Newspaper Page Text
.1 14 S —WEST BOUND— Daily except Sunday, 10:15 A. —EAST BOUND— Daily except Sunday, 3:50 E. C. BUTLER,Agt.Washburn, N.D. LOCAL NEWS NOTICE. All egnl Notices Must Be Paid for on Delivery of Affidavits. Mo deviation from this Kule. Carving Sets at Thompson's. See Schmidt & Raugust about 9% Farm Loans. Dan Peterson, of Garrison, was a visitor Thursday. How about those fire guards around Washburn? Casper Becker was over from Oliver county Wednesday. 9% Farm Loans. Write or see F. E. Funk, 1st Nat. Bank. Druggist Clemens and wife were Jamestown visitors this week. Dentist in Washbnrn from the first to the fifth of each month, Trade at Coleharbor? Of course you do. See Robinson's Big Store. Live Stock Insurance—F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Washburn Embroidered Shirt Waists, tan, white and black, at The Corner Store. Just received a car of No. 1 Cedar posts at Farmers-Merchants Lumber Co. 9% Farm Loans. See or write Frank E. Funk, 1st National Bank, Washburn, N. Busiest place on earth "Garrison on the Soo." See Robinson Store, Mackey in charge. Christmas is coming! Beauti ful Sofa Pillows are now on sale at The Corner Store. Dr. MacBride, the dentist, left Monday for Underwood. While here he was kept busy. Hardanger Cloth and Thread at The Corner Store also the latest in Collars and Ribbons. A few relinquishmenss to be dis posed of. Call on E. A.' Lamb, Real Estate and Loans. Dr. W. J. MacBride will be in Washburn once a month beginning with the first of November. 50^ will buy a self-basting roaster for your Thanksgiving Turkeys at The Thompson Hardware Co. FOB RENT:—Three rooms, up stairs, main street. See F. E. Funk, 1st Nat. Bank,Washburn, N. D. FOB SALE:—Two good pool ta bles for sale cheap. For further in formation, call at THE LEADER of fice. Frank Lenhart was up from Wilton the first of the week, look ing after the work on the jail build ing. States Attorney Neussle is look ing after some business matters over in the Goodrich country this week. The German Store has added a furniture department, announce ment of same can be found in this issue. Dr. McBride, the dentist, car ries with him an expert maker of teeth. If yours don't fit oall and see him :. Deputy-sheriff Seltz returned the first of the week from a trip to the Denhoff country on official business. '.$• The Thompson Hardware Co., have a Thanksgiving'ad in this is sue which it will pay to read and profit thereby. N This office has for sale from one to ought figures nonpareil, good as new, for sale in pound lots. THE LEADER office. representing Mr. George Maun, the Minnesota Type St. Paul, transacted the city Wednesday. Foundry, of business in How do you like the real North Dakota weather—just like the good old summer time, with just enough breeze to keep the air well purified. Attorney McOulloch is having his well at the house repaired ana is making arraugents to have a good supply of water in the house. J. G. Putnam, the liveryman from Turtle Lake, was a caller on the LEADER force last Saturday. He also made a trip across the river the next day. Work on laying the brick for the new jail building commenced the first of the week* and the wprk will be rushed. The Mandan Merri. 6q. has the contract. For good bargains and choice farm lands call on E.. A. Lamb, Now don't wait until prices are ad vanced, buy NOW! Western Mc Lean county is the garden spot of the state and land selling at $10 to $20 per acre will in a short time bring $40 and $50 per acre. Why reject fortune when she knocks at yourdoor? B. ft. LAMB, Real Egtate and Loans, WASHBURN, «. JJ. FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS to loan on real estate security 9%. F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D. You don't have to walk on your heel to save your sole if you wear Royal Blue and Beauty Shoes. The Come Again Store sells them. Have $500 on hand which will be loaned out at a small rate of in terest with good security. Time to suit. Apply at Klein's Land officef 9% Farm Loans. No commis sion and payments to suit yourself. Call and be convinced. SCHMIDT & RAUGUST, Loan Brokers. Send your watch for repairs to W. A. Persey,Washburn, the oldest established Watch House in Mc Lean county. A postal will bring you a mailing box. Money to loan on farms. Funds always on hand and all business closed promptly, without delay. Money advanced for making final proof. C. B. Upson, Washburn, N.D. We have some special values in Men's and Boys' Suits and over coats. Anyone in need of a suit or overcoat will do well to call at the Come Again Store and look them over. For the first time this season the ferry was compelled to lay up Tuesday on account of the heavy wind which came down from the west. Messrs Waisson and Morgan of McClusky. were in the city the first of the week on their way for a deer hunt on the river. We hope the boys meet with success. Harry Wahl and party returned Wednesday from a deer hunt up river points. The party failed to killed any deer, but several were