Newspaper Page Text
Plows: Notice -OF- ELECTION. Notici' i.~ li'-ri'by given that nil Tuesday tlio tfUi. duv nrNovenibor in'Xt in t-ln year of our Lord lyOH. at the o-lal)lisli(!il ihiIIIiik places in iho several precinct.- in the County of McLean and Stale of North Dakota, anil hereinafter dupcribed. an eleection will br* 1UI for inu.eU'clion 1 Statt^ Lejrislu tive. county ati'l di-tricl olllcers. to-wit: STATU Two member.-, of the House of Kepre.^enatives of the I'uiit'd State-. One governor £)ne Lieutenaii' novi.'riinr One Secretary of State One State Vuditor One State Treasurer One Superintendent of Public Instruction One Coniiui.-Moiicr of Agriculture and l.ahor One Attorney Jemeral^ Three Kailroatl Commissioner Two Justice- of the Supreme Court LEGISLATIVE Two Uepre.-eniitives for the35th. Legislative District. COUNTY One County Auditor One Treasurer One Shorilf One ReB'stcr-of Deeds One Clerk- of the District Court One County Superintendent of School One County .lad#: One States Attorney One County Stir.eyor Que County Coroner Kour County Justices of the Pence Four County Constables DISTRICT One County Commissioner, ftr Commis sioner District One County Commissioner, for 2nd Commis sioner District One Assessor for the iirst commissioner dis trict One Assessor for the second commissioner district One Assessor for the third commissioner dislrict. V'/hieh said election will open at eight clock in the forenoon and continue open until live o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Tlio various election precincts and voting places for said election are us follows, to-wit: QPreciuct No. 1. consisting of township 330, ranees 74 and 75, vote at school house in Mar tin, E. C. Waydeman, iuspector. Precinct No. 'I, consisting of township ISO, ranges 70 and 77. vote at school house on section 13-150-77, George Seibold inspector. Precinct No. 3, consisting of township 149, ranges 78 and 71), and township 150, range 78, vote at Dogdeu, J. A. Byers, inspector. Precinct No. -1. consisting of Butte civil town ship,. vote at usual polling place, chairman board of Supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 5, consisting of township 149 and 150, range 8'2, vote at Herman Kaatz resi dence on section 32-150-82, Paul Freitag, in spector. Precinct No. 0, consisting of township 150, range 83 and 84, vote at Max, Samuel Carlson, inspector. Precinct No. 7. consisting of Douglas civil township, vote at usual polling place, chair man board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 8, consisting of Blue Hill civil township, vote at usual polling place, chair man board supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 9, consisting of township 149, range 86 and 87, and township 150, range 81 Ijring east of the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation, vote at school house on section 34, township 150 range 87, James A, Shea, inspector. Precinct No. 10, consisting of Platt civil township, vote at usual polling place, chair man board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No 11, consisting of McQincis civil township, vote a« usual polling place, chair board of sup 'rvisors, inspector, Precinct No. 12. consisting of township 149, range 83, vote at school house ou section. 24, Anton Ulrich, inspector. Precinct No 13, consisting of townships 149 and 150, range 81. vote at Greatstone post office, Her ireto Sabrovitch, inspector. Precinct No. ll, consisting of township ,149, 79,80 and 81, vote range 80, township H8, ran|(es^79,80 and_81, vote •t school house at spec tor. Precinct No.16, consisting of at scnool house on sec- township 149, ranghs 74 and 75. vote at scnool house tion 14-149-75, P. M. Staplein, inspector. Precinct No. 17, consisting of townships 147 and 148. ranges 74 and 75, vote at school house on section 8-147 74. Wm. J. Ehrens, inspector. Precinct No. 18, consisting of townships 147 and 148, rdnpe 76. vote at Lincoln post office, C. C. Reiswig, inspector. Precinct No. 19, consisting, of townships 147 and 148. ranges 77 and 78, vote at Curtis school houM, Geo. H. Curtis, inspector. Precinct No. 80, consisting of townships 147 and 148, range 82, vote at Jteuter school house No. 1, Albert Anderson, inspector. Precinct No. 21, consisting of township 148. mums 83 and 84, vote at Garrison tchool house, T.L. Mackey, inspector. Precinct No. 22, consisting of St. Mary civil township, vote at usual polling place, chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 21, consisting of Eaunetti civil township, vote at usual polling place, chairman hoard of supervisor*, inspector. Precinct No.84,coniUting of township 147, range, 8*. 