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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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WM JKPf r&r mm iS, Tfi(P^#Ei 'r- when He ^as 1 states 'or^ftlxatioED s4'W^hq Flit .only ^tefl Hull that or the shss^ ®uring'tl^'two^:teitt8:'1^^B^ 'y, leijgh F. ^paldipg^i^mm ^•now.p .1 ". -1 :.l J*..' 1 il"' I rv'!/ I irt 1 1*1 «slAl .' V* l%~ 1%w«^1 1'T 0%^' 4*^A Mnfiil^TfAVIfl id |f ^y^for^|The lE^eBMg- ef iaty ii^^di^fi'.^irun^ ^"•^^^^Then,Boger Mi^aif^o^riii-, *V. ^aigri ja reqift^ r^kllin dwf WitisntiSitKr. mOM?«»:tnie" mwlM sqja' pjisfe ^slipped, through$i|S^ fingfere- wdf^ 'be&ouife ^'-i^l^wwho^ofip^be $MB theu ^ntire v^cjiflt,: just as ^iiNWaiBtinK oi nammfr just asJ^i^fiBtiaag $1 £ammg: 4$ai^the cojcin-: 'iiisi the' ifefc sfend^oftii* Mt3ffife1ifent''prbilQin^tice to/ip^ $ct^torshij formed a oombina-' n.Ui!H_U »_Jt „«the jttpxfc Mio* fit M- df ^£#$ iW and t^t Whishi]*w&s. tbe ..whbleHliiifg ,iti the iW' ip refiBivea tne lion's share -. -ily. Usj. as well as doling, out he saw What w»s^l§t to those who dyw- theiir hjand^, stai» .• The.t^#|si^ct^ the T^'^i^hin'^f^nt «n Isn't Winship's present spasmof: 'reform" only a subterfuge^tp get back intone Saddle agai^t4n order, 'tb feathli||kis nest as $e did ^hefif be was boss at GoV., Allihr vS|aliing ••', .:.-.i:-:.-ai *i teriLL*&t£Ls!iaal.-l»j admin isame one waSv a 'member of the commission that located the p- for years dEainpoan of ^hie republiq^n state eential oom TOittee, 'a$id' therefore ihe head and front of the "machine^ of the "old Didn't he work in harmony with. t|ie. present oiganization' (termed itl^e ^old gang' so long as he was ulOwj^d to hold office? in ppngress didn't he \pote v. Qgfein§t the adoption of the jh' ,iesolution defining the treasi mak%a speech :lfT-y%Vii&iri-r<v':^iI.•.,1'i.17 a revenue meas ure,. when he knew it was simply defining a statute? Didn't the de feat of this resolution in the house on this flimsy pretext, cost tfcje ^Ottli Dakota farmers untold tl^asaiidsbf clbllars? this Burleig ing gpt/unlimited nerve to statid ^efbrci an audience North Dako t^a farmers after a^iisiing in. rob ifa^ng them of a market for their wheat to which .they were justly W^^.the^'salajrjr grab" bill ^as bfefore the h6usetin which Spald l&g^ personal' jpocketbook was in%iliest€)d. difti he Vote against |t?: fViamflTiirfkir»rf in finnlfJlnfr,p3- I^ja?t^ifUis.pwi: a'f^ot'tt^'t he was d^^^by county delegates Wt.the?last sta^ contention b% wet Anairne-'»S to accompliish saig«^M esalari«iofboth Kl'pMmwIpi demand for -it. *'We*' filifct$8 the matter with- th^pifesr jent^administration," but these* al legect reformers intelli gent reason forcattgivenoofficers, 1 ventini !8 istration? .V Isnft:thiswho Boss Spalding the Dingley tariff law prohibiting the importation erf: xros^ w^eat from Canada? Did ^o| ^change. THe. :peopl»:kna* ^at^e' state, arft, the ^pie^did' admihistratidn" th^y. %ve"the .^tate, £nd what may be'-exgected of them. The people tuwe,ttxright to Know what,'they \^-r.P..-., .v i,.' ••*&*. from the insurgent •"•1" .•: w£at kind of "reforifa1? t-heV are.go^1^W.1mal i'lig to: gfet- from an 'jontSt .whpse record'will not be^r the scrutiny of the! searchlight bf honest inves- •. T^=^i^li^entsv_ long and loud- against boss rule. t^^Rajmsey county—two inen-r^ McC8tmick and Norton—insurg ent ..bosses—"have- sejecjtec^'^andir ture and oOButy officers—and sworn them in—without consult-. ing anybody. No example of bosis rule was ever before so: bet^V^y exemplified Thecaseof T.R. C. (6well .ys L. C. Black, Judson Harmon, Wmf H. von Steinwehr and W. 