Newspaper Page Text
.":-* II 111 up ''V'^rru'/' M& flu •if.'v. r\ mtf x, I®ps: ,'- UW' IliS-!' y. il!r WM ife-V: Iif^:' ,:' pfe^.--: I ^"•i::* I I: '. £v. & liroe.. "•••teiv': iifW'" /.: I ''&• J'V'i.-.S' .* ,§M0. •fe' pys 1 1^ •f-teir." I'iv' I I $-"v WM !W|« ia mw it ,v-i. .4^ ••-ll »J W fe'C'O ©3 sf-TVf.l', jSc^V v* TO COST $150,000,000 AIR LINE RAILWAY WILL EE CON STRUCTED BETWEEN NEW YOXK AND CHICAGO. PRELIMINARY WORK TO BE6IN AT ONCE SYNDICATE OF FOREIGN BANK ERS FURNISHING THE CASH FOR THE ENTERPRISE. Pittsburg, Aug. 15.—Papers of con solldation of three railroads in differ ent parts of Pennsylvania will be filed at Harrisburg this week which will constitute the formal announcement of a project of prominent foreign bank ers associated with Joseph Ramsey, Jr., former president of the Wabash railroad, to build a low grade double track railroad from New York to Chi cago by way of Pittsburg, which will cost about $150,000,000. Complete sur veys have already been made and it is expected that work preliminary to actual grading and construction next spring will begin this fall. It is ex pected that the road will require three years to construct. It is contemplated to operate with electric locomotives from the beginning. It will be known as the New York, Pittsburg and Chi cago Air line and will be sixty-five miles shorter to New York than the Pennsylvania and 108 miles shorter than the shortest line between New York and Chicago. The Keystone Air line will traverse the bituminous coal fields of Central Pennsylvania, now controlled by the Pennsylvania railroad, and will also pierce the anthracite region through out its length. It will not only be the shortest line through Pennsylvania, but it will cross the summit of the Allegheny mountains 400 feet lower than the Pennsylvania and will have very easy curves and remarkably low grades for a mountain line. Mr. Ramsey confirms the above in a telegram from New York to the Pitts burg Dispatch. The telegram says the Information is correct. The cost of the line between Pittsburg and New York, Mr. Ramsey says, is estimated to be between $75,000,000 and $100, 000,000, all of which has been pledged, the bulk of it by foreign capitalists. UNDERGROUND FREIGHT LINE. Chicago Tunnel Company Ready for Business. Chicago, Aug. 15.—The freight bores of 1 [k-y'l the Illinois Tunnel company are now carrying merchandise of all kinds In carload lots. This movement marks the practical completion of the Illinois Tunnel company's system of under ground freight railroads, the construc tion of which was begun five years ago and which has cost Its owners about $30,000,000. The company now has forty-five miles of tunnel equipped with rails anu overhead trolley in the district bounded by Chicago avenue, the lake, Halsted street and Sixteenth street. Fifty powerful electric locomotives and several hundred cars are now ready for use and the company re cently placed an order for 500 addi tional cars and thirty-five new loco motives. The company has finished connec tions with thirty buildings in the down town district. Others are under way. MAY SUSPEND TRAFFIC. Difficulty Over Car Fare to Coney Isl and Continues. New York, Aug. 15.—The difficulty between the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company and its patrons, which arises over the efforts of the company to collect a double fare from New York to Coney Island, was continued dur ing the day. Application was made to District Attorney Clarke in Brook lyn for several warrants for the arrest of employes of the Rapid Transit company on charges of assaulting pas sengers in ejecting them from the cars after they refused to pay a second fare. The general manager of the com pany said that if he was unable to col lect the double fares he. would sus pend traffic on all the surface lines to Coney Island. Plans have been made to station police under the charge of captains all along the lines where the employes of the company halt the cars to eject passengers. LID OFF AT MILWAUKEE. Temporarily Laid Aside During Ea? glee' Convention. •Milwaukee, Aug. 15.