86 aad 87, and townshipl4S, range 87, vote at O'Shea schooihouae, l.H. Foley "r "fef 4 .•)& BUGGIES Peterson Machine Co. We Handle the Champion Mowers, -Rakes -and -Piano Binders GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION Stores at Washburn-UnderwoocUGarrison Precinct No. 25, consisting of township 147. ranges 83 and 84. vote at Coleliarbor school house, W. H. Childs, inspector. Precinct No. 20, consisting of townships 146 anil 147. ranges 80 and 81, vote at Turtle Lake school house. Swan Hanson, inspector. Precinct No. 27, consisting of townships 146 and 147. range 7S. vote at Mercer, Carl SchaiTer, inspector. Prccinct No. 28. consisting of township 146, ranges 77 and 78. vote at school house in Mc Clusky. R. H. Johnson, inspector. Precinct No. 29, consisting of Lamont civil township, vote nt school house on section 11, chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. :J0. consisting of DonholT civil township, vote at school house, chairman hoard of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 31. consisting of township 146, qjittge 74, vtjj,e at Goodrich .-.chool house, Christ Sioeriug, inspector. l'recinct No. 32, consisting of township 145, rsiuge 74 and 75. vote at school house on sec tion 7-145-71, John Knepper, inspector. Precinct No. 31, consisting of township 1I5, ranges 78and 79. vote at Park school house ou section 16-115-79, Geo. ilecker. inspector. Prccinct xo. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Sale by Advertise ment. Notice is hereby given, That that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Iuga Heg gen. formerly Sorenson and Christ Heggen, her husband, mortgagors, to T. L. Beiseker. mort gagee, dated the 2d day of May, A. D. nineteen hundred and five and filed for record in the ollice of the register of deeds of the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, on the 8th day of May, A. D. 1905. and recorded in book B. 4. of mortgages at page 211. will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the courthouse in the village of Washburn, in the county of McLean and state of Norl Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on the 5th day of November, 19( 3, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the connty of McLean and state of North Dakota, and de scribed as follows, towit: The south half of the northwest quarter (s"2nwH)and the south west quarter of the northeast quarter (sw!4neH) of Section one (1), in township one hundred forty-nine (149) north of range seventy-four (74) west of the fifth principal meridian, con taining one hundred twenty (120) acres, more or less,according to the United States government survey thereof. There will be due on such mortgage on the day of sale the sum of Seven hundred twelve dollars and ninety-nine cents ($712.99) *esides the costs and expenses of said sale and statu- expenses tory attorney's fees. Dated at Fessenden, N. September. 1906. R. A, Palmeter. Tohn E. Boe, in- Precinct No. 15, consisting of township 140,: range 76 and 77. vote at school house on section S-149-76, John Slcogmo, inspector. Sor iv •Hf., i® -if 9" V/ VV' tr Vu $ A'21'fMM City or- ishij Tj, l'recinct No. 38, consisting of township 145, ranges 83 and 81, township 114, range 81. vote at school house on section o0-ll.j-8.'i, Samuel Zingg, inspector. Precinct xo. S3, consisting of Heaton civil township, vote at school house, chairman board of supervisors, iuspector. Precinct NO. 10. consisting of township 143, range 80. vote at Wilton, 1*. K. Eastman, in spector. Precinct No. II, consisting of all that part of townships 14!) and 150, range 87, included in the Fort Uerthold Reservation, townships 117, 14S. 149 and t.'iO. range 8S,° townships 147 and 118, range 8'J, vote at Russel 1?. Harrison's store, R. B. Harrison, iuspector. Precinct no. 42, consisting of township 150, range 89,99 and 91, vote at Day soliool house C. W. Holl'man, inspector. Precinct NO.43, consisting of townships 147 and 148. ranges 89,90 and ill, vote at George Dicken's store. Sam Newman, inspector. Precinct No. 44, consisting of Butlnlo Laks. vote at school housa ou Sectiou 23, chairman board of supervisors, inspector, 0.13. WING, Auditor. l'recinct No. 3:j. consisting of town ranges 70 and 77. vote at John Wacker's resi-1 said tract or land for a per deuce. 61. N. Clod filter, inspect :.