Newspaper Page Text
'•i s# PROCEEDINGS W OP THE BOABD OF (!ooly Commissioners. aehburn, N. D., May 14, '06. 2 o'clock m.—Board met in special session as per call of coun ty auditor, to rearrange boundaries of election precincts, where civil townships have been organized and to fill vacancies where inspectors have removed from election pre /cincts. Present, Chairman Solen berger and Com. Jahr. On motion the various election precincts 'and inspectors were established as follows: Pre6inct No. 1—Consisting of township149 and ranges 74 and 75 and township 150, ranges 74 and 75, vote at schoolhouse in Martin, E. C. Waydeman, inspector. Precinct No. 2—Consisting of township 149 and 150, ranges 76, 77 and 78, vote at school house near Martin Kandt's place, Jake Beers, inspector. Precinct No. 3—Consisting of Butte civil township, township 150 ranges 79 and 80 at school house No. 2, Strawberry Lake school dis trictj. chairman of board of super visors. instpector, Precinct No. 4—Consisting of township 143, ranges 79,80 and 81 and township 149, ranges 79 and 80 vote at Casey school house, John Boe, inspector. Precinct No. 5—Consisting of township 149 and 150, ranges 81 and 82, vote at house of Hereton Sabrovitch on section 8-149-81, Hereton Sabrovich, inspector. Precinct No. 6—Consisting of township 149, range 83, and town ship 150, range 83 and 84, vote at John Sundquist's place on section 29, township 150, range 83. Sam Carlson, inspector. Precinct No. .7—Douglas civil township, vote at W. E. Reynold's house on Sec. 15-150-25. Chair man of board of supervisors, in spector. Precinct^o^^CopsiaHiig of 1^9, range 8o and 87 and township 150, range 87, lying east of the Ft. Berthold reservation, vote at Roseglen post office. J. J. Hill, inspector. Precinct No. 9—Consisting of all that part of townships 149 and 150, range 87* included in the Ft. Berthold reservation, townships 147,148,149,150, range 88, town ships 147,148, range 89, vote at R. B. Harrison's store. Russel B. Harrison, inspector. Precinct No. 10—Consisting of township 31. vote*r3pay school. C. W. Hoff -4|rfau, unpector. Precinct No. ll—Consisting of townships 147,148,149, ranges 89, 90 and 91, vote at George Dickens' store. Sam Newmann, inspector. Precinct No. 12—Consisting of township 147, ranges, 85, 86, 87, and township l'48, range 87, vote at O'Shea school house No. 1. Emmett Bills, inspector. Precinct No. 13—Consisting of Emmet civil township vote at school house No. 1. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 14.—St. Mary civil township, vote at school house No. 2. Chairman board of supervisors inspector. f"': Precinct No. 14—Consisting of township 146 and 147, ranges 83 and 84, vote at school house No. 2, ^Victoria school district. Geo, L. ^Robinson, inspector. Precinct No. 16.—Consisting of townships 147 and 148, range 82, •vote at Reuter schoolhouse No. 1. 'Albert Anderson, inspectsr. Precinct No. 17—Consisting of •townships 147 and 148, ranges 77 and 78 vote at Curtis' school house Geo. M. Curtis, inspector. Precinct No. 18—Consisting of townships-147 and 148, rand 78, vote at Lincoln post office. Conrad C. Reiswig, inspector. Precinct No. 10—Consisting of townships 147 and 148, ranees 74 and 75, vote at Kreb's schoolhouse J. R.'Matz, inspector. Precinct No. 20—Consisting of township 146, range 74, vote at Goodrich school house Doeriug, inspector. Precinct No. 21—Consisting of Denhoff civil township, vote at Denhoff school house. Chairman of boaid of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 22—Consisting of 3^wnsbi(»146 and 147, nuiges ^77 and 78, vote at school house in McGlnsky., R. H. Johnston, in spector. Precinct No. 23—Consisting of townships 10 and 147, range 79, vote at school house No. 1. Charley Wise, inspector. Precinct No. 24—Consisting of townships 146 and 147, ranges 80 ^^and 81, vote at Turtle Lake school' house. Swan Hanson, inspector. Preoinct No. 25—Consisting of Underwood civil township, vote at P. H. Langbell's office, chairman vof board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 26—Consisting of ^townships 144 and 145, ranges 81 *3? ,cA—J 00 uo -~J 84, township 145, 143, jrange fjand 82,83 and .mi rSf 81 vote at courthouse! P. M. Ferguson, inspector. Precinct No. 27—Consisting of township 143, range 80, vote at Wilton Hall. P. K. Eastmann, inspector. Precinct No. 28—Consisting of township 145, ranges 76 and 77, vote at Johu Wacker's house, Con rad Schaeffer, inspector. Precinct No. 29—Consisting of township 145, ranges 74 and 75, vote at Mauch schoolhouse. Joseph Fleck, inspector. Precinct No. 30—Consisting of township 145, ranees 78 and 79, vote at Park school house. Jacob Just, inspector. Precinct No. 31—McGinnis civil township, vote at school house. Chairman of board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 32—Consisting of Piatt, civil township vote at Mor row post office. Chairman of board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 33—Consisting of township 148, ranges 83 and 84, vote at Garrison school house. F. L. Mackey, inspector. Precinct No. 34—Consisting of Lamont civil township, vote at school house No. 2. Chairman of board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 35.