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-ii .•i jy'#.* t&ifei jT ft & hereby TABLE. TIME f#$A WEST BOUND—- Daily except Sunday. 10:45 A. M. EAST BOUND-*- Sunday, except E. C. BUTLBE, p. M. Agt. Washburn, N.D All Legal Notices Must Be Paid for on Delivery of Affidavits* No deviation from this Rule. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANDIDATES. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Re publican Primaries of McLean County, North Dakota, to be held in June, 1906. JOHN A. BECK. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself as can didate for Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican Prima ries of McLean county to be held in June, 1906. A. T. DANIELSON. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of McLean Co., N. D. Subject to the Republican Primaries to be held June 19,1906. WM. F. SELTZ. COUNTY JUDGE. I hereby announce myself as candidate on the Republican ticket for County Judge, subject to the decision of the Primaries of Mc Lean County, to be held June 19, 1906. -Of*. OL&EIRBON, Underwood, N. D. FOR COUNTY JUDGE .• I am a candidate for the nomin ation of County Judge, and ask all of my friends to give me their sup port at the Primaries on June 19, 1906. GEO. P. GIBSON. REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself as candidate for the officeof. IJegwter of Deeds, imliji 111 of Primaries of Mc- N. D., to be held June 19,1906. Gustav H. Eissinger. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself as candidate on the Republican ticket for Register of Deeds, subject to the decisioin of the Primaries of McLean Co. to be held June 19, 1906. Adolph Wacker, Denhoff, N. D. FOR AUDITOR. I hereby announco myself as a candidate for the office of County Audiior subject to the decision of the Republican Primaries to held in June, 1906. [||f •. date for nomination to the office of IfpK-^liClerk^of the District Court subject Jto the Republican Primaries to held June 19,1906. 1ican 1 bu Fred F. Koth FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a caindidate for the offifce of Sheriff of McLean county subject to the decision of the Republican Prim aries to be held in June, 1906. John Birtel. FOR COUNTY SUPT. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of McLean Co., subject to the decision of the Re •', publican Primaries to be held June 19,1906. L^. Henry C. Olson. asii'f.' CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT hereby announce to the voters McLean Co., that I am a caudi- Frank C. Malloy. SUPT. OF SCHOOtS I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of schools of Mc Lean county, subject to the de cision of the Republican primaries -to be held Jane 19,1906. J. M. Bold. FOR CO. COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as oandidate for the office of Com missioner of the first district, sub- 'ect to the decision of the Repub- primaries t& beheld une 19 Hans Hultberg, Washburn, N. REGISTER OF DEEDS announce myself as a idatefor the office of Register subject to the decision of primaries to be FOR CLERK OF COURT I hereby annouce myself as a candidate for the office of the clerk of court on the Republican ticket subject to the decision of the pri •maxies to be held June 19,1906. DON'T NEWS LOCAL NOTICB forget the talnment ... House May 20. Special rates on farin loans— beats all of them. Frank E. Funk 1st. Nat'l Bank Washburn, N. D. Treasurer Root returned the first of the week from the Goodrich country. He reports plenty of rain and crops looking fine. Get your sweat pads from the Peterson Machine Co. 12-in. pads 30c, 12-in. Dlen hair pads 50c. FOR RENT—a five room house Enquire at First Nat'l. Bank. Mr. C. N. Hendrix and family arrived last week from Steele and will make Washburn their future home. They will commence the erection of a house on lots recently purchased. We extend to them a hearty welcome. A few relinquishments to be dis posed of. Call on E. A. Lamb Real Estate and Loans. STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Lowest rates. 6 different companies. F. E. FUNK, 1st Nat. Bank,Washburn, N. D. FOE RENT: NEJ Section 34 145-81—4£ miles from Washburn, 60 acres broke. Enqire of Klein's Land Agency. This section is certainly having plenty of rain at the present time and farmers are jubilant over thd {wospects of a good crop. The argest acreage ever planted in Mc Leah county has been planted this year. Thagrain has gome upnice and even and with the extra moist ure it is growing right along. The acreage of flax will oe large. Make your own terms on Farm Loans. See Frank E. Funk, 1st. National Bank, Washburn, N. D. Our business is to loan money. Call or write First National Bank, of Washburn, N. D. Capital and surplus §40,000. Cheapest thing in North Dakota is good old line fire insurance. See F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank Washburn, N. D. A heavy rain storm resembling a cloi.d burst visited the Mann haven country last week causing heavy loss of cattle which were caught by the sudden flooding of the valleys. At one place a wall of water six feet high came roaring down the valley of a little stream carrying away houses and every thing in its path. Many persons had narrow escapes from drown ing and had to flee to the hills to escape the rush of water. It is reported 200 head of cattle were lost. Will Go on Your BOND. First Natl. Bank. Washburn. N. D. District conrt convenes in Wash burn Tuesday, June 11. The. fol lowing iB the jury selected for the coming term: Henry Currier, J. J. Gogstad, John Blanchard, W. B. Beggs, G. M. Digen, F. J. Norton, Robt. LeRoy, Chas. O'Conell, Wm. Robinson, William Ehren, Charley Sheldon, Amel Stangel, Joseph Duchene, A. B.Colquhoun, Geo. Kost, F. H. on Fidelity, Surety, Gourt G. O. RAUGUST, Goodrich, N. D. School In the Enter Opera A. E. Johnson departed the first of the week for a business trip to Chicago. When King Alfonso, of Spain is married he will wear a Royal suit. For Sale:—Our team of bay driv ing mares.—Klein's Land Agency. The I. O O. F. and the K. of P. of this place sent $50.00 each to the brothers of San Francisco. For sale on crop payment plan, 320 acres, near old Coal Harbor. Price remarkably low. Write the Klein Land Agency. Durbar, O. F. Mcbray, A. Linder, Carl PPlL, G. M, Digen returned from the capital city Wednesday where he received .the third degree in the masonic order at that place. Live Stock Insurance—F. E Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Washburn Lands, Loans, that's all. KLEIN LAND AGENCY. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Addington, of Osage, Iowa, arrived in Wash burn Wednesday. Mr. Addington is an abstractor and will work for the Security Abstract Co. Buy your money orders and drafts at First National Bank of Washburn, N. D. What we have done for pothers, we can do for you, see our low rate on farm loans. Klein Land Ag'cy. The Standard Oil Company's plant at this place is completed and it is expected that delivery by wagons to the different towns trib utary to Washburn will commence in a few days. FOR SALE—3 quarters in sec tion 35-145-79 at bargain prices. Address, Herbert Lewis, Starkweather, N. N. For Sale:—On the crop payment plan, 320 acres near old Coleharbor Price remarkably low. Write the Klein Land Agency. Messrs G.M. Hogue and Beale, the former of Steele and the latter of Bismarck were in the city the first of the week in the interest of an insurance Company. They re port business as being very good. Sewing Machine Needles and At tachments for all kinds of machines can be obtained at Persey's, Washburn, N. D. We have just received a lower rate on farm loans, the best com pany in the state. Call in and see us. Klein's Land Agency. Sheriff Gradin accompanied by Mrs. Gradin went to Bismarck Tuesday. Mrs. Gradin went down to receive medical treatment. The sheriff returned the next day and started out to round up the jury for the coming term of court. Before making your loans, either Real estate or Chattel, see— First Nat'l Bank Washburn. Cap ital and surplus $40,000. Fresh Plymouth Rock eggs for for sale. Price 50 cents per set ting. Mrs. Jos. Mann. The churches of Washburn will hold union Memorial Day services in the E. church next Sunday at 8 o'clock. The sermon will be preached by the pastor of the Congregational church on "The Higher Patriotism." S al music will be given. Everbody is cordially invited. The abstracts of Frank E. Funk, 1st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn, North Dakota. We have several tracts for sale on the crop payment plan call in and see us. Klein Land Agency. Rates have been reduced on Farm In* trance in old reliable St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. FRANK E. FUNK, The Security Ab stract & Loan Company, 8c of Wash burn are backed by $10,000 Securi ty Bond—no straw bond they have to be correct. When want ing an abstract, order from them. For Sale:—On the crop payment plan, 320 acres near old Coleharbor Price remarkably low. Write the Klein's Land Agency. Newman, tho hypnotist, gave two entertainments in the opera house last Friday and Saturday evenings. The entertainment was pronounced good by all who had the pleasure of attending them. Mr. Newman gave an interesting exhibition of mind reading and in hypnotism he ranks among the first. A goodly number were pres ent each evening. Threshing Machines Insured in lod line Insurance Companies, see or write F. E. Funk, 1 st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D. FOB SALE—Registered Hereford bulls, 17 head coming 1 year old 5 head coming 2 year old. SCOFIELD BROS., 5 miles from Washburn. Hensler N. D. Herbert L. Loomis, secretary and treasurer of the Northwestern Mutual Savings and