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I' /V &• If -ifeii&S ,-4 •M fggsfl .AXEL TELL ARB WE i? -.(JJay spJvv isar-' KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY. ..TAXES PAID FOR NON=RESIDENTS. RBSPONSlBkB. When in need of... Lumber of any kind Lamber Company's NEW YARD DEPARTMENT STORE CROCERIES, DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., ETC. FARM Machinery, a Very complete Lne THE WORLD FAMOUS KENTUCKY SHOE DRILLS. Washburn, North Dakota TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. THREE NEW RAILWAYS BUILDINC. GET REAL ESTATE BARCAINS NOW. BEST REFBRCNCE8. ...rOR INFORMATION, WRITS TO... KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY. -J «*4, WASHBURN ... NORTH DAKOTA. $$• We will You Money W at Washburn. mi We have a fine, clean dry stock of white pine lumber, lath, shingles, which we offer cheap. Also a complete line of sash, doors, cement, lime and other building material. Your trade solicited. Lumber sold on time. N. BROWN, Manager. iA1' TO CHICAGO, KANSAS CI1T? AND OMAHA FROM SAINT PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS CA6oilSlffi WESTERN, MOLENE,ILL. gjuUMlr Many trains dally, superbly equipped, making fast time. Through Tourist Cars to California, with choke of routes of Omaha or Kansas City. For information write to JL JL JOHtS, ftwujyi Agmt, JBarya, Jfertft Ttatwt* r- IS £*, CONTEST NOTICK. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., April 28.1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by John J. Hallingstad, contestant against homestead entry No. 24707. made July 22d, 1903, for eH sefci Sec. 9, and wV4 awM Sec tion 10, Township 148 n. Range 83 w. by Gustave Fritz, contestee, in which it is alleged that said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law and that such default now exists and that claimants absence from said tract is not due to employment in the U. S. army, navy or marine corps in time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching saia allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 18, 1906, before Peter A. Schmidt, clerk of court at his office in Washburn, N. D. (and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 25,1906 before) the register and receiver at the United States land office in Bismgrck, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit filed Apr. 14,1906, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. M. H. Jewell, Register. 5-11 John Satterlund, ALIAS CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Hinot, North Dakota, Apr. 21, 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Anna Kowarsch, contestant against homestead entry No. 25938, made Oct. 2B, 1903, for nwii Section 22, township 149 n, range 83 w. by Eddie Hall, contestee, in which it is alleged that claimant has wholly aban doned said tract that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry, that said tract is not settled upon and cultived by said party as re- Jurther iuired by law, and that such now exists: that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the XI. S. army, navy or marine corps in time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching saia allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 2, 1906, before James T. McCulloch, a notary public at his of fice in Washburn, N. D., (and that final hear ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 9, 1906, before) the register and receiver at the United States land office in Minot, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit filed Apr. 19,1906, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice made it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 3-11 L. D. McGahan, Register. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior United States Land Office, Minot, N. D„ April 30,1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by *Sven A. Olsson, contestant, against homestead entry, No. 23351, made June 22,1903, for eH swM, sH seX. section 30, town ship 190 n, range 83 w, by John Wagner, Jr., contestee, in.which it is alleged that claimant has wholly abandoned said tract of land for more than six months just prior to the filing of this contest the fact is he never did reside uponjsaid land and neverjdid any improvements as other public do that said alleged ab is em ployment in thearmy, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine, during the war with Spain or duilng any other war in which the United States may be engaged. thereon that the tract is as other public do main, unimproved: and that said allei sence from the said land was not doe to Said parties are hereby notified to appear re spond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 19, igo6, before the register and receiver at £the United States land office in Minot, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit filed Apr. 14,1906, set forth facts which show that after due diligence,, personal service of this notice could not be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be gli by doe and proper publication. given T. E. Fox, Receiver. James Johnson, Atty. for Contestant. 