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$&*• i$fbf %t'* if .j?* pjy iT f€" 4j-*r Notice of Sale. Notice is hereby given, that that certain mortgage executed and delivered by Johann Gohring and Uagdalena Gohring. his wife, mortgagors, to H. A. Jones, mortgagee, dated May first, A. D. 1905, and filed for record in the office of the Begister of Deeds in the County of McLean, and State of North Dakota, on the 28th day of June, A. D. 1903, and recorded in Book F8 of Mortgages at page 585, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the McLean County Court House, in Washburn, in the County of McLean, and State of North Dakota, at tho hour of two o'clock P. M, on the 24th day of Juno, A. D. 1907, to satisfy tho amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy tho same are described as fol lows. to-wit The south half of the north west quarter, and tho southwest.quarter of tho northeast quarter and lots two and four of Section four, in township one hundred forty eight north of range sevont-five west of the fifth Principal Meridian, in McLean County, State of North Dakota, together with all the hereditament- and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Such sale will be made subject to the balance of said mortgage remaining unpaid, and which said balance is Ninty-six Dollars, and is not now due: aud there will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of one hundred night dollars and eighty-live cents, (which sum iiicludos the sum or eighty-eight dollars uud forty-eight cents, paid by mort gagee for and ae tho principal and interest of «t\vo coupon iutvrest notes, representing' tlie in to rest upon a principal promissory note, secured by prior mortgage upon said premises, •which sum was paid In ilO set the interests of mortgagee in the mortgage herein foreclosed,) together with all tho costs —J J!~' of this foreclosure. ^ntod Mny 4th, A. D. 1907, C. W. Buttz, Attorney for Mortcasoe, Mlnnewaukan, N. D. Bids Wanetd. Notice is hereby piven that the Board of County Commissioners will receive sealed bids for tho furnishing of all materials and construc tion of three steel bridges to be built across tho braucbos of Douglas Creole northwest of the town of (jarrisont Plans and specifications on lilo in the Audi tor's ofliee. Successful bider will be required to give a satisfactory bond for faithful performance of contract. Kids will bo opened at 2 o'clock p. m. June 5, 1907. Proposals to be marked ''bids for steel bridges,"by order of the Hoard of County Com missioners. Hoard reserves right to reject any or all bids. O. B. W'ng. Auditor. Notice is hereby given that tho Board of County commissioners will receive bids bids for thegradingof a road thru slough on section line between seel ions 7 and 18 in Township I4G Rung" 71, such grading to bo done according to County Surveyor's plans and estimate now on lile in the County Auditor's ofliee. And bills to bo considered, by the board, mu»t givo the price per cubic yard for which tho bidder is willing to do the work*. The Commissioners reserves tho right to re ect any or all bids. AH bids submitted must bo sealed and marked "Bids for Grading" Bids will be opened June ."ith, 3907 at 4 o'clock p. ni. Tho successful bidder will be required to give a satisfactory bond for faithfull perfor mance of contract. By order of Board of County Commissioners. O. B. Wing, County Auditor. LIQUOR LICENSE OR TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a government tax receipt for special tax on the busiuess of retail liquor dealer was issued to Palace Drug Store, of Washburn, n. I., on July 12th A. D. lr 17, which said tax receipt is posted in the I' Drug building located on lot no. 19, block NO. 11 of village of Washburn, N. D., which said building is owned by Palace Drug Store, where said tax is posted, Dated the 13th day of May A. D. lf)7. Palace Dru? Store Holder of said government tax receipt. MANY WITNESSES CALLED 8enate Investigation of Brownsville Affair Resumed. Washington, May 15—The Investi gation by the senate committee on military affairs of the Brownsville shooting affray was resumed during the day. Thirty-three witnesses have been called, most of them at the re quest of Senator Warner, who is in charge of the administration sfde of the case, and it is expected that testi mony will be offered against the negro discharged soldiers. Heretofore prac tically all of the testimony has been in favor of the negroes. There is no indication how long the committee will be in session at this time, but it is be lieved that it will be for two weeks at least. Senator Foraker will continue bis active interest In behalf ft the dis missed negroes. Anarchist Act of Revenge. Frankfort- on- the- Main, Germany, May 15.—A bomb constructed out of a piece of thick gaspipe was exploded on the mantelpiece of the main room of the police headquarters at Offen bach. The outrage is supposed to be an act of vengeance by anarchists. The explosion did not injure anybody and did no damage to the building be yond breaking windows and causing plastering to fall. Seven Lines in Operation. San Francisco, May 15.—One hun dred and twenty-five cars were run on fieven lines of the United Railroads company, the Twentieth street line being added to those previously oper ated. Five hundred policemen were on duty along the various routes. There were no indications of trouble early in the day. TURKS~KILL PRISONERS. Capture Stronghold of the Bulgarian Bands. Berliu, May 22.