Loan Associa tion of Fargo, spent a couple M. gp Peter Rundus, Oliver Oberlin, ffp S. P. Hagen, Charles Pickard, 9 0 5 A. C. Runions, R. B. Tower: W. J. Marrian, Martin Hanson, C. E. Paulson, S. T. Ulrich, Franz Brietzman, Clarence Paul, A L. Maxwell, Charley Swan son. Anton Peterson, H. J. Fritz,, Wm. Behn, N, B. Squires, Yarch, Amel Franzin, J. W. Robinson, D. C. Jones. ite#* tjupngh Ufe save a your. money, xhe First Bank, ctf WMbbomfriih -of days in the city in the interest of said association and succeeded in organizing a local board consist ing of local stockholders in the as sociation. The following officers were elected at the first annual meeting Mav 16th: E, A. Lamb, president H. Sawyer, vice president G. O. Raugust, secre tary and treasurer. Board of ap praisers: Joseph Mann, W. A. Persey and P. A. Schmidt. Board of directors: E.A.Lamb, M. H. Sawyer, Joseph Mann, P. A. Schmidt, Frank J. Thompson, R. C. D. Higgins, G. O, Raugust, W. A. Persey and Louis Berlot, C. G. Forbes and Theo. Serr. This as sociation makes a specialty of making loans on town-and city property payable in stallments to suit the borrower. We have now on hand quiriity of. Q6ttonwqo$l lumber, Ameniioi^aiid boards, al altomatcw Nfc W \j^ Dress Goods aces Groceries A "Laughed to Scorn Yet Successful" is the subject i. There will be a social dance in the opera house Decoration l)ay evevlng. Ton are Invited, TAKEN UP—One bay mare, branded or S on left hip. Henry Currier, 5-11 Underwood, N. D. Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh of Portland, Oregon National Organizer of tho W. C. T. U. will de liver a temperanco address in the M. E. church next Thursday evening May 31. Mrs. TJuruli is a speaker of note. DON'T READ THIS, and if you don't, forget that you can get the lowest rate in farm loans at the Klein Land Agency. The Ladies1 .Aid of tho M. IS. church will serve dinner at the church Decoration Day. Don't bother to get up a dinner at home when you can get a, good dinner at the church for 25 cents. For Sale on Crop Payment Plan. TheNwi of sec. 5-145-81 price very reasonable, with small cash pay ments ut Klein's Land Agency. Mr. L. A. Kinney, president of the Koala Fnel Manufacturing Co., spent the week in Washburn making arrangements to commence work on the plant at the Black Diamond mine! The material is on the road and it is expected to commence work next week on the buildin ft. The stores on Decoration Day will close at 10:30 in the morning and open at 6:30 p. m., and will keep open until 8 p. m. LOST—a gold watch, open face, between Ben Johnson's and Wash burn. Reward for its return. 5 AND Clothing Sunday morning at the Methodist church. WANTED for the Star Restau rant two lady waiters. $4 per week. Dave Paisley, Washburn, N. D. Memorial services will be held in Washburn, May 30tb, 1906. The program will be good music the same as usual, we expect mnc 0 by the Washburn band, during part of the day at least. All busi ness houses are expected to fly their flags at half mast by 10 o'clock a. m. on said day. The procession will start for the ceme tery, not later than 11 o'clock a. m. Exercises at the Washburn Opera Honse will commence promptly at 1 o'clock, where a short exercise will be held. We expect the citizens of McLean Co., to do what they have always done in tbe past, turn out enraass. A. C. Ranard, John Merry, Commander. Adjutant. FOR SALE. wag 19 't 1 j-A foi.s. s? contract Bonds aJBTS^ Shoes! & & Shoes! We have on display some new Oxfords, welt and turn soles in both tan and black. Tan shoes will be worn this season come in and let us fit you out, and when it gets real worn get a pair of those canvas shoes Of A11 Descriptions! ....YOURS FOR BUSINESS.... HANS HOLTAN & SONS Washburn, North Dakota r- White lawns, India linens, dimities, voiles batisties, organdys, dotted musllrs, suitings, waistings, etc. Embroidery Our stock of clothing is complete and up to date. Ask to see those neat little blue serge Buster Brown suits. We Carry a complete line of staple and fancy groceries. Our canned goods are the best the market affords. THB: City Meat flarket ...NEW MARKET, NEW GOODS... -(DEALERS IN) Highest Prices Paid for Hides and Poultry. Fish Kept in Stock at All Seasons KLEIN BROTHERS, Washburn, N. "at'OSF**- 5 TIR' The "Alert' This remarkable clock is but a trifle larger than the ordinary alarm, has 4-inch gong on back that ring like a fire alarm for 90 second. It will wake the dead. The price, fully guarantee .... I vJ Alarm Clock 90c W. A. PERSEY, Jeweler, Washburn, N. 0. Read This... We have several choice quarter and half sections of land that we will ssll on easy cash payments or on the crop payment plan. Also some land'that we wish to have broke "'and"'^ put in crop by reliable parties. Come in and sec us for prices, terms, etc. AND SELTZMLAND F»K»T WAT. BAMK. HSkw .. I 1 '7R 7 and up. ::v s&y