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rl 1-^^f 1 Security Abstract & Loan Co. SOO TIME TABLE. —WEST BOUND— Daily except Sunday, 10:45 A. M. —EAST BOUND— Daily except Sunday, 4:40 P. M. E. C.'BUTLEB, Agt.Washburn, N.D. LOCAL NEWS Diamond Photographs 50c. doz. Lands, Loans, that's all. KLEIN LAND AGENCY W. F. Hogue went to St. Paul Monday on a business trip. Try the Merry restaurant when you want a square meal. J. A. Hyland left Monday on a business trip to the twin cities. He expects to be absent a week. Talk to R. M. Brown about that Lnmber Bill. Farmers & Merchant Lumber Co., Washburn, N. D. Commissioner Hultberg. O. A. Oberg and Joe. Mann were capital visitors a few days this week. The Hart Parr Gasoline traction plowing engine. Talk it over with J. G. Ness. Miss Esther Lind returned Mon day from a month's vacation spent at her uncle's home near Under- wood. $100,000 to loan—8 per cent. No commission—no delay—money advanced to prove up. Frank E. FunK. 1st Natl. BanK. Washburn. Mrs. Peterson is spending a few Weeks in Washburn at the home of her daughter Mrs. M. H. Sawyer. STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Lowest rates 6 different companies. F. E. FUNK 1st Nat. Bank,Washburn. N. D. Miss Blanche Thompson left last Saturday for a months visit with her parents at Lake Nebag annon, Wis. Why pay more, will get all the Real Estate money you want. P. E. Funk. 1st. Nat'l Bank, Washbnrn, N. D. Harry Hildebrand, assistant postmaster at Garrison, spent Saturday and Sunday in Wash burn having dental work done. Make your own terms on Farm Loans. See Frank E. Funk, 1st. National Bank, Washburn, N. D. F. F. Kaufman, principal of the Washburn schools, visited -his par ents in Dawson Saturday and Sun day returning Monday. $109,000 to loan—8 per cent •No commission—no delay—money advanced to prove up. FranK E. FunK, 1st Natl. BanK. Washburn. Tom Thompson went to Bis marck Tuesday to prove up on *a valuable claim near Gaines. He has lived on his claim for four years so expects to have no trouble in commuting. Our business is to loan money •Call or write First National Bank, of Washburn, N. D. Capital and surplus $40,000. Mrs. Henry Olson entertained the members of the Birthday Day club at her hospitable home Wed nesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in cards, after which a lunch was served. -?rv, VJ :«rf .« 'j.': r\ .* J! -.A'*-. 1 Wanted— A Ionian cook and a waitress at the Merry Restaurant. The Hart Parr Gasoline Plow ing engine is no untried equip ment and J. G, Ness & Co., sells them. A baby boy was born at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Sawyer Mon day morning. The doctor is setting up the cigars and candy. Coming to the Washburn opera house Monday, Mar. 11, the Lester Concert and Comedy Co. the show that made thousands laugh. Don't fail to see them. Watch, them, see them in oper ation up here this spring, They are eye openers at any time of the day. The Hart Parr. A. W. Carlson of Underwood was in Washburn on Tuesday. He says this cold spell will put the farmers back a few days with their spring work but will give them more time to haul grain to market. Rates have been reduccd on Farm In* surance in old reliable St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. FRANK E. FUNK, First Natl. Bank, Washburn. N. D. Two more Washburnites have been investing in isolated tracts being sold at the U. S. land office in Bismarck. Aug. Johnson bought 40 acres at $6.25 As you go through life save a portion of your money, The First National Bank, of Washburn with its $40,000 capital and surplus, is a safe depository. Ex-sheriff Gradin was in town Monday from his farm near Un derwood. From reports he is a busy farmer these days getting ready for the spring work, but en joys getting to town once in a while to meet old friends. He ex pects to put in a big crop and pre dicts a good season. Still better, you use cheap kero sene for fuel, the supply tank holds enough for a day's run, and two men handles the entire plow ing outfit. You bet, and J. G. Ness & Co. handles them. The following took out citizen's papers on Monday: Carl Littke, Maxwell Solomon Isaaak, Skog mo Jacob Isaak, Skogmo Karl Harr, Maxwell Geo. Hachholte, Wilton and Jacob Spieco, Max well. Sixty petitions have already been filed at the clerk of courts of fice for citizens papers to be given in June. Let the Mandan Mercantile Co. figure oil your lumber bill. It has again been proven that it pays to advertise. J. G. Ness, the machine man. received a letter the other day from a man living south of Minot, telling him that if he would meet him half way hewould purchase a Hart Parr engine, that he saw advertised in the Leader. Mr. Ness will leave for Minot in a few days. Jrt ft V, fv mm mmw. *3&wms.