-. months since making said entry and next prior and is still abandoning the same that he has wholly failed to establish a residence on his land or to make any im provements thereon and that the said alleged absence from the said laud was not due to his consisting of township 14.1, ranges SO, 81 township 1 11. ranges 81 and 82 and Ki. township 143. range SI. vote at court house in Washburn, Aug. II. SVahl. inspector. Prccinct NO. 36, Underwood civil township. vote at Underwood jail, chairman board of supervisors, inspector, D., this 19th day of T. L. Beiseker, Mortgagee. Atty. for kortgngeo, Fessenden, N. D. iuired bylaw that such default has existed more than six months last past and does nowexistBndthat said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the U, S. may be en- ^Said ftartios are hereby notified to a) id and offer evidence touching said allega at 10 olclook a. m. on December- 4.1806, be- 4 'ore Paul Freitag, a notary poblic at his office *n Max, H. I. (and that finwLhearing will be held at lOo'clook a. m. Dec, 11,1906, before) the register and receiver at the U. S. land office in Wnot, N. d. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit Med Sept. 17th. UK, sot farST facts whfcA show that after duei,lillgenee, pennaal sisHiSi&nlS'WssSz given by due and proper i' 'K 1J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, North Dakota, October 22,1906. Notice is hereby given that Mand Jennings of Pace. North Dakota, has tiled notice of her in tention to make final commuted proof in sup port of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry 'No. 12686 made April 30,1900, for the swU nefei, wH so Si and seti of sw!4 section 18, towurhip 144, n.' range 80 west, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Bismarck, North Dakota on December 12th, 1906. She.names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. P. Gill, Mary Hilton and Leopold, Leib of Pace, x. Dak., and x. P. Carlson of Washburn. N. Dak. 11.2 M. H. Jewell, Register. CONTENT NOTICE to ranges SS and SI. vote at school house on section States may be engaged 1!)-M(!-8S. K. B. Tower, inspector. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re Department of the Interior.—United States partment h©w.of 1 Precinot no. 37, consisting of township 146, Land Office, Minot, N. '.Sept., A sufficient contest affidavit having been, filed ordered apd directed that su?h notice be in this office by Sine .Larson contestant, against by due and proper publication. homestead entry No. 321K3, made April 21, 100.V I 9-21 M, H. Jewell, Register, for the se'4 of section 2, two. 149. rge. 86 by Carl Granhuscontestee. in which itjis alleged that in, the said coutestoe has whojiy abandoned the partnership Certificate and Ackncwl er resi- said tract oi land for period of more than six employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer seaman or marine during the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United spond and olVer evidence touching sstid allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on November 21.1906 be fo.e the register and receiver at tho U. S. land olllce at Minot, N. 1). The snid contestant having, in proper affi davit filed Sept. 12,19'JG, set forth facts which show that lifter duo diligence, personal ser vice of this notice cannot, bo made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice bo given by due and proper publication. L, D. McGahan Register. Johnson fc Nestos, Attys- for Contestant, Minot. N. D. 9-21 Notice of Hearing Application for Druggist's Permit. State of North Dakota, County of McLean:—ss. IN THE (JOt'NTV COURT. Pursuant to an order of this court, made on the 12t.h day of October A, D. 190U. notice is hereby given that on Friday the 16th day of November, A. D. 1900, at 2 o'clock in the after noon of that day, at the court rooms at this court, at the county couft house, in the village hereby given that on Friday the 16th day of November, A. D. 1906, at 2 o'clock in the after noon of that day, at the court rooms at this court, at the county cowt house, of Washburn, comity of McLean, and state of North Dakota, has been appointed by the judge of this court as the time and place for hearing the petition of C. G. Forbes of the village of Washburn in said McLean county, for the granting to him of a druggist's permit to sell for medicinal, scientific and mechanical pur poses. malt, vinous, spirituous, fermented or other intoxicating liquors at Washburn, in the village of Washburn, county of McLean, and state of North Dakota when and where any person interested in the granting cf said peti tion may appear and contest the same under the provisions of the law, and they will be heard. Dated at Washburn, n. D. the 12th day of Oct. A. D. 1906 E. A. Lamb. 10-12 Judge of the County Court. ECZEMA and PILE CURE FREE Knowing what it was to suffer, I will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any afflicted a LIAMS, 400 Manhattan Ave. close stamp. 