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:r: v, :•. ,. '*& tcC-'V ft teiYrJr. '1M ife-. Horse and rider s^Ti'lff ?y^v»'si FERRY RATES ONE WAY Two horse rig and driver wife, and chil dren under 21 years (round trip, if made in 24 hours 75c) Single rigs (round trip if, made in 24 hours 50c) Foot passenger Cattle and horses, each Seep and Hogs each Hours 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Boat !ea\es east bank at 6:30 last trip. Washburn Terry Co. E WAHSBURN STATE BANK Gapital Stock $15,000 JOHN SCHMIKRER, JR., Pres. JOSEPH MANN, Vice Pres. MANDAN MERCANTILE CO. ..DKAX.ERS IN.. LUMBER Sash, Doors, Monlding, Paper, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, A Pull Line of Parm Machinery Good Grades and Dry Stock. Let us figure oil your Lumber Bills And Special Mill Work We can save you Money* THEO. LANDMARK, Cashier THEO. SERB, Asst. Cashier Prompt Attention to all Banking Matter^ entrusted to us. COLLECTION S LOANS and INSURANCE The Washburn State Bank makes Farm Insurance a Specialty P. M. FERGUSON, Ingr. Vashborn, N. D.* GEORGE L. ROBINSON'S DEPARTMENT STORES? ...DEALERS IN... ...GROCERIES... CLOTHING, NOTIONS. ..BOOTS & SHOES.. ...You will find our Line the Most Com plete of any in the County. We aim to please. -:STORKS AT:- Garrison and Coleharbor. Read the Leader Srtrf. 50c 30c 25c 15c 15c 10c yyrv.t'' taw t" (,! POSITION ft# SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL BOARD INSISTS ON SEPARATING WHITES AND JAPS. ACTION THEN UNDER STATE LAW WILL NOT RECEDE UNTIL STAT UTE IS HELD TO BE UN- CONSTITUTIONAL. San Francisco, Oct. 31.—When Sec retary Victor Metcalf of the depart ment of commerce and labor arrives here a considerable part of the data which he requires regarding the plac ing of children of Japanese parentage in a separate school will be ready for him to peruse. Despite all the agitation that has been caused the board is firm in the position it has taken and will not re cede unless compelled to do so by the courts. It. contends that the action taken was in conformity with the state law and until it has been held that the state law under which it act ed is a violation of the treaty rights entered into between the two govern ments will adhere to its position. EXPECTS EARLY ADJUSTMENT. Japan Pleased With Action of Wash ington Officials. Tokio, Oct. 31.—The Japanese gov ernment is pleased with the action of the Washington authorities and be lieves that a satisfactory result may be confidently expected from Secretary Metcalf's mission to San Francisco in connection with the exclusion of Japa nese children from schools attended by white children. It is believed here that the acute stage in the matter has been passed and it can be said that no anti-American feeling exists here in any form. LABOR SCARCE EVERYWHERE. M. Canal Commission Searches World for Workmen. Washington, Oct. 31.—Through their efforts to obtain labor for work on the isthmian canal members of the canal commission have found that there is a dearth of labor in practically all parts of the world. So great is the demand for labor in connection with railroad building and other improve ments on a large scale that countries which formerly have sent thousands of laborers to this country monthly are now using their labor at home. Leroy Park, the agent for the com mission, who has been in Spain for some months recruiting laborers, has found many difficulties in obtaining the Spanish laborers, who have shown themselves so well adapted to condi tions in Panama. Many hundreds of the men whom he has sent to the canal zone are writing favorable re ports to their friends in Spain and in a short time Mr. Park expects to send a large number of workmen. MANY STUDENTS SUSPENDED. Refuse to Pay for Damage to Property During Class Scraps. Appleton, Wis., Oct. 31.—One hun dred and fifteen students, comprised of boys in the sophomore and fresh man classes in Lawrence university, have been suspended because they re fused to pay $27 damages to property as a result of recent class scraps. President Plantz declared at chapel exercises that in no event will any of the boys be permitted to return unless the entire sum is paid. The suspended students, with spe cially prepared banners, paraded the streets of the city at noon and de clare they will leave for home before they will pay the money. 