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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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SOO TIME TABLE. —WEST BOUND— Daily except Sunday, 10:45 A. M. —EAST BOUND— Daily- except Sunday, 4:40 P. M. E. C. BUTLEK,Agt.Washburn,N.D. NEWS LOCAL Diamond Photographs 50c. doz. The new towns on the Soo are booming. Singer Sewing machines agency at Persey's, Washburn. Will Go on Your BOND, Frank E. Funk, 1st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn, -North Dakota. E. Klockerwold'was down from Krem on business the first of the week. The Ladies1 Aid of the Lutherian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Martin Holtan on September 6th. 1906. We (K)nead the dough you need the bread. Get it at the Home Bakery. Karl Klein was another Wash burnite that went to Minneapolis to attend the encampment. J. H. Wishek, a prominent ban ker, of Ashley, transacted busi ness in Washburn, Tuesday. Two carloads of the Famous Ra cine buggies just received prices right. The Peterson Machine Co C.Johnson, and wife of Sioux City, Iowa, spent Tuesday taking in the sights at Washburn. W. F. Seltz departed Saturday for Minneapolis to take in the sights- of the' national, encampment of the G. A. R.-- Mae Wallace returned to Bis marck last Saturday after a ten days visit with the Misses Lamb of this place. Talk to R. M. Brown about that Lumber Bill. Farmers & Merchant Lumber Co., Washburji, N. D. The Washburn base ball nine went to Garrison last Sunday to play the team at that place. The score was 6 to 1 in favor of the Garrison team. Just received two carloads of "Plymouth" twine. The best twine on the market. Call and examine it before you buy. Peterson Ma chine Co. Mr. James Anderson has pur chased the residence in Rhude's addition recently erected by Pete Schmidt. Mr. Anderson will have one of the neatest homes in the city. If Mrs. Grout left for Minneapolis Saturday. She was accompanied as far as Bismarck by her daugh ter, Mrs. Haugeberg and Irene, who returned home the following Monday. Treasurer Root accompanied by his wife and daughter, left Satur day afternoon for a six week's visit among friends and relatives in Iowa and Illinois. During his ab sence deputy Anderson will have charge, of the treasurer's office. Rates have been reduced on Farm In surance in old reliable St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. FRANK E. FUNK, First Natl. Bank. Washburn. N. D. L. S. Berlot, of the Come Again Store, made a trip to Minneapolis and returned without us1 getting onto the fact. We understand that he went down to look at the latest styles for fall and winter goods. R. C. D, Higgins, the popular druggist, left for St. Paul Satur day where he will meet his father and sister from Ohio. He expects taem to return with himto Wash burn for a short visit. •, In the hurry and confusion of moving we have missed several im portant local items. One of which was the return of Dr. Forbes from an extended visit with friends in Michigan and Canada. Dr. Forbes said that he had a royal «ood time renewing old acquaintances and visiting the scenes of his younger days. He said that he was glad to get home again, though h* gained 20 pounds in weight while absent. We are glad to welcome the doctor back again. Death of An Old Soldier. Paddy .Burley, an old soldier of the civil war, and one of the old timers on the Missouri slope, died last Monday morning at the sol dier's home in Lisbon. The deceased came to this sec tion during the '80's and ran a wood yard. The last years of his life were spent in Washburn. He was taken very sick a few weeks ago and in order to secure proper attention and care he was taken to the home. Paddy, as he was familiary call ed by his friends, kept bachelor's hall and received a pension from the government. He was past 60 years of age and nothing much is known here regarding his relatives. The remains were buried Wed nesday in the soldier's burial ground at Lisbon. 