and the knife slipped through his hand. The sore is healing very nicely we are glad to say. Last Friday night, a rubber-tired top buggy was stolen from Harding Bros, livery barn and no trace of the vehicle or thieves have bean found to date. The bam has been yery crowded of late, and the bug gies have been left out nights on that account. Sam Harding re turned from a trip with this buggy Shortly- after, dark and unhitched from it on the east side of the barn which is away from the office, giv ing the thief a good opportunity to get away without being seen. The buggy belonged to Frank Klinger. THE DENHOFF VOICE. Mrs. J. L. Minard, mother of Mrs. S. D. Shepardson, is seriously ill at present. Her people have been notified and are expected here. John Whittaker, Sr., a veteran of the civil war, was a caller at this office this week. He was a soldier on the leet of war ships that pa trolled the coast off the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. He served almost four years, and has many interesting events to relate of that turbulent period. E. A. Vanetta died at his home near McClusky on Monday evening of diabetes. The deceased came to this country from Wisconsin last spring in company with his broth ers, and settled on land. The re mains were shipped to Plattville, Wis., for burial. Although but a short time iu our community, Mr, Vanetta, through sterling worth and honesty, has made many friends. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Turtle Lake Wave. Cary Lockrum, daughter of Ole Lockrum, was taken to the Bis marck Hospital Wednesday her father accompanied, her. A warehouse, branded Washburn Grain & Feed Co., arrived at this town Wednesday aftefnoon. The building, the dimensions of which are 36x24x12 was moved by the Keim Bros, from Washburn, a dis tance of twenty-five miles, in two days time. Not a mishap occurred and the building arrived in as good condition as when started. It will be used by the newly organized company to be known Turtle Lake Grain Company who will begin buy ing and shipping as soon as the train arrives. The Keim Bros., of Turtle Lake, an(d Wenzel & Scfcu maker, of Underwood, are the par ties interested in this enterprise. LEADER. FIRST and ONLY National Bank... McLF\N COl .FY Capital $25,000 Surplus $7,500 I'M ..First National Bank.. Franklin E. Funk, Cashier. WASHBURN, N. D. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. A. O. REED Gontractor and Builder PICTURE MOULDINC AND FRAMES, WINDOW CLASS AND SCREENS, COFFINS, CASKETS, FUNERAL GOODS. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. WiSIBURN GRAIN S FEED COMPANY FARMERS, SELL YOUR GRAIN TO US. We will give you the Honest Weights. If we make a mistake, we will correct it. We do not spend our profits outside as other companies do. Give us a trial! VE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN Washburn, North Dakota. It is a little early to talk CHRISTMAS GOODS! But it is better to make your choice early before the selections are broken. See display at... FORBES' DRUG STORE hi j. J* If, ..BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. $1.00 PER YEAR. WE CAREFULLY GUARD Customers' Interest in every Legitimate Way ALL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS with the Bank regarded Strictly Confidential Years of Experience. Soundness of Principle. Liberality of Treatment. Security of Funds. Safety of Investment. Economy of Management. Before Insuring Your Property Against Fire, Mail or Cyclone Call on Us to Get Glose Rates. Safety Deposit Doxes for Rent, You have the Only key $2 Yearly -Dealers Fresh, Salt, Smoked and Dried Meats, Highest Market Price paid for Hides. Oysters and Fish every Friday. MARTIN P. NAPPIN. s, •c? ip: •w m! SK Vj, 4^