—A- dispatch to the Frankfurter Zeitung from Salonica, European Turkey, says, that a detach ment of Turkish troops May 19 suc ceeded in capturing the stronghold of the Bulgarian bands In the Yenidje lake region. The Bulgarians lost fifty men, due, it is alleged, to the fact that the Turks killed their prisoners. The Turkish loss was seven men killed. The Bulgarians are threatening to destroy all the Greek and Turkish vil lages in the Yenidje district. •.% Bur'nham Case Postponed. Mew York, May 22.—On the testi mony of physicians that he is unable because of illness to appear in court the trial of Frederick A. Burnham, president of the Mutual Reserve Lite Insurance company, on a charge of forgery and grand larceny was be put on tumn. r^-^ sf '''"'J," & 'StrSwS and disbursements fu{m post poned without date by Justice Green baum in the supreme court It is •aid that the case will probably not the calendar before au Notices for Publication. Land Office at Bismarck. N. D. April IT, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five years proof in supportof his claim, and thatsaid proof will be made before G. O. Raugust, clerk of court, at. his office at Washburn, N, D. on the 10th day of Jane, A. D. 1907, viz: Henry J. Wiese, of Washburn, N. D., H. E. No. 16867, made April -21st, 1902 for the nwK, Sec. 20, Twp. 145 n, Rg. 80 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon Bnd cultivation of said land, viz: James /Roan, C. A. White, John Meyer, Clara Peterson all of Waahburn, N. D. 4-26 M. H. Jewell, Register. Department of the Interior.—Land Office at Bismarck. N. D. April-18,1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before G. O. Raugust, clerk district court, McLean Co. N. D. at washburn, N. D. on June 10, 1907, viz: Damase Gosselin, H.E. No. 14963, made Aug. 28,1901, for the e!4nw!4 and n!4ne£ Sec. 10-144 81. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: w. Pope, Stave Paisley, James Roan, Par A. Sundstrom, of washburn, N. D. 4-26 Bn H. A. Jones, Mortgagee, M. H. Jewell, Register. United States Land Ofliee, Bismarck, N. P. Anril 18.1907. Notice is hereby given that the following UC'aed settler has filed notice of his intention gmake final five year proof in support of his that said proof will be made before G. O. Raugust, clerk of the district «urt in and for McLcan county, stato of North. Dakota, at washburn, N, D., on June 10,1007. viz: Damase Gosselin. of washburt?, N. Dm 11. No. 14963 made August 28. 1801, for the nVt of neM awl oliuwH of See. 10, Twp. 144, Rg. 81 Ho namas tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: winslow Pope. Steve Paisley. P. A. Sundftrum and ivm. Paisley, all of wash bum, N. D. M. H. Jewell, Register. McCulloch & Gibson. Attorneys for Gosselin, washburn, N. D, Department of the Interior.— Land Office at Hismarck, N. D., Apr. 8,1907. Notice is hereby given that Ella Willis of Washburn, N. D.. lias filed notice of her inten tion to make final live year proof in support of her claim viz: Homestead entry No 14064, made April 11, 1901, for the nwK, Section 32. township 145 n, range 80w. and that said proof will be made before legister and receiver. U. S, land ofliee at Bismarck, N. D.. on May 31. 1907. She names the following witnesses to prove lier continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: M. A. Gorley, Henry J. Wiese, W. Willis, of Washburu, N. D. Robert Cot ton, of Wilton, N. D. 1-12 M. H. Jewell, Register. Department of the Interior.—Land Office at Bismarck. N. D., April 18,1907. Notico is hereby given that Elisabeta Muller, widow of Johann Muller, deceased, -of Mercer. N. !., has filed notice of her intention to make iinal live year proof in support of her claim, Homestead entry No. 16390 made March 25,1902 for the s". uw'.i and wVs sw'i Sec. 18, Twp. 145, Range 79, and that said proof will bo made be fore G. O. Raugust, clerk of the district court, at wnshburn, N. D., on June 13.1907. She names the following witnesses to pmvc her continuous residenco upon, and cultivation of. the land, viz: Johann Kelie Karl Goessele, George Bayer Ferdinand Singer, of Mercer. N. D. 5-3 M. H. Jewell, Register. Department of the Interior.—Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., April 18,1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before G. O. Raugust, clerk of district court, at Wash burn, on June 12,1907, viz: Theodore Krusch, H. E. No. 17354, made May 23,1S02. for the eH nw54 and wV4 of ne!4 of Sec. No. 32, Twp. 145, Range 79. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: wasyl Kauski, Simon Szelap, Asafat Krusch, Mike Krusch, of Mercer, N. D. 5-3 M. H. Jewell, Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., April 18, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final "five yar" proof in support of his claim and that said proof will made before G. O. Raugust, clerk of the district court, at his office at Washburn, N. Dak., on June 11, 1907, viz: Samuel B. Jennings, of Pace, N. Dak., H. E. No. 13951. dated March 14,1901, for the ne& of Sec. 20. Twp. 144, Range 80. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said, viz: R. E. Sharp, L. Lieb. Albert Hall, and Mrs. Mary Hilton, all of Pace, N. D. 5-3 M. H. Jewell, Register. Departmentfi'of the 'Interior.—LandXOffice [at Bismarck, N. D., April 18.1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in 'support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before G. O. Raugust clerk of district court, at Wash burn, on June 12,1907, viz: Asafat Krusch, H. E. 27103, made February 23, 1904, for the w/.nwH and wVi of swH of Sec. 32, Twp. 145, Range 79. He names the following witnesses to, prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Simon Szelap, Theodore Krusch, Mike Krusch, Wasyl Kanski. of Mercer. N. D. 5-3 M. H. Jewell. Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D. April 27, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make "commuted" final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore G. O. Raugust, clerk of the- district court, at his office at Washburn, N. D. on June 18, 1907. viz: Oscar Totdahl, of Turtle Lake, N. D., H. E. No. 28716. dated July 26,1904, for lot 6, and neK of swH of section 6, township 143, range 79. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Anton B. Iverson, Turtle Lake, N. d.: Lewis Baardson, Gilbert Thompson, andOle Sherdahl of washbnrn, N. ). 5-3 M. H. Jewell, Register. May 7 1907, toll. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D' Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make "five year" final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. L. Nuessle, a U. S. commissioner for the district of North Dakota, at his office at Wash burn, N. D., on July 3.1907, viz: Oscar O. Marty.-of Washburu, N. D., H. G. No. 15342. dated Nov. 13,1901 for the s.w.K of section 32, township 143. range 80. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Roan, Steve Paisley, Alexander White, and Winslow Pope, all of Washbunn, N. D. 5-17 M. H. Jewell, Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., May 7,. If 7. Notice is hereby given that, the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make "commuted" final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W. L. Nuessle, a U. S. commisaioner for the district of North Dakota, at his office at Wash burn, N. D., on July 5,1907, viz: Clara Peterson, of Washbnrn, N. D., H. E. No. 33228, dated March 5. 1906, for the s.e.K of section 18, township 145, range 80. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Lewis Peterson, John Philbriclc, Henry J. Weise, and Peter C. Weise, all of Washbnrn, N. D. 5-17 M. H. Jewell, Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N.D!. May 7, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the- following named settler has filed notice of his intontion to make five year" final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be. made before W. L. Nuessle, a U. S. commissioner: tor the district of North Dakota, at his office at Washburn, N. D., on July B, 1907, viz: Icheslaw Wolitarske, of Washbnrn, N* D.. H. E. No. 16967, dated March 22. 1902. lot the sH s.e.K and sH s.jr.34 of section 20, township 145, range 79. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cnltivation "'cliriatoph'Martin, Jacob Muller, and Tried rich „Thurn, Jr.. of, Wajhbnrn, N. !., .nv j- ?•. S 5# -F M?H?^ewel^Begiater. U.S. Land Office, Bismarck, n. D.. May 8. 1807. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make "five year 'final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. L- Nuessle, a U. 8. commissioner tor the dis trict of North Dakota, at his oQce at Wash burn, N. D.. on July 10.1907, viz: Andrew Wicklander, of Washburn, N. D., H.E No. 13992, made March 20,1901, for the eH.s.e.M,, s.w.H of s.e.K, s.e.H of s.w.X of Soction 26, township 144, range U. v. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Nels P. Carlson, Carl Fahlgreen, Isaac P. Larson, and Lorenz Fritz, all of Washburn, N.D. 5-17 M. H. Jewell, Begister. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, k. D. May 8,1907. Notice is hereby given that .the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make five year final proof in support of his olaim, and that said proof will be made before W. L. Nuessle, a U. S. commissioner for the district of North Dakota, at his office at Wash burn, N. D., on July 8,1907, viz: Johannes Keck, of Washburn, H. D., H. E. No. 27102. made Feb. 23,1904, for the nYt s.e.M, s.w.K of s.e.M, n.e.U of s.w.K of section 26, township 145, range 80." He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Kiemele, Turtle, Lake N. d„ Jacob muI ler, David Schlichenmayer. Jr., and Michael Sohlftth, of.Washburn, N. D, 3-17 Mi Hi Jewell, Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., May 8, the fol 1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of 'lUiention to jpake "five year n_. his claim, an« proof in support of UIiat said proof will be made be fore L. Nuessle, a U. S. commissioner for the district of North Dakota, at his office at Washburn. n.'d., on July 9,1907, viz: Michael Schlaht, of Was lu.-n, N. D.. H. E. no.' 163C6, made March ti. 190A lor tho n% s.e.K and eVa s.w.% of section 30, township 145, range 79. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Johannes Keck, David Schlichenmayer, Jr., David Schlichenmayer, Sr., and Icheslaw Wolitarske, all of Washburn, N, ». 5-17 M.4H. Jewell, Register. TJ. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N.D., May 8, 1907. Notice is hereby given-- that the following __ named settler has filed notice of his intention to make "five year" final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bofore W. L. Nuessle. a U. S. commissioner for the district of North Dakota, at his office at Wash burn. N. D.,on July 9,1907, viz: Fred A- Miller, of Washburn, N. D., H. E. No. 17290, made May 23.1902, for the s.e.!4 of section 32, township 145, range 79. He names the following witness^ to prove his cratinuous residonce upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Michael Schlaht, Jacob Miller, Icheslaw Wolitarske, and David Schlichenmayer, Jr., all of Washburn, N. D. 5-17 M. H. Jewell, Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., May 8, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice cf his intention to make "five year" final proof in support of his claim, and that'said proof will be made be fore W. L. Nuessle, a U. S. commissioner for the district-of North Dakota, at his office at Washburn, N. D., on July 8,1907, viz: Jacob Muller, Washburn, N. D., H. E. No. 16525, made April 10,1902, for the s.e.54 of n.wM, el-i s.w.!4 and s.w.H of s.w.iisection 24. town ship 145, range 80. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residonce upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Johannes Keck, Jdhn Kiemele, David Schlichenmayer, Jr., and Mathias Kiemele, all of Washburn, N. D. 5-17 M. H. Jewell, Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., May 8, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to mak»"five year" final proof in supportof his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. l. Nuessle, a TJ. S. commissioner for the dis trict of North Dakota, at his office, at Wash burn, N. D., on July 8,1907, viz: Friedridch Muller, of Washburn. N. D., H. E. NO. 16392, made March 25,1902, for the wJ4. n.eJ4 and s.e.Vi of h.w.Vi, and lot 2, section. 30, township 145, range 79. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: David Schlichenmayer, Jr., Icheslaw Wolit arske Christoph Martin, and Michael Schlaht, all of washburn, N. D. 5-17 M. H- Jewell, Register. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, n, d., May 13 1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make "five year" final proof in supportof her claim, and that said proof will be made, before W. L. Nuessle. a U. S. commissioner for the dis trict of North Dakota, at his office at Wash burn, N. D.,on July 11, 1907, viz: Maren Diesen, of Washbnrn, N. D. H. E. no. 13832, dated Feb. 14.1901, for the n.e.H of sec tion 12, township 145, range 82. She names the" following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Sheldon, Adolf Nilson, Mrs, Ericka Anderson, and. Oscar Anderson, all of Wash burn, N. D. 5-17 M. H. Jewell, Register. TJ. S. Land Office, Bismarck, n. d.. May 8, 1C17. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make "five year" final proof in supportof his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. L. Nuessle, a U. S. commissioner for the dis trict of North Dakota, at his office at Wash burn, N. D., on July 6,1907, viz: Frank M. Daniels, of ,Conklin, N. d., H. E. no. 16529, dated April tenth, 1097, for the sM s.e.H and sH s.w.M of section 8, township 144, range 83. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cnltivation of said land, viz: Ed. Fnerst,' and William F. Deapke, of Conklin, N. D., and John O. Johnson,' and Lewis Johnson, of Washburn, n. d. 5-17 M.H. Jewell. Redstar. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, n.D., May 8,1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make "five year" final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. L. Nuessle,a TJ. S. commissioner for the dis trict of North Dakota, at his office at Wash burn, N.D., on July 8,1907, vlk: Wilhelm Wagner, of Washbnrn, N. D., H. E. No. 17449, made May 23,1902, for the eV4 s.w.M, lots 84, section 18, township 145, range 79. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz Johannes Wagner, Fnedrich Thurn, Jr., John Thurn, anaAdolph Schauer. all of Wash burn, N. D. 5-17 M. H. Jewell, Register TJ. S. Land Office, Bismarck, N. D., May 20,1907. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make "commuted'.' final proof in supportof his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. L. Nuessle, a TJ. S. commissioner for the dis trict of North Dakota, at bis office- at Wash burn,!?. D., on July 13. K)7, vis: Mathias Kiemele of Washburn, N. D., H. B. .... .. q| to prove his continuous residence upon and .cultivation of said land, vis: Pan Kuk,'Johannes Keck, David Schlichen mayer, Jr., and Michael Schlaht, all of Wash KU»jrvr«w*M burn, NrD, 5-24 M. H. Jewell, Begister. U. S. Land Office, Bismarck, x. D. May 15.1907. Notice is herebygiventhht^ the foUowing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final "oommutod" proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W. L. Nuessle. a JT. 8. commissioner lor the-distrkt of North Dakota, at his office at Washbnrn. N. D. on July 12,1»7. vis: Lettie Frits, of Washburn, N, D., H. E. No. 38908, dated Aprils, M06, f(W the sM s.e.J4 ud nVw.KofsAKand s.w.S of n.e.H of section 12, '"she nMira'the^llowing witnesses to Drove her oootinupos reeidenoe opon and cultiva tion of Midland, vtoj. N.^», lander, of Washbnrn. 6-24 Ave ^^9 M, H. Jewell, Begister. V.B.Mon*.Bi«^k,N.D.. Mair 15.MOT. I SUMMON*. v" wotice is hereby given that the following "fie^names the following, witnesses to Pjpre his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Rains. Charley Findley, Robert Paisley, and Harvey Graham, all of washburn. N. D. 5-24 M. H. Jewell, Register. In District Court of the United States for th Distriot of North Dakota. ... In the matter of, Mike Eisenreich, bankrupt... IN BANKKtJPCTV, To the creditors of Mike Eisenreich of Dogden in the County of McLean and district afore said, a bankrupt:— Notice is hereby given that on May 10th ,1907, the said Mike Eisenreich was duly adjuaicteu bankrupt and that the first meeting of his Creditors will be held in the office of Got L. Wallace in Fargo, n. s.,.on May 24th 1907, at ten o'clock a. m., at which time the_ ereditors may attend, prove their claim, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before such meeting. Dated May 13th 1907. Guy L.wallace Referee in Bankruptcy. Summons- State of North Dflkota, In County of McLean, S Sixth Judicial Trust Company (a corporation) Frank P, Hawkins Enos Ar nold B. S. Brynjolfson: Bank of Minot (a corporation) A. B. Suptill, Receiver of the Bank of .