Newspaper Page Text
I *.. *m.*:,,....... .-.•:.,.........i THE TAKEN UP—Ons rod heifer, white in forehead no brands, Own er can have same by proving prop ty and paying for this notice. lr WASHBURN STATE BANK Gapital Stock $15,000 JOHN SCHMIERER, JR., Pres. JOSEPH MAXN, Vice Pres. The Washburn State Bank makes Farm Insurance a Specialty TAKEN UP! Taken Up—at Hiddenwood, N. D. about June 1st, one black mare about 8 years old, weight 1000 lbs. white hind feet, small white spots on back and shoulders, caused by harness, branded A on the left hind stifle. Also one black mare about 1100 lbs, branded on the left hind stifle. Not broken to the halter. Owner may have the same by calling and paying charges of Fargo, Solicits Hans Hultberg, Washburn, N. D. Strayed from Sec. 18-144-80. on May 27, one aorrel roan strawberry roan mare, 7 years old, anchor brand on left hip, small bunches on shoulders, got frpm collar. New halter on when last seen. A suitable reward for recovery. J. W. Jennings Pace, k' D. V•'•••- -:':.f^s'.'-"!v :. -"v ":'':'-^,:-•:'.v- •/:'j.v- -i-v, rH':j O A N S On City. Business and Residence Property, Payable in Monthly Installments to Suit the Borrower. Money always ready on completion of papers. Apply toQ. O. RAUGUST, Local Secy, and Treas. Hyatt Charles. Hiddenwood, N. D. TAKEN UP—Cne red cow, no brand, no horns, about three years old, white head with red stripes, has calf one week old, color same as cow. Andrew Akerlund. Sec. 26-146-78. Wilton, N. D. TAKEN UP—One black horse about 11 years of age branded N on left hip weight about 1,000 came to my place some time ago. Medicine Crow, Elbowoods, N, D. Insure Your Crop gainst Hail--^rEr7r.Will THEO. LANDMANN, Cashier THEO. SEER, Asst. Cashier Prompt Attention to all Banking Matters entrusted to us. COLLECTIONS LOANS and INSURANCE The Northwestern Mutual 8 Lean Ass'n. Savings TAKEN UP—one sorrel mare 7 or 8 years old, weight about 8$0 branded on left flank on left shoulder O with a line across it on left jaw a reversed F, and T. Owner can have same by proving property and payingcharges. R. E. Jager, Washburn, N. Washburn Leader TAKEN UP—One bay mare, branded Jor S on left hip. Henry Currier, 5-11 Underwood, N. D. Taken Up—Two sorrel mares branded age unknown Two 2-year old stud colts branded V—C Mares branded on left shoulder stud colts branded on left thigh. Jas. Smith, sec 21, se)4 148-80 Wiprud, N. D. 5-25 Taken Up—One sorrel horse, white in fore head and on left hind leg branded on right shoulder weight about 1,100 pounds age about 10 years. Sec 20-149-80 Ole S. Riderson, Wiprud, N. D. 5-25 __ nay 1st ot_ buekski right ea: ear. Shetland pony. Has slit in H. J. Friti Waehburn, N. The Peterson Machine Co.,. have just reoeived a oar load of the famoas Racine Satley high grade buggies, and are displayed on their floor the finest line of. light vehi cles ever sold in McLean Go. LOANS! LOAMS! LOANS! FABM LOANS! Money is seeking an in vestment. I am agent for an east ern Loan Agency. I can furnish you with farm loans at 9%. Call and see JOSEPH MANN. Important Opening Sales Splendid Business Chances. -^10 NEW "SOO" TOWNS lO^- In the Best Part of North Dakota WILL OCCUR ON THE TOWNSITES AS FOLLOWS: Columbus, Ward Co. July 10, '06 2 pm. Dogden, McLean Co. July 16, '06 pm. Kermit, Williams Co. July 11, '06 2 m. Ruso, McLean Co. July 17, '06 m. Crosby, Williams Co. July 12 '06 2 m. Max, McLean Co. Ambrose, Williams Co. July 13 '06 2 pm. Ryder, Ward Co. Plaza, Ward Co. July 20,'06pm. New Town of BEIRGEN now on sale. NO RESERVATIONS—-Equal chance for all to secure desirable locations in these popular new towns. Attend the sales. Get in on the ground floor. Get located in a live new town in a prosperous new country.—-the best towns of the year. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES A. Campbell, Townsite Agent "Soo" Line, Minneapolis, Minnesota 't ,7V OFFICIAL ESTRAY PAPER. THE WASHltUllX LEADER is the official astray paper of the State of North Dakota, having been so designated by the Governor of the state. Under section 1573 of the Revised codes, it is an estray .vertised is ...... the local paper) the" third advertisement" to' the official estray paper of the state, in which paper the advertisement shall be'published. North Dakota Magnet: 1 Came onto my premises, 6 miles northeast of Dunseith, about June 6,1906, one cow, roan or red and white spotted, small spots, left ear split in two places, has horns, weight about 1100 or 1200 pounds. The owner is notified that I have paid $3.00 for this notice, that I have sert a description of said animal to the commissioner of agriculture and labor at Bismarck by registered letter and that I have mailed the receipt for said letter with a copy of this notice to the auditor of Rolette county and that I have complied with all require ments of the estray law. The owner is notified to prove property and pay all charges or the animal will be sold to pay the same as pro vided by law. Alex. Dubois, Dunseith, N. D. Harvey Herald: Came to my place on Sec. 15 149-73, about June 20, one red and white bull calf, about a year old. no brands. Owner is notified to prove property, pay charges and remove the same. John Gutschmidt. Petersburg Record: Came to my enclosure a few days ago one black cow. Owner is here by notified to call, pay charges and' take animal away. Petersburg, N. D. June 19, '06. L. H. Peterson. Souris Republican: Taken up, on June 9, two 1-year old calves, one red heifer, white spot on forehead one black steer with white spots on forehead and body. H. M. Hendrickson. 5 miles southeast of Souris. Griggs County Sentinel: Taken up a red and white spot ted bull, about a year and a half old. Taken up May 20th. Carl Lau, Sec. 6-147-59. Jessie. JSi. D. Crosby Eagle: Came to my enclosure on Sec. 3-161-95, on or about June II, three broncho horses, ages 3 to 4 years, colors—black, bay and cream all branded. Owner may have same by calling at my place at Garfield postoflice and paying expenses. B. Zimmerman. Bismarck Tribune .. Taken up on the northeast quar ter of See, 10-l44-79, on* brown make, branded 8 on left hip, collar marks on shoulder, weight abont 1100 pounds* had on halter also one light brown gelding, with one white nind foot weight about 1200 pounds. Parties owning same call pay charges and take away. 11 t, „$'! t'' I 4 Charlotte Clattss. A complete line of magazines for sale at the Palace Drug Store, July 1&, '06 m. July 19, '06 m. Turtle Lake/Wave: Came to my place on Sec. 28 148-79, tin June 19 onie roan mare weight about 1400, has four white feet and white strip in face,, no brand one gray horse, weight 1400 branded on left shoulder and on stifle, has halter on. Ole K. Lockrem, Turtle Lake, N. D. Richardton News: Taken up at my place three miles northwest of Mott, N. D., one branded, bay mare and one branded sorrell gelding with hal ters. W. S. Ensley. One dark roan colt about two or three years old, branded FM on left hip. One bright bay colt about one year old, branded FM on left hip, and has bobbed tail, trimmed mane and foretop. Own• er can have same by calling at my place, nine miles east of Mott and paying all charges against same. Sec. 4-133-91. B. Amick. Taken up at my place on Sec. 26-135-93. one black mare branded Lewis Siminor. Taken up at my place near Mott one sorrel gelding about 3 years old. Owner prove property, pay costs and take away at once. Felix Pa tyke. Taken up at my place on June 10th, 1906, black yearling mare colt branded on the right jaw Oner prove prove propety, pay costs and remove, Lewis Siminor. McHenryCo. Herald: Notice is hereby given that I took up an estray aniuial, iron gray gelding, light mane and tail, and about four years old, with halter and rope about the neck, no brands that I,can discover. The estray is at my residence on the nw£ of 31 156-79. Dated at Granville, N. D. this 5tn day of May, 1906. W. W. Peck. McHenry Co. Journal: Taken up about 4 miles north east of Velva, two black mares and one bay horse, one mare has a colt and branded D. J. on left shoulder the horse is branded S on left hip, weight about 1100 pounds each. Jens M. Jensen. Taken up on my farm four miles east of Velva, one black horse, with star in forehead, about ten years old, white left hind foot, had on halter, not branded. O. T. Erickson, Voltaire, N. D. Wheelock Times: Came to my place about May 1, one dark brown mare, branded 4 on left jaw, faint brand brand on left hip, weight about 950 pounds Twp. 155. R. 98. W.N.Adams. Taken Up—Came to my place on township 22, range 76, on Mi|y 20 one sonel mare, wsightaboat dOO lbs, white fsee, branded SW and 00 on right stifle: two year ling colts, both dark bay. One has three white feet ana white face, the other has star in fore head. Owner please pay damages prove property and remove same. .