seen at a distance, too far away for a shot. "The Thunder of Silent Fidelity" will be the guiding thought in next Sunday evening's service in the Cong, church,Washburn. Services begin at 7:30 o'clock everybody heartily invited. Mr. T. W. Allshouse spent Sun day in Washburn looking after the interests of the telephone company of this place. Mr. Hendrix and Mr. Allshouse returned home oh Monday. Now is the time to make arrange ment for your Christmas advertise ments. The time is not very far distant and we can give better ser vice by having your orders in at tte earliest date. The train Monday brought in the largest mail for the Washburn postoffice since the holidays a year ago. Postmaster Wahl kud assist ants distributed the large amount Read our change of ads this week. Our merchants have some thing to say of interest to you and we have used all our skill and in genuity in getting up the matter so that it will be pleasing to the eye. Mrs. E. A. Lamb entertained the Birthday Club, Tuesday of this week. A good time was reported by those who were present. Five Hundred was the game of the af ternoon. Dainty refreshments were served. There was an exciting run-a-way here in town the first of the week in which a hunting party consist ing of two Inen were delayed sever al days while waiting to get repairs for the vehicle which was badly de moralized. Editor Brenton, of the Garrison Times, was a caller last Saturday while on his way to Wilton. He reported another paper starting in at that point and also one at the new town of Coleharbor by Mr. Jefferson formerly of the Miner. Andy Sutton lias rented the pool hall and bowling alley and will have the same fitted up and plaped in running order and those who enjoy a game of pool or bil liards or spend the evening in bowling will find every thing in first class shape under the manage ment of Mr. Sutton. The new court house is about ready for occupancy. While the building does not present as hand some appearance as the old one, the rooms intended for the officers ire much larger and give much more room. Just as soon as the furniture arrives, the officers will take up their quarters in the new building. of maiTmatter in a verylhort time" I Gaylord, Minn., on Friday, accom panied by Mrs. T. J. Grieve and •o __ WiUe. "t HI FIRE AT GARRISON! Fire destroyed the building and stock of the Taylor-Baldwin Co. at Garrison early Tuesday evening. The estimated value was about $10,000, and was about covered by insurance. The building was one of the best in the town, and had just been completed two weeks. The old store building, adjoining the new one, and being used as a store room, was also burned. The fire was caused by the re fusal to work of the safety valve in the gasoline plant. The burned building was one of two stories the upper floor was to be used for offices, and the lower floor was used for a general store and postoffice and central. The postoffice fixtures and all mail was saved, but the store goods were a complete loss. The postoffice was opened in a small building next morning and a telephone put in the office of THE TIMES. Little damage was done to the other buildings. A great many fires were started around the town, during the evening, but the Nelson Bros, were the only other ones who suffered any loss. The north wall of their store was burned through in several places, but the building was saved by throwing salt, flour and vinegar on the bunding, water being a scarce article. The Taylor Bros.,who had charge of the store, will put in a stock of goods at once in Mr. McGray's new building. Cid Taylor left for the east Wednesday to order the goods, showing a true western spirit. A CUTTING AFFRAY. In a melee on one of the boats which was unloading at this point Thursday, a Russian named Joe Beines had the end of his nose nearly cut off, and was cut on the shoulder, it is alleged, by a knife in the hands of John Wade, while under the influence of the bowl that cheers. It seems that Wade had gone down to the boat, and Beines was at work and passed by where Wade was standing and smiled at him, when Wade struck him, and before he recovered, he received the knife wounds. Wade was arrested and brought before Judge Ranard for the pre liminary hearing, which was held Monday and Tuesday. Judge Ran ard bound the man ovei* to the dis trict court, bail being fixed at $500 and default of which he was turned over to the custody of the sheriff. LOST:—A gold pin, a forget-me not design, with pearl center and turquoise setting in each petal. Finder will receive a liberal feward if left at this office. The Misses Baardson and Bruin mund gave a very delightful whist party Monday evening. Merchant Haugeberg and party are spending the deer hunting sea son on the farm of the former near Elm point. Henry Grochow and wife left for Mr. A German Lutheran Services at the school house Sunday morning, Nov. 19th, 11 o'clock A. M., by Rev. Feirertag, pastor, Sheriff Gradin accompanied by Deputy Patterson left Wednesday for Jamestown with Fred