• Minot: Howard R. Moore and E. V. Hoffman, and all other per sons unknown claiming any estate or interest in or lien or in cumbrance upon the property described in tne'complaint and their unknown heirs, iefen dants. Tho State of North Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the co^plaTnt !y0Ur South half, of the south-east quarter, of Sec. nineteen, and the north half or the north-east ared uarter of section thirty, in township one hun fifty, range seventy seven, (sH s.e.M of Sec. 19: nH n.e.J4 of Sec. 30, Twp. 150, Bge. 77, McLean Co., N. D.) Such sale will be made subject to the balance of said mortgage remaining unpaid, and which said balance is $100.00, and is not now due. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of, one hundred two, and 33-100 dollars, ($102 & 83-100) (which sum includes the sum of $37.80 paid by the mortgage for and as principal and interest of one coupon interest note representing the interest on a principal promissory note, secured by prior mortgage on said premises, and the sum of $18.33 taxes on said premises for the year of 1906, which sums were paid by the mortgagee in the mortgage herein foreclosed, to protect his interests,) to gether with all of the costs and disbursements of this foreclosure. Dated at Harvey, N. d.this17th, day of May 1907. Bessesen A Berry, J. W. Yelland, Attys. for Mortgagee .Mortgagee Harvey, North Dakota. 5-24 Citation Hearing Petition for Appoint ment ofj Administrator. State of North Dakota) In County Court, JCounty of McLean Before O. Oigeirson. Judge. In the matter of the estate of Taylor W. Mor gan deceased. Kendrick E. Morgan, petitioner, VS. All persons interested in the estate of Taylor w. Morgan, deceased. Respondent. Notice and citation, hearing of final' account and distribution of estate. The state of North Dakota to the above named respondents: You, are hereby notified that the final account of the executor of the estate of Taylor W. Mor gan -late of the town of -Winfleld in the county of Herkimer and state of New York, deceased, has been rendered to this court, therein show ing that the estate of said deceased is ready for final settlement and distribution, and petition ing that his account be allowed, the residue of said estate be distributed to the persons there unto entitled, his administration olosed and he b? discharged that Monday, the 5th day of August A. D. 1907, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, in the court house, in the village of Washburn, county of McLean and state of North Dakota, has been duly appointed by this court for the settlement thereof, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear ana file his exceptions, in writing, to. said ac count and petition and contest the same. And yott, the above named respondents, and each of you, are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before this court, and showxause, if any you have, why said ac count shall not be allowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the administration of said estate closed and said Kendrick E. Morgan, Executor of the estate of Taylor W. Morgan, de ceased, discharged. Dated the |8th day May A. D. 1907. [Seal] $%$$$ By the court: fejjrrS-gS G. Oigeirson, fl. namedsetUerhwllledn^eeof££££$»,£ Countyof McLean make "five Tear" final proof •p.---•-r claim, and that said proof will be madebefore w.L. Nuessle, iD.S. commissioner for the dis trict of North Dakota, at his office at Wash bum, N. D.. on July 12,1907, vis: Ed Ridnour, of Washbnrn, N.D., H. E. No 16006, dated April 22 19®, for the «K .nw.Ki n.e.Ji of s.w.K, lot S, section 18, township 144, A Andrew Fahlgren, Plaintiff. vs. North Dakota Title Insurance and District. iuThis'action and to serve a copy of answer upon the subscribers at their office in Washburn, North Dakota within thirty (30) days after the service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by the de fault for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated April 3d, 1907. Hyland & Nuessle, Attys. for Plaintiff, Washburn, N. D. To the above named defendants: You will please take notice that the sum mons and complaint in this action has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the district court of McLean County, N. I'. on the 8th day of May 1907 and that the action is brought for the pur pose of quieting title to the southwest quar ter (s. w. H) section twelve (12) township one hundred and forty-four (144) north of range eightv-three (83) west 5th principal merdiau, McLean County. 5-10 Hyland & Nuessle. Attys. for Plaintiff, Washburn. N. D. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Koto ««.1E land, mortgagee dated the 18th, day of Febru ary, A. D. nineteen hundred and five (1905) and filed for record in the office of the Begister of seeds of the county of McLean, and state of North Dakota, on the 21st, day of March A. D. 1903, and recorded in book B4 of mortgages, at page 167, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such- mortgage and hereinafter described at the fr6nt door of the courthouse in the village of Washburn, in the countv of McLean, afid state North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., on the 29th, day of June 1907, to satisfy the amount due upon said mort gage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the county of Mc Lean, and state of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit:. Judge of the County Court. Let service of the above citation be made by publication in the Washbnrn Leader published at Washburn, McLean county, n, D., four times to-wit: May 24 31: June 7, and 14,1907. 