Newspaper Page Text
it ,- •fY* 'i r«. & ft i^i^ilii:4,'V'' i'iV: r'lf tVSi l/i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. M. HARDAWAY, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Office in Haugeberg Block, Resident Dentist. WASHBURN, N. D. DR. F. A. DOUGLAS (M. D. C. M., F.T.M. C.) Physician and Surgeon Office over l,Bcrlot*s Washburn A. TORLAND, M. D... Late of the Vienna Imperial Hospital. PHYSICIAN AND ..MONEY TO LOAN.. On Improved Farm Property Office Opposite Leader Office. Theo. Landmann J. E. [Nelson Attorneys-at-Law, 6. Store," Day Call: Phone No. 10.) Night Call at Residence 10 N. DR. M. H. SAWYER, PAFSICIAN AND BURGEON, OFFICE Haugeberg Block WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA SURGEON, Eaglish, Scandinavian and Qertnan Spoken. Underwood, North Dakota. W. L. NUESSLE, Attorney-At-Law, (J. S. Commissioner, WA8HBUBN, NORTH DAKOTA Haugeberg Block. GEORGE P. GIBSON... ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. OTOICB IN POST OFFICE BLOCK. WASHBURN, N. COCKRANE & TAYLOR Attorneys-at-Law. Bismarck, North Dakota HANCHETT & WARTNER Attorneys-at-Law, Harvey, North Dakota AUG. E. JOHNSON IT. S. Commissioner Washburn North Dakota Washburn, North Dakota G. OLGEIRSON, County Judge. Filings, Pinal Proofs, Etc. Washburn. North Dakota T. R. Mockler Viggo H. Johnson MOCKLER & JOHNSON Attorneys-at-Law BISMARCK WASHBURN Practice in all Courts. ANDREW MILLER, attorney at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts Special attention to Trial Cases and U. S. Land Oiiice practice. Office over First National Bank Building Tel. No. 285. BISMARCK, N. D. M. R. BERNDT, Late Special Agent 6. L.O More than 12 years' experience in all branches of the land Dept. H. R. BERNDT Law, Land Office and Department Practice and Real Eatate CONTESTS A SPECIALTY We Speak German. First Natl Bank Blk. BISMARCK J. A. HYLAND... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. N Money to Loan on Real Estate and Homesteads WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA, i? Haugeberg Block. Chas. Kaiser of Bismarck Quality of goods and fitting .£? guaranteed' Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Bepresented in Was'-iburn by pf L. S. Berlot at the Come Again Store A. LAMB... ..ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Practice before the United States in terior Department a specialty. I also have on hand a complete copy of the United .States- f.ainl Oflice Plats and Records for McLean. Oliver and Mercer Counties, J. T. McCULLOCH... ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: Opposite the Court House T. L. BEISECKER, Attorney=at»Law, D. Fessenden. North Dakota The WASHBURN LEADER JOHN SATTEKtl'ND, Proprietor. 1, L. SATTEULIXI), IMnuaeer. Published every Friday at Washburn, McLean couuty, N. D. Entered at the Postoffice at Washburn, N. D. as second-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF MCLEAN COUNTY AND VILLAGE OF WASHBURN FRIDAY, JUNE 26,1908. There a few precincts to be heard from yet but it is not tho't that it will change the result given on the front page. The ticket has been cut up more this year than ever before and it cannot be said that any precinct went strongly for the McKenzie gang as predicted. The Leader is of the same opin ion as the McClusky Gazette when it stated that it takes some people a long time to find out that if they mind their business instead of try ing to keep tab on everybody else's, that it is a great pleasure to live and how much pleasanter it is to go and visit a neighbor who con verses upon the good things they know about their neighbors, than to listen to them tell all the petty troubles they heard their neigh bor had with Mr. So-and So-. Now anyone who can sit and listen to that kind of rot is no better than the party who is doing the talking and you can bet your life that as soon as your