^ an acre, and C. E. Hilton 40 acres at £1.25. Before buying harness call al" the Mandan Mercantile Co., and inspect these special made harness Martha Young, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Young entertained a jolly party of six little girls at a birthday party on the 22nd. The afternoon was spent in games after which refresh ments were served and everyone made merry. The hostess was the recepient of many beautiful gifts. ,*'• »«*•-,., The county commissioners were in session this week. A lot of 2,000 six foot heavy fence posts for sale by J. G. Ness Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koth left last week to visit at the home of Mrs. Koth in South DaKota. They have not decided yet where they will locate. Lost— pocketbook, containing $22.50—one ten dollar bill. A re ward will be paid for return to Holtan's store. Miss Isabelle Knudtson has re covered sufficienty from Those who are thinking of buy ing heavy work horses in the spring, should read the ad on the page before purchasing. Wanted—gentleman or lady to travel for mercantile house of large capital. Territory at home or abroad to suit. If desirable the home may be used as headquarters Weekly salary of $1000 per year and expenses. Address Jos, A. Alexander, Washburn, N. D. Live Stock Insurance—F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Washburn The following teachers came in on the Soo from the north Thurs day to take the examination today: Misses Linn, Solberg, Foltz, Pat terson, Raftery, Kennedy, and Messrs Dugstad and Wessner. Lovers of music and comedy, don't fail to see the Lester Concert and Comedy Co. at the Washburn opera house Monday Mar. 11. FOR SALE—Owing to the fact that I cannot handle my business on account of sick i. ess, I desire to sell out my machine business at Mercer, N. D. I am the only deal er in town have a good shed and have a small amount of machinery left over from last year. This is a good proposition for anybody wish ing to start in this line of busi ness. For further particulars call or write to ,vffi S vr injft J- iw*' her Ben Wagnar, tf Mercer, N. IfMi-taasoIine Traction Plowing" Engines -Agi'i'i burnB to be able to live on her claim. She left Tuesday accompanied by her brother. For a Mill that separates wheat and oats from flax and does the work perfectly see J, G. Ness. Mrs. Edwards expects to leave for Bismarck today to receive med ical treatment. During her ab sence Mrs. J. G. Ness will have charge of the boarding house. The farmer who cares to have his crop put in the ground in the best shape possible always uses a Van Brunt single disc drill, Simple, strong, durable. See the Peterson Machine Co., before you buy your drill. The following persons made final proofs on valuable quarter sections of land in McLean County last-Monday: Ed Kittleson and Sigvart Erickson of Turtle Lake, EricK Larson Washburn, and Christ Dunker of Garrison. See J. G. Ness for a mill that separates succotash the best of any mill on the market. Drs. Sawyer |nd Hardaway, At torneys Hyland and Nuessle have moved into the new Haugeberg brie/,- block, which is nearing com pletion. When finished this will be the best business block in Mc Lean County and one of the best uii the Missouri slope. •)y!'iiiM.J.(W"lw!w,P»WWii' 1 -Are you sure the title to your land or lot is good?- Better have us send you an abstract and see for yourself. $2 or £3 spent now may save you a $1000 later on We have abstract of title to all real estate in McLean County. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Merry has been under the care of a doctor this week but is now on the road to recovery. Will Go on Your BQND. Frank E, Fank, 1st. Nat'l Bank, Washburn. North Dakota. L. S. Berlot returned Tuesday, from a business trip in the east where he has been buying spring goods and novelties for the store. The C. W. C.'s met :'with Miss Agnes Nelson Monday evening and enjoyed an unusually pleasant time at cards and with social chat. Get one of those famous Hoosier Drills from the Mandan Mercan tile Co. Word was received in town this noon of the sudden death of Wm. the 15th. Harris at Walla Walla Wash. No particulars were given in the tele gram but will undoubtedly have some before the next issue. WANTED—a competent, mid die aged COOK at once. Star Restaurant. During 1905 more than 150 Hart Parr engines were at work plowing from Canada to Texas and the most of them using kerosene for fuel with perfect success. Cheapest thing in North Dakota is good old line fire insurance. See F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank Washburn, N. D. It has long been recognized that a gasoline traction engine of rug ged and substantial construction would be the ideal Plowing engine and the Hart Parr is IT today. J. G. Ness & Co. sells them. SPRING GOODS Now on Display Come and see the nicest line of Dress S Goods ever shown on the Slope. 5 We mention a few: Appliques, Silk Lumozines Mj Silk Poplins, Paris Tissues, Taffetas, Linen I Shiffons, Kurson Silks, Dotted Muslins, Zeplurs Chiffons Organdies, Batesties, Etc. Etc The Ms Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated. COME EARLY and AVOID the RUSH S Hans Holtan &Sons Fresh bread at Merry's Lost—a kid glove, finder kindly leave same at the Leader office and receive reward. For Sale—a second-hand couch for .$'10. For further particulars call at this office. Mrs. Geo. L. Robinson came down from Coleharbor Monday on a short business trip. While in Washburn she was a guest at the FunA home. We have just received a lower rate on farm loans, the best com pany in the state. Call in and see us. Klein's Land Agency Invitations have been issued by a number of the young folks to a card and dancing party to be given at the Opera House the right of One 200-egg size Victor Incuba. tor for sale cheap. Inquire of Fred F. Koth Cid Taylor and Miss Julia Dale were married at Garrison last Tues day and left on the afternoon train for a short wedding trip. Cid is a brother of Commissioner TaylOr and is a member of the Taylor— Baldwin firm of Garrison. The Leader extends congratulations. Before making your loans, either Real estate or Chattel, see— First Nat'l Bank Washburn. Cap ital and surplus $40,000. O. C. S. Solem left on Monday for Texas where he was sent by the government to do some survey ing.. His many friends regret to see him go, put wish him success in his new undertaking and a safe return in the-fall, Heavy Plowing *':'VT '•""I Washbnrn, N. D. State of North Dakota I In County Court, County of McLean Before (J. Olgeirson, Judge. In the matter of the estate Clement Tibeau, deceased, Axex Tibeau. petitioner. vs. Rosa Freiberg, formerly Rosa Tibeau, Napoleon Tibeau, Mary Cheney jrinerly Mary Tibeau. Irving Nugcrl, Frank Nugent, Mary Nugent and Anna Nu gent and Li. M. Wallin, special guardian of Irving Nugent, Frnnli Nugent. Mary Nugent and Anna Nu gent, respondents. Citation bearing petition for appointment of administrator. The state of North Dakota to the above named respondents and all person interested in tiio estate of Clement Tibeau. diseased. You. and each of you, are hereby notified that Alex Tibeau the petitioner herein, has filed in this court his petition, praying that letter of administration upon the estate of Clement Ti beau late of the village of Underwood, in the county of McLean ana state of North Dakota, deceased, be granted to Alex Tibeau and thai the said petition will be heard and duly con sidered by this court on Monday, tbe fifteenth day of April A. D. 1907 al 2 o'clock in the after noon of that day. at the court rooms of this court, in the county court house, in the village of Washburh, county of McLean and statu of North Dakota, and vou, and each of yon, are hereby cited to be and appear before this court at said time and place, and answer said peti tion. and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. By the court: G. Olgeirson, Judge of the County Court- Dated the 28th day of Feb. A. D. 1901. Let the service of the above citation be made by publication in the Washburn Leader for three consecutive weeks, towit: on Mar. 1, Mar. service on leon Ti- car loads about 12 miles west of 7-147-86. U. Olgeirson, Judge. HORSES FOR SALE mm*- I 8 15 head of Iowa brood mares and farm chunks weigh g' from 1,250 to 1,550, will March 15, 1907, Garri'jon. NWJ E. A. Kennedy, Emmett. The Klein Bros, have sold the .! City Meat Mar/ret to two enterprise' ing young men of Ellis, Messrs"?-,, Southey & Bagnell. They took charge of the shop Tuesday. 8 8 Iiv -•. :4i mm I I .. 'M