—The eighth annual convention of the grand aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles opened in Pabst theater during the forenoon, the delegates' numbering about 1,500. Mayor Sherburn M. Becker extended the freedom of the city in appropriate remarks, taking occasion to "raise the lid" during the time the visitors are the city's guests. Worthy President Conrad H. Mann extended a cordial welcome on be half of the Milwaukee Eagles.' The opening session is the only one dur ing the week to which the public was Invited, the remaining sessions being of an executive character. There promises to be an exciting contest throughout the veek for the various offices to be filled by the grand »erl»^i^- •tt Notice of Mortgage 8ale by Adver tisement. Notice is hereby given, that that certain mort gage, executed and delivered by Jacob Otto, unmarried, Mortgagor, to Henry A. Barnes Mortgagee, dated the 23. day of February, A. B. nineteen hundred and live, and tiled for record in the office of the Register of deeds of the county of McLean and State of North Dakota, thejith, day of March A. D. 1905, and record be mortgage __ front door of the Courthouse in the village of Washburn and State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. M., on the 18th, day of September, 1906, to satisfy the amount due upon said Mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said Mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the count of McLean, and State of North Dakota, an described as follows, to-wit: The West half of the Southeast one quarter and the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section Sevehteen (17), in township one hun dred and forty-eight (148), range Seventy-six (70), containing 100 acres more or less accord ing to Government survey. There will be due Mortgage at the date of sale the sum of Ninety-three and 06-100 ($98.06) Dollars and the costs of foreclosure and sale. Dated at Harvey, North Dakota, this 31st, day of July, 1906. Henry A. Barnes, Hanchett& Wartner, Mortgagee, Attorneys for Mortgagee, Harvey, N. D. 8-10 ALIAS CON LEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Ofilce, Minot, North Dako ta. May 22, 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having beea filed in this office Minnie Hill, contest, against homestead entry No. 16963, made July 14. 1902, for the sV£ seM- lot 4 of Sec. 21 and lot 1 of Sec. 28. Twp. 149, Range 87 by Martin Seaversoti, consestoe, in which it is alleged that said contestee has wholly abandoned said tract of land for a period of more than six months since making said entry and next prior to the date hereof and is still abandoning the same: that he has wholly failed to establish a residence on his land or to make any improve ments thereon and that the said alleged ab scence from the said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer seaman or marine during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m., on Aug. 15, 1906, before the Register and Receiver of the United States land office in Minot, N. D. Thesaid contestant having, in a proper afll davit filed May 30, 1906, set forth facts which show that after duo diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. T. E. D'OX, Receiver. Johnson & Nestos, Atty. forContestant, Minot, N. D. 6-22 Strayed or Stolen— from my place June 9th one iron gray geld ing, weight about 1200, age about years, light forehead, had halter on with strap. $10 reward for his return. Philip Mayer, Sec. 1-149-84, Garrison, N. STRAYED—Small black horse weight about 9 )0, branded circle on left shoulder one bay mare, 8 years old, branded _1 EE on left hip, weight about 1050. 1 W. B. Brownell, 3t Garrison, N. D. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior United States Land Office, Minot, N.' D. 1 2 1 9 0 6 A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Ole Thompson, contestant, against homestead entry No. 28536, made June 20,1904, for sM ne}4 ne& ne& section 7, nwKi nwii section 8, township 150, range 83, by Fred Solberg contestee, in which it is alleged that Frod Solberg has wholly abandoned said tract of land for more than six months prior to the filing of this contest: the fact is he never did reside upon the said land and never did make any valuable improvements thereon and that said alleged absence was not duo to em ployment iu the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, ohlcer, seaman or marine during the war with Sjpam or during any other war iu which the United States may be engaged Said parties are hereby notified to appear re spond and oiler evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on Aug. 81, l'JOO, before the register and