5-24 O. Oigeirson. Judge. Hyland ft Nuessle, Attys. for. Executor, i^rsOSsr^SS jS a® PW$i Washbnrn, N. 1). In the district court of the United 'States for the district of north Dakota. In the.matter of John aisenreicli, bankrupt. IN BANKBVPTCT. To thejereditorsof John Eisenreich of Bogden, in the county of McLean and district afore ttiid, a bankrupt: .. Niptice is hereby given that on May 10th, 1907 the said John Eisenreich was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and' that the first meeting of his creditors will be held in the office or Guy l. Wallace in Fargo, n. D. on May 24th, 1907, at-ll o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the ereditors may attend, prow their claim," apt point a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact soch other business as mar properly eome before Bach meeting. Dated May 43th,1907T 5-17 Guy L. Wallace, Beferee in Bankruptcy, vMth Dakota IIn District Court, The Goal Harbor dumber Co, a corporation, PlaintlH. Rosa Friburg, FrankFribuw, C. R. Lahart and C. w. Mcjiray, Defendants. The state of worth Dakota to the above named A Youarehereby summoned each of you, to Answer the complaint in the above entittea ac ttonT of which a^copy is te'eto-anne:nd, imd herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint oil the subscriber at his office in said county and state, within (30) thirty day days after the service of this si exclusive of the day of such«®®' dZ^\Vw^rn.feh ®.nLJR case of your failure to answer, judgment Jwill be taken against you, by default, for the relief Dakota, this 10th day of April, A. D. 1907. oigeirson, Attorney for Paintm. Postoffice address, washburn, N. D. The complaint in the above entitled action was filed with the clerk of the district court in and for McLean county. North Dakota, on tae 18th day of April A. D. 1807, G. Oigeirson, Attorney for Plaintiff, washburn, N. D. The above entitled action is brought for the purpose of foreclosing a mechomc lien upon the premises described as lot seven of block one of the town of Underwood, McLean county, N. Dak G. Oigeirson, 4-19 Atty. for Plaintiff, washburn, N. D. 06NTES5 NOTlOfi Department of the Interior, United StBtes Land Office, Bisaiarok, N. D. December 14,1907. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this effice by Axel Peterson. Contestant against homestead entry No. 20681, made No vember 13,1902. for swM section 32, township 145, range 74, by Eward J. O Meara contestee, in which it is alleged that said Edward J. O'Meara has wholly abandoned and changed his residence from the said land for more than six months last past that such default still exists said alleged absence not due to his em ployment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of war: Said parties are hereby notified to appearT re spond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a.m. on June 18,1907, be fore the register and receiver at the U. b. land office at Bismarck, N. 1. The said contestant having, in a proper alti davit filed Apr. 18,1907, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal ser vice of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be by due and proper publication. 5-3 giveD John Satterlund, Receiver. A. T. Patterson, Attorney for Contestant, Bismarck, North Dakota. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office. Hismarck, N. D. April 26,1907. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office bv Otto Denker, Garrison, N. D., contestant against Charles E. wasson, entry NO. 26211. made Oct. 24.1903, for e% n\v!4, nV4 swku section 20,1 town 148. ranee 85 by Charles wasson. contostee, in which it is alleged that suidclaimant has wholly abandoned said land for more than six months last past: that he has failed to cultivate or reside tuereou as re quired by law that default still exists, and tnat said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment iu the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine, dur ing the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may bo engaged Karl Klein, a notary public, at his olhce at washburn, N. D. (and that iinal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 22, 1907,_ be fore) the register and receiver at tli£t United States land office in Bismarck, N. p. The said contestant having, in a Droper affi davit filed April 24 1907. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 5-3 M. H. Jewell, Register. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Devils Lake, N. D., April 17,1907. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this ofliee by Math weber. contestant, against James R. Terrill, entry NO. 29990, made October 23,1902, for southwest quarter, of the northwest quarter (swK nwkj of section 17, township 150 n,. range 75 w, by James B. Terrill, contestee, in wicn it is alleged that said entryman has wholly abandoned said tract and changed his residence therefrom for more than six months prior to January 18,1907, he has not established his residence thereon that said tract remains in its natural state, wholly abandoned and un imjproved that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to"his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of tne Unitee States as a privated soldier, officer, seaman or marine during the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United States may oe engaged and the said contestant is ready to prove said allegations, and therefore said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Julv 10th, 1907, before C. F. Schaefer a notary public, at his office, in the village of Anamoose, N. o. (and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 17th, 1907, be fore) the register and receiver of the United States land office in Devils Lake, N. D. The said contestant having in a proper affi davit, filed April 22, 1907, set forth facts to show that after due diligence personal serviee of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. M. H. Brennan, Register.- Record address of contestee, Anamoose, N. D. G. S. wooledge. Atty. for contestant, Anamoose, N. D. 5-3 State of North Dakota,) County of McLean. In County Court, Before Hon. G. Oigeirson, judge. In the matter of the estate of Clement Tibeau deceased. -o Alex. Tibeau, petitioner. viz: "vr Rosa Freiberg, formerly Rosa Tibeau, Napolean Tibeau, Mary Chalney, 'formerly Mary Tibeau, Irving Nug ent, Frank Nugent, Mary Nugent, Anna Nug ent and L. M. wallin, special guard ian of IrvingNugent, Frank Nugent, Mary Nugent and Anna Nugent, ,. Respondents. Citation Hearing Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The state of North Dakota to the above named respondents and all persons interested in the estate of Clement Tibeau, deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that Alex. Tibeau the petitioner herein, has filed in this court his petition, praying that letters of administration upon, the estate of Clement Tibeau late of the village of Underwood and* the county of McLean and state of North Dako ta, deceased, be granted to Alex. Tibeau and that the said petition will be heard and duly considered by this court on the8th day of June A. D. 1907, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the court rooms of this court in the vil lage of washburn, county of MoLean and state of North Dakota, and you, and each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear before this court at said time and place, and answer said petition, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should a By the court: ro ,:G. Oigeirson [Seall Judge of the County Court. Dated the 29th day of April, 1907. "Let the service of the above citation be made by publication in the washburn Leader for Se'state of "North Dakota.811'8 5-3 resWing wttUn G. Olgeirsn, Judge of the County Court. Notices for Publication. Department of the Interior.—Land Office at Bismarck, N.D., Aprill8,1907. Notice is hereb named settler has to make final five liven that the following notice of her intention JO make nnal five years proof in support of her W l'NS^^ ap/?°f wi.1Ill® made K'on®^9OT%S?mml88iol,er before at Wash- Christina Sckatz. widow and lieir of Albert ®j§o. 20041, made October oWwSOw.®SW4ofSec'No.14,Twp. 145 n, i^^e names the foUowing witnesses to prom *.H. Jewell, Register. ContestNotice.* DepartmenVof tte Interior.•V.B.-'tmaA Office. Devils Lake, North Dakota, Feb. 25,1907. A sufficient contMt affidavit having been filed iivan, ccmtgstee, in^whichiijisiUegiMlthat said 1M»' ne Sullivan has wholly .abandoned' said for more than six .month last part, and has wholly failed to establiak hte residence upon said land-, has wholly failed to cultivate or otherwise lmprovesaid landortobuildthereon a dwelling house or other building, which de. fault still exists, and that said alleged absence from the said land was not, due to his employ ment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States as a .private soldieir, officer, sea manor marine, during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the U. 8. may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touchimr said allegation, at 10 a. m. on June 1st, 1907. be. fore Henry Barts, a notary publico, at his offlek A Mnmnnco UAHAIITO Arain^u m., on June oin, iwi oeiorei ine register and re' ceiver at the U. S, land office in pevils Lake, n, That said contestant, having in a proper afft davit filed March_ 11th, 1907, set fortn facts which show that after .due doe diligence, per sonal service of this notice cannot be mad£ it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given due and properpublication. 3-29 O. Js. Serumgard, Register. Record address of contestee Balfour, k. d. State of North Dakofc, I a County of McLean In County Court, Before Hon. G. Oigeirson, Judge, Louisiana G. Maxfield, Petitioner, vs. To all persona interested in the above estate, Rospondebts. Notice and Citation, Hearing of Pihal Account and Distribution of Estate. The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents: You are hereby notified that the final account of Louisiana,G. Maxfield, executrix of tho estate of William T. Maxfield, late of the city of St. Paul, in the county of Ramsey and' state* of Minnesota, deceased, has been rendered to this court, therein showing that the estate of said deceased is ready for final settlement and distribution, and petitioning that this account be allowed, the residue of said estate be distri buted to the persons thereunto entitled, hit administration closed and he be discharged that Monday the 3d day of June, A," D. 1907. at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, in