back is turned you will receive the same dose, and besides receive credit for all the slander circulated in the vicinity for the last six months—honorable credit, isn't it. And so easily got ten, all you have to do is listen. Said a well known business man to us the other day, says an ex change It would not hurt you to occasionally mention our business in the jjaper. "It would help to fill up you know." Yes, we might do it. We haven't the least idea on earth that it would hurt us, and it would as he suggests, help to fill up. We might do all this, bat at the same time thank God, we do not have to do it unless we feel like it. It would not hurt him neither, to come around and say: "Give me a column or a halt col umn of space for advertisement, and here is the money for it." By doing this he would become a de serter to that grand army of dead heads who expect the newspapers to continually note the improve ments they make, by giving them free puffs, and for which they nev er pay a cent. It is high time for all classes to learn that a newspap er is a business enterprise, the same as a dry goods store or a grocery, run for a living for its owner. Apropos of a "Sane Fourth/' About every one in Washburn is planning on spending the Fourth in Underwood. There will be amusements galore and also enough noise—if the $1,000 worth of fire works are let off. According to the Forum, the day will be everything but fittingly "There are the usual protests against making Decoration Day an event for sports and also against noisy Fourths. The for mer is a day usually regarded with more, sacredness than the Fourth of July—though if either was cel ebrated with the proper spirit there would not be the demonstra tions that usually prevail. Many people advocate the changing of Decoration Day to the last Sunday in May and making the occasion a I 1 Number of Votes Cast for Candidates in this Precinct. •United States Senator— Henry C. H^nsbrough 98 M. N. Johnson 55 C. B. Little 48 Thomas F. Marshall 12 For Representative in Congress— Asle J. Gronna 87 L. B. Hanna 88 H. T. Helgesen .^9 Peter J. McClory Francis H. Register Walter H. Winchester Senator 35th 'District— J. E. Davis Walter P. Macomber Representative 35th District «j. T. Hoge F. J. Thompson Sheriff— John A. Beck J. P. Peterson Auditor— James R. Howell Paul S. Meyers Theo.\R. Taylor Treasurer— A. T. Danielson W. Koenig Register of Deeds- Gilbert Holtan C. E. Paulson Adolph Wacker Clerk of Court— "Theo. Dietrich G. O. Raugust States Attorney— E. Nelson^ Wm. Nuessle County Judge— Wm. Davidson' G. Olgeirson Siip'rintendent of Schools—• C. F. Eberly*!/ Henry C. Olson 4 Herman N. Midtbo James Robinson 18 E. R. Sinkler 14 Erastus A. Williams 15 G.M.Young 69 Governor— C. A. Johnson 107 Tread well Twitchell 87 Lieutenant Governor— H. Bendeke 93 R.S.Lewis 97 Justice of the Supreme Court— Burleigh F. Spalding 114 Edward H. Wright 74 For Secretary of State— Alfred Blaisdell 100 J. A. Buchanan 96 State Auditor— D. K. Brightbill 39 Carl O. Jorgenson 42 Ole J. Olson 117 State Treasurer— G. L. Bickford 119 Dugald J. McKenzie Supt. Public Instruction— Fred E. Smith 102 Walter L. Stockwell 96 Attorney General— Nels Larson 25 T. F. McCue 62 Andrew Miller 107 Commissioner of Insurance— E. C. Cooper 90 Walter C. Taylor 98 Commissioner Agr'l and Labor— W. C. Gilbreath 121 R. W. Main 71 Commissioners of Railroads— O. P. N. Anderson M. P. Axtell L. B. Garnaas E. E. Green W. H. Mann E. M. Nelson A. J. Osborn Peter Reid E. A. Stafne W. H. Stutsman Simon Westby District Judge of 6th. District 8§ 4-1 13! 