Newspaper Page Text
1 1^ '•Ss^ \s 1 *1 V' 1 *_«& PROCEEDINGS. OF £HE BOABD OP (on nty Commissioners^ of Turtle Lake, as fixed and estab lished by us, are as follows: Beginning at the southeast cor ner of section 36, township 147 Dated this 9th day of May, 1907 Hans Hultberg, Frank Putz, T. R. Taylor, County commissioners in and Attest: for McLean Co., N. D. [Seal] O. B. Wing, Auditor in and for McLean Co. Resolution No. 2. The following resolution was moved, seconded, and carried, all voting Aye: Reserved, that the salary of the deputy register of deeds be and the same is hereby fixed and al lowed at the sum of $100 per month, to be paid monthly, and that the auditor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the proper funds for said salary. 1 1 1 1 1 Hans Hultberg. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, all voting Aye: Whereas there is now a vacancy in the office of county surveyor by reason of the resignation of O. C. 8. Solem, now therefore be it re solved that Robert L. Fraser be and hereby appointed to the office of surveyor in said McLean Co., N. D., for the balance of the un expeired term of said office. Hans Hultberg, Resolution No. 3. The following resolutions was passed, all members of the board voting Aye: Whereas, by an oversight in re ceipting for taxes on lot 6, block 4 town of Wilton, McLean county, North Dakota, for the year of 1905 the owners of said property offered payment of all taxes and that said premises for the remainder of said taxes delinquent, and whereas the owners have offered to pay the principal amount of said taxes without interest and penalties. Now therefore be it resolved that said offer accepted and that a war rant be drawn for the penalty and interest to be refunded to the pur chaser of said tax sale. Hans Hultberg. Resolution No. 4. The following resolution was ON SALE JUNE IST From Twin Cities Albany, N. S20.M Wl.S® Boston, Mass 2I.N 33.90 Montreal, Que lt.M 31.59 New Yoft, N. Y... 2t.M Ofeasbttrg, N. Y..- 19.M 39.95 Ottawa* 0«t 19.99 3o-o5 QaebeCf Que IMo 3Mo Toronto* Oat. •. .19.00 tt.o Other Points in Porportion. Write for particulars to W. R. Callaway General Passenger Agent MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. S »f- ar SV $&+*>,. *K a *r £»1 M* H» 7 i, range 81 w, thenee west on the township line to the southwest corner of section 31, township ami tange as aforesaid, thence north on the range line to the northwest corner of section 6, township ami rapge as aforesaid, thence east the township line to the northeasi corner of section 1, township and range, as aforesaid, and thence south along the range line to the southeast comer of section 36, of township and range of aforesaid and the point of beginning. passed, a ll members of board 'K Aye. Whereas it is necessary for the agister of deeds of McLean Co., N. D., to employ four clerks in ad dition to the head clerk to assist in the office of said register of deeds, an-1 whereas it is a great ia ronvenience for said clerks to pre sent their bills for services. Now then, be it resolved that upon writ ten order of' the register of deeds of-said to the auditor of said coun ty, the said auditor is hereby authorised to issue Warrants for payment of said clerfcs at the rate of $50 per month. Bids Wanted. '1 »V'"•'•' 4 vot-• Hans Hultberg. On motion the following bills were allowed, Frank Putz, services as com missioner and mileage... .44 00 Hans Hultberg services as commissioner and mileage. 28 60 Theo. R. Taylor, service as commissioner and milage.31 00 On motion board adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock p. m. June 4th, 1907. O. B. Wing, For Sale. Auditor. One Herford bull, nearly full blooded, weight about 1600 lbs, build. Will sell cheap for cash. Age 5 years. For particulars [in quire at Hans Holtan & Sons, Washburn, N. D. Btds For Scrapers. the the Bids will be received by Sverdrup School District for erection of a school house on sec tion 11, up to May 25th. Bonds to accompany bids. Plans and speci fications can be seen at the Lead er Office and at Christ Nelson's. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. H. Olsen, Clerk. Notice is hereby given that bids, will be opened at the offiice of the County Auditor on the 4th day of of June at 2 o'clock, p. m. for furnishing the County with 24 slush scrapers and 12 wheel scrap ers, said scrapers being for immediate delivery. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Hans Hultberg, Chairman of Board of County Commissi oners. Bids for Lignite CoaL which time they will be opened in the office of Secretary of State, and the contrsot awarded. All bids should be addressed to Alfred Blaisdell, Secretary of the Board, and marked "Bids for Coal" on the envelope. Dated at Bismarck, N. D., this Seventh day of May, A. D., 1907. Alfred Blaisdell, Sec. State, Ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Puolic Property. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of Public pro perty will receive bids for 1500 tons of screened, lump lignite coal, or so much thereof as shall be necessary for one year, beginning June 1st, 1907, and ending June 1st, 1908. Said coal to be deliver ed during the year from time to time in such quantities as needed. Bids will be received up to eleven' j^^irayof OlivetTs. D., and odock a. m. of June 1st, 1907, at Notice To Clean Up. All property owners of the village of Washburn are, hereby notified to remove all manure and rubbish from their premises and the public alleys at once. This must be attended to by June 1st. By order of the Tillage Board. Theo. Serr Village Clerk. 1 "•OV'Jr VI 1 1 *j___ u'Wy" ^M$stj§® THE COME AGAIN Always Something New SUESINE, SILK Silk you read so much about in all the ladies* Journals. We hav^just received some. Special for Sat. JUNE 1st T_ We still have left a few pieces of Japanese drawn work linens which we will close out on the above date at a dis- count of per ten Just think you can save one-fourth of its actual value 9 Special Sale of Lace Curtains for Above Date Only. yds. long and 28 inches width each, for this Sale, only per pair CwH IS How does this Price Compare With Catalog houses? Lace Curtains 3-yards. long, worth $1.00 for this sale, only per pair... Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, worth $2.00 for this sale, only per pair... Lace Curtains, 34 yards long, worth $2.25 for this sale, only per pair... Lace Curtains, 3i yards long, worth $2.75 for this sale, only per pair... Lace Curtains, 3£ yards long, worth $3.75 for this sale, only per pair... Lase Curtains, 3h yards long, worth $5.75 for this sale, only per pair... To make this sale Stronger, We will sell all Our L. L. MAY'S Garden Seed for 3 cts. a package da June first Only Additional Locals. Everybody come to Washburn, and celebrate the fourth. STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Lowest rates 6 different companies. F. E. Have your photographs on Post Cards. ••*.." Talk to R. M. Brown about thai Lumber Bill. Farmers & Merchant Lumber Co., L. S. BERLOT, WASHBURN, N. D. Washburn, N. D. Married—On Wednesday after noon, May 22.1907,, at Bismarck, occurred the marriaige of Miss Mr, Alex. Miller of Garrison, N. D. Miss Bray is no stranger to North Dakota having proved up on a claim near Garrison, a year ago. She is a young lady of pleasing manner and has made-many warm friends during her stay in this state, who will welcome her return into their midst. Mr. Miller is a business man of Garrison and has property Interests there. The young couple will make their future home at that place. .Miss Bray will be remembered by Wash burn people' has having recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Smith. Registered Percheorn Stallion, "Fridtjof," No. 40873. Will stand for publio service at Rhorer's Barn lor two months- For^terms in quire :$t Rhorer's barn. Ole Everson, Washburn, N. D. km /TAHi $1.50$ $1.75 $2.00 $2.75 $4.75 Teachers' Exaojjiiation. Punk 1st Nat. Bank.Washburn. N. D. Farm Loans—Low rate of interest with optional payments on princi pal at any time. Call on or write G. O. Raugust. The case of the State against Gray is up for trial before Judge Eneeshaw in Bismarck to-day. State's Attorney Nuessle is being assisted in the prosecution by At torney Skulason who was engaged by the county commissioners while Attorneys McCulioch and Gibson are for the defendant. Notice is hereby given that a regular teachers' examination will be held at McClusky and at Wash burn on Friday, May 31, 1907, beginning at 9. a. m. A Henry C. Olson Strayed or Stolen. One brown mare 9 years old, branded 5E on hipr one coming 2 year-old and one bay mare, all branded on right shoulder. Will pay £10 for information as to their whereabouts. H. L. Henke, Mandan, N. D. Go to Mail Order Houses, Co. Let the Mandan Mercantile fi jure on your lumber bill. If you are in the market for land, don't buy until you have looked over our list, it is very complete, and the prices are al ways right, and terms to suit all buyers. Anderson Land Agency Coleharbor, N. D. Jo Post card views of Washburn. Genuine photographs 10c eaoh -3 for 25c. Forbes Drug Store Wanted—A good strong able* bodied