'G Bragg has been dismissed "with prejudice." The patties to the suit reached an agreement late Wed nesday afternoon and the papers were at once forwarded. to Wash burn,, where the case was to have tried in the digltrji^t fsourt., b6en: apt«a attentbnbe^au seiti's satiohal charges which were at the time the case was comn^t-: ced and also because of the^^ inence of the defendants. B.^XS. Black is a new parttter ,j^E Foraker^and Judson attoraiey general *of admipSitration. ,• vv -??he action ^raii started. byf§jjrR«.chiueof C. Cri^ell, at/Wl. known J?iargo -mail t^recc^r |$^QQ0 in cou^siss-' ions alleged jbim '.a^l il^e^ res^t of the sate- of lipids. Jthl \F0rt jSteyeri8on dej^iit^ahte. tioitvipf'so producing fifty et^ftels'f wp PlQf, gallbns bf make a bushels of •fj 1,1, ii Vv «.• Would p^MI. -pi a^i'MiSNi8N^W^i«SwS »«S^t l*JT .* A* 1. C" ''.V. pi iiP« m&mi&mmiMmzm. tiinE Vffi&itri 3£ •r-'X KW" members., of th6 legisla in thU case. Wj^lte as. reports from that coi^iiy are to the effect, that ^he republican Rotors are up in arms against such brazen boss tactics—and are going to do thi^8 to the new gang candidateai at th& primaries^-r TimiM. ?^^e|ou| fr- •a,-' ^25 -H* 1 4 *yw i. {?J The !Giiand Forkf. 'Herald has ^n ljeltictapitly fprbed tO. admit that there is ^thi^eyil. in. a .ma in- have1Herald in thi)sittate?is not of roservatip^,'^Kt^ the ^ime. .actibkl Ai' w^^arted it was"inti^jpjf t.&at' 'a* :,HK)6 V^V^ fmwm^ $L 111 igt U»i 4f K^h "G» ^S£E.R)R\ juRgruF^ i+qjv WX havi W a a mm, V11 ii- t* W=w= ,f" a ma^ theijr own. ^"The (fthe sort. :^^mticn as tro.: ii.iurgent machine^hlaB a number of cogs machi)|e.i(t.various'times,. the Herald Will explain. how he [.Heh^d phaiftged th^m :£rpin iwerfe? Or is. the i!nt:Jb^f^-!|C»roerad^p^nifvettndas* GESTIOM. Capital wrw-x 'V ft*... ,'•• •-.. I.--"?' I Vi A Model of Simplicity S ..«fvV-/ J® ••te®:«tea' ..and Durability ws ••(.. ^|t has ability to do any and all work, in wet grain and diy, in long ^iraw and short, in FLAX, Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, and Rice, it has TRIU Mip A NT, acknowledged by all owners and users as the finest machine ever seen in the threshing fi^Id.^ .• •. '.'t A' 'J1!G#1NESS, ',1 O'''-''''" W ^^LOQAUp AGENT... VAiW!" t!r ^^H^I^pP^RT»?IjAKOTA. P|RST«i4:0NlY National McLFAN eoi" .TY 1 they, hawbetj^me so suddenly' fittM for $25,000 noftTO a 'rittf sthe 'potato ^es.fip^^ln^ ^ear.,'.' Everybody fnpws' that^the mo^th of "June and very I hate iheiitt-lo^ now at wlyawl ibhburn,N. ..First National Bank i-' Surpliis $15,CiQ0 1 .'orgamza- W 3 SSS^^p! Franklin E. Funk, Cashier. WASHBURN, N. D. J. **J«K-- *0M:m !'ri '",f*Jsk ftr" i.-*: WE CAREFULLY Curtomm'^UrM* 'Pt-*—1Inev.ry1QUARI —1•• AlL' 1 tvs MEDIUM. •v iff* YEAR. 1. 1* ••••.- fA fiUSlNj^SS TRANSAClriONiS' Veari of Expcrleacc. Soaiduas of Priaciylt. LiKerallty of Trcataeit. Sccirity of PaUi. Safety of lireitaeiL Econmr MiU|«aicat. Before Insuring Your Property Aialnst rire, Hall or Gyclone Call on Us io Get Glose Roteai Safety Deposit Doxes for. Rent, You have the Only key 1 *2 Yearly Oontractop and Bui|der IppfctUli*: MOULDINC AND FRAMCt MOBT &R{ ¥\v H* -v. v'--v." fy/f i'm fi Zts y-'-":' iv 'f .. •*. A ry-^t 'ift t+\ "S i* ti •V I & ^.AvTSte. "k 'sVra -SB sr^j tJ' M* 1 '"J -ft*- "3/VljA 1* ft 4% Wv 4 nrr^7i 1ES«?'W -w, mm FP