receiver at „tho United Statos land olllce in Minot, N. D. The said contestant having, in a proper afll davit filed June 22,1100, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notico.caOnot be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by duo and proper publication. T. 15. Fox Receiver. James Johnson Atty for contestant. State of North Dakota. County of McLean. In District Court, In Sixth Judicial District. G. M. Digen, Plaintiff. vs. Lydia S. Staley. Robert D. Robison, H. C. Farnuni, E. B. Neveux, Eugene B. Neveux, E. D. Robison, Joseph Mann, Iva L. Mann and Mary Robi son and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or incumbrance upon the prop erty described in the complaint, and their unknown heirs. Defendants. SUMMONS. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants. You are hereby summoned to answer the com plaint in this action, which complaint will be filed with the clerk of the district court of the sixth judicial district in and for the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscrib ers within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer judgement will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated at Washburn, N, D., this 7th day of May A. D. 1906. Hyland & Nuessele, Attys. for Plaintiff, P. O. Address Washburn, N. D. To the above named defendants: You are hereby notified that the summons and complaint has been filed with the clerk -Of the district court in the county of McLean and state of North DakotB, and that said action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to the northeast quarter (ne!4) section twenty (20) in township one hundred and forty-six (146) north, of range eighty-three (83) west of the 5th principal meridian in McLean county North, Dakota, Hyland & Nuessle, Attys. for Plaintiff, 6-29 Washburn. N.D. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Devils Lake., N. D., June 9th, 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Ernest L. Gilniore, contestant, against homestead entry No. 31709, mado July 22,1903 for the neHnwJi lot 1, section 30, town ship 150, range 78, by Dimid Lushanko (de ceased.) contestee, in which' it is alleged that said entryman has been dead for more year last past tl^at he never established his year iasc past JUHK residence on said land or built a hoilse thereon prior to his death and that his heirs have whol ly failed to cultivate or improve the land since his death and that there are no improvements thereon at the present time. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 10th. 1906, bo fore P. W. Gallagher, a notBry public, at his office in Balfour, N. D. (and that final hearing will be hold at 10 o'clock a. m. August 17th, 1906, before) the register and receiver of the United States Land office in Devils Lake, N. D. The said contestant haying, in a proper affi davlt filed June 9th, 1906. set forth facts whieh show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is here by ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Ole Serumgard Register. Becord Address of Contort**, BajjUpw,, Mt S.1I r.»*v»iaujiwV*T ,"f ifcitw^H wan1 i.yii vam*9J*?»J-- ""^'"'"T COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff Oi.K GRADIN rreusurer F. litwix KOOT Auditor O, 15. WING Jlei-k of Court Peter A. Schmidt Stares Attorney W. L. NUESSLE !*(»iut.v Judge E. A. Lamb (Superintendent of Schools ... .Heury OLSON Register of Deeds HANSNYGAAHD Pliyxloliiu Dr. DILLOM Joiiiuy Cummlssloijers—N. W. Solenberger. Friyik Piitz and SiMoy JAHK. VILLAGE OFFICERS. President Karl Klein. Alderman P. M. Ferguson Alderman Win, Benn Treasurer F. E. Funk Clerk F. M.Clark Assessor ,.W. A. lJersey. Justice L. M. Wallfn Marshall J. M.Patterson. M. E. CHURCH. SUNDAY SERVICES Morning services 10:30 Sunday School 11:30 a. m. Junior League, 3:30 p. in. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Preaching Services, 7:30 p. m. WEEK NIGHT SERVICES White Shield League Wednesday eve. 7:30 p. m, Prayer Meeting Thursday eve. 7:30 p. m. You are cordiallyinvited to attend ser vices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. M. HARDAWAY, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Office in HOLTAN Block, Resident Dentist. WASHBURN, N. D. ANDREW MILLER, attorney at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts Special attention to Trial Cases and U. S. Land Office practice. Office over First National Bank Building Tel. No. 285. BISMARCK, N. DJ ..Swan Nealander.. Contractor and Builder, Plans drawn and estimates fur nislied. Let me figure on your building. Residence fourth house east of the school house. •WASHBURN. N.D. AUG. F. JOHNSON U. S. Cowiniggiouer Washburn. North Dakota ..MONEY TO LOAN.. On Improyed Farm Property Offlce Opposite Leader Office. «Mwiaww»iai»»«» 8 ..J. W. ROBINSON., IVETER I MARIAN I GO L. EM ARBOR, N. D. 8 CALL. BY TKLKPHONE. I & Insurance it ..FIRE AND HAIL.. ..WE.. Insure Everything Insurable. .OLD LINE COMPANIES. F. E. FUNK, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WASHBUBN, N. D. J. T. McCULLOCH... ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce: Opposite the Court House CHAS. B. UPSON, Money to Loan on Farm Property Washburn, 1 E. A. LAMB... ..ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Practice before the United States In terior Department a specialty. I also bave on band a complete copy of tbe United States Land Office Flats and Records for McLean, Oliver and Mercer Counties. WASHBURN FEED and LI VERY STABLE GOOD BUGGIES, CAREFUL DRIVERS GENTLE HORSES, .Assure. ,.'C Our Patrons Pleasure and Safety ..OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE.. W. A. LANTZ, Proprietor. Came to my place, one bay horse branded UF on left thigh, both ears cut off on ends, about 10 years old, weighs about 1300 lbs. Own er please call, pay charges and prove property and take same. Glenn Smith, Fort Berthold Reservation, N. D. feSi DR. M. H. SAWYER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE OVEE HOLTAN'S STOEE. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. A. TORLAND, M. D... Late of the Vienna Imperial Hospital, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, English, Scandinavian and German Spoken. Underwood, North Dakota. W. L. NUESSLE, Attorney-At-Law, (J. S. Commissioner, WASHBURN, NOBTH DAKOTA GEORGE P. GIBSON... ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Oinoi IN POST OFFICE BLOCK. N.D. WASHBURN, JN. J. A. HYLAND... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW REAL ESTATE AND INSUKANCK. Money to Loan on Real Estate and Homesteads. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. H. R. BERNDT, Lute Special Afjent G. L.O. More thau 12 years' experience in all' branches of the laud Dept. J. T. McCULLOCH, Atty-at-Law BERNDT&MCULL0CH Law, Land Office and Department Practice and Real Estate CONTESTS A SPECIALTY We Speak German. First Natl Bank Blk. BISMARCK Horses for Sale! 16 Head of Work Mares IO Head of 4-year-olds IO Head of 3-yearolds •TERMS:—CasH or Approved Security. Aug. E. Johnson, One Mile west of Town. Buy your money orders and drafts at First National Bank of Washburn, N. D. Bids Wanted Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the board of county commissioners at the office of the County Auditor up to 4 p. m. Sept. 3rd, 1906, for the building of a wooden bridge over Snake creek between sec. 26 and 27, twp. 148, range 83 stone abut ments 3 feet above ground, abut ments 2ft 14 ft. with 4ft. wings abutments 18 feet apart 5 string ers 5x12x20, planks 3x12x16, rail ing 2x4. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at Washburn, N. D. this 7th, day of August 1906. Mis N. W. Solenberger, Chairman, Co., Comr's. «V, !^!T Plows::: k! 'fp RACINE BUGGIES Peterson Machine Co. We Handle the Champion Mowers, -Rakes -and -Piano Binders GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION Stores at Washburn=UnderwoocUGarrison uism iffVi, f,-* GEORGE L. ROBINSON'S DEPARTMENT STORES| ...DEALERS IN... .GROCERIES- CLOTHING, NOTIONS. BOOTS & SHOES. ...You will find our Line the Most Com- A plete of any in the County. We aim to please. -.STORES AT: Garrisi and Coleharbor. MANDAN MERCANTILE CO. ..DEALERS I If.. LUMBER Sash, Doors, Monlding, Paper, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, A Full Line of Farm Machinery Good Grades and Dry Stock. Let us figure on your Lumber Bills and Special 91111 Work. We can save you Money. Wfl'i' Wf "J4 Mngr Wasbbnrn, N. D. THE WASHBURN STATE BANK Gapital Stock $15,000 JOHN SCHMIERER, JR., Pres. JOSEPH MANN, Vice Pres. THEO. LANDMANN, Prompt Attention to all Banking Matters entrusted to us. COLLECTIONS LOANS and INSURANCE The Washburn State Bank makes Farm Insurance a Specialty M4' Cashier THEO. SERR, Asst. Cashier 1 fit ''\''f SI1W