1 DOUBLE MURDER SU8PECTED. Two Workmen Found Dead in Burn ing Car. Rapid City, S. D.. Oct. 31.—Two workmen employed by the Milwaukee railroad were found dead in a burning box car. supposition is that they were murdefed and the car fired to conceal the crime. At an early hour fire was discovered lh one of the company's boarding cars In the city and as soon as it was ex tinguished the lifeless bodies of the two men, apparently smothered, were discovered in the car. The authorities have four men un der arrest and also have a witness who claims that he saw one of the accused men fire the car. i.... '-.0/ HOOE 18 CONVICTED. Echo of Famouf Hartje Divorce Case at Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Oct. 31.—The trial of Clifford Hooe, former negro coachman •f Augustus Hartje, millionaire paper manufacturer of this city, charged with perjury in connection with the Hartje divorce case, ended in a ver dict of guilty. The jury was out only a abort time. Attorneys (or Hooe will likely take an appeal. Eight Robbers ifati 1 1 7*^, Grade Percheron Work Horses for Sale at all times. .''' •.,''' ,'ir ,'. eBSSM9B" i&Ska c*j!t firVrMi rig*.) and mt fr«». RALPH WARD. g£ ROBINSON, N. I. The Horses branded 101 on right shoulder. Ranch 22-148 86, McLean Co., A REWARD of $200 Is offered for Un arrest and conviction of anyone stealing horses branded IOI. KLEIN BROS. WASBBVBV, N. D, •^t.froe^d-t Executed.,, St. Petersburg,' Oct. 31.—Eight per sons arrested here In connection with the robbery of $188,826 from Cashier Hermnnn of the customhouse Oct. 27 were tried by courtmartial and exfr euted. A A-* to The cattle branded right hip as shown in cut. The Horses branded same on right front sloulder. For Sale—a story and a haif house, containing five room, locat ed on one of the main streets in Washburn. House is in good re pair. Enquire of W. L. Nuessle, Washburn. ATI.TOOS 0D YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS IIMDE Minima DESIGNS COPVRMHTSAC. sending a sketch and qnfoklr ascertain onr opinion me boot charge, the PTUNU •IMcMnutfcx, without Scientific juaerkwi. Chas. Kaiser of Bismarck Quality of goods and fitting guaranteed •fi Meaning, Pressing and Repairing Etepresented in Wusuburn by L. 9. Berlot at the Come Again Store. g£S~-' •""•"I i. !.TH1TSQS TO BE REMEMBERED^ E HANDLE ...ALSO THE FIRST AND MAIM PLOiS... ^McbCAlN GOUINTY IMPLEMENT COMPANY \|j|/ ...DEALERS IN... /J) GAAR SCOTT THRESHERS, A COMPLETF LINE OF WAGONS, THE (fWENS FANNING MILLS, ONCE UiED, ALWAYS USED, IRON AND WOOD PUMPS, THE FAMOUS ROBINSON & MILLER BUGGIES, McCORMICK BINDERS AND MOWERS, STEEL LEVER (T AND WOOD HARROWS, DISCS, CULTIVATORS, WIND MILLS. \fl/ THESE GOODS ARE ALL STANDARD MADE GOODS. NONE W. BUT THE BEST HANDLED. CALL AND SEE OUR I INES. TPT A TVT C! O TVT W A S N NORTH DAKOTA. COAL TICKETS, .V •tf v. In England the conservatives represent "yesterday and today" the Liberals "today and tomorrow," In train service between the Twin Cities and Chicago, The Pioneer Limited was the first train to break away from "yesterday and today." and to give travelers the benefits of "today and tomor row." Its route is via the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Leaves Minneapolis 8:00 p. m, St. Paul 8:35 p. m. arrives Union Station, Chicago 8:55 a. m. Equip ment includes standard and compartment sleepers with "longer, higher and wider berths," library buffet car, dining car, chair car and and coaches. S Buy your ticket East from your local agent, but insist that it is over the Milwaukee road between the Twin Cities and Chicago. 365 Robert St. Phone 98 ~^*Ks The Satterlund Mine is better fixed than ever for supply ing the demand. Farmers can have coal at any time. City people leave orders at T. J. Haug berg's Store. Order Early—Avoid the Rush FRED PFISTER, Represents Today and Tomorrow W. B. DIXON, WAMM MAIN FEEB C01PAM FARMERS, SELL YOUR GRAIN TO US. We will give you the Honest Weights. Tif If we make a mistake, we will correct it. not spend our profits outside is other companies do. Give us a trial! ^BB^BBBBKBBKHBF WE ABE IN THE IABILET FOB ALL KIHIBS (IP fimiH Washburn, North Dakota ,•*' f'~ Read the Leader. •'V N. W. P. A. ST. PAUL. ADVERTJSE INTHE WASHBURN LEADER. 4 K. *si! N /I VS1 W •r •^m •'f$l Mgr....ji 'k- 4 1 I •i 4 1 ...i