the court house in the village of Washhjirn, county of McLean and state of North DaRota, "Has been duly ap pointed by this court for the settlement there of, at which time and place any person inter ested in said estate may appear and file his ex ceptions, in writing, to said account and pcti .tioii and contest the same. And yon. the above named respondents, and each of you, are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before this court and show cause, if any you have, why said ac count shall not be allowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the administration of said estate closed and said executrix discharged. Dated the 3d day of April A. D. 1907. By the court: -[Seal] G. Oigeirson, Judge oft he county court. Notice of Real Estate Foreclosure Sale. Notice is hereby given that, that certain mortgage executed and delivered- by H. E. Dale and N.C. Amundsbn, mortgagors, to North Star Lumber Company, dated the 17th day of May, A. D. 1906, and filed for record in the of fice of tho register of deeds~of the county of Mc Lean and state of North Dakota", on the 19th day of May A. D. 1906, at 8:35 o'clock a. m. and recorded in book 8 of mortgages, at 'page 111. will be foreclosed by a selling of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in Washburn. county of McLean and state of North Dakota at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the 25th day of May, 1907, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale and the amount which tne said mortgagee have paid Out in pro tection of their mortgage being) for insurance taxes and the balance due on the purchase price of the premises herein described, and the interest thereon. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are de scribed as follows towit: Lot two (2) of block eleven (11) of the town of Garrison, county of McLean and state of North Dakota, and all the buildings upon said lot There will be due" on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of seven hundred twenty fivo and 71-10C (3725.71) dollars, and also the further sum for insurance, taxes and the bal ance due on .the purchase price of said lot which the said mortgagee 'had to pay out for the protection of their mortgage, the sum of three hundred forty-five and 96-100 ($345.98) dol lars,-together with statutory costs and attor ney fees. Dated April 2,1907. North Star Lumber Compaiiy, mortgagee. Johnson & Fraser,"" Attorneys for Mortgagee, Garrison, McLean Co., N. D. Notice of Mo*t(age Sale By Advertisement. Notice is hereby given, that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Mrs. Louisa Olson, morteagor, toF. B. Silverwood, mortgagee, dated the 26th day of December A D. nineteen hundered'and five and filed for rec ord in the office of the register of deeds of the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, on the 27th day of December A, D, 1906, and re corded in book F-10 of mortgages, at pape 291, will be foreclosed-by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the courthouse in the village of washburn, in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at the hour of. 10 o'clock a. m. on the fourth day of June, 1907, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the county of Mc Lean and state of North Dakota, and described as follows to-wii :The south-east quarter(se!4)of section eight (8) in township one hundred four ty-fonr (144) north of range eighty (80) west of the fifth principal meridian. There will be due on such mortgage at the date df sale the sum of Three hundred fifty-one and 80-100 ($331.80) dollars, besides statutory attorneys fees and costs of foreclosure and sale.. Dated at washbnrn, N. d, this 17th day of April 1907. F. B. Silverwood, Hyland St Nuessle. Mortgagee. Attorneys for Mortgagee! washburn N. d. Notice of Heariaf Heirihip. State of North Dakota,) County of McLean. Dated at washburn, N. d. this 17th day of April, 1907. By the court? [Seal] G. Oigeirson, I -'•I #5 V-^-: 4. .'v. ^1 •'.01 a Pctlfloa to Eitablish In County Court,.'? Before Hon. G. Oigeirson. Judge. In the matter of the estate of George Schwager, deceased. Jurgen Schwager, petitioner. 'vs.'-.. All persons interastatiin the estate ofGeorge Bchpager, deceased, Ess*--.-. Notice of Hearjdg PaMtipn to Establish Heir ship. The state of Nortlt'Dakota to the above named respondents, ana allpersons interested in the estate of George Schwager, deceased. NotFce is hereby given, that Jurgen Schwager has filed in the county court of said, -:\. county of McLean a duly verified netitldn praying for a de cree establishing the right of succession to the estate of George"Schwager, deceased, and that. to! July 1907, at 10o'clock a day, of a regular term illage of Monday, the first daJ» a. m. of said day, being a day of this court, towit: ofthe July term A..D. 1907^ Dakota, at the county court room in the vii washburn,county df McLean, North has been set by order of this court as the time and place for hearing said petition. At whicn said time and place any: and. all persons interested may appear and show cause why the prayer of sua petition' should not bo granted.. Judgeofthe oounty court. Hyland it Nuessle, Attys. ftir Petitioner. To washburu Leader. .t Please publish in washburn Leader on Apru 19,26, May 8,1907. Let the .service of the above citation be mad» by publication. G. Oigeirson, 4-19 [Seal] .• Judge. MtttttttCnMiri. In the matter of the estate of Henry Robeck, HenryRobeekilateofjQocidrich. in theopuw inontii* Itfter the fi.rst imbl^tlop of •sa a3WffrJ! A: ••Is