9-28 Contest Notice. Lana Office, Minot, N. D., Sept 18th, 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by James H. Com, contestant against homestead entry No. 20759, made March 3d. 1908, for the ne!4 section 17, township 149, range 85 by Carl Leonard Eriokson, contestee, in which it is alleged that said claimant has wholly abandoned said land: that he has not resided upon and cultivated, said land as' re- and prompt return is what you want for dupmenti of CATTLE HOGS SHEEP Don*t take chances. Our special handling facilities insures for you the very beit service aH die time. W« lavit* —ilTi IVomty ComaU»kwi Co. 4' positive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Ery-1 Lamb, County Judge, pt his office at Wash „., r». i. i. I burn, N. Dak., on Dec. 4,1906, viz: sipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant re lief. Don't suffer longer, Write F. W. WIL- New York. En- The Market Price Republican^ Hillsboro Banner: How ardently our democratic friends in North Da kota now advocate independence in politics. They expect to profit greatly by dissensions in the republican ranks. Politically they have nothing to lose and everything to gain and naturally enough they are making the most of what they consider their op portunity. But independent thinking and independent voting are nevei practiced by democrats where that party is in power, and in this state their single term at the helm since statehood has not been such as to in spire the public with confidence in their pretensions. NOTICE TO CREDITOBS. In The Matter of The Estate of Sophia Creveling. deceased: Notice is hereby given by the undersigned John Johnson, administrator of the estate of Sophia Creveling late of the city of Moorhead. in the county of Clay and state of Minnesota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claim against, said deceased, to exhibit them "with the necessary vouchers, within 4 months after the first publication of this notice to said administrator at the office of James T. McCulloch, in the village of Washbnrn in yiid McLean 6o. Dated Oct. 8th. A. P. 1906. 10-5 John Johnson, Admistrator. orilest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bismarck. N. D., Sept. 13,1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having "been filed iu this office by Katie Tetania, contestant against homestead entry No.* 13402. made Nov. 23, 1901. for oVs nw^ sw^, Section 31, township 148, range 81 by William Kickeltnan, contestee, in which it is alleged that said claim ant has wholly abandoned said lancfc that he hasnot resided upon said land as required law that such default has existed for! more than six months last past and does now exist: and that said alleged absence from tfi«s said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United Sfcafcos ns a private soldier, officer, seaman or morine during the war with Spain or during any oilier war iu which the United States may be en gaged. Said parties are hereby notified to nppanr,. respond and offer evidence touching said alle gations at 10 o'clo'ck a. m. on Nov. 15, 1905, be fore Karl Klein, a notary public at his office in Washburn, N. D. (and that final hearing will be held At 10 o'clock a. m. on Nov. 22 1900, be fore) the register and receive at thoU. S. land office in Bismarck, N. D. The snid contestant having, in a proper afli dffVit", filed Aug. 21 1906. set forth facts which" show that, after due diligence, personal service oi his notice con not be made. it. is horuiiy iveu edgment. We. tho undersigned i'red Klein and John Ivlein, ns co-partners under the firm name and style of Klein Brothers have on tho 20th day of August 1905 commenced the business of butch ers and dealers 1 cattle, meats and vegetables and the conducting and operating of a general meat market at tlio village' of Washburn, Mc Lean county and State of North Dakota: The names of the members of the firin of Klein Brothers and their res poctive places of residence are. to-wit: Fred Klein, Washburn, County of McLean and State of North Dakota John' Klein township One Hundred Forty-six, Range Eighty and Section Thirty-one, McLean County, State of North Dakota. The amount of capital which each of said members of the firm of" Klein Brothers have contributed to the common stock is the sum of Fiftoen Hundred Dollars. Dated this 13th dny of October 1906. FRKD KLEIN, JOHN KLEIN. State of North Dakota jss. County of McLcan On this 13th day of October 1906, before me. a notary public, personally appeared Fred Klein and John Klein to me known to be the persons described iu and who executed the within in strument iu writing and who acknowledged duly to have executed the same. Karl Klein, Notary Public, 10-19 in and for McLean county, N. D. My Commission expires July 7th. 1908. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior.—Land Office at Bismarck, N. D.. Oct. 16,1906. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will tie made before E. A. Lamb, County Judge, at his office at Washburn, N. Dak., on Dec. 4,1906. viz: EFFE FOX, of Washburn, N. Dak., H. E. No. 15244, dated Oct. 28,1901, for the nw% of Section 23, township 145 range 80. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Dan Kuk, James Roan, W. L. Pope and John Rains, all of Washburn, N. Dak. 10-19 M. H. Jewell. Register. Notices for Publication. Department of the Interior.— Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., Oct. 16,1906. Notice is hereby given that the foilowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that'said proof will be made before E. A. Seth R. Merrill, of Washburn, N. Dak., H. E. No. 21865, dated March 16.1903, for the sVi sw^i of section 28. township 145, range 82. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saidiand, viz: Millard F. Wilson, of Underwood, N. |Dak., and Lewis Johnson, John Johnson and Fred Mitchell of Washburn, N. Dak. 10-19 X. H. Jewell, Register. NOl'ICK FOR PUBLICATION. Xand Office at Bismarck, N. D., Oct. 16,1906. toiotice is hereby „giyen that the following, named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pJoof will be made before E. A. Lamb. County Judge, at his office at Wash burn, N. D., on the 4th. day of December A. D. 1906 vlts AAiolph T. Johnson, of Turtle-Lake, N.D., hTe. No., 15215, made Oct. 19,1901, for the eH aeU and eH seKof Section 12, twp, 145 n. of range 80 w. 5th p. m. He names the following witnesses to. prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: M.Dair Ole 1 mHe fmd. Wm. fffifWsimsi albotten, Ole O. Skjerdal, Gilbert and 11.6. Falck all of Washburn, Thompson N. D, »-i9i t,. M. H. Jewell, Register. NOTICE KOB PDBJLJUATION^ Denartmentof the UterioT, Land Office at Bismarck, North Dakota, Oct. 1#, IBM vntice is hereby given that the foUowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to mSkefinal praof in support of his claim and ^at said proof"will be^made before E A. ilJSnb. Connty Judn,^ U* o®®* Wariiburn ^Ole'M^ftSb^ton, of Washburn, K. D.. H. E. solSlSejmadeOct. 10. IMU,. for the nejj. of neti^S, township 145, n. of range 80w. 6th p. names the folloMng wita*sesto pwra oo^inwus r«siaa6e npon and taltivptioa land, vis I, Gilbert Ole 9 11. H. Jewell* Becfarter. Only S^fv ^v'v It Will Pay you To see and prices on OUR Goods. Make it your business to see these fore buying. We meet anybody's prices, quaity considered Let us prove it. Our shelves are af 1 fuil of new goods, which are ready for your inspection, such as dress goods, percale, calicoes, waistings, etc. Shoes of all kinds, men's and boys jackets, mens' and boys jackets, men's and boys work shirts, nice dress shirts, gloves and mittens, small and large, cheap and higher priced. We also received another car of furniture, which we invite your attention. Call and see whether you buy or not, We are always ready to «how you, we know that we can satisfy you as fas as price and quality is con cerned. Groceries Save money by spending it wisely. Good, pure food is always more economical even at a higher price than "cheap stuff." Quality is the main thing about our goods. People are alwavs glad to pay the trifle extra in price af ter once trying. Let us have your order. Tfflrrmfimnw—m——rrr"T^*—• aitiaaaiaaiiaTin mai merchar tiis$ of Worth can be had here and when we advertise bargain sales you may DE PEND upon in CETTINC bargains. Yours for Trade, THE GERMAN STORE, Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Slate and Crayons. Also full line of Copy Books and School Books. (Come in and see our line. PALACE DRUG STORE, R. C. D. HIGGINS, Mgr. Be Careful!!! And don't give a Second Mortgage when you make a Real Estate Loan. I can let you have money at 9% on one mortgage. R.JOSEPH MANN... WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. RESTAURANT WILLIAM ROST, Proprietor. New and Pirst-Class in Every Respect. .MEALS AT ALL HOURS, be: NEW FALL