—Consisting of Heaton civil township, vote at school house. Chairman of board of supervisors. Precinct No. 36—Blue Hill civil township, vote at Christ Lannertz residence on ne| of Sec. 21-150-86. Chairman of board of supervisors, inspector. On motion board adjourned. O. A. Wing, Auditor. DISEASES OF THE SKIN Kczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum Bing Worm, Herpes, Barbers Itch, Itch or Scabies. All of these diseases are attend ed by intense itching, which is al most instantly relieved by apply ing Chamberlain's Salve and by its continued use a permanent cure may be effected. It has, in fact, cured many cases that had resisted all other treatment. Price 25c per box. Every box is warranted. For sale by all druggists. Notice of Mortgage Sale by Adver tisement. Notice is hereby given, that that certain mort gage, executed and delivered by Christian Stregger, a single man, mortgagor, to Rad bourn& Garner, mortgagees, dated the 29th day of June A. D. nineteen hundred and three, and filed for record in the office of the register of deeds of the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, on the 30th day of June A. D. 1903, and recorded in'book B-3 of mortgages, at page 34 and assigned by said mortgagees by an instrument in writing to W. E. Miller dated the 30th day of April A. D. 1906, and filed for record in said office of register of deeds on the 4th day of May, 1906, and recorded in book H-2 of as slRiyneuts on page 398 will be foreclosed by a stile of the premises in such mortgage and here inafter described, at the front door of the court house in the eity of Washburn, in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on the 90th day. of July 1906, to satisfy the amount due upon said mort on the day of sale. je premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the county of Mc Lean and state of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit: Northwest quarter (nwK) of section twenty-six (26), township one hun dred forty-eight (148), range eighty-two (82). There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of $459.10. Dated at Balfour, North Dakota, this Uth day of May, 1906. W. E. Miller, Assignee of Mortgagee. Owens & Kremor, Attorneys for Mortgagee, Balfour, N. D. 5-23 NEWS OF THE WEEK FOREIGN NEW8. The draft of the address to the throne In reply to the emperor's speech at the opening of the Russian parliament has been submitted to the lower house of parliament by the com mittee. It consists practically of the following ten demands: General am nesty the abolition of the death pen alty the suspension of martial law and all exceptional laws full civil lib erty the abolition of the council of the empire the revision of the f^da mental law the establishment of the responsibility of ministers the! right of interpellation forced expropriation of land guarantees of the rights of trades unions. Escorted by forty members of par liament nearly 400 women suffragists representing organisations from all parts of Great Britain interviewed Premier Campball-Bannerman at the foreign Office and presented their claims that women be allowed to vote. The premier advised his hearers to be patient until the government be came more united In favor of the ex tension of the franchise to women. A big mass meeting was held later and the premier's reply bitterly denounced. A bomb has been thrown into the Russian parliamentary camp by a note received by President Mouromtseff of the lower house from Peterhof, which, instead of making an appointment for an audience at which he and the depu tation could present the~ address in reply to the speech from the throne, eontained the- information that Em peror Nicholas would not receive the deputation and that the address must be presented through the ministry of the court It is rumored that the Russian mili tary court which has beeft investigat ing the surrender of Port Arthur and the battle of the Sea of Japan has condemned to death Lieutenant Gen eral Stoessel, who commanded the Russian forces at: Port Arthur, and Rear' Admiral Nebogatoff, who com manded one of Admiral Rojestven sky's squadrons and who surrendered during the naval battle to the Japar SH IJ1 4 Frank PUTZ^ND 4 v- "WW COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff out1GBADIS Treasurer F. Iuwix ROOT Auditor O, B\WINO Jlerk of Court Peter A. Schmidt States Attorney VV. L. NUKSSLB bounty Judge E. A. Lamb Superintendent of Schools ... .Heury OLSON Register of Deeds HANSNYOAARD Physician Dr. DILLON County Commlsslguers—N. W. Solenberger. SIMON JAHB. VILLAGE OFFICERS. President Karl Klein. Alderman P. M. Ferguson Alderman ,Wm, Benn Treasurer F. E. Funk Clerk... F. M.Clark Assessor VV'.A. Persey. Justice L.M. Wallfn Marshall J. M. Patterson. M. E. CHURCH. SUNDAY SERVICES Morning services 10:30 Sunday School 11:30 a. ra. Junior League, 3:30 p. m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Preaching Services, 7:30 p. m. WEEK NIOHT SERVICES Whito Shield League Wednesday eve. 