5-11 BIDS FOR QRAPINO. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the county commissioners at the office of the county auditor up to 2 o'clock p. m. June Bth, 1906 for the grading of a Toad along the section lines from the common section cor nes of Sections 17-18-19-20 of Township 146-81 the common corner of Sec. 15-16-21-22, Twp. 146-82 at to much per cubic yard, yardage being as fol lows, Subject to the supervision of- the county surveyor and according to plans and specifica tions in the office of county auditor. Fill No. 1. 496 ft. west of corner Sec. line between 18 and 19 of Twp. 14&81,825 cubic yards Fill No. 2. 336 ft. east of corner Sec. line between and 24 of 140-82,436 cnbic yards. Fill No. 8. 988 ft. east or nw corner of Sec. 24 146-82,578 cubic yards. Fill No, 4. 636 ft. east of the nw corner of Sec. 24-140-82,90 cubic yards. FiirNo. 5. (Slough) 273 feet east of the corner on section lines between 15 & 22 of 146-82, 533 cubic yards. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at Washburn, N, D.. this 5th day of May, 1906. N. W. Solenberger, 74 hi Chairman County Commissioners. STRAYJED—Smallblackhorse weight about 960, branded circle. on left shoulder one bay mare, 8 «a» old, branded EE on left ijp, weight abquH ENFORCE NEUTRALITY OBJECT OF ASSEMBLING UNITED 8TATES WARSHIPS IN DO- MINICAN WATERS. MOVEMENT TO OVERTHROW GACERES EX-PRESIDENT MORALES IN COM MAND OF ARMY ORGANIZED AT ST. THOMAS. Washington, May 23.—Disquieting advices relative to revolutionary movements in the West Indies, direct ed against the administration of Pres ident Caceres of Santo Domingo, led to a conference between officials of the state and navy departments. De tails of these movements are vague, but they indicate that ex-President Morales is now at or near St. Thomas and is making a determined effort to expel Caceres and regain the presi dency of Santo Domingo. Some of the leaders who were in strumental in ejecting Morales from office are reported to be now on his side and many rumors have been re ceived of purchases of arms and gath ering of revolutionists in ports ad jacent to Santo Domingo. The navy department has forward ed to Commander Southerland on the Yankee such information as it has re ceived through the state department, leaving him full discretion to deal with the situation. The recent con centration of the vessels under this officer's command at the Dominican ports indicates that Commander Southerland is taking steps to strictly enforce the American neutrality laws and prevent the landing of any muni tions of war. The advices to the state department above referred to came from the act ing governor of Porto Rico and are to the effect that munitions of war in tended for an expedition directed against Santo Domingo are being shipped from St. Thomas, D. W. I., to a place called Ba Jabon, in Hayti, on the coast and very near the Dominican boundary. The leaders of this expe dition are- expected to embark from Porto Rico about the middle of next week. ADDRESSED BY FRANCIS JOSEPH. Hungarian Parliament at Budapest Formally Opened. Budapest, May 23.—The Hungarian parliament was formally opened at the Royal castle during the day by the emperor-king, Francis JoBeph, who in the speech from the throne bid the deputies a hearty welcome and expressed his keen thankfulness that the misunderstandings had passed away. "It is painful to our paternal heart," he said, "to look back on the events of the recent past which dis turbed the orderly course of .constitu tional life. We are thankful to Divine Providence that following the desire freely expressed the disastrous misun derstandings have vanished and it is our ardently cherished wish that the oonstitutional co-operation of all the legislative factors may remain undis turbed in the future." The speech also announced that after the question of electoral reforms has been settled a new parliament will be summoned. RUSSIA EXPRESSES REGRET. Will Make Every Effort to Apprehend Assassins of American Consul. St. Petersburg, May 23.—In response to & formal request made by Ambas sador Meyer to the foreign office here on the subject of the assassination of William H. Stuart, the American vice consul at Batoum, the ambassador has received from Foreign Minister Ipwol aky a note written in his own hand expressing the government's deep re gret at the murder and also stating that the viceroy of the Caucasus had been ordered to make the most rigid investigation of the crime and appre hend and punish the assassins. S: GOVERNMENT STARTS INQUIRY. French Employers to Be Prosecuted for Blacklisting. Paris, May 23.