man with a family, and a little money, to buy land on the crop payment plan from the Anderson Land Agency, Cole harbor, N D. Diamond Photographs 50c. doz DON'T READ THIS, and if you don't, forget that you can get the lowest rate in farm loans at the Klein Land Agency. try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for Rheumatism.. Mr. J. W. Jamison, a merohat of Newport, Iowa, says: "I have sold Chamberlain's Pain Balm for several years and have reoomended it for neuralgia aud rhematism, as well as for more common pains, and it has given good results. I ill more of it than any other liniment I cary and oheerfallyj recommend it to the public.. Ft* sale by. all druggists. w hsm. Sell your farm products for oash whenever you can in your home town, and send the money to us for goods. When you want help or credit call on your home merchant, send your cash to the mail order houses. Brag up qur goods to a few of your friends* on the quiet and induce them to buy goods from us, we have room for more money. Apply to your home town for improvement of the roads so you can conveniently haul home our goods from the depot. We do not make country roads. When you want to improve your country churches, collect all the. money you can from your home mer chants. We get more money from you than your home merchants'do, but it is against our rule to donate to your churches. If you are sick, have an accident, or in any way are in unfortunate cir cumstances, so you should need a little credit for the necessaries of life, apply to your home merchants, or let some one go to them All, with a subscription list, for we don't know you then. ex. W. A. P. Dr. Charest Coming: Dr. Charest, the Fargo specilist* who is making regular visits to this place is one of the most skill ful doctors in the state. People who have been ailing for years are quickly cured by his new system of treatment. No cases seem to be too difficult for him to under stand, and when his directions are followed his patients surely re cover their health. See h's announcement in another column. Dr. Charest's next visit here will be May. 31, Friday at leading Hotel. Constipation. For constipation there is noth ing quite so nice as chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels without any dissagreeable effect. Price, 25 cents, gamples free. Sold by all druggists. GLASSES FITTED Our Optical Parlors Are Open with Mr. W. H. L. BENNETT Consulting Specialist. No Operations No Drags We remove the cause and the trouble disap pears. That's logic, isn't it? We searched six months to find a man quali fied for the resposible position of caring for your eyes and fitting you properly with Glasses, and makipg for tis a success of the optioal business, f'This iaiacold Bu^ttw^awpositfon," we exchange experiance and practical knowledge for your .cash and guarantee results m1 iiMj^ +*r- J,mMO OOK -J. --'iisS- Jewelers and Opticians, Bismarck SCUFFLE HOES. Thejr Art Specially Adapted For Workv With Root Crop*. Boot crops succeed best where the weather Is moist and cool 'hence their, ^A peculiar adaptation to western Oregon |v,' and western Washington. In these re glons the yield of these crops is enor^ mous, the ordinary yield being from twenty to thirty-five tons per acre, While reports of forty-five or fifty tons are not infrequent. s' Mangel wurzels and rutabagas are' usually grown in rows from twenty--- A SCUFFLE HOE. [It Is used In thinning and weeding. A very effective Implement. The blade -of this hoe may be made from an old saw blade.] two to thirty inches apart Considera able band weeding and hoeing between the hills and along the rows are usual ly necessary. When sown in continuous rows, the thinning Is largely done with a hoe, striking across the row. As much as possible of the subsequent cultivation is done with a horse cultivator. Instead of the common and wheel hoes for thinning and weeding .some prefer to use scuffle hoes. WhgA in use the blade of such a hoe is In ft horl zontal position and is pushed and pull" ed- just under the. surface of the ground. The blade of the^style shown in the cut is diamond shaped, about two inches wide in the middle and half an inch wide at each end aud about eight inches long.—Byron Hunter, Bu reau of Plant Industry. The Now- Strawberry Bed.^ For starting a strawberry bed the soil must be well prepared and the plants well selected and fresh and live ly. Then proper culture must be given for the next four months. ... Health— •oonomi ialumel Baking Powder by Test ?w#w iii $ **4 S* Vs u. vf iV3 sf- •Sc 43f -njv"" ~5kf t£ "f k-yf j.% w"m Mi 1m