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Jf SK ,'Jr# S* r" rsi Ms* tfe/ a %?L^ && ?&'• rm Ik WASHBURN LEADER JOHN 8ATTERLVND, Proprietor. 1. L, SATTEKLUND, MnUBKer. Published every Friday at Washbarn, McLean connty, N. D. Entered at the Postoffice at Washburn, N. D., as second-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPEB OF MCLEAN COUNTY AND CITY OF WASHBUBN FBIDAY OCTOBER 2,1908. Republican Ticket. NATIONAL. For President William H. Taft, Ohio. Vice President James S. Sherman, New Xork United States Senator Thomas Marshall M. N. Johnson Congress A. J.. Gronna L. B. Hanna sTATE. Governor C. A. Johnson Lieutenant Governor R.S.Lewis Sepreme Justice B.F.Spalding Secretary of State ^flt *t$*Y Alfred Blaisdell State Auditor D. K. Brightbiil State Treasurer G. L. Biokford State Superintendent •Vl Walter L. Stockwell Attorney General ft" Andrew Miller Commissioner of Insurance ft ^S. O. Coopeig^^^a X.«v Commr. of Agriculture & Labor W. C. Gilbreath & District Judge "i-{. W. H. Winchester -t, COUNTY. State JSenator 46 district E.S.Neal 35 'district J*E. Dayie8c^ b-iii'" We Want On Washburn Busine&S Property and Dwellings FROM SIOO AND UP. PAYABLE TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE If You Intend to Purchase Paying Business Property or a Home, See Us, We Will Furnish You Part of the Money. NO BONUS NO COMMIS SIONS, NO DELAYS 46 district Geo. W. Kinney John A. Johnson 35 district Frank Thompson Sheriff John Beck Auditor W .:'i[ Paul S. Meyers Treasurer A. T. Danielson Clerk of District Court G. O. Eaugust Register of Deeds Adolph Wacker States Attorney ,• J. E. Nelson. County Judge G. Olgeirson Superintendent of Schools C. F. Eberly County Commissioners 2nd district, L. F. Mchowald 3rd district M. Jassman. SitV 'V •V'" Hearsay and idle rumor are not safe news for a reliable paper to use, and legitimate news gathering is not the easy matter many read ers of a paper imagine says an exchange. Not only must the reporter be altert to secure all that is going on, but he must verify every item to let no false statements get into his paper. The credibility of a newspaper is a large part of its stock in trade and, if it has the confidence of the people, half the battle is won.|H The Kulm Messenger has figur ed the following out Friday at sunset the world will be 5669 years old, according to the He brew reckoning of the Bible. On that day begins the great holiday period of the Jewish year with the festival of Rosh Hoshonoh This festival is observed by orthodox Jewes throughout the world for two days. In all synagogues on Friday evening and Saturday morning, services will be held. On Saturday, October 10th, occurs the beginning of the festival of Sunroth orTabernacles,which con tinues for eight days. This festi val commemorates the dv&liug of HwrtUdieo-rf Ij«,l in i\l "s- t.V 1 .jm 7-Room 5-Room nacles during the- forty years in the wilderness- Last spring when a number applied for their citizenship papers questions were asked them and their answers given in the Leader which showed the lack of knowledge some had of our laws. Court has just convered in Dickinson and the Recorder has the following to say about ap plicants in that locality: Some queer answers were given to the questions asked by the govern ment's representatives to the applicants for citizenship papers. Here are a few of them: "Where is the capital of the state" A. "Hebron." "Who makes the laws of the state?" A. Simpson and Burke." "How many have you in your family?" A. "Six head." Many more such cases might be sighted but we feel that this is sufficient" to show the ur gent need of the legislature to provide some form of an educa tional qualification for citizenship as is provided for by the amend ment to the constitution passed sevetal years ago and which no legislature has dared to take up for fear of offending their con stitutents, which, says the legisla ture shall pass an act defining the' qualifications to conform with the intent of the amendment.:^^®s I. Cottage, Well Built, Good Cellar, Small Barn, One-Half Acre Lot and Everything in Tip-Top Shape. PRICE 4 $1600 2. 4-Room Frftme Dwelling House, Exceptionally Well Built, Small Barn, Lots PRICE $900 i4%. 