• Daniel Derman. Taken Up—one dark gray mare horse, 5 ears Id, weight about 1100, no brands, had on halter shank tied up. Ole Winston Farm, H. W. House. Hancock, N Taken Up—one red cow, has calf. Branded on left hip 08, no other marks. Owner prove: property and take same away. Sec. 33. Nels Alberg. 7-(5 Washburn, N D. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck, Nt Dakota, June9, 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Alex McDonald, contestant against homestead entry No. 23770, made June 11th, 1908. for ett swH and wK seK4 Sec. 14. Twp. 148, Kg. 79 by Frank S. McDonald, contestee, in which it'is alleged thatsaid claimant .has wholly abandomea.said land 'and- has- not 'con tinued to reside thereon as required by law that on or about the 15th day of June, 190$, he abandoned said land and has since that date and for more than six months last past has chanced his residence therefrom and has resid ed elsewhere. Absence not due to employment in the U. S. Army or navy in time of war, Mid parties are hereby notified to Karl Klein, a notary, public, at his office in Washburn, N. D. (and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Aug. 8, 1906, before) rae register and receiver at tne U. in Bismarck, N. D. S. land office Deri of this notice cannot be made. It hereby order ed and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. M. H. Jewell, Register. Cochrane & Taylor. AttyB. Bismarck, N. D. .. 6-21 Two second hand dr&ys as good as new. See the Wachter Dray & Transfer Co., Bismarck, N. D. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior,/ United States Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., June l.i 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Hans F. Olson, contestant against homestead cm ry No. 2ii277. made Nov. 7tli, liiO-l, for n'-csw'i of section i3, township 147, range 77, by Chris Johnson contestee, in which it is alleged that snid Chris Johnson has aban doned said tract and changed his residence therefrom for more than six months last past and suirl default still exists. Absence not due to employment in the U. S. army or navy in time or war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear respond and oiTer evidence touching said alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Aug. 15. 1906. be fore the register and receiver tit the U. S. laud office in Bismarck, N. D, The said contestant having in a proper affi davit filed July 6,-1906. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or- dered and directed that snch notice be given by due and proper publication. 7-131 M. H..Jewell,Rea'ster. Cochrane Taylor, Attv.. Bikjaarc^. m.» & 1 rf 'A '1* take Your Note Due in Fall in Pay™^* STAR KT :J 'm^ine Store. go... w^bum. Have you seen our 5 and 10 c?nt counters. You win find many a useful article at only the small of 5 and 10 cents. sum Groceries For daily needs and special feeds, the groceries we deliver a satisfying hundreds of steady patrons. Why shouldn't you be one? Shoes Pretty soon you must decide on shoes for the summer. Right here you'll see the shoes that will make deciding easy and wearing a delight Dress Goods In dress goods you will find it most complete such as dress patterns in the latest styles and patterns. No wonder we sell furniture be cause we sell very cheap. That house of yours needs painting let us figure on your paint bill. Yours for Trade, THE GE.RMAN STORE, JUST RECEIVED A Fall Line of Imported French Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Headquarters for the £&r. mous Spalding Base Ball Coods Call In you are always Welcome. PALACE ORH/j SI ORE R.C. 1 HtGOt-VS. P!s.U. Be Careful 111 And don't give a Second Mortgage when S you make a Real Estate Loan. I caii let you have money at 9% on one mortgage. ^. ...JOSEPH MANN.- .' WASHBURN, ... NORTH DAKOTA. RESTAURANT WILLIAM ROST, Proprietor. New and First-Class in Every Respect. ...MEALS AT ALL HOURS, N Emporinm of Bargains aVTS !*:v$ SW 1 Ms* itj •. ij lV.