—At a cabinet council during the day an inquiry was or dered with the view to prosecuting proprietors of the Villerupt steel fac tory on the charge of interference with the liberty of citizens in hand ing to other employers in their vicin ity lists of their locked out employes in order to prevent their obtaining employment. The government, while the. inquiry is, in progress/ will make provision fo* the locked out men. C088ACKS AND PEASANTS CLASH Four of the Latter Killed and Two Hundred Wounded. Simbirsk, Eastern Russia, May 23.— A light between Cossacks and peas ants, resulting from the efforts' of the authorities to suppress agrarian dis orders, has occurred in this vicinity. It is reported that four peasants were killed and 200 wounded Bank Robbers' Hold Off Citizens. Hoffman I. T, May 83.—Burglars wrecked Uts sate of tho First Na tional] ba»k b/m an4 escaped with ssvssal k«a4roi dollars, Ceafedsv jb Ow MINI kotow As. "Fl "a wft Notice of Expiration of Time of Redemption. State of North Dakota, County of McLean.—ss: OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR. Joor Washburn, N. D. May 17,1906. To A. C. M. Linden, the person in whoso name certain real estate situated in McLean county North Dakota, and hereinafter described, now appears of record in the office of the register of deeds of McLean county, and which said real estate was assessed in the year 1901, as follows: Southeast quarter of section twenty-eight, in township ono hundred forty-four and range eighty-one. said real estate being assessed in 1901 to A. C. M. Linden. You are hereby notified that said above de scribed real estate was sold, as provided by law, at the annual sale of lands upon which taxes had become delinquent, after advertisement thereof,, as provided by law, which sale was made at the auditor's of fice at the courthouse, in the city of Washburn county of McLean, state of North Dakota, on the 2d day of December, 1902, and the amount of the delinquent tax due upon the property afore said at the date of sale was eleven and 69-100 dollars, including penalties, costs and interest, to make which amonnt, the said property (was then and there sold, as provided by law) and a certificate of said sale was issued to the pur chaser thereof under the hand and seal of the auditor of said McLean count] 1 yoL and holder of the certificate so issued has pre v ia, sented the same to the undersigned as auditor of said county, and demanded a deed for' said property as provided by law, and said certifi cate being and remaining unredeemed, and there being Fifty-two and 28-100 dollars due and unpaid thereon, including subsequent taxes paid for the years 1902,1905. penalties and inter est, and there appearing no legal objection why a tax deed should not be issued as demanded: You are therefore notified that Fifty-two and 28-100 dollars, exclusive of accruing costs, is necessary to redeem said property from said sale, ana that unless the said amount and the costs of this proceeding are paid on or within ninety days after the service of this notice up on you, a tax deed will be issued therefor as provided by law. Period of redemption expires Aug. 19,1906. Given under my hand and official seal this 17th dnv of May, 1906. [SEAL] O. 'WING. Auditor of McLean Co., N. D. Notice of Expiration of Time of Redemption. State of North Dakota, County of McLean.—ss: OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR Washburn, N, D., May 17,1906. To F. B. Masteller, the person in whoso name certain real estate situate in McLean county, North Dakota, and hereinafter described, now appears of record in the office of the register of deeds of McLean county, and which said real estate was assessed in the year 1901 as fol lows: West half of southwest rjuarter of sec sion two., township one hundred fifty north of range seventy-nine, said real estate being as sessed in 1901 to Perry W. Johnson. You are hereby notified that said above de scribed real estate was sold, as provided by law. at the annual sale of lands upon which taxes had becomo delinquent after advertisement thereof, as provided by law, which sale was made at the auditor' of fice at the court house, in the city of Washburn county of McLean, state of North Dakota, on the 2d day of December, 1902, and the amount, of the delinquent tax due upon the property aforesaid at the date of sale was Four and 26 100 dollars, including penalties, costs and inter est, to make which amount, the said property (was then and there sold, as provided by law) for Four and 26-100 dollars and a certificate of said sale was issued to