24 98 75 38 35 60 25 75 19 90 107 108 89 56 .H 144 71 10 97 104 153 58 50 25 139 70 139 99 na 41 163 i' 156 160 striotly religious observance. This would seem to be more in keeping with the event which it commem orates. The trouble is that most people make the day a holiday for picnics, athletic meets, excursions and other affairs—entirely losing sight of its real object. Some of the same objections are inade to the form of the celebra tions of the Fourth. The day is meant to commemorate the birth of the nation. It was a serious solemn occasion for the small band of noble patriots who took the initial steps that led to the inde pendence of this country and to the establishment of the United St&tes. Strictly speaking, there should be a. more sacred sentiment than usually prevails in the ob mmm servance of this day—but games, excursions and other forms of amusements are far less out of place than on Decoration Day when the annual tribute is being paid to the dead heroes who fell in battle while bravely struggling to preserve the integrity of the coun try. Protests against the conversion of the Fourth into a day of horrible din and license, into orgies and dissipation are heard on every side—and endorsed, at least, by the nervous people. Benedict Banner. Engineer Sheldrick and assist ants completed their work on the Benedict townsite Saturday, and left Monday for Douglas to plat an addition, F. W. Larson was at Washburn the first of the week and secured his final citizen's papers. His witnesses were John Skon and Chas. Esping. Since Benedict was made a pre paid freight station, the trains are delayed here uearly every day from 15 to 30 minutes, while the crew unloads local freight. In our opinion, the McClusky Gazette "takes the cake" as the best booster for its home town in McLean county. CRIMINAL NEWS. Herman Billek, the clairvoyant con demned to die at Chicago at 11 o'clock Friday, was granted a reprieve as his Deck was bared for the noose and his guards were ready for the death march to the scaffold. Judge Kene eaw M. Landls of the federal court ordered a stay of execution at 11:10 o'clock, thereby giving Billek time to carry his case before the supreme court of the United States. Guy C. Stratton, a prominent club man and lumberman of Seattle, whom a jury convicted on May 16 of man slaughter on the charge of having run over and killed a seven-year-old girl while speeding his automobile, has been sentenced by Judge Frater to an indeterminate term of from one to twenty years in the state penitentiary. J. U. Barnes, president of the insol vent Minnesota Title Insurance and Tru3t company of Minneapolis, was declared guilty by a jury before which he was tried on charges of grand lar ceny. The indictment was based upon his manipulation of the com pany's funds. Angered at the refusal of his atten tions by the young woman with whom he formerly had kept company and at her receiving the advances of a young barber Ney Dunne, captain of the Uni versity of Minnesota football team, shot and killed himself at Jackson, Minn. Charles P. Corlett, a prominent ar chitect of Cleveland and head of the Corlett Engineering company, killed his wife, Elizabeth, and then ended his own life in a hotel in Willoughby, a Cleveland suburb. The double trag edy is said to be the result of jealousy. A registered mail pouch en route from Los Angeles to New York is re ported to have been stolen at Kansas City. One report says the pouch con tained several thousand dollars and a statement from another source places it as high as $50,000. After being out twenty-two hours the jury in the case of the five men charged with conspiracy to defraud the state of Pennsylvania by render ing a false bill for metallic furniture for the new capitol brought in a ver dict of not guilty. By announcing the pardon of Caleb Powers and James Howard, convicted of the murder of Senator William Goe bel of Kentucky, Governor Wlllson closed the last chapter in one of the most noted criminal cases in the his tory of that state. J. T. Lowe, a prominent attorney of Tunica, Miss., was shot, and prob ably mortally wounded on the street by Mrs. Jacob Weinstein. On March 31 