3- if-' 8-Room Frame House, Furnace Heat, 4 Lots. One of the Best Built Residences in the City. Get Prices and Terms on It. J&' 4. Office Building on Main Street at a Bargain if Taken at Once. Get our Price. .' Cottage, Well Built, in First Class Condition mafam iiiMis Dakota will other This year North follow the example of the states of the corn belt by holding a genuine corn show. This, show, will be conducted in Fargo during: the Tri-State Grain Growers asso-j ciation, January 19-22, and is open to all North Dakotans! who may w)ish to participate. The farmers^ of this vicinity are requppted to be] on the lookout lor-ten choice ears: to. be taken or sent .to Fargo next^ winter. There be no entry charges and a nice line of 2 Barn Situated in Northeast Resi dence District of Washburn. A Bargain if Taken Before Nov. 1st. Get Price and Terms. G. O. RAUGUST Real Estate, Loan and General Insurance Agency WASHBURN, N. Lots and Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., Sept. 2S, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Martha M. Dalbot ten, of Washburn, N. D., who, on Oct. 14th, 1903, made homestead entry No. 19985, for northwest Suarter [nwM], section 22, township 115n, range w. 5th p. m., has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before G. Olgeirson, county judge at his office at Washburn, N. D., on the 14th day of November, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: A. T. Johnson, of Turtle Lake, N. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry H. Bohrer, Deceased: S Notice is hereby given lur the undersigned Nettie Bohrer, administratrix of the Estate af Henry H. Bohrer, late of the city of Wash burn in the connty of McLean and state of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and aU persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months, after the first publication of this notice, to said Ad in the city of Washburn in said McLean county. Dated Sept. 90th, A. 1). 1908. Nettie Bohrer, Administratrix. First publication on the 2 day of October A. D. 1908. Hyland & Nuessle, Attorneys for Administratrix, pi Washourn, N. D. 1 BEPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WASHBUBN, N. D. at Washburn, N. l., in the State of. North Da kota, at the close of business, Sept. 23 .1908. BESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 122,556 03 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured S. bonds to secure circulation.. 25,000 00 Premiums onU. S. bonds.......... Bonds,securities, etc 3,034 31 Banking house, furniture and fix tures..... '. 8,617 06 Due from National banks (not re serve agents)... 38,943 22 Due from state banks and bankers. 1162 33 Due irom approved reserve agents 22,471 77 Checks and items.— 948 96 Exchanges for clearing house.... votes of other national, banks... Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents.... ..: Specie $ 5,192 55 Liegal-tender qotes 3,300 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).. •i'j-' Total....,. .........., LIABILITIES Capital Btock paid in Surplus fund..... Undivided profits, less {pnzesis' offered. Prof. G. W. ,Ra^dlett ofi the Agricultural College^ ^as the^ matterin charge a^d wiU^fnrnish rules and ppze Ijsts o,n application. iMM ,* and taxes paid........... 12,485 26 National bank not^s outstanding .vfv: 25,000 00 Jhie to other national banks.....v.-j/,-, 3,396 08 to state banks and bankers..'. 6,054 38 Dividends unpeud -..5 00 Individual deposit subiect to check 94,118 87 Demand certificates Of deposit. 11,635 92 Time certificates of deposit......'44.334 63 Cashier's checks outstanding...... 1,528 86 Tot4l /..$ 280,556 00 8tate of North Dakota, county of McLean, s«: I, F. E. Funk, cashier of the above-named do gblemnly.swear.that the above state-1 mMit la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. E. FuUk, cashier. etnbscribed and sworn to before me this 0f Sept„ 1906. Bich^trd M. Brown. $ ,:Nol«ury Public.: v. Hyconunissionexpir$sjulr,10t 1900, ,UMt! lV.Ifl A, 4 .ja, -1 v*i D. Ole O. Skierdal. Dan Kuk, both of Washburn,'N. D. Gilbert Thomp son, of Turtle Lake, N. D. M. H. Jewell. Register Notice to Creditors. Improved Farm Lands in McLEAN, OLIVER & MERCER Co.'s. Lowest Rates. No Delays. Simply a Question of v: good title and ample security Correspondence So- licited. FINAL HOMESTEAD PROOFS MR FEAR OP AND M. Schoenecker 8,492 1250 00 $230,556 00 25,000 00 7,000 00 expenses S NEW TAILOR ^ou Suits Made to iiilSslSa Ifitrtd By renting a safety deposit box in the strong fire-proof vault of the First ®vli' .Jiv? V/v A-**"'1 of Washburn, N. D. Security and protection abstf* lute. Cost $2 a year. You have •r« the only key. Washburn Harness' Shop HARNESS AND HORSE FURNITURE J. TRUNKS, FLY NETS, COVERS, ETC. SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Washburn, North DaKota- Flret-Olass Fit and Work Guaranteed* CLEANING & PRESSINQ NEW SAMPLES J. WANBK Opposite Plr«t Nut'l Bank. fryjyj 8 vSr, iff jS®..-' iMtM p«