the purchaser thereof under the hand and seal of the auditor of said McLean county. And you are further notified, that the owner and holder of the certificate so issued has pre sented the same to the undersigned as auditor of said county, and demanded a deed for said property as provided bjr law, and said certifi cate being and remaining unredeemed, and there being Fifteen and 63-100 dollars due and unpaid thereon, including subsequent taxes oaid for the war iWlt^ I Period of redemption expires Aug. 19,1906. Given under my band and official seal this 17th day of May, 1906. [SEAL] O. B. WING, Washburn. N. D. May 17,1906. To Great Northern Land ft Stock Company, the person in whose name certain real estate situate in McLean county, North Dakota, and hereinafter described, now appears of record in the office of the register of deeds of McLean county, and which said real estate was assessed in the year 1901, as follows: Northeast quarter and north half of north west quarter oi' section twenty-nine in township one hundrod forty seven and range seventy-eight, said real estate being assessea in 1901 to The Northern Pacific Bailway Company. ., You are hereby notified that said above de scribed real estate was sold, as provided by law at the annual sale of lands upon which taxes had become delinquent, after advertisement thereof, as provided by law, which sale was made at the auditor's office at the court house in the city of Washburn, county of McLean, state of North Dakota, on the 2d day of Decem ber, 1902, and the amount of the delinquent tax due upon the property aforesaid at tho date of sale was Three and 76-100 dollars, including penalties, costs and interest, to make which amount, the said property (was then and there sold as provided by law) and a certificate of said sale was issued to tho purchaser thereof underthe hand and seal of the auditor of said McLean county. And you are further notified, that the owner and holder of the certificate so issued has pre sented the same to the undersigned as auditor of said county, and demanded a deed for said property as provided by law, and said certifi cate being and remaining unredeemed, and there being Thirty-three and 68-100 dollars due and unpaid thereon, including subsequent taxes paid for the years 1904,1905, penalties and inter est, and there appearing no legal objection why ,a tax deed should should not be issued as de manded You are therefore notified that Thirty-three and 68-100 dollars, exclusive of accruing costs, is necessary to redeem said property from said sul i, and that unless the said amount anda the costs of this proceeding ai paid on or within ninety days after the serviceof this notice upon you, a tax deed will be issued therefor as pro vided by law. Period of redemption expires Aug. 19,1906. Given under mynand and official seal this 17th day of May, 1906. _IT__ [SEAL] O. B. WING. Auditor of McLean Co. N. D. Notice of Mortgage Sain by Advertisement. Notice is hereby given.. that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Zacharias J. Decker, motgagor, to George E. Hanchett, mortgagee, dated the 21st day of July, A. D. nineteen hundred and three and filed for record in the office of the register of deed of the coun ty of McLean and state of North Dakota on the 24th day of July A. D. 1903, and recorded in Book B-3 of mortgages, at page 43, will be fore closed by a sale of the premises in such mort- age and hereinafter described at the front of tho courthouse in the village of Wash burn, in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on the 2d day of June. 1S06, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are thoso 'certain premises situated in the county of .Mc Lean and state of North Dakota, and described as folloWs, to-wit: The west half of the north westquarter (wH of nwM) and the north half of the southwest quarter (nV4 of sw34) of sec-. tion twenty-one (21) in township ono hundred forty-eight (148) n, of range seventy-live w. There wili be dne on such mortgage at tho date of sale the'sum of one hundred and nine and 13-100 dollars ($109.13 and the costs of fore a a Dated at Harvey, N. D. this 24th day of April 1906 George E. Hanchett, Aloys Wartner, Mortgagee. Atty. for Mortgagee, Harvey, N. D: 4-27 1 1 %,• Iti ipl NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Anderson Incompetent. Notice is hereby given by_the undersigned Myhre.guaraian, of Thomas Anderson. Neil JB. mfuin, »---——. —.—, lateofBasto, in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, incompetent, to the creditors of, and all praaoas "hartaic claims against, said incompetent to exhibit tbrmwiUi the necessanr vouchers, witUn 4 tnonths alter the lint voWeatioo at' •ft toMid la Notice of Expiration of Tfma Redemption. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of McLean, Jegal Auditor of McLean Co. N. D. NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF TIME OF REDEMPTION. State of North Dakota, County of McLean—ss: OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR. OFFICE OF COUNTY.AUDITOR. Washburn, N. D. May 17tfc,U0K To Christian Schlenker the porson in i&ue name certain real estate situated in HtLew County, North Dakota, and hereinafter do scribed, now appears of record in the offke all tho Register of Deeds of McLean County. anA which said real estate was assessed in tbeyear 1901, as follows: Northwest quarter of etaimt three, township one hundred forty-six and nut seventy-four, said real estate being asseucdw 1901 to Northern Pacific Railway Compaigr- You are hereby notified that said above de scribed real estate was sold, as provided btr law, at the annual sale of lands upon irhicfe taxes had become delinquent, after advertii» ment thereof, as provided by law, which «b was made at the Auditor's office at the cMd. house, in the city of Washburn, county So Lean, state of North Dakota, on the seooud day of Dec, 1902, and the amount of the deUnqaenC tax due upon the property aforesaid at tke date of sale was ten and 59-100 dollars inclariii penalties, costs and interest, to make amount, the said property (was then and sold, as provided by law) for Nineteen and a certificate of said sale was issued to the purchaser there of under the hand and stml. oC the Auditor of said McLean county. And you are further notified, that the orate and holder of the certificate so issued lias un seated the same to the undersigned as aaditor of said county, and demand a deed for saifi property as provided by law, and said onrlifi cate being and remaining unredeemed, xaifi there being Thirty-six and 98-100 dollars duoandt unpaid thereon, including subsequent taxes tim the year 1905, penalties and interest, and (hew appearing no legal objection why a tax doat should not be issued as demanded: You are therefore notified that Thirty-six and! 98-100 dollars, exclusive of accruing costs, fe. necessary to redeem said property from said ale and that unless the said amount find the cugte of this proceeding are paid on or within ninety days after the service of this notice upou juu a tax deed will be is sued therefor as provided by law. Period of redemption expires Aug. 19£h. WE Given under my hand and official sca2 liur. 17th day of May, IdOO. LHKAI,] O. B. WIND, Auditor of McLean County, ft- Notice of Expiration of Time of Redemption. State of North Dakota, County of McLcaii. -ss OFFICE Ol* rorjfTY Al'OITOR. Washburn, N. L. May n* 1S0R To Frecl Meyers, the person in whose mime* certain real estate situated in McLean corurts, North Dakota, and hereinafter described, appears of record in the otlice of the Iteiffcter of Deeds of McLean county, and which real estate was assessed in the year 1H01, as fol lows: West half of Section twenty-fonr, iia. township one hundred forty-five and eighty-three, said real estate being aye-:scii LV. 1901 to Fred Meyers. You are hereby notified that said above din scribed real estate was sold, as provided by law, at the annual sale of lands upon wfeccltL taxe« had become delinquent, after advorz&w ment thereof, as provided by law, which aalzv was made at the auditor's olllce at the wort house, in the city of Washburn, county of Mc Lean, state of North Dakota, on the 2d day «v£ December, 1902, and the amount of the di£in quent tax due upon the property aforesaid vX the date of sale was Twenty-three and W-IGV dollars, including penalties, costs and interns*, to make which amount, the said prooerfy (nzie then and there sold, as provicded by law) certificate of said sale, was issued to the ceaser thereof under the hand and seal of thr. auditor of said McLcau county. And you are further notified, that the otraac and holder of the certificate so issued has pre sented the same to the undersigned as aoditor of said county, and demanded a deed for said property as provided by law, aud said cenc&- c£te bei-n» and and tt^re a^i«a^ing^o^egal ob?Mtion why a there being One hundred tftrtyeight andr^M tax deed should not be issued as demanded: You are therefore notified that Fifteen and 63-100 dollars, exclusive of accruing costs, is necessary to redeem said property from said sale, and that unless the said amount anda the costs of this proceeding are paid on or within ninety days after the service of this notice upon you, a tax deed will be issued therefor as pro vided by law. Notice of Expiration otTtine^ttT Redemption. State of North Dakota, Caunty of McLeans-fit OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, flT. OD remaining unredeemed, dollars due and unpaid thereon, including*kI sequent taxes paid for the years 1902,1904, KMGk ienalties and interest, and there appearing an objection why a tax deed should act he issued as demanded: You are therefore notified that One htui&rfei thirty-eight and 47-100 dollars, exclusive if .