103 in the 6hade Thursday. Gratnaphones and Records for all, at Persey's. Farmers in need of hands should consult the local railroad agent. Get some of that 84% Land loan money. Frank E. Funk, 1st Natl. Bank. Washburn. Bread, Cookies, cakes and pies. Fresh every day, at your Home Bakery. The First National bank is is suing some handsome advertising matter in the shape of blotters. We have just received a lower rate on farm loans, the best com pany in the state. Call in and see us. Klein's Land Agency. We were informed by a member of one of our machinery dealers that the sales of last Saturday amounted to $2,000, This-gees'-to show that Washburn is-still doing some business. Why pay more, 8 1-2 will get all the Real Estate money you want. F. E. Funk, 1st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D- The basement of the new bank building was completed this week and work has commenced on the the brick part. A. M. Klein will have charge of of the Washburn, Grain & Feed Co's elevator at Wilton during the coming season. Erickson-Johnsoa and Holtan's Threshing Machine Co., are billed to commence threshing the middle of next week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kounts, of Turtle Lake spent part of last week in town transacting business selling their Washburn property to B. E. Frum. Prosperity on last page. Mrs. J. C. Campbell, of Fargo, arrived last Friday and will make this place her future home. Mr. Campbell is connected with the Peterson Machine Co., of this place. They have gone to house keeping in the house recently va cated by Mr. Casey and family. There will be a union Temper ance service in the Methodist church next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Several short addresses will be given on different phases of the drink problem. Special mu sic will add to the service. Every body is urgently and cordially in vited. Before making your loans, either Real estate or dhattel, see— First Nat'l Bank Washburn. Cap ital and surplus $40,000. FOB SALE—Registered Hereford bulls, 17 head coming 1 year old 5 heifd coming 2 year old. SCOFIELD BHOS., 5 miles from Washburn. tlensler, N. D. Threshing chines Insured in lod line Insurance Companies, see or write F. E. Funk. 1 st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D. FIXE AS SILK. Tliat I* IVlint it Little Girl Says Clinin i.erlaiu's ClioJie, Cholei tv unit Diar rhoea Keinedy. I am a little girl eight years of age, do not know very much, but one thing I do know and that is that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is fine as silk for anyone with a stomach ache. I had a very severe pain last night, took a dose of it and was relieved at once.—Maude Ellen Wood,,Clifton, Va. This Remedy is for snle by all druggists. We had intended giving the ball I game between Colliding and Wash burn on the grounds of the latter, honorable mention last week, but the local became lost in the melee. The gan was about the swiftest one that ever took place on the Washburn diamond. Wm. Cross pitched for the Conkling nine and Harry Wahl did like service for the home team. Three of the Washburnites were injured, Har ry Wahl receiving a bad hit under the eye, mafcing a black spot which he still carries Dr. Higgins tried to catch the ball with his left eye and was carried off the grounds in the ambulance, and Anderson, the catcher for the home team, had the end of his finger knocked off, but he finished the game. The boys from Conkling went home without any marks to show that thejT had been in a ball game. The score was 14 to 13 in favor of the home team. Time 2 hours um pire Dr. Forbes injured 3 killed none. Mrs. Ole Gradin went to Bis marck Tuesday to receive medical treatment. Make your own terms on Farm Loans. See Frank E. Funk, 1st. National Bank, Washburn, N. D. Frank Thompson made a busi ness trip to Malcolm on his motor cycle Wednesday. A. D. Lathrop returned Wed nesday from his trip east with three cars of cattle. He says the market was very poor. DON'T READ THIS, and if you don't, forget that you can get the lowest rate in farm loans at the Klein Land Agency. Cheapest thing in North Dakota is good old line fire insurance. See F.- E. Funk", First Nat'l Bank Washburn, N. D. A few relinquishments to be dis posed of. Call on E. A. Lamb Real Estate and Loans. E. A. Lamb made a business trip to the capital city this week. Live Stock Insurance—F. E Funk, First Nat'l Bank. Washburn Harness! Harness! Let the Peterson Machine STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Lowest rates. 