last Lowe ''shot and killed Perry M. Houston, father of Mrs. Weinstein, in a street duel. Joseph Lewis went to the home of Mrs. Leiiianda Sargent at Sioux City, la., and deliberately murdered her by shooting her four times. He then end ed his own life. The police believe the tragedy was due to a lovers' quar rel. Mrs. Daniel Cooper shot and killed Jier husband, five of her six children and herself in their home at Cadillac, Mich. The sixth child was fatally wounded. Mrs. Cooper is said to have been subject to spells of dementia. IN a jealous rage Charles E. Bey ers, at Denver, shot and killed Mrs. May E. Boren, landlady of a rooming house, followed by, murdering Edward Smith and then killing himself. |i POLITICAL NEWS. Governor Coe I. Crawford for United States senator in place of A. B. Kitt redge, the present incumbent, a straight sweep of the state by the Crawford or "insurgent-' Republican candidates for nomination to the state offices and a victory for Burke and Martin, the Kittredge or "stalwart" Republican candidates for congres sional nominations, are the indications as a result of the state Republican pri mary elections in South Dakota. & First 0 Bank of nil I HEAJ A «LD Si Washburn, Dak. II pgftpnNSlBILITY SgpOiQOO'OO .Vs 1 yl This Bank ir Equipped to Trans act General Banking Business in all its Branches and Will, There fore, Welcome Accounts of Farm- -t ers, Bankers, Firms, Individuals, to Whom it Assures Courteous Treatment and Every Facility Consistent With Prudent and Conservative Banking Methods, Hail a Insurance ^Written ST. PAUL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO. NEW TAILOR You Suits Made to Order rirst-Glass Fit aiwlgpg Work Guaranteed. CLEANING & PRESSING NEW SAMPLES Spr Fish and Game in Season. SOUTHEY & BAGNELL STAR RESTAURANT WII.L1AM ROST, Proprietor. New and First-Class in Every Respect. ...MEALS AT AL.L HOURS... Washburn Harness Shop HARNESS AND HORSE FURNITURE TRUNKS, FLY NETS, COVERS, ETC. SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY M. Schoenecker Washburn, North Dakota LI£, IMBLEWWrCRTKHT ROOF "Mr -J* IF -.1 sS^.. City Meat flarket Dealers in All Kinds FRESH and SALT MEATS 8 J. WANEK Opposite First Nat'l Bank. WASHBURN, N. D. TI1B: Srer """VATERTITE mI hHHH m!ftUBBC^JtOOriNO DON'T LET ANYBODY FOOL YOU with the "lwiJSXwriS- (sail Insult to your intelligence. «Ask any lumber dealer for a "WA« TERTITE" booklet, which will tell you what the "flint" on the "fUnt-eoat ed Roofing really is. and why the actual manufacturers of the advis* putting the "fire-proof side down. Get a good Roofing and oav a reasonable price for it and HOLD YOUR DEALER RESPONSIBLI FOR anything that is not right. MIS GUARANTEE IS WORTH SOMETHING taint rat to (it Ml iKwnofcwnrfcwyws. It pays to get Bbe Best "Watertlte" it i&ai IT IS CHEAPER TO BUILD A WARM JHOUSE THAN TO ret?' 4 ONE. IDEAL DUPLEX PLASTER BOARD will «ave its cost in fuel evety year, it Is water and wind-proof and the only per manent Plaster Board niade in two colors—one side being a deep blue and tun.fu ni flifr c?n 8 We ftench Dry Qeaa or Fancy Dye Clothins. Household voods Dreperies, flow 55** 1 *1 ,-n I j"s\ --i & N v'Wfotf washed, painted or lulsomined without injury and different colored rooms or borders made from the roll. It has seemed so easy to Imitate that many have tried, but that is story. Ask for samples and descriptive booklets. ForSale byJLumber Dealers Everywhere and Guaranteed by MANDftN MERCANTILE COMPANY Washburn, IN. Dak. Be- alias, Gloves and Laces. First-class work, prices. Ship your work to ns. We pay return express on $3.00 orders uud both ways ou 55.00 orders nod over. I DYEING FOB TAILORS 'I NORTHWESTERN DYE HOUSE Fargo, North Dakota ..-f. I ta V.T i¥" tl W u* :-.v. FOR SALE OR RtNTi Cool four room dwelling hou»®«€ In east Washburn, N. O. A bargain.^ Enquire of -a C. O- Raugust. REM THE LEI