-ac cruing costs, is necessary to redeem .said prtifb erty from said sale, and that unless the aeul amount and the costs of this proceeding aie paid on or within ninety days after the genia: of this notice upon you, a tax deed will ha is sued therefor as provided by law. Period of redemption expires Aup.110, HQi. Given under my hand and official 17th day of May, 1906. [SEAL] O. B. 5-18 Auditor of McLean Co.. SL &. •"A Washburn, N. D.. MV'C4IK To Gottfried Marz, the person in whosejmme certain real estate situated in McLeanr«aanr« North Dakota, and hereinafter .described, noar appears of record in the ofticeof the regisber iif deeds of McLean county, and which said .raai' estate was assessed in the year 1901, as follows Northwest quarter of southeast quarter, sontfc half of northeast quarter, northeast quarter "of northeast quarter of section eighteen 18 i* township one hundred forty-seven (147) north of range seventy-four (74) said real estate .beiiv assessed in 1901 to Gottfried Marz. You are hereby notified that said above de scribed real estate was sold, as provided Jjy ln«r at the annual sale of lands upon which laxtx. had become delinquent, after advertisement thereof, as provided by law, which sale wan made at the auditor's oiilce at the court hixue. in the city of Washburn, county of Mclvian, state of North Dakota, on the 2d day of i)ece» ber, lii02, aud the amount of the delinquent tax due upon the property aforesaid at the date at sale was Fourteen and 64-100 dollars, including penalties, costs and interest, to make which amount, the said property (was then and there sold, as provided by law) and a certificate o( said sale was issued to the purchaser tiicreoS under the band and seal of the auditor of *aid McLean county. And you are further notified, that the -owner and holder of the certificate so issued has sented the same to the undersigned as auditor of said county, and demanded a deed for sM property as provided by law, and said'^oerliA cate being and remaining unredeeiAed, and there being Eighty-nine and 66-100 dollars dne and unpaid thereou, inoluding subsequent taxes paid for the ypars 1902, 1904, 1905, penalties and interest, and there -appearing no legal objection why a tax deed should not be issued as demanded: You are therefore notified that eighfo'-uioe and 66-100 dollars, exclusive ef accruing -costs.' is necessary to redeem said property from said sale, and that unless the said amount and the costs of this proceeding are paid on or withia ninety days after the servio of this notice.upar you a tax deed will be issued therefor as pro videdby law. Period of redemption expires Aug. 19,.1906. Given under my nand and official seal this 17th day of May, 1906. [SEAL] O. B. WING. Auditor of McLean Cq. N. ilL Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure sale by Ad vertisement. Notice is hereby given, That that ccrtaia mortgage executed and delivered by Louis Redman, an unmarried man, mortgagor, to John W. Shelby, mortgagee, dated thq Z7th dar of July, A. D. nineteen hundred and four ana filed for record in the office of the register at deeds of the county of McLean, and state 1 North Dakota, on the 30th day of July/ A. D. 1904, and recorded in Book F. 7. of mortgages, at page 314 and will be foreclosed by a sale at the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described at the front door of tho courthouse in the village of Washburn, in the oouufe- 61 McLean, ana state of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on the 9th day of .Tune, A. D. 1906, to satisfy the amount due upon salA mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, aie those certain premises situated in the county of Mc Lean and state of North Dakota, and ccscrihed as follows, to-wit: Lot four (4) of section two (2) and lots' one and two (1& 2) and the southeast quurter of the northeast quarter (se!41 three (3), all in township one •".jj :V a M-ti eM), of :fiction hundred titis (150) north of range seventy-eight (78) west -if the fifth principal meridian, containing 136 70-KX) acres, More or less, according to 'tbe gov ernment survey thereof. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the snm of one hundred sixty-. three dollars and eight cents ($163/08), whidi /h sum includes the 190* and 1905 interestcouuouo,' past due, secured by prior mort«ace,|and tfhe taxes on the above described land for the eat" 1905, .all of which have been paid by the aiiort.' gagee herein to protect the uortcace imdet loreelomM, besides tbe.ebata aBd expunaee Mid dv"« !v •.uJohal