6 different companies. F. E. FUNK, 1st Nat. Bank,Washburn. N. D. R. E. Sharp was in from Pace Tuesday and says that harvest is well under way in his neighbor hood. Try Chop Suey on your ice cream at your Home Bakery and Ice Cream Parlors. The Taylor-Baldwin Co., of Gar rison has reduced its capital stock from $25,000 to $10,000. J. T. McCulloch took his daugh ter Hazel to the Bismarck hospi tal Tuesday. Persey, the jeweler, has just re ceived a good stock of grama phones and records. Call on him for all fie latest songs. Diamond Photographs 50:\ doz. W. R. Lacy of Coleharbor was greeting old friends in the city Monday. J. E. Davies returned last week from an extended with friends at Ft. Yates. LOANS LOANS! LOANS! FARM! LOANS! Money is seeking nn in vestment. I am agent for an east ern Loan Agency. I can furnish you with farm loans at 9%. Call and see JOSEPH MANN. E. A. Philbrick went to tLo Bis marck hospital last Friday where he will have to undergo an opera tion for disease qf the bone in his right leg. It is hoped that the operation will not prove a serious one. -w -u, w*.• Mr. and Mrs. Ashland who nave been at the home of E. A. I hil brick, for the past month returned to their home in LaCrosse, Wis. the first of the week. Mr. A.h laud is an engineer on the Enrr lington and this is their first visit to this section of the country. fT J. rig you out. Mrs. R. N. Brown entertained the Birthday club on Thursday. A pleasant time was reported. Eddie Lamb leaves today for Michigan City. He expect? to re turn in a month or two. 1 Ladies' White Canvass Oxfords Ladies' tan Russia calf button Oxfords Ladies tan Russia calf lace Oxfords Ladies Chocolate Vici kid lace shoes Mens' calf lace shoes Boys' tan calf lace Shoes Youths tan calf lace shoes Mens' Canvass Shoes at greatly reduced price. Batistes Dimities Granadines That Will Surprise you. A and prompt return' is what you want for shipments at CATTLE HOGS SHEEP Don't take chances. Our special handling facilities insures for you the very best service all the time. W. lavlte Prouty Commission Co. CUca*. m. .3* St. IW. MI'VIMONS State of North Da'ota, county of McLean. In District Court Sixth Judicial District. Louis Kesselring. 1'luintiif, vs. Joseph Rutiie, Defendant. MMONS. The state of North Tai:ota 10 the above named denfendant. You are hereby summoned to answer the com plaint in this action n! to serve a copy of your nn-wer upon the subscriber within thirty (301 days after the servi'x of this summons upon you. exclusive of the .lay of service, snd in case of vour failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken a^ain.-.l you by default for the re- I lief demanded 111 th" complaint. I Dated at Washburn N. n, this 2?d day of May 1906. Hylrtud A Nuessle, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O.ddress. tVashburn. N. I. To the above named defendant: Please take no tic ''tit the summons and complaint in the alxtv.- entitled action has been f'.H with the clerk or 'he dlstr' :.curt in tl»« '.ou:iiy of Mi-T.fH". of No: !i i.'r '•if. Hyla & v'.i« :?. Aftorncj* for I'L uiiif. I P. O. iiildress Washburn, X. 0. Diamond Photographs 50c. doz. FOR KENT Good five room house. F. E. Funk." 1st. Nat. Bank. Vnshbtini. N- D. Tetro is seeing out his furniture, poultry, houso hofd goods, itoves, and other goods at private sale. Miss Esther Liiul, who assists in the Register of Deeds taiice,, left Monday for a short v-ut u'ith friends and relatives in Minima-! polis. We have some Special Prices on Shoes: We have some of those good suits left at the reduced prices. DRESS GOODS SALE ASK TO SEE THESE SPECIALS! ....YOURS FOR BUSINESS.... W: r, The Hfajhest Market Price Too f.of. t- nake those dovs. IVv n^v\a/%aa/wwwwwww\a/^vnaa/naa/wv^ the TJomc iiiike' \l TR\ IIObTAN SONS Washburn, North Dakota \j^ '7«R 7»R' THE: City Meat Harket ...NEW MARKET, NEW GOODS... -(DEALERS IN)- PRESh and SAL/T MEATS Highest Prices Paid for Hides and Poultry. Fish Kept in Stock at All Seasons KLEIN BROTHERS, Washburn, N.D W. A. PERSEY, i8weler, 1 \W/ i\ 7?k SHOES! $ I-50 $2.50 S2.25 $2.50 $3.25 $2.00 $ 1.75 Swiss Organdies at Prices '7lt\ WE Can Repair Your WATCH Many People'have trouble in getting their watches to run right arid keep good time. Our wideexperiei co has given, us the practical, theoretic 1 and scientific knowl edge which enables us to do the best work that will give the de sired results, namely: Acu.ate Timekeeping. SEND us YOUR WATCHES, etc., for repairs. You fake 116 chances. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Read This... Washburn, We hru7e several choice qu :!ter and half sections of land that we will sell on :py cash payments or on •he crop]my 'ji-nt plan. Also some hind luat we wish 10 in crop by reliable partie Come in and us for prices terms, ete. ",isee REFERENCE*. FI**T NAT. BANK. WASHBURN NORTH DAKOTA. N. 0. have broke and put il