Kranz, of Garrison, who is mentally un balanced. Mr. Kranz is getting along in years and it is feared that he will not recover his usual health. Jim Wade, who was placed under bonds to the district court, was taken as far as Bismarck and placed in the Burleigh county jail for safe keeping Nels Nelson, one of the old set tlers living at Painted Woods died last Friday after a long and pain ful illness, death being due to can cer. Deceased moved to this coun ty about twenty years ago, and se curing a homestead at Painted Woods where he and family resid ed. Mr. Nelson was about seventy five years of age at the time of death and leaves a wife, three sons and two daughters. The sympathy of all is extended to the family. Miss Christie Willetson died November 10,1905, at the home of her sister Mrs. Myrtie Carlson, five miles north of Washburn, af ter a' few weeks illness of ulcera tion £f the stomach.' She was boni in Shelby County, Iowa, in 1885, and came here last June to work in Miss Peterson's store, where she won many friends. She was a sweet singer and an earnest Chris tian. The funeral services at: the home of her sister were conducted by Rev. Zenos George, pastor of tne.Methodistchurch..Thqremains Were taken to Iowa in charge of Andrew Peterson and his mother. 'AV, Come Early and avoid the rush. MANS Washburn, PUBLIC SALE! I will sell at my farm on section 8-177-79, two miles east of Wilton, and fifteen miles due east of Wash burn on Monday, Nov. 20th, 1905, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property:— Four work horses, one drivin horse, one registered Hereford Bu Pathway 125726, five yearling steer, grade Herefords five^earling heif ers, grade Herefords 10 good milk cows one steam separator one un ion churn two farm wagons one top buggy one Hancock disk gang plow one Moline sulky plow one Oasedisk harrow one steel harrow one Hoosier press drill one garden drill one feed grinder two hay racks two sets of work harness household furniture and other arti cles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE:—Eleven months time with interest at 10%, purchas ers giving approved security 10% off for cash 011 all sums over $10. Sums under $10, cash. Free lunch at noon. O. E. NELSON, Prop. W, THOMPSON & YIENQST, Auctioneer*. HU0LEMAN, Clerk. Mrs. W. F. Hogue went to Bis marck Wednesday to be gone a few days. Mrs. Will Richards and baby are visiting relatives in Baldwin this week. Rev. Hjermstad has moved to Coleharbor, leaving for that place Monday. ONE HUNDRED THOURAND DOL LARS to Loan ,on good Real Estate security at 9% only. Call or write SCHMIDT & RAUGUST, Loan Brokers. FredHoppe, of Underwood, went thru Friday on his way to Gaylord, Minn., where he will attend the wedding of his sister. Rev. H. Hjermstad performed the services of confirmation last Sunday at the J. P. Peterson school house upon John Gr. Olson and Ar thur Falck. A dancing' party was held last Friday evening in the dining room of the Merchants' Hotel. A num ber of invited guests were present and they enjoyed the occasion very much. WATCHES—$1 to $50.05, from the latest new thin model boy's watch up to the finest quality of Ladies' and Gent's gold watches. It will pay you before you buy to see Persey —Washburn. tlx? Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! ...We have on hand complete and carefully selected stock of Clothing, con sisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's suits. We have a few special values in suits. Ladies', misses' and children's coats and jackets in the latest styles come in and see them. Underwear of all descriptions for la dies, misses, and men and boys. Waists, wool, worsted, mohair and silk from 75^ to $5.00. Pull line of fancy dress goods, all kinds Don't forget our line of American Gentlemen and American Lady Shoes. Groceries, a good supply on hand at all times. .YOURS FOR BUSINESS.. I HI I 1 IwlwLr HOLTAN Si SONS North Dakota THE: City Meat flarket ...NEW MARKET, NEW GOODS... -(DEALERS IN)- rRESH and SAL.T MEATS Highest Prices Paid for Hides and Poultry. Pish Kept in Stock at All Seasons KLEIN BROTHERS, Washburn, N. D. KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY. mn 1 TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. THREE NEW RAILWAYS BUILDINC. CET REAL ESTATE BARCAINS NOW. .TAXES PAID FOR N0N=RESIDENTS.. WB ARE RESPONSIBLE. BEST REFERENCES. ...FOR INFORMATION, WRITE TO... KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY. WASHBURN ... NORTH DAKOTA. ...TO CL.OCK BUYERS... ...We carry a most complete and elegant line of Clocks, which in both ornamentation and time* keeping qualities cannot be excelled anywhere. CLOCKS FOR HOME, SCHOOL AND OFFICE, in Golden Oak, or rich Brazian Onyx, either spring, weight or electric time. All our clocks are guar anteed for a fu'I term of three years, and prices that will please and surprise you. Come and see our Far West" Clock in the "house of watches." W. ft. PERSEY, Washburn* N. 6 :i It Si. ijjf' ?fe.: I 1' 1 1 y. I II :'i 5 41 1 feU f' fcv* 1 \i' :h Wi vu.