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve. 7:30 p. ra. You are cordiallyinvited to attend ser vices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. M. HARDAWAY, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Office In HOLTAN Block, Resident Dentist. WASHBURN, N. D. ...FARMERS... ...When you wish to Insure, Insure in the McLean County Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. Call on or write.. W. f, 8BUTZ, Agent. —A! LARGE BLOCK OF— UNITED STATES LAND SCRIPT FOR SALE 8ee F. E. FUNK. lit Nat. Bank,Waahburn.N.D ANDREW MILLER, attorney at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts Special attention to Trial Cases and U. S. Land Office practice. Office over First National Bank Building Tel. No. 285. BISMARCK, N. D. ..Swan Nealander.. Contractor and Builder, Plans drawn and estimates fur nished. Let me figure on your buildings Residence fourth house east of the school house. WASHBURN. N.D. AUG. E. JOHNSON Waskbnra, U. 8. CommlMlouu North Dakota .MONEY TO LOAN.. On Improved Farm Property OHlce Opposite Leader Office. ..J.W.ROBINSON., VBTBRI IN ARIA IN I COLEHAItBOR. N. D. S CALL BY" TELEPHONE. I it Insurance it .FIRE AND HAIL.. ..WE.. Insure Everything Insurable. ..OLD LINE COMPANIES.. F. E. FUNK, FIB8T NATIONAL BANK, WASHBURN, N. D. Why pay 12% for Farm Loans ..F. E. FUNK.. 1ST NATIONAL BANK, WASHBURN. Can fix you out at 9% J.T. McCULLOCH... ATTOBNET AT LAW. rr -$$ E. A. LAMB... ..ATTOBNET AT LAW... Practice before the United States In terior Departmert a specialty. I also have on hand a complete copy of the United States Land Office Flats and Beoords for McLean* OUver and Mercer Counties. DR. 2VL H. SAWYER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, OFFICE OVER HOLTAN'S STOBE. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. A. TORLAND, M. D... Late of the Vienna Imperial Hospital. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, EntUsb, Scandinavian and German Spoken. Underwood, North Dakota. W. L. NUESSLE, Attorney-At-Law, U. S. Commissioner, WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA QEORQE P. GIBSON... ATTORNEY AT LAW, HEAL ESTATE AND LOANS. OFFICE IM POST OFFICE BLOCK. WASHBURN, M. J. A. HYLAND... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Money to Loan on Real Estateand Homesteads. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. H. R. BERNDT, Late Special Agent O. L. O. More thau 12 years' experience in all branches of the land Dept. J. T. McCULLOCH, Atty-at-Law BERNDT &MCULL0CH Law, Land Office and Department Practice and Real Estate CONTESTS A SPECIALTY We Speak German. First Natl Bank Blk. BISMARCK Horses for Sale! 16 Head of Work Mares IO Head of 4-year-olds IO Head of 3-year-olds TERMS:—rash or Approved Security. Aog. E. Johnson, JMM saldland dence O] Office: Opposite the Court UOUM CHAS. B. UPSONS^^' Money to Loan on Farm Property Washburn, N. D. One Mile west of Towa. CONTEST NOTICE, Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Minot, North Dakota, Mar 1, 1(06. A snffteieut contest amdavit having been filed in this office by Emanuel Herman, contestant inst homestead entry No. 28551. made June it said claimant has wholly abandoned thitMhtt fa}M:o establish his regi on saldland, and that said default has, for more than six months last since making said entry that said land is not improved as provided bjr law, add that such de fault does now exist, and that sald alleced ab sence from the said'land was notdue to nis em ployment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer seaman or marine during the war with Spain or daring any other war In which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. dn July 23. 1906, before Karl Klein, a notary public at his office in Washburn, N. D., and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on July SO, 1806, before the register and receiver at the U. S. land office, in llinot, N. D. Steamship tickets and good fire insurance see Frank E. Punk, 1st. Nat,'l Bank, of Washburn, N. D. l-lxA'.-.-v,, tits -t Si Hi -i- •v ...VAIN BRUNT DRIbbS... Therein is represented the product of Forty-Five Years of Continuous and Directed Labor. Van Brunt Drills are made of the bsst Material and dealers are authorized to warrant thern to do first-class work in any soil capable of being seeded. ..YOU TAKE NO CHANCES WITH THE VAN BRUNT MACHINES.. •dSfel 1 The said contestant having. In a proper affi davit'filed Hay M, 1906, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it-is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper pnblication. 5-25 L. D. McGahan, Begister. mm •AKl IK THE PETERSON MACHINE CO. WASHBURN, UNDERWOOD, GARRISON, INorth Dakota. Garris. 1it 0* GEORGE L. ROBINSON'S DEPARTMENT STORES* ...DEALERS IN... ...GROCERIES... CLOTHING, NOTIONS. ..BOOTS & SHOES.. ...You will find our Line the Most Com-^ plete of any in the County. We aim to please. :STORES AT: MANDAN MERCANTILE CO. ..DEALERS nr. LUMBER Sash, Doors, Monlding. Paper, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, A Full Line of Farm Machinery Good Grades and Dry Stock. Let us figure on your Lumber and Special Mill Work. We can save you Money. FARMERS SELL YOUR Cream Tor §Ga®h TO. THE MISSOURI RIVER PRODUCE CONW WILTON, N. D... HANS HOLTAN & SONS, Agts. Washburn, N. D. FOR GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ADVERTISE IN THE WASHBURN LEADER 'mm •3" to a CD and Coleharbor. ashburn, H. D. r* I