Newspaper Page Text
W"" vlpls',, (pr/'",v- 81 1 ,i': *»", (it: I"- fl igKfA ?Zr gMijs fr ,V_- A--'-- I I' Jl %0 ,^'mJ%J il %J' I#? A'si' "j *-vi0 *, Hwyifix .* CD C^S CSD CO 2 svl: .!m§i "I am terribly bothered about making my win. Thanksgiving Day Is near." ...M It EI (0 *f 2' 4C King oi 1- I CO -m m* CO 3 fjJ 1 Ii. mi oc 0 in s. 'W i&S :-lmr .' x3. I. *"^1^ JT'.1..' 'i 1 Ab ^^fheSSTi^aira we lor a John fe." M. •-•••ff' 1 .s jf S-k "^R, W 1 -"t -A.- TVJjti.i<p></p>HANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION t-~A 9 r- \rr* S 4 a I N 7t DEE^ ^^jjjp. Please send me two wheel boxes No. 95 for my Deere Plow my ciiJMTnan TMM, tweotv-ieven years ago. It a gooa plow yet, except the boxes lor the wheels. It was run on black land twenty years and have run it on sandy laud «ven yearn^ Every John '"'31.. to WemrUkm Thai* Standard Steel Plow of die World for 65 years. Li'Sll FOR. SALS BY AXEL NELSON I Washburn, «., N. Dak. §5^%. fi- iraj. mmm ''IVfTX^taC You can depend on a GOOD THANKSGIVING DINNER if baked in a WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. i'-VN 7. f.i-/i' tj :^.^..VyyShc. "imM' ?-, 1 E S I A N E It bakes right because it is made right and of the right material Malleable and Charcoal Iron. THOflPSON HARDWARE CO., 1 U. .A THE "COME AGAIN STORE." Is the Place to Buy General Merchandise. Lowest Prices All the Year Around. Don't send away! Don't pay bi£ prices for clothing or overcoats. Our Clothing is from one of the Biggest and Best Clothing Houses. Every stitch and thread is Honest and to be just what it appears to be. Come in and select a Suit or Overcoat while Stock and Sizes are complete. -1 .i .? wm&i- XT&N* SS 'W.FCIO'IV »4 3 CO PO O CO B0WLES. b$M\ M, MlM "I don't care a bit, I am happy as I shall be roasted in the oven of a Great Majestic Runge." c/) O O -I *i O "i'-r.hi'' (-'if The following have taken out li cense to wed: James S. Durfee and Florence J. Hutchinson, of Good rich FredPulzka andlda Schmidt, of Anamoose, and John H. Batcher and Belle Swartz, of Underwood. FRENZIED FINANCE won't be in it with you, if you have failed to carry insurance on your property in case of fire. Do it Now." See SCHMIDT & RAUGUST, General Insurance. SUMMONS State of North Dakota, County of McLean, ss. In District Court, Sixth Judicial District Standard Brewing Company,.a Corporation, vg Pamti William Schramm, Defendant. SUMMONS. The State of North Dakota to the Above Named Defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer tho complaint in this action and to serve a' copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of service and incase of your failure to appear or answer judgment '11 be takeu against you by default for tne re- 1 *L- 'omplaint. N.D. this 14th. day of lief demanded in the complaint. Datai at Washburn September A. D. 1MB. Hylaud dt Nuessle, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and Post Office address: Washburn, North Dakota. To The Above Named Defendant:— You will please take notice that the com plaint in the above entitled gction was on the 16th. day of September A. D. IMS, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court within and for said McLean County, at Washburn, North Dakota. Hyland & Nuessle, Sf/% Attorneys for PlaintilT. v.."i First publication November 10,1903. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., Oct. 4,1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before E. A. Lamb, County Judge, at his office at Washburn N.D. on Dec. 1,190.1, viz: Louisa Olson, of Washburn, N. D., H. E. No. 13511, made Nov 14,1900, for the south-east quarter of section 8, township 144, range 80. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vie •si oMf 10-18 M. 1 Washburn, N. D. For Sale or rout the Star restau rant. Enquire of^Wm. Rost. Good Teamsters Avanted. Steady work the year round. Eequire of Fred Pfister, Washburn. Farm Loans at 9%,with option to make payment on principal before due date and stop interest. Call or write SCHMIDT & RAUGUST, Loan Brokers. ..J. W. ROBINSON.. VETERINARIAN I GOL. EH ARBOR, IN. D. CALL ItY TELEPHONE. I Why pay 12% for Farm Loans ..F. E. FUNK.. 1ST NATIONAL, HANK, WASHBURN, Can fix you out at 9 C. C. HIBBS, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Office in Cussner Block, Resident Dentist. BISMARCK, N. D. ANDREW MILLER, Attorney at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts Special attention to Trial Cases and U. S. Land Office practice. Office over First National Bank Building Tel. No. 285. BISMARCK, N. 0. it Insurance & ..FIRE AND HAIL.. ..WE.. Insure Everything Insurable. ..OLD LINE COMPANIES.. F. E. FUNK, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WASHBUBN, ..Swan Nealander.. Contractor and Builder, Plans drawn and estimates fur nished. Let me figure on your building. Residence fourth house east of the school house. WASHBURN. N.D. Thru Tourist Sleeping Cars Four Days of the week to California via the Chicago, Great Western Ry. The Chicago Great Western Ry. offers choice of four thru Tourist Cars per week to California the first leaving Minneapolis 7:40 St. Paul 8:10 10:50 H. Jewell, Register. A.M. $Y J"v 'j A.M. A.M. every Monday, going via Omaha, the Mo. Pac. and Santo Fe, arriving at Los Angeles at 8 o'clock A. M. the following Fri day the second leaves Minneapolis at 8 o'clock P. M., St. Paul 8:30 P. M. P. M., Sat urday. The third leaves Minneap olis 10:46 St. Paul 11:20 P.M. every Wednesday going via Kansias City and the Rock Island-El Paso Route, arriving Los Angeles 12:55 p. M. Sunday. The fourth leaves Minneapolis 10:20 A. M., St. Paul every Thursday via Kan sas City and the Santa Fe route, arriving Los Angeles 8:20 A.M., Diego 12:45 P.M. San Monday. For fur ther information yply to R. R. Jones, Trav. Agt., Fargo, N. D. i* ytr *5 ,v f, tv ™'r COUNTT OFFICERS. 3berlft Ol.E Gkadim Treiisurer F. IRWIN KOOT Anrtlior 0, B. WlNQ ^Icfk of Court Peter A. Schmidt Stares Attorney \V. I.. Nuksslb bounty E. A. Lamb SupKrlniciideut of Schools ....Henry Olsow Ri-Slster of Deeils Hans Nyoaard Physician Dr. DIllon bounty Commissioners—X. W. Solenberger. fcrauk i'utz and SimoxJahii. VILLAGE OFFICKKS. President Karl Klein. Alderman P. M. Ferguson Alderman Win, Benn Treasurer F. E. Kunk Cleric F. M.Clark Assessor. W. A. l'ersey. Histlce L. M". Wallfn Marshall J. M. l'atterson. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Lands, Loans, that's all. ELEIN LAND AGENCY. Will Go on Your BOND. Frank E. Funk, 1st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn, North Dakota. Select your Heater early. While our stock is complete, you can get just what you want at just the price you want.—Thompson Hdw. Co. If you want real comfort, try the Easy Walker,Whole Rubber Heels, for both Ladies and Gentlemen. GEO. N. D. L. Chicago, Great Westeri/ Ry. to points in Iowa, Illinois, and Mis souri. Tickets on sale November 1 to December 31st final return limit April 15th, 1906. For further in formation apply to R. R. Jones, 223 Robert st., Fargo, N. D. Wheat. I Flax Oats.. Potatoes Butter Eggs p. M. every Tuesday going via Omaha and the Rock Island Scenic Route, ar riving San Francisco 4:28 '1**4 I At Shoe Shop, Pantorium. 1 (#. 4 in Threshing Machines Insured old line Insurance Companies. See or write F. E. Funk, 1 st. Nat'l Bank. Washburn, N. D. —A LARGE BLOCK OF— UNITED STATES LAND SCRIPT FOR SALE See F. E. FUNK, 1st Nut. Haiik,Wo»liburn, N. D. rOR SALE! I will close out my herd of hordes about 100 head, mostly mares, colts, one, two and three years old, Alleys and geldings. Will close out the whole bunch cheap, and give real bargains where a man wants five to ten liead. "V ROBINSON, Coal Harbor, N. D* STRAYED STRAYED:—About Oct. 10, from my pasture near Washburn, three red steer calves and one white and red heifer. P. G. THORSTENSOIST, Washburn, N. D» Home Visitors' Rates via .•••• V* A* T.A. MARKET REPORT. The following is the market port for Thursday Abstract of Title to all McLean County Lands and Town Lots fur nished on short notice. Corres pondence solicited. McLEAN CO. ABSTRACT CO. General Insurance, S r% re- 2f? -s A. M.: .73 .80 .20 .30 .15 .15 A fW ...FARMERS... ...When you with to insure, insure In the McLean County Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. Call on or write.. W. P. «BLT2, Agsnt. ss®